Test if my friend likes me. How to understand that a guy likes you: important signs and tests for sympathy

Every young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once thought about how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if there is interest, I want to know if the potential chosen one experiences the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How to understand the true feelings of a man if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to take an interest test, look for signs of male sympathy, and perhaps just talk to a young man.

How to understand if a man likes me?

It is somewhat easier to find out about the feelings of an adult man, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If he really cares about you, he will try to be the first to take a step towards you.

  • To make sure of male sympathy, look at the following points:
  • Courtship is the main component of the love game. Gifts, bouquets, going to cafes and restaurants are unambiguous signs of certain feelings for a girl.
  • Another characteristic "symptom" is an increased interest in various areas of the young lady's life. A man is interested in the girl’s studies or work, her family problems, and offers his help.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex try to look at the girls they like more often, touch them - for example, he gives his hand to his companion not only when leaving the transport, but also going down the stairs.

Adult, confident men usually don't spend much time on romantic courtship. If a girl is not indifferent to him, he will definitely be the first to offer her to meet.

The main signs of youthful sympathy

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy when it comes to teenagers or guys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream of a girl. But there are signs that will help you know the true feelings of a young man.


A glance is the first to betray a human mood. The guy will always consider the girl he likes. Of course, he can do it openly, but most often he prefers to admire furtively.

The first gives tender emotions, a male look. You are attractive to a young man you know or don't know if he:

  • constantly glances in your direction, even when communicating with other interlocutors;
  • looks at you when he thinks you can't see it (but it's noticeable in peripheral vision).

Another clear sign of interest is dilated pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, such a “symptom” can speak not only of sympathy, but also of falling in love.


How do I know if a guy likes me if he is silent all the time? Words are not so important if it is possible to observe his gestures, which, with no less success, can tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. The speaking gesture is a leg put forward. Firstly, it speaks of some insecurity experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (this is how he creates support). Secondly, the toe of the foot is a kind of arrow pointing to the object of sighing.
  2. Each guy strives to appear taller, slimmer and generally more solid next to a nice young lady. This can be expressed in the following way: the young man straightens up, straightens his shoulders, draws in his stomach.
  3. Another reliable signal is the repetition of your movements. For example, you straightened your hair - he subconsciously touches his hair, you take out the phone - he also reaches for the mobile phone.
  4. How to understand that a guy likes you? The general position of the body when talking with you will tell about sympathy. If, in the process of communication, a young man turns to you, does not cross his arms over his chest, this signals that he breaks away from you and is ready to listen to any information you say. Even better, if he constantly leans in your direction to say something.


Try to pay more attention to the way he communicates with you. The following signs will help determine how he feels about you.

  1. Do the next test. See if he holds your gaze. Is eye contact maintained during the conversation, or is he constantly looking around? But do not forget that modest guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, even if the interlocutor is attractive to him.
  2. See if he is easily distracted by others and interrupts the conversation he has begun. If he forgets about the conversation when he is asked a question or immediately answers the call, interrupting you in mid-sentence, it is possible that communication with you is not his priority (the exception is a really important call or a significant interlocutor at the moment).
  3. To determine whether a guy likes you or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions are also an important indicator of sympathy and attitude towards a girl. The following points speak of interest:
    • teasing and cute banter;
    • mentioning in a conversation about family problems, their own troubles (personal information, which is usually not shared with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and nice words;
    • questions about your previous relationships.

You can also understand that a young person, including a stranger, likes you by correspondence. With a girl he likes, the guy tries to joke, be polite and funny.

In social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, he monitors your activity on the Internet. But relying only on these signs is still not worth it, it is better to make sure of sympathy in person.

Sympathy Test

How to understand if you are attractive to a young man? A test or, rather, an experiment will help to understand the feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks that will slightly open the "veil of secrecy".

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think over a strategy of behavior.

Ask for help test

To get a sense of a guy's interest, try breaking a pencil, for example, and asking the guy to sharpen it (you might "accidentally" drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, you can talk about his sympathy.

Look test

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a man's eye and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also looked at your watch, and then began to examine you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test "Provocation"

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but what can you do to find out if a young man cares about you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but ended up without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such "testing".

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies take banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to consider specific examples:

  1. Suppose a guy you know greets you when he meets you and finds out how your business is progressing at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of upbringing, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man does not invite you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if it's simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again review the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few hints that are not too transparent. If he does not react in any way, he probably does not care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you should not dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress just yet. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above signs in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and is interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever trick can replace the usual frank conversation from the heart. If your relationship is predetermined, then they will begin with this conversation, if not, you can no longer harbor vain illusions and switch to another guy.

Online test for sympathy for girls and women: Do the guy like me?

comprises 10 questions| rating 4.3 out of 5 points

"Does he like me or not?" - this question torments so many pretty girls. Even being an "officially recognized" couple with her lover, girls often doubt the sincerity of the feelings of the chosen one. The reasons for doubts can be both his strange behavior and the excessive suspicion of the girl herself. This test will help you understand the relationship and understand how the guy really treats you. Are you really attracted to him?

Psychological test for girls Do I like a guy? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good testing!

Sympathy test reviews:

  • Alyona| Chelyabinsk
    All is well, thanks for all the advice.

  • Kristina| tutaev
    not enough answers

  • Lika| Dushanbe
    A good test and everything is true ((. With the help of this test, I made my choice. Thank you

  • Elena| n. novgorod
    Thanks! everything is super accurate!

  • X3| Strezhevoy
    Damn, this is for already dating couples. What about just guys you know? I don’t understand why call the test like that if the guy and the girl are already in a relationship? It is clear after all that they feel sympathy for each other if they meet!

Every young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once thought about how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if there is interest, I want to know if the potential chosen one experiences the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How to understand the true feelings of a man if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to take an interest test, look for signs of male sympathy, and perhaps just talk to a young man.

It is somewhat easier to find out about the feelings of an adult man, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If he really cares about you, he will try to be the first to take a step towards you.

To make sure of male sympathy, look at the following points:

  1. Courtship is the main component of the love game. Gifts, bouquets, going to cafes and restaurants are unambiguous signs of certain feelings for a girl.
  2. Another characteristic "symptom" is an increased interest in various areas of the young lady's life. A man is interested in the girl’s studies or work, her family problems, and offers his help.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex try to look at the girls they like more often, touch them - for example, he gives his hand to his companion not only when leaving the transport, but also going down the stairs.

Adult, confident men usually don't spend much time on romantic courtship. If a girl is not indifferent to him, he is always the first.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy when it comes to teenagers or guys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream of a girl. But there are signs that will help you know the true feelings of a young man.


A glance is the first to betray a human mood. The guy will always consider the girl he likes. Of course, he can do it openly, but most often he prefers to admire furtively.

The first gives tender emotions, a male look. You are attractive to a young man you know or don't know if he:

  • constantly glances in your direction, even when communicating with other interlocutors;
  • looks at you when he thinks you can't see it (but it's noticeable in peripheral vision).

Another clear sign of interest is dilated pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, such a “symptom” can speak not only of sympathy, but also of falling in love.


How do I know if a guy likes me if he is silent all the time? Words are not so important if it is possible to observe his gestures, which, with no less success, can tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. The speaking gesture is a leg put forward. Firstly, it speaks of some insecurity experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (this is how he creates support). Secondly, the toe of the foot is a kind of arrow pointing to the object of sighing.
  2. Each guy strives to appear taller, slimmer and generally more solid next to a nice young lady. This can be expressed in the following way: the young man straightens up, straightens his shoulders, draws in his stomach.
  3. Another reliable signal is the repetition of your movements. For example, you straightened your hair - he subconsciously touches his hair, you take out the phone - he also reaches for the mobile phone.
  4. The general position of the body when talking with you will tell about sympathy. If, in the process of communication, a young man turns to you, does not cross his arms over his chest, this signals that he breaks away from you and is ready to listen to any information you say. Even better, if he constantly leans in your direction to say something.

Try to pay more attention to the way he communicates with you. The following signs will help determine how he feels about you.

  1. Do the next test. See if he holds your gaze. Is eye contact maintained during the conversation, or is he constantly looking around? But do not forget that modest guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, even if the interlocutor is attractive to him.
  2. See if he is easily distracted by others and interrupts the conversation he has begun. If he forgets about the conversation when he is asked a question or immediately answers the call, interrupting you in mid-sentence, it is possible that communication with you is not his priority (the exception is a really important call or a significant interlocutor at the moment).
  3. To determine whether a guy likes you or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions are also an important indicator of sympathy and attitude towards a girl. The following points speak of interest:
    • teasing and cute banter;
    • mentioning in a conversation about family problems, their own troubles (personal information, which is usually not shared with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and nice words;
    • questions about your previous relationships.

You can also understand that a young person, including a stranger, likes you by correspondence. With a girl he likes, the guy tries to joke, be polite and funny.

In social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, he monitors your activity on the Internet. But relying only on these signs is still not worth it, it is better to make sure of sympathy in person.

Sympathy Test

How to understand if you are attractive to a young man? A test or, rather, an experiment will help to understand the feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks that will slightly open the "veil of secrecy".

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think over a strategy of behavior.

Test #1

To get a sense of a guy's interest, try breaking a pencil, for example, and asking the guy to sharpen it (you might "accidentally" drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, you can talk about his sympathy.

Test number 2. Look

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a man's eye and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also looked at your watch, and then began to examine you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but what can you do to find out if a young man cares about you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but ended up without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such "testing".

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies take banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to consider specific examples:

  1. Suppose a guy you know greets you when he meets you and finds out how your business is progressing at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of upbringing, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man does not invite you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if it's simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again review the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few hints that are not too transparent. If he does not react in any way, he probably does not care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you should not dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress just yet. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above signs in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and is interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever trick can replace the usual frank conversation from the heart. If your relationship is predetermined, then they will begin with this conversation, if not, you can no longer harbor vain illusions and switch to another guy.