Vladislav Radimov and his new girlfriend. The love triangle of Vlad Radimov

Divorce Rumors Tatyana Bulanova and her ex-husband, a football player Vladislav Radimov, not once discussed in the media. And a few months ago, the singer publicly announced that her husband and her close friend had betrayed her. However, the artist did not specify the details of the relationship with the athlete. And to direct questions whether the couple divorced, she categorically refused to answer.

And only in the studio of the program "Tonight" Tatyana confirmed for the first time that she officially broke up with her husband and named the reason for her radical decision. She reported on Radimov's romance with fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, whom he even introduced to his parents and gave her spare keys to the apartment. According to the singer, it was funny for her to hear the public revelations of her husband's mistress, talking about such details of the relationship with Vladislav, who was never mentioned. “It was funny for me to look at what this girl was talking about her relationship with Vlad. Much simply could not be, I know my husband, ”said Bulanova.

Tatyana admitted that she was most offended by the fact that Radimov gave his mistress an expensive phone that the singer presented to him. “This is my phone, my gift! When I asked Vlad where he was doing him, he laughed it off. Woman, return the expensive thing, ”the celebrity turned to the athlete’s mistress. Despite this ugly story, Bulanova was able to forgive Vladislav and maintain warm relations with him. According to her, she admits that she and the football player may well have a second wedding. After all, even after the divorce, they met to celebrate the 11th anniversary of their life together.

The divorce of singer Tatyana Bulanova and football player Vladislav Radimov is no longer a secret: the show business star admitted that their marriage was officially terminated. The couple divorced due to the betrayal of the athlete. One of Vladislav's passions came to the air of Boris Korchevnikov's program "Live" and spoke about her relationship with him. St. Petersburg fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva was Radimov's secret lover for six years. The woman claims that she was not the reason for the couple's divorce. But, nevertheless, their romance became one of the "bells" that forced Bulanova to file for divorce.

The singer knew about the affair between her husband and the spectacular blonde: last year, Irina had already talked about her relationship with a married athlete on television. But then Bulanova decided to forgive the windy spouse. Now her patience snapped, and she dissolved the marriage. This made Irina Yakovleva come out of the shadows and tell the whole country about how she loved Vladislav.

According to Irina, they met in one of the St. Petersburg restaurants. At first she did not know that her new acquaintance was married. And when she found out, she did not find the strength to part with him. Moreover, Vladislav behaved like a classic example of a man on the verge of a divorce: he said that his wife did not understand him, and in every possible way sought to get to know Irina's family. Yakovleva introduced him to her loved ones, and Vladislav completely fascinated her mother. “They quickly found a common language with their mother,” says the beloved athlete.

We had a very romantic relationship. We met, walked on a ship along the Nevawhen they built bridges, she says.

Although Vladislav did not propose to Irina, his girlfriend was pleased with what she had. She was sincerely happy next to Radimov and did not insist that he leave his family. Moreover, Vladislav assured: he wants a child from his beloved, but you have to wait with a divorce. So they spent six years together. But then they broke up anyway.

At some point, I realized that there was nothing to wait for. We must either enjoy each other, or no longer swear, do not sort things out and do not spoil each other's life, she says.

Now Irina insists that it was not she who caused the divorce of Tatiana and Vladislav.

We did not communicate this year, I did not call, did not write to him. I adhere to such a rule that if a person has made a decision, I let him go. And now the marriage is collapsing, and you say that it's my fault, - she said in the program "Live".

According to Irina, Bulanova is largely unfair to Radimov and simply seeks to denigrate him.

I keep hearing about her picking him up from the police. The most annoying thing is that she does not protect him, but exposes him in an unpleasant light, she says. Recall that in March of this year, the press reported that the singer had taken her husband, who was detained for drunk driving, from the police station.

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov met during an interview that Tatyana took for one of the sports newspapers in St. Petersburg as part of the Star to Star Speaks campaign in 2004. Their wedding took place on October 18, 2005. On March 8, 2007, their son Nikita was born.

It seems that now the marriage between Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, who was already bursting at the seams on a regular basis, has completely broken up.

Tatyana herself had previously stated in the press that she had begun the divorce proceedings and the division of property, and a girl came to the TV show who assured that she had been in a relationship with Vladislav Radimov for a long time and they lived in a real family, but then this information was refuted.

The last time this family got into gossip columns was in March of this year, when Vlad got into the police while intoxicated, and Bulanova, having arrived to pick him up at the department, said: “That's it, Radimov, the freebie is over.”

But, as it turned out, that was not all. The day before, Tatyana published an eloquent post in her microblog: “Now I know exactly what distinguishes a man from an asshole! A man solves problems, and an asshole creates them ... ".

It was clear that this was directly related to Vlad Radimov, but what exactly happened became known later.

I don’t know what is more disgusting - the betrayal of a close person, as it seemed to me, a person or a friend, - the performer wrote.

It must be assumed that Radimov's adventures continue, and he took a walk with Tatyana's girlfriend. It’s interesting whether they will divorce this time or after some time Bulanova will assure everyone that everything is fine with them, and the “yellow press” invents dirty stories.

Tatyana Bulanova's husband's mistress, Irina Yakovleva, came to the "We Speak and Show" program to thank Vladislav Radimov

For several years now, there have been rumors about a stormy romance between the husband of singer Tatyana Bulanova, Vladislav Radimov, and fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva.

Unexpectedly, Irina decided to tell herself about the relationship that connects her with Vladislav.

It turned out that indeed, they have been dating for 7 years. Irina, like any lover, sleeps and sees that Radimov will finally leave his lawful wife in the person of Tatyana Bulanova and come to her forever.

Many guests of the program asked Ira the question: "What do you need from him?", to which the woman said that she decided for the first time to tell the whole country about her love, that she considers it right and can no longer keep it in herself, as well as she said she wanted to thank Vladislav for giving her such feelings.

It is a very strange form of "gratitude" to come to the program and actually destroy the marriage of a lover, who, it seems to me, should now not leave his wife at all and say "thank you" to his caring mistress, but on the contrary will beg forgiveness from Bulanova even more strongly.

Irina Yakovleva spoke about a relationship that lasted seven years

Since the truth about was revealed, this situation has been intensively discussed by both sports and cultural parties. Tatyana Bulanova does not comment on it. Vlad either keeps silent, then says that he knows Irina only in a cap. The girl herself did not dare to talk about her love relationship with the Zenith star for a long time. But the MK correspondent nevertheless heard her frank story.

Vladislav Radimov with his wife - Tatyana Bulanova.

- How did you meet Vlad?

Seven years ago in the famous St. Petersburg restaurant "Terrace". The World Cup was on, and Radimov and his friends came to “cheer”. They sat at a large table in front of the screen, and my friend and I had already paid and were about to leave. As I learned later from Vlad, it was he who asked his friend Alexander to get to know us. He sat down, invited the players to the table. True, I didn’t immediately understand that we had the famous Zenit players in front of us. Even Arshavin did not recognize. On the screen, he seems tall and slender; in real life, Andrei is small in stature and densely built.

When the company began to disperse, Radimov asked: "Stay, let's just talk." We chatted until half past two. Then the "Terrace" was closed, and we went to another restaurant. When this place stopped working, Vlad offered to take a boat ride on the Neva. Under the Palace Bridge, we drank our last sip of wine, kissed and threw the glasses into the water, for good luck. Vlad whispered: "Stay with me ...". I didn't resist, I stayed. And in the evening we met again, and I was the subject of close attention of his football friends.

It seemed to me that Vlad's friends did not communicate closely with Tatyana. Vlad often went to Zenit parties without his wife. One day, my friend and I accidentally wandered into a restaurant where the couple were having lunch together. They looked like tired people. Tatyana silently ate the soup, Vlad looked out the window. Together they rarely rest at all: everyone has their own interests and their own social circle. From the restaurant then we retired, I did not want awkward scenes.

- This feeling of embarrassment did not haunt you? Yet Vlad is a strange husband ...

When I met Radimov, I was an absolutely free girl. As I already said, I did not build any plans in connection with it. I just liked that with all his achievements, Vlad remained a good and interesting person. He didn't recognize. It was easy and fun with him, our relationship flowed without any tension. At the very beginning of our meetings, Vlad immediately began to talk about getting divorced. I reacted skeptically: "No promises are needed." The answer was: “I want everything for real!”.

After some time in the morning we went to his mother Svetlana Alekseevna. She was stunned by the appearance of a stranger in the house and seemed to think that I was a "moth". Mom soon found my coordinates, called and asked: "Irina, tell us about yourself and your relationship with Vlad." We met near her work and talked. Realizing that I was not a lady of easy virtue, Svetlana Alekseevna calmed down.

I came with Vlad to visit his mother and stepfather, to the dacha, we celebrated the holidays together. And then he met my mom. They quickly found a common language, discussing their beloved Spain. Our romance developed rapidly, and gradually I got to know all his relatives, even his eldest daughter Sasha, who was then 11 years old. She came to visit St. Petersburg, stayed with Svetlana Alekseevna, my friend and I organized a cultural program for the girl. We were taken to the Yusupov Palace, then we walked around the city together. Sasha even came to work at the gym with me. I know Vlad's grandmother, stepfather, friends. When he could not take his family somewhere, I did it. All these people have become a part of my life, I remember them with warmth and am very grateful for the communication. I miss them, of course.

- Why is not enough? Have you stopped talking?

After the TV show, where I admitted that we had an affair, Vlad remained silent. And he pretended not to know who Ira Yakovleva was. It offended me. I could just say to Tatyana: yes, it was, but it has passed, let's not develop the topic further. And to say that there was no romance at all, in my opinion, is vile. Tatyana also added fuel to the fire: in an interview on TV, she said that I was "an insane fan". And Vlad again did not object. I think that it was ugly on her part to pronounce such words, because I behaved correctly and did not offend her in any way.

It turns out that all our relationships are lies, and all his beautiful words were worth nothing. Vlad's mother at first assured that he would tell the truth to the press. But when I saw the program, our communication with her abruptly stopped. She was afraid that she would harm her son and stopped talking to me. But I still consider Vlad's parents wonderful people. And somewhere in the depths of my soul I always thought - they are my second family.

- Do you think Tatyana knew about your relationship?

I think I figured it out. The wife of one of the players once told her that Vlad constantly appears at parties with some girl. We were together and at parties about the victories of "", the spouses of the players saw me. I think Tatyana understood something from our messages. Vlad accidentally left a message popup open on his iPad. The page “Iren-fitness-trainer” was highlighted there - this is my nickname on the network.

There was another poignant moment. Somehow, Vlad did not answer the calls of his mother for several hours, Svetlana Alekseevna became worried, called me, and I immediately arrived. Vlad did not open the apartment door for us then, but soon called back from another number. Turns out his phone was dead. But Tatyana must have seen me on the CCTV footage. By the way, on that ill-fated day, we met Bulanova's eldest son, Sasha, at the apartment. Obviously he told her about it.

- Vlad gave you gifts?

I never asked him for anything. Vlad rarely gave gifts, but he could withdraw money from a credit card and give it to me. Flowers are not his style at all. Buying a bouquet for mom is sacred, but coming to a meeting with a rose in your hand is not. We often corresponded, and at some point Radimov began to send links to cute videos with lyrical songs, and once he sent poems by Anna Astakhova.

But his first gift was amazing. Model expensive shoes. Previously, he found out the size of my foot and asked me to put on an elegant dress by the evening, to do my hair. Vlad came to work for me, when I got into the car, he took out the box: “Open it and look! Like?". The shoes were very extravagant, with high heels, the instep almost didn’t suit me, but I put them on anyway. We went to dinner at a restaurant, later my friend Ira joined us. I immediately bragged about the present. We sat until late, and when there were few guests in the restaurant, I even allowed myself to put my feet on the edge of the table for a few seconds, demonstrating the new thing.

- Do you have joint pictures with Vlad?

I have nothing to show you. On holidays, in the house of Vlad's parents, his mother took pictures of us. I didn’t think about any selfies, I don’t like them at all, and I think that everything should remain in the heart, and not in ostentatious pictures. Vlad simply hates being photographed, he often refuses even magazines. Yes, it never occurred to me to take a photo for some kind of evidence. But I have video and photo messages from Vladislav of a personal nature.

Irina Yakovleva.

The thought did not creep into your head - that you are deceiving yourself? And what does this novel really mean little to Vlad?

At some point, I realized that I fell in love. And it's hard to deal with feelings. I did not demand a divorce, I felt that Vlad would not decide on him. Of course, I wish we spent more time together. But that was beyond the realm of possibility. And I, ordering my heart to be silent, once said that our communication is "just like that." Seven years have passed in this “just like that”.

Anything has happened over the years. Sometimes he did not appear for weeks, and sometimes he asked me to come to the airport to say goodbye. He did not hide me from friends, and although he talked with other girls, he always returned. I was not jealous - communicating with fans is part of his profession. Often our meetings were spontaneous, when Radimov had time, he would pick me up at the sports club. I even liked it - feelings always remained fresh.

But I saw how my beloved was changing, and I thought that this was a good sign. We began to stay together in his apartment more often - we watched TV, sat on the carpet or on the balcony, discussed something. (Despite the fact that Vlad lived with Tatyana, he had his own separate housing). We talked for hours. I began to understand hockey, and he watched programs about the fate of people with me. Vlad taught me how to bet in sports. Of course, I understood that it couldn’t go on like this forever, I had to build my life. Years go by ... Once she even suggested that Vlad leave. But we didn’t last long, then we phoned, and everything started spinning again.

I supported Vlad in difficult moments. Remember the technical defeat of Zenit in 2011? He was then removed from the post of team leader. Vlad went into himself, even his mother could not get through to him. In the evenings, he lay on the couch in front of the TV and was silent, immersed in experiences. And Tatyana at that time was in Moscow on the Dancing with the Stars project. Once Vlad texted: "I feel bad." I went to him. She talked, consoled, explained that everything would be fine. Then, when Vlad became the second coach, he was upset that he was not allowed to open up. I tried to convince that these are temporary difficulties, we corresponded all the time. After the games, he often asked: "Well, how?" To the best of my knowledge, I gave an assessment of the match. One day the conversation turned to a common child. But, to be honest, I don’t want to have children yet. As a responsible person, I understand that being a mother is not yet ready. I can not give the child as much love and attention as required. And I don’t want to make my child “abandoned”.

- After everything that happened, do you want to return Vlad or did you decide to go further in life separately?

I do not regret anything. Maybe it's a good thing that it happened that way. That the truth has been revealed. My rose-colored glasses are broken. On the program, in a fit of feelings, she said that I would love him and wait. Now I don't think so. I saw that Radimov was frightened, and I don’t even understand why. And I need another, brave and strong Vlad. The one he seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance. After the program, Vlad said that he did not want me to get into his life. But the seven years of this life were mine too. After all, he himself let me into his space, and I opened my soul to him. And that means he should at least explain himself to me. Instead of being silent and pretending that nothing is happening. We are responsible for those we have tamed.

Tatyana Bulanova said that Radimov's passion was not the reason for their breakup. She spoke about the scandal that erupted after a friend of Vladislav Radimov spoke on the air of one of the TV channels. The actress admitted that she experienced difficult feelings while watching that program.

When in December last year it became known about the divorce of Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, the fans were shocked. After all, the couple of the singer and the captain of the Zenith club was considered one of the exemplary ones for eleven years. But it turned out that the football player had a mistress for seven years - fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, whom he met in a St. Petersburg restaurant. Radimov introduced Irina to his parents and even gave them spare keys to their apartment.

Tatyana Bulanova for the first time voiced her attitude to the scandal that the former lover of Radimov arranged for the whole country. She recalled all this "ugly and vile" story in an interview with Andrei Malakhov in the Tonight program.

“It was funny for me to see what this girl was talking about her relationship with Vlad,” Tatyana commented on the television revelations of her now ex-husband’s mistress. “There simply couldn’t be much, I know my husband.”

As it turned out, Irina Yakovleva gave an interview to Channel One, and “Tonight” showed a recording where the woman again told how she met Vladislav Radimov seven years ago in a cafe in St. Petersburg, how she later warmly communicated with his mother and daughter from the first marriage. And she even showed the keys to the apartment of the Radimovs' parents, which, allegedly, they themselves gave her.

But the fact that Radimov gave away to his mistress a luxury brand mobile phone that he had once received from Tatyana offended her.

“This is my phone, my gift! When I asked Vlad where he was doing, he laughed it off. Woman, return an expensive thing,” she turned from TV to Vladislav's mistress.

During this story, the camera several times showed the TV viewers a close-up of the face of Tatyana Bulanova. Apparently, the singer, indeed, no longer feels any emotions about her ex-husband's mistress. And even finds the strength to respond to this situation with humor and not take what is happening to heart.

“She only humiliated herself with this performance. I feel sorry for this person,” said Tatiana.

She also admitted that the divorce did not take place because of the betrayal of her husband, but there were some other reasons. Bulanova did not disclose them.

But Tatyana Bulanova did not talk about the details of her divorce from Vladislav Radimov, joking that a separate program should be devoted to this event. In addition, the singer does not exclude that their discord with Radimov may well turn out to be a temporary phenomenon.

“The decision to divorce was not easy for me,” Tatyana sighs, “but I don’t know what will happen next. Maybe there will be a second wedding and Vlad and I will get married again.”

Interestingly, even after the divorce, she and Radimov still celebrated the 11th wedding anniversary. Bulanova assures that she was able to maintain good relations with all her ex-husbands.

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