Vov chain on the legendary ring. Quest chain for the legendary ring

If you're fighting bravely on Draenor, but haven't yet completed the questline to earn your legendary ring, now is the time to act! You don't have much time left to complete these unique tasks. If you start right now and make the right effort, you will have time to get an amazing reward and enlist the help of a powerful ally.

With Update 6.2, the final chapter of the expansion was released, and the developers simplified a number of stages of the quest chain. Now it will be much easier for the secondary characters of the players, as well as heroes who were able to accumulate a lot of Apexis Crystals, Garrison Resources and Oil, to cope with the challenges. Here's an example:

  • In Tanaan Jungle, you can purchase additional Nullification Stones from Kluk'kluk weekly for 14,958 Apexis Crystals each;
  • Also in Tanaan Jungle, you can purchase additional Elemental Runes from the renegade Iron Horde Worker for 20,000 Apexis Crystals each week;
  • Annulment Stones and Elemental Runes can be obtained by completing certain Garrison and Fleet missions. In general, do not forget to regularly check the list of current tasks!

You will succeed! Check out to find out how to quickly become famous on Draenor. Don't miss the chance to put a new legendary ring on your character's finger!

The road ahead is covered in dust and gore, just like before. She has no end in sight...

Traveling through the lands of Draenor was difficult and dangerous. The portal in the Tanaan Jungle was destroyed, but Gul'dan and the surviving warriors of the Iron Horde did not give up their attempts to open the gates to Azeroth. Fortunately, powerful forces have not given up hope of ending the threat once and for all. Archmage Khadgar is among the valiant heroes. Dedicated to the fight against the Iron Horde, legendary rewards are now waiting for heroes who are ready to face the might of Gul'dan, overcome new challenges and complete difficult tasks.

Now we will tell you everything! We'll talk about the Legendary Ring quest chain and find out what's in store for us in Update 6.2. This guide will be useful both for those who are just starting the chain, and for those who took a break in the middle of the path.

Chapter I: Call of the Archmage

Start the legendary quest chain and prove that you can handle any raid by defeating the spirit of Kairozdorma.

Call of the Archmage

Khadgar's Request

It takes time to make a powerful ring, and "Khadgar's Request"- only the first step on the way to getting a legendary item. Khadgar will tell you a lot as he works on the ring, and there are many more errands for you to complete. The archmage is worried that Gul'dan is up to no good, so he asks you to hit the warlock's minions to provoke the villain.

You will go to the Blood Hammer Slag Mines for the fiery core stored at Gug'rokk, to the Grimpaths depot for the iron core, and to the Eternal Blossom for the core of life, which is located at Yalnu. After that, you can get an epic ring of level 640.

The magical power of Draenor

Khadgar wants to improve your ring and imbue it with new powers, but he needs your help to do so. He had already drawn up a rough plan of work and calculated that 4986 Apexis Crystals would be needed to unleash the magic power of Draenor - no more, no less!

Once you've completed his task, Khadgar will be almost ready to get started, but he'll have a few more tasks for you to complete. You have time for that, don't you?

Fighting Teron'gor

Exarch Maladaar has informed you that Shadow Council minions have infiltrated Auchindoun, so Khadgar will ask you to complete the Fight Against Teron'gor quest and get rid of them. He also wants you to get Teron'gor's Corrupted Blood, which will help the archmage hunt down the other members of the Shadow Council... including Gul'dan himself.

After defeating Teron'gor, Khadgar will be able to locate Gul'dan, and the quest "Eyes of the Archmage" will become available to you. At first it seemed that tracking down Gul'dan would not be so difficult, but the warlock turned out to be extremely secretive, and he manages to avoid detection. Khadgar needs to expand his search, and he knows how to do it.

Runaway Dragon

What legendary quest line is complete without a dragon hunt? Khadgar believes that Garrosh Hellscream was freed from his imprisonment and transported to Draenor by a bronze dragon. Though the Archmage discovered Kairozdorma, runaway dragon from Azeroth, he understands that it is dangerous for you and him to meet together. Khadgar will send you to Nagrand to meet everyone's favorite, the bronze dragon Chromie.

Chromie will help you start the task "Dragon Story" and hunt down Kairozdorma. This will not be difficult to do, but the most interesting is ahead. Soon you and your companions will learn that on Draenor, Garrosh tried to kill his liberator, but only his physical form was destroyed. The spirit of Kairozdormu never found peace, and now in the course of the quest "Fade Bronze" you will have to fight him in order to gain the power of the dragon and complete the work begun by Garrosh.

You will need to choose your role in battle and work together to defeat the dragon. Upon completion of the quest, you will receive the achievement "Chapter 1: Call of the Archmage".

Chapter II: Gul'dan Strikes Back

Complete Khadgar's Legendary questline in Highmaul and save the mage's life when the gunpowder smells.

Unleashed power

After completing the first chapter quests, you will return to the tower and receive a level 680 upgraded ring as a reward by completing the quest "Unleashed Power". But the adventure doesn't end there. You will face even more dangerous opponents in the Highmaul raid. Retrieve the Felbreaker Tome from the Felbreaker Leader and acquire the Seal of Emperor Mar'gok during the quest "The Fall of an Empire".

At first, the pages of the tome will be blank, but by using the seal, Khadgar will be able to see the text and see how you can thwart Gul'dan's plans. During the task "Legacy of the Witch-kings" you'll need to collect 125 Annihilation Stones to help Khadgar lift the veil that hides Gul'dan.

Chapter III: The Foundry Closes

Complete Khadgar's legendary quests at the Blackrock Foundry and put the Iron Horde on the run!

Then you will need to go to the Blackrock Foundry and complete the task "The Might of the Elemental Lords". Khadgar wants to learn more about the alliance between the Blackrock clan and the stone and fire creatures that dwell in the foundry, and in order to do so, he needs you to collect three elemental tablets crafted from elemental runes. After receiving the tablets, he will increase the level of the ring to 715 (quest "Unbroken Cycle").

Once in the Blackrock Foundry, you can receive the quest "The Secret of Blackhand", in order to later free Garona from the influence of Gul'dan and enlist her help as a legendary ally. Taking it into your own hands sorry, hand of Blackhand, you can take on the following task - "Prisoner of the Mind", during which you will need to protect Khadgar while he casts his spell on Garona.

The mage will then send you to the Mysterious Lair in Shadowmoon Valley, where you can complete two more quests: "Shadow War" and "Sphere of Dominion". Everything is extremely prosaic. Khadgar needs the Orb of Dominion to free Garona's mind, and since you're already in the Valley, it's worth ruining the life of the Shadow Council, whose agents are trying to infiltrate the Council of Exarchs in the city nearby.

Completing Might of the Elemental Lords and Secret of Blackhand will unlock the achievement "Chapter III: The Foundry Closes".

Of all the hard

It's time to free Garona, and Khadgar has everything he needs to do it - you brought him the orb of dominion. Be that as it may, it is worth keeping an eye out - you never know what took possession of Garona. ( Seriously, we warned you.)

Once you've dealt with the evil lurking within Garona, it's time to complete the quest "To Gul'dan!". The Rescued One will tell you that Gul'dan is on his way to Bladefury Command in northern Talador. You will be taken to the camp during the mission "Secret Infiltration", but not without the help of Garona and her skills as a spy and assassin. Once you've dealt with this case, you'll be able to talk to Garona and complete the quest."My Garona", after which she will become your faithful companion in the garrison.

Update 6.2 - Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate

Get the legendary ring by completing Khadgar's quests.

Last push

The military campaign in Draenor was not without its difficulties, and even now there is much more to be done. Having received the task "Last Pull", you will return to the garrison to await further instructions from Archmage Khadgar. There, disturbing news will reach you that Gul'dan has subdued the remnants of the Iron Horde. It feels like the events of history are invariably repeating themselves, despite the heroic efforts of the Alliance and Horde warriors. To deal with the impending threat, you will need to gather your strength and go back to the Tanaan Jungle, where you can end the enemy once and for all.

Quests for the legendary ringwow- continuation of Blizz's glorious tradition of giving players something legendary. Well, at least for a while. Therefore, having taken away the legendary cloak from the players, Blizzy nevertheless decided not to leave us completely naked and gave new quests in return - already for the legendary WoW ring.

Starting quests for the legendary WoW ring

To start the quests for the Draenor legendary ring, there is only one requirement - level 98. And, no, two: more is needed. Because it is in it that at level 98 a senselessly staggering appears, having an orange exclamation mark above its head and issuing the 1st quest for the legendary WoW ring.

1st WoW legendary ring quest:

It was such a meaningless cloud that somehow told Aiser that in Talador a mage who was terribly willing to communicate with him was waiting for him. . And, in order not to offend the old man, and finally get rid of this cloud in his, Aiser gives his word to visit him.

Khadgar spent his retirement days in . Yes, not in a simple one, but in a magical one: one could get into his magical cottage settlement only through a blue portal at the edge of the Zangarra abyss.

Having chatted for the sake of decency about the changeable Talador weather and the latest gossip, Khadgar I finally moved on to the main one - the 2nd quest for the legendary WoW ring.

2nd WoW legendary ring quest:

As it turned out, time whitened gray whiskey Khadgar, but by no means extinguished the flame of greed in his chest: he passionately desired what now belongs to from . Accordingly, to complete the 2nd quest for the legendary ring, this dungeon must be cleared (any difficulty is suitable, except for the test), and do not forget to pick up the ring from the defeated Viryxa. Which is what was done.

Sorry, buddy, but we really need your ring - for the 2nd quest for the legendary WoW ring

3rd WoW legendary ring quest:

The 3rd quest for the legendary WoW ring is simple and straightforward: Khadgar invites us to go to the rooms ... uh ... that is, to his tower and there, as a reward for patiently listening to his old chatter, he makes Viryxa epic level 640 ring!

This guide covers quests and rewards related to the legendary ring in Warlords of Draenor. The WoD Legendary quest chain is similar to MoP in that at each stage you will receive a powerful item for a long period - patch after patch, set after set - your ring will improve until it becomes legendary.

You can start the chain from level 98!

Solia Ring - 640

Timeless Solius Ring - 680

Enchanted Solium Ring - 690

This stage of the quest chain is related to Highmaul. For completing it, you will receive Chapter 2: Gul'dan Strikes Back .

Enchanted Rune Ring - 715

This stage of the quest chain belongs to the Blackrock Foundry. For completing it, you will receive Chapter 3: The Foundry Closes . Might of the Elemental Lords: Smelt 3 Tablet of Elements with 300 Elemental Rune . As in the case with Annulment Stone, there are several ways to collect them:

    Finally, these runes have a small chance of coming across to you in completed orders.

Along with this, there are several quests related to special Foundry bosses.

The final quest in the Foundry Secret of Blackhand requires you to kill Blackhand in order to Severed Hand of Blackhand .

This version of the ring has an improved proc - Item - Attacks Proc Archmage's Greater Incandescence. It increases the primary stat by 15% for 10 seconds.

Legendary Companion in 6.1

The following information has been posted on the Blizzard overview blog as an upcoming feature in patch 6.1. Garona has been revealed as a legendary follower:
We hope players are enjoying Khadgar's Legendary quest chain, so the next step is to open Blackrock Foundry in 2015. We are already working on the next stages of the chain, which will continue in patch 6.1, where the first legendary follower (with legendary abilities) will be able to join your army. If you've been collecting allies but haven't started the legendary chain yet, now's the time to start!
Garona has 3 Rogue Stealth abilities by default, as well as a trait (Garrison Ability #47) that greatly increases the chance of winning against multiple opponents. Unlike other companions, Garona initially has equipment lvl 630. items.

Players proceed to complete their Ring 715 from the Legendary questline and may receive a Companion

2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring

The first quests of the 2nd chapter of the chain for the legendary ring

The beginning of the 2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring is marked by the delivery of 2 new quests to us: and .

Fall of the Empire

It implies the receipt of two items - and also. The Tome drops from the penultimate boss of the Highmaul raid, and the Seal from the last one. And at any level of difficulty, starting with "Search for a raid".

Legacy of the Witch-kings

- these are, of which, for further movement along the chain of quests for the legendary ring, we need to collect exactly 125 pieces. They can give us:

  1. Highmaul bosses - 1-2, or even 5 each (out of) at any difficulty level.
  2. from missions:, - 3 things each.
  3. Any work orders in - 1 piece with a very small drop chance.

The second stage of the 2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring

However, our torment in collecting these damn Annulment Stones is fully justified: as a reward for quests, we will receive the next level of the legendary WoW ring - a level 690 ring! Yes, not simple, but with. True, first, to continue the chain of quests for the legendary ring, we will have to again, which once again will flash with its magical skill and foresight.

The third stage of the 2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring

At this stage, we will have to deal with the results of Khadgar's violent activities - his assistant with the sonorous Kordana gives us a quest, and we rush in pursuit of the killer hired by Guldan. I do not want to reveal all the intricacies of this chain quest for the legendary ring, but I will hint that in it you need to follow the trail of green puddles all the time.

The last stage of the 2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring

In gratitude for our quickness in capturing criminal elements, Khadgar is finally ready to upgrade our legendary ring to level 690. And even involve Jaina to provide the ring with a proc that increases our main stat from time to time. To do this, you just need to take the quest from him, talk (with him, of course) and stand in the red circle. And hooray - the 2nd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring is over!

Beginning of the 3rd chapter of the quest chain for the legendary ring

Having upgraded our legendary ring, Khadgar does not want to stop the chain of quests for its further upgrade. No, he pours us a whole bunch of new quests.