"Merry garden" - headband masks for children. How to make a cucumber costume with your own hands? How to quickly make a cucumber costume

An amazing technique that is great for working even with small children. You can make everything your heart desires in this technique: a vase, a plate, a Christmas tree toy and a lot of dummies. And today we will do for everyone's favorite Cucumber Day. We will make two types of cucumbers: ordinary cucumbers that can be put on a plate or placed in a jar under the lid. And the second option: pan cucumber, which will stand on its legs and smile cheerfully at us.

PVA glue
Acrylic paints
Paint-gel pearl effect (optional)
Steps for making cucumbers:
We will start with ordinary cucumbers, to create them we take a couple of sheets of newspaper, crumple it well, giving it the shape of a cucumber.

We wrap the blanks with threads, tear the paper into pieces and glue the newspaper scraps to the base, covering it. We do the glue like this: we dilute the PVA glue with water, the proportion is 1/2. We make several layers of newspaper and let the layers dry.
We cover the cucumbers with a layer of newspapers or toilet paper and dry again.

We paint, trying to give the most realistic look. In order for the cucumbers to be shiny, you can varnish them.

We make a cheerful cucumber on legs according to the same principle, we only add a spout, cheeks and legs.

We color the cucumber, draw a face, make a tail from napkins to match the color of the figure or corrugated paper. The pimples are made using a special gel to create a pearl effect. There is also a more affordable way: we drip Pva or Dragon in the right place and wait until it dries. There is only one minus: it takes longer, you have to wait until the pimples dry on one side and only then proceed to the second side so that the glue does not drip.

New Year holidays are the most long-awaited and magical. Together with them comes the time of carnivals and special children's fun, which is simply impossible to imagine without gifts and all kinds of interesting costumes.

Where is it better to get a New Year's outfit: buy some bunny ears or is it better to make a vegetable costume with your own hands? The second option will be much cheaper, and the child will be able to participate in the process, thereby becoming even more interested in the upcoming celebration. Moreover, this exciting activity will be a joy not only for the child, but also the mother will be able to get a huge amount of positive emotions.

It’s not difficult to make a vegetable costume with your own hands, you just need to turn on your imagination and ingenuity. Perhaps the main problem here will be the choice from a huge number of ideas. It can be a fly agaric mushroom, cucumber, pepper, tomato, eggplant, beets, carrots and even potatoes with shoots.

So, what should the costume consist of? The main clothes are a dress for a girl and pants with a blouse for a boy, an interesting themed hat and all kinds of boots can be an accessory. Children's costumes of vegetables can be made by sewing decorative elements and rain to ordinary clothes, or you can sew the base yourself.

For example, a cucumber suit. Fleece sweaters or fabric from an old green coat are suitable for him. To give the costume an appropriate look, you need to make a blank of green dense fabric in the shape of a cucumber. In order for it to keep its shape, the fabric must be duplicated with thin foam rubber. By the way, it is best for them to form costumes of vegetables. The width of the workpiece should correspond to the volume of the child. Holes are cut for the legs so that the baby can walk. At the top, you can make cuts for the arms and face, or fix the suit on the shoulders. In this case, the costume will look organic with a hat in the form of a cucumber spout or with a green twisted antennae and a leaf.

To make a vegetable costume with your own hands, any unnecessary thing in the house can be used. For example, an old stretched red sweater is a great solution for or pepper! A synthetic winterizer or foam rubber will help to give the desired shape to the tomato. It will be necessary to conjure a little with the bottom of the sweater, bend it and flash it, and then inserting the elastic is not at all difficult. And excellent leggings will come out of the sleeves that will complement the image. The finishing touch is green leaves on the neck or head of the child.

By the same principle as the cucumber suit, it is easy to make an image of peas. To do this, an insert with circles or green rag balls is made on the chest. Need a suit of corn? Please - the top of the blank for the cucumber is made of yellow fabric, and sheets of fabric filled with already known material are sewn in a circle.

Making a vegetable costume with your own hands is not at all difficult, and you can be sure of this by getting down to business. You just need to prepare for a lot of fun moments in the manufacture, fitting and a huge amount of positive at the end of the work. And if a child is involved in the process, then they are guaranteed to be intertwined with sincere children's delight.

Elena Ivanova

Dear colleagues, I want to invite you to make these headbands - masks to play with your kids.

We will need scraps of colored cardboard, an adhesive pencil, a stapler and a little fiction.

Use such masks can be at entertainment, in the classroom, during games. Studying the topic "Vegetables and Fruits" I use these games. For example, a sedentary game " cheerful vegetable garden"- the children go in a circle and say such words" Happy, happy, cheerful garden here every vegetable knows and sings a song "the presenter counts 1,2,3-speak, pointing at the child, and the child must name his vegetable (what headband does he have on his head). The mobile game "Soup or compote" - the children run around the hall, the host gives the command "soup", all the vegetables stand in a circle, then "compote" - all the fruits stand in a circle. There may be many options. Making riddles about vegetables and fruits, I also use these masks. Relays - competitions with such attributes will be much more interesting - here you have two teams "vegetables", "fruits". My kids love to dress up and these headbands will come in handy.

Autumn day in kindergarten is full of the brightest outfits: red tomato, orange carrot, purple eggplant and green cucumber.

If you got this image, try to make a cucumber costume for the autumn holiday with your own hands.

Making a Cucumber Costume
The characteristic features of the cucumber are shades of green, an elongated oval shape, antennae.

Based on your needlework skills, you can choose from three DIY crafting methods:

  • style ready-to-wear
  • make a suit out of cardboard
  • sew a suit

Ready-to-wear take green pants and a blouse or overalls as a basis. The cucumber has a rounded barrel, so the clothes should not sit tight. Add details: small yellow flowers, a green hat (more in the accessories section), small tendrils made of velvety wire.

For a cardboard suit you will need:

Large cardboard box or paper

Green paint (gouache or in a spray can),



Ribbons for fastening the suit

From the box, cut an oval large enough to reach the child's knees.

Then, paint the workpiece with paints so that it looks like a real vegetable.

After drying, turn it over on the back side and glue the rectangular fasteners through which you pull the strings.

These ropes or ribbons will be tied behind the back and hold the costume.

If you are familiar with the sewing machine, try sew a suit do-it-yourself cucumber for a boy. You will need a fabric of the appropriate color and a synthetic winterizer.

Inexpensive lining silk is perfect for this. You can take old curtains. The simplest style is a cape in the form of a double-sided apron.

For the pattern of the cape, measure the width of the child's shoulders and the length of the product.

Mark the width of the shoulders on the fold of the fabric and cut a neckline with a slit at the back for donning the suit.

Sew on ribbons at the waist to secure the apron.

Decorate it with applications with the image of a cucumber - flat or voluminous filled with padding polyester.

The second style of the costume that moms can make is a loose hoodie.

Take an A-shaped silhouette as the basis for the pattern. The resulting spacious cover must be laid with a filler with an inner one to add volume and pulled off with an elastic band along the bottom.
Decorate the hoodie with buttons of different sizes - they will imitate pimples.

Accessorizing the costume

The headpiece is the main accessory in the cucumber suit.

There are many options for cucumber hats. You can make them from various materials, but it is better to choose those that were used for the main dress.

The simplest style is the cap. If you do, lay it with filler so that it keeps its shape. For a cardboard suit or a suit made of ready-made clothes, a Whatman cap is suitable. Decorate it with leaves, tendrils, flowers.

A spectacular paper hat can also be made from a dense frame and corrugated paper. Make a cardboard base: a hoop according to the volume of the child's head. Wrap it in corrugated paper. Attach wide cardboard strips to hold the shape of the hat. You can fasten the elements with a stapler.

Wrap the base with corrugated paper. Fold the top edge inward and add the stem, leaves, and swirls of velvety wire.

The headpiece can also be a headband made of fabric or cardboard. Wash or stick any cucumber decor on the strip: a picture with cucumbers or leaves.

You can sew a toy cucumber from any green fabric. Make an oval-shaped blank, fill it with synthetic winterizer or other filler, add pimples to make it look like a cucumber, not a zucchini. Attach the resulting decor to the rim and the hat is ready.

If the wardrobe has a hat of a suitable color, you can decorate it. A felted bath cap is perfect for these purposes.

The hat may still be yellow - this is a cucumber flower.

Makeup for cucumber costume

Before entering the stage, you can add a light cucumber with floral patterns - flowers, curls and leaves.

Merry and bright holiday to you!

    So my child will have to be a green cucumber at the autumn harvest matinee. Therefore, I have already roughly outlined for myself what this suit will be like. Of course, green clothes are the best fit as a basis for a suit. Green trousers and a green turtleneck will be just the way. From last year (the child was an apple), we still have a green vest, which I sewed myself. To do this, I took measurements from the child, bought green material, cut a rectangle out of it, folded it in half, cut out the neck, sewed the sides. The costume is almost ready. It remains to stick the Cucumber sticker bought in the hardware store on the vest. I liked it and here's one:

    For such a cucumber, it will be enough to make two blanks of green material in the form of a cucumber, fill it with a small amount of filler and sew around the perimeter. Sew the cucumber to the vest. To complete the look, you can come up with a cucumber hat. I liked this option:

    It is easy to do and looks very impressive.

    I think that when creating cucumber costume no need to complicate things. See. We need to pick up fabric. It can be satin, cotton, crepe-satin, velor. The only color is green, of course.

    It can be a T-shirt and shorts, a T-shirt and pants, a longsleeve and pants, a dress. As you can see, there are many variations.

    And you can create / make (as in the question) a costume from ordinary green things.

    For example, we take a green turtleneck, we select olive trousers, khaki for it; a green tulle skirt, a green dress (monochrome is better), in my opinion.

    Then we make a cucumber out of paper to fix it on the chest. You can use colored paper. On it we draw a small cucumber, cut it out. You can draw pimples with a felt-tip pen, you can do without them. Sew a couple of stitches to a T-shirt / turtleneck or top.

    You can also make a Cucumber mask from whatman paper, linen gum. Paints or markers will also come in handy. And if you decide to make a hat out of knitwear, then it is better to use the yellow color of the fabric - the cucumber flower is just that color.

    You can sew a jumpsuit, make a bright appliqué. Make a hat out of whatman paper, glue the wedges - paint it green, or just sew it. Decorate with a leaf and a small yellow leaf. also do not forget to glue a pretty spiral.

    We will select the basis of the outfit from the available things. For a boy, trousers can be taken in black, green, yellow. Top: shirt, turtleneck, t-shirt - green. A girl can take a skirt and a blouse or a green-yellow dress.

    This outfit can be decorated with cucumber leaves and flowers cut out of colored paper / cardboard, felt, drape, etc.

    The most important thing in this outfit is a headdress. It is it that emphasizes that this costume is exactly a cucumber.

    The options are different.

    Print or cut out a picture of a cucumber from a magazine and make a headband.

    Make a hat, for example, as in the photo. We make the form from cardboard or thin foam rubber.

    You can sew a beret with an applique. You can cut out a beret according to the one available in the house or simply sheathe the existing beret with a green cloth.

    Green cucumber suit. We sew a dress. The dress is not detachable along the bodice of an A-shaped silhouette. We collect the bottom with an elastic band. You get a voluminous bottom. We sew a hat with a tail.

    For a boy, a cucumber costume may consist of

    black leggings and black ballerinas

    green cap in the form of a leaf.

    white turtleneck.

    green sleeveless shirt straight cut to the middle of the thighs without fasteners. Make a cucumber applique on the front of the shirt.

    In my childhood, one New Year's Eve was just like that cucumber costume, which my father made me in one evening. So there is nothing difficult in this, if there are no increased requirements for a costume for one time.

    To make a do-it-yourself cucumber costume, you need to take one or two sheets of drawing paper, depending on the size of the child. From the sheets, glue the cylinder according to the size of the child so that it covers the upper body and partly the head. On the sides of the cylinder, you need to cut two holes for the hands with a cardboard knife. Then we make a hat in the form of a cone from another sheet of drawing paper, the lower part of which will be fastened to the cylinder. We make holes in the hat for the eyes. We attach the tail of the cucumber to the top of the cap. My father made it for me from twisted paper, bound with wire for rigidity. That's all. Next, you need to skillfully paint the cucumber costume in green and designate the pimples.

    By the way, children always appreciate such primitive home-made costumes much higher than beautiful factory ones. cucumber costume turns out funny and amusing.

    I offer a very affordable and simple option. costume CUCUMBER, which can be done relatively inexpensively, even not very skillful parents can do it. On the shoulders of the child, you can put on a green cape-cloak, it will be fastened with a tie around the neck. This cape can be made from a piece of any suitable fabric available in the house, the fabric, of course, should be green. Put a headband made of paper or a women's headband on the baby's head, attach a picture of savory green cucumbers to it. The picture can be taken on the Internet and then printed on a color printer on thick paper. Cut the cucumbers from the picture along the contour and fix them on a paper rim. You can still get confused and make a ponytail for your cucumber and attach it to a cape-cloak in the butt area. A young, green in every sense cucumber is ready!

    To make a cucumber costume for the holiday, you need to choose a green fabric with which to sew shorts or breeches, and make a raincoat on top, which is fastened around the neck with Velcro, ribbons or regular elastic.

    But if there are problems with sewing, then you can dress the child in light green (green) colors, here you can limit yourself to a green blouse for girls or a T-shirt (shirt) for a boy, and choose a neutral color for the bottom, or glue it with green paper leaves. The main thing in such a suit is a headdress. You need to sew a beret from green fabric, or you can limit yourself to a handkerchief to which you attach paper antennae and leaves.

    To make such a costume, we need a piece of green fabric. The costume itself is made very quickly: a design is sewn a la hoodie with slits for the arms and head.

    We sew on it several dozen cotton balls wrapped in the same fabric, they will act as pimples.

    To give a greater resemblance, you can make a small tail out of the wire and decorate the resulting hoodie with it.

    The advantages of such a suit are quick and easy sewing, anyone can do it, even those who have never sewed anything before.

    Another option is to put a yellow panama hat on your head - an imitation of a faded flower, in general, a little imagination - and the costume is ready.

    The simplest cucumber costume in my opinion is this

    Here you can either take a ready-made green apron, like from sellers, for example. Or sew it yourself. It is sewn lego. Take the canvas in the middle, make a hole for the head and sheathe all the edges. then make parts of the cucumber as in the picture, sew and stuff with a small layer of padding polyester. The hat can be made in the form of a leaf on an elastic band.