The baby jumps in the stomach. What to do if the baby pushes in the stomach? Influence of environmental factors on fetal activity

Pregnancy is that pleasant period in a woman's life that she will remember for a lifetime. But sometimes the baby in the stomach behaves too actively, causing discomfort to the expectant mother. After all, the movements of the baby, especially in the last trimester, are even painful. What are the actions in such cases?

What too active kicking indicates

The norm is 10 manifestations of fetal activity per day. In the last weeks of pregnancy, activity decreases slightly. You shouldn't worry about this. The baby becomes crowded in the uterus, and he moves less. More than 10 fetal movements per day should be reported to the doctor.

Active kicking indicates the following problems:

  • hypoxia - lack of oxygen to the unborn child;
  • unstable emotional well-being of a woman, overexcitation, stress;
  • unbalanced diet and bad habits of mommy. The child will not like the intake of caffeine, alcohol, too spicy, salty foods.

Scheme of the normal development of a child and a child with hypoxia

Bright light and loud sounds crumbs also dislike. Because of this, during ultrasound, babies often actively kick and turn away from the bright lighting of the device.

Ways to calm a child

Often expectant mothers are faced with too high activity of the baby in the womb. Movements appear day and night. At a later time of the day, the kicking of the child interferes with sleep and leads to insomnia. Because any girl needs to know how to calm the baby. Here are some tips.

  1. Spending time outdoors. The active behavior of the crumbs is often caused by oxygen starvation, air is simply necessary for a pregnant woman every day. In the absence of the opportunity to go outside, it is enough to get by with airing the room. It is easy to cope with kicking at night by going out to the balcony, to the courtyard. While walking, take deep breaths - the blood will be saturated with oxygen and will transfer it to the baby.
  2. In the last weeks, the fetus becomes cramped in the stomach, and any uncomfortable posture of the mother will be “rewarded” with active movements. Try to change the position of the body and get comfortable. Try not to slouch and bend over less often. You can calm the movements by walking around the room - the movement cradles the child. The pose of a cat, standing on all fours, helps well. It is worth trying to lull the baby in it, gently rocking.
  3. Babies in the womb don't like bright colors. To calm the baby is simple - just remove the source of bright light.
  4. Relax and avoid stress. A mother and child have a very strong emotional connection - all the feelings of a mother are transmitted to the baby. But the baby still knows how to express indignation only with movements. Therefore, during a surge of emotions, an increase in the activity of the fetus is observed. In such a situation, try to distract yourself and do something you love that relaxes you.
  5. Listen to calm music. A scientifically proven fact - babies hear while still in their mother's stomach. Quiet melodies will reduce the breathing rate and muscle tone of the baby. The baby reacts both to melodies and to the parent's voice. Talk to the baby, tell him how much you love him and wait. Perhaps you will be able to negotiate with him and calm him down.
  6. Drink tea, a decoction of herbs that have a sedative effect,- mint, lemon balm, motherwort, chamomile, valerian. True, this method is not suitable for women prone to allergic reactions. In any case, consult with your doctor whether it is harmful to take decoctions so as not to harm yourself and your baby.
  7. It is necessary to eat in a balanced way, everything eaten and drunk by the mother is passed on to the child. Some foods cause discomfort to the baby. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking spicy, salty foods, foods containing caffeine, etc. We will separately mention alcohol and nicotine. Even in small doses, it has a detrimental effect on the little man and will surely cause active movements. Therefore, the expectant mother should think about healthy food.
  8. Stroke your belly. In many cases, direct contact with the baby helps. Lightly stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction will calm the baby. Rhythmic light movements and maternal warmth have a positive effect on the well-being of the little man.

Important! By the frequency of movements of the baby, one can judge his well-being. A pregnant woman needs to keep a schedule of fetal movements.

Moderate physical activity also has a good effect on the well-being of the child - walking, various warm-ups and gymnastics. During light physical exercises, the mother's blood is actively saturated with oxygen, passing it to the baby. And this is the prevention of hypoxia. But here, too, there is no need to go too far. By running a marathon, you will make things worse for yourself and your child.

Hiccups as a variant of the active movement of the baby

Many women mistake baby hiccups for movements. Hiccups in crumbs occur in the process of swallowing uterine waters. There are several options for why this happens:

  • the baby is preparing to breathe on its own;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • swallowing amniotic fluid.

Similar methods will help to calm the baby: a walk, fresh air and a change in body position. By the way, a large amount of sweets in the mother's diet make the uterine waters taste sweet. The baby swallows them, as a result, hiccups will begin. Therefore, it is better to refuse sweets, especially before bedtime.

So, walks, calmness and positive emotions, as well as a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, have a positive effect on the well-being of the baby and mommy, respectively. After all, if the baby moves within the normal range, then it feels good. And when the child is well, then the mother does not feel discomfort.

When the baby begins to move in the mother's tummy, this is a very important moment. For all expectant mothers, this topic is very much in demand. After all, every time you worry about whether the baby started kicking and whether he is active enough. To dispel all feelings, it is worth dotting all the “and”. I would just like to stipulate right away that every woman has her own physiology, and there are no strict norms in this matter.

When, at how many months does the child start kicking in the first and second pregnancy?

This period cannot even be compared with anything. It is at the moment when the child pushed the tummy for the first time that you fly up to seventh heaven with happiness. And then you begin to realize that there is a new life inside you. Yes, believe me, many (especially young mothers) do not immediately understand all the responsibility and in general what is happening to them. And up to five months, for most, the tummy can be barely noticeable.

When it happens:

  1. Let's just say that the baby is alive and moves all the time he is in the tummy. This is natural and normal. The fact is that in the early stages the baby is so tiny that any of his tremors are not felt. Yes, and he is behind so many protective layers (meaning the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid). And he does not reach the walls of the uterus itself.
  2. The baby is growing up and already the movement of the leg towards the mother's tummy becomes noticeable. This happens on average 20 weeks during the first pregnancy.
  3. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, this important moment will come a little earlier - on 18 weeks.
  4. But! It happens that the mother begins to feel the baby's movements as early as 16 or even 15 weeks of pregnancy. And there are times when a child starts kicking only at 24-25 weeks. Neither in the first nor in the second case is it necessary to worry (pregnant women should not be nervous at all). Better rejoice in every minute of your special position.

So that there are no questions without answers, let's take a closer look at this nuance. Why do babies kick at such different times and what is the norm:

  • The first reason is a weak perceptibility and, perhaps, not even a realization that this happened. After all, the baby pushes very weakly in the first stages. Here we will immediately answer why during the first pregnancy this happens a little later. For the second time, the expectant mother knows all the sensations, and how they should be.
  • An important role is played by the weight of the fetus. Yes, you will feel the leg of a larger baby faster.
  • Also, the weight of the expectant mother makes its own adjustments. Slender girls will quickly feel when the baby starts kicking. And those who have a thicker subcutaneous fat layer will naturally feel a stir a little later.
  • And, of course, the threshold of sensitivity. Every woman has her own. Therefore, this is such an individual issue that doctors put such a long period within the normal range. But, of course, no later than 25 weeks. Otherwise, you should definitely consult with your doctor.
  • And also, the activity of the intestines of a young mother affects. Sometimes, due to its increased work, it can overshadow the movement of the fetus.
  • Also, the temperament, character and mode of the future baby are already manifesting.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid also contributes. The more of them, the sensations will not be so expressive. And with their small number, of course, the opposite is true.
  • Also, the location of the placenta plays a role. Those in whom it is adjacent to the back wall of the uterus will feel the movements of the fetus a little earlier.
  • And, of course, the state of health of the crumbs is related. I think there is no need to delve into this topic in detail.
  • By the way, the fact that the child is desired also has a great influence. As a rule, mothers feel the shocks of planned and long-awaited children faster.

How a baby kicks in the stomach: sensations

Words cannot express such feelings, they need to be felt. Any mother will say, especially to her still unmarried friend (who should have her own children). Yes, it's a really nice feeling. But, rather, not physically, but spiritually.

The sensations of how a baby kicks will change as it grows. And this is natural:

  • In the very first terms, somewhere before the 15th week, it was already stipulated above that the movements were simply not noticeable. Rumbling in the stomach gives more signals. There are cases when mothers claim that they hear the baby (especially young ones who want to feel it for themselves as soon as possible). Sometimes, indeed, in the early stages, one can hardly notice his movements, but they are often confused with the usual activity of the intestine. Especially considering the fact that pregnant women have increased gas production.
  • After 15 weeks sensations are already more noticeable and understandable. That is why most mothers begin to feel how the baby is kicking. Each mother, of course, may be different. But on average, the tremors are pleasant, barely noticeable, resembling a kind of gurgling. Some compare it to fluttering or even the touch of a feather. But over time, this feather will show which bird sits in mom's tummy.
  • Already after 20 weeks, the movements become apparent. You can catch some of his movements. By the way, he can still turn and somersault. Therefore, it is still difficult to understand whether he kicked with his hand or foot. The sensations are a bit like swimming fish. She splashes in the water, and her movements are even pleasant. Movement becomes like a push. For example, he could touch with his foot. But they are very soft and light. By the way, during this period, the baby can hiccup and mom can understand this. These will be rhythmic twitches within yourself. Especially, they will be noticeable in the prone position.

  • closer to 24 weeks shocks are no longer confused with anything. Sometimes even kicks or fists can interfere with sleep.
  • 25 week are considered the peak of the activity of the baby. He still has room to spare, and he is strong enough for big vigils. On average, there should be at least 10 shocks somewhere per day. By the way, you need to consider that each baby has his own regimen. In the tummy, babies also sleep, which means they are not active. It feels like a real shove.
  • To 28 weeks the child assumes a head-down position. The stop of the leg or the impact of the cam is already becoming noticeable. But, if the child has not yet accepted such a position, then you should not be afraid or worry. He has 8 more weeks left. That is, closer to 36 weeks, the baby will take the correct position.
  • As a rule, after 32 weeks, the baby kicks is no longer very pleasant. Often expectant mothers complain that the baby kicks hard in one side or interferes with normal lying. That is, he already points to an uncomfortable position. If the mother lay down incorrectly, then the baby will immediately let you know about it with kicks in the side. And it is worth changing the position, as the child calms down. The leg can already be clearly seen or even felt by hand (when he put it out). Every day the baby is getting closer and closer in his home and his mother clearly feels any of his movements.

Why does the child kick hard and painfully, very often in the stomach?

Mothers are interested in this issue, mainly at a later date. The baby is still too weak in the early weeks and has enough space not to cause discomfort to the mother. But any changes in your body should be discussed with your doctor. Especially those aspects that cause you inconvenience or anxiety. Let's look at those cases when you need to urgently go to the hospital, and when it is within the normal range.

  • The most common reason why a child pushes hard or too actively is that the mother lies uncomfortably. Yes, it is worth rolling over to the other side or changing too long a sitting position, as the baby calms down.
  • Also, the baby can express their dissatisfaction. Already at this age, the baby can show his character. Maybe he does not like some external smells or the taste of food. Or maybe mom listens to music too loudly (or just tastes do not match). Naturally, you need to change the situation.
  • And it may sound strange, but the baby may not like what the mother does. Especially if the activity takes a long time. For example, a mother sits in an uncomfortable position for a baby for a long time and embroiders or watches TV. Well, you just need to change the type of activity. Or at least just warm up after a long sitting position.

  • Everyone knows that a child experiences with her mother all her emotions. Therefore, take a look at yourself. Perhaps you have been a little nervous for several days or have not been sleeping well lately, and the baby feels you are tired. In this case, you should drink tea with chamomile or mint, calm down or fall asleep.
  • By the way, in terms of food, you also need to be careful. Sometimes too sour or spicy food can provoke an overly active behavior of the baby.
  • While the baby is in his mother's tummy, he perfectly hears everything that happens outside. Listen, maybe the kid is just happy to hear daddy come home after a long day at work.
  • But what to do if everything is in order with nutrition, the posture and activity have been changed, everything is in perfect order with the nerves, and the baby will not calm down in any way. You need to inform your doctor as soon as possible. It happens that the baby lacks oxygen. And this problem can only be solved with medication. Most importantly, do not let the question take its course and do not self-medicate.

Why does the child kick in the stomach on one side, in the left, right side, in the lower abdomen?

The time of his pushes can be completely different, as well as the intensity of the kick. Above, we have already figured out what is considered the norm. But most mothers are confused by the fact that the baby pushes only on one side.

  • This is more than normal. After all, our arms and legs are on the same side (more precisely, they bend in one direction). That is, you do not feel shocks from the side where the back is located. This is the first plus - it means that the child is all right with development.
  • The second plus is that he does not change his position or does it extremely rarely. This means that there is less chance that the baby will decide to turn his head up for childbirth.
  • On the left or right side, most likely, it simply indicates where the child turned. That is, if it kicks in the left side, then the back is in the right side. And even more often and stronger blows are obtained with a leg.

  • By the way! There is such a sign - from which side the baby kicks more often. If the main shocks are on the right side, then there will be a boy. If in the left side the baby most often reminds of himself, then this is a girl.
  • If the baby kicks in the lower abdomen, then this is not a reason to panic. Yes, the child has turned over and his legs are down. But nothing bad happened. If this happened after 36 weeks, then you should be wary. After all, in the future it will be very difficult for the baby to roll over. Although, there are times when the baby turns over almost before the very birth (this happens with both the right and the wrong position).

How often should the baby push in the stomach?

On this occasion, many expectant mothers, to put it mildly, are worried. There are even mothers who try to stir up the baby by gently pushing the stomach. And there are also such children that even at night they do not allow them to sleep peacefully.

  • Just want to note that you do not need to focus too much on this. Believe me, when you start to calculate his pushes, you find only an extra reason to be nervous. No, you don't need to let things go like this. Just listen to your baby's behavior.
  • On average, a child should push his mother at least 10 times a day. If the period is short, then the movements, of course, are less. For example, at 20 weeks, there are up to 4 strokes.
  • But! This is the average. It happens that someone’s baby is too active and makes much more pushes. And someone has a more passive child and may not reach 10.

  • Sometimes it happens that the baby is tired and not too awake today. Naturally, it depends on the mode of the mother. Maybe she walked a lot today or stood for a long time. You need to lie down, relax and let the baby relax.
  • It is believed that the 10th stirring should occur before 5 pm. But practice shows that each baby has his own regimen. Some only woke up for night dances or football. And there are those who wake up their mother at 4-5 in the morning, kicking her.
  • Therefore, consider your individual regimen (more precisely, your crumbs). Be sure to let your doctor know when your peak activity is. But, if all the indicators and tests are normal, you and the baby feel good, then there is no reason to be nervous.
  • An alarming signal will be that the baby moves little and feels pain in the lower abdomen (sharp or aching). This is the reason to immediately go to the hospital.

Does the baby kick before childbirth, during contractions

Often, expectant mothers, especially young ones, do not pay due attention to the movement of the baby before childbirth. And if rapid childbirth happens, then it’s not at all up to it. Perhaps this is due to the unrest that awaits the baby and mother the day before. But often this fact can serve as a signal.

  • Immediately before the birth, even before the contractions began, the child stops kicking his mother so actively. It is not always possible to catch this signal. After all, the baby was most active in the evening, and was born in the morning.
  • By the way, often primiparas are put in the hospital long before the important moment. And the expectant mother is in anticipation and even slight excitement. This is fine. Therefore, often the movement of the baby is missed.

  • If the baby has become not so active or has completely stopped kicking his mother in the side, then contractions will begin soon.
  • During the marriage itself, the baby is also preparing for the birth. And the pain is so strong that it is impossible to catch his movements. It’s just not up to the bills, how and how many times the baby pushed with his foot.
  • No, the baby is moving. It's just that now his actions are directed in a different direction. After all, he is also involved in the process of childbirth. Therefore, some argue that childbirth should take place without anesthesia. Thus, the mother fully feels the baby.

That is why doctors (or a special apparatus) are connected to check the baby's heartbeat. Especially if the birth is slightly delayed.

Video: How does the baby push in the mother's stomach?

Every woman who is going to become a mother remembers for the rest of her life the moment when she felt the first movements of her child.

If until this time pregnancy is perceived more as a source of various restrictions and a growing belly, now it becomes clear that a new life is growing inside. Any movements are perceived as the main evidence of the normal functioning of the child.

First fetal movement

The first movements of a woman are not recognized as manifestations of the activity of the child, it may seem to them that it is just the intestines grumbling or the stomach itches. The child begins to move as early as the seventh week of intrauterine development, but at this time he is so small that it is impossible to feel his movements. Most often, the first movements can be noticed at a gestational age of about 20 weeks.

If a woman's pregnancy is the first, then this sometimes happens at 22-24 weeks, and if the second or any subsequent one, then movements are felt already from 17-18 weeks. Perhaps this is due to the fact that experienced mothers listen to themselves more clearly and already know what signs to pay attention to. This phenomenon is also explained by the fact that the uterus of a multiparous woman is more sensitive in itself.

Also, the period of the first tangible movement of the child also depends on the complexion of the expectant mother, since obese women, due to the shortcomings of their figure, can determine only quite tangible movements of the baby, and this is already characteristic of the 22-25th week of pregnancy.

If a woman is expecting her first child, then she may simply not know what sensations to expect and what indicates the normal development of pregnancy or some kind of deviation. At first, the baby’s movements bear little resemblance to the kicks or kicks that are commonly spoken of, since there is still enough room for him and a lot of space where he can move freely. That is why if a woman thinks that something is wrong with her, that it is better for her to see a doctor, but her belly continues to grow, but there is no reason for concern.

Sometimes it happens that the delay with "movements" may be associated with the wrong one. In this case, you can consult with several specialists and go through. If the mother leads an active lifestyle, then she may also not notice the movements of the fetus, since she simply has no time to pay attention to “light strokes” from the inside.


Fetal movement activity

The peak of the baby's activity in fetal development will occur approximately at the beginning of the third trimester. At this time, the child has already grown enough for the mother to feel it well, but he does not yet experience any special constraints inside the abdomen.

Specialists have even developed a special calendar in which expectant mothers should mark periods of activity and rest for their child. These data allow us to assess the condition of the baby in fetal life and sometimes even prevent the development of certain pathologies.

Indicators of motor activity of the fetus - the norm and deviations

During the day, the fetus inside the mother has periods of wakefulness followed by periods of sleep - according to this, motor activity varies, which is why gynecologists who monitor the development of pregnancy recommend taking into account the baby's motor activity for a sufficiently long period of time.

The number of movements also directly depends on the duration of pregnancy - at the end of the first half, at 18-20 weeks of gestation, the first movements felt by the expectant mother are limited to 200 movements in 24 hours, while by the beginning of maternity leave (30-32 weeks), the number of movements increases up to 600.

There are factors whose influence can enhance fetal movements. These include:

  • time of day - the baby is more active in the evening and at night, which in some cases prevents the expectant mother from resting normally;
  • the condition of the woman - severe stress (psychological) stimulates motor activity, while the physical activity of the woman has a calming effect on the child (the baby is more active during the mother's rest);
  • food intake - with a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the serum (light hunger in the matter), movements increase. The same effect has a rapid increase in glucose concentration after eating sweets;
  • - they can enhance or slow down motor activity;
  • prolonged stay of the mother in an uncomfortable position.

In an hour, a woman usually feels 10-15 pushes while the child is awake, doctors consider the absence of fetal movements for 3-4 hours in a row (during sleep) to be normal indicators.


When assessing the motor activity of the fetus, both excessively violent jolts of the child and weak rare movements are taken into account - both of these symptoms may indicate the development of acute and chronic oxygen starvation. These conditions require the obligatory attention of a doctor, and the successful outcome of pregnancy may depend on the timeliness of treatment.

In addition, slowing down movements may indicate, and the feeling of soreness that accompanies the child's tremors becomes the first manifestation.

Today, in medical practice, the following methods for assessing the activity of fetal movements are used:

  • Pearson method - a pregnant woman should count the pushes and movements of the baby for 12 consecutive hours at rest. Initially, the time of the beginning of observation (the first movement of the fetus) is marked on the scale, and then the expectant mother must count the number of movements, and mark the time of 10 movements on the graph. A normal indicator is considered such a result when less than 60 minutes pass between the first and tenth fetal movement. If the time interval is longer, then doctors advise the woman to use any method that helps stimulate the motor activity of the fetus. In the event that none of these methods gives the expected result, an in-depth examination of the pregnant woman is necessary.
  • The Cardiff method evaluates fetal movements for 12 consecutive hours, but a woman can choose the time of the study herself. On the graph (in the table), the start time of the count is noted, as well as the time of every 10th fetal movement. If a woman marks more than 10 movements on the graph for the entire observation time (for 12 hours), then the motor activity of the fetus is considered normal. If the expectant mother does not register 10 fetal movements during the observation period, an immediate consultation with a gynecologist and an in-depth examination are necessary.
  • The Sadowski method evaluates fetal movements after the mother-to-be's dinner- at rest and with an increase in the concentration of glucose in the norm, motor activity increases. It is usually advised to choose the time for observation from 19 to 23 hours. If for any hour of this time interval the fetus makes 10 movements, then further observation is stopped. In the event that a woman registers less than 10 fetal movements in two hours in a row, immediate additional instrumental studies (tocography, ultrasound, dopplerometry) are necessary.

Before using any of the methods for assessing fetal motor activity, the gynecologist who prescribes such a test should tell the woman what signs she should pay attention to and if any symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from the medical staff of the clinic (call an ambulance) ). These signs include:

  • a clear change in the mode of movement of the fetus;
  • the complete absence of fetal movements felt by the woman for 6 hours in a row.

These signs indicate the development and progression of fetal hypoxia - only timely medical intervention can correct the situation and save the child.
During the examination, the doctor will auscultate the fetal heart rate with an obstetric stethoscope (normal heart rate is 130-160 beats per minute).

In addition, a cardiotocographic study will definitely be carried out in a hospital - simultaneous registration of fetal heart rate, motor activity and uterine tone remains one of the most reliable methods for detecting hypoxia.

Many mothers are afraid of situations when at first the baby is very active, and then is silent for a long time. Doctors advise in this case to calm your own nerves to stimulate the baby. To ensure the desired effect, you can drink a glass of milk or eat something, and then lie down to rest. Usually, the introduction of new food into the mother's body makes the baby move actively, especially if the mother has eaten too much and the food is now pressing on the baby.

However, do not rely only on your own strength. If periods of calm are repeated quite often or, conversely, the child is too active, then you need to inform your doctor about this, as this may indicate a risk of developing hypoxia and strangulation of your own umbilical cord. Gynecologists consider a normal phenomenon to be a decrease in the activity of the child before childbirth, as he is preparing for the birth.


The first movements of the baby in the tummy is a long-awaited and exciting event for every mother. How active a baby is in the womb depends on various factors, and his health plays an important role here. Despite the availability of modern methods for studying the condition of the fetus, it is intrauterine activity that is the main factor that doctors and parents are guided by.

Starting at 9 weeks, the mother can feel the baby move. Gradually, they grow and by about 28-32 weeks, the movements become more frequent, and closer to the birth they subside. The reasons for intrauterine activity can be different situations:

. collision with the walls of the uterus;

. swallowing amniotic fluid;

. movement in response to sounds (especially the mother's voice, music, unpleasant noises);

. sorting out the handles of the umbilical cord;

. hiccups and coughing of the embryo, squinting, blinking;

. lack of oxygen (mainly due to the incorrect position of the mother - when she lies on her back or sits cross-legged);

The activity of the baby in the womb is also affected by his temperament. By the end of pregnancy, this is especially noticeable: if overly active babies, but there are phlegmatic ones.

Active baby in the womb: how to determine normal movement?

Fetal activity can be normal, high and low. Deviations in one direction or another are considered a problem: it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an examination.

In the first months, the movements are almost imperceptible, they are not systemic and are not subject to observations. It is only important that already from 9-12 weeks there should be at least a few shocks. Later, the movements will be more frequent. By the fifth month, it is considered normal if the fetus pushes every 30-50 minutes. Activity changes during the day, but does not depend on day and night: the baby has its own biorhythms.

At the sixth month, the child's movements occur not only in response to external stimuli: food, sounds, movements. The baby reacts to maternal emotions and even expresses his own.

In recent months, the movements have faded a little, but their intensity is growing. Well, if the baby "brawls", the mother will definitely feel it. The localization of movements changes: they are concentrated in the upper or lower part of the uterus. This indicates the correct position of the child or breech presentation, respectively.

Starting from the 28-29th week of pregnancy, normal intrauterine activity can be determined by the number of movements per day. The total number of movements per day should be counted (there should be at least 10 of them), as well as the number per day (the norm is one push in 20-30 minutes or a little more). If in an hour the child has not reminded himself, you can eat something sweet or do a couple of exercises and repeat the countdown.

If the child does not want to move again, this is a bad symptom that requires a visit to the doctor.

What do deviations from the norm indicate?

An overly active baby in the womb signals that he does not have enough oxygen for normal development (oxygen deficiency). It can be short-term, indicating that the mother is sitting uncomfortable or too worried, or long-term. In the second case, this is a symptom of serious problems: complications during pregnancy, diseases of the mother or child (anemia, diabetes, infections), intrauterine bleeding, prolapse or clamping of the umbilical cord, etc. If the baby is rampant for too long, you should see a doctor. Subsequent attenuation of movements indicates a severe degree of hypoxia and can lead to pregnancy fading.

If there is reason to doubt that the activity of the child is normal, you should not immediately panic. A routine check-up by a doctor with listening to the child's heart rate can find out the reasons, so there is nothing to be afraid of. You should also not be equal to the experience of friends and relatives "in position": the embryo already has its own biorhythms and temperament, so each pregnancy is individual.

24-04-2006, 17:50

The baby has been very active since the 26th week (now 35), spinning and spinning often during the day, and sometimes the stomach just walks around. When I walk or stand more - I feel less, if I sit more during the day - then our tossing and turning sometimes continues for 20 minutes, 7 times a day (my husband counted :-)), both day and evening, and lying down (and I don’t lie on my back in general!) and sitting .. Doppler was given - everything is fine, according to ultrasound - the placenta is normal, the baby is growing adequately.
I already got used to this hooliganism, but I thought, maybe someone has come across this and can give some more advice or recommendation?

Obstetricians (different) say that 1. you need to walk more (I tried - without much result)
2. engage in physical education (jumps with me)
3. drink chimes and other drugs (chimes saw - to no avail, others have an allergic reaction)
4. The reason may be. slight oligohydramnios (and if according to ultrasound - everything is normal?) - nothing needs to be done
5. Abdominal decompression was scheduled today (think about it :))
6. they say that I need to treat my nerves (I drink valerian, baby at least henna)
7. they don’t say anything at all - they think, probably, all this seems to me ..
Thank you all in advance!

24-04-2006, 18:24

Basyanya! And why does it bother you so much? The baby jumps cheerfully in the tummy. This is much better than sitting quietly in the corner and being sad. :)
PS: my daughter managed to run away from the sensor during ultrasound, everyone thought that there would be a football player boy. :)

Hedgehog in the fog

24-04-2006, 18:30

24-04-2006, 18:35

worries because not like everyone else :-)) I won’t talk to anyone - everyone has calm cubs .. I haven’t seen such messages on the forum either. So thoughts creep into her head - what if she lacks something there, maybe she has already wrapped her umbilical cord five times, etc., etc. And in the books it is written - with mild hypoxia, motor activity intensifies - that's scary, I want to know how anyone had it :-)

24-04-2006, 18:39

My daughter was very, very mobile in her tummy. And now, too, the little devil :), and even the very little one was terribly active. Maybe you just have a baby a lot of energy?
That would be nice!! I'm not very energetic myself.

24-04-2006, 19:21

I have the same thing with my baby. He also reacts to the weather. He wakes up from his father's voice. He can sleep all day, and in the evening, when dad comes home from work, wakes up and then jumps all night, he won’t let me sleep.

24-04-2006, 19:22

Do not worry!
I have a similar situation. The child moves very often and actively, everything is in order on the ultrasound, but he spins - he spins actively, especially when you sit :)
I haven't been able to sleep on my back since 18 weeks! Only on the side .... damn it, all the sides hurt already :)
You will talk with others - they have quiet children in their tummy, and sometimes I do aerobics straight away.
But today he is sitting quietly, and I’m really scared - is everything in order? why quiet?
I went to the doctor - everything seems to be fine, he probably sleeps all day ....
So lazily move and hibernate again ...
Even this scares me more than if he "jumped" with me.
So rejoice! and then when it's quiet - the hair stands on end!

24-04-2006, 21:07

It's also a matter of temperament. They're all different.
My oldest daughter was like this. The football team was resting. :) Temperamentally beat me on the kidneys and other internal organs day and night. :010: Born quickly in 3 hours - went to ram. After birth, she was also always active. She started running earlier than walking. She subsided slightly by the age of 5-6. Fighter in general. :)
good luck. :flower:

Another Katerina

24-04-2006, 21:14

worries because not like everyone else :-)) I won’t talk to anyone - everyone has calm cubs .. I haven’t seen such messages on the forum either.

I am also cheerful. 25 (or already 26 weeks?). They say you need to walk more - and it’s true, if you spend the whole day on your feet walking, you breathe cleaner than a tired mother;) And so - jumps, as if preparing to become football players

24-04-2006, 21:54

I also have an active friend. So far I have found out only one way to calm Hugo - to walk in the fresh air until we are completely exhausted :) after that we both sleep without hind legs. And so ... sometimes under the ribs kaaaak will move with all its might, I even scream sometimes. So don't worry, there are many of us :)

24-04-2006, 22:13

it's just such a character)) if the baby has enough oxygen, then everything should be OK) sit less - lie more and walk. Now the weather is wonderful! I was terrified in my stomach like a clobber - now it’s also like a motor in one place) and the neurologist says - a great child))) so don’t worry!

24-04-2006, 22:31

Oh, girls, thank you very much for the feedback, it just became even easier that I'm not the only one. Temperament is already in someone :-) Partying really helps - but only for the duration of the walk itself, the masuska is rocking. A friend of mine just now told me that her boy just fought, fought for weeks from the 26-28th, and they were given xp. hypoxia. She gave birth on time, it was 12 years ago - then, of course, everything was different in obstetrics .. But still they had problems with neurology ..
Has anyone done an abdominal decompression? How do active children react? After all, if it calms down, I will worry even more, just like Angela !!

25-04-2006, 08:18

25-04-2006, 13:35

25-04-2006, 13:40

I had this from my tachycardia, edema-hypoxia also manifested itself in this way.

25-04-2006, 13:42

I wanted to tell you that I had fetal hypoxia and aging of the placenta. I often drew the attention of my doctor from the LCD to constant stirring. She reasoned as well as many on the forum - everything is OK. Until, finally, a colleague of my gynecologist took me to a CTG - and when she couldn’t even hear the baby’s heartbeat due to constant movements, she quickly sent me for an ultrasound scan (because in addition to the aging of the placenta, there could still be a possibility of umbilical cord entanglement). So not everything is as rosy as many wrote here. I went for abdominal decompression. In addition, I was prescribed a number of other drugs. And at 35 weeks, they put her in the RD for preservation, where they were observed and treated until the very birth.

And I was told that fetal hypoxia. Katyukha was also constantly moving actively ...

25-04-2006, 18:53

Thank you, the last messages are already more specific. It is necessary to go to the CTG - but where is it better? And one more thing: they say it's a long time - 40 minutes, do you have to lie on your back there? They told me on the doppler that you can’t lie on your back at all, and on your side the blood flow in the placenta is normal!

25-04-2006, 23:03

25-04-2006, 23:43

My baby was also very active in the tummy. From his football, I often had preparatory bouts. I waved my fist to the doctor on the ultrasound (there is even a video with this moment), hid and it was at 16 weeks ... Vrochi strove to save everything just in case, I came to the hospital, rested for a week, the tests were all good and they sent me home. I gave birth in 5 hours. The boy is calm, but mobile was born. The neurologist has no questions for us.

If the child behaves like this all the time, cheerful and cheerful, then it's okay. Now, if he suddenly starts to fight for no reason, to worry, then it is worth being examined.

26-04-2006, 15:12

"Hypoxia is set after Doppler, this is a measurement of blood flow in the placenta, it is on this that oxygen saturation of the child depends"
Check for hypoxia to calm down, you can read about it here:

26-04-2006, 17:47

I have a similar situation. The child moves very often and actively, everything is in order on the ultrasound, but he spins - he spins actively, especially when you sit :)

26-04-2006, 17:51

And my daughter, not only jumps like a horse sometimes, but also decided to dig a hole in her right side. I don’t know what she’s doing there, but the feeling is such that a dig))))

Looking for a way out :)

26-04-2006, 18:02

I have a similar situation. The child moves very often and actively, everything is in order on the ultrasound, but he spins - he spins actively, especially when you sit :)

I have the same. sometimes it seems that the child does not know what sleep is.
They promised that by the end of the ber-ti it would subside. Where there: 010: Heels, knees, elbows run like that - a tubercle pops up right under the skin and let's rush from side to side: 010: :) but I like ...: 008: he doesn’t let himself be forgotten for a minute, though it is clear that this is impossible.
And what do doctors say, ultrasound as? At the last ultrasound, they told me that the circumference of the abdomen was 2 weeks behind the deadline. 2 weeks, however, is not so much, but somehow, apparently, this is due to such increased activity. She is engaged in shaping the baby, she is afraid to get better :-))
I'm also worried - if the baby now hardly sleeps, then what will happen after birth ?! After all, babies grow up in their sleep.

26-04-2006, 18:41

my baby is very active. Of course, I am very pleased to feel her movements, but sometimes I just get tired. shocks can continue without interruption for several hours,
and both day and night.
but I'm still very happy. this is much better than if she had quieted down there, I would not have found a place for myself. there were a couple of times when she didn’t push for a while, so I got exhausted, persuaded her, then she really more than compensated for a slight lull.

It’s true that everywhere they write that after 33-35 weeks the babies already become crowded and the movements become more rare, but this is not about us ...

The husband says that this daughter is so happy that she will see her dad soon. :046:

I am already preparing for her activity after birth.