In Russia, the retirement age will be raised. Retirement age in Russia Further increases in pensions

Medvedev launched pension reform

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The government proposes to raise the retirement age for men from the current 60 to 65, and for women from 55 to 63. Thus, the last "transition year" will be 2034, when the retirement age for women will reach a new level. From 2019, the retirement age will rise by one year every two years - for example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020, namely, at the age of 61 and 56 years respectively.

Pensions will grow faster

The government claims that raising the retirement age is long overdue and all conditions have been created for this. The current retirement age was introduced back in 1956 in the USSR, when the level of medical and social security was at a low level. Raising the retirement age is necessary, according to the Cabinet, for a more rapid growth of the pensions themselves. At the moment, according to Medvedev, pensions are growing by an average of 400-500 rubles a year (in 2016, the growth was 399 rubles, in 2017 - 524 rubles, in 2018 it will be 481 rubles), the reform will increase the growth rate pension provision twice - by a thousand rubles a year. According to the results of 2017, the average pension amounted to 13,620 rubles, so by the time the reform is completed, it can grow by at least 10,000 rubles.

Russia took the example of raising the retirement age from Kazakhstan

The retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest not only in the whole world, but even in comparison with its closest neighbors and countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years, this level was set back in 2001. Moreover, since 2018, the second stage of increase has been going on in Kazakhstan - by 2027, the retirement age for women will rise to the level of men. Belarus began raising the retirement age in 2017 and intends to bring it up to 63 years for men and 58 years for women, it is planned to do this by 2022. For comparison, the retirement age in Norway, which Russia often takes as an example, is 67 for both men and women; in the UK, both sexes retire at 65.

The government will set European pension standards

During the government meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Cabinet intends to raise the issue of ratifying the Convention on Minimum Standards for Social Security. “Its provisions will make it possible to bring the legislative regulation of the pension sphere to international standards. It establishes a clear correlation between the average pension and average earnings,” Dmitry Medvedev said. One of the fundamental principles of the Convention is that the pension must be at least 40 percent of the lost income, that is, the employee's salary.

Pension reform is overdue

As of January 1, 2018, the official population of Russia was 146.9 million people. Of these, 46.5 million people are pensioners, that is, 31.7 percent of the total, while working pensioners, according to official statistics, were 26.4 percent of the total number of pensioners, or 12.3 million people. The authorities insist that more than 50 percent of citizens remain in work upon reaching retirement age. For example, in 2017, 1.45 million people retired, and 0.73 million of them continued to work. The government fears that the proportion of working pensioners will continue to grow, which will prevent the other half from raising their pensions.

When the current pension standards were set for one pensioner, 3.7 people of working age “paid” (paid pension and insurance contributions to social funds) in the pension system. The current demographic situation and trends in the labor market will lead to the fact that by 2019 only two able-bodied people will “pay” for one pensioner - the system may not even be able to cope with payments at the current level.

Current retirees have nothing to fear

Dmitry Medvedev noted during a government meeting that the current pensioners have nothing to worry about. “With regard to current pensioners, no rules are changing,” the prime minister assured. Moreover, retirement age benefits will be maintained. We are talking about citizens who work in hazardous and hazardous industries, women with five or more children, disabled people, Chernobyl survivors and others. For workers in the Far North, the retirement age will be set at 60 and 58, respectively. An additional benefit is provided for citizens with long experience - they will be able to retire two years ahead of schedule. We are talking about women with more than 40 years of experience and men with more than 45 years of experience.

VAT also went up

In addition to raising the retirement age, during a government meeting, it was announced that the value added tax (VAT) would be raised from the current 18 percent to 20 percent. As First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov noted at the meeting, this measure will make it possible to receive an additional 600 billion rubles in tax revenues per year. “These funds, together with additional income from the completion of the oil and gas maneuver, will be the main sources for financing the national development goals set in the presidential decree of May this year,” Siluanov said. As planned by the government, the tax increase will also allow businesses to participate in raising the pensions of Russians, while without the reform it would not be possible to maintain the current level of insurance premiums paid by businesses - they would have to be increased.

Documents will be sent to the State Duma

According to Medvedev, the law on raising the retirement age and VAT will be sent to the State Duma in the near future. “All draft laws, all accompanying documents should be sent to the State Duma as soon as possible so that our fellow deputies can consider them in the first reading before the end of the spring session. Therefore, I ask all relevant ministers and deputy prime ministers, the government apparatus to deal with this as a priority,” the prime minister demanded. Medvedev, in turn, expressed the hope that the parliament will support the proposed innovations and quickly accept them. After the State Duma and the Federation Council, the documents will be signed by the President of Russia.

The law on raising the retirement age from January 1, 2019 is still under consideration by deputies, but it is already causing heated debate and leaves no one indifferent. Read on to find out what changes await future pensioners.

Prerequisites for raising the retirement age

According to officials, improving the pension system of the Russian Federation is an urgent need, dictated by the negative demographic situation in the 90s of the last century, as well as an increase in the life of the working population.

In June 2018, legislators proposed a new draft law No. 489161-7, which proposes a set of measures to change the pension legislation in the Russian Federation. According to the authors of the project, the innovations will reduce the budget deficit of the Pension Fund and increase pension payments to current pensioners.

The text of the bill can be found here.

The changes will affect the following forms of pension provision:

  • old age;
  • social payments to disabled citizens;
  • "Northern" and preferential payments.

The project provides for a gradual increase in the standard age of leaving for a well-deserved rest until 2034: up to 63 years for the female half of the population of the Russian Federation and 65 years for the male half. Thus, if the innovations are legalized, the transition to the pension category for men will be shifted by 5 years, and for women - by 8 years (compared to the current terms).

Let's look at the proposed legislative adjustments in more detail.

At what age do people retire in other countries?

The growth of age standards for retirement, according to officials, is dictated by the increase in the average life expectancy of Russians. In the period from 2000 to 2017, according to Rosstat, life expectancy increased: for the female part of the population by 5.5 years (from 72.2 to 77.7), and for the male - by 8.5 years (from 59 to 67 ,5).

According to predictive statistics, life expectancy by 2024 will reach: 82 years for women and 72.3-72.5 for men. And by the time the pension reform is completed, life expectancy will approximately increase to 75 years for men and 85.2 for women.

Most countries have also increased the retirement age for their citizens. The table below shows a comparative analysis of life expectancy and the period for entering a well-deserved rest in our country and in other states:

Age of eligibility for retirement Lifespan Country
Men Women
63 58 70,5-71 Kazakhstan
60 55 70,5-71 Russia
60 60 82,5 France
65 65 80 Great Britain
65 65 83,7 Japan
67 67 81 Germany
65 65 79,3 USA
60 55 76,1 China
65 65 82,2 Canada
65 60 75 Brazil
65 60 77 Argentina

The data are from the WHO report.

Read also The Ministry of Labor will simplify the procedure for assigning and paying pensions: details

Table of old-age retirement in the Russian Federation

So, from 2019, 1 year will be added annually to the age pension standard approved in the Russian Federation at 55 and 60 years (for women and men, respectively).

Our table will help you determine the year of your well-deserved retirement:

Year of transition to state security under the current law in 2018 Men Women Year of retirement according to bill No. 489161-7
Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
2019 1959 61 1964 56 2020
2020 1960 62 1965 57 2022
2021 1961 63 1966 58 2024
2022 1962 64 1967 59 2026
2023 1963 65 1968 60 2028
2024 1964 and younger 1969 61 2030
2025 1970 62 2032
2026 1971 and younger 63 2034


Current pensioners and citizens who received the right to a pension in 2018 upon reaching the age of 55 and 60 (women / men, respectively) will not be affected by the reforms in the legislation. The reform under discussion covers persons who in 2018 have not yet reached the normative 55 and 60 years.

Changes for Social Pension Recipients

Recipients of social pensions also expect some changes:

  • Citizens who have not worked out the length of service necessary for establishing a pension acquire the opportunity to take a well-deserved rest later for 5 years, counted from the new age limits. This means that after 2019 the opportunity to receive a social pension will come at the age of 68 and 70, respectively (for comparison, in 2018 it is 60 and 65 years).
  • In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, relatives will be able to apply for a pension at the general age of 63 and 65 years (in 2018, the transition period to such state maintenance is set at 55 and 60 years).
  • Parents of dead servicemen will be entitled to receive pension payments upon reaching the age of 58 and 60 (previously - 50 and 55 years), and their widows - after the age of 63.
  • The normative age has also been raised for the small ethnic groups of the North by 8 and 5 years - up to 58 and 60 years (women/men).

Will the pension reform affect people retiring early?

As the legislators assure, the population and workers from the regions of the Far North and equivalent regions, as well as teachers, doctors and other "beneficiaries" will continue to have the opportunity to access early retirement benefits. But the retirement age for these categories of citizens will also increase due to its general growth.

Thus, employees from the regions of the extreme northern part of our country and similar territories are expected to increase the age of access to state security by 5 and 8 years: the bill assumes a 60-year threshold for men and 58 years for women (the current standards are 55 and 50 years, respectively). ). And in the same way, a gradual increase in the standard years for applying for a pension will be applied in order to achieve new age limits.

Read also Sergei Sobyanin approved the minimum pension in Moscow for 2019

The state believes that for residents of northern areas, the reduction in the retirement age at one time was due to extremely difficult living conditions in the 50s of the last century. But the measures taken to improve the demographic situation significantly affected the life expectancy of the northerners.

Medical workers, citizens of creative professions and teachers are also waiting for the raising of the retirement age standards. But they will calculate the period of retirement for a well-deserved rest, starting from the period of developing special experience. According to the legislative norms in force in 2018, doctors and teachers receive the opportunity to go on premature rest if they have an experience of 25-30 years. People of creative specialties must have a special experience of 15 to 30 years, depending on the category.

The change in the early retirement algorithm is presented in the table:

We have considered who will be affected by the pension reform, but some categories of citizens will not feel it. Who exactly - read on.

Preferential categories of pensioners

Pension changes will not affect:

  1. Performing labor duties in unsafe (harmful) conditions:
  • employees servicing locomotives and trains, as well as employees who create conditions for the safe movement of railway transport and the subway;
  • truck drivers working in mines;
  • those who work in hot shops underground;
  • employed in textile production (women only);
  • members of expeditions, geological exploration, topographic, geodetic, forest management, prospecting workers;
  • employees of the crews of the river fleet and sea fleet, as well as the fishing industry;
  • flight personnel and engineers serving civil aircraft;
  • mountain rescue and rescue personnel;
  • those who extract natural resources in mining, build mines and mines;
  • workers executing criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment;
  • employees working in timber rafting and logging;
  • tractor drivers of farmland, as well as drivers of road, construction and loading and unloading vehicles (women only);
  • those who drive passenger vehicles.
  1. Persons whose pension for health reasons or social reasons is established earlier than the generally approved time:
  • mothers who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8;
  • received military bodily injuries;
  • mother or father disabled from infancy, who raised him until the age of 8;
  • guardians of people with disabilities from childhood who raised them up to 8 years;
  • visually impaired people of the 1st group;
  • women who have the necessary insurance work experience in the areas of the extreme northern regions, who have given birth to 2 or more children;
  • midgets and dwarfs;
  • reindeer herders, hunters, fishermen permanently living in the regions belonging to the Far North.
  1. Victims in man-made or radiation tragedies, including those at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  2. Pilots of test and serial parachute, aeronautical and aviation equipment.

In 2020, an increase in insurance and social pensions is planned. To whom and by what percentage will payments be increased? Read the latest news about the increase for working and non-working pensioners.

On this page, correspondents from the 10Banks website have collected the most recent data on the indexation of various types of pensions that are paid in Russia:

⋅ Deposits for pensioners in

All about the increase in pensions in 2020

There are many questions about the upcoming indexation among working and non-working pensioners today.

Indexation of the insurance pension from January 1, 2020

Since January 1, Russia has been increasing the old-age insurance pension. In past years, there was a simple and understandable rule for everyone: payments were indexed to the level of inflation over the past year. This was considered fair, because it was assumed that the pension increases exactly as much as the prices in stores rise. Of course, everyone understood that the increase in the cost of goods on the shelves constantly outstripped the increase in pensions. But this fork was not critical, pensioners, if poor, then slowly. That is why the existing state of affairs suited the officials.

But then, as you remember, leapfrog began. Inflation has skyrocketed like a real Olympic champion, and pensions are far behind her. The old people were promised additional indexation, then they were given 5,000 rubles each, but prices kept rising, and pensioners could hardly make ends meet.

Finally, in justifying the increase in the retirement age, Putin said that pensions in Russia would now be indexed to a level higher than inflation. He even named a number: we will be able to annually increase the old-age pension for non-working pensioners by an average of 1 thousand rubles».

We will not comment on the president's words. How much the pension actually grew this year, each of its recipients knows for himself.

See deposits for pensioners in TOP-10 banks.

How many percent will increase the old-age pension in 2020

But that was just the necessary backstory. And now let's get back to the plans for indexing old-age insurance pensions from January 1, 2020. What to expect? But what.

Insurance pensions will be indexed in January 2020 by 6.6 percent. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova.

How to increase the insurance pension



At the same time, inflation at the end of 2019 is projected at 3.8%, that is, it is planned to increase pensions one and a half times higher than inflation. The price of a pension point in 2020 will increase from 87.24 rubles. up to 93 rubles. This is already information from the explanatory note to the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How much will the pension increase in rubles

How much will the insurance pension increase from January 2020

Today, rub.

in 2020, rub.

Increase, rub.

Increase in social pension from April 1, 2020

State pensions, including social pensions, traditionally increase from April 1. As we remember, social pensions were previously indexed as follows:

  • 2017 - by 1.5%,
  • 2018 - by 2.9%,
  • 2019 - by 2.0%.

How much will our government fork out this time?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. But apparently he did.

According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, social pensions in 2020 will be indexed by 7 percent.

However, as the months went by, the percentages seemed to shrink and shrink.

As the press service of the Ministry of Labor of Russia reported on February 19, 2020, from April 1, 2020, social pensions will be indexed by 6.1%.

This was stated by the current Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Anton Kotyakov.

Note again that these are only plans. How far they are destined to come true, we will find out in April 2020.

Increase in the pension of working pensioners in August 2020

As we remember, starting from 2016, the insurance pensions of working pensioners in Russia are not indexed. In January 2020, they also do not have to wait for an increase.

What do working pensioners need to do to index their pensions? The answer is known: stop working.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assures that after they stop working, the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it will be recalculated, taking into account all indexations that took place during their work.

Well, for those who do not want to quit yet, it remains to wait for August 2020. It is in the last month of summer that all working pensioners are waiting for the traditional unclaimed recalculation of pensions based on the results of last year.

The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2019. Traditionally, it is no more than 3 pension points, that is, no more than 262 rubles.

Who is entitled to a social supplement to a pension?

If non-working pensioners have a total amount of material support less than the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) in the region of residence, then they are given a social supplement. Thus, the pension is increased to the size of the subsistence minimum.

However, it should be borne in mind that when calculating the total amount of material security, not only pensions are taken into account, but also other measures of social support. This may be a benefit for utility bills, travel by public transport and others.

You can find out the size of the living wage for a pensioner in your region on the website of the Pension Fund -

In 2020 indexation will again be held under the new rules

By the way, in 2019, the procedure for indexing pensions for those who have it below the subsistence level has changed. As you remember, in the spring they even made a recalculation. Now, in 2020, indexing should immediately go through according to the new rules.

As it was before

Previously, the indexation value (I) was added to the pension (P), and then the Social Surcharge (SD) was raised to the Pensioner's Living Minimum (PMP).

The following formula worked: P+I+SD=PMP.

Sometimes it turned out that the real amount of payments did not increase, but remained at a minimum level.

As it is now

Now, first determine the amount of social surcharge (SD). Then the pension is indexed (P + I). Therefore, they add a surcharge (SD), the amount of which remains unchanged.


Let's say the pension (P) is 7800 rubles.

The cost of living for a pensioner (PMP) in the region is 8,846 rubles.

Let's calculate what the Social Surcharge (SD) should be in order to raise the pension (P) to the subsistence level (PMP): SD = PMP - P = 8,846 rubles. - 7800 rubles. =1046 rub.

Now we will index the pension, for example, by 6.6%, as it will be from January 2020. We get P x 1.066 = 7800 x 1.066 = 8314.8 rubles.

And now let's add to the indexed SD pension in the amount of 1046 rubles. We get 8314.8 rubles. + 1046 rub. = 9360.8 rubles.

It turns out that after the January indexation, the pensioner will already receive 9,360.8 rubles.

Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment for a pension

A fixed payment is a certain amount that is paid to all pensioners, except for the military. Its size is almost the same for everyone, regardless of length of service, salary and everything that is taken into account when calculating pensions. This is a kind of analogue of the basic part of the pension.

Many probably don't even know that a Fixed Benefit is part of their retirement benefit. But in fact, they receive in their hands an amount that consists of an insurance pension + a fixed payment. All the same, everyone together calls it an insurance pension.

The amount of the fixed payment is set by the state and indexed annually along with the pension. For example, from January 1, 2020, it will also be increased by 6.6%, as a result, its size will increase from 5334.19 rubles. up to 5,686.25 rubles.

A fixed payment to an insurance pension will become interesting only when you have the opportunity to receive it in an increased amount. And this:

  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80, or disabled people of group I;
  • Citizens who are dependent on disabled family members;
  • Citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, etc.

Since January 2019, a 25% increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension is also provided for 30 years of work experience in agriculture. In addition to seniority, there are a number of conditions, so check with your Pension Fund branch for more details.

What amount of pension is considered "worthy"

Correspondents of Rossiyskaya Gazeta calculated that in 2020 the average insurance pension in Russia will reach the level of 15.4 thousand rubles, and for non-working pensioners - 16.4 thousand. Is it a lot or a little? Of course not. And what size of pension can be considered "worthy"? This question was addressed to the residents of the country by employees of the job search service Superjob.

They conducted a small survey and found out that the majority of respondents consider a pension of 40,000 rubles to be “worthy”. At the same time, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg called a pension of 43.9 thousand rubles “worthy”. and 42.2 thousand rubles, respectively. And the lowest pension expectations are among survey participants from Kirov, Naberezhnye Chelny and Yaroslavl (34.9 thousand rubles, 34.7 thousand rubles and 34.5 thousand rubles).

And what amount of pension do you consider "worthy"?


Correspondents of the site site have compiled a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2020.

Pension indexation calendar for 2020

  • From January 1, 2020 - indexation of the insurance old-age pension for NON-working pensioners by 6.6%.
  • From April 1, 2020 - increase in social pension by 6.1%.
  • In August 2020, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, depending on their salary for 2019.

Follow the latest news about raising pensions in 2020 with the site site!

Russian pensioners turned to the Pension Fund for an explanation of what date they will be paid pensions in February 2019, because this month there will be a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and, most likely, postal and bank branches will be closed for the most part. Representatives of the Fund reassured the citizens that the payment would be timely.

The exact schedule for the payment of the February pension, Russians can be found on the PF website. In general, it is the same as in previous years.

Pensions next month will be paid to citizens on time. February 23 is a holiday that falls on Saturday, so there are no shifts in the schedule. Payments will be provided on the dates when pensioners usually receive them. If the date falls on a holiday, the pension will be paid on Friday.

Receiving a pension through the Russian Post: the period for paying pensions is from the 1st to the 24th day. Bank and post offices will not work on February 23, and pensioners who are supposed to receive payments on the 23rd and 24th will receive them on the 22nd.

Receiving a pension through Sberbank: by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 885-n dated November 17, 2014, funds are transferred according to the approved schedule, starting from the 3rd day. If the payment deadline falls on a holiday or a non-working day, the schedule is shifted “backward”, but not more than 3 days. The first to receive pensions are participants in the war, survivors and the disabled.

In February 2019, the payment of pensions will take place in the standard mode according to the working schedule of post offices and banks.

How many indexations are planned for 2019

Back in the summer of 2018, some officials pointed to a double indexation of pensions in 2019. And therefore, many are interested in what month of 2019 will increase pensions for the second time. To answer this question, let's break down all the pension increases planned by the authorities.
January 2019 - insurance old-age / service pensions for non-working pensioners.
February 2019 - an increase in the social support of the PFR, that is, indexation of the UDV, burial allowances, NSO.
April 2019 - social pensions.
August 2019 - recalculation (correction) of pensions for the working category of pensioners.

As you can see from the list, there is no talk of double indexing. Let's analyze each of the indexing options in a little more detail.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

As in previous years, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, indexation for working pension recipients is not planned in 2019. But this became known back in the fall of 2018, but at the same time there was a rumor that, in principle, there would be no increase.

Moscow working pensioner Fyodor Zh. turned to a lawyer for help: his pension was not indexed. The man explained that he was afraid that the indexation would not affect him even if he quit his job. The lawyer explained that his pension would be raised 3 months after his dismissal, and all missed indexations would be taken into account.

Of course, many working pensioners fear that when they increase the pension of non-working pensioners in 2019, they will simply be “forgotten” about them and they won’t have to wait for an increase when they finally retire. But this is not so, and all the due amounts will be paid to them 3 months after the dismissal, and for 3 “missed” months too.

February 2019

The February increase in pensions will affect far from all pensioners, but only those who receive the EDV and NSI, and the payments themselves do not relate to the amount of the pension content. The recipients of lump-sum cash payments include veterans, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

The indexation coefficient is only 1.034, therefore, for disabled people of group I, the increase will be only 123.32 rubles. Some other categories will not have to count on this amount. For example, disabled people of group III will be “pleased” with only 70.49 rubles.

April 2019

The April increase applies only to recipients of social pensions and pensions that are based on the basic social pension rate. Of course, at the end of 2018, there were rumors that there would be no increase. And, alas, it really won't. However, indexation will still take place, so the question of whether the pension will be increased in 2019 for “social workers” can still be answered in the affirmative.

Another talk about the increase factor. It will be only 2.4%, which is lower compared to 2018 (2.9%), but higher compared to 2017 (1.5%). From April 2019, the basic rate of social pension will increase to the amount of 5,304.57 rubles. However, taking into account the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, a pensioner cannot receive a monthly allowance less than the pensioner's subsistence level, which is set at the federal level in the amount of 8,846 rubles.

August 2019

The August adjustment applies exclusively to working pensioners and does not affect the rights of non-working pension recipients. This is not a classic promotion and not even indexing. The amount of maintenance is adjusted taking into account:

the cost of pension points, which in 2019 are regarded as 1 point = 87.24 rubles;
the number of pension points earned per year, but not more than 3.

Consequently, the maximum possible increase in the pension content will be only 261.72 rubles. to the pension you receive.

Are you interested in what pensions will be increased in 2019 and by how much? Ask a question to the lawyer of the site for free by phone or online.

Pension increase from February 1, 2019

The pension increase from February 1, 2019 due to annual indexation was postponed a month earlier. So some Russian pensioners received a 7.05% bonus already in December, the rest received it in January 2019. In February, it is planned to increase social payments to pensioners, including federal beneficiaries in the amount of 3.1%.

For whom the pension increase is provided from February 1, 2019 and in what amount: latest news

Monthly cash payments are indexed every year and are paid both from the federal departmental budgets and the regional ones. From February 1, 2019, the draft Government Decree provides for an increase in the indexation coefficient in the amount of 1.034%. However, the document has not yet been adopted, so changes are possible taking into account the level of inflation in 2018, in which case the increase will be 3.1%

Indexing from February 1, 2019: who will be affected by these payments and how much?

However, indexation from February 1, 2019 will affect certain social benefits- monthly cash payments (UDV) will be increased. As in previous years, the indexation of the EDV in 2019 will take place on February 1. The monthly cash payment will be increased by the inflation rate of the previous (2018) year.

On January 16, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation announced that all federal monthly cash payments will be indexed from February 1, 2019 by 4.3%. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova.

“From February 1, all federal monthly cash payments will be indexed to the actual inflation rate for 2018, which is 4.3%. Rosstat has already published the data. An additional 25 billion rubles will be spent on this. More than 15 million of our citizens will receive increased financial support,” Golikova said.

The federal ones, in particular, include the monthly cash payment established by the territorial bodies of the PFR:

veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations;
disabled people, including children of disabled people;
former minor prisoners of fascism, as well as persons affected by exposure to radiation

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the draft resolution on the indexation of payments was submitted to the government the day before.

“In the near future it will be submitted for signature to Dmitry Anatolyevich (Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation),” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

T. Golikova also said that "in 2019, the achieved level of salaries of doctors, teachers, paramedical workers and social workers will be maintained."

“For this, all wage funds for federal and regional state employees have been increased by the growth rate of wages, which are provided for in the socio-economic development forecast for 2019-2021,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Payment of pensions for February 2019 will be timely or early

You can see the schedule for paying pensions in 2019 in your region on the website of the Pension Fund. It has already been published and almost does not differ from the charts of previous years.

When will the pension for February 2019 be paid?

The schedule for the issuance of pensions in February 2019 will be normal, since the holiday on February 23 falls on Saturday. All pensioners will receive their money on the appointed day and there is no reason to worry.

Payment of pensions in February through the Russian Post

In general, pensions in the country begin to be issued from the 1st of the month, and usually end by the 23-24th.
Since there is only one holiday in February 2019 - February 23, the Russian Post and banks do not work on this day.
Therefore, the pensions of those late pensioners who were supposed to receive their pension on February 23-24 will receive it earlier, at the latest on February 22.

Payment of pensions in February through Sberbank

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the transfer of funds for social obligations of the state must be carried out according to the schedule. (Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 885-n dated November 17, 2014). The billing period starts on the 3rd day of each month.

If the due dates fall on holidays and non-working days, the schedule is shifted to an earlier period, but no more than 3 days before the standard settlement time. Weekend payouts will be made on Fridays. First of all, according to the schedule, pensions are given to the disabled, war veterans, military pensioners, as well as pensions for the loss of a breadwinner.
Usually, adjustments to the pension payment schedule are made in connection with additional holidays or non-working days. There will be no such extra days in February of the year. This means that pensions will be paid according to the schedule, from the 3rd to the 24th.

When will the pension for February 2019 be given?

According to the production calendar, there are no additional holidays in February 2019. This means that the delivery of the pension will be carried out as usual, according to the schedule of post offices and the Savings Bank. The first of February this year falls on a Friday, which means postmen can start delivering pensions even earlier than usual. The issuance of pensions will be completed by February 23rd. There are no additional holidays in February, so all pensioners will receive their pensions strictly on schedule.

Payout date for February 2019?

Nothing unusual in the schedule for the issuance of pensions in February 2019 should not happen, since the holiday on February 23 falls on Saturday.

All pensioners will receive their money on the appointed day and there is no reason to worry.
If, for example, the day the pension is issued falls on Saturday or Sunday in February 2019, then the pension will be issued earlier - on Friday.
This is a generally accepted rule for all payments - they are not delayed due to weekends or holidays, but they are issued a day or two earlier.

the delay can only occur due to the bank, if the citizen's pension is credited to the bank account. But even there, the delays are minimal, since the pension is one of the primary payments.

On October 3, 2018, the law on the retirement age in Russia No. 350-FZ was signed by the President and officially published on the state portal of legal information. A week earlier, it was adopted by the deputies of the State Duma in the third, final reading, taking into account numerous amendments (the main ones were proposed by the President and aimed at mitigating the consequences of the pension reform). The law came into force on January 1, 2019.

The implementation of the reform began on January 1, 2019. At the same time, all changes are made in stages - with a gradual increase in the "working age" annually by 1 year, except for the first two years of the reform, when preferential retirement will be provided (six months earlier). Thus, the new retirement age norms will be finally established in 2023 for men and women.

Pension reform in 2019

The law contains a whole range of changes in the Russian pension legislation relating to the following types of pensions:

As part of the pension reform, an adjustment is also being made in relation to early pensions:

For all these types of pensions, in one form or another, the requirements for the age of emergence of the right to receive them are being revised. The adjustment began on 01/01/2019 and will take place through a phased increase in age to the standards provided for by the new law. Let us consider in more detail each of the proposed changes (by types of pensions and categories of their recipients).

Consideration of the bill

The main change proposed by this draft law in its original version is an increase in the retirement age from 2019 to 63 for women and 65 for men. However, these parameters of the law were adjusted by presidential amendments. The President proposed the following main measures to mitigate the pension reform:

  • lowering the upper limit of the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years (i.e., the increase will be not by 8, but by 5 years);
  • the opportunity to retire 6 months earlier than the statutory period during the first two years (i.e. for those who, according to the old law, should have retired in 2019 and 2020);
  • mitigation of the conditions for early retirement two years earlier than provided for by the new retirement age - this can be done if available;
  • the possibility of preferential registration of pensions, who raised not only 5 children, but also 3-4 (for three children - retirement 3 years ahead of schedule, for four - 4 years).

Increasing the retirement age for old-age insurance

The new pension law provides for a gradual increase in the age at which it will be appointed (which since 2015 is now called "insurance"). Taking into account the proposed adjustments by President V. Putin, it is planned to fix the age at the level of 60 and 65 years for women and men (ie the increase will be the same and will be 5 years).

Changes will be made by increasing the value of the retirement age: annually by 1 year during the transition period, but with some adjustments:

  • in the period from 2019 to 2020, it will be possible to exit six months ahead of schedule;
  • from 2021 until the end of the transition period (i.e. until 2023), the age value will increase by 1 year.

It is possible to determine in what year a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age pension based on the data in the table.

Table - The retirement age in Russia since 2019 (the law, taking into account the adopted amendments proposed by V. Putin)

2019 60 + 0,5 55 + 0,5 2019 and 2020
2020 60 + 1,5 55 + 1,5 2021 and 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028

It should be noted that these changes will not affect those who are already on pensions in any way - they are focused only on future pensioners who have not yet issued an old-age pension according to the standards in force in 2018 (55 and 60 years).

Thus, the first changes envisaged affected women born in 1964. and men born in 1959 - they can only retire in the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020. Women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to retire in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022. Thus, only those citizens (women and men) who for 2018 are under the age of 55 and 60 will be subject to the changes.

The law provides a small "compensatory measure" for such an unpopular decision: workers, the right to retire will be granted 2 years before the established retirement age. This reduction is intended for women with more than 37 years of experience, subject to reaching the age of 55, and for men with more than 42 years of experience upon reaching the age of 60.

Retirement in areas equivalent to the Far North

It is planned to increase the retirement age for and equated localities for 5 years for men (up to 60 years old) and women (up to 55 years old). The transitional period is the same as for old-age pensions - every year the age is increased by 1 year until it reaches the new established indicators (taking into account the first two years with the provided preferential retirement).

The authors of the bill motivate these changes by the change in life expectancy in the northern regions due to the positive impact of the implemented demographic program, as well as by the improvement in living conditions in these regions since the establishment of these benefits.

Such an initiative, those who work in difficult working conditions (miners, railway workers, machinists, etc.) - the former preferential conditions will apply to them.

Preferential pensions for teachers and health workers from 2019

Retirement was previously required to have 25 to 30 years of work experience. Under the new law, their retirement age will be extended by 5 years, however, the requirements for seniority remain the same. To establish a new retirement age, a transitional period is also provided, during which the retirement period is postponed annually for a year (except for the first two years, when a preferential retirement is provided).

The terms for assigning an insurance pension for doctors and teachers under the new law are presented in the table.

This means that it will be possible for teachers and medical workers to retire after the number of years established by the new law after acquiring the necessary preferential work experience (or according to new generally established standards - at 60 or 65 years). For example, if the required length of service is gained in 2019, then a citizen will be able to apply for an early pension no earlier than six months later (in the second half of 2019 or in the first half of 2020).

For workers in creative professions (on the stage of theaters and in theater and entertainment organizations), early retirement was set at 50-55 years (depending on the nature of the work) with at least 15-30 years of experience. According to the bill, a new age for early retirement is set for such employees, subject to the necessary length of service - at 55-60 years old. The age increase during the transitional period is also carried out by 1 year annually until the values ​​established by the new law are reached.

Deadlines for social pension under the new pension reform

In terms of social pensions for the disabled, a number of changes will also occur: the conditions for appointment will be adjusted (for persons who are required to assign a regular insurance pension). Previously, such pensions were granted 5 years later - to persons who have reached the age of 65/60 (men/women). Under the new law, such a pension can also be issued 5 years later, but already relative to the new retirement age - that is after reaching the age of 70 and 65.
There is a transitional period for these changes until the new values ​​are established. The age will increase annually by 1 year during the period from 2019 to 2023 for men and women (taking into account the preferential retirement proposed by the President in 2019 and 2020 - 6 months ahead of schedule). This means that the final provisions of the bill will be set for men and women from 2023.

Changes in pension legislation for civil servants in 2019

The bill, in addition to the changes already discussed above, also provides for the adjustment of the retirement age. From January 1, 2017, the retirement age for them is annually for six months. The final values ​​according to the then adopted schedule were to be set in 2026 for men (65 years old) and in 2032 for women (63 years old).

The new law provides for a change in the rate of increase in the retirement age for civil servants in accordance with the rate of increase in the generally established age - an annual increase by 1 year, starting January 1, 2020. Then the increase in the retirement age of civil servants will occur according to the schedule presented in the table below.

Year of retirement under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement under the new law
2017 60 + 0,5 55 + 0,5 2017-2018
2018 60 + 1 55 + 1 2019
2019 60 + 1,5 55 + 1,5 2020-2021
2020 60 + 2 55 + 2 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028
2024 55 + 6 2030
2025 55 + 7 2032
2026 and beyond 55 + 8 2034

Thus, the new values ​​of the retirement age of civil servants (65 and 63 years) determined by the bill will be set in 2023 for men and in 2026 for women.

Who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age?

The draft law clearly defines the categories of pension recipients who will be affected by the proposed changes. Therefore, the “method of exclusion” can unequivocally single out those who can not expect any changes in terms of raising the retirement age.

Adjustments The following people will not be affected:

  1. Working in :
    • in favor of which contributions are paid at the appropriate rates based on the results of a special assessment of labor;
    • in underground and mining operations (coal mining, ore mining, mine construction, etc.);
    • civil aviation pilots, in the engineering and technical staff for aircraft maintenance;
    • in expeditions, exploration, prospecting, prospecting and other detachments;
    • on ships of the sea, river fleet and in the fleet of the fishing industry;
    • in the textile industry with severity and increased intensity (for women);
    • as part of locomotive crews and workers involved in the organization and safety of transportation in railway transport and the subway;
    • truck drivers in mines, quarries, mines;
    • in the form of imprisonment;
    • machinists of construction, road and loading and unloading equipment, tractor drivers in agriculture;
    • drivers of buses, trams, trolleybuses on regular city routes;
    • other professions included in the "small lists".
  2. Recipients of pensions for health or social reasons:
    • women who have given birth to 5 or more children who have raised them up to the age of 8;
    • women who have given birth to 2 or more children and have the necessary work experience in the Far North or equivalent areas;
    • one of the parents or guardians of people with disabilities from childhood, who brought them up to the age of 8;
    • visually impaired (group 1 disability), patients with pituitary dwarfism (midgets), and disproportionate dwarfs;
    • disabled due to military injury;
    • citizens permanently residing in the regions of the Far North or areas equivalent to them, who worked as reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters and others.
  3. Persons affected by radiation and man-made disasters (in particular,).
  4. Citizens who have worked, employed in flight tests of aviation, parachute and other equipment.