How many weeks does the 2nd trimester of pregnancy start? Fetal development: second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy begins on the 13th obstetric week and ends on the 24th. This is the most comfortable and calm stage in anticipation of the baby. Nausea associated with toxicosis goes away, hormones stabilize, a growing belly is already noticeable, but still does not cause inconvenience. In a word, the expectant mother has enough strength and energy for an active lifestyle. This time should be devoted to yourself: to put in order the diet, walk more, listen to your feelings more often - it is in the second trimester that you can feel the first slight movements of the baby.

Second trimester of pregnancy

Mom's well-being

The belly of a woman is gradually rounded and becomes noticeable to others, although in fact it all depends on the complexion. In addition, if the expectant mother’s pregnancy is not the first, then the muscles accustomed to stretching will quickly give out an enlarged tummy. The uterus begins to exert more pressure on the internal organs, so such unpleasant phenomena as frequent urination and constipation are possible. The mammary glands “prepare” for breastfeeding and increase in size; by the end of the trimester, translucent colostrum is sometimes released from the nipples.

Sleeping because of the belly, which is getting bigger every week, makes some women uncomfortable. To take a more comfortable position during rest, properly distributing the load on the spine and joints, a special pillow for pregnant women in the form of a half ring or U-shape will help.

As a rule, already after the 4th month, familiar things, especially fitted and tight-fitting ones, can become small. Clothing should be either loose and oversized, or designed specifically for a maternity wardrobe. After the 5th month, you should think about purchasing a bandage: such an elastic accessory supports a growing belly, reducing the load on the lower back and preventing the formation of stretch marks.

Feelings of the mother in the 2nd month of pregnancy

The main discovery of the "golden mean" of pregnancy - the first movements of the child - fall precisely on the second trimester. Women who are expecting their first child most often feel them at the 20th week, with the second and third child - already at the 18th.

Examinations in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

From the 16th to the 19th week of the second trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination: a biochemical blood test and a “triple test” with an analysis of the hormones hCG, ACE and estriol, which are compared with the results of an ultrasound diagnosis of the first trimester. Such an event will exclude fetal chromosomal pathologies at a very early stage.

Ultrasound and other examinations in the second trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound is also prescribed at the 20-22nd week for:

  • fetometry - determination of KTR (coccygeal-parietal size) and other indicators of the physical development of the baby;
  • Doppler study - checking the state of blood flow;
  • assessment of the development of internal organs and the exclusion of defects.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother must be observed in the antenatal clinic and visit the gynecologist once every 2 weeks or, according to indications, once a week. During each visit, the doctor measures the volume of the abdomen and checks the position of the fetus in the uterus, weighs and evaluates blood pressure in both arms. Also, after the 14-15th week, during each appointment, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat. It is recommended to take a urine test before each consultation visit to control the level of proteins and salts. These and other indicators often serve as an indicator of problems in the work of the kidneys, which from the 16-18th week have increased loads. A general blood test is taken once a month.

At the 18th week, the antenatal clinic doctor will recommend taking a blood test for sugar. Additional examinations may be prescribed taking into account the individual health characteristics of the expectant mother. At the 22nd week, you need to pass repeated tests for HIV and RW: usually blood is taken from a vein for them, and you have to take the test on an empty stomach. To avoid dizziness after blood sampling, it is worth taking a snack or warm sweet drink with you to refresh yourself immediately after visiting the laboratory.


Throughout pregnancy, including in the 2nd trimester, a woman's body is constantly changing, which sometimes causes pain. It is extremely important to listen to your own well-being during this period. Don't worry if:

  • by the end of the day, discomfort appears in the back and spine - this is due to a change in the center of gravity of the body due to the growing belly;
  • knees and joints ache - the developing fetus takes calcium and nutrients from the mother's body, in addition, pain in the legs can be associated with excessive weight gain;
  • pain in the intestines - digestion during pregnancy goes astray, constipation and bloating often occur, so it is important to adjust your diet;
  • convulsions - muscles usually reduce due to pinching of nerve endings or a lack of potassium; gentle stretching or mom yoga allows you to get rid of such spasms;
  • the chest aches - the mammary glands increase in size, blood circulation in them becomes more intense, which can provoke, if not acute pain, then severe discomfort;
  • there is a feeling of slight distension in the pelvis - the uterus changes the location of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the 2nd trimester: what to look for?

Nevertheless, there are a number of symptoms that cannot be ignored categorically:

  • periodically "seizes" the lower abdomen, and spasms are accompanied by pain in the hips and lower back - this may be due to tone or abruption of the placenta;
  • acute pain in the abdomen - often a symptom of exacerbated appendicitis or pancreatitis;
  • headaches with dizziness - they can be the result of increased or, conversely, low blood pressure or a lack of trace elements, in particular iron. Such states are easy to correct, the main thing is not to start.


Changes in the type and amount of discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy are common. Most often, the expectant mother may notice an increase in whitish mucous secretions due to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the small pelvis. There is a discharge, with the appearance of which it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • cottage cheese, thick, accompanied by itching and dryness - most often this is how thrush begins, with timely treatment, it does not pose any threat to the woman or the fetus;
  • transparent, but with a sharp unpleasant odor - one of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis;
  • "Foamy", with a yellow or green tint - accompany a number of diseases with an associated infection;
  • plentiful, but without color and smell - this may be an allergic reaction, for example, to a daily pad, intimate hygiene product or a change of water.

Liquid, like water, colorless discharge can be triggered by leakage of amniotic fluid. You can exclude it at home with the help of a pharmacy strip test. With any result, it is better to see a gynecologist.

Discharge during pregnancy: what to tell the doctor?

You should definitely see your doctor right away if you notice spotting or spotting during any week of the second trimester. Their cause may be “harmless” irritation of the cervix, for example, after intercourse, but it is imperative to exclude placental bleeding or detachment, which are dangerous for both mother and baby. If spotting occurs at any time, you need to call an ambulance, it is not recommended to go to a consultation or a hospital on duty on your own: if you transport it incorrectly, shaking in a car or, especially, public transport, the condition of the expectant mother may worsen.

What happens to the baby in the second trimester of pregnancy?

Throughout the 2nd trimester, the child grows at an impressive pace, turning from a 5-centimeter embryo into a baby weighing more than 600 grams with developed sensory organs and an emotional connection with mom.

The development of the fetus by week is as follows.

4th "obstetric" month

  • 13th week - the baby's body lengthens, the head becomes more proportional to the body, the rudiments of teeth appear in the jaws, the face is fully formed.
  • 14th week - the skin is covered with a fluff that retains the primary lubrication, the genitals develop in girls and boys, the child actively moves and "floats" in the uterus, his kidneys begin to work.
  • 15th week - veins and arteries are actively formed, the intestines are functioning, a unique pattern appears on the toes and hands.
  • 16th week - by this moment the fetus has a length of about 12 cm, facial muscles are actively developing, the baby begins to grimace.

5th "obstetric" month

  • 17th week - the fetus begins to respond to sound, a sucking reflex appears: the baby often sucks his thumb, his heartbeat is already distinguished with the help of a stethoscope.
  • 18th week - at this time you can feel the first movements of the child, most of the time he sleeps, therefore 10 movements per day are considered a normal indicator of his activity.
  • 19th week - the child actively sucks his thumb, squints; the spleen of the fetus is included in the hematopoiesis, the thyroid gland and other organs work.
  • 20th week - by this week, the baby has a "height" of 25 cm and weighs 340 grams, blinks and reacts with movements to stimuli such as a sharp sound or bright light.

6th "obstetric" month

  • 21st week - at this time the baby sleeps 16-20 hours a day, during periods of wakefulness he actively moves, pulls the umbilical cord with his hands, movements and tremors become stronger.
  • 22nd week - the vertebrae and joints are fully formed, the brain has all the necessary neurons and cells, the baby begins to "be interested" in himself - he feels his face and body.
  • 23rd week - the subcutaneous fat continues to grow, but the baby still seems thin, the skin is thin and wrinkled, sometimes, swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby begins to hiccup - these rhythmic movements can be felt by the mother.
  • 24th week - vision and hearing are well developed, the child begins to respond to the mother's emotions, he has a height of 32 cm and a weight of about 600 grams.

At the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby hears everything



Due to the increase in the volume of blood in the body and fluid in general, the volume of plasma in the blood also increases. Because of this, hemoglobin falls, weakness, apathy and sometimes headaches appear. Iron deficiency can be compensated for with safe dietary supplements recommended by a doctor and dietary adjustments with an emphasis on red meat, grape juice, buckwheat and other iron-containing foods.


The first signs of gestosis can be observed by the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Most often, these are swelling and a sharp increase in body weight due to congestion, jumps in blood pressure and convulsions. In advanced cases, preeclampsia causes eclampsia and preeclampsia. This disease is detected when evaluating the tests: in case of impaired kidney function, which is a prerequisite for the development of preeclampsia, protein appears in the urine. Mild preeclampsia is corrected by outpatient use of certain medications and herbal preparations that remove excess water. With an exacerbation of the condition, hospitalization is indicated.


With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases, and the body of the expectant mother becomes more sensitive to all sorts of external influences. At the very first symptoms of a cold, even if it is a simple runny nose, you need to see a doctor: not all medicines are suitable for treating and alleviating the condition in pregnant women, and amateur performance in such situations is unacceptable. After consulting a doctor, you can supplement the therapy with safe folk remedies - hot vitamin drink, nasal lavage, inhalations, etc.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy


The uterus periodically comes into tone - this is normal. But hypertonicity, which causes pain, should not be ignored: spasmodic muscles interfere with normal blood flow, nutrition and oxygen supply to the fetus. To eliminate the increased tone allows the use of sedatives, antispasmodics, vitamins A and E. In addition, it is necessary to exclude increased physical activity and periodically rest in a horizontal position.


Heartburn in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is provoked by several factors at once: an increase in the size of the uterus and subsequent pressure on the digestive organs, relaxation of the gastric valve due to progesterone and malnutrition. To get rid of an unpleasant burning sensation after eating, fractional nutrition and the use of drugs recommended by the doctor that normalize the acid-base balance of the stomach will allow.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

Changes in the level of progesterone in the blood directly affect intestinal motility. First of all, nutrition (there is more fiber - fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, bran) and compliance with the drinking regimen allows you to get rid of problems with the stool. Glycerin suppositories and herbal laxatives, approved by the doctor, can locally solve the problem. Hemorrhoids, which often turn out to be a direct consequence of constipation, are treated only with ointments and suppositories during pregnancy.

Skin problems

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may face two problems - stretch marks and pigmentation. Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are damage to the upper layers of the dermis, filled with connective tissue. Strictly speaking, the tendency to form stretch marks is hereditary, it is almost impossible to prevent it, you can only make stretch marks less pronounced. To do this, wear a bandage as early as possible and regularly moisturize the skin. Pigmentation - the appearance of a vertical dark stripe from the navel, darkening of the nipples, the appearance of freckles - is temporary and disappears a couple of months after childbirth.

Teeth and gums

The second trimester of pregnancy is an ideal time to solve dental problems: the placenta will protect the fetus from the negative effects of anesthesia and medications, and timely treatment of caries will prevent infection with Staphylococcus aureus and further tooth decay.


The temperature of a woman due to hormonal changes can rise to 37.5 degrees. By itself, a low temperature is not dangerous, but in most cases it is a symptom of a disease - inflammatory or infectious. But in order to exclude acute respiratory infections and other problems, you should definitely see a doctor in a consultation during this period.

Placental abruption

One of the most dangerous phenomena is placental abruption. It is accompanied by pain and bleeding, is a direct threat not only to health, but also to the life of mother and child. If any discharge appears, it is urgent to call an ambulance: only in a hospital can it be possible to stop the process of detachment and save the pregnancy.

Risks in the second trimester of pregnancy: pain cannot be ignored

Frozen pregnancy

In the second trimester, a frozen pregnancy is an extremely rare occurrence, usually the development of the embryo stops in the first weeks, at the latest - on the 15-16th. However, you should listen to your body. By 18-20 weeks, fetal movements become pronounced and stable, they should be felt every day. If they disappeared, you need to see a doctor, listen to the heartbeat and, if necessary, do an ultrasound. The fading of pregnancy is also monitored when viewed in a chair: its symptoms are the opening of the cervix and a specific change in the color of the vagina.


It is the 2nd trimester of pregnancy that is the ideal time to correct your own diet and switch to fractional nutrition, which in the third trimester will greatly facilitate the life of the expectant mother. It is worth eating every 2-3 hours in small portions. The menu should have enough proteins and slow carbohydrates. Fish and meat must undergo high-quality heat treatment, this also applies to eggs. The fiber contained in vegetables and fruits, with a normal drinking regimen, will relieve constipation, pain in the intestines and flatulence. Also, digestion will help support sour-milk products - low fat content and in moderation. The recommended proportions of nutrients and foods are as follows:

  • 38% - fruits, boiled, baked or grilled vegetables;
  • 22% - proteins;
  • 22% - cereals and slow carbohydrates;
  • 18% - vegetable fats.

It is worth minimizing the consumption of smoked delicacies, dry-cured foods, soda and canned food: preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and sugar, which are always included in their composition, often cause allergic reactions, or even poisoning. Purchased confectionery can be replaced with homemade sweets. For example, oatmeal bars with dried fruits and nuts, granola cookies or dates will be an excellent dessert for tea.

Proper nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy

It is better to refuse alcoholic beverages, even high-quality dry red wine: in the second trimester, the placenta is just beginning to function, the fetal organs are developing, and the aggressive effects of alcohol can have the most unfortunate consequences. As for caffeine-containing drinks - green tea or black coffee, you can drink them, but, again, in reasonable quantities.

It is believed that a woman normally adds 300-500 g weekly in the second trimester. These figures are very arbitrary. So, for example, with excess body weight and proper diet, weight loss is possible due to the reduction of body fat. In general, it is enough to avoid overeating in order to curb appetite between meals, it is enough to take care of the right snack - nuts, dried fruits and dairy products.


Throughout pregnancy and especially in the 2nd trimester, the need of the future mother's body for vitamins and microelements greatly increases. On average, the intake of nutrients should increase by 1.5 times, and the emphasis of both gynecologists and nutritionists is on nutrition. Strictly following the ideal diet is not always possible, in addition, the quality and nutritional value of products from supermarkets do not always meet expectations. That is why it is worth taking additional multivitamin complexes. They should contain vitamins:

  • group B - work on the absorption of protein, the normal development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus;
  • A - ensures the correct formation of bone tissue, retina and skin;
  • C - reduces the risk of premature birth, generally supports the body;
  • D - is necessary during the development of bone tissue and the rudiments of the baby's teeth.

You can not choose vitamin complexes "by eye", you can take only those medicines that are recommended by the doctor, taking into account possible contraindications and individual intolerance, adapted to the characteristics of the course of a particular pregnancy.


In the absence of contraindications and violations of the normal development of pregnancy from the second trimester, you can leave the "rest mode" and go in for sports. Of course, high-intensity interval and strength training will have to be abandoned in favor of more gentle loads. The safest and most comfortable options are:

  • yoga - a set of asanas for expectant mothers is usually aimed at opening the small pelvis, increasing the plasticity of the inguinal ligaments, relaxing muscles and relieving pain from the spine, lower back, and legs. In addition, during the exercises, a woman will be able to master breathing practices that will reduce pain during contractions and behave correctly during childbirth and attempts;
  • water aerobics is another popular fitness area for pregnant women, which allows you to maintain muscle tone without risks for the woman and the fetus. Exercising while exercising in the pool is easier to perform due to the fact that the water changes the feeling of the weight of one's own body;
  • walking - walking or more active Nordic walking give aerobic exercise, saturate the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, in general, tone up and improve well-being without overload.

Yoga in the second trimester

There are mothers who went in for sports at a high level before pregnancy, and high loads will be safe for them. In any case, the format of training after the 13th week should be discussed not only with the trainer, but also with your doctor in the antenatal clinic.


In the second trimester, all the "issues" related to the fixation of the embryo and the beginning of the normal functioning of the placenta are resolved, which means that in the absence of any problems in the course of pregnancy, you can have sex. The main thing is to avoid positions that involve deep penetration, to abandon intense movements and to exclude any pressure on the stomach. Interestingly, it is in the second trimester that many expectant mothers become more sensual, and intimacy gives more vivid sensations. Contraceptive issues are purely individual, monogamous couples do not need barrier devices. If there were problems like candidiasis earlier or directly in the second trimester, you should make sure that the partner has received the correct treatment and will not infect the pregnant woman again.

Can I have sex in the second trimester of pregnancy?

By the 13th week, it is necessary to be registered in the antenatal clinic, and it is worth having the contacts of a doctor in case of emergencies and urgent questions. It is worth finding more time for a quiet pastime, walks and quality sleep. At least a small wardrobe update would be useful: until the very birth, you can wear jeans with a knitted bandage, a loose A-line tunic or a high-waisted dress. A fractional and balanced diet will help get rid of heartburn, digestive problems and poor health. In general, the second trimester is the most pleasant time of pregnancy, allowing you to get used to the new status and fully enjoy your special position.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and important periods in a woman's life. One of the safe and calm moments is the second trimester, when a woman does not suffer from toxicosis, and the risks of abortion are minimized. In obstetric practice, the 2nd trimeter is often called the "golden mean". It is during this period that a woman begins to feel the movement of the fetus, there is a feeling of impending motherhood.

The second trimester starts at week 13 and lasts. During this period, changes continue to occur in the woman's body, the fetus is actively developing, the woman's stomach slowly begins to increase in size. Basically, the 2nd trimester is accompanied by a feeling of comfort. The woman is no longer tormented by toxicosis, her mood improves. Despite the comfortable period, you should not relax, because, like other trimesters of pregnancy, it requires maximum attention from the woman herself and doctors. At this stage, up to 16 weeks, the final period of the formation of the intrauterine life of the child, the laying of internal organs and the formation of the placenta. It is from this period that the placenta is fully formed, protects the baby from harmful influences, and provides oxygen supply.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may encounter certain difficulties, so you need to know not only how the baby develops, what sensations will be present, but also what risks may appear and what to do in some situations.

The size and weight of the fetus in the second trimester

Starting from, the fetus begins to actively develop. It forms a skeleton and internal organs. If in the first trimester there is a laying of all organs and systems, then starting from the second trimester, its organs and systems begin to work independently. For example, the fetal heart begins to beat 2 times faster, pumps about 22 liters of blood. The formation of the brain also occurs, twists appear, the pituitary gland begins to work, the intestines, bladder, kidneys and other organs are formed. Only the respiratory system rests.

At this stage of pregnancy, the growth and size of the fetus increases. If in the 1st trimester he weighed about 20 g, and the body length was 7 cm, then in the 2nd trimester, by the end of it, the baby weighs from 850 g to 1000 g. The growth of the fetus increases to 35 cm in full growth. Thus, the fetus from a small embryo turns into a fetus weighing up to 1 kg.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus develops rapidly. The following changes occur in his tiny body:

  1. The skeleton is strengthened, the bones grow intensively.
  2. The organs of the abdominal cavity develop.
  3. The kidneys begin to excrete urine.
  4. The stomach, gallbladder and intestines function.
  5. The cerebral cortex is being formed.
  6. The first hormones are produced in the adrenal glands.
  7. The formation of milk teeth is completed.
  8. The proportions of the baby's body are changing.
  9. Sexual glands develop.
  10. Fingernails appear.
  11. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed, in boys, the genitals.
  12. The muscles of the face are formed.

Starting with the fetus, the auditory ossicles are formed, which allows him to hear his mother. During this period, he is quite active, moves a lot, often changes his position, which allows the mother to feel the first movements of the baby. From the 19th week, the fetus can blink and squint, open its mouth. Taste buds begin to form in him, which allows him to feel the taste of the food that mom eats.

By the end of the 2nd trimester, the mental abilities of the fetus are being formed, all parts of the cerebral cortex are well developed. The placenta at this stage is also fully formed. It provides the fetus with all the nutrients, protects against negative effects, and provides oxygen access. In the second trimester, the fetus is fully formed, increases in size every day and reaches almost 1 kg by the end of the 27th week.

Condition of the pregnant woman in the second trimester

Unlike the first trimester, in the second, a woman feels much better. She no longer suffers from toxicosis, there are no big risks for abortion. At this stage, the expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of the fetus, which become more pronounced and tangible every day. In the second trimester, the hormonal background begins to normalize, overall well-being improves, mood and appetite increase. Many mothers during this period are full of energy, begin to visit the pool, do yoga, and some decide to travel. The woman's belly is inconspicuous, but begins to acquire roundness. Despite the improvement in well-being, there are still some nuances that bother a woman and can cause anxiety.

Nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy

Normally, with the onset of the second trimester, toxicosis recedes, and a good appetite comes to replace it. However, due to the individual characteristics of the woman, many women still continue to complain of slight nausea, which is mainly present in the morning or as a reaction to unpleasant or pungent odors. With a slight nausea, you should not worry, it will pass by the 18th week. In the absence of any pathologies of pregnant women, doctors recommend drinking water with lemon or tea immediately after waking up for morning sickness. The cause of this condition can also be malnutrition of the mother, eating fatty foods, overeating or starvation.

In the case when nausea is constant, there is an urge to, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of gestosis or other pathology dangerous for the development and life of the child and the woman herself.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, vaginal discharge can be both the norm and be a sign of internal diseases. It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge.

Normal discharge in the 2nd trimester has a milky tint. What is the result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The secretions themselves have a slight odor, their number may increase slightly as the period increases. The following vaginal discharges are cause for concern:

  1. accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area - a sign (candidiasis).
  2. Smearing spotting is a sign, a threat of miscarriage, premature birth.
  3. A yellowish or greenish discharge is a sign of a vaginal infection.
  4. with an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of such secretions in any trimester of pregnancy should alert the woman, become a reason for contacting a doctor who, after the results of the examination, examination, will be able to identify the cause, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, a woman may periodically be disturbed by pain in the lumbar region or pelvis. Doctors explain such painful sensations by an increase in the uterus, its pressure on neighboring organs. But in cases of pathologies or possible risks, pain can be the first signal for immediate medical attention. A pregnant woman should be alerted by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain in the sacrum or thighs. With the threat of a miscarriage, in addition to pain, bloody discharge from the vagina will also be present.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman often suffers from heartburn, which also appears as a result of an increase in the uterus, its pressure on the stomach. Heartburn is not a serious symptom. It worries almost 80% of pregnant women.

In connection with the same increase in the uterus, the expectant mother may be disturbed by constipation, there is a risk of developing hemorrhoids. In such cases, doctors recommend adjusting the diet, eating as many fermented milk products as possible or those that contain fiber.

Pain can also appear as a result of convulsions - muscle spasms due to their involuntary contraction. Cramps can be a sign of impaired mineral metabolism in the body. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, in the absence of contraindications, do gymnastics for pregnant women, and also pay attention to your diet, which should be rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is vulnerable to various viral and bacterial infections, which can cause an increase in body temperature. Fortunately, in the second trimester, a cold is not as dangerous as at the beginning of pregnancy, but it is still important to pay attention to it, to treat it at its first signs. Most of the drugs are contraindicated, so self-medication, as well as uncontrolled medication, should be excluded. At the first sign of a cold, you need to consult a doctor who can choose the most optimal treatment regimen and give useful recommendations.

It is important to remember that at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, a cold is just as dangerous for a pregnant woman and, with its complications, can provoke a miscarriage. In this regard, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. With minor signs of SARS, bed rest is recommended, plenty of drinking, inhalation, rinsing, nasal rinsing, you can seek help from traditional medicine, use only proven and safe methods. If necessary, taking medications.

Temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, body temperature may increase, which is the body's reaction to a particular irritant. At subfebrile temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees, it is not worth taking measures for treatment. In some women, this temperature is present in the 1st and early second trimester. It is not worth ignoring an elevated body temperature, since it can be a sign of an ectopic position of the fetus or an internal infection.

It is very important to determine the cause of elevated body temperature, as it has a negative effect on the fetus. To normalize body temperature, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs: It is important to understand that such drugs as - must be abandoned. At the same time, such drugs can be taken only at a body temperature above 37.8-38 degrees.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a routine examination, which consists of an ultrasound of the fetus, a clinical blood test, and urine. During this period, a gynecological smear is also prescribed, an analysis for TORCH infection. If necessary, if a fetal pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes a biochemical screening, or “triple test”, which consists of a blood test for 3 markers. The results of the studies make it possible to identify possible pathologies in the development of the fetus, as well as chromosomal abnormalities that can serve as a reason for terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons. Full screening is recommended for women who have had a miscarriage, are older than 35, or have a history of fetal failure. Tests and full screening are carried out only for women who are at risk.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a real tragedy for a woman can be the fading of the fetus. The most dangerous period is 16 - 18 weeks. That is why those women who are at risk are recommended to be screened during the 16th or 18th week. The main signs are considered to be the absence of fetal movements, periodic, brown discharge may be disturbing. If a missed pregnancy is suspected, a woman needs to visit a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an ultrasound scan that can confirm or refute the death of the fetus.


A woman's nutrition will play a key role throughout pregnancy. In the second trimester, a woman's appetite increases. Nutrition should be balanced, fortified and healthy. Proper diet and healthy nutrition will provide a woman's body with all the necessary substances for full growth and development.

The diet should contain only fresh and natural products: fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products. Porridge, vegetables and fruits, as well as beef liver, tomato juice will bring benefits. It is better to eat food raw, boiled or stewed. It is not recommended to eat fried foods, spices, foods containing dyes and carcinogens. Do not abuse sweet and flour products, this will help to avoid significant weight gain and the development of pregnant women.

At any stage of pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, even in small quantities, and also stop smoking.

In order for the 2nd trimester, as well as the entire pregnancy to proceed without complications, the woman feels comfortable, some rules must be followed:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Moderate physical activity.
  3. Daily outdoor walks.
  4. Lack of contact with sick people.
  5. Compliance with all rules of personal hygiene.
  6. Comfortable clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  7. Full and comfortable sleep.
  8. Absence of any stressful situations.
  9. In hot weather, do not stay in the open sun for a long time.
  10. Regular visits to the doctor, delivery of all tests.

Compliance with elementary rules will help reduce all sorts of risks that may appear in the second term of pregnancy, improve a woman's well-being, and ensure healthy growth and development of the fetus.

The second trimester of pregnancy (the period from 13 to 27 weeks) is the most interesting for the expectant mother. After all, it is at this stage that the baby begins to move. This period is usually accompanied by a sense of physiological comfort and well-being. Nausea at this time no longer appears, and the fetus has not yet reached those sizes in order to put pressure on the woman's organs. But still there are certain problems that arise during this period. Experts give a woman the necessary and important advice that will help her cope with doubts and difficulties, look great and lead an active life.

1. What should be the food?

Overeating a woman in the second trimester is not worth it. The uterus begins to intensively gain in size, so excessive filling of the stomach and intestines leads to unpleasant sensations. The ideal option is to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day in small portions, and then there will be no problems with digestion and assimilation of products.

Other features of the diet of the second trimester:

  • The minimum amount of fatty foods;
  • The basis of the menu is carbohydrates (pasta from durum cereals, vegetables, fruits, cereals) and proteins. Meat should be eaten in moderation;
  • It is desirable to eat fish more than meat, and the latter should be low-fat, dietary;
  • To prevent nutritional deficiencies and disorders in the development of the child from the 4th month, special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women should be taken.

2. How much fluid can you drink?

According to studies, lack of fluid during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences. In addition to constipation and problems with metabolism, oligohydramnios can also become them. Therefore, everyone should drink pure water, even pregnant women suffering from edema, but in this case there should be no abuse. The rate of fluid intake is 1.5-2 liters / day, with edema - a little less, in the heat - more.

3. Should a woman change her lifestyle?

Usually, all the worries about the new position of a woman are already behind, the expectant mother begins to feel joy from her condition. It is very important in the second trimester not to limit yourself in movement, not to close yourself at home, lying in bed. Moderate activity will benefit the heart and blood vessels, therefore, it will help saturate the baby's blood with oxygen. Also, movement is useful for the functions of the nervous, endocrine systems.

Hypodynamia has some disadvantages:

  • constipation;
  • Poor tone of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen;
  • Exchange disorders;
  • Overweight gain;
  • Incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • placenta problems;
  • Weakness of labor activity.

If the doctor does not mind, then a woman from the second trimester can visit the pool, for example, in special groups for expectant mothers.

4. How to dress for pregnant women?

The stomach in the second trimester begins to grow, so skirts, trousers, dresses should not squeeze it, constrain it during movement and in a sitting position. Squeezing the abdomen can lead to impaired blood supply to the placenta, hypertonicity of the uterus, which is harmful to the baby. From this period, it is advisable to buy special clothes for pregnant women made of natural fabrics, soft and comfortable for the body.

5. Are there hygiene features in the second trimester?

Daily hygiene is not worth discussing: a shower must be taken every day, since human skin actively releases all unnecessary substances with sweat and provides respiratory and metabolic functions. During pregnancy, it is important to keep the whole body clean. Normally developing pregnancy - you can periodically visit the bath and sauna, but only with a comfortable temperature, without abusing the steam room. Too high a temperature can provoke high blood pressure, miscarriage and premature birth. When visiting the bath, you should behave carefully.

6. How to prevent stretch marks on the body?

It will not be possible to fundamentally influence the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the skin of the expectant mother, since they are formed or not only depending on the characteristics of the skin and the size of the abdomen. With sufficient skin density, even with a large fetus and a large belly, there will be no stretch marks, but with thin, delicate skin, they will certainly appear. Stretch mark creams for expectant mothers can improve skin elasticity to some extent and reduce the risk of large, large stretch marks, but creams cannot completely prevent stretch marks.

Also, a woman needs to control her weight. The likelihood of stretch marks increases if a pregnant woman gains weight quickly. The skin does not have time to stretch, and as a result, a large number of striae are formed not only on the abdomen, but also on the hips, buttocks, and chest.

7. How much weight can a woman gain during pregnancy?

Doctors “allow” ideally a woman to gain 10-13 kg of weight during pregnancy. In the first three months, body weight increases by 2 kg, then the weight grows by 1.5-2 kilos per month. The first trimester is characterized by a small weight gain, while from the second trimester of gestation, the baby is growing rapidly, like the uterus itself, the volume of amniotic fluid, fatty tissue. The total volume of blood in a woman also increases, and all the numbers in addition form such a large weight gain.

Of the 10-13 kg increase in adipose tissue, it normally accounts for up to 4 kg, no more. Consumption of fatty, high-calorie foods during pregnancy causes an increase in the proportion of adipose tissue, the development of obesity, which threatens problems for the baby. For the pregnant woman herself, obesity is also fraught with various troubles:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Pain in the back / lower back, the development of osteochondrosis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • arterial hypertension.

8. How to keep weight under control?

When visiting a gynecologist, a woman is offered to familiarize herself with tables with norms for weight gain by months (or by weeks). The doctor will help calculate the rate of increase in the presence of an initial weight deficit, and in this case it is permissible to gain up to 14 kg. On the contrary, for those who were initially overweight, the increase should be limited to 7-8 kg. Too low increases are harmful to the health of the child, because without the adipose tissue of the mother, he will not be able to fully develop (adipose tissue is needed for the normal development of the baby)!

After the birth of a baby, women who have had optimal gains are best breastfeeding, since there is an ideal hormonal background for milk production. Trying to lose weight during pregnancy is prohibited, as the baby will not receive the nutrients he needs. Weight control is also important in order to prevent the development of latent edema. Therefore, you need to eat right, do not overeat, if necessary, use infusions of diuretic herbs, on the recommendation of a doctor, do fasting days.

9. Sex in the second trimester - is it possible?

Abandoning sexual activity for the entire duration of pregnancy is difficult, and there is no need for this. Restrictions on sex are only for women with contraindications (for example, the threat of miscarriage). In other cases, you can lead an intimate life for the entire duration of pregnancy. And yet, you need to behave more carefully in bed, not forgetting about the “interesting position”.

As a rule, problems with sex can only arise by the third trimester, when the stomach is large. In the second trimester, a woman's libido increases due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background. In addition, sex improves blood circulation in the uterus, which is beneficial for the development of the fetus.

10. Is it necessary to apply special care for the mammary glands?

In the second trimester, the breasts increase in size intensively, preparing for the appearance of milk. Some women already have colostrum periodically. Breast care should be regular and correct:

  • Take a shower daily, washing your chest with warm water;
  • Periodically practice a contrast shower to optimize tissue blood supply;
  • After washing, wipe the mammary glands with a massage mitt or a hard towel (this will prepare the nipples for lactation, making them less sensitive, and help prevent cracks).

You should also buy a bra according to your size, without trying to wear tight underwear on an overgrown chest. A good bra will keep your breasts from sagging and should be worn at all times.

11. What to do about nipples that are inverted or flat?

Some women have naturally flat or inverted nipples, which will greatly interfere with feeding the baby. The baby will not be able to grasp the nipple on its own, so the mother is forced to bottle feed him. But even if you have flat nipples, you can straighten them out a little if you start exercising before giving birth.

Exercise should be done several times a day, starting from the second trimester. After washing, they must be carefully pulled out and scrolled between the thumb and forefinger. These exercises are done in the absence of the threat of interruption.

There is a connection between the breast and the uterus, and excessive irritation of the nipples can lead to uterine contractions. Therefore, if the uterus often comes into tone, then it is better to postpone the exercises to a later date.

12. When should I visit a gynecologist?

During pregnancy, visits to the gynecologist are mandatory, they cannot be missed. The second trimester is the time of not too frequent visits to the doctor, usually once every 3 weeks (if there are no pathologies). From the middle of the second trimester to a visit to the gynecologist, a woman takes a general urine test for the timely detection of abnormalities in the kidneys and the diagnosis of preeclampsia. In the period of 21-24 weeks, an ultrasound of the fetus is done, and at the second screening for intrauterine pathology.

13. What problems can occur during the 2nd trimester?

Unpleasant sensations may appear in a woman not only due to toxicosis of the first trimester. Since the work of all organs changes, they are squeezed by the growing uterus, a number of unpleasant sensations are possible. Most often it is - sometimes - pain in the stomach, increased gas formation. In order to prevent such troubles, it is important to eat right, not to abuse pastries, salt, spices. . It is better to sleep on a high pillow, and after eating before going to bed, at least 2 hours should pass.

Among other things, many women by the end of the second trimester experience:

  • Headache;
  • Lower back pain;
  • constipation;
  • Thrush;
  • Anemia.

Many pregnant women at this time experience cramps in the calf muscles for the first time. When they appear, you need to consult a doctor and he will recommend taking calcium and magnesium supplements, since many unpleasant symptoms appear due to their lack.

14. Anemia during pregnancy - how to treat?

Most often, anemia occurs due to an increase in plasma volume. There is an increase in the amount of the liquid component of the blood, and the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin remains the same. But sometimes there is a real anemia due to malnutrition, malabsorption of iron in the intestine or frequent bleeding (threat of interruption, hemorrhoidal bleeding).

If hemoglobin has sharply decreased, then the fetus will suffer from hypoxia. The diagnosis is made by a blood test. Be sure to prescribe preparations containing iron. Prevention of anemia is the intake of vitamins for pregnant women, which contain iron, and a balanced diet.

15. Thrush and how to deal with it?

By the end of the second trimester, thrush (candidiasis) occurs in a huge number of pregnant women. It directly depends on the state of immunity, and in a woman it is greatly reduced so that the body does not "think" of rejecting a foreign body - a fetus. Reduced immunity is fertile ground for the active reproduction of Candida fungi, which provoke an inflammatory disease. Another factor that increases the risk of developing thrush is a change in hormonal levels, which affects the change in pH in the genitals.

Treatment of candidiasis is a complex process, and the trouble is that there are no effective drugs that can be used during pregnancy. And it must be treated, even if it does not proceed without symptoms. It is especially important to get rid of thrush before childbirth, because the baby, when passing through the birth canal, can be infected with pathogenic fungi. All drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, and it is better not to use folk remedies for a future mother!

16. What is the cause of constipation and how to get rid of them?

It seems that the uterus is still small and does not put much pressure on the intestines. But for many pregnant women, constipation begins to appear in the second trimester. They occur due to progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on muscle tissue.

This effect is needed to prevent uterine contractions, but progesterone affects not only the uterus, but also other organs, in particular, the intestines. Therefore, there is a decrease in intestinal tone and a slowdown in its peristalsis.

It is imperative to deal with the symptoms of indigestion and poor fecal discharge. To begin with, you should use active prevention of constipation - eat fresh vegetables, fruits, cook cereals, drink more water. But in the absence of a result, it is better to use not drugs, but harmless candles with glycerin. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe drugs that are the least dangerous for a pregnant woman.

17. Are there situations when you need to urgently run to the doctor?

Usually, the second trimester is the time when the least number of pregnancy problems are diagnosed. The woman's body is "accustomed", feels normal, the child grows and develops. And yet, situations are not uncommon when pregnancy is accompanied by complications. Urgently contact a specialist, including calling an ambulance, it is necessary in such cases:

  • Pain in the abdomen, especially in the type of contractions;
  • The appearance of discharge with blood;
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid;
  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • Severe cramps, sharp pain in any part of the body.

It is strictly forbidden to wait for any acute symptoms! Only a timely appeal for help will help preserve the health of your own and your unborn child!

Absolutely rightfully the most calm and favorable period of pregnancy is the second trimester. The dangers of the first weeks are over, toxicosis, as a rule, also recedes. And the psychological state of the expectant mother is returning to normal.

Clarification: what week does the 2nd trimester start from

We can say that from the 13th week of pregnancy, you can consider yourself moving into the second trimester. At 12 weeks, the first third of the wonderful situation ends, and with it the dangers of the first months, the risks of miscarriage, toxicosis and the psychological instability of the expectant mother. At the same time, the period in which abortion is possible ends - this also has to be mentioned.

As a rule, at 12 weeks, the first pregnancy screening is carried out:

  • The main goal of the first screening is the early detection of malformations;
  • Pathologies can be identified by a special blood test;
  • Completes the picture of the ultrasound study.

Such a comprehensive screening examination should take place within a period of 11 to a maximum of 14 weeks. At this time, the expectant mother is checked for the absence of such congenital pathologies as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome in the fetus. These pathologies are not amenable to correction, therefore, screening should leave a choice to a woman - to give birth to a baby with features or to terminate the pregnancy. As you can see, in some cases, screening goes as early as the second trimester, but usually it is completed by 12 weeks.

Pregnancy is a joyful event in the life of every woman who wants to have a baby. In addition, this is also a very responsible and difficult period, which can bring not only joy, but also anxiety.

Pregnancy is known to last 9 months or 40 weeks.

For convenience, the division of this entire period into trimesters, of which there are only three, is accepted. We publish a convenient table of pregnancy trimesters by week in this article.

You will learn how the weeks and months of pregnancy are divided into trimesters and what to expect from each trimester, all this should be known to any woman preparing to become a mother.

Very often we are asked - "the first, second, third trimester is how many weeks?" let's figure it out in order.

The start of pregnancy is counted from the last menstrual period.. Thus, it turns out that the first month of pregnancy begins even before conception. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs. How to calculate this day, read in a separate.
  • At 3-4 weeks, the egg descends through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and is implanted in its wall.

If everything went well, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, then the pregnancy develops further.

Therefore, 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are considered an important moment for its further course..

  • In the following weeks, the embryo grows and develops.
  • Important systems of the body begin to form: nervous, bone, muscle.

  • By week 6, the heart, arms and legs are formed.
  • The length of the embryo is about 6 mm.

  • At 7-8 weeks, the rudiments of eyes, chest, and abdomen appear in the crumbs.
  • The first sense organs appear.

  • 8-10 weeks - the child has a formed face, fingers and toes.
  • The fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet. The length of the embryo is about 12 mm.

  • By the end of the first trimester, by 13 weeks, the baby's eyelids have formed, the child's genitals are distinguishable, and the sex of the child can be determined.

The first trimester lasts three months or 12-13 weeks. This period is very important for the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time, an abortion may occur if there are any pathologies of the embryo or violations of the health of the mother.

Let's figure it out together: and why is it being done? Is this examination really necessary?

An excellent device for relieving the load from the back is a bandage, and how do they differ?

Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle in the first trimester, get rid of bad habits, exclude medications and any substances that can harm the health of the future crumbs.

The body of a woman during this period is actively rebuilt. The hormonal background is changing. Breasts swell, nipples become sensitive. A pregnant woman becomes more emotional: quickly irritated or crying.

There are frequent urges to the toilet, because the growing uterus presses on the bladder. Toxicosis may begin.

Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. In the first trimester, a woman should be especially careful about her health.

More rest, sleep, walk, eat well, avoid overwork and stress. The health of the unborn child depends on the health of the mother.

Duration 2 trimesters

At 13 weeks, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, and the fetus takes on the appearance of a little man.

Border week 28 may refer to the second or third trimester. At 28 weeks, the fetus is already developed so that, with proper care, it is capable of survival.

By the fifth month, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the fetus, the fluff on the head grows. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow, but they are still colorless, melanin pigment is not yet produced. Individual convolutions appear on the fingers of the pens - prints.

At 6 months (22-25, 26, 27 weeks) the child's bone marrow functions, and the intensive development of the brain continues. The nervous system of the baby is already quite developed. He hears sounds from outside. Loud sounds frighten him, calm music has a beneficial effect.

In the second trimester, around 18 weeks, a woman first begins to feel the baby's movements (many as early as 16). This period usually proceeds quite well. Toxicosis passes, hormonal changes are completed, and with it abrupt mood changes and other early troubles.

The woman's belly becomes more and more noticeable and by the end of the sixth month, back pain may occur due to the increased load on the spine. In this case, the doctor may advise wearing a special bandage.

In the second trimester, it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan to assess the development of the child, to identify existing pathologies.

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All mothers must know: - how many weeks do they do it, and is it really necessary?

3rd trimester. His dangers

The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months or the third trimester.

What week does it start? Usually it is considered from 28 to 40 weeks of gestation.

Starting from the 28th week, the baby's lungs are so formed that they are able to inhale ordinary air. The child sleeps and is awake, able to close and open his eyes.

By the end of 32 weeks, the weight of the child reaches 2.5 kg, and the length is 45 cm. From 33 to 37 weeks, the lungs have fully developed, the skin is smoothed, it becomes pinkish.

Muscle tone increases, the child can raise his head and turn it.

Reacts to bright light.

From 38 weeks, the baby is fully formed and ready for childbirth.

At 40 weeks, labor begins. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes labor can begin 1-2 weeks earlier or later than the due date.

Prolongation of pregnancy can have unpleasant consequences, so you need to go to the hospital if the deadline has come up, but there are no contractions.

Termination of pregnancy at this time can occur with some complications, although it is more accurate to call it premature birth. After all, a child after 28 weeks is already quite viable, although it requires special care. Complications of pregnancy during this period include:

  • Problems with placental function
  • High blood pressure in pregnancy (preeclampsia)
  • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix
  • Bad habits in a pregnant woman

This period is most often the most difficult for the expectant mother. The discomfort from the growing belly increases, the internal organs located in the neighborhood are squeezed. In the third trimester, the following problems may occur:

    Is your pregnancy easy?

    EasilyNot really

  • Difficulty breathing due to constriction of the diaphragm
  • Lower back pain
  • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Increased urination
  • Increasing pressure
  • Late toxicosis
  • Other ailments

You need to tell your gynecologist about any problems of your body, which you need to visit weekly from now on. Most of these problems resolve after childbirth, but may require supportive care during pregnancy.

Thus, pregnancy is conditionally divided into three periods - trimesters. The table for trimesters of pregnancy looks like this:

THIRD 9-13
2 FOURTH 14-17
FIFTH 18-21
SIXTH 22-27
3 SEVENTH 28-31
EIGHTH 32-36
NINTH 37-40

This table shows the trimesters of pregnancy by week and month.

Trimester analyzes

Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother and child are under the supervision of a doctor.

Pregnancy management plans include regular check-ups, weighing, abdominal measurements by an obstetrician-gynecologist; consultations of other specialists, analyzes and research.

They will help determine whether everything is in order with the mother and child, and if problems are found, prescribe treatment in time.

Most examinations and analyzes will have to be done in the first trimester, when registering for pregnancy with your gynecologist.

In the first trimester, tests are taken to evaluate the following indicators:

  • Characteristics of blood
  • HCG level in blood or urine
  • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
  • General indicators of urine
  • The blood type and Rh factor are determined, if the mother has a negative Rh, it is necessary to determine the father's Rh
  • The presence of infections in the blood (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, etc.)
  • Antibodies to ToRCH infections (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes)
  • The microflora of the vagina is determined by a smear and seeding for PPI
  • At a period of 12 weeks, the first screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound and a blood test from a vein. The main task of screening is to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

This survey is optional. However, in some cases, or simply at will, a doctor may recommend it.

In the second trimester, re-examine:

  • General blood analysis
  • Once a month they give urine for analysis
  • Second screening at 16-18 weeks
  • The second ultrasound at 18-21 weeks, if the second screening was not done

The second screening includes a triple test. At the same time, the level of proteins is determined - AFP, hCG and estriol. This helps to rule out genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and neural tube defects. Ultrasound looks at deviations in the formed organs and systems of the fetus.

Last trimester:

  • Repeated blood test for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
  • A smear for microflora and genital infections from the vagina
  • Urinalysis is given more often every 1-2 weeks
  • Blood chemistry
  • Last ultrasound and preferably dopplerography

Such analyzes by trimesters are mandatory for pregnant women during the normal course of pregnancy. However, when a woman has health problems or complications arise, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and studies, as well as specialist consultations if necessary.

No matter what difficulties a woman faces in different trimesters of pregnancy, there will always be positive moments.

After all, it is so wonderful to watch how a baby is born, develops and grows. And such a miracle as the birth of a new life overshadows any difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Useful video

You can see how the baby develops in the next video. Check it out, it's something incredible.