Green wedding. Anniversaries by month after the wedding day

You've been married for a whole month!
Congratulations on this date
And I want to live together
And do not accumulate resentment.

To make feelings stronger
And you loved each other
Strongly, sincerely, always,
Regardless of the year.

Happy little holiday to your family.
It's been a month since the wedding.
Let your hearth burn more and more,
So that you always feel good in it.

Be tolerant of each other, appreciate
The one that binds you together forever.
And every month you love harder
Your soul mate, giving happiness to the river.

I congratulate you on the first month of family life and sincerely wish you to spend every day in each other's arms, never cease to show tenderness and care, always keep the fire of love and happiness in the hearth. And let them say that honey is the first month, and let you have honey all the years of your life together.

Month you are legally married,
They ate a whole pound of honey,
Let it be so sweet without fail
Family days are running.

Let your hearts not go out
romantic fire,
On the path of fate I wish
You go palm to palm.

Let everything that was thought
Embodied quickly
There will be more in your life
May happy milestones.

Let the month be a little
But you two are happy!
I wish you all the best
So that every hour, every day
You all became dearer,
They loved each other faithfully
Strive for the best all the time
And they shared their whole lives for two!

So the month has flown by.
Wonderful honey.
May it be for your life
Become the core and foundation.
So that always in life like this:
You are not a family, but a fist!
Decorated the world.
Golden wedding feast
Collected together,
We were admired.

You've been married for a whole month,
Seems to be smooth so far
So go ahead boldly
So that all life is in the hand!

And the other half
Take care like a diamond
Only tears of joy
To drip from the eyes!

30 days - just the beginning,
But this is a lot
Pass the first turn
So, you see, a year will pass.
Was the honeymoon sweet?
Let the new one be the same
And after him more, more,
All family life
Will be joyful and sweet
Everything will be all right in life!

Recently got married
And you lived exactly a month.
With the beginning of your life together,
Let her be wonderful
Without unnecessary drama, without tears and grief,
May the children appear soon
Let love burn brighter
And kisses will be hotter.

You had a wedding a month ago,
For a month you are called husband and wife.
We all wished you love and happiness,
We see, it's time to congratulate you.

In the status of the new you are great,
I have to say, it really suits you.
May everything continue to be magical
And be sure to be lucky in life!

She cooks everything for him
He catches a smile from him
He blew off all the dust from her ...
Here they are, the two halves.
You have a ring on your finger
This status suits you.
For a whole month you are a family,
Congratulations, friends.
Understanding and love
Happiness to you in the family circle.

The wedding day is definitely on the list of the most important days in the life of many people. On this day, the bride and groom enter into a marital union based on love and mutual respect. It is from him that the countdown of new anniversaries begins, each of which has its own name and traditions. In this article, we will talk about when to celebrate the first anniversary, as it is called, and also what are its features.

First date

The first month after the traditional marriage is called green. This is due to the fact that earlier young people entered it inexperienced, immature. They only had to learn the characters and habits of each other, to find points of contact and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that today life has changed somewhat, most traditions do not lose their relevance.

In many cultures, green symbolizes freshness, youth, purity. Therefore, it is not surprising that myrtle leaves in a wedding crown have become a symbol of a green wedding - a reflection of the innocence and naivety of young people who have just entered into a legal relationship, whose feelings, like young greenery, are just blooming.

It is interesting that the green wedding is celebrated not only after a month, but also after two, three, four months and so on (until the first anniversary). This holiday is considered to be the longest of all existing wedding events. The countdown of the celebration begins from the day of the marriage, and it is customary to celebrate it every month throughout the year on the very date when the union was concluded.

This is a great opportunity to once again remind each other of their feelings, to show love and care for a loved one.

A green wedding is a real expanse for those who love romance and want to keep it for many years.

Celebration traditions

1 month from the date of the wedding is celebrated in different ways. Many people prefer quiet, cozy family evenings with loved ones and relatives. Someone celebrates the holiday only together, not letting anyone into the small world of a new family.

In fact, the first month of family relationships is associated with the search for compromises. It's one thing to meet your loved one, but it's quite another to share life with him in the same house. For many, many habits of a partner, his rhythm of life and daily routine come as a surprise. No wonder they say that family life and romantic, albeit long-term, relationships are two different things.

Not only everyday habits become noticeable. Living together unites many people, binds them with strong bonds. Among everyday worries, love is felt and manifested differently, relationships reach a new level. That is why, celebrating the first month lived together, you need to arrange a holiday first of all for each other. The green month is the first stage passed, which must be appreciated and noted in such a way that it is sure to be remembered.

It could be a romantic candlelight dinner. Delicate wedding music, light snacks, delicious wine will remind the newlyweds that they have only recently become a family, and set them up for a festive atmosphere. If homemade food is a little boring, you can go to your favorite restaurant or, conversely, choose an original institution that you have not been able to visit before.

Young people who spend evenings at home can diversify the holiday with a walk or even a trip to another city. It will not be superfluous to visit some significant place for young people, for example, where they first met. The main thing is that this evening should not be like all the others spent together.

The first month can be a great start to your monthly wedding celebration. You can come up with and start your own traditions that will give a lot of pleasant emotions and memories. For example, every month you can take a thematic photo, and at the end of the year you can collect an interesting photo collage.

Or you can start a tradition every month on this date to have breakfast on the embankment or walk in your favorite park. And you can, on the contrary, come up with something unforgettable for every month (like a parachute jump). Although this option is more suitable for people who cannot imagine their life without changes and extreme sports.

Is a gift important?

A green wedding is too early to present luxurious gifts. In addition, sometimes pleasant little things are sweeter to the heart than a significant present. At a wedding, the traditional gift from the groom to the bride is a bouquet. A woman, in turn, can emphasize her love for her chosen one with the help of steam dishes or a small souvenir with wedding symbols.

It used to be customary to plant a myrtle tree on the wedding day as a symbol of a new young family. You can resume this interesting tradition. It will be simply unforgettable. Throughout the month, you can give all kinds of little things, reminiscent of love for each other. It is especially good if the accessories are associated with a wedding or, for example, with the number of days spent together.

If finances allow, you can give preference to timeless classics - jewelry with engraving, names, dates. Such a gift will never become obsolete and can be passed on to the next generations.

A photo for memory is another option that can be very original. Modern technologies allow you to make photo printing on almost everything: mugs, plates, puzzles, T-shirts, magnets, key rings.

It all depends on the imagination of the donor and the capabilities of the photo studio.

In any case, remember that the gift is not the main thing. Love, sincerity, understanding and caring for each other will be the best manifestations of feelings. It is important to try to make the first month of family life special so that years later the most tender memories of its beginning remain.

To learn how the month of the wedding affects the future life together, see the next video.

I congratulate you, beloved,
We are together for a month, we are a family,
I'm proud of you, my dear,
In love I swear immeasurable.

I want us to live happily
Always understood each other
So that our rings are only strength
Always given to us in life.

A very happy moment
Our marriage celebrates the month
To be together for hundreds of years
I wish with you!

My husband, my wall
adored man,
I need your love
Like a sip of water in the desert.

And two rings on my fingers
May our marriage be stronger
And romance in the hearts
May it never melt!

Darling, today our family is already a month old, today we have a small holiday and I congratulate you. I wish you, dear, to always remain a true man, a caring spouse and a great family man. May beautiful and happy days await us ahead, may our family become stronger, bigger and more friendly over the years.

Just been married for a month
But it went insanely sweet!
And this little date
For us today - chocolate!

Let all the days and years
For you and I will always be
Tastier, sweeter even than honey,
After all, one star shines for us!

A month in marriage, we are with you,
Husband beloved, dear!
It's also an anniversary
Kiss me soon!

I want to live my life with you
All of us will be on the shoulder.
The main thing is that you are near
Light the way with a smile.

First month baby
We lived with you
I call you husband
And you are my wife.

On one pillow
We wake up in the morning
happy dawn
We smile together.

The first month he
With honey on the lips
With warm hugs
With tenderness in your eyes.

Its to infinity
I want to extend
And all our lives
Live with you in love.

We've been married for a month
Husband beloved, dear,
All sunrises and sunsets
We share with you!

To keep warm in the cold
We don't even need a blanket
May this happiness last
Many, many more years!

Happy marriage month, my love,
Congratulations sincerely, with love!
I cherish you and only you,
And I wish you peace and health.

Let everything be fine with us
Let our happiness always shine.
Let warmth reign in our souls,
And love burns in the hearts.

The honeymoon has passed
I congratulate you, my husband,
I should be support and support
Always, my love, I wish.

Let the sweet life, my dear, be
Peace always reigns in the family,
Let love circle in a gentle waltz.
I am happy that you are with me.

Our honeymoon of happiness
What could be more beautiful?
You and me, together forever
My favorite person!

The best, most tender
Ocean of love boundless!
In this world anywhere
Let's be happy together!

We've been married for a month
My precious husband,
I'm not afraid with you, my dear,
I am any blizzard in life.

This month was honeymoon
May all life be sweet
Know that I love immensely
Hold on to my love.

Who said that the day of living together is not a holiday? Yes, perhaps it is not customary to celebrate it on a grand scale, but you are simply obliged to present beautiful congratulations on the day of living together to a person dear to your heart. After all, starting to live together means taking a huge step towards each other and proving that all your warm feelings and love are supported by serious intentions.

But what should they be? Surely you have never heard of someone congratulating someone on this day. No problem. You won’t have to think long about this question, since the Vlio website has prepared for you many suitable options for congratulatory words in advance. We bring to your attention beautiful poems that can penetrate deep into the soul of your loved one and cause him an influx of positive emotions and good memories. Poetic congratulations on the day of living together is the perfect solution that is available to you right here and now.

Scroll through the available options - among their variety, you will definitely be able to find something suitable specifically for your case. Well, having found this something, you will only have to present the most beautiful congratulations on your wedding day to your soulmate.

Happy Anniversary!
You've been together for many years
Sadness won't come
And sadness makes no sense.

You are the most beautiful couple
And a happy family!
Happiness on this day is not without reason
I sincerely wish!

Congratulations on mobile

We congratulate you on your anniversary,
Reverent before fidelity,
Your tenderness is doubled
Children and years continued.

Let the family union grow stronger,
It gets more precious with age.
May someday your great-grandchildren
Your happiness will be shared with you!

To my beloved and dear wife
I wish you health with all my heart
I am the president, and you are my minister,
In the state that is called family.

I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart -
Always love and respect you
I will never let you down
I'll take any trouble!

The family is the foundation of the universe,
Everything in this world depends on it.
Please, family, pay attention:
We are celebrating your common anniversary!

And that means that everything that falls from fate to you,
Should share you for two!
So let it not upset you, but please
Your every moment spent together!

Many years have passed
Your wedding went off
This day is with you
Meet him with your friends!

May your family grow stronger
Greets each day with kindness
I congratulate you today
I wish you the best!

My dear, happy wedding anniversary!
Live long, happiness and kindness!
Love and fidelity, comfort and wealth
I wish from the bottom of my heart today!

You are support and support for each other,
And that means you can overcome everything!
May the sun light your path in life!
And let there be no troubles at all!

We take you on a family anniversary
We hasten to congratulate everyone,
And from relatives, guests, friends
Leave wishes for you:
Divide everything in life in half,
Burn with love and do not go out
And every day let him give you
The world of beauty, kindness and happiness!

Important wedding dates
Remember, gently celebrate.
It was once decided
After all, it’s not in vain to create a family!

Happy wedding anniversary bright
I send congratulations to you!
May your marriage be happy
The strongest on earth!

Recently we shouted "bitter!"
But time is running faster and faster.
Today is your cozy home
Meet the wedding anniversary!

We wish you love and happiness,
To live - do not spill water!
In love, harmony and joy
Reached the golden wedding!