Fast child restraint - terms of use. What is a child restraint? is fest allowed? Fast banned arguments change in the rules

Monday, 01/23/2017 14:58

Last week, employees of the State traffic inspectorate held a raid event "Child in a car seat." Within an hour, six facts of violation of the rules for transporting children under 12 years of age in motor vehicles were revealed. What violations have been identified and have the rules changed? We asked the propaganda inspector Lyudmila Permyakova to tell us about this.

- How do Kachkanar drivers transport their children?

- During the raid, it was found that our drivers grossly violate the rules for transporting babies under the age of 4 years. So, one child was sitting in the front seat, not even wearing a seat belt. In justification, the father assured the employees that there was a car seat, it was just in another car. Another mother asked her friend to take her to kindergarten without worrying about the safety of the baby. Two of the six identified perpetrators were taxis. In general, many parent-drivers still use child car seats. And that made us happy.

There are no changes to the traffic rules in this part yet. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must continue using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle. Boosters are a kind of car seats for children, which are the same car seats, but without the backs and the usual five-point seat belts. According to the European classification, they are designed for children weighing from 22 to 36 kg and older than six years. Such seat models are more suitable for large children who feel uncomfortable in a simple car seat. The car seat must be marked according to the European safety standard - ECE R 44/03 or ECE R44/04. In addition, chairs are subject to mandatory certification in Russia. All child restraints used must be safe for the baby.

And if the child weighs more than 36 kg, is it allowed to use Fest seat belt adapters, which are available in many families?

Since the end of December 2016, such adapters have been banned for sale by Rosstandart, since during testing it turned out that in a frontal collision, the abdominal organs of the child's abdomen are crushed, the child receives injuries incompatible with life.

However, "Fest" still refers to other means by which a child can be transported in a vehicle. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to fasten a three- and five-year-old baby "Fest", as the seat belt will pass through the child's neck. It is necessary to focus not on age, but on the height and weight of the child: if he weighs more than 36 kg and is already quite tall, then you can only use Fest. Last summer, lawmakers planned to amend the traffic rules from the new year, but so far there have been no changes - the law remains a draft.

I would also like to note that during the raid violations were also found in the taxi. In Yekaterinburg, taxi drivers refuse to transport passengers with small children due to the lack of car seats and boosters. Drivers understand that the responsibility for the violation will also lie on their shoulders.

Comments: 1

    Sergey Lobanov:

    30.01.2017 13:20

    How! Booster - a kind of child seat (read - restraint)! He proved the same thing in October 2015 - the entire traffic police department was categorically against it, without explaining the reasons, without asking either the age or weight of the child, without specifying whether the booster was certified. Mr. Zakharov compared the instructions for the booster (where there is a link to certification) with a fence, they say, they also write a lot of interesting things on it. And at the end of the conversation, he winked mysteriously: “Big changes in traffic rules are coming!”. The year 2016 has come. The Platon system was introduced, the waybill was excluded from the list of documents that the driver must have with him, diagonal pedestrian crossings appeared somewhere - the rules for transporting children have not changed in ANY WAY. On the eve of the new 2017, everyone again lived in anticipation of changes in traffic rules. Meetings were held in children's institutions, lectures were given for drivers-parents. And again, the desire to overdo it and run ahead of the engine played a cruel joke on the propaganda inspector, Mrs. Permyakova. There were no changes announced by her, and no. But there is a blessing in disguise - smiling broadly from a newspaper page, emitting from her eyes in a Leninist kind, with a cunning, rays of concern for children, the suddenly enlightened Mrs. Permyakova made a sensational statement - the booster is a kind of child seat, despite the absence of its own backrest and webbing system .Q.E.D.

At the beginning of 2020, many media announced a ban on the use of any child restraints other than car seats. This was explained by amendments to the traffic rules.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

So is it allowed to use the FEST device in 2020? Issues of child safety in traffic are always relevant.

Legislators are considering various options that can affect the reduction of severe consequences in road accidents.

In particular, for this purpose, a rule was approved on the mandatory use of child car seats or other similar devices. Is it possible to use a FEST brand restraint in 2020?

General points

The driver of any transport is obliged to the maximum to ensure the safe transportation of children.

According to the rules applied in Russia, a driver transporting children should use special restraints.

Failure to comply with this rule provides for, expressed in the imposition of a fine.

At the beginning of 2020, publications appeared in many media about a possible ban on the use of other child care centers, with the exception of car seats.

Many citizens were more than worried about this prospect, as it would mean buying expensive car seats.

The specified GOST provides various options for DDU and the procedure for establishing their safety. The standard itself is quite voluminous.

From the main it should be noted that the holding devices must be certified. In addition, depending on the type of device, the degree of protection may differ.

As for non-compliance with the rules of child transportation, fines can vary from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Child restraint in car FEST

Amendments to the traffic rules of January 1, 2017 excluded the possibility of using other DDUs, through which the standard seat belt was adapted to hold the baby.

From now on, it is forbidden to put a pillow under the child or fasten the belt so that it is on the baby's sternum.

Previously, a similar practice existed, and its legality was repeatedly confirmed by court decisions.

According to the new rules, it is allowed to use only DDU certified in the territory of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the dimensions of a minor passenger.

Thus, considering the probability of using the FEST adapter, you need to check its compliance with two parameters:

  1. Having the right certificate.
  2. Compliance with the weight and height of the child.

About FEST certification, it should be mentioned that in Russia this device is certified by specialized government agencies until 2020.

In addition, this DDU is annually checked at the international level. Conducted tests confirm compliance with international regulations and GOST.

That is, the FEST child restraint is allowed by the traffic police until 2020, and then the possibility of application will depend on certification.

Regarding the dimensions of the child, you need to know that FEST is available in two versions:

  1. For children whose weight is 9-18 kg.
  2. For children weighing 18-36 kg.

The government has periodically discussed a total ban on FEST, allowing only car seats to be used. In the meantime, these DDUs are allowed to be used.

If the traffic police inspector writes a fine for the lack of a car seat, you can fully challenge the punishment in court. Of course, subject to the availability of a certificate and the compliance of the child with the necessary parameters.

How old can you use

According to the changed norm of traffic rules, the use of preschool children is mandatory for children under 7 years old. Children 7-11 years old can only wear seat belts.

However, there is some caveat. You can only use the regular belt if the height of a minor passenger is 150 cm or more.

This is due to the fact that the car security system is designed for passengers with a height of 150 cm.

So, according to the law, at what age is it allowed to use the FEST restraint? For the use of FEST, the age of the child does not really matter.

The possibility of its use is determined by the weight and height of the child. You can use FEST if the child weighs from 9 kg and his height is 100-110 cm.

Binding to dimensions is explained by the design of the system. A properly selected device allows, in the event of a collision or braking of the transport, to reduce the risk of injury to the child by limiting the mobility of the body.

How to install

Difficulties using the device should not appear, since the design is quite simple. In expanded form, it is an overlay in the form of a trapezoid with buttons.

Due to the buttons, it will be possible to adjust the size of the adapter to the dimensions of the child. The device is strengthened by means of buttons on regular belts in three places. An additional strap covers the hips of the child.

The design is made of soft fabric, so there is no discomfort during use. But you need to consider what is impossible with the adapter:

  • fasten two children;
  • fasten a child in the arms of an adult;
  • to fix a child who does not correspond to the size of the kindergarten.

What is the price

The FEST device is produced in Russia by the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. There are two options in the assortment of the plant.

Based on their children's dimensions:

At official points of sale, FEST costs 386 rubles and 497 rubles. When reselling, the price may vary, depending on the method of acquisition - directly from the manufacturer or through intermediaries.

If we compare the cost of FEST with the price of a car seat that meets the standards of the EU and the Customs Union, then the latter costs about 10-20 thousand rubles. The savings are more than obvious.

Can it be instead of a car seat

But is FEST so safe and should it be used instead of a car seat? In fact, FEST is an ordinary adapter.

The standard car seat belt is three-point, it consists of a shoulder and a lumbar section. If you fasten them to children less than 150 cm tall, then the strap will lie too close to the child's neck.

When the adapter is installed, the seat belt moves away from the neck and is located on the chest.

In addition, when attaching the adapter takes the form of a triangle, which allows in the event of a collision to distribute the load on the body evenly. That is, such a function as the reliability of the fastening of the FEST is fully ensured.

Regarding safety, it is necessary to mention the tests carried out by AVTOVAZ. Tests have shown that using an adapter reduces the chance of death by 50% and the risk of serious injury by 90%.

Video: traffic police advertises a dangerous FEST device

Considering the permissibility of using FEST from the standpoint of the law, it can be answered in the affirmative that this device can be used instead of a car seat.

This DDU complies with all regulatory requirements. However, the possible disadvantages of the device should also be taken into account.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of using the FEST restraint include:

  • low cost security equipment;
  • availability of use in any car with regular seat belts;
  • compactness, which allows you to carry the DDU with you when you need to travel by taxi and other people's transport.

Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the device will not protect the child from side impacts;
  • the possibility of "diving" under the lumbar strap remains;
  • the child is not fixed in place.

Independent tests show that in the event of an accident, the FEST pad keeps the child from falling, but at the same time, the pressure that has increased tenfold falls on the baby’s stomach.

Many parents using FEST restraints to transport their children were shocked by the news in early 2017. According to many news publications, the amendments to the traffic rules of January 1 of this year strictly prohibit the use of FEST. However, is the situation really so terrible? Let's analyze the issue with the clarification of all legislative nuances.

Legal requirements for transporting children in a car

Before answering the question - “Is the traffic police allowed a child restraint FEST in 2017?”, It is important to consider the main legislative provisions regarding the transportation of children in a car. This aspect of the life of drivers is regulated by several legislative acts at once:

  • Federal laws on the rules of the road (SDA) - define the general principles for transporting children in a car and the devices that are necessary for this.
  • GOST standards - regulating all the necessary requirements for child restraints (CRD) that can be used to transport children.
  • The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF) is a determinant of punishment for the transportation of children without a child restraint.

Summarizing the information provided in the previously mentioned regulations, we can highlight the main provisions that every parent should know when transporting children in a car:

  • A child under 7 years old (in any seat) and from 7 to 11 years old (in the front seat) must be transported in a car using special child restraint systems.
  • DUU must fully correspond to the weight and height of the baby, and also be certified in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The “RCC certification” means the receipt of the relevant documentation by the manufacturers of the CCU, which fully confirms the fact that the device fully complies with all the standards of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and international standards for transporting children in a car.
  • Ignoring the use of child restraints or using systems that do not comply with the law is punishable. The punishment is determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine - 3,000 rubles).

Amendments dated January 1, 2017 to the SDA ruled out the possibility of using “other remote control devices” that help to adapt the regular seat belt to the baby. For example, now you can’t put pillows under the children and make sure that the belt runs along the sternum of the little passengers. Previously, this practice was carried out and its legality was repeatedly proved in court.

Important! As you can see, any remote control system that is certified in the Russian Federation and corresponds to the dimensions of the passenger being transported can be used to transport children.

Is FEST allowed

Having considered the main legislative provisions on the DUU necessary for transporting children in vehicles, one can also determine whether FEST is allowed to use or not. To do this, you will have to answer several questions:

  • Is FEST certified in the Russian Federation?
  • Does it fit the size of your child?

So, let's go in order. First, consider the issue of FEST certification. In this regard, before the legislation of the DUU of this type is completely clear. FEST received certification from specialized government agencies until 2018, and is also annually tested, let's say, for professional suitability in its class in the international arena. All tests of the device, given in Hungary, ended successfully, therefore, there is no doubt that the device complies with GOST standards and international rules for transporting children in a car.

Secondly, you need to determine whether the device you have is suitable for the dimensions of the child. At the moment, DUU FEST is available in two variations:

  • For children weighing 9 to 18 kilograms. Similar systems are also equipped with special straps for the hips.
  • For babies weighing from 18 to 36 kilograms. These devices can come with or without the previously indicated straps.

You can find out about the purpose of the purchased device by its packaging. It necessarily indicates for whom the DUU is intended. Summing up the material presented above, it can be stated that that FEST is not prohibited by law and can be used to transport children on the roads of the Russian Federation. In the event that a traffic police officer issued a fine for using such remote control systems, you can safely defend your position in court. Moreover, the FEST manufacturing company itself offers its legal assistance in such situations.

Important! Despite the absence of a ban on FEST devices in the legislation of the Russian Federation, not all drivers win in court, defending their innocence. This is largely due to some features of specific situations and the low qualifications of defenders of motorists in court.

Will DUU FEST be banned

Of course, today there is no ban on the use of DUU FEST, but what are the prospects for these fixators? To be honest, the outlook is not bright. Many members of the government are in favor of making fundamental amendments to the SDA. Their common essence lies in the complete rejection of the use of any child restraints, except for specialized car seats.

This issue has been considered for many years when discussing potential amendments to traffic rules in the government, but so far no one has brought it to life. For the first time, the ban on FESTs and similar devices was made back in 2011, but then the changes in the legislation were minor. According to preliminary information from the government devices such as FEST are planned to be completely banned in 2018, however, before that, it is worth waiting for the refusal of their certification. What will be the situation in the future, it remains only to wait.

In general, it is not so difficult to determine whether FEST is prohibited or not. The main thing in this event is to study the legislation of the Russian Federation or the material presented above. We hope this article has provided answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

Driving with a child in a car is a very responsible occupation, which is accompanied by a potential risk to the life and health of a small passenger. That is why the legislation of the Russian Federation contains detailed rules that establish the rules for transporting children, in particular, the use of special restraints. These include the FEST overlay. What age is it designed for and how to use it correctly?

Traffic police requirements for transporting children in a car

The use of a regular car belt is possible only if the passenger is 150 cm or more tall. At lower rates, the strap, directed diagonally, passes dangerously close to the neck. Given that at the time of the accident, it is on these areas that the load increases, the risk of head and cervical injury increases.

However, seat belts are considered the most reliable way to protect the passenger. So the idea to adapt them to the parameters of children was born, which was realized by two products:

  • booster (foam pillow under the ass, which lifts the child and thereby takes the belt away from the neck);
  • FEST (adapter for aligning the regular seat belt to the height of the child).

These two devices solve the same tasks, so the simultaneous use of both is impractical.

It is interesting. Article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the transportation of children without special restraints is punishable by a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

In order not to receive a fine for carrying a minor passenger, the restraint must be certified. FEST complies with Russian GOST 41.442005, as well as international ECE R44/03. So, subject to the operating rules and the presence of a certificate for a specific adapter model, the traffic police does not fine.

The need for a certificate determines the impossibility of using a hand-made FEST.

Amendments to the law: de jure and de facto

From the end of 2016, a law was supposed to come into force prohibiting the transportation of children using adapters and seat belt correctors. But even before that, the sale of devices was suspended due to the discovery of a violation of the regulations of the Customs Union, namely:

  • lack of information necessary for the consumer: attachment diagram showing the vehicle seat, installation instructions illustrated with photographs or clear drawings, including recommendations for preventing parts of the child restraint from being pinched by the seat or door of the vehicle, instructions explaining the positions of the seat belt buckle for an adult at the point of contact;
  • excessive load on the abdominal organs during a frontal collision, which may pose a direct threat to the life and health of the child.

The Kostroma enterprise FEST, which produced adapters, was guided by the safety standards of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, which were in force until July 2016. From this moment on, additions have been made to the definition of “guide strap”: now it is considered an COMPONENT element of the restraint system, which means that it is not a separate one. At the moment, an administrative case has been initiated against FEST on the fact of violation of technical regulations. Meanwhile, changes to the traffic rules regarding the prohibition of the use of devices have not yet come into force.

What is a triangle patch

FEST (or adapter) is a special pad, similar to a trapezoid, which is folded and attached to the belt at 3 points. It performs the function of taking the standard device to the chest from the child's neck.

FEST was developed by Vladimir Viktorovich Mikhailov - Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation - in close cooperation with the country's chief pediatric surgeon Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal. Simple design approved:

  • Research Center for Road Safety Problems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology.

It is interesting. According to tests conducted by AvtoVAZ, the use of an adapter reduces the risk of death in an accident by half, and the possibility of serious injury is reduced by 90%.

Weight, height and age at which FEST can be used

The adapter is used to fix a child older than three, but younger than twelve, on the car seat. At the same time, the height of the baby cannot be lower than 110 cm. Another important parameter is the weight of your child. If the baby weighs from 9 to 18 kg, then FEST should be equipped with a special strap that wraps around the hips, with indicators from 18 to 36 kg it is not needed. Children whose body weight exceeds these limits are prohibited from being fixed using the device.

Device advantages

Among the advantages of using FEST are:

  • distribution of the load on the body in a collision (due to the shape of the device in the form of a trapezoid);
  • ease of use (children themselves can fasten the adapter to the belts);
  • possibility of use in the front seat;
  • production from environmentally friendly materials;
  • compactness, which allows the device to be used in third-party cars in which you transport the baby (up to a taxi).

Application Disadvantages

The most significant disadvantage of FEST is diving under the lumbar belts. The fact is that the baby’s legs do not reach the floor, which means that the body slides off, and all the pressure falls on the stomach (while in an adult in this situation, the seat belt straps create pressure on the sternum and hips due to the emphasis on the floor with their feet) . Thus, the risk of injury to the abdominal organs increases.

There is a way to eliminate the diving effect. To do this, use an additional strap for the hips. But, alas, it will not help to protect completely from damage to internal organs.

Also, the disadvantages include:

  • the risk of injuring the head on the front seat with a strong impact;
  • the vulnerability of a small passenger from side impacts;
  • the inability to use in car models with belts without a lumbar strap;
  • folds in the horizontal strap due to pulling force, increasing the risk of injury.

It is interesting. According to some studies, the official testing of FEST was carried out on outdated mannequins without sensors in the cervical region. Meanwhile, the likelihood of neck injuries is very high.

Even in an accident at a low speed of 50-69 km / h, a small passenger may face:

  • ruptures of the peritoneal organs;
  • rib fractures;
  • head and neck injuries.

FEST adapter crash test - video

FEST or baby car seat

The question “Which child restraint should I choose?” many parents ask themselves. Of course, buying FEST will cost much less, and its compact size allows you to fix the baby at a significant distance from the front seat, which reduces the risk of injury upon impact. But at the same time, the protective capabilities of the chair are undoubtedly much higher.

It is convenient to use FEST as a fallback option for a trip in a taxi or someone else's car in order to avoid a fine. In other cases, the child must sit in a chair.

FEST or frameless overlay chairs

If we compare these two holding devices, it should be noted that they are the same in terms of height, weight and age. At first glance, it may seem that a frameless pad is better, since it fixes the baby in five points, unlike FEST, which holds only in three. However, both devices, as crash tests show, are not designed to provide a sufficient level of child safety at the time of an accident.

Is it safe to use padded chairs: crash test - video

How to fasten a child using an adapter on a belt: fastening instructions

Using the FEST adapter is very simple.

  1. We fix the baby with a standard seat belt.
  2. We put FEST in an unbuttoned form under the straps, placing it on the child's stomach.
  3. We grab the diagonal strap of the belt with the upper part of the device.
  4. We grab the lumbar strap with the lower part of the device.

If it is also supposed to be fixed with an additional strap for the hips, then a couple more steps are added to the instructions described above.

  1. We fasten on a button or button located at the bottom of the narrow side of the adapter, an additional device.
  2. From it, we pass the straps through the inner part of the thigh and fix them on top of the leg.

Using an additional strap will allow you to fix the adapter correctly. In any case, the child should not experience discomfort, and FEST should not dig into the body.

Recent research in the field of automotive safety determines a number of requirements for car owners. One of them is the use of a child restraint for small children. Of course, safety at all times and under any circumstances was in the first place - that's right. The basis of the constitutional system of Russia defines as its main task the preservation of the life of citizens. But as in any business there is a problem of choice, also with child restraints. High safety indicators require large financial investments, which, unfortunately, are not available to all citizens of our country. Therefore, modern manufacturers of security products produce devices of different price categories in order to provide them to all those in need. But are cheap analogues of expensive manufacturers so safe? Today's article will help you deal with this issue.

A child restraint (CRD) is a device designed to enable the safe transport of children in vehicles under the age of 11 years. Remarkably, this device allows you to use it for the smallest citizens of our country (from birth).

According to the design features, the DUU has distinctive features. This is due not only to different manufacturers of the device, but also to different physiological parameters of children.

In accordance with this, the design of the DUU differs depending on:

  • the age of the child;
  • weight;
  • growth;
  • individual features;
  • health conditions;
  • medical indications of doctors.

In addition to the above parameters, remote control devices differ in the device for attaching to the car seat. Cars of the last production time began to be specially equipped with improved mechanisms that make it possible to secure the transportation of small children as much as possible.

For each age of the child, as well as his height and weight, various child restraints have been developed and produced:

  1. Group 0 - car cradle. It is used for newborns and children aged 6 months. It has a weight limit of up to 10 kilograms. A design feature is a curved stock with an additional fixing head collar.
  2. Group 0+. It is also represented by a car cradle, with a permissible weight of 13 kg. Age - up to one year.
  3. Group 1. This group includes more familiar car seats. This device can be used up to 4 years. In this case, the maximum permitted weight of the child is 18 kg.
  4. Group 2. This includes child car seats designed for a load of 15 to 25 kilograms. Age group - up to 7 years.
  5. Group 3. The most recent group designated by the world classifier to date. The age of use of such chairs is from 7 to 12 years; maximum weight - 36 kg.

The last third group includes an additional year of use (up to 12 years). This need is due to the individual characteristics of the pace of development of babies.

At the moment, there are several different types of child safety devices on sale.

These include:

  • cradles;
  • car seats;
  • boosters;
  • specialized pads and adapters.

The booster is usually used for children over 4 years of age. This device is a child seat that raises the child, which allows you to shift the seat belt anchor point from the neck to the shoulder. The booster, unlike the car seat, does not have its own belts.

Specialized overlays include pillows, as well as FEST restraints. The latter have gained popularity in most Russian families due to their relative cheapness, compactness and ease of operation.

The use of a child restraint in a vehicle is primarily for safety reasons. The fact is that the fragile body of the baby is subject to increased danger during sudden movements, as well as exposure to high vehicle speeds. Although all cars are equipped with standard seat belts, they are not intended for use by their children. Structurally, seat belts are intended for people whose height is above one and a half meters.

It is unacceptable to use regular seat belts for persons whose height is less than 150 centimeters. Violation of this requirement will inevitably result in personal injury.

Safety engineers in the automotive industry, when installing an appropriate system in cars, are guided by a certain principle in which a person is fixed with a seat belt at three points:

  • lumbar;
  • thoracic;
  • shoulder section.

So, with a child growing less than 150 centimeters, the strap of the belt, designed to fix the thoracic and shoulder sections, falls into the neck area. With even sudden braking, not to mention an accident, a child can damage the cervical vertebrae. Improper use of the seat belt becomes dangerous.

Based on this, the engineers have developed remote controls that are adapted to the characteristics of the children's body structure, as well as to the design of the car.

Regulatory regulation

The legislature of our country produces legal regulation of issues related to the use of child restraints for a car. This regulation is connected both with the requirements for drivers of motor vehicles and with the requirements for manufacturers of safety elements intended for the transport of children.

Regulatory documents regulating the use of DUU:

  1. Rules of the road (SDA), in the current edition for the current 2018.
  2. Russian Code of Administrative Violations (CAO RF dated 12.2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on 04/23/2018) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 05/14/2018).
  3. The state standard developed for the classification of child restraints intended for cars ("GOST R 41.44 - 2005").

The main legal document that defines the rules and norms of driver behavior on the road (SDA), paragraph 22.9 describes the requirements for the transportation of children.

“The transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and a truck cabin, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX * child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

The first paragraph of the paragraph defines the need to use a restraint for all children who are under 7 years old. But there is one caveat here, which says: "the design of which provides for ...". That is, if there are no seat belts or a special isofix system in transport, then children can be transported without a remote control. This applies to tractors and other specialized equipment.

Naturally, any sane parent would not allow their child to ride a tractor or combine.

The second paragraph also has one nuance. The legislator leaves it to the discretion of parents whose children are older than 7 years whether or not to use child restraint. But this does not mean that in order to save money, you can not buy a security device. In matters of preserving life and health, there is no place for monetary savings. Parents, first of all, should proceed from the physiological characteristics of their child. If he is older than 7 years, but his height is less than 150 centimeters, then it is better to use the remote control to avoid negative consequences.

What do other regulations say?

In addition to traffic rules, the device of the remote control system is mentioned in the codes of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Code of Administrative Offenses defines fines for drivers who do not use safety devices for children.

GOST 41.44, indicated in the previous section, was developed on the basis of the international standard "UNECE N 44-04", and contains a complete list of DUUs allowed for sale. This classifier fully defines the entire list of elements that can be used when transporting children by road. In addition, the paragraphs of the document indicate the rules for testing, certification, and labeling of the DUU. Failure to comply with these norms, forgery of the DUU is punishable by law.

The legislature of our country clearly regulates all the rules regarding the use of remote control.

In addition, the criminal code provides for punishment for legal entities engaged in the production and sale of fake security devices that have not passed the examination.

There is an opinion on the Internet that the FEST child restraint is a cheap analogue of a car seat that does not provide an adequate level of safety for transporting a child. In addition, there is information about the illegal use of this type of child safety device. But is it? Let's deal with this issue.

The cost of a modern car seat of a famous manufacturer's brand starts at 10 tr. This is a rather large amount for some of the citizens of our country. Moreover, the child grows up, and this requires the purchase of a new system.

Compared to a car seat, FEST is really a cheaper analogue. Its cost is about 500 rubles. There are two modifications of this device on sale: based on a load of up to 18 kg, as well as a system that holds a load in the range of 18-36 kilograms.

FEST is a Russian manufacturer of a transport adapter for children. Skyway products are also on sale.

The FEST child restraint belongs to the second and third groups, according to the generally accepted classification, which automatically determines the age category of children.

Answering the question about the price, we can say the following: undoubtedly, FEST is much cheaper and more accessible for Russian motorists.

In addition, this type of child restraint has a number of advantages over others, namely:

  • small dimensions make it easy to transport FEST manually;
  • ease of use does not take much time when installed in a car;
  • ease of maintenance and cleaning.

At the legislative level, the requirements for DUU are defined. FEST products fully meet these requirements (provided that they are purchased from official dealers). As of 2018, additional regulations related to prohibitions on the use of FEST are not defined by law. This means that this child safety system is completely legal.

The principle of operation of FEST is quite simple. The adapter shifts the top position of the standard seat belt, which allows you to transfer the load in the event of an accident to the chest and shoulder. The instructions for the adapter indicate that it can be used for children whose height has reached 100 centimeters.

With a smaller growth, the use of FEST does not make sense. In an emergency, the child will simply dive under the lumbar belt, or seriously injure the neck.

Therefore, you need to take into account the height of the child, and not age. Subject to this requirement, the use of FEST will be safe.

The answer to the question about the safety of FEST is best given in a comprehensive manner:

  1. When the adapter is installed in the car according to the manufacturer's instructions, the movement of the child is completely safe, as the FEST is made of durable materials.
  2. The standard belt system provides control over the position of all passengers, including children. This is achieved through a complex design that is hidden in the car body. Briefly: it is a device that, in a collision with a huge speed, retracts the strap of a regular belt, providing a clamping force that minimizes the inertial deviation of the body position.
  3. The safety of one or another remote control depends on the nature of the accident. Under certain circumstances, even the most technologically advanced car seat is not capable of maintaining human health.

For children whose weight and height correspond to the indicated indicators of the instructions for FEST, riding and using such a device is completely safe.

Disadvantages of FEST

A clear disadvantage of using such a device is the contact of the child's body with regular belts. An analysis of accidents in motor vehicles shows that in a collision, the load on the human body at the points of contact with the belt increases dramatically. At the same time, the conclusions of doctors show that the belt leaves bruises on the human body. This is certainly not catastrophic if the case is with an adult. Another issue is with children. For their fragile organism, this factor can have significant negative consequences.

Another disadvantage when using FEST may be the doctor's contraindications. In young children, the neck is very vulnerable, and even a short-term load can damage the vertebrae. Car seats are much safer in this regard. Some models of chairs allow you to have children in the opposite direction in the direction of travel.