We light the Christmas tree with Santa Claus spells. The scenario of the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group "Carnival of Toys" methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic

Attention! The article contains AUDIO FILES.

The script for the New Year's game performance was prepared by KISLITSINA E.V., Teplodar, Odessa region.


  • Leading
  • Snow Maiden
  • Father Frost
  • Hottabych
  • Barmaley
  • Baba Yaga

Scenario of the New Year's game performance

Children enter the hall to the music of the Snow Ball.

The callsigns of the New Year sound, the presenter comes out.


- A wonderful day is coming,
The New Year is coming to us!
Feast of laughter and fun
Fairy tale holiday for children!
Congratulations to everyone today
And with all my heart I wish
To clap your hands
For feet to stomp
To make children smile
They had fun and laughed.
Is everyone ready to listen?
Is everyone ready to sing and dance?
Do you play different games with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?
I see, I see, everyone is ready,
Let's start the show?
Who will tell me now
Who is in charge of the New Year in the country? (children's answers)
Who's on New Year's Eve
To us, friends, will come today?
White-bearded and red-nosed,
Who is this? (Father Frost)
Playing with children in the snow
Noisy leads a round dance,
Lights up the tree brightly.
What holiday? (New Year)

- Well, in the meantime, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden get to us, we will sing a song, but not a simple one, but a riddle song. I sing the beginning, and you sing the continuation, the answer.

The holiday came to us at midnight.
How the people waited for him!
Around the green tree
Gathered (round dance).
As if real
Always on the tree
Habitual, shiny,
Burning (star).
Spiral curls
Only he alone
And through the hall we throw
Beautiful (serpentine).
Frost screams, tries:
"Hey, Christmas tree, shine!"
And immediately fly up
Circles (confetti).
Bucket instead of a hat
Used to wear
With a carrot instead of a spout
Cheerful (snowman).
Decorate and decorate the hall
Always on New Years.
Shines, shimmers,
Sparkles (tinsel).
And, showing off the outfits,
Noise around the people.
We are so happy to congratulate everyone
In a wonderful (New Year).

Father Frost: - Good afternoon!

Snow Maiden: — And good time!

Father Frost: We welcome all of you!

Snow Maiden:

- On this New Year's holiday
We are glad to congratulate you!

Father Frost:

Let's start the holiday together
Let's answer together!
Keep your answer short
Only "yes" and only "no".

Snow Maiden: Did you recognize us friends? (Yes) Santa Claus and Baba Yaga? (Not)

Father Frost: - Well, Kikimora then? (Not) Snow Maiden, my granddaughter? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: - Shall we celebrate the holiday? (Yes) And give gifts to everyone? (Yes)

Father Frost: - Light the Christmas tree together? (Not) Shall we eat all the candy? (Not) Let's smile and then we'll fool around all together? (Yes)

Snow Maiden:

- As always, we have for you
There will be plenty of tricks!

Father Frost:

- Let's have a noisy rest,
Sing, play and dance!

Snow Maiden: - What are our names, you know. Remind us what your name is. I wave my hand, and you loudly call your names. Attention!

Father Frost: - It's clear: all the boys are called - boo-boo-boo, and the girls - syu-syu-syu! Then again!

- Every year we get up in a round dance
And in a circle we go all forward.
We will not stand now to no avail,
Let's sing, friends, about the beautiful Christmas tree!

To lose, the children stand in a circle

If it's fun at the Christmas tree, needles scattered here,
If it's fun at the Christmas tree - good!

If it's fun at the Christmas tree, do it (3 times)
If it's fun at the Christmas tree, needles scattered here,
If it's fun at the Christmas tree, do it!

If it's fun at the Christmas tree - a round dance, (3 times)
If it's fun at the Christmas tree, needles scattered here,
If it's fun at the Christmas tree - good!


What a miracle our Christmas tree is!
Eyes pop up.
Tinsel glitter needles,
This is such a beautiful Christmas tree!
All silver, lush and slender,
Only she does not shine with lights!

Father Frost:

- To make the tree wake up,
Looked merrier
All the guys smiled
Light a fire on her!
Together we will say with you:
"Herringbone, light up the lights!"

Children: - Christmas tree, light up the lights! (The Christmas tree does not light up)


- Speak very softly
Come on, guests, help!
Let's say it loudly, with full force:
Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!

All: - Become, Christmas tree, beautiful! (The Christmas tree does not light up)


Still quiet, still weak.
We all need to shout together:
"One two Three! Miracle tree, burn!”

All: - One two Three! Miracle tree, burn! (The lights on the Christmas tree are lit, everyone clap their hands)

Snow Maiden:

- Our Christmas tree sparkled -
Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Father Frost:

- The tree burst into flames -
We've been hard at work with you!

Snow Maiden:

- The Christmas tree is calling everyone now
In the New Year's round dance!

Father Frost:

- Many, many years in a row
The Christmas tree pleases the guys.
Your moms, your dads,
Grandmothers and grandfathers
They also led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!

Snow Maiden:

- Needles glow from colored lanterns.
So let's all sing together a song to our sweet Christmas tree.

Song-game "We will hang the balls"

We'll hang balloons (As if we take it out of the box and hang it)
And then the flashlights (Hands above head - flashlight movement)
And then more rain (Jumps and swings our arms over our heads)
Let's not forget the snowflakes. (Whirling around us)
golden fish, (We depict a wave with our hand)
The lights are fun. (Turning flashlights)
Let's throw tinsel (As if we are rinsing clothes)
We continue the game...

Father Frost:

All the guys are good
Sing well, from the heart!
All the people have fun - they come to us (New Year).
It's snowing in the yard - the holiday is coming soon (New Year).
Open your mouth wide - they give sweets in (New Year).
Ice has melted in everyone's soul - on the threshold (New Year).
I am now in the New Year I call the people to play,
Make me a wider circle. Freeze! Three four!


Father Frost:

And he brought gifts to the children.
And yesterday I was at Andryushka's, I froze his hands! (freezes hands)


- Tell us, Grandpa, where have you been?
Tell me, Frost, where did you go?

Father Frost:

- I came to visit the guys
And he brought gifts to the children.
And yesterday I was at Ilyushka's, I froze his ears! (freezes ears)


- Tell us, Grandpa, where have you been?
Tell me, Frost, where did you go?

Father Frost:

- I came to visit the guys
And he brought gifts to the children.
And yesterday I was at Lenochka's, I froze her knees. (freezes knees)


- Tell us, Grandpa, where have you been?
Tell me, Frost, where did you go?

Father Frost:

- I came to visit the guys
And he brought gifts to the children.
And yesterday I was with Alla, I played catch-up with her! (Catches up with children)

The children run to their seats. Santa Claus is chasing them.

Father Frost:

- Oh, I'm tired, I haven't played like this for a long time!
I sit down, rest and listen to poetry.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost:

- Poems were read by children - it's very good!
And now there will be magic at the carnival!

Leading: - Guys! Do you love fairy tales? Do you know with the help of what magical objects miracles are performed in them? (Rolls out a decorated coffee table - "Museum") Let's open the "Museum of Magic Items" in our hall! (Puts a sign "Museum of Magical Items" on the table, puts a few magical items on it) Santa Claus, we need your help. We decided to create a "Museum of Magical Items" at the festival, and for this we need to go to a magical land of fairy tales.

Father Frost:

Well, the hour of magic has already come!
Magic ball, unwind!
Fairy tale, come visit us!

Hottabych: — Oh, most venerable old man!

Father Frost: - Dear, I'm not an old man, but Santa Claus, and this is my granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.

Hottabych: — May there be peace in this house! Hello, most educated of educated and most charming
of the most charming children, Father Frost, Snow Maiden and dear guests!

Father Frost: “Hello, great Jin! Guys, do you know who this is?

Snow Maiden: — Yes, this is Old Man Hottabych Gassan Abdurakhman ibn Hottab!

Hottabych: - Correctly! O wisest of the wisest, precious Snow Maiden. You recognized my name.
Where did I get to? What is the name of your city? And the country?

The Snow Maiden leaves to change into Barmaley.

Hottabych: How beautiful it is here, how bright! What a beautiful palm!

Father Frost: What other palm tree? It's not a palm tree. Children, what is it?

Children: - Christmas tree!

Hottabych: - Christmas tree! Such a beauty! Wah! Wah! Wah! What strange tree? (Touching) Where does this miracle grow?

Leading: — Nothing strange. Even children know the Christmas tree, they sing the song loudly. We will sing to you now about winter and the New Year.

Hottabych: — Oh, the diamonds of my eyes, how wonderfully you sing! I heard that you are going to arrange a "Museum of Magical Items" here in the hall. I brought my jug to the museum, in which the immured one had sat for two thousand years. I don’t want to see him anymore, I’ll give you this old magical thing if you tell me about this venerable old man, Grandfather Frost, in more detail.

Father Frost: What are we trying guys? Will you tell Hottabych about me?

1. Children stand around the Christmas tree and clap their hands at the introduction.

And it's cold outside! (Children shrug their hands in front of them (open))
Well, everyone took up the nose! (Hold hands on nose)
Knocked on the knees (movements in text)
shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders (Clap on the shoulders crosswise)
And sunk a little. (stomp)
There is no need for us to beat the buckets! (The right leg is put on the heel, and with the hands the children perform sliding claps with plates in front of them)
Well, everyone took their ears! (They grab their ears, a small loss - the children stand still)
Well, all together... (Raise alternately first the right, then the left hands up, losing - two claps above the head)
Hang your ears! (They show the “flapping ears” movement, losing)
You better clap your hands! (rhythmic clapping music)


“I like it here terribly, I am happy at this moment.
Ask for whatever you want - the old man will do everything.

Father Frost: - He promised to give his jug to the museum, so keep your word.

Hottabych (gives a jug): May happiness always accompany you! Goodbye, most venerable young children.

Hottabych leaves, and the Host puts the jug in the "Museum".

Father Frost:

- Mirror ball, unwind!
A new fairy tale, come!

Leading: - Oh, guys, something is very hot! (Fanning) Is this Africa?

Barmaley: - Three thousand devils, a shark in your mouth! Why are there so many children here? How did they get here? Hands up! That's nice, you came right to me for lunch!

Leading: - Guys, this is Barmaley! That's the way things are! What to do now?

Barmaley: - What to do, what to do ... Get ready, I will eat you now.

Father Frost: - Well, no, dear Barmaley, this will not work. We have a holiday, the New Year, and you are going to eat us.

Barmaley: What is New Year's Eve? This is the first time I hear about it, but what is it eaten with?

Leading: - Guys, what is the New Year?

- And the New Year is:
Snows are fluffy.
The tree is fragrant.
Songs, dances, jokes.
Games, jokes.
Favorite Santa Claus
And a whole load of gifts.

Barmaley: “Gifts, that’s good—I’ll eat them too.” So, let's not be distracted, I went to make a fire.


- Snowflake girls, fly
And show me your dance!
Let the formidable Barmaley freeze quickly
And learn to eat small children.

Distribute sultans.

Barmaley: - Oh oh oh! (starts to shake)

Father Frost: - What happened to you?


- Freeze, freeze, oh, I completely disappear!
Let me go to Africa as soon as possible
I will not eat small children.

Father Frost: “Do you want me to warm you up in a moment?” I'm a magician!

Barmaley: - Want! Want! Come on quickly!

Leading: - On the condition that you do not eat children.


- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Save!
(Santa Claus and children conjure)
Thank you, good!
I'm not cold anymore.
Just what happened to me?
Has the anger disappeared?

Father Frost: “It was the children who helped, they are very kind.


I brought from Africa
You have a whole load of bananas,
Coconuts, tangerines and many others
Overseas fruits are delicious for dear children!
Kids, get up quickly, collect fruit in buckets!

Children are divided into two teams. Fruit is transferred from a large basket to buckets for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Presenter: - And another game called "Throw a snowball into a hoop."

The game "Throw a snowball into a hoop."


- I'll be kinder now
I bake pies and pretzels for all the children.
I'll go for a walk down the street and treat the kids.
And I give all my weapons to your museum.

Barmaley says goodbye, leaves. The Snow Maiden puts away the weapon in the "Museum".

Father Frost::

- Magic ball, unwind,
A new fairy tale, come!

Father Frost:

- Oh, the hut, what do I see! I'll knock and take a look.
Who lives in the forest here?
Knock-Knock! Who lives here?
Who will open the door for us?

Baba Yaga (from the hut):

What kind of fashion do people have? Worse than savages
They will pass by, so they will turn the hut,
Get out of the way, I'll go out - I'll tear my ears!

Leading: - Guys, let's appease the old woman, dance around the Christmas tree for her!

On the first verse we lead a round dance.

1. We go near the Christmas tree, smile together,
The Christmas tree is green, shaking with branches.
Now we will light the lights on the Christmas tree, the Christmas tree will sparkle.

One-two, clap-clap-clap (claps)
The tree will sparkle (Click fingers)
One-two, top-top-top (Stomp legs in turn)
The holiday continues. (Twist)

To lose: flashlights from the bottom up and lower through the sides.

After the first verse, Baba Yaga comes out of the hut and dances with the children.

2. Let's go to the Christmas tree together, nod our heads. (We walk with stomp to the Christmas tree and nod our heads to the right and left, the arms are lowered down, the palms are raised)
And we’ll leave right away, we continue the dance. (Stomp back, nodding head)
The Christmas tree is green, shaking with branches. ( With two hands, swing left and right, simultaneously up)
We light the lights on the Christmas tree together. (Making lanterns)

3. We go to the chairs, smile together,
We sing a song loudly, we all like the tree.
The Christmas tree is green, sparkling merrily.
We will start the New Year's holiday now - we will have fun!

At the chorus, the children sit down in their places.

Baba Yaga:

- Koschey came to me:
He said that in the hall here you have a “Museum”.
There are many fairy tales in the world,
They contain magic items.
I took something
Guess what you brought?
He made porridge for everyone,
It's not enough to eat it. (Potty)
This tablecloth is famous for:
Feeds deliciously to the full,
Look, here she is
Full of delicious food! (Self-assembly tablecloth)
Through distant lands
Through distant seas,
Through mountains and forests
You will be housed in half an hour. (Boots-walkers)
Well done my boys.
Solve all the riddles! What fun it is with you.
But it's time for me to return to the fairy tale,

Baba Yaga leaves, the Host cleans the "Museum".

Snow Maiden:

- How many fabulous things
Find your home here!
And favorite stories
We won't be allowed to forget!

Father Frost:

- Yes, there are many fairy tales in the world,
Children love fairy tales.
Everyone wants to visit
And play a little.
But our museum is closing
We are returning to a frosty winter.


- Sings, a snowstorm is circling.
Winter takes a run,
And spreads a veil
Fluffy, white snow!

Father Frost:

Did I play with you?
Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
Did you lead round dances?
But here's something I forgot!

Snow Maiden: - Children, what did Santa Claus forget?

Children: - Present!

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard!
Do a miracle for us.

Father Frost:

I'm a magician, it's true!
I tell you without embellishment.
And I want guys
surprise you today.

Santa Claus collects silver plumes, takes them to a snowdrift, conjures.

Father Frost: - You, my bag, appear, show yourself to all the guys!

Bag dance.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden hand out gifts, say goodbye.

Father Frost:

“We need to say goodbye to you.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden:

- So that you grow big,
So that you do not know worries,
And we are with Santa Claus
We will return to you in a year.

Bylinkina Svetlana
New Year's party for children of the middle group "Capricious Christmas Tree"

To the song "How beautiful is our Christmas tree» children enter the hall, dance, stand around the Christmas tree.

1st reb: Why is everything silver,

And sparkles and sparkles?

Why is everyone having fun

Rejoice and frolic?

Vedas: Because the kids -

Both girls and boys -

Friendly, joyful people -

Celebrates the New Year!

3rd reb: Blowing, blowing breeze,

The paths are frozen.

The puddles were covered with ice

And the snowflakes are flying.

4th reb: Snow spun - snowball,

Quiet in the meadow.

Winter has come to us

Sledges are coming down the hill.

5th child: Winter is famous for its frost,

Snow-covered sewing.

About winter beauty

We'll sing a song!

Song "---

6 children It will be fun today

We won't be bored

hello holiday New Year,

We have come to meet you.

7 children Gathered friends guys

Wonderful tree.

How shiny her dress is

Rain sparkles on needles!

Vedas: Hold hands tight,

Stand in a wide circle.

New Year, New Year!

Let's start the round dance!

Round dance "---

(children sit down).

Vedas. Our dressed up Christmas tree,

Like a beautiful girl!

In colorful toys

What miracles!

The New Year is coming!

The time of fairy tales is coming to us,

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden comes in.

Snow: Hello, here I am! Happy New Year to you, friends!

I am a Snegurka-laugher, merry and playful. Where is Santa Claus? Who will answer the question?

presenter: You ran before your grandfather - that's what a fidget!

Snow Maiden: Oh, what is your Christmas tree!

How many balls on the tree!

Fluffy and slim.

Do you like her?

Do you want me to surprise you and revive the toys from the Christmas tree? You sit, don't get up, don't interfere with the magic. Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three, revive all the toys!

8 children: We - christmas toys,

Balls, snowflakes and crackers.

We will decorate the Christmas tree

And Happy New Year.

Dance "Christmas toys"

Snow: Well - ka tree one, two, three - bear cubs and bunnies invite to the holiday!

/Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears come out/

Bunnies: We are sugar bunnies, we jump like balls.

Fragile and sweet, tasty, pleasant.

bear: Our fur coat is fine,

Pure chocolate!

I'm a candy bear

Don't forget it!

Bunnies: Polka Mishek and Bunny

We'll dance now.

`Come on, Bears, stand in a row

Near our Christmas tree!`

"Dance of Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears"

Snow: And your Christmas tree would have become more elegant,

If all of a sudden she shone with lights

I will try to say the magic words myself, so that the Christmas tree lights up, so that everyone starts dancing.

“Herringbone-beauty, light the fires. Look at the guys with colored eyes "

(the tree does not light up)

Snow Maiden: No, it doesn't work tree does not turn on. And you help me guys:

Green beauty, you light the lights!

Guys, let's shout together - Christmas tree ...


Christmas tree(audio recording): Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't even breathe, or I'll faint.

Vedas: What happened to the Christmas tree? What has suddenly changed?

Snow Maiden: Maybe she's stuffy. I'll sprinkle it with some water (splatters).

Christmas tree: Well, stop watering, otherwise mold can grow from dampness.

Snow: How so? Guys, we need to come up with something.

presenter: Let's wave our hands, let the twigs dry (children wave)

Christmas tree: Oh, what a draft. I will get sick! (cough)

Vedas: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle.

Get your ears ready, listen to our song.

We will go around the Christmas tree and sing about the Christmas tree.

Round dance ---

Christmas tree: No need! Enough! Your music gives me a headache.

Vedas: What to do? How can we be? How can we treat the Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden: I think I know what we need to do. Only Grandfather Frost will help, he can light the Christmas tree. I will have to go into the forest and find Frost there. You sit by the tree and wait a little.


(The light goes out, lights up. Kikimora and Leshy sit under the tree, play cards).

Goblin: Are you out of your mind? Hit the ace with the ten!

kikimora: What are you grumbling, stupid? I hit ten tambourine. We have trumps of diamonds.

Goblin: Tambourines were last time, and now our trump card is "baptize"

kikimora: Get lost with them!

Goblin: Ki-ki, don't come out, I'll get angry, just know!

(Kikimora clicks Leshy on the nose, Goblin threatens her with his fist). The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden: What happened here? Who are you?

Goblin: We know who, and you, what kind of impostor?

Snow: I, the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Santa Claus, came to the forest to look for him.

kikimora: And I am Kikimora swamp. Everyone just calls me Ki-Ki! And this is my friend, Leshy!

Goblin: And then you need Frost, why did you need it?

Snow: Christmas tree in kindergarten capricious, and without the magic of Santa Claus can not cope.

(Kikimora and Goblin laugh)

kikimora: Let there be no magic!

Snow: How so?

Goblin: And so ... We stole all the lights,

Your holiday has been bewitched.

Everything will be white - white,

As if covered with snow.

Snow Maiden: Well, why are you spoiling the holiday for the guys, because they are waiting for magic.

kikimora: Shut up, girl, now we will be the most important guests on new year holiday.

Goblin: And you ... stay in the forest and do not get in the way.

kikimora: Blow, blow, you winds!

Let the storm rise!

All paths will sweep

Frost and the Snow Maiden will not find the way to kindergarten!

The light goes out. The heroes leave. The light is on.

Vedas: Guys, maybe the Christmas tree will stop act up if we dance our merry dance for her "White snow"? Come out, hurry up, and dance at the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree: Cold, cold, freezing!

Leading: Here capricious, what, this Christmas tree. Santa's help is urgently needed. Let's call him together.

The children call Santa Claus, Kikimora and Leshy enter the hall, dressed as D. M. and the Snow Maiden.

Kikimora. Hey guys, girls and boys!

Goblin. Hello, lampusiki - pampusiki!

Kikimora. We, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, welcome you to our new year holiday.

Goblin. We will scream loudly.

Kikimora. Stomp.

Goblin. Clap your ears.

Kikimora. And, of course, fight.

Kiki and Leshy start "thresh fists" air.

presenter: Guys, do our guests look like Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

Goblin. How is it not? Is your Christmas tree not on fire? Does not burn! And we will instantly light it with my granddaughter Snegurochka! Snegurka, let's hurry matches ...

kikimora: Now! (looks for matches).

Goblin: Well, let's get started! Just make sure you warm up first. Rise from your chairs and repeat after us:

We stomp, we slam, we turn away,

We slam, we stomp, we turn around.

Let's sit down and smile!

Kikimora and Leshy try to set fire to the Christmas tree with matches, but they fail.

Sounds of a blizzard, bells are heard. Santa Claus comes out.

Goblin and Kikimora run away.

Father Frost. Hello guys!

Through fogs and blizzards

I hurried to the holiday to you.

I got lost in the thicket of the forest, but the magic staff led me straight to you. Happy New Year to you, friends!

Now I wish everyone

so that you grow and get smarter,

had fun, sang songs!

Girls, boys,

do you want to ride New Year's locomotive?

I will be a locomotive, and you will be wagons,

join me and let's go.

The game « New Year's locomotive»

Father Frost: So - so ... And why does it smell like burning here?

Children tell what happened. Ki-ki and Goblin come out.

Father Frost: And what is this miracle?

kikimora: Grandpa, it's me - your granddaughter, Snow Maiden.

Goblin. And I'm your grandson - New Year.

Father Frost. No, I do not know you. Now I will touch you with a magic staff, then you will stop deceiving and become real.

Magical music sounds. Kikimora and Goblin run in a circle, taking off elements of the costume of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus on the go.

Father Frost: So this is Kikimora and Goblin. What are you messing around with here?

kikimora: Shameless? Yes, you have not yet seen how disgraceful we are!

You will not light your Christmas tree, and without bright lights the Snow Maiden will not come to the Christmas tree.

Goblin: The poor thing will disappear in the forest!

Kikimora and Leshy run away laughing.

Father Frost: Don't worry, guys, I'm a magical grandfather! Now we’ll light the Christmas tree in an instant and save the Snow Maiden.



(Christmas tree does not light up)

Father Frost: I can't do it alone.

you guys help

And repeat after me:



Children repeat, the Christmas tree does not light up.

Christmas tree: I do not want and I will not! Every time the same thing, tortured.

Father Frost: Nothing works, your Christmas tree is very much bewitched. Only a miracle will help here!

Music sounds, girls run out - fairies:

1 fairy: Don't be sad Santa Claus

We can help you.

Father Frost: But who are you?

2 fairy: We are fairies New Year's

We have a beautiful outfit

And magic wands

See how they burn

Dance "Fairy New Year's»

Music sounds on the Christmas tree, lights are lit.

herringbone: Oh, how fun you have! Now I am completely healthy!

D.M.: Thank you, fairies New Year's you showed us a real miracle!

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden runs.

Snow: Hello, grandfather! Thank you guys. That you lit the Christmas tree, I saw the lights, and found the path.

Our Christmas tree sparkled with golden lights.

Start, kids, round dance soon!

round dance "Santa Claus came to us"

Vedas: At the green Christmas tree

beautiful needles

And from top to bottom

Beautiful toys.

REB: Like our Christmas tree

green needles

decorations, balls,

Stars, lanterns

REB:Christmas tree, green needle.

It lit up with different lights - green and red.

REB: The Christmas tree is dressing up - the holiday is approaching.

New Year at the gate, the tree is waiting for the kids.

REB: As on our Christmas tree - sharp needles,

Santa Claus blew on the Christmas tree - all the needles danced!


VED: Grandfather got tired, tired,

So he played happily.

Let the tree rest.

SNOW: Snowflakes

Fly into a round dance

May your dance be merry

It will bring coolness.


Father Frost: Well done! And now a question for you. Do you like to play snowballs? Love to lick snowballs?

I do not advise you, brothers,

Eat snow porridge!

Now we're going to play...

Who is the most dexterous of your parents, we will find out!

The game "Snow porridge"

played by 2 people. At the command of D.M., the participants transfer snowballs from their pelvis to the pelvis of the opponent with a spoon. The winner is the one who does it faster, or the one who, after the clap of D.M., will have fewer snowballs in the basin.

Father Frost. And you, kids, probably want to receive gifts already? Well, then, Snow Maiden, help me find my bag. (Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are looking for a bag with gifts under the Christmas tree and do not find it)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, he is nowhere to be found!

Father Frost: Yes ... It looks like his Kikimora and Leshy were dragged away! Well, my magic staff, one, two, three Kikimora and Leshy, bring me to me.

The music sounds Goblin and Kikimora come out in the hands of a bag with gifts.

Father Frost: My surprise for the children were dragged away?

Did you think that everyone was outwitted?

kikimora: Yes, they cheated.

Goblin: After all, you didn’t invite us to the holiday!

Kikimora and Leshy: And we will not give you a bag with gifts. We'll eat it anyway!

Father Frost:

I have a plan guys

You walk like soldiers!

And fire your gun:

Bang da bang, hold on, forest Kikimora!

(Children are training, evil spirits are alert)

Well, the mothers buzzed,

It's like the planes are coming.

(Moms are training, evil spirits start to get nervous, hold the bag tightly and shudder)

Like tigers from a dense thicket,

Our mighty dads will buzz!

Three, four, start

Drive Leshy and Kikimora away!

All together begin to growl, buzz and shoot. The evil spirits get scared and run away.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, look, they lost the bag from fear.

Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost. Well, friends, we must say goodbye. It's time for me to go back.

Goodbye, kids.

Snow Maiden: Do not be bored, in a year, we will all meet again.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

The presenter once again wishes everyone a Happy New Year and this is where the holiday ends.

carnival plan

1. Seller exit.

2. Procession of toys.

3. Song and dance around the Christmas tree.

4. Performances of "toys".

Puppet dance

Funny gnomes

March of Christmas decorations

5. Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

6. Lighting the lights on the Christmas tree.

7. Games, songs, round dances.

7. Distribution of gifts.



Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group

"Toy Carnival"

The course of the holiday

Cheerful music sounds. The salesperson-leader enters the hall, wearing a large colorful emblem "Children's World" or "Toy Store" on her chest. She, dancing, goes around the store, preparing to meet with customers: she straightens the toys on the Christmas tree, blows off dust particles from them.

SALESMAN. The old year ends.

New Year is coming.

Christmas tree again, Santa Claus...

I seriously believe again

What's on New Year's Eve

Everything will just happen!

The seller announces to all those present - mothers, fathers, grandparents - a significant event - the opening of a new toy store.

SALESMAN On this festive day

As soon as the crackers go off,

Store will open

Where do toys live?

Very fun live -

And dance and sing!

And, of course, eagerly

The kids are waiting for you!

Come moms, come dads

Come, grandmothers, come, grandfathers!

Choose toys here

Son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter.

Don't be lazy, hurry up

And take your kids with you.

New Year's discounts are valid now,

We don't take real money.

For a poem or a riddle

You can buy a horse here

Doll, bear, gnome -

Everything that is not at home.

And, of course, Santa Claus!

He will make everyone laugh!

Only here,

In the toy store

Huge selection

Friends and girlfriends!

A firecracker is heard, and the seller invites all the toys to gather at the Christmas tree.

SALESMAN All toys get ready:

Soldiers line up!

Dolls get out of the boxes,

The rest get off the shelves!

Under the song "Become a round dance"children come out - "toys" - participants in the carnival, dance near the Christmas tree, stand scattered.

1st child is a toy.Our Christmas trees are not more beautiful:

Reaches the ceiling.

All in toys and garlands,

How good is that!

2nd child is a toy.Let the song sound loud
Welcome guests!
All in the lights the Christmas tree shines ...
Santa Claus is at the door.

The song "Christmas".

SALESMAN. Carnival! Carnival!

Who hasn't been there?

The dance swirls like a whirlwind.

Even the tree is spinning.

Everyone is dancing around the Christmas tree dance.

Dance "Ice Palms"

SALESMAN. I have a lot of toys

I'll tell you about everything.

Consider the ladies and touch

And I'll help you with advice.

MOTHER (referring to the seller)

I see a lot of different toys -

So beautiful and funny.

I want to buy a doll

Gift to your beloved daughter.

SALESMAN. I have big dolls in my store.

"Mom", "dad" they say, they walk like they are alive.

Big bow in hair

Dress in ruffles and flowers.

The seller takes the doll girls to the Christmas tree, helps them to take a beautiful pose, straightens the bows and introduces each doll: Dasha doll, Masha doll, etc.

Sing a verse from songs "Song of clockwork dolls":

We're turned on by the keys

And now we walk on our own

We knock with our shoes,

We want to dance for you.

"Dance of the Dolls"

SALESMAN. In the best store

Choose what you want!

Here, buy, glorious gnome,

He brings happiness to the house!

The boys stage the song "Lilliputian Gnomes". Dwarf children have a small beard, a red cap with a white pompom, a red waistcoat.

"Dance of Gnomes and Butterflies".

DAD (referring to the seller).

Do you have toys like this?

Who walk clearly

And they play drums?

I will give them to my son -

We are best friends with him.

SALESMAN. Our Christmas decorations

Marching until dawn.

Out of all of mathematics

They only know: “One! Two! Three!"

"March of Christmas toys".

SALESMAN. But these toys are sold to me only once a year.

In a red coat and with a bag

He comes to every home.

He carries gifts in a bag,

Gives them out on New Year's Eve.

The old man has a granddaughter -

White-faced and slim.

Granddaughter helps grandfather

He will sleep with you and play with you.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear to the music.

SANTA CLAUS. Hi you guys

Girls and boys.

funny, funny,

The kids are very nice.

I congratulate you on a happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you ... pranksters!

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather! What pranksters?

D.M.: Do you think that among these guys there are no pranksters?

SNOW MAIDEN: Not a single one!

D.M.: Yes? Well, let's ask them.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (Not!)

And the ugly ones? (Not!)

And the mischievous ones? (No!) And the rascals? (Not!)

What about good kids? (Not!)

You see, Snegurochka, and there are no good children among them either. (If the children say: “Yes!”, then Santa Claus says: “Well, I am very glad that good kids have gathered here.”

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, grandfather, you are joking again, but meanwhile the Christmas tree has not yet been lit.

D.M.: What's this? What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

Let's, children, help Santa Claus to light up the Christmas tree?

Repeat after Santa Claus: "One, two, three, Christmas tree - burn!"

(children repeat, the Christmas tree does not light up).

Father Frost (tries to touch the tree).

Christmas tree: Don't touch me, don't touch me! Don't breathe, I'll faint!

Snow Maiden: Guys, what happened?

What has suddenly changed?

Maybe the tree wants to drink?

We need to water it ... (Pouring it with a watering can).

Christmas tree (capriciously): - Stop watering! On me from dampness, mold can grow!

Snow Maiden: Guys, how can we be? What do we do? Maybe we can dry the twigs at the Christmas tree? Let us turn into a breeze and blow on the branches.

Everyone blows on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree: - Oh, how cold, what a draft, I'll get sick (cough).

SNOW MAIDEN (or seller):What should we do, how should we be?

How can we make the tree laugh?

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree - a prickly needle,

Get your ears ready

Listen to our song!

(And our dear parents will sing a song).

(Parents sing a verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to the soundtrack.)

Christmas tree: - Can't you be quieter? From such music you can get sick, I get a headache!

SNOW MAIDEN (or seller):That's how capricious this Christmas tree is big .... We will go around the Christmas tree, we will start our round dance! (Invites parents to stand in a round dance with their children).

They go in a round dance and singsong "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus thank their parents, everyone sits down.

CHRISTMAS TREE: Oh, what fun you have! Now I am completely healthy!

SANTA CLAUS: Guys, our Christmas tree has recovered!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus walked a long, long way.
Sit by our Christmas tree, rest a little. And our children will now read poetry to you.

Children read poetry.

SANTA CLAUS. Well done! Good poetry reading!

Stand up guys

Hurry to the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Everyone gets around the Christmas tree, sing a song"Father Frost".

At the end of the song D.M. as if by chance she loses her mitten near the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden picks her up.

D.M . Oh, where is my mitten, have you guys seen it?

Snow Maiden. We saw it, we saw it, but we won’t give it to you just like that. Play with us.

Game "Catch the mitten"

(children pass a mitten in a circle, D.M. trying to take it away)

Playing a game with Santa Claus"We won't let go."

The game "We will hang the balls."

At the end of the game, Santa Claus says: “I will freeze” and catches the children. The children run to the chairs.

SANTA CLAUS: Did Santa Claus play with children?


SANTA CLAUS. Did you sing songs?




SANTA CLAUS. Did I forget anything?

CHILDREN. Present!

SANTA CLAUS. Before we say goodbye

I must, children, confess to you:

I have a surprise for you

Where - find out now!

Fantastic music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are carrying a wooden sleigh, on which there is a huge gift and colorfully decorated box with a magnificent bow. Handing out gifts.

New Year in the preparatory group. Scenario

The scenario of the New Year's party for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Magic Chest"

Sefershaeva Alfiya Askhatovna, musical director of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 99", Kazan.
Material Description: Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old). This material will be of interest to music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: To develop in children emotional responsiveness to a festive performance. To make the life of pupils the most interesting, meaningful, filled with the joy of fairy tales and music.

Educational: To form in children the ability to emotionally perform songs and dances.
Developing: To develop an ear for music, plasticity, emotional responsiveness to music.
Educational: To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, the ability to overcome fear of the audience.


Christmas tree, beauty, smile!

Light up with bright lights!

Claps hands once. The lights don't light up. The witch tries several more times to light the lights with her magic words, but nothing works.

Father Frost.

No, you're screaming a little!

Come on, guys again

Let's shout together:

"Christmas tree, beauty, smile!

Light up all the bright lights!"

Children repeat these words in chorus. Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the tree lights the fires.

Father Frost.

We have not tried in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames!

Santa Claus is calling you all

In the New Year's round dance!

A song is being performed

Father Frost.

Guys, are you afraid of the cold?

Snow Maiden:

We don't care about frost!

We are not afraid of the cold!

We dance and sing

We have a lot of fun!

Father Frost.

So, so, so you're not afraid of the cold? Now I'll check it out!

The game "Wow, I'll freeze" is being played

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost! Why are you scaring the kids?

By the ears, by the noses grab them?

Father Frost.

I am very happy today

And I'm friends with the guys!

I won't freeze anyone

I won't catch anyone!

(At this time, the children hold hands. Santa Claus is inside the circle).

Oh, how can I get out of the circle?

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost! And you dance with us, then we will let you out of the circle!

Father Frost.

Ah, rascals! Well, what can you do?

Let's continue the holiday

Let's have fun dancing!

Dance "4 steps"

Snow Maiden.

Tired Grandfather, tired!

How merrily he danced!

Let the tree rest.

Who will read poetry to him?

Y child.

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for many days!

He walked through the forest

He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them down to the guys!

Y child.

Silence in the field

The yellow moon shines

All trees are in silver

Hares dance on the mountain!

Ice sparkles on the pond

The New Year is coming!

Y child.

We all live happily

We play happily

And we dance and we sing

We welcome the New Year!

Y child.

The Christmas tree stands festively

She has an elegant look:

Squirrels, cones and scales,

bells, clock,

colored balls,

Painted sleigh!

Y child.

Santa Claus breathes on the windows,

On the glass of the picture he writes:

Arrows, towers and flowers

Unparalleled beauty!

Santa Claus is a little tired.

Quietly looking out the window.

Look Santa Claus

The beard has grown to the glass!

Father Frost.

Thanks guys for the lyrics! And now you, Snow Maiden, come out and surprise the kids with your magic!

Snow Maiden.

There are a lot of our toys on the Christmas tree,

Balls of different, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even ... hedgehogs.

The dolls are beautifully dressed!

Well, I'll surprise you guys

I will bring the dolls to life!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

(claps hands to count).

The dolls will dance!

The "Dance of the Dolls" is performed.

Father Frost.

Oh yes, dolls! How beautifully they danced! Well, Witch, now it's your turn to surprise the guys!


Oh, what surprises me? Well, let's see, I found the bags! Here are some! Painted! (Shows two bags for the game). Let's play! The game "Who is faster ".

Father Frost.

Oh, they played great!

They showed their skill!

Now hurry up guys.

Let's dance again!

I'll see who's better

Sing a ringing song!

A song is being performed