The cat's behavior changed dramatically. Strange cat behavior in the apartment

Strange cat behavior can be due to a number of reasons. The animal may be suffering from pain, illness, territorial problems, or mental problems related to the past. With its unusual actions, the cat informs the owner about the problems, you just need to correctly interpret its behavior. Trying to explain anything is usually useless, because the cat is too independent an animal.

Possible reasons

Each cat has individual character traits and methods of communication with a person, but there are many common features, according to which you can find out what exactly the animal needs. Strange behavior is always adequate to the state of the pet, despite the expectations of the owners. As a rule, the strange behavior of a cat can be expressed in the following:

  1. complete apathy, or excessive activity, depending on the temperament of the animal;
  2. the cat always follows the owner, caresses, or shows aggression if the pet was previously calm;
  3. active damage to furniture, wallpaper and other property;
  4. refusal to eat;
  5. a normally quiet cat will suddenly start screaming when trying to relieve itself, or for no reason at all.

Behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the overall emotional mood in the home.

Health problems

If your cat has been acting strange lately, it could be an illness. One of the most common examples - the animal has stopped going to the tray. The final cause may be pain during urination. As a result, the cat begins to associate the litter box with the sensations experienced and begins to look for another secluded place to relieve itself. Sometimes it can be intestinal inflammation, hyperthyroidism, liver disease, or kidney disease. A visit to the veterinarian is necessary in any case to avoid aggravating the situation.

A cat's health can be weakened as a result of stress, especially after various moves or rearrangements. Most pets react to this in their own way, they behave strangely, and their reaction is seriously different from the human.

Hormonal imbalance

Domestic cats are in heat several times a year. Cats suffer no less from this, because throughout the entire period, hormones are constantly raging in the body of animals, which can cause unusual cat behavior, since their wild relatives breed only at a certain time, usually in spring. Biological rhythms have been knocked down in pets, as a result of which animals experience problems with hormones.

The problem is solved by castration or sterilization. The most optimal age is 7-8 months, for cats it is desirable before the first lambing. This normalizes the hormonal balance, which makes the pets much calmer.

Discomfort due to furnishings

Often the reason for the unusual behavior of a cat may be the inconvenience of using household items. The problem may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Little free space around the tray.
  • Noise from surrounding objects, such as a washing machine or a toilet bowl during water intake.
  • Water is dripping from the faucet.

Similar problems can arise with other items, such as a scratching post. If the cat is uncomfortable using something, its strange behavior will let you know about it.


Having reached old age, many cats change their behavior and some habits, this is due to cognitive functions - memory, coordination of movements, orientation in space. If any of the above has worsened, then this behavior is normal for a cat, especially an old one.

Older animals need constant help in adaptation and regular medical examinations (about once every six months).

Negative experiences with previous owners

Any grievances inflicted at a young age have a serious impact on the later life of any cat. Subsequent attention and care only in large quantities can weaken the effect of the experience.

Injuries resulting from violence, severe fear and punishment can provoke uncontrolled aggression, panic attacks and many other problems. It will take quite a long time to socialize the animal again.


Also, the strange behavior of a cat can provoke a sharp appearance of strangers, some especially sensitive individuals may even react to short visits from guests or employees, such as plumbers, who visited the house a few days ago.

Familiarity in the way a person treats a pet also has a huge impact on cats. The general negative background of communication is also able to change the behavior of the cat, since they are very sensitive to the emotions of the owner. In all these cases, the correct behavior of the owner of the animal, as well as the level of trust of the cat in the person, is of considerable importance.

In cats, behavior can be surprising or simply incomprehensible to a person, but it is quite within the normal framework, and in other cases it is an indicator of some kind of problem that you should immediately go to the veterinarian with.

The cat's behavior has changed dramatically, what does it mean and what is the reason

Have you noticed a drastic change in your pet's behavior? Do his actions seem strange? All of these can be symptoms of the disease, if we exclude such seasonal changes in behavior as "spring search for a pair." Therefore, immediately contact the doctor and describe in detail the changes so that the veterinarian quickly diagnoses the disease or, on the contrary, reassures the owner.

The behavior of cats and cats after mating

After mating, cats and cats require the continuation of the holiday and therefore may continue to scream for another day or two - this is normal.

Cat behavior a few hours before birth

Shortly before giving birth, the cat feels anxiety, which is accompanied by pain. Also, characteristic training contractions can indicate an early birth, that is, the cat begins to stoop. This is due to the fact that the cat's uterus is contracting (training before childbirth).

The behavior of cats if the house is negative

Cats, like all animals, feel either negative or positive energy in the house, which can tell on their behavior. That's just the behavior changes strictly individually and is not particularly noticeable in most cases, but the owner will always notice when the cat begins to treat someone more negatively.

Behavior of a cat if a kitten is left in the stomach

With such a pathology, the cat will behave as usual and not show it, only her stomach will still remain full, which will indicate the remaining kitten. The veterinarian can confirm this.

The behavior of a cat if she was poisoned or she is sick

The cat loses coordination of movements, it can feel sick. She refuses to eat and drinks less water, if not at all. All obvious behavioral changes may indicate a violation in the animal's body, so it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Cat behavior before and after spaying

Whatever the cats were before sterilization, their behavior will change after the operation. Usually pets become more calm and affectionate. Their extraordinary activity comes to an end after the operation, and sterilization also helps in case of manifestation of special aggression from a cat.

Behavior of a cat with rabies

Definitely, the behavior of a cat changes dramatically after being infected with rabies. In the early stages, the cat can hide in a corner, hide from people and are afraid of bright lights. But in the last stages, the cat clearly shows aggression: attacks and bites.

Cat behavior before and after castration

Spayed cats are similar to spayed cats. They become calmer and less active. No longer react to seasonal "crazes".

How does valerian affect cats and cats

Valerian only works on cats. Cats often do not change their behavior at all after consuming valerian, and in general they are not particularly drawn to try it, not only for taste, but also for smell. Cats after the smell or taste of valerian are under a narcotic effect, since for cats valerian is a real drug. Cats squirm, caress and react inappropriately to the environment.

Cat behavior and signs of death

Before death, pets begin to behave more actively and try to spend the last hours of their lives with their owner, playing games and just caressing on their knees. Often this was noticed in cats who, due to their age, could not run for a long time, and in the last hours of their lives they became young and loving again. And, of course, their main sign of death is leaving home, after which the animal does not return ...

Cat behavior in the weather

The most common behavior of cats in the weather is their sleep. When a cat falls asleep with its belly up, there will be warming, and when it curls up into a ball and closes its nose, it will be cold.

  • disorientation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • changes in the nature of sleep;
  • increased vocalization;

Health to your pets!

Feline dementia is a very real problem in cats over 10 years old.

This is one of the most common diseases in older cats, and sometimes it is difficult for the owner to understand what is happening, if you do not take into account this "delicate" moment. Dementia in cats, like in humans, is due to brain damage caused by natural aging.

Signs of dementia vary between felines, but in general, they include:

  • disorientation;
  • wrong social behavior;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • inability to recognize people;
  • changes in the nature of sleep;
  • increased vocalization;
  • loss of skills (for example, the animal forgets how to use the litter box or other learned activities).

The best way to fight dementia is to keep the brain "active" from a young age. For example, encourage your cat to play every day. Don't let her get lazy.

Use premium training. Even if your cat already has symptoms of dementia, try to teach her new things. This will help her mind stay active. For example, to get a treat, train your cat to jump to a special place on command. Your cat may not be able to learn, but it's worth a try - at least challenge her mind.

Reduce stress. Determine what is contributing to your cat's anxiety and find ways to eliminate or reduce it. Maybe she suffers from arthritis and has difficulty climbing heights. You can install steps or slopes. Similarly, if the cat is having trouble with the litter box, move it to a more accessible location. Cats with dementia are often disoriented. Reducing disorientation is achieved by limiting one area of ​​the home where there is less room to get lost. Make sure that the cat is not isolated from communication and the conclusion does not drive her into even more stress.

Make big changes slowly. If your habitual environment is about to change (moving, rearranging, new family members, etc.), make sure you introduce these changes slowly and carefully. Sudden dramatic changes will cause additional anxiety and will only make the dementia worse.

It is important to reevaluate your cat's diet. The nutritional needs of a kitten and a 12 year old cat are not the same. Older cats need food they can easily digest, and vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids will help keep them sane.

Monitor behavior and let your veterinarian know of any changes, even if they seem minor. It is important to notice signs of dementia as early as possible so steps can be taken to slow it down.

Stimulate the sense of smell. Smell is a huge part of how a cat perceives life. With age, the olfactory function fades away. Introduce new fragrances, but be careful: synthetic perfumes, air fresheners and essential oils are not suitable for this purpose. Use safe, cat-friendly scents such as catnip, commercial treats (cured chicken breast strips, etc.)

Keep her socialized. Do not leave your cat alone often and for a long time. This will only increase her anxiety and lead to antisocial behavior. If you must inevitably be away for a long time, ask someone to look after the cat.

Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if the older cat seems healthy. There are many physical problems that can cause dementia-like symptoms. Don't jump to the conclusion that your cat has dementia until you've ruled out all other health problems common to older cats, such as kidney failure, arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and heart problems.

You can make life with dementia much easier for both your pet and yourself, or even prevent it, if you take appropriate action as soon as possible. Don't forget to stimulate your pet's brain. Reduce stress and don't neglect visiting the veterinarian.

Health to your pets!

Adapted from PetCouncil 2017 No. 5

All cat breeds have common behaviors. Most of the time they sleep, purr when they are stroked, well-mannered regularly go to the toilet in the accustomed place.

The scenario of cat behavior is repeated every day and the owner gets used to it.

But there are times when a pet does not behave as usual, showing manners that are completely uncharacteristic of it. Do not ignore changes in the behavior of cats, they can tell about certain internal problems in the animal's body.

Cats have long been close companions of man, and it is natural that all the manners of the animal are studied and there are explanations for all changes in behavior.

Tray rejection

An unpleasant and inconvenient problem is the sudden failure of the tray. Cats begin to ignore the usual place and relieve themselves in the most unexpected places.

Educational measures in this case will not help. Unusual behavior indicates problems in the pet's body. It can be an inflammation of the urinary tract, which provokes painful urination, painful symptoms can be with inflammation of the intestines and with problems in the kidneys and liver.

Cats do not have logical thinking, they only know what is good for them and what is bad. So it turns out that the tray is associated for
animal in pain. Do not waste time, the animal urgently needs to be examined by a veterinarian.

The second reason for not littering is less worrisome, and may be the result of stress. Cats react painfully to a change in their familiar environment or to the appearance of a new pet. In this case, only more attentive and affectionate treatment can help, but without excessive obtrusiveness.

Sometimes the owners themselves, with their rude behavior, provoke their pet to respond.

Sleep disturbance

Sleep for cats is an important part of their health. Just like people, cats during sleep restore spent physical and mental strength and, there is an assumption that they see dreams.

The similarity does not end there, they, like humans, may have a sleep disorder. If cats, for one reason or another, do not get the necessary portion of sleep, their behavior changes radically.

An uncharacteristic demeanor is manifested in excessive irritability and uncontrolled appetite. Insomnia in cats is mainly caused by stress, and the reasons for its manifestation are the same as in the case of the tray.

But excessive drowsiness of the pet can talk about more serious problems. Particular attention should be paid to the position in which the cat sleeps. If she straightens up and stretches out a lot, then she may have a fever. Excessive sleepiness can be a sign of heart disease and thyroid disorders.

Do not forget that such changes in the weather as heat and severe frost also cause drowsiness in cats. But if you notice any deviations from the norm, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Extra care never hurts.

Cats have a very high self-control, they are able to hide signs of illness for a long time. In many cases, only the sensitivity of the owner helps to prevent the development of the disease.

Unlike dogs, cats do not have an innate instinct for family life. For a dog, the concept of a family is natural because its ancestors lived and hunted in packs that had a highly developed social structure. With the exception of lions, felines large and small are solitary hunters and are used to taking care of themselves. You can't force a cat to do something it doesn't want to do. Therefore, in order to change any of her unwanted behavior, you must offer an alternative that suits both of you.

The cat loves you and enjoys your company. But if you want to convince her to do "your way", then you must answer the most important question for her: why should I?

The good news is that for a cat, habit plays a very important role. Once she understands where to sharpen her claws, what to chew, and where to go to the toilet, she will get used to the new routine.

Whether this kitten's story will have a happy ending depends on how successfully his new owner is able to cope with his behavioral problems.

YES, kitty!

Reward your cat for good behavior with praise, treats, petting and play. If the cat sharpens its claws on a special post, then be sure to let him know that you approve of this: play with him with a toy on a string, a tennis ball, or something else. Praise your cat for using the litter box, eating her plants instead of yours, and attacking her toys instead of your slippers. Your cat was not born knowing the rules for living with people, and if you make these rules enjoyable, then you are much more likely to have your cat follow them.

No, kitty!

Never hit a cat and never give it a reason to think that any punishment comes from you. Physical punishment for a cat is not only pointless, but much worse. And even worse, it stresses the cat and makes her afraid of you.

Cats are affected by another trick: she must be convinced that any wrong action on her part automatically entails an unpleasant reaction for her - and that you have nothing to do with this. For example, the couch she likes to sharpen her claws on is now covered in something she doesn't like to touch. Every time she jumps on the table, she feels a tingling of electrical discharges in her paws or a jet of water hits her from behind.

Below is a list of traps that are very effective at repelling cats. and help you live with your cat in complete harmony and harmony.

The spray bottle is one of the behavioral problem solving tools. But best of all it helps in the case when it seems to the cat that the water comes from "nowhere"

Use water and loud sounds. Try spraying your cat gently with a jet of water from a spray bottle or releasing compressed air from a can. You can also shake a tin of coins (loud unpleasant noises scare away a cat) or squeeze a squeaky dog ​​toy (cats don't like this sound, but dogs do, so don't use this trick if you have a dog!). All these tricks will cause the cat to stop at the moment of "committing a crime", and, most likely, she will decide that it is not in her interest to continue or repeat.

Use cover. Cover surfaces that your cat shouldn't touch with double-sided tape, foil or plastic, or plastic mats with pointed tips pointing up. An electrostatic mat called Scat Mat (available at pet stores or ordered from a catalog), which gives a slight electric shock, is great as a table and furniture cover.

Wooden mousetraps. Another device that will help explain to the cat where it should not be. Buy a few unbaited mousetraps and set them upside down on a table or trash can with newspaper on top. This device is not designed to catch or hurt the cat, but simply to scare it. When the cat touches the trap, it will jump and close with an expressive click, which will help convince the cat that it is better not to go where such traps are located.

Covered with something unpleasant. Coat the area where a cat should not tread with a substance that tastes disgusting to a cat, such as Tabasco sauce or Bitter Apple bitter cream. This is, in fact, another type of trap that helps in some cases. No need to use a lot of unpleasant substance: your cat has a very acute sense of smell and taste!