Lesson on the development of speech flower seven-flower. Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech

Program content:

  1. Reveal the level of knowledge of children, improve phonetic hearing, sound analysis skills.
  2. Exercise in changing nouns by numbers, in the selection of words with the opposite meaning and in meaning, reverse words; to select the appropriate words for the generalizing word; change words by numbers;
  3. Develop a clear pronunciation of sounds, develop auditory attention, fine motor skills.
  4. Cultivate love for the native language, Russian folklore (fairy tales).


"Flower-Semitsvetik", on which tasks are recorded; magnetic boards, ball, colored pencils, silhouettes of colorful flowers.

Lesson progress:

Guys, all year we worked hard together and learned a lot. And today I suggest that we become participants in the quiz and go to a fairy-tale land.

Do you agree?

We always speak beautifully

Clear and unhurried

Let's remember for sure

Everything you learned in class.

Children enter the group in front of them on the board with a flower and a letter next to them.

Guys, look at the letter, let's read it:

“Hello children, the Fairy of Color writes to you, from the country of Tsvetalia, an evil wizard broke into my kingdom and bewitched my magic flower, the Seven-Flower Flower, he took all the colors on his beautiful petals from him, in order to disenchant the flower, you need to complete seven tasks. Children, please help me."

Guys, can we help the Color Fairy? (Yes)

But for this we will need to go to the country of Tsvetalia.

Let's stand in a circle and say a magic spell:

"Fly, fly, petal through the West to the East,

Through the North, through the South

Come back making a circle

Just touch the ground

To be according to our conduct,

Tell us to be in the country of Tsvetalia!”

Guys, look how beautiful it is here. And here is the same flower (on the board), look how boring, ugly it is, will we help to disenchant it?

We take the first petal, and see what the task is:

1 petal, answer the questions:

What happens blue?

What is soft?

What is hard?

What is bitter?

What is sweet?

What is red?

What is yellow?

Well done guys, we did our first job.

(turns the petal to the other side)

Guys, look, the petal is colored. Let's hang it to our flower.

Let's do the second task.

2nd petal: "Guess the fairy tale"

"A sieve jumps across the fields

And a trough in the meadows,

Behind the shovel broom

Walked down the street"

("Fedorino grief")

The blanket has run away, the sheet has flown away

And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me.

I'm for a candle, a candle - in the stove!

I am for a book, that one - to run and jump under the bed ...

What? What happened?

Why is everything spinning around, spinning

And rushed the wheel? ("Moidodyr")

The bears rode

By bike.

And behind them a cat


And behind him mosquitoes

On a balloon.

And behind them crayfish

On a lame dog. ("Cockroach")

My phone rang.

Who is speaking?

Elephant Where?

From camel

What do you need?

chocolate. For whom?

For my son. ("Telephone")

Whose song is this?

If I scratch my head -

In the head of my sawdust

But although there are sawdust,

But chants and yells

Also noisemakers

Puffers and nozzles. ("Winnie the Pooh")

Well done guys, so we coped with the second task, look, the second petal is colored! Let's put him back in his place (hangs up a petal)

3 petal: task magic cards. (Fizminutka)

The fairy writes that according to these magic cards we

must be charged.

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite"

The teacher calls the word, and the children pick up a word with the opposite meaning to it.

  • Big small)
  • Soft - (hard)
  • Heat - (frost)
  • Heavy - (light)
  • Light dark)
  • lie down - (get up)
  • Dirty - (clean)
  • Speak - (be silent)
  • Good evil)

4 petal: didactic game "Name three words."

The teacher offers a generalizing concept, and the children select three suitable words for it.

Animals - …

Clothing - …

Flowers - …

Food - …

Transport - …

5 petal: didactic game "One - many".

The teacher suggests a word, and the children put it in the plural. Ants - lots of ants.

The car is a lot of cars.

Tulip - a lot of tulips.

A table is a lot of tables.

A son is many sons.

The cat is a lot of cats.

A house is a lot of houses.

6 petal:

  • Didactic exercise "Chistogovorka"

Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.

Li-li-li - the cranes have arrived.

Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.

Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke.

Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt.

Lu-lu-lu - I love my dear mother.

  • Didactic exercise "Find the sound"

I will read a tongue twister in which one sound will sound more often than others.

Mice rustle in the hut.

The snake stung the snake, the snake did not get along with the snake.

Red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

7 petal: "Name a similar word."

I will throw a ball to everyone and name a word, and you must name a word that sounds similar and return the ball to me.

I will tell you PILLOW, you will answer me (frog, girlfriend)

I will tell you BEAR, you will answer me. (mouse, book, bump), etc.

We coped with this task and look at our “Flower - Semitsvetik” became multi-colored.

Outcome of GCD:

So the Flower-Semitsvetik flower blossomed, the Fairy became joyful again, thanks you for gaining a lot of knowledge and skills. And what have we learned? (find similar words, divide words into syllables, highlight sounds in words, read poetry)

I propose to arrange fireworks from flowers. If you liked participating in the quiz, then you attach red flowers, and if it was uninteresting, boring, then green flowers.

Children on a magnetic board attach multi-colored flowers.

The Fairy thanks you again for participating in the quiz and gives you coloring pages of flowers as a memento of her!

The educator Vitsina Marina Sergeevna held an open lesson with children of different ages on the development of speech on the topic: “The Flower of Friendship”, during which the children revealed the secrets of friendship, read poetry, told stories, analyzed actions, learned the rules of etiquette and solved various communication tasks. The lesson widely used modern methods and technologies: Sinkwine, mnemonics, information and communication and health-saving technologies. Such an activity aroused great interest and response among preschoolers, they completed all the tasks with pleasure, using different forms and means of the language. Children learned the rules of friendship and the ability to make friends. At the end of the lesson, the children handed Friendship flowers to all those present so that they would always remember and never forget the secrets of friendship.

The senior educator Bazhenova Tatyana Sergeevna made a presentation and a keynote speech. She presented the experience of the kindergarten in using modern approaches to organizing work on the development of speech in a preschool institution. She spoke about the organization of a speech development environment, about the most important means of speech development, about the purposeful use of the method of visual modeling, the use of ICT tools. She shared her experience of interaction between a kindergarten and a family based on project activities.

Then the educator Biryukova Elena Vladimirovna held a business game "Development of speech - development of thought", during which the participants recalled fairy tales, proverbs, solved crosswords, "tricky puzzles", rebuses. During the game, teachers showed ingenuity, ingenuity, creative thinking, and creative imagination.

With pleasure, the teachers got acquainted with the materials of the thematic exhibition.

Summing up the results of the IMO, Nadezhda Borisovna Ryaboshapko, a methodologist of the preschool department of the Education Development Center, noted the interesting experience of the kindergarten in this area and the possibility of using it by preschool institutions of the city district in their work.

Such activities are of great benefit in the work. We learn from each other, improve pedagogical competence.

Integration of educational areas: speech, socio-communicative, cognitive development.

Program content

  • continue to teach children to perceive works of art correctly, highlight the main idea
  • to consolidate the use of verbs in speech, the ability to highlight a common feature in words
  • match nouns to adjectives
  • to form the ability to select the most suitable figurative words and expressions in meaning
  • develop speech attention, imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking
  • encourage active participation in the conversation, correctly answer the question on a given topic
  • to form the ability in speech to convey their impressions, their attitude to the heroine of a fairy tale
  • cultivate interest in the book; kindness, compassion and care for people, the ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, proverbs about kindness and care for people, animals; conversation "Cherished Desire" .

Vocabulary work: "Flower - seven-flower" , petal, north-south, west-east.

Equipment: magnetic board, portrait of V. Kataev, illustrations for the fairy tale "Flower - seven-flower" , flower, box, bagels.

Educator. Guys, we continue to get acquainted with fairy tales.

Tell me, please, what is the difference between fairy tales and stories, poems? (children's answers)

What Russian folk tales do you know? (children's answers).

What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers: Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Red Riding Hood" The Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians" , Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen" , a fairy tale in verse by Korney Chukovsky, a fairy tale by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak "Twelve months" and others)

Today I will tell you the tale of the Russian writer Valentin Petrovich Kataev. It's called "Flower-seven-flower" . Listen to her carefully.

The teacher reads a story.

Breathing exercises

And now, guys, let's imagine that we have a seven-color flower in our hands. Let's smell how this flower smells. Breathe in deeply with your nose and breathe out with your mouth. (3-4 times).


Fly fly petal

(arms up, wiggle)

Through the west to the east

(alternately, the left and right arm lowers to the side at shoulder level)

Through the north, through the south,

(alternately, the left and right hand goes down, hands at the seams)

Come back, make a circle.

(turn around)

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion

(bend and reach hands to the floor, and then stand up straight)

Did you like the fairy tale? (children's answers)

Who wrote it? (Valentin Petrovich Kataev)

Guys why the story "Flower-seven-flower" called a fairy tale? What is magical, fabulous in it?

Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Let's remember what desires Zhenya spent the first petal of her flower on?

What was your first wish? (come home with bagels)

What was the second wish? What do you think, if Zhenya were more attentive and did not count the crows, would she need to spend the second petal? (make a whole vase)

What were the third and fourth wishes? (fly up to the North Pole and return home from there)

Why did Zhenya want to go to the North Pole?

Did she think well before making such a wish?

What were the fifth and sixth wishes? (collect all the toys in the world, and then return them back to the stores)

What feeling made Zhenya think of all the toys in the world for himself?

And what was Zhenya's seventh wish? (the teacher reads a fragment from the text: “The girl carefully tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a minute, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice trembling with happiness” )

Do you think Zhenya's six wishes are worthwhile or trifling?

What do you think was the best, necessary, most correct desire? (help the boy Vita)

Why exactly did the last wish cause Zhenya joy, why did its fulfillment bring her happiness?

What do you think the story teaches us?

(the fairy tale teaches kindness, mutual assistance, shows us how important it is to empathize, compassion, care and help people)

Do you think Zhenya's last wish can be expressed by folk proverbs:

Do good and expect good.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone. (children's answers)

Looking at the illustrations of the story.

The phone rings.

Educator. Guys, I just got a call from the courier, wait a minute...

The teacher meets with the courier.

Educator. The courier delivered us a beautiful box and a note, let's read it:

“Dear boys and girls! We have prepared a surprise for you! Which one, you will see for yourself, but first cope with our tasks. Zhenya and Vitya.

Guys, yes, this is Zhenya and Vitya from a fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower" . Let's try to complete all the tasks so that we can open the box later.

The game "Associations"

Guys look at "Flower-seven-flower" . How many petals does it have? What color are they? Now I will name the color of the petal, and you must come up with a word that is associated with this color.

Red (tomato, poppy, flag..)

Orange (orange, carrot…)

Yellow (moon, lemon, turnip...)

Green (grass, forest, cucumber…)

Blue (sky, forget-me-nots, eyes…)

Blue (sea, bell...)

Violet (eggplant, plum, lilac…)


girl - girls

Bagel - bagel

A toy - …

Crow - …

Petal - ...

Flower - …… etc.

"The Fourth Extra"

Zhenya, mom, dad, Pavlik, shop

Dolls, cars, jump ropes, bagels

North Pole, bears, Zhenya, ice, flower

"Who's doing what?"

Girl (running, playing...)

Flower (growing...)

Petal (flying...)

Boys (playing...)

The Bears (growl...)

crows (flying, croaking...)

Boy Vitya (sitting, sick ...)

Airplane (flying...)

Doll (says, runs...)

Well done guys, you did a great job. And now, let's see what surprise Zhenya and Vitya have prepared for us. (children open the box in which the bagels are located and help themselves)

Guys, did you like the lesson?

What was interesting about the lesson?

What did you like the most? (children's answers)

Thanks guys, you are great!

Target: Generalization of representations according to the read fairy tale by V. Kataev “Flower-Semitsvetik” Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary, development of speech of preschoolers, consolidation of skills.


  1. To promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities .. Expand vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games. Learn to select pictures for a given sound. Invite to participate in the experiment "Asterisk". Learn to lay out crumpled napkins of a certain color on the petals, gluing them. To fix the ordinal score, the ability to work in pairs.
  2. Develop speech, communication, memory, visual perception.
  3. To cultivate the desire for knowledge, self-control and self-regulation; reflection. To educate children in kindness, politeness, responsiveness, to consolidate knowledge of the "magic" words.

Cultivate interest and love for literary works.

  1. To form the skill of complete answers to the question;



Complex lesson in the senior group

"Flower - seven-flower, take us to a fairy tale, complete tasks, help us."

Target: Generalization of representations according to the read fairy tale by V. Kataev “Flower-Semitsvetik” Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary, development of speech of preschoolers, consolidation of skills.


  1. To promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking), creative abilities .. Expand vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games. Learn to select pictures for a given sound. Invite to participate in the experiment "Asterisk". Learn to lay out crumpled napkins of a certain color on the petals, gluing them. To fix the ordinal score, the ability to work in pairs.
  2. Develop speech, communication, memory, visual perception.
  3. To cultivate the desire for knowledge, self-control and self-regulation; reflection. To educate children in kindness, politeness, responsiveness, to consolidate knowledge of the "magic" words.

Cultivate interest and love for literary works.

  1. To form the skill of complete answers to the question;

preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “A flower is a seven-flower”, a conversation about a fairy tale, viewing illustrations for a fairy tale, D / and “Pick up a word”, “Say a word for a given sound”, conversations about politeness and kindness, learning a physical minute “Stupid”.

Equipment : An envelope, it contains 7 multi-colored cards with tasks, subject pictures for sounds - a, -o (6 pcs each), cards with the image of the letters A and O, a ball; for crafts - cardboard cards with a silhouette of a seven-color flower (according to the number of children), napkins of similar colors, brushes, glue; material for experimentation, 5 matches, a pipette, a cup of water, a saucer (for each table); carpet, 6 tables, multimedia equipment, slides with petals and a semi-flower.

Course progress.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds, the children come in, sit on chairs.

Educator: Exercise "Mood" (to the music).

Guys, sit up straight, straighten your backs. The beautiful melody of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds. You are as beautiful as flowers, the smartest, you will succeed and everything will be fine.Smile at each other. Well done.

In the morning, when I came to kindergarten and went to our group,I found the letter. To whom is it addressed?(is reading). Children of the senior group of kindergarten No. 3 "Cockerel". Guys, who do you think this letter is from? (children's answers).

Educator: (looks at the envelope)It turns out that the letter is from the Kingdom of fairy tales.(Opens letter and reads)

Dear Guys!

I know you love fairy tales! But in my Kingdom of fairy tales, trouble happened. A strong north wind scattered all the petals of the Seven-Flower Flower. Please help me find them. You already have a hint, it is in an envelope containing multi-colored task cards. You will have to complete these tasks when you are on any street of this Kingdom. If you do everything right, you will collect all the petals of the Seven-Flower Flower.

With thanks. King of the Kingdom of fairy tales.


Children: Yes.

Educator: Guys, do you remember how many petals the Seven-flower Flower had?

Children: Yes, seven.

Educator: What color were the petals?

Children: Multi-colored.

Educator: That's right, well done. Dashenka, remember, please, what color petal did Zhenya tear off first?

Dasha: Yellow.

Educator: We take a yellow envelope, reflect and answer my questions, because you and I ended up on Razmyshlyayka Street:

How many backs do three pigs have? (3.)

How many tails do two cats have? (2.)

How many tummies do five hippos have? (5.)

How many horns do two bulls have? (four.)

How many hooves does a horse have if the horse lies in the grass? (four.)

How many hind legs do two rabbits have? (four.)

How many houses does a hundred ants have? (one.)

Educator: Well done guys, you did a great job. The first petal is ours. What color was the second petal?

Children: Red.

Educator: Correctly. We take a red envelope and we will select pictures with sound -a and sound -o at the beginning of the word, because you and I ended up on the Street of Sounds and Letters. (Children select pictures for a given sound and place them on the carpet. Words for sound -a: orange, stork, bus, aquarium, album, watermelon. Words for -o: perch, window, glasses, cloud, dandelion, cucumber.)

Educator: Well done! You were very attentive, found all the cards and arranged them correctly. Here is the second petal.

Educator: Guys, what color was the next petal? (blue). What was his number? (third.) We are now on the Street of Nature Lovers. Here are the tasks for you from the blue envelope. The game "Pick up the word" (with the ball).

Winter (what?) ... cold, frosty, snowy;

Snow (what?) ... fluffy, white, prickly;

Ice (what?) ... transparent, smooth, blue;

Snowflakes (what?) ... cold, light, beautiful.

Educator: Guys, what season do all these words refer to? (for winter).

Educator: What winter months do you know? Name them.

Educator: Well done! You chose your words very well, so for you - the third petal.

Educator: Guys, what color is the next petal torn off by Zhenya?

Children: Yes, green.

caregiver : And now I suggest you take a break, because we are on Health Street. What do you guys like to play with? (with a ball). What is the word for ball in Tatar? (stupid)

Fizminutka "Stupid".

Tup-tup, matur is tup (show the ball with their hands)

Seeker-siker, mathur is stupid (jumping in place)

Ber, ike, och, durt, bish, alty (hit the ball on the floor)

Zhide, sigez, tugyz, un (throw the ball up)

Seeker-siker, mathur is stupid (jumping in place).

caregiver : Well done, guys, cheered up and remembered the Tatar language. So the fourth petal was found. We continue to collect petals. What color is the next petal?

Children: Orange.

Educator: What is his account? (fifth.) Open the orange envelope. We are with you on Luboznayka Street (experimentation)

Experiment "Asterisk" ("Capillary Miracles")

Needed: matches (5 pcs.), pipette, cup of water, saucer.

Take five matches and break them in the middle, fold them in the form of an asterisk on a saucer. With a pipette, carefully drop a few drops of water into each fold. Watch how the matches gradually begin to straighten out and fold into an asterisk.

Conclusion: Penetrating through the action of capillary forces into the wood, water causes swelling and straightens the broken fibers. Substances with a fibrous structure or thin veins can draw liquids into themselves.

Educator: Guys, you did a great job with this one. We add one more petal to our seven-color flower. How many petals are left?

Children: 2.

Educator: What color is the next petal? (violet). What is his account? (sixth.) We are with you on the Street of Politeness and kindness (remember polite words).

Educator: What do we say when we meet?

Children: Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you!

Educator: When we say goodbye, we say ...?

Children: All the best, see you soon, goodbye, be healthy, good night!

Educator: And when you are scolded for pranks, do you say ...?

Children: Excuse me, please forgive me!

Educator: And if we need to ask for something and thank you, we say ...?

Children: Be kind, be kind, allow me, please, I beg you, thank you, you are very grateful!

Educator: Well done! We also completed this task. The purple petal is ours.

Educator: It remains for us to return the last petal. What colour is he? (blue). What is his account? (seventh).

Educator: That's right, because we should have seven petals. Let's do the last task. We will make magic flowers, because we are on the street of the Masters (they are making crafts).

(Children have cards, they have images of a semi-flower. They crumple napkins of a certain color, spread glue on each petal and lay out napkins without going beyond the contours of the petals.)

Educator: Guys, let's give your flowers to each other and say some good wish (give crafts).

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks and collected all the petals. The King of the Kingdom of Fairy Tales thanks you for your help.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what task did we do quickly, easily? (Answers of children).

What task did you find difficult? (Answers of children).

What helped us cope with all the tasks? (Answers of children).

Thank you very much for your work, you all tried hard today.

And now, so that you would have a pleasant impression of our trip, I suggest that you depict magical flowers to the music (the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds, the children depict flowers.)

"On the road of goodness in search of the petals of the Seven-Flower Flower." Synopsis of GCD in the senior group

(4649) Views

Target: Formation of moral education of children in play activities.


To cultivate a sense of goodwill, mercy, tolerance, concern for others, the desire to bring joy to loved ones.

Integrating areas:

Cognition - develop logical thinking , memory, attention, the ability to play and work in a team, to consolidate the skill of counting up to seven.

Communication – continue to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, a culture of communication with peers. Create conditions for communication space. Develop coherent, expressive speech, enrich the vocabulary of children in the use of words of politeness.

Reading fiction - continue to introduce stories, poems and proverbs about good and evil.

Safety – continue to develop skills of safe behavior in public places, on the street.

Artistic creativity-expand children's understanding of emotions. Develop imagination, fantasy. Learn to express emotions through art. Relieve muscle and emotional tension.

Physical Culture– to form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvement, to enrich the motor experience of children.

Music- the use of musical works to broaden one's horizons in terms of musical and visual arts.

Conduct form:gaming journey.

Preliminary work:Acquaintance with the work of V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower", retelling, examination of illustrations. Consolidation of the rules of behavior in society and the culture of communication with peers.

Materials for the lesson:an envelope with a letter, a folder-guide for cards, 7 cards with reference illustrations for the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower", a bell, petals with the letters D, O, B, R, O, T, A, a stem with a sad expression on the face (removable smile ), a vase, bagels, a bucket of snow, a snow tray, a shovel, a Polar Bear toy, white cloth, cotton wool, an artist doll, dance toys (according to the number of children), a baseball cap, an easel, a magnetic board with magnets, two capes, cards with the image of good and bad deeds, attributes for games, dummies of products, a computer layout, a toy fax machine, a pen, an apron and a hat for the seller, silhouettes of animals from colored cardboard (according to the number of guests), felt-tip pens.

Musical arrangement:phonogram of the song "By the way of goodness" (M. Minkov - Y. Entin).

Lesson progress:

The recording of the song "The Road of Kindness" (M. Minkov - Yu. Entin) sounds. Children enter.

Educator: Good afternoon, dear children and adults!(Children greet)Well done, you paid attention to the guests, and now please listen carefully to me. Today is such a beautiful day and I have a surprise for you. Do you want to know which one?

Children: Yes! Of course!

caregiver : Well, then look!(Removes the cape from the easel and opens the stem without petals with a sad face).Oh, the flower has lost its petals somewhere and is very sad. And from what fairy tale this flower can be, you guessed it?

Children: Yes! From the fairy tale "Flower - seven-flower"!

Educator: Now let's check! Here are some picture cards. Let's collect them and see what they show.(Children collect cards, examine them)Do you think you correctly guessed which fairy tale this flower is from?

Children: Yes! From the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower". Here is depicted what happened in the fairy tale and the girl Zhenya with bagels.

Educator: Right.

The bell is ringing. The postman enters.

Postman: Hello!

Children and teacher: Hello! Please pass.

Postman: Is this the Yolochka group, the Skazka kindergarten?

Educator: Yes, it's here. What do you want?

Postman: I have a letter for you. But I won't just give it to you! I was told to give it to the children who know the magic words.(Cunningly) Do your children know them?

Educator: Dear postman, you have come to the right place! Our children know exactly these magic words. Really guys?

Children: Yes, we do!

Educator: Let's tell guys what magic words you know.

Postman: Come on, come on, tell me, and I'll listen.

(5 children come out)

1 child:

Hello! - you tell the person.

Hello! he smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy.

And will be healthy for many years.

2 child:

We couldn't remember everything

It's happened so many times...

Why do we say "thank you"?

For everything they do for us!

3 child

Please, I'm telling you a secret,

Be kind - and do not expect candy for this.

Be kind - without the game and during the game.

If you can, please do so!

4 child

We wish: Have a nice trip!

It will be easier to drive and walk.

Of course, a good path will also lead to something good.

5 child

When will we see each other again?

No one will answer in advance ...

Only two words left to say

And we say "Goodbye"!

Educator: And now let's remember what other "magic words" we know. When we greet someone, we say...?

Children: Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you!

Educator: When we say goodbye, we say...?

Children: All the best, see you soon, goodbye, be healthy, good night!

Educator: And when you are scolded for pranks, do you say ...?

Children: excuse me, please forgive me!

Educator: And if we need to ask for something and thank you, we say ...?

Children: Be kind, be kind, allow me, please, I beg you, thank you, you are very grateful!

Educator: Well, comrade postman, how do our children know the “magic words”? Now will you give us the letter?

Postman: Of course I will! Why didn't I want to give you a letter? Because I thought the children are still small, they don’t know such words. And then you yourself learned politeness. So, please, please take your letter!(Gives the letter to the teacher)And be healthy, goodbye!

Children: Thank you, thank you! And you be healthy! Goodbye!

Educator: (looks at the envelope)Blimey! The surprises are not over yet! A letter from the kingdom of fairy tales... (Opens the letter and reads)

"Dear Guys!

I know you love fairy tales! But in my Kingdom of fairy tales, trouble happened. A strong north wind scattered all the petals of the Seven-Flower Flower. Please help me find them. You already have a hint on the picture cards. The south wind, friendly to us, brought them to you. Arrange the cards in the order the story goes. This will be your guide. It will help you find 7 stations. If you do everything right, you will collect all 7 petals and guess the magic word that hides the seven-colored flower.

With thanks. King of the Kingdom of fairy tales.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help the Kingdom of fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then let's remember the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" and correctly arrange the cards with pictures.

(Children lay out cards one by one, remembering and describing events from a fairy tale)

Educator: What good fellows you are, how well you know the fairy tale. Now let's look at our guidebook and think about where we will go first?

Children: To the Bakery!

Educator: Right!

(They go to the “Shop” corner. Near the corner there is a table on which a mini-counter is decorated with attributes for playing the “Shop” and dummies of products)

Educator: Products people buy most often. And you guys are going to show you how to behave politely in the store while in line. Some of you will be in the role of a seller, and someone in the role of buyers. A riddle will help us choose a seller. Whoever guesses it first and raises his hand, he will be the seller.

The teacher reads the riddle:

Mitya is crying at the window:

- Mom, I want a car!

Tanya came up

Do not Cry,

Here, take my new ball!

Beauty enchants the eye

And actions ... (Kindness)

Educator: We need to buy bread and milk today. This will help us ... (name two or three children). And we will wait for them near the store.

(The selected child puts on an apron and a headdress of the seller and stands behind the counter. Child buyers receive "money" to pay for the goods and line up, the boys give way to the girls in line. The last child finds a petal with the letter "D" attached to the purchase)

Educator: And here is our first petal found! There is a letter written here. Which?

Children: The letter "D"!

caregiver : What good, polite buyers you are! Any seller will be pleased to serve such people. Let's return this first petal to our flower, maybe his mood will rise a little.

(Children attach the petal to the easel with a magnet)

Educator: Where are we going now? Let's look at the guide.

Children: Home, to the girl Zhenya.

(Children go to the doll's corner, where there is a table with a vase and cards, two sheets of black and green paper)

Educator: And what bad deed did the girl Zhenya do at home?

Children: She broke a vase, did not tell her mother about it, deceived her.

Educator: You're right. After all, Zhenya understood that she had acted badly, and still did not confess to her mother. And now we will play the game “What is good, what is bad” and try to figure out which actions are good and kind, and which actions do not adorn a person at all.

(The teacher discusses the pictures with the children and separates positive actions from negative actions)

Educator: Where do you think the second petal could be hidden? What subject was the bad deed of the girl Zhenya connected with?

(Children find the second petal with the letter "O" under the vase, name the letter and attach it to the easel)

Educator: Where are we headed now?

Children: To the North Pole!

The phonogram "Blizzard" sounds.

(Children and teacher go to a natural corner)

Educator: It's cold in here, brrrr! Snow and ice everywhere!(Opens a bucket of snow and shifts it with a spatula onto a tray).Feel how cold it is. Just like that, an offensive, evil word chills the soul and cools friendship. Let's "warm" each other with an affectionate, warm word and play the game "Transfer of goodness" and see if this snow melts from our spiritual warmth.

Game "Transfer of Good"

Children become in a circle, a tray with snow in the center. Children in a circle, stroking each other's palms, say kind words and compliments, calling each other by name affectionately.

Educator: Look, the snow is melting! Now you are convinced that an affectionate, kind word warmed us and melted even the cold snow? Oh, what's under the tray?

Children: Petal!

Educator: So, we are doing everything right, since we found it. What letter is on it?(children's answers) Let's return his flower.

(Children attach the petal with the letter "B" to the easel)

Educator: Now where do we go?(children's answers) We have already warmed each other with affectionate words. And when we feel good, we also want to do something nice for other people, for example, a gift. And the best gift is a handmade gift.

(Go to the drawing corner)

Educator: Well, let's see what awaits us here? What's this?(Shows children silhouettes of animals, children answer)Guess whose shadows they are?(Answers) Well done, how well you know our little brothers! But is there something missing in their images? Let's revive them and give them to our guests at the end of the journey.

(Children draw smiling faces to animals, the teacher collects figures)

Educator: And where is the next petal hidden?(Pretends to be looking)Maybe he's with the artist?

(Children find a petal with the letter "P" and, having named the letter, attach it to the easel)

Educator: Where are we now?

Children: To the toys!

Educator: Why? (Answers) And where are we waiting for new toys today?

(Children look around and go to the corner to the toys that are located on the doll sofa)

Educator: Look how many beautiful toys are here! Want to take them and take a closer look? Come, take them in hand. Oh look what we found!(Children take apart toys and find a petal with the letter “O” under them and attach it to an easel)

Your wish came true, you have toys in your hands. And what wishes would you make for other children, what would be good for them too?(Answers)

Educator: Well, then it remains to say the magic words from the fairy tale so that your wishes come true. Do you remember these words?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then let's say them all together:

Fly fly petal

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Command that all children smile, be healthy, happy, all their desires come true ...

Music sounds.

"Dance" Funny Toys ".

Educator: How merrily you danced! But it's time for us to move on. After any game, what do you do with the toys?

Children: Let's get them in place!

Educator: Let's now put the toys carefully and carefully where they were.

(Children put toys on the sofa)

Educator: Look how many petals we have already found! And how much is left?

Children: Found five petals, two left!

Educator: Yes, we have two tests left. What will we choose?

Children: Empty table. Because Zhenya refused toys, and she had to spend one more petal on it.

(They go to an empty table. Under the table is a computer model covered with a cloth)

Educator: I think you are right, but there is still something under the table. Let's guess what it is. Listen to the riddle:

Not a TV, but everything will show

Not radio, but everything will tell.

Not a postman, but a letter will deliver,

In work and study, he will become a friend.

Children: It's a computer!

Educator: (Takes out a mock-up, puts it on the table)You guessed it right, it's a computer. And although it is not quite real, it still works and will help us solve the riddle-rebus.

A number of pictures are displayed on the monitor screen. Listen carefully to the assignment. You must compose and write down the word, taking the first letter from the name of the objects. On the keyboard, find the letters you need and write them down on the sheet in the fax in order. After work, the fax will give you the result.

(Children select and write down the necessary letters and demonstrate the result to the guests)

Educator: What word did we get?(Children call letters and put them into a word)Well done, what you are friendly and imaginative! Probably, at school you will study only for "4" and "5". What do you think the word "GOOD" means?

Children: One good thing is the things of a person that you can touch with your hands. These are treasures. Books, paintings, jewelry, toys. Other good things can be heard - this is music, poetry, songs, tender words.

Educator: You are all right! But there is such good that cannot be heard and touched - this is a good heart and soul. Among the people, this was valued above all else, and proverbs and sayings were composed about such people. Do you know any proverbs about kindness?

Children raise their hands and take turns saying proverbs about kindness:

A good deed lives for two centuries.

Good is good everywhere.

Good is not dashing, walks quietly.

Good does not burn, does not sink.

To do good is to amuse yourself.

Good will not die, but evil will perish.

Kindness teaches those who listen.

Educator: Guys, where is our petal hidden? What helped you to guess the word "GOOD"?

Children: Computer!

Educator: So the petal is here somewhere. Let's eat it.

(Under the computer, the children find an attached petal, name the letter and attach it to the easel)

Educator: (Draws the children's attention to a baseball cap lying on a table with board games or on a chair next to the table)See what is it? To whom could she belong?

Children: Probably Vitya, the sick boy from the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik".

Educator: What's under it? Some paperwork. Let's try to figure it out. This is the game "Collect the emotion." If you correctly collect the pieces of the picture, then the little man on it will smile at you.

(Children assemble the puzzle pieces on their own)

Educator: Why do you think you did this task?

Children: Because we were together and worked together, helped each other.

Educator: Where is the last petal? To find him, we need to do one more good deed. What have we forgotten? You need to present your gifts to our guests. Maybe the petal is somewhere with the guests? Ask them to politely look under the chairs. Dear guests, please help the children find the last petal.

(Guests inspect their chairs, find a petal, and give it to the children. The guys attach it to the easel)

Educator: Guys, we coped with all the tasks, found all the petals and made up a magic word and our seven-flower flower is no longer sad, but rejoices(turn the mouth of the flower into a smile). Our journey has come to an end. But what word did we get, can you read?

Children: "KINDNESS"!

Educator: That's right, you are smart and clever!

Kindness is an amazing thing.

Is it easier to be kind or evil?

Probably easier for the evil ones.

Being kind means Giving your Warmth to others.

To be kind -

It means to understand both relatives and strangers.

And sometimes do not know joy

Caring for others.

Of course, it’s harder for the good,

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ...

Educator: Let's remember where we've been today, shall we?(answers)

Why did we do it, what did we achieve at the end of the road?(They collected the petals and made up the word "kindness")

What tasks did you enjoy the most? Why? What helped you overcome all the difficulties and complete all the tasks?(children's answers) And what else helped you besides friendship, mutual assistance, helping each other? This is your... kindness!

Educator: And at the end of our lesson for our guests, we will perform a song, which is called “Kindness”.

The song "Kindness" sounds.

the date of the : 27.04.18

Educational area : Speech development

Kind of activity : Development of speech

Topic: “Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “flower-semitsvetik”

Target: To acquaint children with the fairy tale of V.P. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower”.

Program content:

- continue to teach children to perceive works of art correctly, to highlight the main idea;

To form the ability to select the most suitable figurative words and expressions in meaning;

Encourage active participation in the conversation, correctly answer the question on a given topic;

To form the ability in speech to convey one's impressions, one's attitude to the heroine of a fairy tale


Develop speech attention (attentively listen to the tale);

Develop curiosity, memory and thinking


Cultivate the ability to listen to each other

Cultivate interest in the book

Cultivate cognitive activity


magnetic board

portrait of V. Kataev

illustrations for the fairy tale "Flower - seven-flower"


Methods and techniques:

indirect acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the dictionary (introduction of new words into the dictionary) - reading a literary work, showing drawings - illustrations with unfamiliar content, telling children, explaining the meanings of words, phrases based on clarity.

Lesson progress


Today we have an unusual lesson, we will talk about desires. Each person has their own desires and you have them too. Imagine if you had a magic wand or a magic flower, what wishes would you make?

(children's answers)

2. Educator: Today we have an unusual meeting. We have a meeting with one very good book.

And what is the name of this book and who wrote it - we will now find out by looking at the board.

(The book "Flower - seven-flower", portrait of V.P. Kataev)

Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower". (Presentation)


Fizminutka "Plant"

(children sit on their knees on the carpet). Imagine that you are the seeds of the most beautiful plants. A warm ray of sun hit the ground. The sunbeam warmed the seed. A sprout hatched from a seed (children slowly raise their hands, connected by an arrow). A beautiful plant has grown from a sprout (children stand up, depict a wave with their hands). Each of its leaves basks in the sun, substituting heat and light for each half, turning after the sun.



- Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

- Tell us how did Zhenya get a magic flower?

- How did you understand that the old woman was a good fairy?

- What did Zhenya look like to you? What can you say about her?

- Explain how you figured it out.

- Which of the wishes that Zhenya made seemed trifling, unnecessary to you? Why do you think so?

- What desires seemed important? Explain why you think so.


- And now let's remember how many petals Zhenya spent in vain? - Why?

- What act of Zhenya deserves admiration?

- You have heard Kataev's tale. Does it sound like a story? - Why do we say that this is a fairy tale? What is fabulous about this story? - In the fairy tale you came across interesting words and expressions: Zhenya loved to “count the crows”. (Showing an illustration corresponding to this expression - a picture). How did you get it? In what other cases do they say that you think you are a raven? How can I say it differently?

- Seeing the bears at the North Pole, Zhenya screamed "with all her might." What does this expression mean? How to say differently?

- Remember, when Zhenya got lost, she was about to cry. Suddenly "out of nowhere ...". (Showing an illustration corresponding to this expression - a picture). How to say differently?

- Just as unexpectedly, the old woman disappeared, as if she "fell through the ground."

How to say it differently?

What story are we talking about today? (Fairy tale "Flower - seven-flower")

Who wrote it? (Valentin Petrovich Kataev)


Let's sit in a circle and close our eyes. Remember a yellow petal - imagine a fluffy chicken, mentally stroke it.

Remember the red petal - imagine a rose - a beautiful fresh red, admire it.

Orange petal - imagine an orange - remember its juicy sweet taste.

Blue - Imagine clear blue skies.

Blue color - imagine the warm sea in which you swim, it gently caresses you with its waves.

Green color - imagine green young grass that you can walk barefoot on.

Violet color - remember the delicate violet in a flower pot that grows in your group.

We remembered and imagined all the petals of the magic flower. And now you can open your eyes.