How to make a flower from men's underpants. An unusual bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands: we make out step by step

Without flowers, a holiday is not a holiday. More precisely, without a bouquet. But what this bouquet will be made of - it already depends on your imagination. Sock flowers can look no worse, but much better than real ones. And they also have a lot of advantages. Such a bouquet will never fade, the person you present will be able to pinch a pair of socks from it and admire further. Jokes aside, but it is very useful to learn how to make such a creative bouquet of socks with your own hands. You can buy ready-made gifts for men from us. But where are they up to a bouquet of socks! We will learn how to make a bouquet for a man, a child or a beloved friend. The principle is the same, our site has prepared three master classes on sock-bouquet art. A bouquet of socks is a great gift for a man on February 23 or Valentine's Day.

How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands

We will need socks, straws for a cocktail or wooden sticks, wrinkled green paper and colored tape or tape. Leaves can be bought at a craft store or made by hand. Leaves made of fabric or paper are suitable.

We take a sock, twist it into a tight roll and turn it inside out from one end to make a flower. Twist so that the middle is longer than the petals.

Now we put a cocktail straw into the finished flower and wrap it tightly with tape so that the bud does not slide along the stem. It is better to take green sticks so as not to wrap them with colored paper. This is a rather difficult stage, which takes a lot of time. If the straw is green, then it is not necessary to wrap it. Now you just need to attach the leaves to the stem and you can put the bouquet in a basket.

The second master class is a bouquet of socks for a man. All the same steps and nothing complicated. You can then attach the flowers to the same straw.

Another bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands. We will fasten the toe flowers with ordinary safety pins. We take any number of socks, straws and pins. We need a ribbon to decorate a vase.

We lay out the first sock on the table, as shown in the photo.

From the side of the elastic, we bend one edge and begin to tightly twist the sock into a roll.

We twist not evenly, but so that the middle remains longer than the petals.

When the flower from the sock is ready, we cut off the edge with a pin so that it does not unfold.

We put a cocktail straw or a plastic stick inside the flower (wooden ones are also suitable). And put the flowers in a vase.

We fill the vase tightly with socks so that the pins are not visible. We decorate the vase with a cloth or ribbon.

The principle of making a bouquet of socks is clear, and then it’s a matter of technology. It may not work the first time, so you need to practice. A bouquet of socks can be presented to a man for any occasion. Just do not make such gifts to an unfamiliar man or, for example, an employee. Socks are a rather intimate thing, so you can give them only to loved ones. For decoration, you can use a vase, a beautifully decorated box or even a bucket. Only not a ten-liter, but a child's.

You can add additionally for the beauty of small artificial flowers and greenery. Get a nice decor.

Flowers in dollars are a worthy and material gift. Socks can be taken plain, several colors, or with stripes, in a rhombus.

Very beautiful bouquets are obtained from women's and children's socks. "Plant" them in a flowerpot and decorate with tulle.

Additionally, you can tie a flowerpot with a satin ribbon.

The question of what to give a husband, boyfriend, friend for a birthday, February 14, 23, any professional holiday, is often very acute. Of course, all sorts of personal items: socks, shorts, T-shirts, will never interfere with a man, but such a gift will look too banal.

But it is worth making a little effort, showing imagination, connecting a sense of humor, and such a traditional gift as socks can be presented to a man in a completely unconventional way. We present to your attention an original solution - a bouquet of socks for a man.

Necessary materials

To understand what materials may be needed in the creative process, you need to decide in advance how the composition you want should look like. To take this or that option as a sample, look at various photos of bouquets of socks, this will help you decide on the shape, decoration and color scheme of the masterpiece being created.

Making a bouquet at home is quite simple, you do not need to have special needlework experience, the main thing is to be patient and have the necessary materials.

To create a gift set, you need to prepare:

  • socks - depending on the design, you can choose products of various shades;
  • tape or pins;
  • wooden sticks, like skewers;
  • decor elements: colored or corrugated paper, tulle, chiffon, satin ribbons, beads, etc.

Compositions made up of light socks look gorgeous. White, beige colors go well with socks in black or navy blue. Carefully think over the future decor of the gift being created, successful color combinations will certainly help you make an elegant bouquet that will look very presentable and will appeal to any man.

Bouquets of multi-colored socks, for example, striped or plaid, will look very cozy, cute, but not as luxurious as a composition made of plain products.

An important factor is how many socks will be used to create a gift. Bouquets made up of 15-20 pairs of socks look magnificent, if the number of socks in your case is much less, we advise you to think over additional design more carefully, decorate a modest bouquet with other interesting elements.

Let's take action

Although the process of creating a bouquet of socks is not particularly difficult, we will nevertheless present a step-by-step instruction for beginners so that you will not have any questions at all during the creative process.

At the first stage, it is necessary to separate all pairs of socks, lay out each sock separately and carefully twist it in the direction from the upper elastic band to the lower part of the product. Twisting should not be too tight or too loose - so that in the end you get a neat “bud” that resembles a rose.

To portray the “buds” that have not yet blossomed, you can twist the sock a little tighter, and to create an already blooming flower, twisting should be freer, this will allow you to give the inflorescence a shape by turning the “petals”.

Do not be discouraged if you didn’t succeed in creating the perfect flower the first time, practice for 15 minutes, and you will definitely pick up the ideal shape of your “bud”, and turn the rest of the socks into “flowers” ​​with particular ease.

Each received flower is fixed with the help of prepared adhesive tape or a pin. This will allow the product to keep the desired shape. After the bud is planted on a stick, which will serve as a stem. It can be wrapped with colored or corrugated paper in green or any other color. Also, for greater beauty, each bud can be wrapped with chiffon, satin ribbon or tulle.

At the end, pack the received flowers from socks, for this, use a special packaging film, corrugated paper, ribbons, etc. An excellent option would be to place the flowers in a large wicker basket, a huge glass, or any other suitable container.

We hope that we helped you figure out how to make a bouquet of socks. It's very simple, all you need is a little free time and a desire to create. As a result, you will create an original and useful gift that your man will certainly appreciate.

Photo of bouquets of socks

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This present combines several advantages at once: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the donee a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet of socks and / or shorts?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you evaluate this in practice.

Why turn socks or underpants into bouquets?

It is believed that such wardrobe items can only be presented to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with an original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet from a combination of underpants and socks or these items of men's wardrobe, taken separately, will be a great addition to the main gift. Complementing your masterpiece with a floristic net, beads and artificial leaves, you will make the recipient thoroughly break his head before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the "flowers" will consist of individual socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be added together. Such a flower will turn out to be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift-bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or rubber bands for pulling bills;
  • floral tapes, nets, etc.;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other items used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For greater convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  • Gently straighten the sock.
  • Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the fingers.
  • In order for the flower to keep its shape better, the sock must be bent in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot.
  • Gently wrap the bottom of the sock around the base of your bud and secure it with a pin or rubber band.
  • Gently straighten the top of your flower.
  • For the convenience of assembling a bouquet, all tightly twisted socks should be put on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.
  • To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, it can be supplemented with artificial flowers in a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

    Alternatively, your creation can be placed in the original "vase". For this purpose, a decorative bucket of bright color is suitable. Dried flowers and floral paper, indispensable for decorating bouquets, will complement the picture.

    In general, turn on your imagination at full capacity!

    A bouquet for a man made of socks and shorts will look no less original.

    Read also: How to pack flowers?

    How to turn men's underwear into original flowers?

    The sequence of actions is almost the same as in the manufacture of bouquets of socks. You are required to fold your shorts in half. Then you should twist the elastic band of the underwear into a tight roller. This part will play the role of the middle of the flower. Now fold up the lower, colored part of the underpants (“trouser legs”) and wrap them around the “bud”. Petals are ready! Fasten the craft with an elastic band, pulling off the base of the flower with it, and start making a new component of the bouquet.

    Combining bright shorts with monochrome socks, candy flowers and saturated floral paper, you can create a real masterpiece that is guaranteed to impress not only the recipient of the gift, but also the rest of the guests of the holiday! It is unlikely that they will be able to guess the first time what such a bouquet is made of.

    How to choose the optimal components of the bouquet?

    Long gone are the days when men wore exclusively white, gray or black socks. The same goes for underwear. The modern textile industry offers the representatives of the stronger sex a huge selection of products that are different in composition, colors and textures. You can combine light summer socks with woolen winter ones, creating voluminous "flowers" and small "roses" of contrasting colors, allowing you to fill in the voids between the main components of the composition. The recipient of such a demi-season gift will be able to appreciate not only the beauty of the bouquet design, but also its practicality.

    And the variety of shades of underwear will allow you to be "creative" without any restrictions. The main thing is to consider the rules for combining colors and the taste preferences of the recipient of the gift. If you have to solve the problem of how to make a bouquet of socks for a future man, that is, for a child, you can break all stereotypes and present the baby with a delicate composition of white, red and pink “roses”!

    Bouquets of socks and underpants: photo

    Socks are the most trivial gift for a man. But even it can be turned into an original present if you approach the matter with humor. A bouquet of socks combines an extraordinary approach, colorful design, practicality and humor of the moment.

    To whom to give unfading roses

    It so happened that it is customary to give underwear only to the closest men: spouse, son, father or brother. However, this rule can be extended to the closest colleague, and to a fellow student, and just to a good friend, if they do not have a sense of humor.

    An extravagant, but at the same time, a bizarre bouquet of various color combinations of socks and underpants for a man can become a kind of addition to the main gift both on February 23 and on the birthday of the recipient. Decorating the bouquet with beads, ribbons, artificial leaves and floristic mesh will blow the mind of the recipient before he or she can guess what the presented composition consists of.

    Advice!A bouquet of socks can also be presented to a female person: here the palette of colors is richer, and a reason for donation is not required.

    The process of transforming socks into flowers

    For this simple work, you need tools and materials:

    • socks - several multi-colored pairs;
    • thin elastic bands;
    • wooden skewers or tubes for a cocktail;
    • ribbon for floristry;
    • wrapping;
    • scissors;
    • stationery stapler with staples.

    Creating a flower arrangement with socks is fun, easy, low-cost, and short-term. Armed with scissors, first cut off the labels from the socks. Then we turn each sock into a tube, turning the edges outward. We form a rosebud. We fix it firmly with a rubber band. Then we insert a skewer into the resulting product. Do the same with all socks.

    Now let's start decorating the bouquet. To begin with, we fix all the flowers in a single composition with an elastic band. Then we wrap the bouquet with floral paper: to add volume to the wrapper, use a stapler to fold it up and tie it with a ribbon. Everything, an unforgettable bouquet of socks, designed for a man, and, most importantly, made by hand, is ready to become a gift.

    Advice! You can complement the colorfulness of the bouquet by placing artificial leaves, dried flowers, hairpins with beads in it.

    Delicate buds from underwear

    For this uncomplicated bouquet, you will need a little: the actual item of underwear itself (quantity - at will and possibilities), barbecue skewers, wire or tape, ribbon and green corrugated paper for decoration.

    Making roses from panties does not have a significant difference from how you can make an unusual bouquet of multi-colored socks in a gift for a man. It is enough to follow the instructions and recommendations:

    • We cut strips of corrugated paper about 1.5–2 cm wide.
    • We twist them in a spiral around the skewers.
    • We fold the panties in four and tightly twist the roller around the skewer, forming a rosette.
    • We fix the lower part of the flower on a stick with a wire or tape.
    • Around each of the buds we form paper bags, attaching them with tape to a skewer.
    • The resulting bouquet is wrapped with paper and decorated with ribbon.

    Improvised sock-panty bouquets look great in baskets, planters, boxes, various flowerpots, the design of which does not take much time and money. It is enough, sometimes, to wrap them with colored wrapping paper, securing it with a stapler or adhesive tape, as the product will sparkle with new colors. A bouquet of all kinds of socks or underpants for a man (photo), presented in such a performance, will not leave indifferent any member of the stronger sex.

    Advice! If you add inclusions from a tie and socks to the composition, then the bouquet will be a gentleman's set.

    Floral underpants and socks combo

    Another option for an extraordinary design of a banal gift, which requires for one unit of a flower:

    • socks - 1 pair;
    • panties - 1 pc.;
    • rubber band for money - 1 pc.

    In this craft, contrasting colors are desirable. For example, if the socks are dark in color, then it is advisable to choose a piece of underwear lighter. Family shorts or wrestling shoes are great for this composition.

    • First, we roll the elastic band of the panties with a roller. Then we lift the "trouser legs" and wrap the edges around the elastic band, forming a rose.
    • We release the socks from the packaging, unfold and fold their lower part in half obliquely so that the heel and toe are directed in one direction: they will serve as the lower tier of the bud petals.
    • Then we wrap the socks around the formed flower from the underpants so that the heels and toes of the products are directed upwards. We grab a rubber band under the bud so that the flower does not fall apart, and straighten the petals.

    Advice! One flower is charming, but if there are several of them, and even wrapped in wrapping paper, then such a bouquet will be appreciated by its owner.

    The decoration part of the bouquet

    You can decorate a sock bouquet in various ways:

    • In the middle of each twisted sock roll, you can put a round candy wrapped in foil.
    • If the composition of socks is depressingly black, then you should wrap each of the flowers with bright paper: then the bouquet will look elegant even in black.
    • If, when forming a rose from a sock, wrap it with a contrasting tape, and then twist it into a cylinder, then the flower will sparkle with colors.

    The bouquet can be a gift for the New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23, May 9: you just need to use the symbolism of a particular holiday in the composition

    The bouquet can be a gift for the New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23, May 9: you just need to use the symbolism of a particular holiday in the composition. A heart, snowflakes or a star - any design detail in a bouquet will be iconic.

    Advice! If the bouquet is for a child, then it can be supplemented with a toy.

    Inedible but romantic "dessert"

    Floristry is an entertaining business, but no less exciting is cooking. And even if the confectionery product is indigestible, but the handicraft made from socks does not cease to be called a cake from this.

    To create a culinary masterpiece, you will need a significant number of pairs of socks, narrow tape, tape for decoration and deodorant (you can use shaving foam, shower gel or a bottle of alcohol). The most expensive gift, but the time for its manufacture is negligible. The cake will have two tiers.

    Three tiered sock cake
    • Cooking the bottom "cake". To do this, we put a deodorant in the middle of the table, around which we lay out paired socks twisted with rollers and fastened with adhesive tape. We wrap the bottom layer with tape so that it does not fall apart.
    • We make the second tier of a smaller diameter. We twist the socks with rollers not in pairs, but each separately. The top "cake" is also wrapped with tape.
      Cut out the base for the cake from cardboard and place it under it.
      Tie the product with ribbons and pack in a transparent packaging cellophane.

    Advice! Ribbons of different widths and colors will look original and expressive on the cake.

    Military equipment in toe performance

    How to make a bouquet of multi-colored socks and underpants for your man, we took it apart step by step. But in addition to the floral theme, crafts in the form of a tank will help to add creativity and humor to a gift from banal socks. To create a unit of military equipment, not only socks are useful: shorts can also be used.

    This exciting activity will take quite a bit of time and financial costs. You can introduce the child to this creativity: this will serve as an infusion of a new creative thought into the creation or design of a gift.

    To make a tracked vehicle you will need:

    • panties - 4 pcs.;
    • socks - 2 pairs;
    • a piece of cardboard;
    • ribbon for floristry;
    • narrow tape;
    • ballpoint pen (to match the product);
    • scissors.

    We start by folding the shorts vertically in four and tightly twisting them with a roller. So that it does not turn around, we wrap it with tape or silicone rubber bands at both ends. Do these manipulations on the three remaining underwear.

    Then, using scissors, we cut off such a piece of cardboard so that its width is equal to (or slightly less than) the length of the rollers. The length of the folded cardboard strip should correspond to the cross section of four rollers folded closely in a row. On the prepared cardboard we put on both sides of the sock, which should completely cover the cardboard.

    We make a tower of military equipment from the second pair of socks, tightly twisted with a roller. We fix the cylindrical shape of the tower with tape or rubber bands. We insert a ballpoint pen into the center of the roller, forming the barrel of the tank, and lay it on the underpants structure. We tie these two components of the craft with a ribbon.

    Advice! A tank turret, instead of socks, and a gun barrel, instead of a handle, can serve as a men's perfume, the neck of which is enough to wrap with thick paper, forming the gun barrel.

    Space theme from socks

    There can't be too many socks. Therefore, using them as a present will never be superfluous. And it doesn’t matter in what capacity they are presented: a creative bouquet or a combat vehicle made of socks will be a welcome gift for a man if they are made with care; and a master class on making a rocket from socks will help you solve the old problem of decorating gifts in a new way.

    To make a rocket, you will need:

    • socks - 4 pairs;
    • sushi stick or cocktail tube;
    • a piece of cardboard;
    • paper napkins;
    • several bank rubber bands;
    • scotch;
    • markers;
    • scissors.

    The needlework procedure takes a short time. A little desire, a bit of perseverance, a minimum of imagination and voila - the rocket is ready to launch:

    • We lay out four socks, folded in half, in a straight line overlapping with a shift of 3–3.5 cm.
    • We turn over and twist tightly into a roller, which we tie with an elastic band for banknotes.
    • Pass a cocktail tube or wooden skewer into the center.
    • The heel part of the socks is an improvised missile tail unit.
      We unfold three socks with the heel part up.
    • We stack them one on top of the other and wrap them around the skewer over the bottom, securing with an elastic band. The result was the central level of the future rocket.
    • Cut out a cone from cardboard - the upper part of the craft.
    • The workpiece should be in the form of a segment with a radius of 10-12 cm and an angle of 100 °.
    • We turn the figure into a cone and fix the edges with tape.
    • We fill the cone with napkins and apply it to the construction of socks.
    • We put the last sock on the cone and pull it onto the structure to the tail of the future rocket.
    • Bend the bottom of the sock up.
    • Next, we cut out a strip from colored paper or cardboard, the length of which would cover the structure in volume, and the width would cover the connecting parts of the rocket. The approximate dimensions of the cutout are 12x25 cm.
    • We fix the cardboard on the rocket with tape and wrap the edges of the last sock on the cardboard.
    • We decorate the spacecraft with drawings and congratulatory inscriptions on cardboard.

    Advice! The rocket may be taller or have a larger diameter, but this will require more socks.

    Even the most prosaic and ordinary gift can become extraordinary and deliver positive emotions if presented in an extraordinary way.

    Sock flowers are to some extent even better than real ones: they are not whimsical, do not fade, they do not need to be watered or the water under them changed. They perfectly perform a decorative function: placed in a vase, they are easy to confuse with real flowers. Even panels and paintings are made from sock roses. And men will appreciate needlework, especially since it was created by the hands of a dear person.

    What to give a dear man? This question worries all women on the eve of the main men's holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Among the already traditional, most affordable and simple options: socks, underpants, shaving accessories, alcohol, beer. And although the practicality of such gifts cannot be disputed, they are not particularly distinguished by originality. Therefore, as an alternative, we propose to make a cool presentation of traditional presents that will definitely surprise and delight the strong half of humanity. For example, make a bouquet of socks for men with your own hands. You can also pack underwear in an unusual way. Next, you will find new ideas and step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on how to make an original bouquet for a man at home.

    How to make a simple bouquet of socks with your own hands - a master class with a photo, step by step

    The first master class on making a bouquet of socks with your own hands for a man is very simple and quick to do. This is an ideal option for those who want to master the original serve without spending a lot of time and effort. Read more about how to make a simple bouquet of socks with your own hands in a step-by-step master class with a photo below.

    Materials needed to make a simple DIY bouquet from socks

    • socks
    • pins
    • skewers
    • ribbon

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a simple bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands

    1. First of all, we take out the socks from the cellophane and remove the paper label. For one flower, we need one sock. The number of socks for a bouquet can be any.

    1. To arrange a sock in a flower, lay it out on the table, as shown in the photo below.

    1. Carefully roll the sock into a tight tube.

    1. We fix the resulting bud with a pin.

    1. We thread the skewer into the sock with the blunt side so as not to spoil the product.

    1. With a wide ribbon we tie all the flower socks into one bouquet. You can also put the buds in a basket or vase.

    An original bouquet of socks for a men's holiday with your own hands - a step-by-step lesson with a photo

    The next version of a bouquet of socks for a men's holiday with your own hands can also be attributed to original gifts. In general, the technique for creating a bouquet is similar to the previous version, but slightly different. Read more about how to make an original bouquet of socks with your own hands for a men's holiday in a step-by-step master class below.

    Necessary materials for an original bouquet of do-it-yourself socks for a men's holiday

    • socks
    • rubber bands or pins
    • skewers
    • gift wrap
    • ribbon
    • scissors

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make an original men's bouquet of socks with your own hands

    1. Cut off the sharp ends of the skewers with scissors. We take socks out of the package.

    1. We spread the sock on the table and begin to roll it into a tube, as shown in the next photo.

    1. We fix the finished bud with a pin or a thin elastic band.

    1. For one bouquet, you need from 6-8 flowers from socks.

    1. We fix each bud on a stick-skewer. Lay out the wrapping paper.

    1. We wrap the bouquet in paper, tie and decorate with ribbons. Ready!

    A cool bouquet of socks and underpants for a gift for a man with his own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

    A cool bouquet for a gift for a man with your own hands can also be made from a combination of socks and shorts. The principle of working with underwear is similar to creating flowers from socks. Read the details of creating a cool bouquet of socks and underpants as a gift for a man with your own hands in the next master class with a photo.

    Necessary materials for a cool bouquet of underpants and socks with your own hands for a gift to a man

    • socks
    • underpants
    • skewers
    • rubber bands
    • gift paper
    • ribbon

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a cool bouquet of socks and underpants with your own hands for a gift for men

    1. We lay out the sock on the table, put a skewer on top to immediately fix the bud around the stick.

    1. Gently fold the sock into a tight bud.

    1. We fix the structure with an elastic band.

    1. We turn to the creation of flowers from cowards. Fold the underwear as shown in the photo below.

    1. Place a skewer inside and roll into a tube. We fix with an elastic band.

    1. We lay out gift paper and place flowers inside. We wrap the bouquet and decorate with festive ribbons.

    How to make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands - a master class with a photo, step by step

    To make the next version of the original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, you will need additional materials. It can be, for example, personal hygiene products: a toothbrush, deodorant, shaving foam. Small useful men's "things" like a penknife are also suitable. Read more about how to make an original bouquet of socks with your own hands for a man in a step-by-step master class with a photo below.

    Necessary materials for an original bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands

    • socks
    • shower gel/deodorant/shaving foam
    • wrench
    • penknife
    • empty cake mold
    • ribbon
    • rubber bands

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make an original bouquet for a man with your own hands from socks

    1. We unpack and lay out the socks. Carefully roll each sock into a tight tube, secure with an elastic band.

    1. We place the flowers from the socks tightly on the form from under the cake. We fix with a wide satin ribbon.

    1. We insert flowers of a contrasting color into the center of the bouquet.

    1. Inside each contrast flower from socks we insert a small gift: a wrench, deodorant, penknife. The filling can be anything and should meet the interests of the man for whom the bouquet is made.

    1. To keep small gifts firmly held, we additionally fix them with rubber bands. Ready!

    Do-it-yourself bouquet of socks for a man - new ideas and a master class with video

    In the following step-by-step photo tutorial, you will find new ideas on how to make an original bouquet of socks for men with your own hands. To arrange and beautifully pack such a men's gift, you need perseverance and a little patience. If desired, such a bouquet of do-it-yourself socks for a man can be supplemented with other small gifts, for example, underpants or a can of beer.