Stencil for the new year for cutting a rooster. New Year's vytynanki: silhouette paper-cut for the New Year

Despite its simplicity and cheapness, paper is one of the most interesting materials for crafts and creativity, because you can make so many different beautiful things with your own hands: applications, flat and voluminous origami figures, whole quilling paintings, luxurious panels and many something else.

In addition, there are so many varieties of paper and such a diverse range of colors that with its help any creative ideas and ideas will certainly be able to find their embodiment.

Try to start with the manufacture of not very complex products. For example, with some variation of the image of a cockerel.

What can he be?

Many master classes are devoted to creating a cockerel out of paper with your own hands. You can make it in a variety of ways, depending on what kind of image is expected, as well as on the purpose of making this product:

  • if a child needs crafts in kindergarten, then help him do the application with his own hands. To do this, you just need to print out the template, cut out its details, and then use them to make the same elements, but from colored paper. Glue all the details on the cardboard to make a cockerel. Complete the application - draw or also make grass and flowers out of paper, a sunny sky, grains for a rooster, you can even create a whole family by adding a hen and chickens to it. It will turn out very nice if you take thick, shiny or velvet paper. You can decorate the craft with sparkles;

  • the appliqué can also be experimental - for example, try gluing details from feathers and corrugated paper onto a blank of a cockerel figurine, but not just like that. If you dip colored corrugated paper into a bowl of water and rinse it a little there, the water will be colored, and the paper will get interesting and stained - this will add originality to the applications and make the craft unique;

  • another interesting option for do-it-yourself appliqué is to make a lot of blanks from children's palms circled on paper, then cut them out and randomly glue a cockerel to the blank-body, adding some more elements;

  • with small children, it is easy to make a voluminous cockerel with your own hands, which will become a wonderful character in paper puppet theater productions and come in handy for staging various fairy tales. To make it, you will also need a template from which you will need to cut out the details. The base and body of such a cockerel will be a cone (it needs to be glued), and a cylinder-shaped head will be attached to it. Bend the rectangles along the fold lines, and form the wings, tail, scallop and beak from the stripes. Glue all the details (see assembly diagram);
  • it’s even easier to make a figurine from a paper cone with your own hands - cut and glue a cone from colored paper, and glue eyes, a beak (folded triangle), a comb, feathers and a tail from many stripes, as well as accordion paws to it;

  • very peculiar crafts are obtained in the technique of simple and modular origami, the rooster will be described below;

  • using the paper-plastic technique, you can also make interesting modular figures with your own hands - for this you will need a diagram and a template, according to which you need to cut and glue the parts, and then model a cockerel figure;
  • if you have at least minimal skills in the quilling technique, you can create entire paintings and panels. The easiest way is to use a ready-made bird template, on which you just need to attach multi-colored shapes. For the manufacture of more complex products, you can see a special master class. Some masters even combine different techniques, for example, the body and head of a rooster are made of paper pulp or papier-mâché, and the tail, scallop, wings and other details are made using the quilling technique (droplet element);
  • similar to quilling, it will turn out to make a cockerel from corrugated tubes twisted from multi-colored corrugated paper;

  • beautiful and original figurines can be made from the same papier-mâché and even from paper egg trays.

Making a cockerel using origami technique

  1. A beautiful cockerel is quite easy to get after some manipulations with a square sheet of paper. Mark the fold lines and fold the sheet diagonally. Then bend the corners of the inflection lines.
  2. Bend about half of the paper figure back and fold it on both sides.
  3. Bend the top corner up and in, and then turn the pleat inside out.
  4. Then the upper corner is bent to the right and again inward, and the fold is first inward and backward, and then inward and forward. After that, the corners are bent from both sides into the figure.

To make a modular cockerel, you will first need to make separate modules for it (about four hundred pieces), and then connect them together.

We make a cockerel from paper egg trays

  1. To make an original and beautiful cockerel from paper egg trays, take the tray, disassemble it into cells and cut out, as it were, individual tulips.
  2. Then glue together using thin paper.
  3. Cut out a cockerel beard from the tray and make a beak.
  4. Prepare cardboard blanks and start gluing feathers in rows from small to large.
  5. Make the belly of the cockerel like this: paste over the balloon with scraps of newspaper and white paper. When it dries, cut it into two parts (they do not have to be equal).
  6. Take the larger one and put the smaller one in it. Start assembling the cockerel by attaching the wings, tail, paws and muzzle with all the details.
  7. Paint the product with mother-of-pearl acrylic paints, changing colors and shades to make the rooster bright and colorful.
  8. To make it stand well and stably, you can attach it to a stand, and decorate the empty top with painted eggs or other decor.

After all, the Rooster is a symbol of the next year, its image should be located in the place of celebration. Ready-made stencils allow you to make a lot of beautiful decorations in a short time, just attach it to paper, circle and cut it out. Sometimes these are made up of several parts, which, after cutting, are glued together, giving the decoration volume.

The New Year is gradually approaching and people are starting to prepare. They have a lot to do, and they should start with the decorations of the room chosen for the holiday. Work rooms are also often decorated, because you want to bring the spirit of the holiday everywhere. There is one last push left before the New Year holidays, when it will be possible to have a proper rest. And of course, note!

Stencils: snowflakes, Christmas trees, Rooster

You can choose a ready-made Rooster template, download your favorite pictures from the network. For a stroke, the necessary special ones, with holes along the contour, so that you can repeat the silhouette on other sheets. Such stencils are used all the time. After all, you need to decorate windows, doors, sometimes walls. Make it faster from paper with your own hands and you will get multi-colored, beautiful.

If the size of the window allows, you can cut out several characters and turn the window into a real picture, where the glass will be a canvas to which you can attach the cut out figures. Embody any plot from New Year's fairy tales or come up with something of your own. You can print ready-made stencils of different figures from the Internet, there are a great many of them.

You can download a lot of rooster stencils by clicking on the link!

What are

Stencils have been around for a very long time. They are used to obtain the same images or inscriptions, schoolchildren used stencil rulers and special sheets with holes, by painting over which one could get any letter from the alphabet or a number written in block type. This helped to beautifully and evenly arrange abstracts, make posters or drawings.

More often there are patterns of different animals, fairy-tale characters - whatever it is. A stencil is an image made of paper or other material with special recesses and holes, which can then be transferred as many times as necessary to another material. It is enough to circle with a pencil or pen. In production, creativity, such patterns are constantly used. Ordinary people are looking for stencils to decorate their rooms, offices and other spaces. After all, this is a simple, affordable and fast way.

Such templates are used to transfer designs to mugs and other utensils using a high temperature vise. Then the contours of the stencil are then displayed on the surface, forming indelible patterns.

Decorating a room is always more fun with a child or the whole family. It's a creative process with sheets of paper scattered around, all armed with pencils and scissors. Thinking about how to decorate a window, do not use glue. Then he will leave an ugly stain on the glass, which will have to be washed with a rag. Better take a small tape. Its pieces are completely invisible from the side. After all, you do not need to "tightly" attach the figures.

Svetlana Gurkina

Master class on making a vytynanka "Cockerel-symbol of 2017".

Tse l: Making a rooster using the vytynanka technique.

Zada chi: develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination, creative and artistic thinking, cultivate love for nature.

Vytynanka(from Ukrainian "vytinati" - cut) - this is an ancient Slavic type of arts and crafts; openwork cutting out of paper, leather, fabric, birch bark, wood.

Materials and tools you:

Color paper, double-sided A4

Stationery knife

backing board


He is the pre-dawn alarm clock

And handsome multi-colored.

He has a luxurious tail.

His temper is not at all simple.

Who's a badass fighter

And the famous singer?

He sings very loudly

The grains peck all day.

He is a chicken shepherd.

Who is this? (Cockerel).

The upcoming 2017 will be the year of the Bright or Fire Rooster, and its color is red. Since ancient times, sages believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unsurpassed vitality, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. The Rooster is incredibly perceptive, meticulous, organized, scrupulous, determined, demanding, conservative, vigilant, responsible and practical. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all undertakings. He also just loves attention and literally basks in compliments and praises.

1. Print out the template.

2. We take colored paper (3-4 sheets).

3. Paper can be stapled.

4. Cut out with a clerical knife.

5. Cut out.

6. Cut out along the contour.

7. Cockerels are ready.

8. You can experiment with the background.

8. You can decorate the window.

Thank you for your attention!

Related publications:

I bring to your attention a master class on making a dahlia flower using the vytynanka technique in 3D format. Such a master class is suitable.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a master class on how to make a cockerel out of cardboard and paper. I needed it for an art lesson.

The holidays, especially the New Year, become an inspiration for people who love to make gifts with their own hands. And children, and even more so, always.

Dear colleagues, the whole country will soon have a question, what to give something like this? I offer you this way out.

In order for the symbol of the new 2017 - the fiery rooster to be favorable to you, it is advisable to appease the cockerel with a craft made by yourself.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! New Year is the time of the most magical and kind gifts! It's nice to get it on New Year's Eve! Well, what if it's a gift?

To create an application, we need: Colored paper in green, white, blue and yellow. Black cardboard for background

Rooster for paper cutting, stencils and templates can be downloaded for free at this link. Registration or any additional payments are not required, just for the convenience of users, about a hundred different templates of this important bird for 2017 are collected in one place.

If you download an understandable rooster template, and do it completely free of charge and without registration using the link given at the beginning of this material, then cutting out the vytynanki will turn out quickly and easily. On hand you need to have sharp scissors, a board and a clerical knife. You will also need free time, accuracy and, of course, a good mood. It’s great if family members help to make paper decor, because such decorations look beautiful when there are a lot of them.

Decor with stencils

The downloaded paper cut rooster stencil is just the first step to creating a beautiful DIY decor. Vytynanka is best done in a4 landscape format, although this is not necessary. If there is very little time, then, of course, it is better to cut several large roosters into the window than to cut small snowflakes and figures that will look beautiful only in the overall composition.

Simple white paper roosters will look great. Although, if you pay attention to the fact that the red and fiery rooster will be the symbol of the next year, then you can play with color. Use red and orange, lilac colored paper to complement the decor with bright details. In principle, astrologers emphasize that the rooster loves everything bright and colorful, such protrusions, at least in 2017, will definitely be relevant. can also be a great addition to the holiday decor.

How to transfer a template to paper

If you can’t download it, print the stencil on the printer, then you can be smart and transfer the picture from the monitor screen directly to the leaf. In this case, you will need to make the brightness of the monitor maximum, increase the picture to the desired size. Now attach a sheet of loose white paper and carefully circle the rooster template with a simple pencil. You don’t need to press hard on the pencil, the contours can then be made clearer already on the table.

Now you can proceed to the direct cutting of the cockerel. You need to put the template on the board and take a special clerical knife. Alternatively, use sharp nail scissors, but they are more difficult to work with. First, the inner part is cut out, then you can move on to the contour.

Advice! To easily stick cut-out cockerels on windows and other surfaces, you can use ordinary soapy water. You should not take glue for these purposes, because then it is difficult to wash it off the window or mirror, but then there will be no problems when using soapy water: you need to wash the window in a simple way and there will be no trace of the decor.

Before the onset of the New Year 2017, everyone is busy with pleasant chores and preparations for the upcoming celebration. You should consider a list of gifts, a New Year's menu, your image and, as well as decorate an apartment or house.

When preparing an apartment for the New Year 2017, consider not only the general appearance of the room, decorations for the New Year's beautiful Christmas tree, but also how to decorate the windows. Anyone who has ever redecorated an apartment at least once has probably noticed that windows can play a central role in creating a new look for a room. Therefore, it is simply a sin to bypass such an important part of the interior.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2017

The first thing that comes to mind when the question of decorating windows for the holiday is raised is Christmas paper snowflakes. Of course, it has become a classic of the genre, but for several years now another thing has been in trend, which is actively used by all lovers of designer jewelry - vytynanka. Vytynanki are special decorations made in the form of thematic characters, stylized for a certain holiday. They decorate windows not only for the New Year, but also for Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc. They have become especially popular in cafes, restaurants, shops and other similar establishments, whose leaders want to join the upcoming New Year's fun and create an accompanying mood for visitors . Vytynanki - stencils (templates) for windows. That's how you can call these intricate decorations. They are usually made from plain paper, although some creative people resort to other materials: foil, tracing paper, metallized paper, etc.

New Year's templates and paper stencils

Try to go beyond the annoying snowflakes and snowmen. An excellent option for decorating a window is a thoughtful composition.


New Year's templates with plots, with fairy-tale characters in the title role, look very interesting: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, reindeer, forest animals, gifts, ballerinas, dolls, etc. To please the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster, enter the figure of a rooster or chicken into the plot maybe even an entire family.

Stencils with the symbol of 2017 - Rooster

New Year's bells

How to make a stencil for the New Year 2017 with your own hands

In order to make a beautiful stencil, it is worth download and print Christmas stencils on our website, then stock up on the following materials:

Stationery knife for precise cutting of even contours;
Small and sharp nail scissors;
A cutting board or other surface on which you will do all the manipulations with paper to protect the countertop from scratches.

First of all, find the necessary picture or draw it yourself. After that, you need to cut out all the large details from paper, along the contour, with a clerical knife. Use nail scissors to cut out small particles.

Templates: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman, Deer, figures 2017

How to use window stencils?

There are several ways to use window stencils:

1. Negative
This method allows you to make a negative of your chosen figure on the window. To do this, use ordinary water to attach the selected paper stencil to the window. In a small bowl, dilute soapy water and use a brush or dishwashing sponge to spray small droplets around the figure. Then carefully remove the stencil. Bring the drawing to perfection with a toothpick (it is easy to bring the missing lines, align the contours).

2. Improvised brush
It is easy to make one from an old dishwashing sponge, tightly rewound in the center with strong adhesive tape. Moisten the brush in soapy water or toothpaste slightly diluted with water (buy white paste, without stripes and other colors). This method will help create a pattern that resembles real snow.

3. Gouache, adhesive tape.
You can draw a New Year's picture on the window using ordinary paint - gouache. And to supplement it with easily cut stencils and templates that are attached to the window with all known transparent adhesive tape.