How beautiful to cut long hair? Fashionable spring - how to cut a guy's hair How to cut long hair short.

Visits to professional hairdressers who know their clients and their desires inspire and inspire, but there are also situations when hairdressers or beauty salons begin to bypass the 10th road.

We won’t list the reasons, let’s talk about how to cut the ends of yourself short or long at home: evenly or in a semicircle, cascade or ladder or flagella using step-by-step videos and photos of the result, as well as scissors or a typewriter. What does that require?

How to cut hair correctly? What tools make cutting easier? What haircut options to choose for home conditions?

We will analyze the options for cutting the ends of the hair, since it will be difficult to make a professional haircut right away.

Cutting the ends will help you start learning hairdressing, and let's look at examples and methods from the video, as well as the mistakes that beginners often make.

If suddenly you overdid it and shortened the ends or bangs too short, then we will reassure you and recommend adding vitamins and flaxseed oil to your diet, as well as applying masks with honey - all recipes and master classes are waiting for you.



  • you need to purchase professional tools or suitable and very well sharpened;
  • responsibility for the result lies entirely with you;
  • cutting with blunt scissors will lead to a section of the hair;
  • mirrors (or dressing table) are required;

Photos and videos with instructions and step-by-step explanations

We invite you to learn from photos and videos, so you will see the whole process of cutting from and to, which will allow you to avoid mistakes.

Instructions for use:

Tip: cut off the 1st time the length is slightly less than we want, cutting off the excess is always easier than fixing the already cut.

Tools needed for cutting:

We will need: scissors, rubber bands, a hair straightener if your hair is curly, a comb with sparse teeth, 2 large mirrors, free 10-20 minutes, so that no one disturbs you, a broom and a dustpan to collect hair, a hair humidifier or just wet your hair in bath and squeeze lightly.

Tip: Put a towel over your shoulders to keep your hair from getting wet.

Remove carpets or other floor coverings beforehand to make the floor smooth: laminate, linoleum, or wood. Cover the floor with newspapers, if you don’t want revenge, it will remain so, just collect the newspapers and throw them away or burn them with your cut hair.


This haircut technique is suitable for home conditions, but not for salons or hairdressers.

Although, it is not inferior in terms of results to the salon, the truth will take many times less time and money. Let's get started!

Prepare for haircut: sharp hairdressing scissors, elastic, combs (one brush, the second with rare teeth), a mirror.

who already had

  1. Comb the hair thoroughly with a brush and then with a wide-toothed comb.
  2. Tie a high ponytail at the crown.
  3. Make a straight cut parallel to the floor.
  4. For lovers of torn haircut options, we suggest that you cut only with the tips, and not with the entire blade. This will allow the haircut to lie softer and smoother.

    Trim the cut, if desired, profile with thinning scissors. The haircut is ready.

But if you didn’t like the cascade option, then we suggest watching 2 more videos with a more thorough study of the hair.

For curly

The principle of cutting is the same, but at the same time we will cut the ladder on the face and make it more visible for medium-length or long hair.

We will need:

  1. Moisten hair under a tap or with a spray.
  2. Comb thoroughly with your head down. Gather them up and trim the ends evenly. We make a cut with scissors at an angle and only with the tips.
  3. For very thick hair, separate a thin strand and straighten it until we make all the hair the same length.
  4. If before you had a haircut without a ladder, then you will have to cut a little more length.

    We focus on the shortest strand, but this is already for the experienced, for the first time cut along the longest, so that you can correct flaws in case of an incorrect haircut.

    Following our advice, then you can fix it yourself or with the help of a hairdresser.

We divide the hair into a straight parting, combing the hair.

We cut the ladder in front like this:

  1. We determine the strand, which will be the shortest and the beginning of our ladder.
  2. We separate it and carefully comb it on the face. We put it parallel to the floor, stretching it to its full length. We cut with an even cut, but you can use the tips.
  3. The second strand is cut in the same way, if you have very long hair, then just pull it out, and then, holding the ends with your fingers, cut it, bringing it closer to the face perpendicular to the ends with an even cut.
  4. We repeat a similar ladder with the second side.
  5. The result of such a haircut is a ladder on the sides and in front and a semicircle in the back.

Cascade haircut tutorial video

For long

What is the difference between cutting long hair and medium length or short hair?

The fact that it is easier to cut them on one side, you can simply take a strand and shift it to either side when you see your ends, which is extremely difficult to do with short ones, it is difficult to turn your hands in the right direction.

But cutting from behind or leveling the entire length is necessary not on a tiny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, but by spreading a newspaper or collecting a carpet on a bare floor.

Katya Gor and Little Lily share these subtleties with you.

Features for long

Option from Katya Gor

Video blogger and hairdresser rolled into one, and also the owner of long and chic blond curls Katya Gor, she shares her secrets for cutting the ends with her own hands at home, and also tells and shows the result on her hair.

We need: scissors and spray with water.

  1. Tilt your head down perpendicular to the floor, transferring everything to the front and carefully comb.
  2. Lightly dampen with spray so they are slightly damp but not wet.
  3. Important: the forehead and crown during the haircut should be directed straight to the floor.

  4. We select the control strand and determine how long we will cut our ends. We cut off the necessary part.
  5. We collect the hair and clamp it between the fingers, we cut it with teeth holding the scissors perpendicular to the cut and align it with the control strand.
  6. Result: you should have a smooth ladder.
  7. For those who love the ladder on the side zones. Select the side zones up to the ear, this is the zone with which we will work. Cut off holding between the fingers of the rounding and the ladder itself, moving from top to bottom.
  8. The last step is to create a rounding at the transition from the ladder to the main mass, for this, cut it a little, giving a rounded path.
  9. Refresh the bangs themselves, slightly cutting off the ends of it.

Video tutorial on how to keep the length of the hair and cut the ends in a cascade:

Thanks to this haircut, the tips are easily twisted even after wearing and unraveling a regular tourniquet. The temporal areas effectively frame the face, making the appearance more well-groomed.

Ladder - deep triangle

This option has a higher level of difficulty, so ask your mom or a friend for help.

  1. Carefully comb the hair and divide it into 2 halves in a straight parting.
  2. Tilt your head perpendicular to the floor and cut off the control strand of the desired length - this is the closest to the occipital zone, repeat the same with the 2nd.
  3. Check whether you cut the strands of the same length, if so, then we begin to equalize the rest of the hair along them.
  4. We collect the hair between the fingers and carefully comb it, while we lower our fingers almost to the level of the control strand so that we can see where we need to cut.
  5. Separate the front control strand and equalize the 2nd half along it. Similar method as described above. We cut with teeth.
  6. We comb the hair alternately on 2 sides to check the quality of the haircut.
  7. Optionally, we perform a short flight of stairs on the front strands (temporal zone). To do this, select a zone and cut off along the desired path.

The video will teach you how to cut the ends of a deep ladder in the shape of a triangle yourself:


We arrange mirrors or put a chair so that it is good to see what is happening behind you. Prepare everything you need as described above.

  1. Comb clean hair and tie a ponytail, tie the ponytail with rubber bands in several places so that there are elastic bands every few centimeters. You should get the last one 1 cm before the cut.
  2. Cut off the planned centimeter. We recommend cutting parallel to the horizon, along these tips we will straighten all the other hair.
  3. Let your hair down and comb it, dividing it along the parting through the entire head in the middle and lay it on your shoulders.

    Find the strands that you cut, trim all the hair on one side and the other along them.

    Check that the length of both strands is the same, for this, take strands and bring them together near the face.

  4. We shift the cut hair back and check whether everything was done smoothly.
    The main advantage of such a haircut is the exact observance of cutting off 1 or 2 cm, which sometimes the hairdresser does not understand. Minus: only a rounded edge.

Master class in the video cutting the ends in a semicircle from Lily Moon


There are situations when the goal of cutting the ends is a horizontal, absolutely even cut, it is ideal to achieve it with a machine, but it is extremely difficult to do it with your own hands, especially from behind.

  1. Comb clean hair and tie a ponytail, tie the ponytail with rubber bands in several places so that there are elastic bands every few centimeters. You should get the last one 1 cm before the cut or exactly in this place.
  2. Cut off the planned centimeter. We recommend cutting strictly parallel to the horizon, along these tips we will level all the other curls.
  3. Dissolve the hair and comb, collect the entire upper part of the curls into a ponytail or shell, leaving a thin strip in the occipital area. Divide them into sections.
  4. Take the 2 back strands that you cut, transfer them forward to your shoulders and trim all the remaining ones on one side and the other along them.

    Important: comb and align them, pull and fix between the fingers.

  5. You will notice that the inner strands are several times shorter than the inner ones, now our task is to shorten the ends and make them even.
  6. We shift the cut hair forward and cut all ends, but to avoid blunt cuts, cut with scissors towards the fingers, cloves, i.e. put scissors.

Tutorial video for trimming straight cut ends


This method is suitable when you do not have scissors or for some reason do not want to use them, but have a hair clipper.

Consider the option of a bob haircut, the model has hair below the shoulders, after the haircut it will turn out to be of medium length to the shoulders.

You will need: clipper, comb, rubber bands, scissors for trimming hair, mirrors.

  1. Divide all hair into 4 parts: a straight parting in the middle and 2 above the ears in straight lines.
  2. Tie 4 ponytails with rubber bands at the cut point, if in doubt, make 2 rubber bands and cut between them.
  3. Be careful that the length of all ponytails is the same.
  4. After that, under the rubber band, cut off the ends with a machine.
  5. Align the transition between all the ponytails, smoothing the cuts with a typewriter. Additionally, we smooth out the transitions with scissors, checking on the control strand.
  6. We check the quality of the haircut after washing the head and blow-drying.

The video will help you step by step to cut the ends with a machine, for example, a bob haircut


The shorter the hair, the more difficult it is to cut it with your own hands.
Recommendation for cutting the ends of short haircuts, for beginners, contact the master.

If you decide to remove the increased length on your ears yourself or you don’t like the bangs, then we do it according to the instructions:

We find your haircut model in photo and video format, we need step-by-step actions.

Repeat after the master cutting part of the temples and bangs. For the back area, ask for help, because. it's extremely difficult to do it on your own.

Split ends - victory in 3 methods

Split ends bother both long-haired beauties and those whose length barely touches their shoulders. Therefore, learning to cut cut ends with your own hands is very convenient and practical.

Since each method proposed is aimed at maintaining the length, but at the same time, a thorough study by cutting off the split ends.

In all 3 cases, you will need: sharp scissors and patience, with more free time, the more it is needed, the more split ends you have.


Sitting by the window on a sunny day, we twist the flagella from thin strands and slightly “fluff”, moving from the bottom up and cut off only the split ends, so we move in a row all over the head.

The thicker the flagella, the less ends you can process, so at first twist very thin ones, after the first such haircut, it is already recommended to make thicker ones the next time.

Since for the first time, if you carry it out qualitatively, then most of the cut ends will be cut off and after a month or 2 so many of them will not have time to grow.

3 finger clip

Ideal for those who are afraid to cut off extra centimeters. Double finger fixation, allows for more careful release and cutting of the tips.

Look at the photo above, where there are all 3 options, on the second you will see the placement of the fingers and the correct fixation of the strand, so you can not only fix, but also move.

Try this method, it may be the most suitable for you.


We braid thin pigtails and inspecting the weaving, ruffle and cut off the weak and dissected, so we process all the curls.

It is important to understand that any experiments with cars or scissors are a risk that is quite easy to fix, especially if you overdid it and now you are worried about the issue, then our article will help.

Often, mothers, and even schoolgirls themselves, are limited to only a braid or a ponytail, and now we propose to learn how to make a hairstyle for school for yourself in 5 minutes with photos and video tutorials, everything is described in detail.

The desire to have smooth and even curls is experienced by many girls, girls and women. We invite you to learn how to straighten your hair without an iron and a hair dryer at home quickly at

Child - girl at home

The methods are fast and very economical, which will allow you not to waste your time and money, as well as nerves trying to seat the child in a chair to the hairdresser and persuade him to sit straight and not move.

Suitable for both naturally curly and straight hair. The length is not important, which means it will perfectly help both long and medium length curls cut with a short flight of stairs.

Its main plus is that we keep the length completely, working only with the tips and removing poorly combed places.

For this method you will need: scissors, hair moisturizer, rubber bands - 4-5 pieces, combs, brush and with frequent teeth.


  1. Comb hair thoroughly and moisturize.
  2. Divide into zones and tie ponytails. The first zone is from the forehead to the beginning of the auricles. The second to the middle of the back of the head. The third is the remaining hair.
  3. Gather each zone, tie it with an elastic band, then mark with an elastic band the places where the shortest hair is, along which we will make a cut. Be sure to moisturize even in the process of children's curls as they dry.
  4. We make a cut, only we put the scissors not as in the video horizontally, but vertically cutting the ends, placing them perpendicularly with teeth.
  5. We loosen the hair and check whether we cut the length evenly.

The training video clearly shows how to cut the ends of a girl on her own:

That's all for today, we hope that at least 1 method suits you.

Here are the options for how to cut the ends of your hair at home to yourself with video tutorials for beginners and those who have already done this more than once, but want to diversify their arsenal.

We wish you good luck in such a necessary and useful business for girls and women!

Every girl sooner or later asks the question: how can you cut your hair, for example, to your shoulders, without resorting to the help of specialists and without going to salons, but do it at home, on your own?

It turns out that this is quite simple, because there are many different ways for this for different lengths and types of hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-cutting at home

At the same time, do not forget about the shortcomings, but there are few of them:

What tools do you need for self-cutting

To create your own unique image, you need to have only a few tools.

Before you start cutting, make sure you have:

  • Sharp scissors. Good scissors for cutting hair cost a lot, but to cut your own hair at home, it is not necessary to buy a professional tool;
  • Thin comb. Such a comb has cloves tightly adjacent to each other, located in one row. Such a comb will carefully comb the strands of hair, preventing unruly hairs from slipping away and ruining the haircut;
  • Mirror, better two. Like scissors, the most obvious and most needed detail. Mirrors will point out any, even minor, flaws that can be corrected immediately;
  • Spray. You can use any other device that can spray water and wet your hair;
  • Clamps. They are needed in order to separate the strands and remove the extra ones so as not to interfere with the process;
  • Table and chair. You need to equip the place as comfortably as possible so that at the same time there is a good view of the hair.

You can get by with a cheaper analogue of scissors, as long as they are always well sharpened.

Workplace organization

To speed up the cutting process, each tool must have its place.

There should be a large mirror on the table that provides a good view of the head and hair.

And if there are 2 mirrors, it is better to take both, placing them in front of you at some distance from each other, so that you can see the left and right parts of the head and even the back of the head.

Place a low chair or ottoman in front of the mirror. The chair should be of such a height that the head is fully visible in the mirror.

There should be a smaller mirror on the table, which can be placed on a chair or bedside table opposite, or, holding it in your hands, examine your head.

Comb and scissors should be right at hand,not to follow them.

Clamps should also be located in close proximity to the hands or be hooked somewhere very close so that they can be reached even from an uncomfortable position.

The sprayer will be needed before the haircut and, perhaps, sometimes in the process, as the strands dry. Therefore, it can be placed further away than other devices, but at the same time, so that it can be easily used at any time.

The place must be well lit so that you can see the hair from all sides. It is unacceptable to cut your hair in the twilight or illuminating only one side of the head, otherwise there is a big risk that the haircut will be uneven.

Hair preparation and haircut selection

The very first thing to do before a haircut is to wash your hair well. Clean, damp hair will best reflect the process and final result of the haircut.

Before proceeding with the haircut, you need to choose exactly the option that will suit the type of girl's face. For example, any hairstyle will suit an oval-shaped face.

An elongated face with a high forehead looks good with bangs.

Good to know! Professional stylists recommend wearing bangs and braiding a braid for an elongated face, this significantly “shortens” the forehead visually.

Light curls and thin bangs are suitable for a square face, this will make the lines of the face smooth. Straight and even bangs, on the contrary, will make the face rougher.

This option, how to cut your own hair on your shoulders, suits almost all types of faces. The exception is the pear-shaped type, with which such haircuts should be carefully selected.

For a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle, girls with a round face should do a multi-layered hairstyle on top. To lengthen the face and reduce the line of the chin, thinned strands just below the cheekbones will help.

For girls with a heart-shaped face, experts recommend choosing hairstyles that are not too thick on the forehead and lush below the chin.

How to trim your own shoulder hair at home. Step-by-step instruction

The easiest way to cut your own hair for a beginner is to cut the ends.

For beginners, below is a detailed description of how to do it smoothly:

Be careful! Curly hair should always be cut below the planned length, while thick or coarse hair should be cut in small strands so that the end result is even and neat.

It takes practice to figure out how to cut your own shoulder length hair with curly hair.

But so that the hair does not turn into a kind of square, you need to retreat several centimeters at once below a given length.

Trimming the ends of long hair

Trimming the ends of the hair is very important for their health, especially for long ones. So the hair will not split.

What can cause split hair:

There are several tips cutting techniques, and which one to choose depends on how long the hair is and how cut it is:

Elimination of split ends of hair

It is impossible to eliminate an already existing section without cutting it, but it is possible to prevent its occurrence.

Split ends are called trichoptilosis, and there are three types of it:

  • general stratification of hair;
  • when the bundle is repeated several times on one hair;
  • hole in the middle of the hair.

These problems apply not only to long hair, but also to shoulder-length hair, and, of course, they must be cut, and you can even do it yourself.

To prevent splitting, always use scissors for cutting. Stationery is not intended for cutting, they only injure the hair, turning the tips into a fringe, which only contributes to the section.

Regular clipping of the tips can help eliminate the problem of section. It is enough just to cut off 0.5-2.5 cm every 6-9 weeks.

The main rule is to completely cut off the section, even a little more, so that it does not appear again.

Products that promise to cure split ends don't fix the problem, they just glue the splits together, but these products can help if used before the problem occurs.

How to cut hair with a ladder

The instruction is as follows:

Important to remember! Elastic bands should be used only tight, so that the hair does not come out, but stays even, this applies to both long and shoulder-length hair, so that it is convenient to cut your own hair.

This haircut will look best if you choose the option of cutting your hair to your shoulders. It will look more advantageous and most noticeable on shoulder-length hair.

How to cut your own hair to shoulder length

In order to cut your hair on your shoulders as best as possible, you should wash and comb your hair well.

And you need to cut it like this:

  1. Starting at the crown, take a strand about 1 cm thick, count from about 5 to 8 cm and cut off the rest. This is the control strand.
  2. Now, in turn, comb the rest from the top of the head to it and cut off the intended length.
  3. Further, the side strands are also trimmed along the length of the crown.
  4. After the temporal zone and parietal in the same way is compared with ready-made strands.

The result is a beautiful voluminous hairstyle.

How to cut your own short hair

With a short haircut, the instruction has some differences:

"Cascade": do your own haircut

Follow instructions:

  1. To cut your own "Cascade", going to the tail on the forehead.
  2. You should roughly imagine the length of the hairstyle, and then cut off the excess in the tail. We check a few more times to see if the excess is knocked out of the cut strand.
  3. After everything has become perfectly even, it just remains to remove the elastic and comb your hair - and the Cascade is ready.

Such a hairstyle as “Cascade” looks very beautiful and feminine on shoulder-length hair. Hair cut by yourself looks very beautiful.

How to cut your own hair under a square

To make yourself a square, you need to follow the instructions:

How to make yourself "Bob"

You must proceed as follows:

Cut your own hair short

This guide will show you how to cut your hair short:

How beautiful to cut bangs

Bangs are the main part of the hairstyle that loses its shape first, and it needs to be cut more often.

And in order not to run so often to the hairdresser, you can safely do it yourself.

Experts give several examples of different types of bangs that you can do with your own hands.

Long straight bangs

How to do:

Air bangs

For this type of bangs, you will definitely need thinning scissors.

You need to cut like this:

Long oblique bangs

If it is cut off for the first time, then experts recommend not to wet the hair in order to see the result immediately.

How to cut bangs of this type:

How to use a hair clipper and how it can be useful

To learn how to use a hair clipper like a professional, you need to follow just a few tips:

Hair clippers are affordable, with a wide variety of models.

A large number of modes allows you to trim the mustache, beard and sideburns in men, and also help to make a variety of haircut options for both men and women.

The machine can not only make a men's haircut from scratch, but also help in creating a women's hairstyle.

There are only 2 types of hairdressing tools: basic and auxiliary. The main ones include scissors (not only ordinary, but also thinning) and combs. All other tools are auxiliary.

Each hairdresser has his own personal secrets.

But there are basic tips that all professionals give when choosing tools:

You can be a stylist for yourself and change haircuts no worse than in a salon, at home, with your own hands. One has only to practice a few times, learn the rules and nuances of hair cutting, and the result will surely please you more than once!

From this video you will learn how you can cut your hair to your shoulders or to a different length:

In this video you will see how you can cut your own hair at home:

Professional stylists know how to cut long hair beautifully, adding a finished look to the look. In their opinion, a haircut for long hair will give a natural, well-groomed look. When the hair is healthy, smooth, even the simplest cut will create style. Among the variety of hairstyles, it is easy to make a choice.

Haircut "Fox tail" for long hair

Girls with long hair often choose hairstyles in favor of the "Fox Tail". The hairstyle is made in the image of a cascade, but there are several nuances.

How to cut long hair beautifully, you will learn from our article.

The hairstyle is created in two versions:

  • At the ends of the hair. This type is suitable for hair of the same length, evenly cut. In this case, the ends are simply cut in the shape of a V, strands of short hair are located on the sides.
  • Graduation in several layers of the entire length. Together with the edging of the ends in the shape of the letter V, the curls are cut in many steps. In other words, it is a cascading triangular descending composition.

In both cases, the shape of the hair at the back is similar to the pointy tail of a fox. The master can suggest making the contour of the tail smooth or pronounced.

The hairstyle in question has the following features:

  • suitable for both long strands and medium length hair;
  • looks beautiful with or without bangs;
  • you can cut not only on even, but also wavy strands.

Haircut "Cascade" for long hair

The haircut in the form of a cascade does not lose its popularity. It gives obedience, structure to thick curls, and adds splendor and volume to thin curls.

The cascade can be different: daring, fashionable, universal. The model is suitable for any age, different types of hair, without an emphasis on the social level. Thanks to this variability, everyone will be able to choose the right haircut option.

The cascading option can be attributed to a stepped haircut, where each layer is a step that stands out clearly. The haircut takes place in layers, cascading steps go from the neck (a classic solution), in some cases a hedgehog is cut from above with a further transition to a cascade.

Beautiful haircut for long hair - "Ladder"

For long-haired girls, a ladder haircut is suitable. This solution allows you to change the image without losing the length of the curls.

It is important to know: you can beautifully cut long hair with a ladder for girls with both an oval, round, triangular, and square face type - a variety of lengths of strands near the face corrects imperfections.

A haircut on long hair begins with the formation of a bang, if any, short strands should correspond to the length of the bang.

The crown has a rounded shape, its length is negotiated at will. Other strands are cut, pulling up, in relation to the crown. At the back comes an attractive, flowing ladder.

Curly and coarse hair is not recommended to be cut with a ladder, otherwise long hair, to create a beautiful hairstyle, will have to be straightened with an iron. Split hair before this haircut needs to be cured as soon as possible using masks, hot scissors, otherwise the haircut will be sloppy.

Elongated "Kare" - a stylish haircut for long hair

The proposed haircut option has several images.

Kare is the most popular hairstyle, which has its advantages:

  • styling does not require skill;
  • simple care for curls;
  • thanks to the graduated caret, a voluminous, healthy look of hair is created;
  • weak, thin curls after a haircut look thick and voluminous;
  • an elongated caret hides the lack of falling out, thinning hair;
  • when hair grows, the form does not lose its relevance.

Important to remember: bob haircut has no age barriers, it is suitable for ladies of all ages.

Ripped haircuts for long hair

The most popular haircuts for long curls can be modified by adding strands cut in a torn way. The existing haircut can be supplemented with torn bangs, cut off the ends with the wrong cut, cut torn strands at the crown.

This effect is achieved through special techniques for cutting hair with scissors or with a special razor.

Asymmetrical bob for long hair

The considered haircut on long hair is used as an everyday version of the hairstyle. A bright, independent lady, comfortable with a torn bean. Haircut does not require attention to styling, it has a natural, careless, light look. A torn bang will complement the asymmetrical bob well.

Professional advice: how to choose a haircut according to the shape of the face

How to cut long hair beautifully - when answering this question, you must take into account the shape of the face. A new haircut should emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

Note: the choice of hairstyle is based on the visual correction of the oval, taking into account the shape of the head.

How to choose a beautiful haircut for long hair, based on the type of face

Face types Restrictions Defect correction Length haircut With or without bangs
ovalThere are practically no prohibitions, however, an even parting with a smooth structure is not suitable for a narrowed forehead.An elongated face is best ennobled with a long haircut with bangs. Straightened and oblique bangs are suitable for a high foreheadStraight hair is suitable for a haircut in one length, multi-layered, cascading, with a classic bob, elongated bobHaircuts with and without bangs are suitable for an oval shape, beveled or layered bangs look original
RoundYou can not cut thick, extensive bangs, make curls - this emphasizes rounded lines. You should not experiment with the tips on the cheeks and cheekbones, it is better to abandon even parting, clear horizon linesHere you need a multi-layered haircut or with a voluminous crown. For thin and thin hair, elongated hairstyles that cover the ears are suitable.Long bob or bobThe bangs should have an even structure of curls, multi-level and asymmetric, beveled ones are suitable, while straight ends are prohibited
squareFor an equilateral type of face, long hairstyles are the way out. It should be noted that it is better to refuse straightened hair, an open forehead, thick bangs in one layer, symmetry in the hairstyle. Do not experiment with combed back hairShortcomings of squareness will help to remove asymmetric haircuts and oblique bangs. To narrow the chin, you need to create a basal volumeThe ideal haircut is a falling cascade of hair, while it is better to curl the curls and not wear them straight.Bangs on a square face should end at the cheekbones, the best option would be a multi-layered, beveled design
Triangular and rhombusIt is categorically unacceptable to have short and wide bangs, you should avoid combing the side curls back, avoid one length, it is not recommended to wear a tailFaces with sharp forms require a visual expansion of the lower part. In this case, haircuts in the shape of a trapezoid are suitable, with rounded curls outward. Preference should be given to hairstyles that have the most sweeping part in the area of ​​​​the cheekbones and chin.For faces in the shape of a heart and a triangle, a long square is suitable, with additional volume at the ends. The ideal option would be curls, curls, lambSharp chins can be diluted with milled, oblique bangs, a wide forehead can be covered with an elongated straight version
RectangularIt is strictly forbidden to give extra volume to the top, you should abandon an even cut, smoothed structure, open hairstyles - this will only increase the visibility of an elongated faceYou should make a choice in favor of bangs covering the forehead, shortening the length of the look. You need to focus on the added volume created by layered cuts with curls and curls.The rectangular shape fits an elongated bob, complemented by a luxurious bang, with a lush effect. Elongated curls look rich with basal volume, curls. Retro styling is welcome, ends inwardLuxurious curved or straight bangs are perfect for an elongated face, it can cover the eyebrows or end just below the cheekbones.

Long hair can be cut beautifully without losing its length. The considered hairstyles do not require complex styling, and if desired, they can always be collected in a ponytail. However, in order for the haircut to look good, it must be selected taking into account the shape of the face and the image as a whole.

Useful video on how to cut long hairsivo:

How to cut long hair - hairdresser's advice:

Each mother has her own reasons for her daughter's haircut at home - someone does not find time, someone saves the budget, and someone does not trust hairdressers. Having sharp scissors in the house, each mother will be able to cut her long hair evenly and neatly. But each step of even the longest haircut has its own secrets, which you will learn about from this description.

For a haircut you will need:

1. Comb with frequent teeth.
2. Large hair clips.
3. Sharp scissors, even office scissors will do if they are of excellent quality.
4. Spray bottle filled with water.

To evenly cut long thick hair, you first need to carefully prepare for this manipulation. At the first stage, the hair is washed and slightly dried with a towel. Of course, if the hair is tangled, then a beautiful haircut will not work, so the strands need to be combed all the way down from the roots. If you are used to parting a lot of hair and combing it in front, then this option is not the best for a future haircut.

Next, separate the row of hair growing from the neckline. You do not need to take a wide strand, since it will be extremely difficult to cut it evenly, a width of 1-2 cm is enough. The rest of the hair is fastened with a clip at the crown so that it does not interfere with the haircut.

Using a fine-toothed comb or fine-toothed comb, comb your hair straight down again. This direction will help to return all the “lost” hairs to their place.

Measure the required length. If you want to cut strictly along the waist line, then pay attention to how the girl is standing - if the head is strongly lowered or raised, then the cut line must be shifted, counting on the fact that the child will walk with the usual head position.

After cutting the hair to the desired length, comb the ends again and trim the “appeared” hairs. This procedure is repeated in each row of haircuts.

After trimming the first row, an even hairline should be drawn, all subsequent stages of the haircut will be aligned along it.

Separate another row of hair using a horizontal parting, its width is about 5 cm.

With a fine comb, comb the second level of hair, that is, the newly separated strands. In this case, trimmed hair and long hair will be perfectly separated.

Cut off the length of the hair from the new row. It is necessary to adhere to the level of the haircut of the first row. If the scissors are sharp, then evenly cutting narrow rows is not difficult.

Comb the strands again and if they are dry, sprinkle with water. Next, cut off the single hairs that have appeared.

Then separate the hair from the crown area and comb it straight down.

Cut this row also strictly along a horizontal line, equaling the length of the hair with the previous rows.

The upper hair is separated by a vertical parting, which is created strictly along the middle line of the head.

The upper strands are combed to the right and left, that is, in the direction that the parting determined. It is not necessary to comb the hair on the chest, they should lie on the back, but on the sides of the bulk of the hair.

The middle part of the hair is cut according to the usual principle, that is, along the line of the previous cuts.

The side parts of the hair should be cut at a slight angle. From the main line, the side strands “jump” no more than 1 cm.

Then comb your hair and cut the right side in the same way with a rounding.

Once again, comb the hair along the entire length with a comb and look - no accidentally tangled hairs popped out. If there are any, cut them along the cut line of the entire mass of hair.

Long hair has acquired a truly well-groomed and neat look!

Olesya Anikina

Considering fashionable women's haircuts in 2019, we can confidently say that this fashion season will be very unusual. In addition to the usual hairstyles, unexpected design solutions come into fashion - a wide choice allows you to choose what you like. So let's get on with it right now!


Haircuts for long hair cannot be imagined without a cascade. A universal hairstyle is suitable for absolutely everyone - neither the thickness of the hair, nor the shape of your face matters to it. Thanks to this haircut, the hair acquires additional volume, and the image becomes harmonious and relevant.

It is a haircut with strands of different lengths, smoothly turning into each other. The cascade can be performed either over the entire head, or only on the strands framing the face. You can distinguish a cascade with an elongated oblique bangs, which is perfect for girls with a round face.

Graduated haircuts

If the first option uses a smooth transition of length, then with a graduated haircut, everything is completely different. It is distinguished by multi-level strands, the difference in length of which can be very large. For example, on one side, the strands are left straight, and on the other, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. In addition, such a haircut can immediately include 2 or even 3 lengths. This is precisely its main charm.

Graduated hairstyles look very impressive, but require special care. Do not be lazy to regularly cut split ends, and also use products for frizzy hair.


Another non-replaceable trend that will always be in fashion. Specialists distinguish several subspecies of the bean:

  • with a sharp elongation;
  • textural - the ends of the hair are cut using the ladder technique and milled a little;
  • asymmetric - if earlier either the occipital zone or the hair in front was distinguished by asymmetry, then in the coming year, designers offer a completely different approach. Now you can leave a few elongated strands in the middle;
  • with a shaved nape - the perfect solution for fans of short haircuts. The length of the hair in front reaches the classic level, and the occipital area is cut as short as possible. With an almost shaved nape, the hair at the crown becomes very lush.


The popularity of this haircut for medium hair is only growing every year. In the current fashion season, among all types of caret, there are three at once:

  • with lengthening near the face - then a kind of compromise between long hair and a neat hairstyle. If you look at it in profile, you get an acute angle. A bob with elongation is also often complemented with straight or oblique bangs;
  • with graduated strands - the ends of the strands are cut in steps that create additional volume. If desired, the gradation is supplemented with a straight bang;
  • ultra-short straight - the length of the hair is cut at the level of the earlobes.

True, other options are also very popular.

By the way, do you know how to choose a shade of hair according to the color type of the face?


Fashionable haircuts for short hair cannot do without a pixie. Its main feature is a shortened occipital and temporal region. The hairstyle is made with voluminous strands of different lengths, as well as a sparse bangs cut in a semicircle.

How to make hair shiny and smooth? 3 super tips:


For extravagant ladies, there is a wonderful fashion trend called the mohawk. This haircut involves completely shaved temples (sometimes they are cut under the "hedgehog") and a thick mop of strands at the back of the head. You can style the mohawk in different ways - comb and lift, tie in a smooth tail, wear with loose hair, comb it in the side parting.

Fashion asymmetry

An asymmetrical hairstyle goes with any face shape, and in some cases it even helps to visually stretch it. Among the brave youth, it is customary to completely shave off the strands on one side and leave the length on the other.

under the boy

Active modern ladies will surely like a boyish haircut. She has one unique property - she emphasizes the charm of young girls and makes ladies much younger in age. And in terms of convenience, this haircut beats all possible records.

Thinking about styling, consider the shape of the face and the structure of the hair. You can create a creative mess, comb your hair smoothly to the side or back, lay it in neat strands with wax.