Law of attraction how to use it. How to apply the Law of Attraction correctly and take your success to the next level? What You Need to Use the Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction says that every positive or negative event that happened to you, you attracted yourself. Let's say your friend lent you money when you didn't have any. You have attracted it without even realizing that you are using this law. Let's say a teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker chastised you. You brought it on yourself too. Again, we use the law every second of every day. You attracted even reading this article! There are really only three basic steps: ask, believe, and receive. However, the purpose of this article is to break down these three steps into simpler and clearer ones.


    Relax your mind. Meditate for 5-10 minutes. This will increase the power of the brain and bring the mind into a relaxed state. This step is optional, but recommended.

    Be confident in what you want and when you decide, don't doubt yourself. Remember that you are sending a request to the Universe, which is created by thoughts and therefore responds to thoughts. Determine exactly what you want. If you are not clear/unsure, the Universe will receive an unclear frequency and send you an unwanted result. So be sure that this is what you really want.

    Ask the Universe for it. Make your request. Send the universe a picture of what you want. The universe will answer. Imagine this thing is already yours. Learn to visualize. The more detailed your presentation, the better. If you want that car, imagine yourself driving it. Imagine how your hands touch the steering wheel, the gear lever, and your foot presses on the gas pedal. If you are in love with someone, imagine walking with that person, gently touching them, or even kissing them. Well, you get the point.

    Write down your wish. Start with “I am so happy and grateful for…” and complete the phrase (or paragraph) by telling the Universe what you want. Write in the present tense as if you already have it. Avoid negative statements (see the Warnings section for details). Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine that what you want is happening to you right now.

    Feel it. Feel the way you would feel after getting what you want. You must act, speak and think as if you are receiving it right now. This is actually the most important, powerful step in using the Law of Attraction, because from that moment on it starts to work, and sometimes when you do it, you feel like you don't need it anymore, because you FEEL like you have it. you already have! And then the Universe discovers this thought and this feeling, and you get what you want.

    Show gratitude. Write down everything the universe has given you. Be grateful for everything you already have and be grateful for everything the universe has given you. The universe has done a lot for us. Repaying the universe with gratitude motivates it to do even more for you and will attract more of what you want into your life. If someone constantly made fun of you, and then stopped, this is also a reason for gratitude. If the person you like also likes you, this is another reason to be grateful to the Universe. It is also worth thanking the Universe for this process. The manifestation of gratitude will greatly contribute to the manifestation of your requests of the Universe.

  1. Trust the Universe. Imagine that whatever you really wish for comes true immediately. Imagine yourself in such a dimension, where everything, whatever you ask from the Universe, comes to you at the same second. Not look for what you asked for; this is where people usually mess things up. If you look closely for an event that will manifest your desire, it will only tell the universe that you do not have what you want, and you will attract... not having what you want. Be patient. Don't be discouraged if things don't happen immediately. Don't focus on the "how". Let the Universe do it for you. When you take on the work of the universe to worry about “how,” it indicates that you lack faith and that you are telling the universe what to do when it has more knowledge and power than all of humanity.

    • Make a visualization board or magazine clipping to help you see and feel what you want. Look at this picture every day (best done in the morning, it will help you feel better throughout the day), and focus on sending happy vibrations to the Universe.
    • If your current reality is bad, try not to think too much about it. Most people pay too much attention to the current reality and attract the same to themselves. Focus on what you would like to experience instead. It works.
    • Try this…if you are experiencing an event that makes you so happy and overjoyed that you want to attract more of it into your life, then try to remember your inner state (rapid heartbeat/butterflies in your stomach). Whatever it is, try to repeat this feeling by remembering the event, and then if your vibrations are the same as in this joyful time, then it will manifest itself and you will attract it into your life.
    • Good feelings = good reality. Feel GOOD. Play your favorite song, draw a picture, play with your pet, or think about who or what you love that makes you happy. Just close your eyes and stop there. You could call it a frequency converter, so have a few of these up your sleeve. Different thoughts work for different situations, so think now about the ones you can use later.
    • Focus as often as possible on what you want, not on what you don't want. For example, if you are angry or upset about a long fight/conflict, then do your best to be “for peace” and not “against war”. Focus on the world and your desired solutions, instead of focusing on what you don't like about the situation.


    • If you constantly worry about unpleasant incidents or negative consequences, then you are using the law of attraction AGAINST yourself. To experience this is really to apply most of the above steps towards a NEGATIVE result. You visualize a negative consequence and ask the Universe for it, imagining this negative consequence, you feel the negative consequence. Stop worrying and reread the seventh point.
    • “Be careful what you wish for, it might come true” is an expression that is not to be trifled with. The law is so powerful that your request can manifest instantly and powerfully without warning. Remember, this law can be used for creation and destruction.
    • If you want something to happen, like you want a bike, don't just say "I want a bike", trust that you will get it. Instead of telling yourself that you want it, imagine that you are riding it. It doesn't matter if you know when you will get it or not, just trust that you will have it and don't doubt it. If you have any doubts, immediately change your thinking pattern to a positive one and focus on getting or having what you want.
    • You cannot use the law of attraction to control people. However, if you have a friend that you haven't seen for a long time and you want him to come to you, then instead of saying “I want my friend to come to me”, just say “I want to meet him by chance in walk time”, or something like that.
    • There should be no opposition in your mind, for example: if you just tried the Law of Attraction and you say “it doesn't work”, then the Universe will send you more things that don't work.
    • Avoid using the negative form. For example, if you want to get out of debt and you say “I want to get out of debt”, then the Universe only sees the word “debt” and will send more of them on your way. She also does not pay attention to such negative forms as “no”, “not”, “none”, and so on. Instead, say “I am rich / prosperous, I have a lot of money”

03/05/2017 at 08:54

Hello dear friends!

Of course, people tend to dream. Thus, they project true desires in their heads that can make life happier. To achieve goals, many create a special wish map, thereby reminding themselves of the importance of taking steps towards dreams.

But sometimes it happens that desires remain words, because in order for them to come true, a person needs to make decisions and act, and not devote all his free time to the process of verbally transferring himself into a picture from dreams.

Otherwise, things will still be there, and the soul will be emptied due to constant fights with reality. As a result, the person gets upset, loses the point in fighting windmills and forces himself to abandon a productive idea.

In order to quickly attract the benefits of spiritual and material values ​​into your life, first of all, you need to understand how exactly the power of the Universe works? Maybe in her arsenal of power there is a universal tool that can be used more than productively?

The Law of Attraction is a very strong and energetically important set of rules that allows you to get closer to success at supersonic speed! In today's material, I would like to tell you, dear readers, about the most important and key aspects of the law.

What is its true meaning, how does it work? And most importantly, how to make it so that it would be launched as soon as possible? I think that before diving deep into the essence of the term, it is necessary to understand its key message and meaning.

How Attraction Works

AT The life of each of us is exactly those things and events that densely fill the head. In such a simple and effective way, materialization thoughts. That's the way the universe is. It reacts not only to the thought form, which is born from both positive and negative experiences.

Thought, and most importantly emotion, is one of the key criteria for the law of the magnet, which is able to realize near you exactly what you so categorically crave or horror you don’t want!

That is why, you can come to the conclusion that your present is a product of thoughts that have found solace in the head of the past tense. In other words, you yourself made such a decision and became the blacksmith of your happiness or misfortune.

For this reason, most of the people of the globe are unhappy. They do not want or, perhaps, could not understand and realize the full force of attraction of events into reality. They cannot force themselves to start using the power of thought for the benefit of arranging their lives.

This includes building a career ladder, relationships with loved ones, success in the chosen activity and a sense of satisfaction, which plays a big role in feeling like a full-fledged person, and most importantly, happy.

The power of intention, thought and action, makes you t energy field rotate around you correctly, providing invisible help that comes from the hands of the universe itself. This is the basic structure of the rules on which the force of law is based.

To summarize, and try to form the meaning of attraction as briefly and easily as possible, it will look like this: “You will definitely attract into your life what you constantly think about!”. Immateriality of thoughts - this is a fact, but still they tend to materialize!

The secret of the law

The secret of the law can be presented as follows: “Think about what you truly want! Safely ignore what his you wouldn't want to see in your world." This principle really works and now I will explain to you why this is happening?

Every thought that was born in your head, no matter if it is positive or full of negativity, but it has its own strong energy. And this is where it hides has a name magic: the universe only realizes what keeps in itself greater energy transmission. Regardless of whether we want this action or not.

Therefore, from where more flows, more flows out from there. I think you may have noticed passing time, how many things were fulfilled that you were not safely accepted and unwanted . You persistently did not want this, did not recognize it, did not love it and ... were afraid. This process so was strong and destructive in strength, that he overcame the rest, positive aspirations.Why is this happening, you ask?

The thing is that people do not want to see certain events around them so much that they subconsciously form a program of thoughts thinking how to avoid it? And these torments occupy all the free space in my head!

You invest in the message “I don’t want!” a colossal amount of energy, thereby luring him to you! Knowing this secret, you can try to change the approach to some aspects in your life, rebuild your thinking in a more productive direction in order to bring into your world only favorable and successful ideas for the realization of the Universe!

You have the right to tune your brain in such a way that you do not fight with circumstances and do not inflame the atmosphere around you and your loved ones even more! Allow yourself to focus on intention and action, starting to create the right thoughts in the form of achievement motivation rather than avoidance.

Thus, we will be able to observe how situations are resolved literally on our own, and the people you need find you themselves! It really works! I confirm from personal experience.

How to apply attraction and activate it

Eradicate Fear

By using the “Don’t think about what you don’t want” rule, you should overcome the root cause of the difficulties that arise on the path to success. Fear is an unrealistically strong, negative emotion, filled with a colossal fuse of energy. It blocks any attempt to take action and finally take a responsibility for life in your hands!

Just think about it, when a person experiences a feeling of fear, she activates attraction by building thoughts in the context of these examples: “If only not with me”, “I don’t want this to happen”, etc.

An energy message is thrown into the Universe, and if you add to this process the fact of visualizing a picture in your head, then with the systematic repetition of a spell, like a mantra, you speed up the realization of your worst waking dream.

Ignore Negativity and Be Thankful

Positive thinking is great for helping you get in the right mood. But the theory is not always easily introduced into the practice of everyday life.

A person gets used to taking everything positive for granted, and when trouble knocks on the house, lamentation, reproaches, and indignation immediately begin. In other words, we have forgotten how to invest our necessary energy message of gratitude and acceptance into something good.

A person runs the risk of joining the ranks of negatively minded personalities, because he delves into such events with greater willingness and enthusiasm. Problems in the world, personal unrealized ideas and dreams always fall under the savor of discontent! Yes, we are ready to discuss it for hours!

To change the situation, you need to learn to keep your head clean and tidy. I have prepared for you some of my conclusions and logical conclusions:

  1. Give thanks for all the good that is and appears in your world. Gifts, meetings, emotions and other positive events must certainly be noted in your understanding. It is advisable to thank the Universe out loud and sincerely.
  2. What to do if you are caught off guard by trouble?
    • Conduct a quick analysis of what happened;
    • form conclusions, put them aside in the list of accumulated experience;
    • try to forget the event and not dwell on it.
  3. Correctly ignore low-quality informational reasons, preventing informational intoxication at the threshold of consciousness:
    • move away from the source of spreading the negative (even if they are friends, colleagues or relatives);
    • change the topic of the conversation, if the situation allows it;
    • force yourself to think of something else and abstract;
    • don't watch the news (better yet, don't watch TV at all), bad shows, and social media posts filled with negativity.

Bring your body and mind into harmony

Meditation and spiritual practices will help you realize this idea. Without a sense of calm and confidence that you are on the right path to success, it is impossible to activate attraction.

Meditation helps to find balance, visualize what you want through the prism of positive affirmations and images, and learn to control thoughts. Daily practice in the early morning will help you recharge your energy charge for the whole coming day!

Dear friends, this is where I will end today's article!

I hope it will be useful to you and you will be able to take a different look at your thoughts, adjusting their flow in the right direction!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Does the law of attraction work at all or is it just another invention? It is this law that we will discuss in this article. As you begin the process of forming ideas about the kind of life you really want to have, what thoughts come to your mind?

What questions arise?
What doubts creep in?

At this stage, many tend to erect obstacles to ignoring the law of attraction, usually without even realizing it. The thoughts and ideas that have settled in our heads (and sometimes we may not even be aware of their existence) prevent us from taking advantage of the opportunities that arise and getting what we would like from life.

We are talking about such, for example, thoughts and ideas:

I'm afraid of something;

I do not know how to do that;

I have never been able to do this before, and it is not clear how this case differs from all previous ones;

Who am I to think that my life can be everything I want to have?

For my dream to come true, I must have much more money than I do now;

What if I invest in this venture and it fails?

What if I don't succeed?

What if I make a mistake?

What if I spend a lot of time and effort, but nothing comes of it?

What if my partner doesn't agree?

What if I fail?

Doesn't it sound very familiar?

Look back at your past life and remember all the favorable opportunities or situations that, alas, have not been further developed. Remember all the undertakings that turned out to be a failure for you, and try to recall your thoughts and feelings at that moment.

Were these thoughts and feelings positive or negative?

Most likely - negative (fear, annoyance, indignation, confusion, hopelessness, bitterness, or simply resignation to fate).

Now think about all the favorable opportunities or situations that ended successfully for you.

Remember the times when you As in the previous case, try to recall the thoughts and experiences that visited you in these situations.

Surely you felt that everything is very easy for you. Everything that was connected with these situations seemed delightful, joyful, pleasant, fun, conflict-free, natural, completely problem-free. It is possible that things were going so well that you did not even think about the reasons for your success.

All this points to a universal law of attraction, like a magnet, which is constantly in action. Every time you get a hundredfold exactly what you focus on, regardless of your desire. You attract into your life everything that you pay special attention to and that you spend your energy on.

Look back at your past and notice the correlation between your thoughts and feelings at that time, on the one hand, and what you received from life, on the other.

Now look at your today - and make the same comparison. Are there any areas in your life at the moment in which we are getting an undesirable result for ourselves?

Maybe you have old dreams that still remain unfulfilled?

Do you worry that your desires are still not satisfied?

Don't we think that until now it has been really difficult to realize these dreams?

If you think so, how should the status quo be changed to get what you want?

How do you intend to overcome the existing obstacles?

First of all, you need to understand: you attract to yourself everything that your attention is directed to and what your “emotional charge” reacts to.

Think about it.

The law of attraction has no exceptions in everything. Not a single exception! This is the law of physics. Having understood the essence of the law of attraction and its role in your life, you can begin to consciously and purposefully change any idea and any thought that somehow limits your reality.

The most important thing here is that you yourself are the master of your own destiny.
Do you think everything is too simple? That's right, the law of attraction only gives you what you want.

Too good to be believed? hmm how to say...

Notice what you're focusing on when you ask this question and try to look at it from a different angle. Basically, it's really simple! So simple that sometimes it is difficult for us to realize it! The good news is that when we begin to put this universal law into practice and see how it affects our lives, it becomes easier and easier to use it.

The first step: try to be aware of the ideas and thoughts that limit your life in one way or another, as these ideas and thoughts arise in you.

Second step: purposefully switch your thoughts from what you don't want to to what you really want.


Negative direction of thought. My boyfriend left me. There are no suitable guys in this city. I will never be able to marry myself.

When some negative events occur in our life, we begin to blame anyone but ourselves for this. Although in fact the thought is material, and with its help you can change your life for the better.

Scientists have long proven that thoughts do not only shape our consciousness. They are also able to change reality and attract those events that we most often think about. Of course, it is easy to say that you need to think positively, apply affirmations every day, and then all wishes will come true. In fact, it is not so easy to start thinking differently.

Think about something bad, and it will certainly come true. Has it happened? It must have happened to many. In such cases, it is customary to say that a person has croaked or has an evil eye. In fact, it's all about the mental programs that we ask ourselves.

If each time you concentrate only on negative events, then they will be attracted into your life. Why is this happening?

How the law of attraction works

The entire universe is made up of energy. We are permeated by the energy of the planets, which in a certain way is able to influence the development of events, the energy of the elements, the energy of people and many other forces that we rarely think about. And even less often we remember that the most powerful energy that helps to change reality is radiated by the person himself. And the very thing that each of us spends the most of his strength comes true.

When someone starts to scold the government, discuss the failures of colleagues at work or the actions of friends. It takes a lot of effort and energy. Surely you have noticed that after talking about the crisis or that food prices are constantly rising, there is simply no strength left for other things, and you are forced to postpone everything for later. This happens because you have directed all your energy to discussing problems. Thus, it turns out that you sent a request to the Universe about what interests you. And that is exactly what will happen in your life.

It is difficult for many to believe in such a relationship, and that is why it is recommended to check everything on your own experience. To make it easier to rebuild in a positive way and start thinking in a new way, psychologists offer a simple exercise. However, to achieve positive dynamics, it must be done daily. Choose a convenient time for yourself that you can devote only to yourself, and no one will distract you. Even if it's ten minutes a day, it's enough to start changing today.

Good Luck Exercise

This exercise is about expressing gratitude to yourself and the world. Many people know about it and sometimes mentally formulate a couple of thanks. But the effect of such a weak spiritual impulse will not be enough. To get visible positive changes, you need to write down gratitude on paper every evening. This will not only linger in your memory, but will also lead to the realization of certain things and new discoveries.

By the way, our brush, while we write, takes the position of mudra, which performs the function of communication with the Universe and delivers our desires to their destination. That is why many people recommend writing down everything on paper.

Having learned to control your thoughts, you will be able to direct energy only to your desires, and then life will begin to change by itself. You can also use the 21 day exercise, which can change a lot in your mind, and therefore in your life. Move forward, keep evolving and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.06.2016 07:41

Our thoughts and psychological attitudes influence the events that take place in our lives. Eliminate the negative...

Someone treats it with a fair amount of skepticism, someone tries to strictly adhere to this law in their lives. There is no unequivocal opinion about the effectiveness of this method even now: for some reason, the law of attraction helped some people achieve success, while others did not bring any benefit.

So what's the secret? What determines the success of the application of the law of attraction? And what is the law of attraction really: a profitable card in the hands of scammers who fool our heads, or an effective method for achieving success and happiness?

In fact, a lot depends on how you feel about the law of attraction and how you put it into practice. This article presents some law of attraction rules, the implementation of which will help to increase its effectiveness.

  • Persistence of use

The Law of Attraction can only work if you use it consistently. If you just try to do visualization for a couple of days, and then abandon these classes, then you will not get any effect.

The fact is that the main benefit of the law of attraction is the transition to positive thinking. It is much more productive in achieving goals than negative thinking with its constant “search for a dirty trick”, and a subjective feeling of happiness is more likely to appear in a person who thinks positively. But here one problem arises: it is impossible to switch to positive thinking in a couple of days, you can’t simply, as if by magic, rebuild your entire way of thinking. This takes time, which necessitates the constant use of the law of attraction. It's like going to the gym: in order to achieve a result, "pump up the muscles" (in our case, "pump up" positive thinking), constant training and manifestation of willpower are necessary.

  • Goals, visualization and actions

The second important rule is to maintain unity in the process of setting goals, visualizing the desired and taking actions to achieve them. Motivation should flow smoothly into action. If this unity is broken, then the law of attraction will not work.

First, you need to clearly define the goals you will strive for. After all, if you yourself do not know what exactly you want, how will you get it? In addition, the correct goal setting, when you seem to “sort out” your desires, can inspire. What used to be just an amorphous intention becomes a conscious desire.

The second stage of the embodiment of the desired is visualization. It is advisable to present the image of the final goal, what you are striving for, as accurately as possible. High-quality visualization helps to determine not only the final result of the work, but also to identify ways to achieve it. A fairly popular method in this regard is the creation of the so-called “wish map”.

A special poster is called a wish card, which is a collage of images of what is desired in different areas of life - work, family, friends, etc. By itself, a wish card is not able to make a person happy or lead to the achievement of goals. However, it helps to identify and formulate the most desirable dreams, remember and work on their fulfillment every day.

Third, goal setting and visualization should always be followed by action. It should be remembered that the law of attraction is not based on magic at all. The application of this law can help in achieving goals, but without real work on yourself and on achieving the planned result, you should not count on success.

  • Add Feelings

Of course, setting specific goals is key to the operation of the law of attraction, but this does not solve everything. Another important element here is emotions, feelings.

When you simply set a goal for yourself, express your intention to achieve something, and then you forget about this desire - it is gone. But if you fill your intention with feelings, it will live. For example, you can simply imagine yourself relaxing this summer at a seaside resort without emotionally charging this image. Just imagine a picture: sand, sea, me. The image seems pleasant, but something is missing ... And now let's try to create an image a little differently: incredible delight from the splashes of salty cold water, soft relaxation while sunbathing to the sound of the sea, sincere joy while scuba diving ... Such the picture is more attractive, isn't it? It would seem that the same image of a vacation at sea, but the sensations from the two versions of this image are different. The secret is that if you charge the picture of the upcoming vacation with a pleasant expectation, then it will be much easier to motivate yourself to save money or earn more for this pleasure.

  • Less boasting on the way to the goal

Another rule of the law of attraction is that you can tell others about your success only after the ultimate goal has been achieved. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the "evil eye", it's all about how your mind perceives boasting.

A much better option for the law of attraction would be to focus on your goal, on the work to achieve it. In this way, we give a signal to our mind: “Yes, we still have a lot of work to do, we still have a long way to go. It’s too early to relax and give up this business.” And when a person begins to tell everyone and everyone about his small achievements on the way to achieving the main goal, the mind perceives this as a signal: “We are great, we have reached the goal, you can relax and not strain anymore.” Motivation after that falls, intentions to act actively fade. And so it turns out that boasting is debilitating, turning success into potential defeat.

In some cases, you can still talk about your plans - as a social obligation. For example, you want to start systematically doing gymnastics in the morning. But there are always small obstacles that prevent you from realizing this intention, or you just sometimes give up ... It is in such cases that making social obligations can be useful: You make a promise to someone (family member, close friend, etc.) that that you will do gymnastics every day. The meaning of such an obligation is in its motivating function - where willpower does not work, this obligation will motivate.

  • A look back and gratitude

It also happens that the desired goal is achieved, but the person does not feel pleasure and happiness. And not because of dissatisfaction with the result, but because of forgetfulness and lack of gratitude. Indeed, how often do we thank fate, our neighbors, life itself for everything we have? Are we grateful for all the good things we have in this life? New problems will always appear, but should they deprive us of happiness and joy from all the good that has been?

It is vital to be able to look back: evaluate your achievements, rejoice in success, enjoy pleasant events and life in general. And to be grateful for everything that we managed to achieve - grateful to fate, others and ourselves.