In winter, hands are weathered, what to do in this case. Weathered hands - what to do? Windy hands in winter

Walking and being forced to be outdoors in damp cold weather without gloves has unpleasant consequences: the skin of the hands becomes covered with microcracks, dries out a lot, and looks inflamed.

With chapped hands, after long fun in the cold, a child can come home. Trouble more often overtakes people with reduced immunity and sensitive skin that lacks vitamins and trace elements.

Violation of the upper layer of the skin - the path for infection, allergens, the development of dermatitis. To increase the protective functions of the skin and eliminate painful rashes, simple but effective methods are used.

So, hands are weathered: what to do at home and how to overcome the problem.

The impetus for the appearance of chicks are unfavorable external factors: high humidity, low temperature, wind.

But the internal pathologies of the body can serve as predisposing factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of substances useful for skin health into the blood;
  • violations of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, leading to vitamin deficiency;
  • problems with the formation of keratin, a predisposition to rough and dry skin;
  • atopic dermatitis leading to systemic allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity to moisture and wind.

These violations provoke the appearance of inflammation and cracks in a child or adult under the following adverse conditions:

  1. Staying in the cold with bare hands.
  2. Lack of seasonal skin care.
  3. Frequent exposure of hands to water with washing, cleaning solution.
  4. Withered skin.

The presence of physical, mechanical, chemical stimuli is a trigger for the formation of "chicks".

Treatment for chapped skin

How to restore weathered skin on your hands with your own efforts? Treatment of weathered hands at home can be carried out in several ways:

  • exclusion of potentially dangerous factors;
  • local therapy;
  • increased immunity;
  • taking vitamins.

Vitamins are not a source of energy or building material for cells. But they are necessary as a catalyst for biochemical reactions in the body, for the preservation of skin immunity, for barrier functions.

You can determine how to treat your hands by the symptoms and frequency of the problem.. One is enough emollient cream, the other requires a full-fledged course therapy.

The ultimate goal of treatment is to get rid of cracks, itching and pain, reduce the frequency of exacerbations, and prevent skin complications.

How to smear chapped hands at home? Daily cosmetics are not suitable for this.

Lanolin and other components of creams can aggravate the situation, increase the allergic reaction (itching and redness).

The waterproof film created by such products interferes with skin breathing and creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

If the skin is weathered and there is an inflammatory process, therapeutic cosmetics with a dermatological effect should be used to restore the properties of the epidermis.

Moisture-retaining creams, lipid-enriched ointments are used, traditional medicines are used with the appropriate effect. The more regularly the skin is treated, the faster the recovery will come.

If the allergic component of the reaction on the hands is established, then antihistamines are used.

Claritin, Telfast, Loratadin, Tsetrin selectively affect damaged cellular structures.

Taking vitamins, multivitamin preparations in an age dosage helps to correct immune disorders.

When deciding how to treat weathered skin, you can resort to using the usual "blue lamp". The physiotherapy reflector is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and skin diseases.

What to do if your hands are very weathered? Uncontrolled use of medications can harm health. And proven folk remedies will support the immunity of skin structures, improve skin condition, and prevent the development of complications.

Baths based on herbal decoctions have a beneficial effect on inflamed skin. For their preparation, herbs are used, harvested independently or bought in pharmacy chains.

Tea tree

Leaves have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action, suppress antimicrobial activity.

Suppress the toxic effect of allergens, strengthen local immunity.

A bath with steamed leaves helps to get rid of itching, reduces irritation and rashes.

Tea tree oil has the same properties.. To take a bath, add a few drops of the product to warm water.

Oak bark

The bark is a source of mineral components, tannins. It has strong tannic properties.

Makes skin cells impenetrable to bacteria. Strengthens the walls of capillaries. Acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.


A common herbaceous plant acts on many pathogens of skin diseases (staphylococci, streptococci). Helps heal wounds, cracks, and other damage to the skin. It can also be used internally as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Widely used in Chinese medicine. It has strong bactericidal properties.

Contains a lot of vitamin C in the leaves, and valuable essential oil in the flowers. It treats many skin diseases, including all types of eczema.

Having prepared a decoction of medicinal herbs, pour it into a deep bowl and wait for it to cool to 40 °. Dip your hands in the water and hold there for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe dry and lubricate with a healing cream.

For a child, it is better to use specially created tools:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Panthenol;
  • Cream "Morozko";
  • Purelan;
  • Our mother.


It has an active antiviral effect, softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin structures with vitamins, folic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc. Since aloe leaves have a wet structure, they can simply generously lubricate sore hands.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Tannins accumulate in the leaves of sea buckthorn, and sea buckthorn oil is made from the fruits - a valuable product with a wound healing, analgesic effect.

Perfectly heals cracks, quickly stops inflammation. It is used for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

How to get rid of chapped hands with emergency remedies? To do this, use soothing, nourishing masks:

Regular use of herbal decoctions, masks and baths from available products will relieve troubles in the form of chapped hands and spoiled mood.

Try to avoid negative factors and keep emergency skin protection products on hand.

From autumn to spring, our skin is exposed to negative weather conditions. The skin on the hands is especially affected: it quickly becomes weathered, roughness, redness, dryness appear. This can happen in summer, but in the autumn-winter period, our hands are especially affected by wind, frost, and sudden changes in temperature. What can I do to avoid chapped hands? If the skin is still damaged, what methods should be taken to quickly restore it, and how to treat chapped hands?

The cause of chapping of the skin on the hands

Often hands become weathered if you stay in the cold for a long time without gloves.

Basically, the so-called "chicks" appear on the skin of the hands due to a long stay in the cold, in the wind, in heavy rain or snow. Also, the cause may be too dry air in the room, as well as temperature changes when you leave a warm room on a cold street. What other reasons could there be for weathered hands?

  • If you are outside in frosty weather without warm mittens or gloves, cracks may appear on your hands, the skin may become dry and chapped.
  • Problems with the skin on your hands appear if you do not use the necessary products and do not take care of your hands in any way.
  • Dryness, redness, peeling is formed when you keep your hands in water for a long time, do housework without gloves, do not apply protective cream before you start washing dishes or floors. An aggravating factor is the frequent use of cleaning and detergents.
  • Some diseases can cause increased dryness of the skin: problems in the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis, allergic reactions, etc.
  • Diets, a sharp decrease in daily caloric content in the diet, the rejection of animal and vegetable fats also negatively affect the condition of the skin on the face and hands.

How to protect yourself from the appearance of "chicks"

To avoid chapping, you should use a greasy cream to protect your hands.

Most women devote a lot of time to facial care, completely forgetting about the condition of their hands. And in vain, because the appearance of women's hands immediately betrays their age. The fact is that the skin of the hands is devoid of fat and contains a minimum amount of water, so it instantly reacts to any negative stimuli. To avoid the appearance of "chicks", you should follow the basic rules:

  1. From autumn to spring, try to use a mild soap that contains herbal extracts, a moisturizing or nourishing cream, and skin-soothing ingredients. Choose cream soap with calendula, aloe, chamomile, sea buckthorn, etc.
  2. Immediately after contact with water, apply a nourishing cream or moisturizer to the skin of the hands.
  3. To prevent chapped skin, always carry a protective hand cream with you when frost sets in, using it every 3-4 hours.
  4. Use moisturizers when you are at home to avoid chapping your hands. When going outside, apply a protective cream half an hour beforehand. In the evening, before going to bed, pamper your hands with a nourishing cream, wearing cotton gloves on top. Ideally, it is better to sleep in them and take them off only in the morning. You will immediately notice how soft and tender your skin has become.
  5. Choose hand care products with the following ingredients: calendula, arnica, linseed oil, jojoba oil, almond milk, vitamins A, E, glycerin.
  6. On sale there are creams that form a film and thus protect the handles from exposure to water and chemicals. If you have to come into contact with water and detergents without gloves, be sure to use water-repellent creams.
  7. Try to do all housework with rubber gloves.

On a note! Do not stay in gloves for more than half an hour, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.

  1. When going out, be sure to wear warm gloves or mittens. Give preference to natural materials: wool, leather, suede. When choosing leather gloves, pay attention to the fact that they are lined with natural fabric. Artificial material is not able to retain heat, and in addition, it can cause an allergic reaction.

When going outside in the cold, try to protect your hands with gloves or mittens.

Treatment for chapped hands

If, nevertheless, the skin is covered with “chicks”, it is necessary to start treating weathered and chapped hands as soon as possible so as not to start the situation. Conventional care products will not work, because they create a film that will create favorable conditions for the development of infections on the skin. Many components of daily creams on chapped hands can cause allergic reactions.

As soon as you notice that the skin on your hands is flaky, cracked, reddened, rough and has an inflamed appearance, you should resort to cosmetics with a healing effect that will help restore the epidermis. The best option would be to contact a dermatologist who will tell you what to do if your hands are very weathered.

If an allergic reaction occurs, an antihistamine should be taken: Cetrin, Loratadin, Suprastin, Fenkarol and others.

Be sure to take a complex of vitamins and minerals to support the body and strengthen the immune system.

Folk recipes

There are many home treatments that should help chapped hands.

Potato mask

Boil a few potato tubers until tender, make a puree out of them, into which you need to pour freshly brewed green tea to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Hold the mask on your hands for half an hour, and after washing off, be sure to apply a nourishing hand cream. Make a potato mask every 2-3 days.

Oatmeal mask

If your hands are very weathered, try the following recipe. Pour boiling water over oatmeal until a slurry forms. Wait for the mixture to cool to room temperature. Add the contents of a pharmacy ampoule of vitamin A to it. Dip the pens in a warm mass, wash the pens after half an hour, then gently blot them with a cotton towel. Finish off by brushing your skin with olive or almond oil, put on cotton gloves and stay in them all night. With strong weathering, this folk method is considered one of the best. Pain and discomfort will disappear from the first application of the mask, and by continuing to do it regularly, the skin on the hands will become smooth and velvety.

Aloe juice

A very simple recipe that will especially appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time on caring masks. Cut off the aloe leaf with the juiciest pulp. Rub it on dried hands, and for the best effect, put on special gloves.

Aloe juice will help moisturize dry skin of the hands

Sea buckthorn oil

If cracks have formed on your hands, lubricate them with sea buckthorn oil, it is famous for its wound healing and antibacterial effect, it will help to quickly restore cracked skin and heal your hands.

soda baths

Make a soda solution: dilute 50 grams of baking soda in a glass of boiled warm water. Lower the handles and hold them for 20 minutes. Then gently blot with a soft cloth and apply a nourishing cream.

Oak bark baths

Brew a few tablespoons of oak bark in boiling water, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the infusion that has cooled to room temperature. Soak your hands in the bath for 20-30 minutes.

Salon hand care

Peeling can remove the dead skin layer

In beauty salons and beauty parlors, you can be offered a complex to restore the health and beauty of your skin. It usually includes the following procedures:

  • Cosmetic peeling. With its help, the upper keratinized layer of the skin is removed, and the epidermis begins to breathe freely, saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen. Peeling can be chemical, diamond, fruit acids, etc. The specialist, based on the condition of your pens, will determine which type is right for you.
  • Professional masks. The line of professional cosmetics is enriched with the necessary components that will make the skin perfect and help to cope with many problems. Especially experts recommend the use of paraffin masks that can eliminate "chicks" on the hands after a couple of sessions.

Chapped hands in children

Often it is in children that the face, lips and hands are weathered. They spend a lot of time on the street, take off their mittens, play snowballs, which can result in the formation of “chicks” on their hands. The following measures will help prevent chapping of children's hands:

  • Parents need to make sure that their child goes for a walk in warm clothes, be sure to wear mittens, and do not spend a long time in the fresh air in the cold, otherwise the baby’s hands will become weathered.
  • Half an hour before the baby goes outside, apply a special protective baby cream on his hands from wind and bad weather.
  • Parents definitely need to know what to do if the baby has weathered hands. Lubricate them with Bepanten, Drapolen cream, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice.

Important! Make sure he doesn't lick his hands!

  • You can smear the reddened and cracked hands of the child with warm olive oil, while massaging the damaged areas.
  • Another way out is to rub the contents of the Aevit pharmacy capsules into the hands of the child.

On a note! Well-known manufacturers of cosmetics for children in the product line necessarily contain remedies for skin chapping. Use them by applying regularly to the child's hands.

Baby's skin is very delicate and needs special care.


Carefully and attentively treat the condition of the skin on your hands, regardless of the time of year. Be sure to protect them from negative factors, pamper them with masks, do not forget about skin care products. If cracks and redness appear, use all possible measures to restore the beauty and health of your hands. The sooner you start treatment, the more likely it is to get rid of problems in the shortest possible time and prolong the youthfulness of your hands.

Walking and being forced to be outdoors in damp cold weather without gloves has unpleasant consequences: the skin of the hands becomes covered with microcracks, dries out a lot, and looks inflamed.

With chapped hands, after long fun in the cold, a child can come home. Trouble more often overtakes people with reduced immunity and sensitive skin that lacks vitamins and trace elements.

Violation of the upper layer of the skin - the path for infection, allergens, the development of dermatitis. To increase the protective functions of the skin and eliminate painful rashes, simple but effective methods are used.

So, hands are weathered: what to do at home and how to overcome the problem.

The impetus for the appearance of chicks are unfavorable external factors: high humidity, low temperature, wind.

But the internal pathologies of the body can serve as predisposing factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of substances useful for skin health into the blood;
  • violations of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, leading to vitamin deficiency;
  • problems with the formation of keratin, a predisposition to rough and dry skin;
  • atopic dermatitis leading to systemic allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity to moisture and wind.

These violations provoke the appearance of inflammation and cracks in a child or adult under the following adverse conditions:

  1. Staying in the cold with bare hands.
  2. Lack of seasonal skin care.
  3. Frequent exposure of hands to water with washing, cleaning solution.
  4. Withered skin.

The presence of physical, mechanical, chemical stimuli is a trigger for the formation of "chicks".

Treatment for chapped skin

How to restore weathered skin on your hands with your own efforts? Treatment of weathered hands at home can be carried out in several ways:

  • exclusion of potentially dangerous factors;
  • local therapy;
  • increased immunity;
  • taking vitamins.

Vitamins are not a source of energy or building material for cells. But they are necessary as a catalyst for biochemical reactions in the body, for the preservation of skin immunity, for barrier functions.

You can determine how to treat your hands by the symptoms and frequency of the problem.. One is enough emollient cream, the other requires a full-fledged course therapy.

The ultimate goal of treatment is to get rid of cracks, itching and pain, reduce the frequency of exacerbations, and prevent skin complications.

How to smear chapped hands at home? Daily cosmetics are not suitable for this.

Lanolin and other components of creams can aggravate the situation, increase the allergic reaction (itching and redness).

The waterproof film created by such products interferes with skin breathing and creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

If the skin is weathered and there is an inflammatory process, therapeutic cosmetics with a dermatological effect should be used to restore the properties of the epidermis.

Moisture-retaining creams, lipid-enriched ointments are used, traditional medicines are used with the appropriate effect. The more regularly the skin is treated, the faster the recovery will come.

If the allergic component of the reaction on the hands is established, then antihistamines are used.

Claritin, Telfast, Loratadin, Tsetrin selectively affect damaged cellular structures.

Taking vitamins, multivitamin preparations in an age dosage helps to correct immune disorders.

When deciding how to treat weathered skin, you can resort to using the usual "blue lamp". The physiotherapy reflector is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and skin diseases.

What to do if your hands are very weathered? Uncontrolled use of medications can harm health. And proven folk remedies will support the immunity of skin structures, improve skin condition, and prevent the development of complications.

Baths based on herbal decoctions have a beneficial effect on inflamed skin. For their preparation, herbs are used, harvested independently or bought in pharmacy chains.

Tea tree

Leaves have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action, suppress antimicrobial activity.

Suppress the toxic effect of allergens, strengthen local immunity.

A bath with steamed leaves helps to get rid of itching, reduces irritation and rashes.

Tea tree oil has the same properties.. To take a bath, add a few drops of the product to warm water.

Oak bark

The bark is a source of mineral components, tannins. It has strong tannic properties.

Makes skin cells impenetrable to bacteria. Strengthens the walls of capillaries. Acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.


A common herbaceous plant acts on many pathogens of skin diseases (staphylococci, streptococci). Helps heal wounds, cracks, and other damage to the skin. It can also be used internally as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Widely used in Chinese medicine. It has strong bactericidal properties.

Contains a lot of vitamin C in the leaves, and valuable essential oil in the flowers. It treats many skin diseases, including all types of eczema.

Having prepared a decoction of medicinal herbs, pour it into a deep bowl and wait for it to cool to 40 °. Dip your hands in the water and hold there for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe dry and lubricate with a healing cream.

For a child, it is better to use specially created tools:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Panthenol;
  • Cream "Morozko";
  • Purelan;
  • Our mother.


It has an active antiviral effect, softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin structures with vitamins, folic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc. Since aloe leaves have a wet structure, they can simply generously lubricate sore hands.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Tannins accumulate in the leaves of sea buckthorn, and sea buckthorn oil is made from the fruits - a valuable product with a wound healing, analgesic effect.

Perfectly heals cracks, quickly stops inflammation. It is used for treatment and prophylactic purposes.

How to get rid of chapped hands with emergency remedies? To do this, use soothing, nourishing masks:

Regular use of herbal decoctions, masks and baths from available products will relieve troubles in the form of chapped hands and spoiled mood.

Try to avoid negative factors and keep emergency skin protection products on hand.

Dry, chapped skin is not just a cosmetic problem, it can be a symptom of a disease. Those who have weathered hands should pay attention to protection from the negative effects of the environment. You can use ointments and creams from the pharmacy, or use folk remedies to combat peeling and the formation of painful cracks on the hands.

Weathered hand skin

The face and hands are exposed to environmental factors more than other parts of the body. In winter, drying and cracking of the skin on the back of the hands increases. On this part of the body, the dermis is thin, with a small amount of sebaceous glands. Especially often in children there are weathered, chick-covered hands, with painful cracks.

Hypothermia causes redness and irritation, increases skin flaking. Hands can become chapped after contact with hot, cold, hard water. The smallest damage becomes the entrance gate for the penetration of chemicals and microbes.

External causes of chapping hands:

  • irritation with washing powder, cleaning agent, mortar;
  • use for washing solid soaps, too cold or hot water;
  • exposure to ultraviolet, high temperature, dry air;
  • wrong care.

Important! The skin becomes weathered because the body lacks substances responsible for the strength of the epidermis, the elasticity of the dermis. These are vitamins A, E, D and group B, trace elements.

Under what conditions and diseases does the skin flake more strongly, becomes rough:

  • hormonal deficiency during puberty, during pregnancy, in menopause;
  • dermatological diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, keratosis, ichthyosis, water-salt imbalance in the body;
  • palmar-plantar psoriasis;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • age-related changes;
  • diabetes.

It is easier to prevent dryness and cracking of the skin than to try to correct problems that have already occurred. If your hands are still weathered, what should you do first? It is necessary to apply therapeutic ointments and creams, eliminate or at least reduce the impact of a negative factor.

Peeling of the skin of the hands can also be observed with frequent hand washing using powder.

Hand care products at home

For washing, it is desirable to use liquid soap, which contains less alkali. Those who are accustomed to foaming bars should be more careful in their choice. For those who have chapped hands, care and treatment at home should begin with the rejection of hard soap. It contains alkalis that degrease and dry the skin. The negative effect is less pronounced in overfat varieties - baby and lanolin soap.

It is better to use liquid soap for hand washing.

After washing, it is recommended to use a nourishing hand cream. Contribute to the healing of cracked oils: peach, olive, sea buckthorn jojoba, almond. Lanolin, fatty components and plant extracts soften and nourish the skin, have an antimicrobial effect.

Moisturizing ingredients in hand sanitizer:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lactic acid;
  • urea;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol.

Vitamins and antiseptics for the treatment of skin cracks

Chicks on the hands heal quickly when using medicinal solutions, ointments and creams. If peeling is combined with dryness and age-related changes, then it is better to use Radevit Active ointment with vitamins A, E, D2.

Miramistin is an excellent antiseptic

In pharmacies, you can find Miramistin and Chlorgesidin liquids (the second remedy is much cheaper). These are antiseptics, they cleanse the epidermis of microbes, prevent suppuration. Before treating weathered hands with ointment or cream, disinfectant solutions are applied to the brushes. Combines antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action ointment Gioksizon. Levomikol has an antimicrobial effect.

An antiseptic and moisturizing remedy for chapping hands can be prepared independently from 2 bottles of glycerin, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. tincture of calendula. All components are sold in a pharmacy. Lubricate the brushes with this liquid in the evening and leave overnight. Instead of calendula, you can use tinctures of green cones of pine, sage.

First aid for chapped hands

Dexpanthenol is widely used to treat skin lesions: it quickly has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, accelerates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and eliminates flaking.

The Panthenol line has effective hand creams and ointments

Creams, ointments and aerosols for chapped hands (including for children):

  • Panthenol Vialine hand cream;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Panthenol ZD;
  • 911 Panthenol;
  • D-panthenol;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Bepanten.

Ointment, cream or aerosol is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 2 to 4 times a day. A remedy with the active substance Dexpanthenol can be used by a child and an adult for the rapid healing of cracks in the skin. Ointments have a thicker consistency. Creams and aerosols are light, quickly absorbed, do not leave greasy marks on clothes.

Hormonal ointments and creams

This is a group of very strong external agents based on corticosteroids (GCS). The main active ingredients in the composition: Hydrocortisone, Mometasone, Betamethasone and others. Such drugs quickly suppress the local inflammatory process and local allergic reaction, eliminate redness, swelling and itching of the skin.

Any medicinal product, including cream, can be used for a certain period of time, in accordance with the instructions.

  • Ointments and creams with GCS for those who have severely weathered hands:
  • Advantan (suitable for a baby older than 4 months).
  • Gistan-N.
  • Dermovate.
  • Lorinden.
  • Cutiwait.
  • Sinaflan.
  • Flucinar.
  • Fluorocort.
  • Elokom.

The basic rule for the use of corticosteroids against chapping of the hands is not to use the product for longer than 1-4 weeks to treat a child. An adult may apply the cream or ointment for 4–12 weeks. It is useful to alternate with Gistan cream, which does not contain hormones, but is prepared mainly using plant extracts. The silicone component in the composition forms a thin film on the affected area.

Home remedies for chapped skin on hands

Many natural substances, when applied externally, have a moisturizing and healing effect. If your hands are chapped, you can treat them with a bath of oatmeal with milk. Oat flakes are ground, poured with milk and brought to a boil. As soon as the temperature is tolerable for the hands, the brushes are immersed and held until the mass has cooled.

For very dry skin, starch baths are useful. First, a paste is prepared from 1 tsp. starch and 200 ml of water. The resulting mass is diluted with 4-5 glasses of warm water, hands are held for 10-15 minutes. Then it is recommended to rinse with water and apply the cream.

On a note! Hands prone to chapping are more often “pampered” with baths with decoctions of sage, chamomile, nettle and plantain. After water procedures, the cream is applied to still damp skin.

For chapped hands, starch baths will be useful

Honey-glycerin mask for softening and protecting hands

  • Glycerin, honey and oatmeal - 1 tsp each.
  • Water - 2 tsp


  • The components are mixed, the resulting mass is applied to the back of the hands.
  • Hold for 20-25 minutes, then remove the remnants with a cotton pad.
  • Then a nourishing cream is applied.

Ointment with propolis for healing and smoothing

Hand ointment with propolis can be made independently

  • Medical vaseline - 50 g.
  • Propolis (bee glue) - 10 g.


  • Melt the vaseline in a non-metallic bowl in a water bath.
  • Propolis is added, heated for another 10 minutes, stirring the mass thoroughly.
  • Cool, use to lubricate chapped hands several times a day.

After the mask and the bath, a cream is necessarily applied, which prevents moisture loss. It is recommended to use the hand cream in the morning and evening.

Treatment from within

So that the skin on the hands does not become weathered, it is necessary to include fresh vegetables and fruits, animal products rich in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Apples, tea, grapes are sources of flavonoids needed to protect cells. Nuts, citrus fruits, legumes supply the body with substances that improve metabolism.

Constant chapping of the skin on the hands is a reason to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis and tell you what to do at home if your hands are weathered and peeling is bothering you. You may need to consult an allergist and an endocrinologist. The cosmetologist will help with the choice of hand cream, taking into account the nature of the problem and the patient's skin type.

In winter, the thin skin of the hands requires special attention. Prolonged exposure to frost, the negative impact of wind and low temperatures provokes the appearance of redness and cracks. Such a problem takes many by surprise, because not everyone knows what to do if their hands are weathered. However, there is no need to worry about this, because by resorting to simple and affordable recipes, you can quickly restore the beauty of the skin.

What to do if your hands are weathered?

With a slight discomfort, when you come home, you can simply wash your hands with soap (it is better to use household soap) and lubricate the skin with cream. Any will do. After a very short time, the epidermis heals.

At the next stage, home remedies are already being used, including all kinds of masks and which will speed up healing.

What to do if your hands are very weathered, and what means to use at home?

You can quickly improve the epidermis and return it to its previous appearance by resorting to folk recipes. They are easy to use, affordable and effective:

  1. Oatmeal with Vitamin A saves cold-damaged skin. Liquid vitamin (capsule) is added to steamed oats. Hands are placed in this mixture for fifteen minutes.
  2. Also effective paraffin therapy. Dip the hands into the melted paraffin and take them out, allowing them to cool slightly. Then again immerse in the container. Repeat the steps until a thick layer of paraffin is formed. Then they put on mittens, and after half an hour everything is washed off.
  3. Bath of potato broth also helps if hands are chapped. They are immersed in hot water. Keep it until the composition is completely cool.

After all the activities, the hands are washed with water, dried and treated with a greasy cream or lubricated with olive oil. For best results, you can wear cotton gloves.