Marry in June signs. June wedding: auspicious days

Nowadays, newlyweds believe in predictions and try to find out the influence of the number and day of the week on their future family destiny.

2018 is not a leap year, but it is considered the year of the widower. This year, according to astrologers, is not the best for starting a family. But since this is the year of the dog, and as you know, a kind, fair animal that loves home comfort and care, therefore, it will help in every possible way and favorably influence the future fate of the married couple.

Unions concluded this year will be harmonious, quarrels and misunderstandings will be reduced to a minimum. The stars predict a wonderful future, where the main wealth in life will be love and many children.

Children planned or born this year will become the real pride of their parents and will delight with talents, rich imagination, great success and good character, although they are a little capricious, like all modern children.

Be sure that your feelings will not be extinguished by the wind, therefore, they will be deep and strong. If money is not the most important thing in life for you, then your union will always be under the protection of a guardian angel.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to marry with the growing moon, it will help develop relationships and favorably influence the future fate. A new moon, lunar or solar eclipse will bring quarrels of misunderstanding into the house, so astrologers advise avoiding planning weddings these days.

When choosing a favorable date, you should avoid the reverse course of Venus.If Venus is in the constellation of Aries, Scorpio, it is better to refuse painting in the registry office.

Astrologers are of the opinionia that the date of marriage is impossibleappoint, on the days of lunar and solar eclipses

  • Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse February 15, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse July 13, 2018.
  • Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse on August 11, 2018.

Also very unfavorable for a wedding celebration is the retrograde of some planets:

Mercury retrograde in 2018

  • spring: March 23-April 15;
  • summer: July 26-August 19;
  • late autumn: November 17-December 7.

Venus Retrograde 2018.

  • Venus retrograde: October 5 to November 16(which is responsible for love in the family)

This time is considered very unfavorable for marriage, engagement. The first acquaintance with retrograde Venus is unlikely to lead to a long-term and lasting relationship.

To choose the time to start new and important things, you must also take into account the phases of the moon.

On the growing moon, it’s good to start something new, starting from the second day (submit an application to the registry office, set a matchmaking date, do pre-wedding chores: order a cake, meet with the host and discuss the wedding scenario, etc.), but in order to, something then the bad is gone from your life, then you need to choose the phase of the aging moon.

On the waning Moon, it is better not to start new projects (i.e. weddings. Weddings), and besides, you should not prepare for the wedding during the period when the Moon is without a course, i.e. the single, empty Moon is a short period (when it is before leaving sign does not move around the zodiacal circle and for some time ceases to interact with other planets, remains on its own, as if in a void).

If you decide to choose a date for a wedding according to the lunar calendar, then you should remember that the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 17th and 21st lunar days are considered the most favorable days for marriage.

However, it is desirable that they coincide with the presence of the Moon in the sign Taurus, Cancer or Libra. Then your family life will be long and happy.

Unfavorable periods for a wedding when the Moon is in a Sign Scorpio and Aries.

In addition, the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 have always been considered lucky.

To calculate favorable days for creating happy unions, you need to refer not only to the wedding calendar of weddings, but also to the advice of famous astrologers.

Auspicious days calendar in 2018

Favorable days for a wedding in January 2018

One of the most unfavorable months is January. But if you believe the calculations of astrologers, then the favorable numbers for the wedding are: January 21.26. This is a good time for marriage.

The church calendar allows a wedding ceremony to be held only after Baptism. The period lasts until January 28, the beginning of the first continuous week (January 29).

This period of time used to be called "svadebnik" or "svadebnets". People believed that if you create a new family for a "winter meat-eater", prosperity awaits her.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, you can choose any of these numbers: 20-23, 25, 27, 28

February 2018

In February, it is allowed to marry from 05.02 to 11.02. The Universal Parental Saturday (10.02) is excluded. Next begins Great Lent, which will last from February 19 to April 7.

According to the lunar calendar, the best date is Feb 25.

  • You can marry 5, 6, 8, 10, 11

B good days for wedding March 2018

March 2017 is the most unfavorable month for weddings, especially if there are believers in your family or you are one yourself.

March is completely prohibited by the church for wedding ceremonies. The risk of separation and divorce increases.

  • If you choose a date according to the lunar calendar, then this is March 23

Auspicious days for a wedding April 2018

Folk omens claim that a particularly strong and successful alliance will be an alliance concluded a week after Easter, when Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated. In 2018, Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated on April 15.

Spring weddings have long been celebrated on this holiday.

17.04. believers celebrate Radonitsa. On this day, departed relatives are commemorated; church marriage is undesirable.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in April: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April 2018: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.

And the lucky days, according to astrologers, are the 20th, 27th, 29th

Auspicious days for a wedding in May 2018

There is a popular belief that young people who get married in May will “toil” all their lives, but these are all prejudices.

The grace period for newlyweds from May 1 to May 25 is allowed to choose the time for the church ceremony.

Please note that: 09.05. - commemorate the dead warriors; 17.05. - Ascension of the Lord; 26.05. - Trinity Saturday.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in May: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.

Astrologers consider good numbers for celebrating solemn events: the period of numbers May 20, 25, 27

Auspicious days for a wedding in June 2018

In June, there are no days suitable for marriage.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in June: from the 1st to the 3rd.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June: from the 4th to the 30th.

Auspicious days for a wedding in July 2018

Folk signs say that life, who entered into a legal union in July, will be like a sweet and sour berry.

Believing young couples are planning a church ceremony after the Day of Saints Peter and Paul, from 13.08.

21.07. - Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It has always been considered that this is a very auspicious day for the newlyweds.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, you can get married on the 14th, from the 16th to the 29th, 31st.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding: from 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.

Auspicious days for a wedding in August 2018

August is considered one of the most wedding months. According to popular signs, couples who have entered into an alliance will be faithful to each other and will retain love, mutual respect and understanding until the end of their days.

From time immemorial, it has been called the "summer meat-eater". and it was actively used by those wishing to get married.

For marriage, choose period until 13.08, after the two-week Assumption Fast starts.

  • The church calendar allows the following days: from 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August: 9, 11, from 14 to 28.

According to the lunar calendar, these are the 17th, 24th, 26th.

Auspicious days for a wedding in September 2018

In September 2018, couples who entered into a legal union, folk signs predict a quiet, calm life.

This is the time of the most magnificent and beautiful weddings, but spending will certainly increase. The marriage of partners with a good financial situation is favorable, as well as successful people who already have a profession and a stable job.

The Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27) fall on Tuesday and Thursday.

On these days and the day before, according to the established rules, ceremonies are not performed.

  • Auspicious days for a wedding in September 2018: 1, 2, 7, 10, 14, 16, from 20 to 26, 29th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 11, 21, 23, 27.

B good days for wedding in October 2018

October 2018 is more favorable to newlyweds. Wedding days are more than enough.

Many people think that arranging a wedding in October is not very convenient, the weather conditions do not always accompany the newlyweds.

But we can say for sure that prices will be much lower than in summer. Therefore, it is up to you to decide when you will have a wedding celebration.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in October: from 1 to 13, from 15 to 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October: 14.

Auspicious days for a wedding November 2018

This month, despite the conflicting weather conditions, a lot of pleasant moments.

Well, for example, there is no queue at the registry office, a lot of free restaurants ready to receive you on any appointed day of the celebration, the cost of wedding services is several times cheaper, and this time, according to the folk calendar, is very successful for wedding ceremonies - it prophesies material well-being and a happy family life.

Until 28.11. the clergy will bless the newlyweds.

03.11. - parental Saturday. It is a special day of commemoration of the dead.

  • Auspicious days for a wedding in November: from the 1st to the 27th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November: 3, from the 28th to the 30th.

Astrologers advise to schedule a wedding ceremony on the 9th, 14th, 18th

Auspicious days for a wedding in December 2018

Throughout December there will be a Christmas post until Christmas Eve (01/06/2019). Despite the fact that he is not strict, the church still does not approve of the festivities during this period.

But folk signs promise that a marriage concluded in December will grow stronger day by day.

According to folk signs, many newlyweds are attracted by the opportunity "not to postpone the wedding for a year" and be together on New Year's Eve.

  • It was possible to find only two neutral numbers - December 7 and 26

Aspects of luck are present in the following newlyweds: divorced, having children, as well as widows and widowers.

If astrological prophecies and the Orthodox calendar of wedding dates are not the main thing for you - for choosing the day of the wedding celebration, but are more attracted by the prospect of sealing your bonds on a beautiful date, then use the rule to make it memorable and beautiful.

As for 2018, the most beautiful dates will be the following:

  • 02/18/18 - Sunday;
  • 08/18/18 - Friday.

However, even a carefully chosen date will not become a guarantee of a happy family life, if your family does not have true love, respect for each other - you should not rely on the fate and mercy of higher powers! After all, family life is a great art that you create, filling the picture of your relationship with different feelings. My main advice is to truly love each other and live in harmony. Choose patience, understanding, kindness, responsiveness, frankness and tenderness, only then will complete harmony reign in your family and family happiness will live forever!

With deep respect, Nadezhda S. ©

- one of the few months of the year that becomes a favorite even in childhood. A whole lot of pleasant associations are connected with it: this is the first really hot period of the year, the beginning of the summer holidays and flowering trees that fill the air with a pleasant fragrance.

It is not surprising that for many, a wedding in June is harmoniously included in this associative array. And the lunar wedding calendar for June will help you not to miscalculate - to choose the most favorable time for this event.


In ancient times, human life was closely connected with natural phenomena and depended on them. Any natural phenomena were endowed with a special magical meaning. And carefully observing these phenomena and their consequences, mankind has developed a whole complex of signs and superstitions.

And since initially marriage was in the nature of a magical ritual designed to protect the newlyweds from dark hostile forces, this rite also has a complex of superstitions and signs.

Let's get acquainted with the beliefs that accompany the holiday of the first summer celebration:

  • the month promises the newlyweds a happy life together;
  • It has long been considered the month of harmony and fills the life of a newly-made family with harmony and mutual understanding, respect and stability. Even in ancient Rome, it was considered a good sign to marry during this period. It is no coincidence that this period is named after the goddess Juno, whom the Romans considered the patroness of the family hearth;
  • couples experiencing difficulties in relationships are advised to choose this period for marriage. This will smooth out sharp corners, balance life together.


The weather can also play a role. So, according to the beliefs of the weather, you can predict the life of a newly-made family:

  1. A sunny, clear, hot day promises the newlyweds a passionate, full of vivid emotions life together. Moreover, both positive and negative emotions will be bright.
  2. A windy day can mean the windiness of spouses, a tendency to hobbies on the side.
  3. If the marriage is accompanied by rain, then the spouses will have a happy life in love and prosperity.

Also, our ancestors took into account the lunar wedding calendar for June. It was believed that the ideal time for marriage is not the entire period, but only the days before the twentieth. After the twentieth day, the days began to wane, and the volume of field work increased.

Signs and folk beliefs can tell a lot about what a wedding in June promises. However, the most pleasant sign is the belief that the life of those who have united their destinies during this sunny period will look like a honeymoon, and the family will become strong and happy.

Main advantages

Many people ask: Is it possible to play marriage during this period? Having a wedding in June has a number of obvious advantages:

  1. No need for warm outerwear. Excellent weather conditions will allow the newlyweds not to worry that their image will go unnoticed.
  2. The bride's hair and make-up will be preserved in its original form, will not be spoiled by the vagaries of the weather.
  3. The photo session will take place in excellent weather conditions in the fresh air. The bright summer sun will make a solemn photo shoot unforgettable - it will emphasize the importance of the event.

A creative colorful flower bed, a river bank, green sculptures in a park, a birch grove can serve as an excellent background for a photo shoot.

During a photo session around the city, think over your route in advance so that the sun shines on you, and not on the camera lens.

  1. A celebration at the beginning of summer will give a great opportunity to organize a celebration in nature. It can be an exchange of rings under a decorated arch in a picturesque place, or a festive table in a park, outside the city or near a beautiful reservoir.
  2. Be sure to use the service of a videographer during a walking photo shoot around the city, parks and attractions. Bright and sunny video frames will stay with you for a long time and will warm you on cold winter evenings.
  3. At this time, many people take vacations, and children and students are on vacation at all, so most of the invited guests will have no problems attending your holiday.
  4. If the event is held outdoors, prepare in advance or advise the host to organize more active and outdoor games and competitions, this will set the mood for the holiday and raise the interest of the guests.
  5. If you come across rainy weather, take stylish umbrellas with you, preferably the same ones, and organize an interesting photo shoot in nature or in the city.
  6. Summer weather will not allow your guests to freeze or melt from the sweltering heat.
  7. The first period of summer will allow you to fully realize your individuality, make the holiday unusual and memorable. The color of the holiday in the first act of summer will depend on the chosen theme.


A great place for a celebration can be:

  • a popular park in your city;
  • stylized clubhouse;
  • cottage or cottage outside the city;
  • seashore or beach by the river;
  • cruise ship or cafe on the water;
  • summer cafe with a veranda;
  • recreation center;
  • nature of the native land;
  • beach;
  • restaurant with terrace;
  • historic manor.

Since the first month of summer is the time for picking berries, honey, lilacs and peonies, you can organize a theme party, for example:

  • flower;
  • honey;
  • in ivory;
  • raspberry;
  • strawberry;
  • and other options.


  1. Launching heart-shaped balloons into the sky, if it is evening time, you can launch a Chinese lantern.
  2. Launching pigeons at the registry office will give magical emotions to you and your guests.
  3. Evening and night fireworks will look gorgeous and amaze anyone.
  4. Costumed, funny dress-up contests and much more.
  5. If the holiday is out of town and the weather is hot, you can install a fountain or a pool, which will be good entertainment for children and adults.
  6. If the celebration takes place outside the city, it will not hurt to install a swing "for two", where young people can enjoy the weather and have a good time.
  7. If the holiday takes place near the water on the beach, you can organize competitions with water, special pistols or a marathon of the sexiest swimsuits.
  8. In the evening, you need to take care of street lighting, install lanterns or candles to add romance to the holiday.
  9. If you decide to organize a themed party, you need to inform the guests how they need to come to the evening in order to match the style of the event. Such a decision will give mood to the whole event and unite the guests.
  10. Prepare invitations in a summery design or in your holiday style with fresh wildflowers or scented to add some flair.
  11. Prepare gift sets for guests who are actively involved in the gala evening. These can be small household items, sets of sweet or fruit goodies. If your evening is in a certain style, the sets should match the design. For example, if it's the Chicago style, you can put chocolate in the shape of a gangster pistol in the set.
  12. Pay attention to the flowers, they will never be superfluous on the table. Can be decorated with regular field and seasonal flowers.

moon and calendar

All of the above allows us to say that the first summer month is the ideal time for a celebration of love.

By choosing this period, you can think about the date of the event, which will need to be reserved in the registry office. Since the first month of summer remains the most popular among newlyweds. It does not hurt to look into the lunar wedding calendar for June:

  1. It is best to plan the celebration for the interval from the new moon to the full moon - the phase of the growing moon. This will ensure a happy, harmonious development of relations.
  2. Also of great importance is the ordinal number of the lunar day and what sign of the zodiac the moon is in.
  3. If you choose the days of the waning moon (this phase is observed until the thirteenth), then give preference to a modest, quiet ceremony.

auspicious days

Let's see what forecasts the calendar gives depending on the selected date:

  • The wedding on June 1 falls on the 17th day of the moon. The waning moon is in the sign of Capricorn. This position of the luminary promises a long, but formal relationship, a feature of which will be the restraint of the spouses in the manifestation of feelings. 17 lunar day a favorable date for the formation of mutually beneficial, trusting relationships. Marriage 1 day will be the beginning of a long and strong marriage.
  • Wedding June 2 - 18th day, the waning moon in Capricorn, an unfavorable date for marriage. Marriage for 2 days will doom family life to depression, mutual distrust.

  • Wedding on June 3 - relationships will be built on common hobbies and trust if extraordinary personalities enter into marriage. However, it should be borne in mind that the 19th lunar day is an extremely inappropriate day for important events. Marriage for 3 days will end in divorce, bringing negativity into the relationship.
  • June 4 wedding Ideal for couples practicing spiritual teachings. There will be no mistrust between such spouses, and jealousy and financial hardship will bypass them. But if you are active social activists with a career in the first place, then the 4th number is not for you.
  • When setting a date for June 5 - the 21st day of the moon, it must be borne in mind that it is great for public people.
  • The wedding on June 6 will be the beginning of a highly spiritual relationship. Partners will be ready for any sacrifice for the sake of the family. Harmony will reign in the family, the ability to understand perfectly. It should go richly, delighting with a variety of dishes and an abundance of sweets on the festive table.
  • The wedding on June 7 falls on the 23rd lunar day. The waning moon in the sign of Pisces is not a suitable day for a holiday. The number 7 will be the beginning of a short marriage, full of quarrels and quarrels.

Second week

  • The 8th is perfect for couples whose relationships have stood the test of time. The rest will be difficult to establish relationships with each other.
  • Wedding June 9 - the moon in the sign of Aries. Spouses will find it difficult to find a common language. Everyone will strive for leadership in relationships. This day on the 25th lunar day is an extremely unfavorable time.
  • The 10th is a good day for marriage. The moon is in Taurus - the time to create an ideal family. Spouses will become a harmonious addition and hospitable hosts. Their house will be open to a large number of guests, will become a venue for fun holidays.
  • The 11th is an auspicious day. It is recommended to hold a celebration in a marine theme.

  • The 12th is a good day to create an alliance between mature people, but it is better for young couples to choose a different date
  • The 13th new moon is in Gemini. Suitable for active, sociable people. The newlyweds will be brought together by common interests. Family life will be full of various recreational activities.
  • The wedding on June 14 falls on the 2nd day. The Moon in Cancer is the best time to start a family. Mutual understanding and harmony will always reign between spouses. The 14th is the first step towards creating a strong, reliable family. This date is also suitable not only for holding, but also for thinking about the upcoming celebration.

Second half

  • 15th - 3 lunar days can have a negative impact on the emotional state of the newlyweds, which will lead to conflicts.
  • The wedding on June 16 takes place during the growing moon under the sign of Leo. 4 lunar days - unfavorable for the celebration. This day will condemn family life to constant conflicts and betrayals, lack of understanding.
  • 17 is a great time to start a family. Family life will be full of romantic surprises. A distinctive feature of such a family will be their hospitality. Spouses expect frequent pleasant changes: moving, new work, etc.
  • The 18th is the waxing moon in Virgo. The family will expect domestic troubles. Restraint endurance spouses will overcome the difficulties that have arisen and save the family. A marriage concluded on this day will become strong and successful.
  • The 19th and 20th are ideal for the union of creative natures. It is recommended to invite many creative people to the holiday - this will make it unforgettable.
  • The 21st and 22nd are extremely unfavorable days for marriage. It will be filled with disagreements and conflicts. There is a high chance of divorce.
  • The wedding on June 23 will be the beginning of a strong, friendly family. A strong psychological bond is formed between the spouses. Choosing 23 as a day will increase the likelihood that the family will have many children.
  • The 24th is a good time to make an alliance, especially if the partners are confident in their feelings and are able to take responsibility for themselves and loved ones.

  • The wedding on June 25 falls on the 12th day of the moon - a good time to create a lasting union, the basis of which will be trust. This day will strengthen the relationship of already experienced couples.
  • The 26th is a great time to celebrate, especially if the spouses are over thirty years old. The guarantor of well-being will be the presence of everyday experience in the newlyweds, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.
  • The 27th and 28th are unfavorable days for marriage. This is especially true for those who are getting married for the first time.
  • The wedding on June 29 will fall on the 16th lunar day - an unfavorable day for this celebration. It is best to choose another date and refuse to hold on this day .
  • The wedding on June 30 will be held under the sign of Aquarius. This day is suitable for any important event. The family life of those who played this day will be happy. Marriage will be easy and strong.


So, according to the calendar, 1, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24.25, 26, 30 are the most favorable days for a wedding in June.

For greater confidence, you can make an individual horoscope for each of the spouses. This horoscope can take into account the date of acquaintance, the beginning of a relationship.

May your family be strong and happy for many years of living together! Manage and stay loved and cheerful! More children for you! Bitterly!

We remember June from childhood as the first month of summer holidays, the time for sweet strawberries, fragrant liquid honey, blooming lilacs and flying poplar fluff. As adults, many consciously choose June for the most solemn event. He, like no other month, gives a huge scope for imagination, suitable for an extraordinary, stylish wedding. No matter what style you choose for your celebration, it will surely be unforgettable.

Wedding in June - signs

It is a widespread superstition that couples who get married in June will extend their honeymoon for life. If you expect a constant novelty of feelings and passion from marriage, which does not cool down soon after the wedding, then the marriage in June is just for you. Even non-superstitious people hope that this "sweet" prediction will come true.

So that a happy family life does not crack, the newlyweds should take into account other folk signs:

  • Letting someone try on wedding rings is not good.
  • Put a coin in the right shoe of the groom - to wealth. It should be kept after the wedding as a relic.
  • A safety pin hidden in the clothes of the bride and groom, pinned head down - a talisman against the evil eye.
  • The bride will cry before the wedding - to a happy marriage.
  • Rain during the ceremony at the registry office - to wealth.
  • The newlyweds blow out the wedding candles at the same time - to a long and happy family life.

Auspicious days for a wedding in June 2017

The month is extremely auspicious, planning your wedding day for June, you will not lose at all. To find out which days of this month are suitable for marriage, let's turn to astrologers for help. According to their calculations, the best days will be:

  • June 2 - a young family will build a cozy nest and raise good children;
  • June 3 is the best day for the holidays;
  • June 7 is a good day for undertakings, and especially for creating a family;
  • June 8 - the newlyweds have achieved a lot by joint efforts;
  • June 11 - any business started will be completed with success, wealth and mutual understanding await the young family;
  • June 15 - extremely warm relations will be established between the spouses;
  • June 21 - the newlyweds will understand each other perfectly, there will be no conflicts and misunderstandings between them;
  • June 22 is a great day for the implementation of a pre-planned celebration, love will forever rule in the family;
  • June 25 - a harmonious, lasting relationship will develop between the spouses;
  • June 26 - the newlyweds will achieve their goals if they do not share their own ideas with anyone;
  • June 29 - life together will go according to the established plan, will be filled with work and excellent rest, travel, entertainment.

Lucky days according to the church calendar

The bad news for couples who have planned a wedding in June and want to get married is that this month there are no days suitable for a wedding at all. On June 1, 2017, Trinity week begins, and from the 8th until the end of the month, Petrov fast lasts. On such days, the church does not perform a wedding ceremony. If you have scheduled a wedding for June, you will have to wait until at least the next month with the wedding.

The best day for a wedding

June 8, 2017 - the moon in Pisces, on this day people become more friendly, more receptive to each other. This is 21 lunar days, according to astrologers, it is considered the most favorable for an engagement or marriage ceremony. The only negative is that June 8 falls on a Monday, and the wedding is mostly planned for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Numerologists recommend taking a closer look at another “beautiful” date - June 6th. First, it falls on a Saturday. Secondly, two sixes in the date, and the third - the sum of the digits of the year (1 + 5), in their opinion, will bring great luck to the newlyweds. Numerology characterizes the number 6 as the most romantic, because its patroness is the planet of love Venus. A couple who played a wedding on such a day will retain for life the sharpness of feelings, love experiences, pleasant emotions.

June wedding ideas

The June wedding is very popular among young people. And there are reasons for this. Exuberant flowering of roses, flaunting a variety of shades, falls just in the first month of summer. The fragrance of flowers and herbs is crazy, the freshly blossomed greenery has not yet had time to become dusty and pleases the eye with rich shades. The solar heat is not as strong as in July and August. The first berries look appetizing on the wedding table - cherries, strawberries.

At this time, a huge number of young couples wish to register a marriage. How can newlyweds pass for extraordinary, stand out among acquaintances and friends? Use a few of our recommendations, pay due attention to the organization of the celebration, and you will succeed!

  • Let the rest buy traditional roses and lilies for the bride's bouquet. You take to the wedding a bouquet of seasonal June flowers - peonies, daisies. Decorate it with greenery, rowan berries, and get your original composition.
  • Instead of a white wreath of the bride, make a decoration for the hairstyle with your own hands. Pick live jasmine, poppy, bird cherry flowers, dip them for a second in melted wax. They will become stronger, you can easily make a wedding diadem from them, unlike others.
  • The bright summer month needs to be matched. Choose for yourself unusual wedding shoes of cheerful colors, together with a picturesque pedicure, they will make an indelible impression.
  • Fill the holiday with fragrant summer flowers. Let them decorate the banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe, festive tables, outfits of newlyweds, witnesses and guests.
  • Set a dress code for the bridesmaids. Let everyone choose a wedding dress in any one color of the rainbow and the same bouquet of flowers. Against the background of this lively flower bed, the bride in a snow-white dress will look sophisticated, like the most delicate bud.
  • A variety of bright bow ties will help the groom's friends to achieve color and variety. Pink, blue, lemon stripes will enliven plain men's outfits.
  • God Himself ordered in June to decorate the wedding cake with fresh fruits - strawberries, peaches, cherries, apricots.
  • The holiday will become inimitable if you invite a group that skillfully plays jazz as musical accompaniment. It will become a real highlight of the wedding. Yes, and a wonderful tradition - the first dance of the newlyweds, to jazz music will become fabulous.
  • If there is a body of water near you, invite your guests to enjoy an exciting boat or boat trip. At the same time, they will witness a wonderful photo shoot.
  • Rent an open-top car for your wedding, because you can afford this pleasure only in summer.

What to wear to a wedding

Preparation for the wedding begins with the choice of a wedding dress. Summer models will delight brides with a variety of styles, from long, elegant to light, open dresses. The settled warmth of the month of June will allow you to rely only on your taste, not taking into account the vicissitudes of the weather. In summer, even the simplest, short dress will look pretty, allowing you to show beautiful legs. You should not wear a lot of wedding accessories, limit them to a minimum amount.

It is not recommended for the groom to choose a dark-colored suit for the wedding in June, it is much more difficult to endure the summer heat in it. White or cream is ideal, and if the air temperature is too high, the groom is allowed to take off his jacket altogether. Stylish compositions are made up of light plain or striped trousers, a short-sleeved shirt, a vest, suspenders and a bow tie.

What topic to choose

Only in summer, newlyweds are given such a large selection of wedding themes. Here are a few ideas that you can easily implement in the first month of summer.

  • Rustic style wedding, that is, stylized as a rustic one. Live wild flowers, haystacks, a cart with horses - everything is filled with the romance of the village.
  • Western wedding. Feel like cowboys, let your childhood dream come true.
  • Beach wedding. There is nothing more pleasant in a hot summer than a day spent on the cool sea coast.
  • Lavender wedding, or marriage in the style of French Provence. The smell of lavender and honey, the freshness of the steppe wind, the simplicity and elegance of the design will appeal to all guests.
  • Vintage wedding - all her accessories are stylized antique.
  • A European-style wedding with an exit registration of marriage, an arch decorated with fresh flowers, and children scattering rose petals in front of the newlyweds.

To the delight of lovers, full of contradictions and superstitions, May is over, and the time has come for weddings. A time filled with the heady aroma of strawberries and peonies, delighting the eye with the brightness of sweet cherries in green foliage and the tenderness of June daisies.

No wonder it is considered one of the best months to start a family.

Is it possible to get married, get married in June

With the date of the wedding, the young are determined even during the engagement.

And quite often future newlyweds choose the beginning of summer.

After all, they had been waiting for this event for so long, and the signs and the weather did not at all favor a family celebration.

Winter completely contradicted the conceived concept of the holiday, while spring was full of church prohibitions, and even “pendulous” May, when only the most desperate risked getting married.

And here comes the long-awaited warm and gentle June. What does he promise the young? What should they expect and fear?

First of all, it is a riot of colors. Juicy tender greens have not yet had time to wither under the scorching rays and become covered with dust. The parade of June flowers is striking.

Here are strict spray and mysterious climbing roses, majestic irises and cute bells, playful daisies and, of course, chic wedding peonies.

There are clearly no questions with the choice of colors, interior decorations and the bride's bouquet.

And the first berries, fresh herbs? Strawberries, cherries, like small hearts, remind of love and intoxicate with aroma.

Playful bouquets of parsley, dill and basil are just asking for a green wedding table.

Even the perky squeak of the chicks reminds that the time has come to start families. And young people are in a hurry to take advantage of such a wonderful moment - to get married in June.

And having listened to folk signs that promise eternal love to June newlyweds, those who want to sign at the beginning of summer simply attack the registry offices. Therefore, those who decide to tie the knot in June will have to prepare and book the date in advance.

Believe me, there are usually so many people who want to sign this particular month that it will be quite problematic to find a suitable restaurant, organizers, and even more so to appoint a painting at the last moment.

Experienced wedding planners advise booking the painting date for June as early as possible, perhaps even six months in advance.

Keep in mind that you can get married in June, but getting married this month will be quite expensive.

Not only relatives know about the preference of newlyweds, but also all organizations that earn money from weddings.

To save money, you will have to make a lot of effort and turn on all your imagination. But for those who decide to play an unforgettable wedding, there are plenty of solutions and topics in June.

Get married in June: what folk signs will tell

June is popularly known as the honeymoon. And signs promise families born in June a “honey” life.

It is not without reason that since ancient times, weddings were scheduled precisely at the beginning of summer. The month promises young people that they will live together happily ever after. June is considered the month of harmony, fret. So the life of the spouses will be fine, filled with harmony.

Relations will be smooth, filled with respect for each other and stable.

Therefore, young people, for whom the reliability and strength of relationships are most important, are advised to set the wedding date for June.

Even those couples whose relationship is full of disagreements, periodic quarrels and misunderstandings should get married in June - the sweet month will help smooth out sharp corners, instill understanding in souls, and balance and harmony in life together.

But there is another side of the coin. If initially the relationship was not built on love, but on the basis of calculation, life together can become not a desired fairy tale, but a “sugary caramel”.

June wedding day tips

Believing in folk signs that paint bright prospects for the newlyweds in June, many rush to the registry office.

Therefore, almost every day you can meet colorful motorcades and hear happy cries: “Bitter!”.

But not always the weather at the beginning of summer pleases with stability.

And even if gusts of wind or short-term rain cannot spoil the holiday, such weather phenomena can predict the future of the newlyweds.

Do not be discouraged if it rains on the day of the painting. A rainy day promises a happy and prosperous life for the couple.

If the whole day is clear and hot, sunny, expect a passionate, emotional family life.

Moreover, emotions can be of a very different nature, starting with passion and tenderness, ending with jealousy and insane affection. And all these feelings will be genuine, bright.

On a windy wedding day, you should think about a more careful attitude to each other.

After all, the wind promises many temptations on the way to joint happiness and windy relationships.

The best days for a wedding in June according to the church calendar

Many newlyweds try to combine painting and wedding.

After all, their hearts are united not only by a banal record in civil acts, first of all, in heaven, with the blessing of the Lord himself.

Therefore, you need to find out which days in June are favorable for weddings and weddings.

The wedding is not held on the days of church holidays and during fasting.

Given that Petrov fast often falls in June, you need to ask when it starts.

The beginning of the Apostolic Lent falls on the 51st day after Easter, or on the Monday immediately after the week of the Trinity.

Each year the start date of this post is different. If you delete Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays from the remaining days, when the wedding is not held, the best days in June for painting and weddings are Fridays.

But for those who have set a wedding date on June 16 or hold a wedding on June 3, 17, the wedding will have to be postponed until the end of the post, that is, appointed after July 11.

What date in June is better to get married according to the lunar calendar

The most favorable days for a wedding in June are the dates that fall on the growing moon. They will bring only positive emotions to the newlyweds, and make the relationship friendly and united.

It will be a family that sacredly honors traditions, which will have many children and their own customs. But for couples wise by experience, it is better to choose June 9th. This day is just perfect for uniting people who have come to this decision in a balanced way.

Marriage will be built on trust and will give rise to a fruitful strong relationship. Spouses will be open to any horizons. Let it be religion or travel, sports or philosophy - everything will be built on the common interests and friendly understanding of two close people.

They will make joint decisions. Moreover, they will be necessarily creative and extraordinary.

True, they will have to arrange a bright, cheerful holiday, so that their future life will turn out like a fairy tale.

What days can you get married in June: beautiful dates

If a couple, when choosing a wedding date, is guided not by astrological forecasts or folk signs, but by beautiful numbers, it is better to choose dates that contain numbers that are consonant with the year and month.

According to various predictions and calculations, the month will be very favorable for creating a family.

And let no one date match for all options. After all, the most important thing is faith in beauty and, of course, love, which young people can carry through their whole life together.

Video: wedding in June

One of the most important, expensive and important days in the life of every person is the day of the wedding celebration. Every bride wants to become the most beautiful and happy, and for this reason she is sometimes very worried because of signs and superstitions that still exist in everyday life. Therefore, often newly-made brides bring themselves to fainting because of the fear of doing something wrong.

After all, you only make a mistake, and you will have to pay for it with prosperity in family life for a long time. According to signs, the month of the wedding and the day of the week have a strong influence on the future life of the young.

But oddly enough, many newlyweds simply forget that the most important thing is the right month and date for the celebration. Often it depends on them how happy the couple will be next to each other, whether they expect a rich life or full of anxieties and experiences.

As for folk signs for a celebration by months, everything is very accurate here. Prediction is the same for any couple, regardless of when the guy and girl were born. Each couple can decide for themselves how to choose the date of the upcoming celebration, focusing on climatic conditions and weather, signs or personal tastes.

  • First month of winter January- occasionally enjoys the love of the newlyweds. Constant holidays and significant frosts make January the least favorite month for a wedding in the whole year. Yes, and in popular belief, it is believed that a couple who got married in the first winter month will have a hard time, and a spouse can quickly become a widow.
  • If you believe the popular beliefs about the wedding in time, then in winter it is recommended to marry in february, as it promises a long and strong life together.
  • But the newlyweds who signed in March destined to live life in a foreign land.
  • weddings in youth April promise a couple variety, joys and sorrows.
  • If you celebrate a wedding in May, they say that a couple will have to toil all their lives.
  • June- a very happy month for creating a marriage, it will give marriage sweetness and passion.
  • July not so successful. If you believe the signs, then the family born this month will not be happy.
  • To remain devoted friends, and not just lovers, you should get married in august.
  • A calm and harmonious family life will give September.
  • October promises a couple of many problems and inconsistencies on the way.
  • Wealth, prosperity and profit will give new families November triumph.
  • And for those who are very sensitive to their feelings, and not to money, it is better to play a triumph in december.

By day of the week

It must be remembered that earlier there were some days on which the celebration was simply not customary to celebrate.

On the thirteenth day of any month, the wedding was not categorically celebrated. In ancient times, they generally tried not to celebrate anything on such dates, since they believed that the devil could come to witness.

  • Monday meant wealth.
  • Tuesday- good health.
  • Wednesday promised good luck in all endeavors.
  • Thursday promised heavy losses.
  • Friday- frequent deaths in the environment.
  • Saturday- not the best day.

Signs of astrologers

Based on the opinions of professional astrologers, in order for the marriage to be strong and durable, and the passion between spouses only flared up over the years, it is necessary to marry on the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth or eleventh month from the date of one's own birth. So, if a person was born in January, it is better for him to marry in May or August.

If a couple believes in astrological moments for a wedding, by months they can simply calculate the best date for the celebration, using their own dates of birth for this.

For example, for a groom who was born in February, and a bride who was born in early autumn, June or December will be the best months.

In addition, having an astrological calendar, you can easily identify the months when Venus turns out to be strong. It is this planet that is the patroness of those who love, therefore it will help the newlyweds to find happiness.

Ancient signs

  • in January - grief and death;
  • February - consent and harmony;
  • March - living in another country or in a new place;
  • in April - impermanent happiness, successes and troubles together;
  • May - you can toil all your life, as well as see betrayal in your house (before the celebration, parents must kiss the groom three times so that the sign does not come true);
  • June - a honeymoon with passion will be a lifetime and love will be just as strong;
  • in July - often marked grief and even regret about what they had done;
  • in August - the husband will be both beloved and friend;
  • in September - will give peace and quiet;
  • in October - a busy life, but happiness will be a rare glimpse;
  • November - promises a very luxurious life;
  • December - every year love will become stronger and brighter;
  • spring wedding - carefree fate;
  • summer - care and tenderness in the family;
  • autumn - reliability and stability;
  • leap year is a failure;
  • celebration during Maslenitsa - the life of the young will go like clockwork;
  • wedding during the Red Hill (the first day after Easter week) - the family will become happy, well-fed and will acquire rich offspring;
  • a wedding on the holiday of Ivan Kupala is a huge wealth;
  • wedding on the day of Fyokla Zarevnitsa - a good celebration and strong feelings;
  • the perfect day for a wedding - a wedding on Pokrova - true happiness;
  • wedding on the first day of the week - to a rich life;
  • in the second - to good health;
  • the fourth day of the week - to frequent difficulties;
  • Wednesday and Friday are very unlucky days for a wedding celebration;
  • a wedding celebrated on the 7th or 12th - to reliability and fidelity;
  • lucky and joyful numbers for the holiday - 3, 5, 7, 9;
  • to play a wedding on an even number - a baby will be born, an odd number - a baby will be born;
  • wedding in the afternoon - to great luck.