Thematic plan for September middle group. Calendar plan in the middle group for September-October according to the program from birth to school

The plan of educational work for children of the middle group of the kindergarten is designed for the first week of September. This plan includes the main methods, techniques and forms for holding regime moments throughout the day.

1 half day
2. Conversation: "Summer red sang, did not have time to look back" Target: Develop memory, the ability to tell a short story about how the summer passed. To consolidate the knowledge of children that after summer came autumn. Expand your understanding of the signs of autumn.
3. Mobile game "In a circle": Target: to develop in children physical qualities, collectivism.
4. Didactic game: "Autumn has come" Purpose: To expand and deepen children's knowledge about autumn. Fix the main autumn signs.
(scheduled classes)Individual work onCreative development (application)"Paste nice." Target: to develop accuracy, to consolidate the early skills and abilities of children.
1. Spontaneous gaming activity in the center of mathematical development. "Account" Target: to consolidate the ability to count to 10 based on demonstration material.
2. Independent activity in the center of the alphabet: "Visiting Letters". Target: introduce children to the name of the letters.
Walk№ 1
Work before bed:Watching cartoons.
2 half a day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
: fairy tales "Kolobok" Target: develop interest in reading Russian folk tales.
2. Gymnastics after sleep : complex No. 1
3. Discussing the tale "Kolobok" Purpose:teach children to retell a fairy tale, answer the teacher's questions.
4. Learning songs: "Autumn has arrived." Target: introduce a new song, teach her to sing to the music.
5. Cultural - behavioral skills: "Dinner" Purpose:develop the ability to properly behave at the table.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Games with didactic material in the construction center. "Build a Garage" Goal:develop constructive skills, fix the names of geometric shapes.
2. Role-playing game: "Supermarket" Target: teach children to play by roles, change roles during the game. Develop acting skills.
An evening walk : card number 1 without observation and labor.

1 half day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Morning exercises for children complex No. 1
2. Conversation. "Who works in kindergarten." Target: to fix the names of the profession, those who work in kindergarten. To cultivate respect for the staff of the kindergarten.
3. Viewing pictures: "Teacher in class" Target:To acquaint children with the process of preparing classes, to cultivate respect for the work of educators.
4. Order"Dusting" Target: instill respect for the objects that are in the group.
5. Individual modeling work : "Apple" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to sculpt objects of a rounded shape.
6. KGN"Soap" Purpose: reinforce the ability to use soap while washing hands.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Spontaneous activity of children in the center of creativity "Occupations by interests" Target: Teach children to choose games and activities according to their interests.
Walks No. 2
Work before bed:Riddles about autumn.
2 half a day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Reading fiction: fairy tales of Chukovsky "Aibolit"Target: Encourage children to listen carefully to the story.
2. Gymnastics after sleep: complex number 2
3. Game for the formation of friendly relations: "Tell me about the person next to you" Target: continue to teach children to speak in simple sentences
4. Learning tongue twisters on the theme of autumn . Target: develop mental processes such as memory
5. Conversation:"What am I going to do on the weekend" Target: keep learning to speak in simple sentences.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Free creative activity in the center of the experiment Water Properties» Target: continue to acquaint with the properties of water.
2.Board game "Lotto" Purpose: develop the logic of children
An evening walk: Card number 2 without observations and labor

1 half day
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
complex number 2
2. Conversation:"Vegetables and fruits". Target: continue to introduce vegetables and fruits. Fix their signs.
3. Role-playing game "Family at Dinner" Target: to fix cutlery during the game, the ability to behave at the table.
Direct educational activities:(scheduled classes).The activity and the brief content of the lessons are indicated.
Individual work on the development of speech: "Sounds bp". Target: continue to consolidate the distinct pronunciation of sounds bp.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Independent activity in the center of the game "Let's play together" Target: Strengthen the ability to play familiar games, develop teamwork.
Walk: card number 3
Work before bed: Reading poems about autumn.
2 half a day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Reading a work of art : Alexandrova Z. "Mishka's neighbors" Target:develop mindfulness and listening skills.
2. Gymnastics after sleep: complex number 3
3. Didactic game "Mosaic " Target: Develop fine motor skills in children.
4. Listening to melodies. Target: develop children's ear for music.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Independent activity in the dressing center Image Purpose: to teach children to enter into a role, to take on a variety of images.
2. Role-playing game: "Polyclinic" Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the profession of a doctor, with medical instruments.
An evening walk:Card number 3 without difficulty and observation.

1 half day.
1. Morning exercises for children complex number 2
2. Viewing pictures: "Weather outside". Target: continue to introduce autumn signs, changes in the weather.
3.Sedentary game: « Describe the subject" Purpose: to develop the vocabulary of children, the ability to describe in detail the characteristic properties of objects.
Direct educational activities:(scheduled classes).The activity and the brief content of the lessons are indicated.
Individual drawing work: "Beautiful drawing." Target: reinforce the ability to draw from memory.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Independent activity in the music center "Musical instrument" Target:keep developing your musical ear.
2. Didactic game "Collect a picture" Target:develop fine motor skills of hands, the logic of children.
Walk card number 4
Work before bed:Articulation gymnastics "Hippo"
2 half a day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Reading a work of art : Barto A. "Younger Brother" Target: develop an interest in independent study of books.
2. Gymnastics after sleep: complex number 4
3. OBZH How to behave on the street. Target: continue to develop outdoor skills.
5. Outdoor game: "Catch a Mosquito" Target: develop mindfulness, physical qualities, collectivism.
6. Self-service: teach children to clean up after themselves.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Independent activity in the center of mathematics "Circle" . Target: expand and deepen the knowledge of children.
2. Role-playing game: "Ministry of Emergency Situations" Purpose: introduce you to the lifeguard profession.
An evening walk: Card number 4 without observation and labor

1 half day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Morning exercises for children complex number 1
2. Conversation "Why We Need Weekends" Target: explain to the children what the holidays are for.
3. Sedentary game: "Broken Phone" Target: teach children to listen carefully.
Direct educational activities:(scheduled classes).The activity and the brief content of the lessons are indicated.
Individual work on FEMP:"Count to 10" Purpose: continue to teach children to count to 10.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Games with substitute toys. Target: Teach children to use substitute toys in the game.
2. Word game: "Choose a Word" Target: enrich the children's vocabulary.
Walk card number 5
Work before bed:Visual gymnastics.
2 half a day.
Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Group, subgroup.
1. Reading a work of art :Dal. V. "Old Boletus Man" Target: expand children's knowledge.
2. Gymnastics after sleep number 3
3. Considering illustrations for fairy tales "Old Boletus Man" Target: develop mindfulness, the ability to tell from pictures.
4. Visiting fairy tales: dramatization of a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Target: develop an interest in fairy tales.
Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)
1. Games at the request of children. Target: the development of collectivism.
An evening walk: Card number 5 without observations and labor.

Tatyana Konovalova
Calendar plan for a week in the middle group (September)

Monday 17.09

MORNING: Talk to children about home addresses - remind children why they need to know their home address. Imagine that we are lost in a store, a policeman comes up to you and asks where you live, what is your address. If you know your address, he can help you find your parents—help the children learn their home address. Labor - to teach children to prepare equipment for drawing classes. D/game "What is in our group» - learn to navigate in the environment (p. 88 “We live in Russia) - cultivate a polite attitude towards others, do not shout at each other, address by name.

ARTISTIC CREATIVITY: Topic: "Draw a picture about summer" Komarova str. 27

Target: Teaching children accessible means reflect the impressions received. Fix drawing techniques with a brush or pencils. Cultivate a positive attitude towards the results of their activities.

vocabulary work: Summer

Individual work: Danil, Alice, Veronica - hold the brush correctly.


STROLL: Read a poem "Autumn". What time of year is this poem talking about? That's right, autumn has arrived. Look at your clothes and tell me why you are dressed like that? Correctly. Autumn has come, it has become cold, the leaves on the trees have turned yellow and fall off. Look under legs: leaves from trees fall and lie on the ground. D / game "Recognize a tree by its leaves"- to consolidate the knowledge of trees. Labor is to teach how to set the table for dinner. KGN - correctly hang things in a locker. Games with portable toys - play together, give in to each other.

EVENING: Gymnastics after sleep. CGT - culture of behavior in group room. C / r game "Builders"- teach children to distribute roles, play together, bring what they started to the end. Reading a fairy tale "Hedgehog and squirrel" content conversation. Labor is to loosen the earth in pots with indoor flowers - for which it is necessary to do this.

Tuesday 18.09

MORNING: Consider illustrations with children in a patriotic corner with views of their hometown. Try to arouse in children admiration for the beauty of what they see. P / game "Shaggy Dog"- develop dexterity, mobility. KGN - accuracy while eating.

KNOWLEDGE (maths): Topic: “One and many, comparing sets and establishing a correspondence between them. Big and small. A circle."

Target: Learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information. Strengthen the ability to compare the number of objects. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

vocabulary work: one, many, equally.

Individual work: with difficult children.


STROLL: Take a walk around the kindergarten site. Pay attention to the building of the kindergarten. Invite the children to find the windows of their groups, music room, kitchen. Show plots of others groups, watch the walk of the youngest children. D / game "Who has a house"- to consolidate knowledge of the dwelling of the animal. KE - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. C / r game "A family"- play together do not quarrel. Games for children.

EVENING: Hardening. KGN - respect for toys, know the place of each toy, things in group. Reading poems about autumn - pay attention to how poets beautifully described autumn phenomena. P /game "Traps"- develop resilience. Games with building material - building a garage for cars. D / game "When It Happens"- fix parts of the day.

Wednesday 19.09

MORNING: Invite the children to talk about what they saw interesting on TV - to develop speech, memory. KGN - keep silence in the locker room, speak in an undertone, help a friend. Offer plasticine for independent activity. C / r game "A family"- involve boys in joint games with girls. P / game "Mousetrap"- keep the circle straight.

COMMUNICATION (fiction): Topic: "Leaf fall" reading a poem


STROLL: Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is (clear, blue, gloomy, gray). Note that the sky is covered with gray clouds. Explain that these clouds are called clouds. D / game "What a sky"- to learn to choose relative adjectives. Labor is self-service to keep order in their lockers. Drawing with chalk on asphalt - talk about your work. C / r game "Library" teach to observe elementary rules of behavior during the game.

SDA: Topic: Target walk. Acquaintance with buildings on the street.

D/game "Tell me what I'll say"- name the purpose of the building according to the description, supplement the children's ideas about the street.

EVENING: Hardening. KGN - wash your face, dry it with your towel, hang it in its place. D / game "Find an item"- find a given object with your eyes, develop attention. Board games "Constructor"- develop attention, perseverance. Games in game zones - monitor relationships. Guessing riddles about animals - to learn to highlight those signs that are described in the riddle. Album review "Flowers"- note their diversity.

Thursday 20.09

MORNING: Examination of illustrations about animals - their place of residence, methods of movement, nutrition, their features. D/game "Who's screaming"- on sound imitation. KGN - learn how to use a napkin, fork, spoon correctly. Work: dining room duty to help the junior teacher set the table. Finger gymnastics - to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

KNOWLEDGE (the world): Topic: "Tell me about your favorite things"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; learn to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.

vocabulary work: car, made of wood, wooden.

Individual work: with difficult children.


STROLL: Watching an airplane in the sky - flying high, buzzing, leaving a trail, sing a song "Airplane"- develop observation skills. P/game "Airplane"- maintain buzz during the flight, find your place. M/n game "Who is gone"- develop attention. KGN - clean shoes at the entrance, the culture of behavior in the room. Work: Artyom and Alina - select books to be repaired. D / game "Who needs what"- to fix professions and tools of their labor.

life safety fundamentals: Topic: "Thunderstorm"

Target: Introducing children to the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

EVENING: Hardening. KGN - to put your hair in order after sleep. D / game "Wild and Domestic Animals"- classification of animals, to supplement knowledge about the benefits and harms. Reading stories about animals. Labor is to help the junior teacher collect dirty towels.

Friday 21.09

MORNING: "How I help my mother, grandmother"- individual conversation. Teach children to share their experiences consistently. P /game "Aircraft"- activate physical activity, run without bumping into each other, act on a signal. Work in a corner of nature - water indoor plants - cultivate diligence. While on duty in the dining room, follow the correct table setting.


Topic: "Practical experimentation with paper of different quality"

Target: Introduce children to the properties of paper (soft, hard, light). Learn how to deal with her differently. (crush, tear)

vocabulary work: to replenish the vocabulary of children.

Individual work: with difficult children.

FIZO: the outside.

STROLL: A tour of the street. Draw the attention of children to a variety of institutions - school, post office, shop. Everywhere people work, everyone does everything that is necessary. P / game "At the bear in the forest"- to teach to act according to the text, to develop speed and dexterity. Labor - to collect large garbage - to cultivate industriousness. C / r game "Bus"- to consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of the driver, on the basis of which the children can develop the plot.

EVENING: Hardening. KGN - about the need to wash hands after using the toilet. Showing a fairy tale "How a goat built a hut"- on the flannelograph - to learn to listen, to respond emotionally. Mosaic games - fix the color. C / r game "A family"- develop the plot, education, friendliness. Games on request.

Calendar plan of the middle group MBDOU No. 4

Days of the week


Interaction with parents

Individual work



Theme: "Knowledge Day"


Morning exercises. Didactic game "What has changed" Purpose: development of attention, observation.

Conversation about the holiday "Day of Knowledge".

Consider the picture "To School".

Working with Alena M. - to teach how to use a scarf in a timely manner.

Reading the poem "Summer has passed." Purpose: to form ideas about changes in nature.

Take part in the Knowledge Day holiday.

Hang a picture of autumn in a corner of nature.


FEMP Theme "Introductory lesson". The teacher conducts didactic games in order to clarify the knowledge of children in the field of mathematics.

D / I: "One and many", "Find as many - the same", "Find the path."

Physical education: “Building in shirengu, checking alignment. Practice running in a column one at a time.


Observation of weather changes. Purpose: to teach children to independently determine the weather and show its influence on the flora and fauna.

Didactic game "Find the mistake." Purpose: to learn to clearly pronounce polysyllabic words.

Individual work - jumps on two legs with advancement.

Mobile game: "Run quietly", "Find yourself a mate."

Job assignment: assisting the janitor in cleaning the kindergarten site from fallen leaves.


Work before bed

Listening to a musical composition: P.I. Tchaikovsky's play "September" from the cycle "The Seasons"


Breathing exercises "Breathe properly." Formation of the KGN.Game situation "Show Dunno where our things are"

Game situation "What do they do with a napkin and how do they use it"

Learning tongue twisters with Nastya and Dima.

"Our ducks in the morning


Our chickens in the window


Conversation "How to behave in kindergarten."

Repair of books and boxes of board games.


Find fallen leaves, determine what tree they are from.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme: "Knowledge Day"

Morning gymnastics. Work on the development of speech skills: the word game "Finish the sentence."

Game-dramatization "I am a teacher today"

A conversation with Yana about the world around her: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.

Word game "What kind of polite people do I know the words". Purpose: development of cultural qualities.

D / I "Assignment" - To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment

Advice benefits for homework with children.

The development of speech. Conversation with children on the topic "Is it necessary to learn to speak." Objectives: To help children understand what and why they will do in the speech development classes.

Visual aid "Me and my body".

Music Listening. "March", music by M. Krasev. Playing children's musical instruments.


Job assignment: cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen twigs and leaves.

Mobile game: "Airplanes", "Find a mate".

Observing the sun .. Purpose: to give an understanding of the role of the sun in the life of animals and plants. To arouse children's interest in natural objects.

Didactic game "Does it happen or not?".

Work before bed

Listening to a musical composition: P.I. Tchaikovsky's play "September" from the cycle "The Seasons

Situational conversation "Where are things stored?"

Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack. Practical exercise "Introduction to the rules of etiquette"

Help Maxim in mastering the ability to put on tights

Free activity under the control of the teacher: role-playing game "Kindergarten".

Didactic game "Everything has its place".


Observe leaf fall with strong gusts of wind. Observe natural phenomena

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme: "Knowledge Day"

Conversation with children about what they did yesterday. Listen to the wishes of the children, what they would like to do today.

Learn to put on

tights Zlata.

Watching the rain from the window - tell the children about the natural phenomenon "rain"

In a corner of nature, consider the painting “Animals in the Forest.” Purpose: to clarify the names of forest inhabitants.

Getting to know the parents.


album "Sve-

Denia about birth

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. “Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better garden.” Tasks: to clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten.

Excursion around the kindergarten. Visiting the kitchen, laundress, method room, medical room.

Physical Culture. General developmental exercises without objects. Exercise in vigorous repulsion with both feet from the floor upon landing.


Didactic game "What time of year?".

Individual work "Jumping rope"

Watching the wind .. Purpose: to teach children to determine the strength of the wind, to cultivate the ability to listen carefully.

Job assignment: cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen twigs and leaves

Work before bed

Reading fiction "The Three Little Pigs"

Formation of the KGN. Dining room duty. Purpose: to learn to independently perform the duties of a dining room attendant.

Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack. Practical exercise "Introduction to the rules of etiquette


pictures with Polina and Veronica.

Learn right

hold a pencil.

Free activity under the supervision of the teacher.

Purpose: to form in children the ability to find an occupation of interest.

Game situation "Show Dunno where our things are."


Calm games in the sandbox with remote material

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme: "Knowledge Day"

Speaking speeches.


The mouse ran away from the cat.


Do not catch up with me cat.

Conversation with Dima D. about the world around.

Free activity under the supervision of a teacher: to consolidate communication skills between children; learn to negotiate joint game actions.

Observation of the work of a junior educator - to teach respect for the work of adults, to see the result of work.

Physical Culture. Jumping-jumping on two legs in place with a turn in a circle. Learn to maintain a stable balance on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.

Modeling "Apples and berries". Purpose: to sculpt objects of round and oval shape of different sizes.

Materials: ½ sheet of paper, pencils. Apples and berries natural and dummies.


Didactic game "Where what can I do?".

Outdoor game: "Fox in the chicken coop."

Individual work: throwing the ball at the target.

Observation of the clouds. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​the clouds. Raise interest in inanimate nature.

Job assignment: cleaning the kindergarten site from fallen twigs and leaves.

Work before bed

Listening to the musical composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Mother".

A game with building materials on the theme "Our small town."

Education of self-service skills. Game-competition "Who is faster for a walk."

With Polina, learn to roll up your sleeves before washing your hands.

The conversation “Why do we wash our hands” is to form cultural and hygienic skills in children. Free activity under the control of the teacher: role-playing game "Family".

Invite children to discuss the design of the group.

Group cleaning. Washing toys and chairs. Purpose: education of accuracy, diligence.


P / I “I walk past the house” - encourage children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments


The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Individual conversation with children about what they did during the weekend. Purpose: to develop memory, colloquial speech of children

Teach Alina K. to neatly arrange things in a drawer.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during breakfast. Practical

exercise "I eat carefully"

Organize an orientation game in the group room "Where did Bunny hide"

Making a parent

topic corner

Drawing. "Apples ripened on the apple tree." Purpose: to teach to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing.

Lead children to an emotional assessment of their work.

Material: sheet of paper, paints, fruit tree illustration, apples.

Music. Develop the ability to sing your name with different intonations.


Research worker

ness. Experience "Properties of wet sand".

Material: dry sand, water.

Conversation on the questions: what flowers do you know, what do the flowers of marigolds, rudbeckia look like?

Watching flowers in a flower bed. Purpose: to clarify the names of colors. To acquaint with the features of the structure and the distinctive features of flowers.

Mobile game "Hares and the wolf"

Labor activity. Cleaning dry stems in the flower garden.

Work before bed

Listening to W. Mozart "Lullaby"

Didactic game "Who will collect the backpack sooner"

Material: books, notebooks, pens,pencils

dashi, etc.

Work on the development of basic movements: rolling

ball between objects.

Model activity according to the idea of ​​children. Not directive assistance from the educator in organizing the game.

Material: wooden constructor.

Production of gymnastic ribbons

for the sports area.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

A friendly meeting of children with each other and with the teacher. .Dining room duty. .Goal: to teach to set the table while helping the nanny.

Help Nastya learn how to hang up a towel neatly.

Finger game "Lock on the door." Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

ISO corner. Offer pencils to the children. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Conversation on the topic:

Maths. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compare two groups of objects.

Handout: mushrooms, cones, leaves.

Physical Culture. Walking and running in a column one by one with a stop on a signal.


While dressing for a walk, help children learn the skill of sequential dressing.

Help Veronica master the ability to jump on one leg.

Rain watching. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of natural phenomena, to teach to see the beauty of nature.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Winged, furry and oily"

Exercise after sleep. D / and "Dress". Purpose: to consider the dress, to help children master the ability to name the details of clothing and their purpose.

Involving children in the design of the group room and locker room on the topic.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Material: children's things.

Help Dasha in mastering the ability to say hello when entering the group.

D / and "Fishing". Purpose: to develop an eye in children, the ability to play in groups of two or three people.

Organize a didactic game "Show me". Purpose: to help children master the ability to name parts of the human body, and their purpose.

The development of speech. Sound culture of speech: sounds s and s. Purpose: to explain to children the articulation of sound with.

Material: water faucet, water pitcher.

Music. Listening to "Lullaby".music. W. Mozart. Continue to develop interest in listening to music.


Research activity. Experience “The state of the soil depending on the temperature.

Help Sveta master the ability to walk in circles

Soil monitoring. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the dependence of the state of the soil on the weather. Mobile game "Fishing rod".

Material: jump rope.

Labor: raking leaves to trees. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, to see the result of one's labor.

Work before bed

Reading N. Kalinin "Why in the morning the guys rush to kindergarten."

Material: pouch, toys.

Help Misha learn how to use a fork carefully.

Offer children building materials for building a house. Purpose: to help children master the ability to build by applying bricks tightly to each other.


Sedentary game "Geese, geese ha, ha, ha".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

D / and "Pick a couple." Goal: continue to develop perception, improve the ability to highlight the purpose of objects.

Materials: cup and saucer, soap dish and soap, hat and mitten.

Help Varya S. master the ability to sculpt using the direct rolling of dough.

Examination of illustrations on the theme "Children do exercises." Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of body parts.

Conduct a survey of parents "What does your child like to do at home"

Social world. "My family". Purpose: fostering sensitive relationships with loved ones. Material: family photos.

Physical culture. Walking in a circle. Exercise "reach for the object"


Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. Conversation "Autumn". Purpose: to acquaint children with the features of the autumn season, the characteristic changes that occur in connection with these changes, changes in people's lives.

Help Maxim in mastering the ability to dress for a walk on his own

Work before bed

Listening to Sounds of Nature.

Gymnastics after sleep .. D / and "What first, what then." Purpose: to develop the ability of children to dress consistently after a nap

Help Lisa learn how to use a comb correctly.

D / and "Find the same." Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to find objects of the same shape in a group. From the designer "lego" to build a city. Purpose: to arouse interest in joint design, develop imagination.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

D / and "what is missing." Purpose: to develop the memory and attention of children.

Material: familiar toys.

Help Vova in mastering the ability to say hello when entering the group.

Reading and discussion of the work "Confusion". Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​what can happen if they play with matches.

Prepare attributes for the role-playing game "Clothing Store". Purpose: to encourage children to participate in joint games, to help remember the names of clothes and their details.

Application. "beautiful flags". Material: 1.2 landscape sheets, 4 strips of two colors, scissors, glue.


Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Exercise after sleep. D / and "Wonderful bag". Purpose: to help children master the ability to examine objects, distinguish them by touch and name them correctly.

D / and "Let's cook soup from vegetables, and compote from fruits." Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify fruits and vegetables.

Material: replicas of vegetables.


P / and with jumps "From bump to bump." Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, balance.

Days of the week


Interaction with parents

Individual work




The theme of the week is "Autumn"


Friendly meeting of children with each other and educators. Examination of the painting "Autumn". Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of autumn.

Help Yegor master the ability to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Finger game "Fingers say hello" Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Create working conditions in the book corner: neatly arrange books, make repairs to books that need it. Purpose: to cultivate a careful attitude to books.

Material: tape, scissors.

Consultations "Involving children in feasible work at home"


Drawing. "Beautiful flowers". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, to learn to transfer parts of plants in the drawing. Material: fresh flowers. Drawing parts of a flower.

Music. Learning a song about autumn “Autumn. autumn. autumn has come to us again.”


Insect observation. Purpose: to show interest in insects, the peculiarities of their life. To develop curiosity, attentiveness.

Help Misha master the ability to walk with wide strides.

Offer sticks for drawing on the sand: Purpose: to develop imagination, to find the similarity of the drawing with the surrounding objects. P / and "Run to what I call." Purpose: to help master the ability to navigate the site.

Labor: collecting sticks for a plasticine hedgehog. Purpose: to encourage children to work together.

Work before bed

Reading V. Oseev "The Magic Needle".


Exercise after sleep. D / and "Find at yourself." Purpose: to help children master the ability to find and show the parts of the body that the teacher will name. The ability to name their purpose.

Help Dasha E. master the ability to lather her hands with soap and rinse thoroughly with water.

Experimental activities. How grains turn into flour.

Offer building materials for the construction of the fence. Purpose: to help children master the ability to put bricks on edge.


Riding bicycles and scooters.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

A friendly meeting with the teacher and peers.

Labor in the corner of nature - watering and loosening flowers. Purpose: to involve children in watering flowers, help the educator in mastering the skill of careful watering from a watering can.

Help Vadim in mastering the skill of modeling with direct movements of the hands.

Talk to the children about how they spent the weekend. The goal is to develop memory, colloquial speech of children, the ability to enter into a dialogue with the teacher.

Create the prerequisites for the didactic game "T dem to visit grandma." Purpose: to introduce children to pets, to help children master the ability to imitate the voices of some pets.

A conversation with parents about involving children in houseplant care at home.

FEMP "Parts of the day". Material: pictures depicting parts of the day. Toys: Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit.

Physical Culture:


Observation of natural phenomena (gloomy sky, drizzling rain). The goal is to help children master the ability to distinguish the weather, broaden their horizons, and continue to acquaint them with various natural phenomena.

Help Varya master the skills of walking on a limited surface

P / game "Beetles". Purpose: to enrich motor experience, to help master the ability to walk and run without pushing to perform movements on a sound signal. Help to master the skill of building in a column.

Labor: raking dry leaves to trees.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs".

Exercise after sleep.

Consider plot pictures "Animals living in a corner of nature." Purpose: to help children remember their names and features of caring for them.

Involve Sveta in social work - cleaning toys in place.

Problem situation "Let's help Mishka put on tights." Purpose: to help children master self-care skills.

Prepare attributes for the didactic game "We are waiting for guests." Purpose: to acquaint with the rules of etiquette, to encourage them to perform joint actions.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

A friendly meeting with the teacher and peers. D / and "Who lives where?". Purpose: to help children master the ability to recognize and correctly name domestic and wild animals.

To help Nastya in mastering the ability to recognize and name a square and a circle.

Problem situation "Who said meow?". Purpose: to help children master the ability to recognize some pets by voice.

Didactic area. Offer children puzzles to play. Purpose: to help children master the ability to act with collapsible toys.

Assist parents in the environmental education of children, providing recommendations.

The development of speech. Teaching storytelling "Our roly-poly".Material: big roly-poly.

Music. Learning the song "Autumn, autumn, autumn."


Conversation with children about wintering birds. Purpose: to expand children's ideas about birds, how to feed them, to arouse a desire to take care of birds in the winter.

Help Dasha E. in mastering the ability to perform dance movements as shown by the teacher.

p / and "Sparrows and a cat". Purpose: to develop the ability to respond to a verbal signal.

p / and "birds in nests". Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate the site

Labor: collecting seeds for feeding birds in winter. Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to perform simple tasks.

Work before bed

Exercise after sleep. D / and “From which tree is the leaf?”. The goal is to develop the ability to distinguish between leaves on trees.

Help Sveta learn how to put on pantyhose

Reading poems about autumn. Purpose: to introduce children to poetry, to develop a poetic ear.

Offer children building materials for building a garage. Purpose: to help children master the ability to carefully fasten the cubes together.


p / and "Run to the tree, which I will name" - to consolidate knowledge about the trees on the site.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Friendly meeting with teachers and peers. Purpose: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards others, to consolidate the ability to greet, in a group. Consider a set of thematic pictures "Norms of Behavior". Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to address the teacher by name and patronymic.

Help Zlata master the ability to express gratitude to the nanny for a delicious dinner.

d / and "Who lives with my grandmother." Purpose: to develop the ability of children to find pets in pictures and name them correctly.

To offer children masks-caps for the development of theatrical abilities of children. Purpose: to help children master the ability to imitate the behavior of characters.

Conversation on the topic "Children and TV"

Subject world. Topic: "The work of adults." Material: invite a nurse to the lesson.

Physical development. Ball games. Games for orientation in space.


Continue observing plants and trees. Purpose: to expand children's ideas about seasonal changes in plant life. Pay attention to the fact that there are almost no leaves on the trees.

Help Alena in mastering the ability to search and find a toy hidden on the site.

P / and "Mousetrap". Purpose: to help children master the ability to move quickly within a circle. P / and “We walk through puddles” Purpose: to help enrich the motor experience.

Labor: observation of the labor of adults - loosening the earth around the bush. Purpose: to acquaint with labor operations in the garden in autumn

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox"

Exercise after sleep. D / and "Guess what sounds." The goal is to help children master the ability to distinguish musical instruments by sound.

Help Dima master the skill of retelling what he has read.

Corner of the book - "Tell the doll a fairy tale." Purpose: to help children master the ability to tell familiar tales from pictures.

Create conditions for the musical game "We are funny guys." Purpose: to develop musical and artistic activity.


Outdoor games with throwing and catching the ball.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

"Collect puzzles." Purpose: to help children master the ability to assemble an object from parts, develop memory, attention. Finger gymnastics "How flowers grew on a stump on a bump"

Help Veronica. Develop the ability to water indoor plants from a watering can.

In a corner of nature, consider indoor flowers with children. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish flowers in appearance and correctly name them.

Book corner. Offer the children an album to review "My Family". Learn to call parents by name and patronymic.

Conversation with the parents of Misha G. - to find out the reasons for the boy's frequent illness

Physical education: help children master the ability to walk in a column one at a time, jump on two legs.

Sculpting according to plan. Foster independence and activity.


Observation of the clouds (what they are, what they look like). Purpose: to develop imagination, to see the beauty of nature.

Help Dasha in mastering the ability to jump on two legs moving forward

P / and "Bunnies". Purpose: to form positive emotions in a joint outdoor game. D / y "Wind-breeze". Purpose: to develop auditory attention and imagination of children, to involve in motor improvisation.

Labor: sweeping dry leaves from the house. Purpose: to develop the ability of children to use tools for their intended purpose.

Work before bed

Exercise after sleep. C / r game "Driver". Purpose: to educate in children the desire to carefully handle cars, take care of them (pump up wheels, refuel with gasoline, wash, etc.), take on the role of a driver.

Help Sveta master self-care skills

Putting on tights.

D / and "My friends". Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to call each other by name, play side by side, share toys.

Create conditions for the game in the center of experimentation "Vodichka" Purpose: to help children master the ability to name some properties of water (transparent, pouring)


The game "What we will take with us for a walk." Purpose: to cultivate a desire to interact with each other.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments


The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Friendly meeting of children with each other and educators. Offer children a didactic game "Who eats what?". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about pets.

Help Dasha E. in mastering the ability to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

D / and "Pick up a patch for the rug." Purpose: to learn to correlate shapes.

Will offer children building materials for designing “Joint construction of a machine from large modules”. Purpose: to develop imagination in children, to help master the ability to beat the building together.

Consultation "Children and pets"

Drawing: "Colored balls". Purpose: to help children master the ability to draw with pencils. Material: round and oval balloons.

Music: Purpose: preparation for the autumn holiday, learning songs and dances.


Consider rosehip bushes. The conversation "For whom are these berries" - to expand children's knowledge about the beneficial properties of rose hips ..

Help Anton master the ability to walk on a limited surface, develop coordination of movement

Research activity. Experience "Examination of the bark".

Outdoor game: "Such a leaf, fly to me."

Labor: collecting seeds of flowering plants (marigold, calendula)

Work before bed

Exercise after sleep. To offer children educational games "Lacing" with the ability to fasten and unfasten buttons and zippers.

Help Zlata learn to rinse her mouth after eating.

Organize water and sand games. Learn how to examine material. Cultivate a positive attitude towards elementary experimental activities.

Music corner. Offer the children a metalophone for the game "Raindrops". Purpose: to acquaint children with the possibilities of musical instruments.


D / and "Guess the bird by description." Purpose: To promote bird watching. P / and "Birds in the nests." Purpose: To develop coordination of movements when running.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Individual conversation with children about what they did during the weekend. Purpose: to develop memory, colloquial speech of children.

Didactic game "Hide and Seek". Purpose: development of orientation.

Working with Dasha

Fixing the account to 5.

Finger game "The fish swims in the water." Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

ISO corner. Offer pencils to the children. Purpose: to develop the ability to choose pencils for drawing. Learn to paint carefully without going beyond the outline.

Conversation on the topic:

"Help children develop the ability to interact with each other"

Physical culture. Walking in a column one at a time. Exercise in high jumps.


Observation of trees, their trunks. To consolidate knowledge about trees, their various parts.

Help Varya T. Master the ability to jump on two legs.

P / and "Who (what) flies." Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal. P / and "Mousetrap". Purpose: to help children master the ability to perform actions in accordance with the text.

Work: encourage children to collect toys before leaving the walk. Purpose: to help children master the ability to follow instructions from adults.

Work before bed

Reading the tale "A bag of apples"

Exercise after sleep. D / and "White dress with polka dots." Purpose: to consider the dress, to help children master the ability to name the details of clothing and their purpose.

Help Yegor master the ability to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Socialization. "Who do I live with?" Purpose: to help children remember the names of family members, to form a sense of family belonging.

Create conditions for the game "Family". Purpose: To help children master the ability to interact in the game with each other.


P / and "Bubble". Purpose: to help master the ability to become in a circle, to make it, now narrower, then wider.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Friendly meeting of children with each other and educators. Conversation "About boys and girls" using plot pictures. D / and "Whose is this?". Purpose: to expand gender perceptions of oneself.

Help Varya T. in mastering the ability to greet when entering a group.

D / and "Catch a fish." Purpose: to develop an eye in children, the ability to play in groups of two or three people.

Canteen duty.

Learn the basic rules of etiquette.

The development of speech. Reading I. Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves". To attach to poetry, to develop a poetic ear.

Music. Learning the song-dance "rain cap-cap"


Fall observation. Conversation “Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying.” Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the phenomenon of leaf fall.

Exercise the boys in the ability to hit the ball against the wall and catch it.

Situational conversation "What dangers lurk on the street in autumn."

Mobile game "Find yourself a mate". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of basic colors.

Labor: sweeping leaves from equipment. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, to see the result of their work

Work before bed

Listening to lullaby music.

D / and "Wonderful bag". Purpose: to help children master the methods of examining objects, the ability to distinguish objects by touch, to encourage children to participate in joint games.

Help Lena master the skill of using a spoon carefully.

Conversation "My favorite kindergarten." Purpose: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, to create conditions for the formation of goodwill.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.


Independent gaming activity with remote material. Swinging.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

D / and "Pick up an object in the form." Goal: continue to develop perception, improve the ability to highlight the shape of objects.

Help Misha K.. master the ability to sculpt by direct rolling out the dough.

Examination of illustrations on the theme "children do exercises." Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of body parts.

Create conditions for the role-playing game "Hospital". Purpose: to help children remember the names of the items needed to treat the patient and their purpose.

Conduct parent surveys on what your child likes to do at home

Acquaintance with nature. “I take mushrooms from a bear in the forest, I take berries ..” Expand children's ideas about the benefits of natural vitamins. Material: Dummies of mushrooms and berries, toys: hedgehog, squirrel, bear cub.

Physical education. Walking on toes on the board. Climbing under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.


Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. Conversation "Autumn". Purpose: to consolidate with children the features of the autumn season, the characteristic changes that occur in connection with these changes, changes in people's lives.

Individual work with Dima D., Egor K. - jumping on two legs with advancement. "What happens"

Purpose: development of attention, speed of thinking.

Outdoor game: "Beetles". Learn to move at the signal of the teacher ..

Labor: cleaning the house (sweep the dust off the table, benches and floor). Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to carry out instructions from adults.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes."

Exercise after sleep. And / y "Who will quickly make an accordion out of a sock." Purpose: to improve self-care skills. D / and "What first, what then." Purpose: to develop the ability of children to dress consistently after a nap

D. game “Spread into groups and count.

D / and "Find the differences." Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to find differences in the image. Work in a corner of nature. Caring for indoor flowers.

Physical education corner. Offer the children the game "Ring toss". Purpose: to develop an eye, coordination of movements.


P / and "Find what is hidden." Purpose: to encourage children to participate in joint games.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

D / and "Find the same." Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to find objects of the same shape in a group. D / and "what is missing." Purpose: to develop the memory and attention of children.

Work with Dasha E. to work out the dance element "shelf"

Examining the illustrations

"Wild Animals in Autumn"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about changes in the life of animals.

On duty in the classroom

Purpose: to develop the ability to prepare the workplace for classes.

Consultation for parents on organizing an environment for role-playing games at home, with the participation of parents.

Physical education to the music: walking one after another, running on toes.

Application "Decorate a napkin". Teach children to make a pattern on a square. Develop a sense of composition. Strengthen the ability to carefully stick details.


Bird feeding. Involve children in bird watching, cultivate love for birds, desire to take care of them in winter.

Involve Anton to participate in outdoor games.

P / and "What happens in the fall?". Purpose: to help children master the ability to distinguish between autumn natural phenomena (clap, if not autumn - jump).

Labor: Sweep leaves off equipment. Purpose: to help in mastering the ability to use a broom.

Work before bed

Reading the tale "The Fox and the Wolf"

Gymnastics after sleep. Looking at pictures together with the teacher, listening to music on the theme "Autumn".

Help Lena in mastering the ability to put on socks correctly.

Experimental activity "Magic brush". Material: palette, blue

paint and red

Create working conditions in a corner of nature - rubbing ficus leaves. Purpose: to involve children in the care of indoor plants.


P / and with jumps "On a flat path", "From bump to bump." Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, balance.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments


The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Friendly meeting of children, hygienic examination. Drawing up children's stories about the rules of friendship, about the need to help a friend.

Assistance to Varya and Alena in the selection of interesting information for compiling stories about their friends.

Conversation on the topic "A good friend is known in trouble." Purpose: repeat the rules of friendship, develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

Illustrations and photographs on the theme "Friends": children and toys, children and adults, children and animals.

Involving parents in joint preparations with children for the thematic holiday "Autumn"

Drawing "Golden Autumn". Material: paints, landscape sheet, jar of water, brushes.

Music: repetition of poems and songs for the holiday.


Walking card number 23.

Work before bed

Relaxation game "Balloons". Purpose: to create a benevolent attitude to sleep.

Didactic game: "Good oh-bad." Purpose: to teach children to distinguish positive and negative sides in objects and phenomena of the world around them; to continue the education of moral qualities.

Help Dima P. in learning the poem by heart.

Didactic game "What is this song? Purpose: repetition of song and musical repertoire.

To unite raising adults and children with common activities; parents to prepare gifts for friends with their own hands; show types of work with natural material


To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and plant life. Round dance game "Cucumber".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Conversation on the topic: "What autumn brought us." Purpose: to clarify the meaning of the word "harvest"; to teach to solve riddles about fruits and vegetables, to cultivate a respect for nature.

Work on the correction of correct posture with Dima D.

To develop auditory attention in children. D / and “Yes or no.” Purpose: to repeat the rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home and on the street.

Repeat the daily routine with children, introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Assisting parents in making costumes for the matinee.

FEMP: To improve the ability of children to compare two groups of objects. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between flat geomes. figures. Material: circles and squares divided into 2 parts.

Physical education. Walking in a column one at a time, bending around objects at the corners of the site.


Walking card number 24.

Work before bed

Introduction to thin. literature.

Help in pronunciation of difficult forms of words Nastya D.

The development of fantasy, cognitive interests in the didactic game "What clouds look like"

To educate in children the manifestation of initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive research activities.


The mobile game "Chickens in the garden." Purpose: development of motor activity, dexterity, initiative, quick wits.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "Autumn"

Conversation with children on the topic: "The work of people in the field." To teach to answer questions from pictures, to continue speech development, to cultivate a careful attitude to the work of adults.

D / and "Find the differences." To develop observation and attention in Zlata and Alina K.

Teach children how to look at pictures correctly. Encourage interest in cause and effect relationships

Contribute to the group a reproduction of the painting by F. Sychkov "Collective Farm Bazaar"

Acquaintance of parents with a folder-folder "Features of the development of children 4-5 pet"

Speech development: reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Telephone". Practice staging excerpts from the work.

Encourage children to read funny stories.

Music. Encourage children to sing their favorite songs. Reinforce familiar dance moves.


Walking card number 25.

Work before bed

Reading at the choice of children.

Integrated activity on the topic: "Properties of sand". Learn to draw conclusions, cultivate curiosity.

D / and: "Describe the toy."

Children's workshop. Develop fantasy creativity, in the implementation of fine arts.

Work on the formation of the CGT. Watch your posture during the afternoon snack. Learn how to use a napkin.


Acquaintance with a medicinal plant - plantain. To cultivate a culture of behavior in nature, to consolidate knowledge about the plantain, its features.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is "I am a man in the world"

Friendly meeting. Y/n: When does this happen? Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the seasons. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Work on the correction of flat feet with Vova, Misha, Egor.

To consolidate children's knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms and their places of growth. Conversation on the topic: "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms"

Pictures depicting mushrooms, dummies of mushrooms, riddles about mushrooms.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. "Petrushka goes to work." Learn to group objects according to their purpose.

Material: Pictures depicting objects.

Physical Culture. Exercise in vigorous repulsion from the floor and soft landing on half-bent legs while jumping forward.


Walking card number 26.

Work before bed

Listening to calm music.

Work on the formation of self-service skills. Keep order in your box. D / n: "Everything has its place"

Ball games. Practice hitting the ball off the floor with one hand.

Research activity: "Search for air".

Sultans, ribbons, flags, package, balloons, cocktail tubes, water.


Ball games. "Catch the ball." "Hunter and ducks." Purpose: development of accuracy, speed of reaction.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Reception and examination of children in the group.

Conversation on the topic: "What is health." Purpose: to cultivate a culture of health for a preschooler.

Canteen duty. To consolidate knowledge about the correct table setting.

To form in children an idea of ​​​​the correct daily routine and the benefits of observing it for health. Raise interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Illustrations on the theme: "Daily routine". Clock layout.

Questioning of parents "Healthy lifestyle".

Physio to the music. Practice jumping forward.

Modeling "Mushrooms".Material: dummies of mushrooms, plasticine, modeling board.


Walking card number 27.

Work before bed

A conversation about the importance of daytime sleep for health

Communicative game "Mittens". Develop communication skills in children. Material: paper-cut mittens.

Control of children's posture, correction of posture disorders.

Breathing exercises "Mouse".

The game "Useful and harmful products." To help children with difficulty in building a speech statement.


Conversation about behavior in nature. Playing in the sandbox, cycling, going home.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments


The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, hygienic examination. Presentation on theme: "What is a family?" To acquaint children with the concept of social roles of adults: mom, dad. Cultivate respect for family members.

Work on speech correction with Dima D., Nastya D.

Communicative game "Dragon". To develop in children communication skills, imagination, respect for comrades.

Illustrations on the theme “What is a family?”: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, children; riddles about family members.

Advice for parents on proper nutrition for preschoolers.

Drawing. Fairy tree. Material: pencils, ½ album sheet. Develop imagination, creativity, speech.

Music. To form the ability to sing in a natural voice, singing the end of the words.


Walking card number 4

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle".

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing.

Purpose: to learn to dress after sleep on their own, to help each other.

Didactic game: "Who is older, who is younger." Purpose: to help children who find it difficult to answer.

Making gifts for birthdays. Purpose: fostering friendships, developing attention to friends.

Formation of the foundations of road safety. Conversation on the topic "The immediate environment." Purpose: to form the ability to navigate indoors, in the nearest area.


Finger game "Family". Purpose: to develop the skill of performing a finger game, to continue the development of speech culture.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, hygienic examination. Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the rules of safe behavior; to form knowledge that for safety all objects must be put away in their places; develop a sense of camaraderie.

Help in pronunciation of difficult forms of words.

Work on the education of a culture of behavior at the table. Exercise "We eat carefully."

Work on sound pronunciation: exercises for cheeks and lips “The locomotive puffs”, “The boat sways on the waves”.

FEMP. Material: two-step ladder, 3 bunnies, 3 squirrels, ball, cube, square, circle, triangle.

Physical Culture. Practice landing on bent legs while jumping from hoop to hoop.


Walking card number 5

Work before bed

Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack.

Game situation "Tell Dunno why sit straight."

Work on the development of basic movements: exercise in walking with a change in pace, with a change of leader.

Formation of the foundations of life safety. “How my body works.” Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the parts of the body and the senses.

Free activity under the supervision of the educator. Purpose: to continue to form the ability to find an occupation of interest.


Outdoor games "Horses". Construction from sand "My Imagination".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Conversation on the topic "Healthy Eating". To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealthy foods on our table, to form a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person.

Working with Alena M. - to learn to negotiate with friends what to play.

The game "If the baby got hurt". (The teacher invites the children to choose cards on the topic "First aid for a cut wound" and lay them out in sequence

Cards depicting the most common domestic injuries, cards that give ways to help.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

The development of speech. Sound culture of speech: sounds z and z. We introduce children to the song of the mosquito. Teach children to identify the presence of a sound in a word.

Music. To develop the ability to distinguish between fast and slow tempo of music. To consolidate the ability of children to play along with musical instruments.


Walking card number 5.

Work before bed

Listening to the musical composition "Merry Walk".

Exercise in throwing the ball over the net to develop dexterity and eye, in maintaining a stable balance when walking and running.

P / i. "Who will get to the skittles faster."

Di. "Wash the doll." (First, we suggest choosing from a variety of items those that “help” wash the doll.

Evening of riddles. Teach children mindfulness, ingenuity, speed of reaction.


Integrated thematic activity. “Observation of the color change of the leaves. P / and “Dog and Sparrows”.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Presentation on theme: "What is a family?" Cultivate respect for family members, enrich vocabulary, form an understanding of what a family is.

Children's story about their brothers and sisters, parents.

Games for the development of fine motor skills "mosaic" with Zlata P.

The game "What grows where". (The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking questions: “Where does plantain grow? Where does chamomile grow, etc.)

Organization of assistance in the selection of interesting information for compiling stories about family members.

Acquaintance with nature. Passage of the ecological trail. Material. Objects of the ecological trail: birch, mountain ash, birdhouse, autumn leaves of trees. Purpose: to give elementary ideas about the relationship between man and nature.


Walking card number 6.

Work before bed

Listening to the musical composition "Together it's fun to walk"

Relaxation game "Birds". To form the skills of performing health-improving exercises, to continue to form the ability to fantasize; develop imagination and memory.

Repeat with Misha K. a poem for the holiday.

Musical and didactic games. "Quiet and loud bells", "Musical hammers". Purpose: development of dynamic hearing.

Organize the role-playing game "Family". The teacher directs his efforts to enrich the role-playing behavior and relationships of children in the game.


Integrated activity on a walk on the topic: "Comparison of pine and spruce needles." To provide individual assistance in organizing the observation of Dima D., Dima P.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Conversation on the topic: "Child and other people." Consider and discuss typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers, teach how to behave in such situations.

Individual assistance to shy children in conveying the intonation of the main characters of the fairy tale.

Didactic game "Magic Cube". Learn to depict what is drawn on the top face and pronounce the corresponding sound, continue to develop speech culture.

Offer children palettes and gouache for free art. activity. Develop fantasy, imagination,

Conducting a parent meeting on the topic "Journey to the world of knowledge."

Application. "Decoration of a handkerchief".Materials. Paper circles and squares, scissors, oilcloth, napkin. Develop compositional skills, color perception, creativity. Engage in fine arts.


Walking card number 7.

Work before bed

Reading fiction: the fairy tale "Zhikharka".

Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack.

Purpose: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards peers sitting at the table.

Didactic game "Talking on the phone" Encourage the use of the words “up”, “right”, “straight” in speech.

Theatrical game "What weather is better." To teach children to respond emotionally, motorically to verbal and musical images. Talk about the content of the tale and show it in the picture theater.

Helping difficult children in emotional transformation. Development of expressive speech.


Sweeping paths. Teamwork training. Control over safety precautions during work. Sedentary game "Yula".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments


The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Conversation on the topic: “Parts of the human body.” To teach children to love themselves, their bodies and their bodies; develop logical thinking.

Repetition of the scene “Under the Mushroom” with a subgroup of children.

Examination of the illustrations "The human body." Educate the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.

Assistance in the selection of interesting information for compiling stories about the structure of the human body. (Photos, reference diagrams).

Drawing. Decorative drawing “Apron Decoration”. Learn to make a simple pattern on a strip of paper from elements of folk ornament. Strengthen technical skills in painting with paints.

Music. Develop the ability to sing expressively, melodiously. Continue to work on diction.


Walking card number 8.

Work before bed

A conversation about the importance of daytime sleep for health

Relaxation game "Sunny Bunny". To form the skills of performing health-improving exercises, repeat the daily routine.

Work in notebooks "Recipe" To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Experimental activities. "Magic Rays". Help children understand that the illumination of an object depends on the strength of the light source and the distance from it.

Assistance to doubting children in the choice of means for conducting experimental activities.


Integrated activity on a walk on the theme "Watching the Oak". Learn to observe trees in the fall. Mobile game "Merry Carousel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Presentation on theme: "Our Helpers. sense organs." Learn to name the sense organs, talk about their role in the body and how to protect them. Teach children to love themselves, their body and their body.

To teach Nikita U. to show and name the human senses.

Experimental activity “What does a person need for?”. Develop logical thinking, memory. Develop the skills of examining objects with the help of the appropriate sense organ.

FEMP.Material. easel, pictures of three piglets, 3 acorns, 3 houses, 3 doors. Handout. Paper tracks of different lengths.


Walking card number 9.

Work before bed

Reading Fiction: The Three Little Pigs.

Introduction to thin. literature. Reading S. Marshak's poem "Baggage" (learning an excerpt). Learn to convey the intonation of the voice and character of the characters.

Repetition of the scene "Under the mushroom". Build expressive storytelling skills.

Structural modeling activity. Buildings from geometric shapes. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, learn to highlight the shape

The book with the work of S. Marshak "Baggage". Pictures for the poem.


To consolidate the skills of observing trees in the fall, to cultivate a careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature. Mobile game "Yula". Strengthen the ability to walk and run in a circle.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Conversation on the topic "Take care of your eyes and vision." Describe the eye as one of the main sense organs. person; fix the meaning of eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids on a person's face.

Individual assistance to Nastya D. in the pronunciation of difficult forms of words during the story.

D / and according to the plot pictures "Take care of your eyesight." The child rubs his eyes with dirty hands, reads while lying in bed, etc.

Autumn matinee dedicated to the holiday "Pokrov". Purpose: creating a joyful, festive mood, developing theatrical abilities.

The development of speech. Memorization of the Russian folk song "Shadow-Shadow-Fly". Help children memorize and expressively read the song.

Music. To instill a desire to sing both in a music lesson and in everyday life.


Walking card number 10.

Work before bed

A conversation about the importance of daytime sleep for health

Leisure on the topic: "Building an anthill." Solving riddles about the anthill, to cultivate diligence, respect for comrades. P / n: "Ant".

Work with a subgroup of children to determine the parts of the day. Pictures depicting parts of the day.

The development of speech, fantasy, cognitive interests in the didactic game "Name it in one word." Toys, cards, ball, questions for the game.

Didactic game "One, two, three ... run to me!" Exercise in children in the classification of objects.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

The theme of the week is “I am a man in the world

Conversation on the topic “Why you need to be able to give in.” Form the norms and rules for relationships with peers and adults, a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person.

Offer children board games "mosaic" in order to develop fine motor skills.

Game exercise "Sun and clouds". Material: tambourine, umbrella, sultans.

Individual consultations for parents "Correct fit when writing."

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. "My friends." to form the concepts of "friend", "friendship". To cultivate friendly relationships between children, encourage them to do good deeds, teach them to cooperate. Reading poems about friendship, cards with the image of fairy-tale heroes-friends.

Physical Culture. Exercise in landing on bent legs in jumping from hoop to hoop.


Walking card number 11.

Work before bed

Listening to soothing music

Game-situation "Classes in kindergarten." The teacher encourages children to plan, teaches them to describe plot events, outline the circle of actors, and reveal their interaction.

Didactic game "The game is a serious matter." Exercise in the choice of safe items for games, consolidate knowledge of what items can be played; enrich vocabulary.

Pictures depicting various objects (dangerous and non-dangerous); two hoops.


Integrated activity on a walk on the theme "Targeted walk to the park". The teacher talks about the signs of autumn nature. Mobile game "Run to the named tree."

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

ISO corner. Offer plasticine to the children. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to roll plasticine in various ways.

Modeling. Treat for dolls.Material: plasticine, modeling board, tray.

Physical education to music. Exercise in walking with the performance of various tasks in jumping, consolidate the ability to act on a signal.


Walking card number 12.

Work before bed

Reading the Russian folk tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"

Self-service. hygiene procedures. Didactic game "Wash the toys" Continue to form self-service skills, consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items.

Theatrical game "We bake bread." Material: loaf, table setting for tea, mouse cap.

The development of fantasy, cognitive interests in the "Wonderful bag". Material: bag, blindfold, various toys, household items.


Integrated activity on a walk on the topic "Observation of the color change of leaves on a birch and mountain ash." The teacher talks about the signs of autumn nature. Mobile game "Dog and Sparrows".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Conversation on the topic "Our grandparents". To form the perception of the older generation as a source of wisdom and experience. Clarify the names of the occupations of grandparents; enrich vocabulary.

Didactic game "My day". Material: pictures depicting the behavior of children in everyday life, pencils, felt-tip pens, easel, magnets.

Introduction to music. Listening to "March", music. D.Kabalevsky. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish between fast and slow tempo of music.

Individual consultations for parents "How to organize the work of a child in a family"

Drawing. “Eggs are simple and golden.” Material: sheets of blue paper, wooden eggs, watercolor paints.

Music. Singing "Rain", "Pussy" - support the desire to sing the songs you like.


Walking card number 13.

Work before bed

A conversation about the importance of daytime sleep for health

Work on the formation of the KGN. Attention game “Whose towel”. Teach you to always use your own towel, reinforce the ability to fold the towel correctly and hang it in its place.

The development of fantasy, cognitive interests in the didactic game "Talk on the phone". Material: toy phone, musical accompaniment.

Game-situation “Our new neighbors”. Material: photo of transport, album “Our beloved city of Lukoyanov”.


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of a withered flower bed". Low mobility game "Carousel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Conversation on the topic: "How to live together, without quarrels."

Purpose: to form norms and rules for relationships with peers and adults, to teach how to peacefully resolve conflicts. Reading V. Berestov "Behind the game", "Sandbox".

Didactic game "Forbidden sounds". Develop the ability to distinguish sounds in a word and learn to work according to the rule; continue the development of speech culture. Material: subject pictures.

Domino game. Purpose: education of perseverance, teaching to play, strictly observing the rules of the game, development of fine motor skills of hands.

Advice for parents

"How to Be Obedient"

FEMP.Material: a set of toys, handouts, a set of geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the objects on the canvas, compare their number, equalize the sets in different ways.

Physical Culture. Walking and running between objects placed in one line at a distance of 0.5 m from one another, walking and running in all directions.


Walking card number 14.

Work before bed

A conversation about the importance of daytime sleep for health

Introduction to fiction. Reading A. Barto "Toys". Form interest in art. word, to develop speech, to teach to understand the poetic word, to encourage repetition of what they heard, to cultivate interest in rhymed texts.

The development of imagination, fantasy, cognitive interests in the mobile game "Who can do this."


Integrated activity on a walk on the topic: "Observation of the work of the driver." Mobile game "Nimble driver".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Formation of the basics of safety. Safety on the road. Conversation with elements of the game about the rules of the road. Teach children to correctly name the elements of the road; acquaint with traffic on the side of the road. Material: table according to the rules of the road.

Didactic game "Cars and garages". Fix the score up to 5. Fix the ability to determine the numbers of the garage by the number of triangles.

Development of physical abilities - games in a sports corner. Skittles - learn how to throw the ball correctly, directing it in the right direction.

Individual consultations for parents "How to deal with a baby's runny nose." Nurse advice.

The development of speech. Reading poems about autumn. Making up stories - describing toys. Introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. Material: soft toys according to the number of children. Children continue to describe the toy according to a certain plan.

Music. Develop the ability to distinguish between soft and loud sounds. To consolidate interest in singing, encourage them to sing their favorite songs.


Walking card number 15.

Work before bed

Reading fiction: "About Ivanushka - the fool."

Sports leisure "Health Day". To consolidate knowledge about health and methods of its preservation. Develop strength, speed, reaction, endurance.

Games for the development of speech. "What comes first, what comes next." We learn to highlight the sequence in actions, we consolidate the ability to compose a story from pictures.

The development of imagination, fantasy, cognitive interests in the didactic game "Guess the object by the names of its parts." The teacher draws attention to the difference in signs of children's toys.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Moral education. Conversation on the topic "How and why people greet." Strengthen the ability to greet each other correctly, learn to use gestures in your greeting.

game situation. "We've got guests."

The teacher's story "New House". N.F. Gubanova p.

Organize a sedentary game "Pass the ball." Attributes: ball. Learn words for the game with children:

You run, funny ball,

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a funny ball

He bounces himself.

Parent survey

"Temperament of your child."

Acquaintance with nature. Acquaintance with decorative birds on the example of a canary. Material: pictures, photographs, fragments of a video film about canaries.

Physical Culture. Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions, repeat climbing under an arc without touching the floor with your hands, exercise in maintaining balance when walking.


Walking card number 16.

Work before bed

Relaxation before bed. Listening to the musical composition "October" from the cycle "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky.

Education of self-care skills.

Encourage each other to help each other with dressing after sleep. Canteen duty. Work out table setting techniques for an afternoon snack. Maintain order and cleanliness of tables while eating.

Listening to the musical composition “Oh, you birch”, arr. M. Rauchverger. Develop the ability to talk about the music you listen to.

Organize a workshop for the manufacture of crafts from waste material. Butterflies are boxes made from walnut shells.


Collection of leaves for making crafts. Mobile game "Funny guys". Practice running through different obstacles.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Experimental activities. "I'm growing." Tell the children about the child's past and the changes that have occurred to him. Material: stadiometer, baby toys, high chair.

Didactic games for the development of attention "Find differences". Material: paired pictures.

Informing parents about the progress of educational


Application "Boats float on the river." Strengthen the ability to compose a beautiful composition. Materials: glue, scissors, scraps of colored paper for details, a blue stripe for the river.

Physical Culture. Walking in a column, one at a time, bypassing objects placed at the corners of the hall. Practice jumping.


Walking card number 17.

Work before bed

Reading thin. Literature V. Suteev "A bag of apples."

Didactic game "Wonderful bag". The children take it in turns to take the item out of the bag. Material: pouch, eye patch, various items.

Theatrical game - the situation "What weather is better." Material: umbrella, sultans, musical accompaniment.


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of the mountain ash". The game of low mobility "Carousel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Conversation on the topic "Healthy Eating". To expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the presence of vitamins in fruits and vegetables; creating conditions for the formation of children's ideas about useful products on our table; learn to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Introduction to music. Song creativity. Call a kitten, a dog: continue to develop the ability to find the right intonation by performing various onomatopoeia.

Sedentary game "Tops and Roots". Vodya

The presenter throws the ball, while naming the tops or roots. At the end of the game, children are marked who have never made a mistake.

Drawing by design. Develop creativity and imagination. Invite the children to think about what they would like to draw. Learn to choose the theme of your drawing.

Music. Hearing. “Oh, you, birch”, arr. M. Rauchverger. Pay attention to what you can do with this or that music.


Walking card number 18.

Work before bed

Reading K. Chukovsky "Cockroach".

The development of cognitive research activity in the didactic game "Define by touch". Materials: replicas of fruits and vegetables, blindfold, pouch.

Role-playing game "My day in kindergarten". The teacher can connect to the children's game as a child, setting the tone for the game, helping to distribute roles, get along in the game.

Mobile game "Brook". Children walk around the group in pairs, holding hands. A free child goes through a brook, choosing a mate. The game continues.


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Conversation on the topic: "Our grandparents." To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation, to teach children to obey the elders, to enrich the vocabulary of children.

Finger game "Hello" For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands.

Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",

two puppies,

two foals,

two tiger cubs,

two bulls,

Look what horns.

Illustrations on the theme "The human body"; riddles about the senses. Assistance in the selection of interesting information for compiling stories about the meaning of the senses.

Agitation of parents to participate in a joint sports festival.

Physical Culture. Climbing under an arc. Throwing the ball with two hands. Exercise in rolling the ball in a straight direction.


Walking card number 19.

Work before bed

Relaxation game "Clouds". Purpose: to create a benevolent attitude to sleep.

Introduction to thin. literature.

Reading the work of E. Mozhkovskaya "Polite Word".

Structural modeling activity. Material: building kits. Purpose: to exercise children in enclosing small spaces with bricks and plates installed horizontally and vertically; in the ability to make overlaps; in the assimilation of spatial concepts

(in front, behind, below, above); in distinguishing and naming colors.

Mobile game "Empty place". In the center of the group there are chairs according to the number of children. To the music, the children run around the chairs. After the end of the music, the children take their chairs.


Thematic activity "Observation of the sun". Continue to form the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Outdoor game "Do not touch". Material: skittles.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Solving riddles about forest animals. They repeat the rules of maintaining and strengthening health with the heroes. Breathing exercise "Balloon". Material: tambourine, balloons.

Encourage children to develop healthy lifestyle habits. To form knowledge about oneself, one's health and physical culture, ways to strengthen and maintain health, form the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life.

Mobile game "Find a mate". Material: flags according to the number of children - 2 flags of each color, one flag should be left without a pair.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

The development of speech. Compilation of stories - descriptions of toys (continued). Continue to teach to talk about the toy according to a certain plan. Material: toys according to the number of children.

Music. Listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky "A man plays the harmonica". Singing "Andrey Sparrow". Musical game "Know the instrument". Purpose: to continue to develop emotional responsiveness to songs of a different nature.


Walking card number 20.

Work before bed

Reading by A. Maikov. "Autumn leaves are circling in the wind."

Examining the poster "Professions". A conversation about various professions, about their necessity and significance. Didactic games "Name the profession", "Guess the profession".

Entertainment on the theme “Autumn, golden autumn.” Reading your favorite poems about autumn, solving riddles, repeating the “Falling Leaves” dance.

Involve children in making their beds after a nap. Learn to carefully lay out the blanket, straighten the sheet.


Sweeping the paths is to cultivate a love for work. Mobile game "Yula".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Assimilation of norms and values ​​​​in the morning conversation “Good deed. - speak the truth boldly.” To educate children in honesty, frankness, etc. Enrich vocabulary, form rules and norms for relationships with peers and adults.

Game of low mobility "Day and night". To form the ability to come up with options for movements, various combinations.

Didactic game "What is made of what." Purpose: to activate the pronunciation of adjectives, agree on the noun and adjective in gender and number.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. "Family" - to cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people-members of the family. Material: photos of family members, an easel for posting photos.

Physical Culture. Exercise in rolling the ball in a straight direction, in climbing under an arc.


Walking card number 21.

Work before bed

Self-service. To develop in the game in children the ability to help each other, to learn to address each other politely, asking for help.

Musical activity. Musical instruments game. Learn to identify music. sound instrument.

Mobile game "Run quietly." Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They stand behind the line, the driver closes his eyes. The children walk slowly, if the driver hears the noise of steps, he says "stop."


Car surveillance. Learn to distinguish cars according to their purpose; generate interest in the profession of a driver. Mobile game "Nimble driver".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

Theme of the week

"I am a man in the world"

Conversation on the topic: "Why know the rules of the road." Help to learn the basic rules of the road on the streets of the city. Material: traffic light layout, road signs, colored circles of red, yellow and green.

Free pictorial activity. Modeling at the request of children. Material: plasticine, modeling board.

Learning the dance "Bright World" with gymnastic ribbons. Fasten basic movements with ribbons

Carrying out a sports holiday "Mom, dad, I am a sports family."

Application from natural material: Ships sail on the sea. Learn to work with natural materials. Learn to see the beauty of autumn leaves.

Physical Culture. Walking in a column, one at a time, bypassing objects placed at the corners of the hall. Practice jumping.


Walking card No. 3 (observation), No. 17.

Work before bed

Reading by E. Permyak "The Hasty Knife".

hygiene procedures. Work on the formation of the CGT. Watch your posture during the afternoon snack. Learn how to use a napkin.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag". The children take it in turns to take the item out of the bag. Material: pouch, eye patch, various items

Holding a sports festival "Mom, dad, I am a sports family."


D / and "Guess the bird by description." Purpose: To promote bird watching. P / and "Birds in the nests." Purpose: To develop coordination of movements when running.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


"My city, my country."

Conversation on the topic "The street where I live." To instill in children pride in the place where they live, for their small homeland; expand and deepen knowledge about the history of your city; expand horizons, coherent speech.

Organize a round dance game "Brook". Teach children the rules of the game. Creating a joyful, cheerful, mood.

Put illustrations, photos of your hometown, school building, kindergarten in a patriotic corner.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Drawing. "The house you live in" Materials: white paper, paints, a can of water. Purpose: to teach to convey the rectangular shape of the object, to develop children's creativity.

Music. To form the ability to carefully listen to music, continue to work on the expressiveness of singing, purity of sound.


Walking card number 1.

Work before bed

Listening to the musical composition "November" from the cycle "Seasons".

The development of cognitive research activities in the didactic game "What do we know about things". Expand the rules of safe behavior at home; foster a sense of cooperation.

Organize a role-playing game "Make purchases". The teacher tells the children what stores are (grocery, toys, appliances, etc.)

Finger game "Top-top". To form the skill of performing a finger game, to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.


Integrated activity on the walk "Consideration of the structure of the feather of a bird." To teach to explore a bird's feather, to form children's ideas about why birds have feathers, to improve the ability to make observations.

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments

"My city, my country."

Conversation on the topic "My favorite city of Lukoyanov." To instill in children pride in the place where they live, for their small homeland; expand and deepen knowledge about the history of your city; expand horizons, coherent speech.

The development of fantasy, cognitive interests in the didactic game "Dirty-no! And there is no dust.” To teach children to help their relatives and friends. The game is accompanied by a speech corresponding in content to the role taken. Material: dishes, mop, bucket, rags, etc.

Review the album “Our City” with the children. Teach children to recognize familiar places in photographs.

FEMP. Magnetic board, a bag with objects, a card with the image of three bows.


Work before bed


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Work before bed


Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Work before bed


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of chamomile". Low mobility game "Carsel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Work before bed


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of chamomile". Low mobility game "Carsel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Work before bed


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of chamomile". Low mobility game "Carsel".

Days of the week

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity.

Interaction with parents

Group and subgroup work

Educational activities in regime moments


Work before bed


Integrated thematic activity "Observation of chamomile". Low mobility game "Carsel".

Day of the week: Thursday 1 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11 Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Physical development.

cognitive development.

Examining illustrations about summer. Purpose: to remember the summer and create a positive atmosphere.

Did. game "What color?". With Timur F., Nikita. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Conversations: "Kindergarten", "What is our group"

Examining the picture "It's good in our garden."

Reading poems about the kindergarten by O. Vygotskaya “Kindergarten!” Purpose: to evoke a joyful mood in children from being in kindergarten. "Girls and boys", "Name the objects and a generalizing word", "Toys".

C / r game: "At the doctor's appointment." Purpose: development of dialogical speech.

Consultation: "Teaching a child to communicate"

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: Life in Kindergarten. Collective story "What do we do in kindergarten"

Purpose: to teach to talk about life in kindergarten; develop logical thinking.

"Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.38

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem өem.” Topic: “Introduction.” Vocabulary work: isanmesez, sau bulygyz. Structure: Conversation (in Russian). And / with: “Acquaintance”. Conversation in Russian.

Physical development

Physical culture.

Topic: “Meeting with autumn”. Purpose: to exercise in walking “snake” between objects, to exercise in running “snake”, to create conditions for the manifestation of endurance when doing exercises. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another with a change in the pace of movement, easy running. ORU without items. ATS: walking and running with a snake between objects. Jumping forward. P / and “Run quietly,” “Crackers” (tat. game) Calm walking around the hall. UMK: isanmesez, sau bulygyz, yoger, strong drink.


"What kind of work is available to children"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. “What a miracle - a long house! There are a lot of passengers in it." Purpose: to teach to distinguish transport in appearance, to name where, in which direction the bus is moving; give the concepts of "stop", "movement", "front, back of the bus", "passenger". Make a guess: “The box is on wheels, it will pass a little - stop” (bus).

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Ustin, Emir, Irina. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: development of motor activity. Continue to teach children to dress themselves, to monitor their appearance. Say hello game. Purpose: development of coherent speech.

Y/n: What has changed? With Timur A., ​​Bulat. Purpose: development of attention, memory.

Construction from building material: “Model of a kindergarten.” Purpose: to teach how to build buildings from large and small building materials, use parts of different colors to create and decorate buildings; continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name the elements of a building constructor.

C / r game: "Shop". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / s: "My apartment." Purpose: development of figurative thinking. Sensory game: "Floor mosaic". Purpose: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative, physical development

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday 5 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Topic: "Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!" Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Finger game: "Shadow - shadow - sweat." Purpose: development of hand motor skills, the ability to coordinate movements in the text.

Morning exercises: "Zoo".

Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys"

D / game: “Who will wear what?” With Arina, Polina. Purpose: activation of speech, to consolidate the general concept of "clothes".

FTsKM, expanding horizons: “Seasonal observations” (early autumn). Purpose: to learn to describe early autumn, to find the differences between summer and autumn. D / and: “Correct the mistakes”, “Finish the sentence”.

C / r game "Vegetable shop" Purpose: to teach clearly and clearly explain what they want to buy in the store; to develop the skills of cultural communication with each other.

Board games: puzzles, mosaic, constructor. Purpose: to develop independence in choosing a game, in the implementation of the plan.

Consultation: "The art of praising a child"


"Learning to communicate with a child"

musical"Journey to Knowledge"

Target: Arouse the desire of children to engage.

To develop in children cognitive motivation, interest in knowledge.

Build friendships between children.

Desire to perform simple movements, listen to music.

Expressively perform familiar songs,

Play familiar games.


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Watching birds while feeding. Purpose: to instill a desire to take care of birds; pay attention to the shape, size and parts of birds; learn to distinguish birds by size - large and small, name some birds, describe what they peck. Riddle: Chik-chirp jump to the grains, do not be shy peck. Who is this? (sparrow) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dasha, Irina, Karolina. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along the massage paths. Foot massage "Builders". Purpose: prevention of flat feet.

Teach children to dress themselves, notice problems in appearance.

Y/n: "Find somewhere else." With Kolya, Arina. Purpose: to teach to navigate in space.

Situational conversation: "Behavior on the road." Purpose: to form children's ideas about orientation on the road ("look left", "look right")

C / R game: "Toy store". Purpose: development of dialogical speech. D / and: "Make a whole out of parts." Purpose: development of thinking. Sensory game: "Floor mosaic". Purpose: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “Wind is a breeze.” Purpose: Encourage children to establish causal relationships: autumn has come, a strong wind is blowing, leaves are falling from the trees. P / n: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday 7 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Topic: "Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!" Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Finger game: "Cat's claws."

Monitoring and watering indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate the desire to participate in labor activity. NRK: Reading by R. K. Shaekhov “One word, two words”. "Hamster - braggart." Purpose: conversation on the content.

Did. exercise: “Spread by color” with Timur, Irina. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Situational conversation: "He who is neat is pleasant." Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​personal hygiene, its impact on the health and relationships of people.

Drawing:"Drawing favorite toys" (at the choice of children). Purpose: to learn to correlate objects in size.

C / r game: "Hospital". Purpose: to contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience. Construction games. Purpose: to develop the desire to build buildings according to one's own design.

Consultation: "Healthy food for preschoolers"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Be healthy"

Target: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through exercise, play.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through the development of physical qualities and skills.

Teach children to move according to the energetic nature of the music.

Teach children to respond to the calm, gentle nature of music and sing along.

Distinguish between high and low sounds.

To develop speed, dexterity, activity of children in games.


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "At the flower bed." Purpose: to introduce the names of several colors: marigolds, asters, etc. To consolidate the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Kayum, Bulat, Irina. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: "Wave, wreath." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to walk one after another. P / n: "At the bear in the forest." Purpose: to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: "We woke up."

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Y/n: "Find somewhere else." With Timur, Bulat. Purpose: to teach to navigate in space.

Situational conversation "What is possible, what is not." Mindfulness game: "Let's hide the doll Masha"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of spatial prepositions: for, in front of, about, on, under. V. Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home."

Construction games.

S / r game: Steamboat.

Sensory game: "Floor mosaic". Purpose: development of tactile sensations.

Speech development

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Minem Oem project. Topic: "Games in the office".

Vocabulary work: Isanmesez, sau bulygyz, keregez, utyrygyz.

A / s: “Let's get acquainted (Aidagez tanyshiyk)”

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “What grows where”? Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the plant world, about where what grows. P / n: "Run to what I call." Purpose: to learn to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find the right place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday 8 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Topic: "Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!" Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Conversation: "Why do we need rules." Purpose: to talk about the norms of communication, obedience to general rules. Finger gymnastics: "Nails" (E. Zheleznova). Did. Games: "Think and Say"

Situational conversation:

S/r game: "Guests"

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with the names of tableware items, to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Consultation: "How to answer children's questions?"

Speech development

The development of speech. Topic: "Description of the toy." Purpose: to teach to describe an object, to name the location of the object; to encourage the use of antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns.

"Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.52.

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem өem.” Topic: "We play games."

Vocabulary work: isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz . Structure: F/S: “Hello”.

Games with toys. And / s: "Goodbye."

Physical development

physical education

"Talk to me mom"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "Colors of Autumn" Purpose: To introduce the names of several colors - phloxes, marigolds. Reinforce the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Nastya E., Arina, Kayum. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: "Wave a wreath." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to walk one after another. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Gymnastics awaken-

niya. Walking along the massage paths.

Purpose: prevention of flat feet.

Game: "Name the item according to the description." Purpose: to develop the ability of children to guess the subject according to the description of signs

With Polina, Ralina

Y/n: "Which one?"

Purpose: to fix the primary colors.

Game: Order.

Learn to put toys away. With Carolina.

Construction"Paper Frog" Purpose: to learn to bend a sheet of paper in half, to combine sides and corners; learn to follow instructions. "Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.53

S/r game: "Hospital"

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with the work of a doctor, teach them to perform game actions.

Independent games of children in the play areas.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Cat observation. Purpose: to consolidate the presentation in children of the characteristic features of a cat. “Soft paws, and in the paws - tsap-scratches.” P / n: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: “On a difficult path.” Purpose: to develop the coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday 14 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greeting, polite relationships with peers.

Conversation with children: "How to play together." Purpose: fostering positive relationships. Finger gymnastics “Points” Purpose: development of speech, fine motor skills of hands. D / s: “Edible - inedible”.

D / and game: "Big and small"

Purpose: To form the ability to navigate in contrasting things. With Nastya, Kayum.

Conversation with children: "I am good." Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Drawing: "Favorite Vegetable" Purpose: to learn to describe vegetables, to work with paints, to consolidate the ability to cleanly wash the brush before using paint of a different color.

D / game: "Find the contour." Purpose: Development of figurative thinking. S/r game: "Family". Purpose: to bring understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Purpose: development of constructive abilities.

Consultation: "Why you need to develop fine motor skills"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical "Journey through the city of Naberezhnye Chelny"

Purpose: To introduce children to the hometown in which we live . Teach children to move rhythmically to music. Deepen your knowledge of the pitch of sound. Getting to know your hometown through listening.

An exercise"March" Lomova. Musical didactic game:"Bird and chicks"

Hearing: "Hymn of Chelny" Singing: “Autumn” Kishko / “Közge yafraklar” t.x.k (tat. gr.)

"Rain". Dance"Dance in couples".

WMC Topic:“Minem gailam” - “My family” Vocabulary work: Ati, Ani. Listen! Sing! Ati-Ati, Ani-Ani. 1st theme. 5 track.


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Watching birds while feeding. Purpose: to instill a desire to take care of birds; to form knowledge about the habits of birds; develop a love for nature. Make a guess: “A little boy, in a gray Armenian coat, walks around the yard, collects crumbs.”2. Individual work “On a difficult path” with Salavat, Emir, Carolina. Purpose: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, dexterity. 3. Labor: collecting flower seeds. Purpose: to explain the significance of their work.

4. Games: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to learn to jump off gently, bending the legs at the knees. “P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.


"A child's toy"

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: "We woke up."

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: "Wolf and goats." Goal: fostering sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, to distinguish them by sound.

P / and “Where did the mouse hide?” with Irina, Carolina. Purpose: to develop the ability to find objects in space (above, below)

Situational conversation:

"Drink milk, children, you will be healthy." Purpose: formation of ideas about healthy food (dairy products).

C / r game: "Katya is having lunch"

Goal: we continue to teach children the names of tableware items, to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Game: Put the toys away.

Purpose: we teach to put toys in their places

Speech development

Tatar language Theme: “My family”.

Vocabulary work:

isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz


Audio: #1-5.

Listening to the song: “Ati, ani”.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Acquaintance with the footpath - sidewalk. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; educate attention and skills of orientation in space. P / s: “Running-chase” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of comrades.“P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

Independent activity: games with remote material.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday 15 September 2016 medium group №11

The theme is "Autumn is coming". Flower garden project

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

Finger gymnastics: “Hedgehogs are laughing” (K. Chukovsky) In the corner of nature: we water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves.

Purpose: we teach how to water flowers, instill a desire to take care of indoor plants.

D / and: "Turning a square into a circle." With Azalea, Sofia, Kayum. Goal: Learn to round corners, use scissors.

Situational conversation: "Don't be greedy." Purpose: to form an idea of ​​generosity and greed. To educate in children a negative attitude towards greed, the desire to share even the smallest. Reading Hungarian. folk tales "Two greedy little bears".

In the game corner "Barbershop" Purpose: the formation of the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

Consultation: "The ABC of the Rights of the Child"

Speech development

The development of speech. Topic: "Description of fruits." Purpose: to learn to compare and describe fruits, solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns. "Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.67.

Tatar language. Topic: "Boy, girl (Malay, kyz)".

Dictionary work: Malay, kyz.

Structure: Y/n: “Guess”.

Audio: Nos. 6-7.

D / n: “Who is not? (Who yuk?)”

Physical development

physical education. Theme: "We get used to." Purpose: to exercise in running in pairs in different directions, to teach children to independently perform motor tasks. Introductory part: walking in pairs, with different positions of the hands; easy running in pairs. Outdoor switchgear in pairs with ribbons. ATS: walking on the bench. Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs. P / s: "Find yourself a mate", a game of low mobility "I'm a thrush." UMK: uina, zur, kechkenә, ochty.

Parent meeting:

"Age characteristics of middle-aged children"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the sun. Purpose: to develop the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside; maintain a happy mood. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the circle” movements with Kolya, Gena. Purpose: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: harvesting in the garden. Purpose: to continue to cultivate the desire to participate in labor.

4. Games: "Catch up with me." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: "Wolf and goats." Goal: fostering sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, to distinguish them by sound.

Y/n: "Which one?"

Purpose: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Dasha, Ustin.

Construction"Fences and Fences"

Target. Exercise children in closing space by arranging planar figures; in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle); to consolidate ideas about the main building details and details of the designer (cube, brick, bar); to teach to understand an adult, to think, to find their own solutions. (L.V. Kutsakova)

C / r game: "Shop". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / and: "Lotto: vegetables-fruits." Purpose: development of thinking.

Washing toys. Target:

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Looking at an autumn tree. Purpose: to form knowledge about the main parts of the tree, their height and thickness. P / and: “Birds in nests.” Purpose: to learn to act quickly on the signal of the educator. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday 19 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Finger game: "Dad, mom, I want to eat!" Purpose: development of speed of reaction.

Morning gymnastics.

Examining illustrations about autumn - to learn to see changes in nature (leaves turn yellow, it became cold outside).

Did. game "What color?". With Eva, Azalea, Nastya B. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

FTsKM: " Family ”Purpose: to teach how to correctly identify family members in a photo, talk about them; develop thinking, cultivate respect for relatives.

In the game corner "Hairdressing" place game accessories: comb, ribbon, rubber bands. Purpose: to teach children to act with objects for their intended purpose.

Recommend visiting the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science http :// mon . Tatarstan . en / in the section "Preschool education" for the use of material, teaching children the two state languages.


"The art of praising a child"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Walk in the area":

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​​​what you saw on a walk.

(Music, socialization)

To teach children to distinguish the nature of music, to convey it in motion.

To consolidate knowledge about the march, lullaby, dance.

Correctly convey the melody, sing slowly.

We fix the tricks of the game on the bell.

Coordinate dance movements with your couple. An exercise"Walk"

Hearing:"March" "Lullaby", "Dance" / "March" N.Җiһanov, "Bishek җyry" N.Җiһanov, "Biyu koe" (

Singing: “Autumn” Kishko (2nd song at the request of the children) / “Közge yafraklar” t.h.k.

Playing musical instruments"Rain"

Dance"Dance in pairs" lit. n. m.

and LINRK game "Jump-jump"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Supervision of freight transport. Purpose: to teach to distinguish freight transport in appearance. Make a guess: “Does not fly, does not buzz - the beetle runs along the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the eyes of the beetle. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the circle” movements with Ralina, Sofia, Amir. Purpose: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: collecting stones. Purpose: to continue to cultivate the desire to participate in labor. 4. Games: "Wave, wreath." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to walk one after another. P / n: "At the bear in the forest." Purpose: to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics:

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: "Wolf and goats." Goal: fostering sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, to distinguish them by sound.

Board game: What has changed. With Bogdan, Ustin. Purpose: development of visual perception.

Tale on the table:

remember the fairy tale "Teremok" with children. Fairy tale conversation. Purpose: to promote the development of memory, to encourage people to speak about the performance they like, to teach expressive intonation, to give an example of elementary puppetry.

C / r game: "Hospital". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. Provide children with coloring pages. Purpose: to learn to color accurately, without going beyond the outline of the picture.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation of the state of the weather. Purpose: to teach to determine the time of the year according to characteristic features. P / s: “Find your house.” Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday 21 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

The theme is "Family Traditions". Project "I am a man". Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Morning and finger exercises “Finger, finger, where have you been?” Purpose: development of speech, fine motor skills of hands. P / game: "Cap". Purpose: To form the ability to follow the elementary rules of the game Did. / Game: “Name who is in your family”

Game: Order.

Learn to put toys away. With Karolina, Nastya B. Purpose: education of responsibility, responsiveness.

Conversation: "How I help mom, dad." Purpose: to encourage care and love for family and friends,

cultivate a good attitude towards them,

learn to name the members of your family correctly, talk about them.

Drawing:"My family". Purpose: to teach to draw the characteristic features of appearance; pay attention to the ratio of objects in size. "Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.71.

C / r game: "Holidays in the family." Purpose: to teach children to maintain family traditions. Lotto: "Associations". Purpose: development of thinking, memory. Construction games. Purpose: development of constructive abilities. C / r. Games "Holidays in the family"


"Sensory development of children with speech disorders"


"Child and book"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical: "Toy House"

Purpose: To bring joy from gaming activities ("We build a house") and communication with toys.

Learn to play noise musical instruments in an ensemble

Learn to distinguish different parts of music and move in accordance with them.

An exercise"Toys"

Hearing:“We are building a house.” V. Kraseva

Singing:"Autumn" Kishko / "Kozge yafraklar" (tat. gr.)

chant"Bunny" Karaseva

finger game"Merry Dwarf" or (at the discretion of the music director)

Playing musical instruments"Plyasovaya" r. n. p. / "B iyu koe" t.h.k

Dance"Dance in pairs" lit. n. m.

WMC Topic:“Malay, kyz” - “Boy, girl”

vocabulary work:Malay, kyz. Listen! Sing! 2nd theme.7 track.


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of leaf fall. Purpose: to teach to identify the signs of autumn; develop observation; to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, take care of nature. Make a guess: “The wind tore off the branch and scattered it around the world. They spin and spin and creep to the ground ”(leaves). 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the circle” movements with Polina, Timur, Nastya B. Purpose: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target

4. Games: "Mice in the pantry." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Gymnastics of awakening, walking along massage paths.

Purpose: development of motor activity.

Reading fiction: C. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood". Purpose: to teach the ability to listen to works, to cultivate interest in the content.

Individual work in notebooks: with Kayum, Nikita, Irina. Purpose: education of perseverance, diligence.

Tatar: Theme: “My family”.

Vocabulary work:

ati, ani, malay, kyz,

isanmesez, with au bulygyz.


Audio: No. 7.

Interactive board game (or D/i): “Hello, mother... (Isanme, ani...)”

Production of attributes for the role-playing game "Shop". Playing. Purpose: to teach to take care of the attributes during the game. Construction games with different constructor. Washing toys.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Wind observation. Purpose: to continue watching the wind; learn to determine the direction of the wind. P / n: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday 22 September 2016 cf. gr.

The theme is "Family Traditions". Project "I am a man". Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Morning gymnastics. Finger gymnastics: "Elephant" by E. Savelyeva. Purpose: To teach children to perform movements in the text.

D / game: “Name affectionately your mother (dad, grandmother, etc.), with Kolya, Gena, Nikita. Goal: fostering love for family members.

Conversation with children about medical professions, explain the significance of their work. Goal: fostering respect for the work of adults.

D / game: "I know all professions." Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of children. S/r game: "Family". Purpose: to bring understanding of the role in the game. Board games: "Puzzles", "Mosaic"

Speech development

The development of speech. Topic: "Description of the family." Purpose: to teach how to describe a family, talk about helping parents. Selection of definitions. "Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.74

Tatar language: Theme: "My family". Vocabulary work: Әti, әni, malay, kyz, isanme, who? who yuk? D/and: "Guess!".

D / and: “Who is not? (Who yuk?)”

Physical development

physical education. Theme: "In the autumn garden in September." Purpose: to teach to observe certain intervals while driving; exercise in jumping on two legs in place with moving forward. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another, easy running. outdoor switchgear with leaves. ATS: jumping on two legs moving forward. Throwing the ball up. P / and "Birds and rain". A game of low mobility: "We are autumn leaves." UMC: By whom? Sin by whom? Dumb, min.


"Health is the head of everything"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the work of the driver. Purpose: to acquaint with the work of the driver; educate a positive attitude towards the work of adults.2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dima, Bulat, Azalea. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms.

4. Games: "Bus". Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, walk one after another, run around the playground in different directions. P / n: "Running-chasing" Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: "We woke up."

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: Ch. Perrot "Little Red Riding Hood". Purpose: to consolidate the dialogues between the characters of the fairy tale.

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, to distinguish them by sound. Repeat with the children songs for the autumn matinee.

Consideration of plot pictures with Timur F. Purpose: activation of speech.

Construction: " Houses, sheds"

Target. Exercise children in fencing small spaces with bricks and plates installed vertically and horizontally; in the ability to make overlaps; in the assimilation of spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right); in distinguishing and naming colors. Develop independence in finding ways to design; promote gaming communication. (L.V. Kutsakova)

C / r game: "Shop". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / s: "My apartment." Purpose: development of figurative thinking.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Plant observation. Purpose: to acquaint with the structure of the tree; educate respect for nature. Think: “What kind of girl? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman sews anything herself, but in needles all year round. (Spruce) P/n: “Sparrows and a cat”. Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday 26 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

morning exercises

FTsKM: "Educator's best friend." "The work of an assistant educator"

Purpose: the formation of a positive attitude towards the profession of an educator, other professions of preschool workers, kindergarten, as the closest society.

C / r game: "Daughters - mothers." Purpose: to teach interactions in stories with two characters. Lotto: "Clothes". Purpose: to fix the name, purpose of clothing items. Construction games. Purpose: development of constructive abilities.

Consultation: "Children's stubbornness"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical "My favorite kindergarten"

Purpose: To arouse interest in kindergarten and desire to attend it.

Cultivate a sense of love for kindergarten, friends.

Listen and understand the content of the song.

independently start and end the movement with the beginning and end of the music.

Develop emotional responsiveness to the song and sing according to character.

Learn the movement of the Tatar dance. An exercise: "March" by Lomova, "Walk" by Rauchverger

Hearing: "Kindergarten" A. Filippenko / "Balalar bakchasynda" (

Singing“Bunny” by Karaseva, “Autumn” (at the discretion of the music director) / “Ak Kuyan” by M. Bikbov, “Yangyr”

NRK "Apipa" .R.Enikeeva.


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation in the garden. Purpose: to form generalized ideas about vegetables; clarify the idea of ​​​​the variety of vegetables. 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Carolina, Gena, Emir. Walking on a log, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms.

4. Games: "Hares and the wolf." Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “Who will collect sooner” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: .

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: "What do crafts smell like?" Purpose: to develop in children that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books.

With Irina, Ralina

Y/n: "Which one?"

Purpose: to learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Situational conversation: "How to behave during a conversation." Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

C / r game: "In kindergarten." Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / n: "Associations". Purpose: development of figurative thinking.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Insect observation. Purpose: to clarify ideas about how insects adapt to the cold period; to cultivate curiosity, attentiveness, love for nature, the desire to protect it. P / n: “Bees”. Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to act on a verbal signal. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday 28 September 2016 medium group №11

Theme "Educator's Day" Project "Professions" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greeting, polite relationships with peers. Purpose: to form the skills of cultural communication with each other. Observation and care of indoor plants. Purpose: to encourage children to independently perform elementary tasks.

morning exercises

D/N: "What's wrong?" With Timur, Bulat. Purpose: development of attention, activation of the dictionary.

Situational conversation: "So that the teeth do not hurt." Purpose: to introduce the rules of dental care; give information about the toothbrush as a personal hygiene item. Bring up

desire to take care of your teeth.

Drawing:“My dear teacher” Purpose: to teach to draw the characteristic features of appearance; pay attention to the ratio of objects in size.

C / r game: "Ride on the bus." Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / s: "My apartment." Purpose: development of figurative thinking.

Consultation: "Education of correct posture"

Artistic and aesthetic development

"Our friendly family"

Target: Cultivate love for family

Cultivate love and respect for your family.

Learn to walk calmly, without waving your hands, a walk. An exercise"Walk" Rauchverger

Hearing"Smile" V. Shainsky

Singing: "Autumn Song" / “Yangyr” by M.Bikbov

Musical didactic game"Well, guess"

finger game"Our family"

The game "Zhmurka" Flotov

WMC Topic: "Aidagez, tanyshiyk »

Vocabulary work:

min (Olya, Sasha),

sau bulygyz, isanmesez. Sin by whom?(Listen! Sing! 4th theme. 9.10 track)


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the work of adults. Purpose: to expand the understanding of the relationship between nature and man, to develop cognitive interests, to cultivate sustained attention, observation, respect for the work of people, the desire to help them. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the circle” movements with Timur, Sofia, Amir. Purpose: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Purpose: to teach how to use brooms.

4. Games: "Traps". Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.


"The urge to break the toy"

Speech development

Tatar language. Theme: "Let's get acquainted."

Vocabulary work:


D / n: “ Who are you? (Sin who?)”

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along the massage paths.

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: The Three Little Pigs. Goal: fostering sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

D / and game: "Only boys, only girls." Purpose: education of attention, ingenuity.

D / n: “The bear is wrong”

Purpose: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Ralina, Bogdan.

Invitation of children to the "autumn garden". Game-improvisation "Leaves in the garden." Imitation with children of birds chirping. Purpose: to teach to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; encourage sound imitation.

C / r game: "Shop". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D / s: "My apartment." Purpose: development of figurative thinking. Washing toys. Purpose: to develop a value attitude towards one's own work.

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Watching people's clothes. Objectives: to expand the understanding of the objects and phenomena of nature, the relationship between nature and man; cultivate sustained attention. P / n: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday 29 September 2016 cf. gr. No. 11

Theme "Educator's Day" Project "Professions» Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

cognitive development.

Finger gymnastics "Who lives here?" Purpose: development of speech, fine motor skills of hands. Reading the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox". Purpose: To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, empathize with the characters. P / game: "Cap". To form the ability to follow the elementary rules of the game

In notebooks with Nikita, Bulat. Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to paint over without going beyond the contours of the lines.

Conversation on the topic: “We are helpers of adults” Purpose: to encourage children to help adults, the development of labor prerequisites.

D / game: "The fourth extra." Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of children. C / r game: "Hospital". Purpose: to bring understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Purpose: development of constructive abilities.


"The urge to break the toy"

Speech development

The development of speech. Topic: "Description of professions" Purpose: to teach to talk about the profession according to the plan. Develop thinking, attention. "Complex classes" ed. N.E.Veraksy p.122.

Tatar language. Theme: "Let's get acquainted."

Vocabulary work: min (Olya, Sasha), sau bulygyz, isanmesez, blue whom?

Structure: D / n: “Who are you? (Sin who?)

Physical development

Physical culture."Autumn flowers". Purpose: to correct the emotional behavior of children with the help of colors; to form the plasticity of movements against the emotional background of the perception of the beauty of the word. Vv.h. walking in a column one after another, easy running. ORU under the music. accompaniment. ATS: walking on a gymnastic bench, sit down in the middle of the bench. P / and "Collect flowers", "Chanterelle and chickens" (tat. game). Finger game "Our delicate flowers" UMK: matur, al.


“The age of obstinacy; How to teach a child to respond correctly to the word "no"


cognitive development.

Socio-communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of a variety of birds. (Magpie) Purpose: to clarify and expand the understanding of the diversity of birds; to form knowledge about the general signs of birds; learn to see features in their structure and behavior. Think: “Flies, sings, two wings, beak, paws, feathers. Who is it? (Bird) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Timur, Salavat, Ralina, Eva. Exercise: "Jump over the groove" Purpose: to learn to coordinate the actions of hands and feet.3. Labor: cleaning flower beds, cleaning from dried plants, foliage. Purpose: to teach children to do what they can.

4. Games: "Bus". Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space, walk one after another, run around the playground in different directions. P / n: “We are funny guys” Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with remote material.

Socio-communicative development.

Speech development.

cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Gymnastics of awakening, walking along massage paths.

Purpose: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Fox and the Hare." Goal: fostering sympathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.

D / and game: "What does it sound like?".

Purpose: we continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, to distinguish them by sound.

D / n: “The bear is wrong”

Purpose: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with

Timur F., Irina.

Design. Theme: "Terema"

Target: Develop children's design skills; exercise in the construction of solid buildings with ceilings, constructing superstructures on floors, decorating roofs with various details; exercise in distinguishing and naming the basic geometric shapes, in shading. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find common ground and highlight differences.

S/r game: "Guests". Purpose: to develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. "Syila", "Akbay kүchtәnәche" (game situations)

Evening walk

cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: "The clouds are floating without stopping." Purpose: to introduce the concepts of clouds and clouds; consider the features of the clouds in the autumn sky. P / n: "Sparrows and a cat." Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, and to find your place. P / n: "Get in the circle." Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

Middle group, I week

MONDAY 03.09.18

Conversations with children .Topic: "What is furniture for?" The teacher's story about furniture, list the types of furniture.

goal: To teach children to correctly name pieces of furniture, look at pictures and distribute furniture, furniture classification: kitchen, hallway, living room, bedroom.

Theme: Watching the sun

Purpose: to continue to introduce the natural phenomenon of the sun

Hood. the word "Where are you the sun?"

Work in the corner of nature: Wipe the dust on the shelves, water the flowers, loosen the earth in pots.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills: "Domino", "Lacing", "Puzzles"

Purpose: To teach children to be attentive, assiduous, to lay out the figures correctly.

Articulation exercises "Fence"

Finger gymnastics " Autumn"

BREAKFAST. KGN consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly., etc.

1. Development of speech.

Topic: Conversation with children on the topic “Should I learn to speak?”. V.V. Gerbov str.27

Purpose: To help children understand what and why they will do in the speech development classes.


Conversations about human health and its preservation. Topic: "How to save your health?"

Equipment: pictures, illustrations from books.

Purpose: To teach children to dress neatly and warmly, take their time when going down the stairs, do not run so as not to fall.

Nature observation. Theme: Observation of flowers: aster, marigolds, carnations.

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between flower garden plants.

Labor activity : Invite the children, together with the teacher, to collect paper on the territory of their site.

Purpose: To teach children not to litter, to be neat, to respect the work of adults.

(jumps) Jumps on two legs to the object (dice, skittle)

Role-playing games


Strengthen the ability to eat with a fork the second course and side dish


Rise. Gymnastics after sleep. Complex №1


2. Musical and rhythmic activity (according to the plan of the musical director Skornyakova S.A.). 15.40

mobile game (name, main type of movement): “Catch up with the ball”, the main type is running.

Riddles: " Pets"

Source: educator's savings pack

Role-playing game : "Transport"

Attributes: steering wheels, driver's caps, road signs

Individual work (type of activity F.I. of the child, main task) Classes in fine arts, offer colored crayons. Let's draw autumn leaves with Nikita, Zakhar.

TUESDAY 04.09.18

MORNING. Reception of children in the fresh air.

Examining pictures and illustrations on the topic: "1 September is the day of knowledge».

Target:Introduce the children to the day of September 1st. Tell that on this day all children go to school, give an idea of ​​the Day of Knowledge. To cultivate respect for the work of people involved in the upbringing and education of children.

Didactic game for the development of speech. Topic"Find the mistake"

Objectives: to teach clearly to pronounce polysyllabic words loudly,develop auditory attention.

Equipment: animal toys.

Labor assignments putting things in order in their lockers, putting away toys, building materials, equipment.

Articulation exercises "Fence"

Finger gymnastics " Autumn"



1. Artistic and productive activity (drawing).

Topic: "Draw a picture about summer" T.S. Komarova p.23

Purpose: to teach children the available means to reflect the impressions received. To fix the techniques of drawing with a brush, the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse it in water, drain it on a rag. Encourage drawing different subjects in accordance with the content of the drawing.

2. Development of physical activity.

Topic: Lesson No. 1 L.I. Penzulaev str. 19

Purpose: to exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time; learn to maintain a stable balance on a reduced area of ​​​​support; exercise in vigorous repulsion with two legs from the floor (ground) and soft landing when bouncing.

Ophthalmotraining: Complex No. 1


Nature observation. Topicsparrow watching

Objectives: to deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of a sparrow, life manifestations;

to activate the attention and memory of children.

Artistic word M. Gorky. "Sparrow"

Research activities using elements of experiments "Paper, its qualities and properties".

Purpose: to teach to recognize objects made of paper, to determine its qualities (color, smoothness, thickness, absorbency) and properties (crumples, tears, cuts, burns).

Labor activity Garbage collection on site.

Outdoor games ( large and small mobility, round dance games-name, the main type of movement)

“Where they knocked”, “Find your color”, “Sparrows and a cat”, “On a flat path”

Role-playing games for girls and boys). "Family"


AFTERNOON. CLIMB. Exercise after sleep. Complex №1


Developing problem-game situation according to safety rules.

Topic"About the Underpass and the Striped Zebra" .

Equipmentillustrations depicting people crossing the street in the wrong placeTargetTo expand children's knowledge about the street, road, intersection. Introduce the concept: "pedestrian", "ground (underground) crossing".

The game( speech + movement"Leaves"

Riddles: about autumn.

Didactic exercises on the formation of sensory standards (shape, color, etc.)

The game "Wonderful bag"

Target:Encourage children to identify what it is

by characteristic external features, that is, by shape.

It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Individual work (type of activity, full name of the child, main task)Attitude towards work. D / game "Help feed the doll" - learn to name dishes, food. Julia, Ilyusha

WEDNESDAY 05.09.18

Morning. Reception of children outdoors.

wildlife observation (animals, plants, humans).Seasonal changes: WHAT AUTUMN GIVES US.

Targetto consolidate children's knowledge of the plant world, to clarify what grows where.

Art wordCONVERSATION: Hello autumn!

Didactic game for the formation of mathematical abilities.

Topic "Find an item."

Target : learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material . Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).

Observation of temporary objects in a corner of nature for a caregiverindoor plants.

Purpose: To form a concept« houseplants» highlighting the main features:grow at home, in pots, people take care of them. These flowers cannot live outside. Give an idea about one of the appointmentsindoor plants: they are beautiful and embellishroom.

Articulation exercises "Fence"

Finger gymnastics " Autumn"



1. The child and the world around.

Topic: "Tell me about your favorite subjects" O.V. Dybina p.18

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; to form the ability to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.

2. The development of motor activity. (according to the plan of the physical instructor Kravchenko I.V.).

Didactic games and exercises to get to know the environment. "Who needs what?"

Purpose: to use children's knowledge of the objects around them.


Nature observation. Subject Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Purpose: to form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night is longer); to teach to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, to recognize them in poems; develop a love for nature.

Artistic word riddles about autumn.

Labor activity Garbage collection on site.

Purpose: to cultivate the desire to work.

Outdoor games: high and low mobility, round dance games (name, basic

different type of movement). "Find your color", "Sparrows and a cat", "On a flat path"

exercises for the formation of motor skills (throwing) "Who will throw further?".

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, the ability to give strength to the throw.

Role-playing games (for boys and girls) " A family"



Rise. Gymnastics after sleep. Complex №1


2. Musical and rhythmic activity 15.40

Entertainment "Loaf", "Cinderella"

Source: rollup folder

Drawing. "Blooming garden".

Purpose: to teach children to depict flowers by sticking and spraying. Develop a sense of composition; Cultivate artistic taste.

Individual work (type of activity, FI of the child, main task) Development of movements. Sophia, Seryozha. - rolling hoops to each other. "What color?" with Daria, Artem. consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Parse the situation"Let's share toys" - develop friendly feelings. Valeria.

THURSDAY 06.09.18.

MORNING. Reception of children in the fresh air.

Repetition of familiar verses and nursery rhymes "Our goat..."; "Bunny Coward...": "Don! Don! Don!”, “Geese, you are geese...”; "Legs, legs, where have you been."

Conversations on social and moral topics. Topic"My Good Deeds"

Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one's opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children), cultural communication skills with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To instill in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-respect and respect for others, the ability and desire to help adults and peers.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills Sharpen pencils (sharpener) and erase drawn with an eraser.

Equipment: pencils, sharpeners, eraser.

Articulation exercises "Fence"

Finger gymnastics " Autumn"

BREAKFAST.KGN To consolidate the skills to eat a second course and a side dish with a fork, eat a cutlet, a casserole, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance; take pies, bread from a common plate, without touching other pieces with your hands; chew food with a closed mouth; use tissue paper as needed.

Reading: S. Kaputikyan “Who will finish drinking sooner”, “Masha is having lunch”


1. Development of elementary mathematical concepts.

Topic: Lesson No. 1 I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina page 12

Purpose: to improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words: equally, so much - how much. To consolidate the ability to compare two objects in size, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words: big, small, more, less. Exercise in determining spatial directions from oneself and naming them with words: forward, behind, left, right, above, below.

2. Musical and rhythmic activity (according to the plan of the musical director Skornyakova S.A.). 10.30.


nature observation . Theme "Trees in kindergarten."

goal: to learn to recognize trees by their leaves.

artistic word storage folder

Labor activity : to teach to act at the request of adults; use a rag to wipe the dust on the bookshelf.

Outdoor games

Exercises for the formation of motor skills ("ball school")

"Roll the ball along the track and catch up",

Role-playing games (for boys and girls)" A family"



CLIMB. Exercise after sleep Complex №1


Didactic games and exercises to familiarize yourself with the environment
"Multicolored hoops"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to choose an object by color

Offer materials for independent visual activity colorful crayons

Individual work

to consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; to form the ability to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material: Daniil, Egor.

FRIDAY 07.09.18.

MORNING. Reception of children in the fresh air.

Reviewing albums and pictures on the topic: " Autumn mood"

purpose: to observe changes in nature

artistic riddle word

Didactic game for the development of speech theme : " Who lives where"

equipment clip art - illustration.

Purpose: to form the skills of verbal communication.

round dance game "Brook".

Job assignments in a corner of nature collect dry leaves, twigs.

Articulation exercises "Fence"

Finger gymnastics " Autumn"



1. The development of motor activity. (according to the plan of the physical instructor Kravchenko I.V.).

2. Artistic and productive activity (application).

Topic: "Beautiful flags" T.S. Komarova p.25

Purpose: to teach children to work with scissors: hold them correctly, squeeze and unclench the rings, cut the strip along the narrow side into equal segments - flags. To fix the techniques of accurate gluing, the ability to alternate images by color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color. Cause a positive emotional response to the created images.


nature observation . Theme: "Our flower garden."

Purpose: To examine the seeds of flower garden plants, collect large seeds, learn to distinguish between ripe and unripe seeds.

artistic wordAutumn mornings are frosty, yellow leaf fall in the groves, the leaves around the birch lie like a golden carpet.

Labor activity to teach to work together with adults, to understand that everyone's work is part of a joint work

Outdoor games : high and low mobility, round dance games (name, main type of movement) “Where did you knock?”, “Find your color”,

"Sparrows and a cat", "On a flat path".

Exercises for the formation of motor skills (climbing)

"Crawl to the ball"

Role-playing games (for boys and girls) "Family"

DINNER. KGN to consolidate the ability to eat with a fork a second course and a side dish.


CLIMB. Exercise after sleep Complex №1


Examination of the properties and qualities of objects. Topic : Experience "Statesoil depending on temperature.

Purpose: to identify the dependence of the state of the soil on weather conditions.

Reading fiction I. Bunin. "Leaf fall" (excerpt);

Musical - didactic games and exercises "Birds and Chicks"

goal: development of pitch hearing

Building material games: "Polesye"

Household work "How we help our nanny"

Individual work (type of activity, FI of the child, main task)

teach children to work with scissors. To fix the techniques of accurate gluing, the ability to alternate images by color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color. Alena, Dima.