Is gardnerella so dangerous during pregnancy? Gardnerellosis during pregnancy: what is dangerous, consequences, treatment, conception and infertility Treatment of gardnerellosis in pregnant women in the first trimester.

Gardnerellosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it refers to infections transmitted only sexually.

As part of an opportunistic bacterium, gardnerella can be present in small amounts in the general flora of the vagina.

The inflammatory process is caused by the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerella vaginalis).

They are not dangerous for the fetus, but their active reproduction leads to a violation of the vaginal microflora and, as a result, to an increase in the number of other pathogenic microorganisms.

During pregnancy, against the background of an immune decline, the process may appear for the first time or become more active after remission.

Normally, a small amount of gardnerella is present in the microflora of the vagina. But their number is regulated by lactobacilli of the normal vaginal flora. During pregnancy, against the background of hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, such a balance can be disturbed.

The growth of gardnerella is activated, which in turn further inhibits the production of lactobacilli. As a result, the process takes on an avalanche-like character and without special treatment it is already difficult to stop.

How infection occurs

If the expectant mother is promiscuous, infection can occur during pregnancy. The incubation period of the disease is 5-10 days.

Since the load on the body at this time is great, there are no protective forces left to fight the pathogenic bacterium.

Once in a favorable environment, gardnerella actively multiply, the inflammatory process covers the genitals and can threaten the health of the fetus.

But the most common situation is different: a respectable wife and expectant mother could not guess about the infection for a long time, and only after the onset of pregnancy do unpleasant symptoms appear. The disease seemed to come “out of thin air”. This is not true. Gardnerellosis is not transmitted by airborne droplets, it is impossible to get infected by household means.

There is only a sexual way of transmission of the infection, and the man does not always have symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is very important to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Emotional experiences associated with pregnancy and possible changes in life (especially with an unplanned pregnancy) can also be the cause of gardnerella activation. Therefore, emotional comfort is extremely important for the expectant mother.

The effect of gardnerella on the fetus during pregnancy

Gardnerella are not directly dangerous to the fetus, this type of bacteria does not penetrate the placental barrier. But for the health of the baby and the successful course of pregnancy, the accompanying changes that occur in the body can be dangerous, so it is necessary to treat the infection.

  • The inflammatory process can cause.

Itching of the vulva, burning and swelling have an additional stimulating effect on the uterus. , .

  • The activation of pathogenic bacteria in the first weeks of pregnancy can cause a violation of the development of the child, anomalies in the structure of organs.

And the point here is not only gardnerellosis, but, since it disrupts the microflora of the vagina, favorable conditions are created for the development of other pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Slow inflammation of the genital organs.

Women do not always pay due attention to them, however, they cause endometriosis, which can lead to infertility or pregnancy complications, impaired growth and placental function, and fetal hypotrophy.

  • Possible infection of the baby during natural childbirth.

For most babies, this is safe and will go away without a trace, but if other complications are present (a premature baby or a baby who survived), the infection can affect the health of the newborn.


Gardnerellosis is characterized by some signs that are absent in other inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:

  • itching and burning in the genital area.
  • dryness of the vagina.
  • , but regular, grayish and cloudy in appearance, have a sharp "fishy" smell.
  • pain and burning worse with intercourse.


Discomfort in the genital area is a reason to see a doctor, especially if it occurs during pregnancy.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the symptoms described by the woman and is confirmed by the results of the tests: bacterial culture and a vaginal smear by the PCR method.

A smear from the vagina will show the presence (or absence) of the inflammatory process.

If inflammation is present, white blood cells will be found in the smear. An increase in the acid-base balance of the vagina will also be diagnosed.

In addition, an amino test is carried out: a specific odor occurs when a special reagent is added to the sample of vaginal discharge. Normally, a smear may contain from 2% to 5% gardnerella, despite the fact that the proportion of lactobacilli is 95-98%

Bakposev shows which pathogenic flora caused the disease. This is important for determining risks to the fetus and selecting effective therapy. If the content of gardnerella in sowing is higher than 10 4 CFU / ml, they speak of gardnerellosis, if the concentration is lower, the disease is caused by other microorganisms, this requires an appropriate adjustment of treatment.

PCR - diagnostics will reveal infection during remission, and even if the symptoms of the disease have never bothered the patient. But we must remember that the presence of gardnerella in the body does not mean the diagnosis of "gardnerellosis".

The pathological condition is precisely their active growth and violation of the biobalance in the vagina.

Therefore, in the absence of severe symptoms, it is recommended to repeat the diagnosis with a difference of 1 month.

How to treat?

Effective regimens for the treatment of gardnerellosis with the use of antibiotics and antibacterial drugs have been developed. But these medicines are not indicated during pregnancy. Therefore, if the symptoms of the disease worsen after conception, the main treatment is to normalize the microflora of the vagina.

  • Preference is given to local methods: vaginal suppositories and douching (in a hospital setting).
  • A good effect was also noted when taking drugs for intestinal dysbacteriosis (Bifiform, Hilak-forte, Lineks, etc.). As a rule, they have no contraindications during pregnancy.
  • It is prescribed to increase immunity.
  • It is known that the active growth of lactobacilli occurs at night, so a good sleep will also contribute to the speedy recovery from unpleasant symptoms.
  • A diet with the exclusion of spicy and salty foods also helps fight the inflammatory process. Excess salt, excreted in the urine, has an irritating effect on the external genital organs, slowing down the restoration of normal flora.

After giving birth, the woman should be treated with antibiotics.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

Gardnerella are present in the vagina of every fourth woman. Therefore, the main prevention of gardnerellosis is aimed at preventing vaginal dysbacteriosis and subsequent inflammatory processes.

  • If a smear or PCR showed the presence of gardnerella, you can undergo a prophylactic course of antibiotic therapy (1.5-2 months before conception).
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis can be the cause of microbial imbalance on the mucous membranes, including the vagina.

Therefore, a good preventive measure would be to maintain normal digestion (consumption of fermented milk products, taking enzymes and probiotics as needed)

  • Good immunity will be a reliable defense of the body against pathogenic bacteria.

Important, rational diet, walks in the fresh air.

The inflammatory process caused by a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis can cause premature birth, fetal hypoxia and delay in its development. Therefore, preventive measures are important even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. If the symptoms of the disease appeared in a pregnant woman, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

An examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy is important not only because the doctor monitors how the baby develops and the pregnancy proceeds in general. Gynecological examinations during 9 months of pregnancy allow timely diagnosis and control of inflammatory processes in a woman's body, if they occur.

It's no secret that pregnancy is a big stress for the female body. Even if you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time, or were sure that you have an absolutely healthy, very strong body, immunity decreases during pregnancy and hormonal failure still occurs. Namely, these two factors are the main ones for the occurrence of gardnerella during pregnancy.

In most cases (and gardnerella occurs in 20% of pregnant women), this bacterium already lives in the body even before pregnancy, and during conception and hormonal failure, its activity simply intensifies. It is not possible to detect the presence of gardnerella before the accumulation of a large number, even with careful laboratory studies.

The reasons that can contribute to the development of this disease are also:

  • stress;
  • colds;
  • climate change;
  • frequent change of sexual partner;
  • long and frequent use of antibiotics;
  • wearing thick synthetic underwear;
  • malnutrition with a lack of dairy products in the diet;
  • chronic bowel disease.

During pregnancy, all diseases of the female body become aggravated, and even those that were not suspected become apparent. This happens due to immunodeficiency, when the immune system becomes more vulnerable to harmful bacteria. This effect is doubled if the body has a predisposition to a particular disease, one of which is gardnerella in pregnant women. That is why it is so important to take vitamins before conception to strengthen the body and make it more resilient.

Gardnerella during pregnancy: symptoms

The symptoms of this disease during pregnancy are no different from the symptoms of the disease if the woman is not pregnant. First of all, you should pay attention to vaginal discharge . During pregnancy, this is generally the most important indicator that something is wrong inside.

With gardnerella in a pregnant woman, the discharge becomes greenish, yellowish or gray. There may also be a clear discharge if the infection process is in its early stages. These secretions are always copious, uniform in consistency, and may be creamy or foamy.

Also, a woman may feel discomfort in the vagina and pain (itching and burning) in the vulva. Pain may occur in the vagina and perineum.

Labia when infected with gardnerella, they swell and turn red. During intercourse and urination, itching and burning also occur.

But the most indicative symptom, which cannot be confused with any other disease of the genital organs, is characteristic odor vaginal discharge. The discharge takes on the smell of rotten fish.

If you have found at least one of these symptoms, but are not yet registered for pregnancy, then the first thing you should do is consult a doctor for advice.

Gardnerella during pregnancy: diagnosis

During the entire period of pregnancy, subject to a normal course, a woman undergoes thorough examinations by a gynecologist. During such examinations, a smear is taken on the flora, which gives an answer to all questions about the presence or absence of infections. If there is a suspicion of gardnerella in a pregnant woman, then these examinations are carried out more often (more on this later).

When contacting a doctor with suspicion of this disease, the woman is first asked about the presence of symptoms of the disease. On examination, the doctor pays attention to the following: the condition of the external genital organs, the cervix, the mucous membrane and the nature of the discharge.

Even if nothing was found during the examination, then in the laboratory, a smear study will confirm or refute the suspicions of a woman or a doctor.

Gardnerella during pregnancy: is it dangerous?

Any infectious disease during pregnancy immediately causes a woman to panic and fear for the health of the unborn baby. But in the case of gardnerella, there are some nuances that can reassure the expectant mother.

The very infection with gardnerella during the bearing of the baby does not pose a danger to the development and health of the child. The fact is that this bacterium cannot penetrate the placenta, which protects the baby like a shield in the womb. But, even if during childbirth, gardnerella gets on the baby's skin, it will not cause any inflammatory processes, but will pass without a trace.

Another thing is if you start the gardnerella and do not observe its development during pregnancy. Gardnerella is the cause of various inflammatory processes in the vagina. A neglected form can lead to uterine bleeding, early rupture of amniotic fluid, to a disease of the genitourinary system, and postpartum endometritis. Gardnerella can cause miscarriage if not diagnosed and treated.

Therefore, it is very important to recognize it in time and start treating or observing its development if treatment is not possible.

Gardnerella in pregnant women: treatment

After diagnosing this disease, the doctor prescribes to the woman a treatment that is quite gentle compared to what can be done when the woman is not pregnant. It is completely impossible to get rid of gardnerella during pregnancy, as it is “killed” with antibiotics, which are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Therefore, the treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy is reduced exclusively to local procedures. A complete treatment of gardnerella and dysbacteriosis in the vagina is carried out only after childbirth.

The main task of a gynecologist during pregnancy is to monitor the number of bacteria in a woman's body and prevent any inflammatory processes. For the purpose of constant monitoring, if gardnerella is detected, a pregnant woman is examined on a gynecological chair 1-2 times a month.

During these examinations, tests for flora and bacterial culture are taken. If signs of inflammation appear, then local preparations are prescribed by the method of douching, suppositories and the like. If signs of inflammation are found 2-3 weeks before childbirth, then special preparation for childbirth is carried out.

If a disease of the pelvic organs occurs, then vaginal suppositories cannot be used.

Treatment is divided into 2 stages: first, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed that eliminate the pathogenic microflora, and then the sour-milk environment in the vagina is restored.

In most cases, gardnerella in pregnant women disappears immediately after preventive work to cleanse the microflora and douching. This is possible if the disease appeared only during pregnancy and did not move to a more serious stage.

Gardnerella during pregnancy: is prevention possible?

One of the first and main causes of gardnerella in general is a decrease in immunity. The human body is an accumulation of not only beneficial microorganisms, but also harmful ones. The activity of harmful bacteria is activated when the body is not able to fight their influence - a decrease in immunity is observed.

Reduced immunity also reduces the resistance of healthy microflora to the actions of pathogenic elements. The best prevention against any infectious disease is the intake of vitamins, a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition - all that strengthens, rather than depresses the immune system.

Summarize: gardnerella is a pathogenic organism that can live in the microflora of the vagina in women with strong immunity. During pregnancy, its action and concentration is enhanced, as this is a period of reduced immunity and hormonal failure in a woman's body. Gardnerella during pregnancy is not terrible, and does not entail termination of pregnancy, if inflammatory processes in the pregnant woman's body have not begun under its influence. Timely diagnosis and treatment is extremely important.

During pregnancy, every woman should undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist. This is necessary in order to control the development of the baby, as well as timely detect inflammatory processes that occur in the body. Unfortunately, infections that are transmitted through sexual contact are often detected during pregnancy. One of these troubles is gardnerellosis.

Signs of gardnerella

In the body of any woman there is gardnerella, but it does not always manifest itself. If immunity is strong, this microorganism is present in the vagina in small quantities, and lactobacilli prevent its reproduction. Accordingly, with a decrease in their number, gardnerella grows, creating certain inconveniences for a pregnant woman. But, what is most unpleasant, it is quite dangerous for the body. In order not to miss the disease, you need to know its main signs. First of all, it is abundant discharge. It may have a greenish, white or grayish color, a strong smell reminiscent of rotten fish. Very often, gardnerella causes itching, and during intercourse, pain is possible. At the same time, there are no signs of an inflammatory process on the mucosa.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main condition for the development of any pathogenic process in the human body is a decrease in immunity. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy, as the load is quite high. This condition affects the hormonal system, as a result of which the microflora of the vagina is disturbed.

Other reasons for the development of gardnerellosis during pregnancy include the use of antibiotics, douching, and hypothermia. The disease occurs in women who have a pessary installed - to prevent early disclosure of the cervix.

The development of the disease can be facilitated by a cold, malnutrition, lack of dairy products in the diet, frequent change of sexual partner, chronic bowel disease, wearing thick synthetic underwear, and climate change.


Experts say that gardnerellosis that occurs during pregnancy does not harm the child if the necessary measures are taken in time. It does not cause miscarriages, does not cross the placenta, and after delivery, all signs disappear.

However, if the disease is not treated, the consequences can be dire. Gardnerella can cause early discharge of amniotic fluid, resulting in an increased risk of having a baby prematurely. If the disease becomes severe, women may have children with low body weight. An unpleasant consequence of the disease can be endometritis, as well as diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

If a woman has gardnerella, there is no question of terminating the pregnancy. Even if the fetus becomes infected during childbirth, the newborn will not suffer. Despite the fact that this dangerous microorganism is not capable of causing an inflammatory process by itself, there is a risk of disruption of the normal microflora in the intestine and the development of dysbacteriosis.


The diagnosis of "gardnerellosis" is made by the doctor according to complaints, if any, according to visual examination - the vaginal mucosa is pink, there are no signs of inflammation, there is a viscous, grayish and smelling secret. After sowing the smear, gardnerella are determined. Using microscopy, key cells can be identified. An amine test and determination of the Ph discharges are also required. The presence of all these signs indicates gardnerellosis.

This disease is not considered a sexually transmitted or infectious disease, many deny the possibility of its sexual transmission. But its occurrence depends on the number of sexual contacts. Therefore, diagnostics and examination of the partner is mandatory. In addition, it is important to exclude other infections: trichomonas, mycoplasma, gonococci, chlamydia, genital herpes, candida, HIV.

Therapy during pregnancy is carried out in several stages. First of all, this is the use of antimicrobial drugs, the main task of which is to eliminate harmful microflora. Then procedures are carried out, the task of which is to normalize the vaginal environment and restore the level of lactic acid bacteria. Additionally, you should follow a special diet. The use of vaginal suppositories is only possible until the thirteenth week of pregnancy. They do not have a significant effect on the development of the fetus. In the second half, the use of systemic drugs is allowed. Closer to the end of pregnancy, gardnerellosis is treated with local preparations, which include clindamycin. Clion, Trichopolum, Metrogil, Metronidazole are often prescribed. At the same time, probiotics are prescribed - lacto- and bifidobacteria, their metabolites. If the birth is already close, and the signs of inflammation have not been eliminated, the issue of special preparation for childbirth is being decided. Antibiotics are not used to treat this disease during pregnancy. The main task of therapy is not to destroy gardnerella, but to reduce their number and remove the inflammatory process. Fundamental treatment is carried out after childbirth.


In order to protect yourself from this dangerous disease during pregnancy, you should take all the tests on time. A smear on the microflora of the vagina is very informative, with its help you can detect the disease in time and take the necessary measures. It is important to take care of strengthening the immune system. Good rest, sleep, a balanced diet, hardening, small physical activity - all this will improve health and prevent dangerous microorganisms from developing. Remember about vitamin complexes: they contain many useful vitamins and minerals that activate the body's defenses. Compliance with these simple recommendations will protect you from troubles and problems.

“You have gardnerella” - up to 25 percent of all expectant mothers hear this phrase from their gynecologist every year. What is this microorganism, how is it treated and what is fraught with for a pregnant woman?

Gardnerella vaginalis is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that is found in small amounts in the microflora of a healthy woman. With a decrease in immunity, stress and other factors, the number of gardnerella can grow and displace beneficial lactobacilli, which is fraught with the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis, officially referred to as bacterial vaginosis.

Causes of a pathological increase in the number of gardnerella during pregnancy

  1. The most common factor contributing to the growth in the number of gardnerella is a decrease in a woman's immunity. This is due to problems with the intestinal microflora, malnutrition, bad habits, stress, a sharp change in climate, and pregnancy.
  2. Hormonal fluctuations, failures can also contribute to the development of the disease. Therefore, at risk are women with diseases of the endocrine system, using hormonal contraception, and pregnant women in whom hormonal changes are an integral part of bearing.
  3. Transferred gynecological operations. Use of intrauterine contraceptives.
  4. Long-term use of antibiotics.
  5. Active sex life, recent change of sexual partner. Gardnerellosis is not an STI. Men do not suffer from gardnerellosis, but in 10 percent of cases they can be its temporary carriers.
  6. Wearing tight, synthetic underwear, tight-fitting trousers, frequent use of panty liners. All this disrupts the normal circulation of air.
    It is possible to use tampons during critical days, but on condition that they are changed at least every 2 hours.
  7. Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. Frequent douching flushes out beneficial flora. The use of soap reduces the acidity of the vagina. Intimate targets with antiseptics, spermicidal lubricants are also harmful.

Gardnerella in women during pregnancy - symptoms

An increase in the number of gardnerella in the vaginal contents does not always give a clear clinical picture, and sometimes it is completely asymptomatic. But most often the disease is accompanied by such manifestations:

Gardnerella vaginalis during pregnancy - diagnosis

  1. Microscopic method with Nugent scoring.
  2. Microscopic method in accordance with the Hay-Ison scale.
  3. Amsel criteria.

The PCR method for the diagnosis of gardnerellosis is not used.

Gardnerella during pregnancy

  • The detection of gardnerella in the analyzes is not yet a cause for panic. It is worth worrying only when the number of detected bacteria significantly exceeds the norm.
  • Gardnerella itself is dangerous during pregnancy only indirectly. Bacteria of this species are not able to overcome the placental barrier. But gardnerella displaces beneficial lactobacilli. But it is precisely as a result of the vital activity of the latter that lactic acid is formed, which maintains an acidic environment in the vagina and inhibits the development and growth of the number of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Often, with dysbacteriosis, ureaplasma is activated - a bacterial infection that affects from 40 to 80 percent of the fair sex who are sexually active. The normal microflora of the vagina is a physiological protective barrier against ureaplasma, so women can be carriers of the bacteria for years and not be aware of it. The combination of ureaplasma and gardnerella during pregnancy is quite dangerous. The ureaplasma activated during gardnerellosis can provoke pregnancy fading, miscarriages at any time, polyhydramnios, placental insufficiency of the fetus, and postpartum complications in the mother.
  • Another frequent companion of gardnerellosis is candidiasis, commonly referred to as thrush. This disease not only causes discomfort to the pregnant woman, but can also affect the mucous membranes, skin and internal organs of the fetus.

Gardnerella during pregnancy - treatment


Gardnerella Vaginalis is a representative of the conditionally pathogenic flora of the vagina. Approximately a quarter of expectant mothers are faced with gardnerella during pregnancy. The bacterium itself does not have an effect on gestation and the fetus, but against the background of an increase in the number of gardnerella, other microorganisms that are dangerous for pregnancy are often activated.

Gardnerellosis can be asymptomatic, so at the stage of preparation and during pregnancy itself, it is important to be examined by a gynecologist.

Gardnerellosis is the most common sexually transmitted infection in women of childbearing age. This disease develops when the normal balance between good and bad bacteria in the vagina is disturbed. An excessively large increase in the number of gardnerella vaginalis during pregnancy becomes especially noticeable against the background of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli. Although bacterial vaginosis does not pose a great danger to the health of the woman herself, it can cause many unpleasant pregnancy complications or affect the formation of the embryo, so the expectant mother should constantly visit her doctor so that he can detect any changes in the body in time and identify deviations in the health of the pregnant woman .

As a rule, gardnerellosis during pregnancy proceeds in almost the same way as in all other women. Doctors say that this disease is very common in pregnant women. Approximately 16% of women in the position are faced with the disease at different periods of bearing a child. If you pay attention to it in a timely manner and normalize the ratio of lactobacilli and gardnerella, then the child will not even know that his mother has an unpleasant disease with a nasty pungent odor.

If gardnerella is found in a pregnant woman in large quantities, this becomes a reasonable cause for concern. A prerequisite for a sharp increase in bacteria is a violation of the acidity of microflora. This can happen for various reasons. Pregnancy against the background of diabetes mellitus, taking antibiotics for the treatment of other diseases, the use of intimate hygiene products that dry out the skin and kill lactobacilli lead to the development of dysbacteriosis. A special risk group includes women who have gardnerella vaginalis during pregnancy in large numbers due to the fact that they had contacts with several partners without using protective equipment.

Proper nutrition has a great influence on the state of microflora and the development of gardnerellosis in pregnant women. A healthy diet can increase the immunity of a mother who is expecting a baby, and protect a small fetus that has just begun its development from developmental pathologies. Women who consume large amounts of foods high in sugar and fat are more likely to develop gardnerella infections during pregnancy in large quantities. You can reduce your chances of meeting with bacterial vaginosis by discussing your menu with your doctor up until delivery.

Women who cannot stop smoking at least while carrying a baby will also often have gardnerellosis during pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with gardnerellosis?

Having learned about bacterial vaginosis in themselves, girls begin to worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant with gardnerella. These doubts can only be dispelled by a doctor. Since these bacteria do not cause sexually transmitted diseases, there is no doubt about the onset of pregnancy. But there is another side to this problem.

The bearing of a fetus by such a woman is always fraught with risk. First of all, a future mother who does not want to cure her gardnerella before conception puts the health of her unborn baby at risk. He can be born prematurely, and this will subsequently create many problems. Still, according to the laws of nature, the fetus must spend 9 months in the mother's body until all its organs are sufficiently formed to begin an independent life. A premature fetus usually has an underweight, which is also extremely unfavorable for further development. The child will lag behind his peers for a long time, his immunity will not be able to help him protect himself from diseases at first.

When planning a pregnancy, you need to discuss with your doctor the question, is it possible to get pregnant with gardnerellosis until it is cured? Perhaps, nevertheless, you will first have to undergo treatment or re-examination, and then think about the baby.

The influence of gardnerellosis on pregnancy and its consequences

Many women who decide to become pregnant, faced with vaginal dysbacteriosis, rush to the doctor to find out if gardnerella is dangerous during pregnancy and what effect it will have on the development of the fetus. Gynecologists know how gardnerella vaginalis affects pregnancy, so they do not recommend planning to increase the family against the background of the development of genital infections. The effect of gardnerella on pregnancy becomes especially unpredictable when other infections are found next to it, more dangerous ones that will have to be treated, and this will also have a negative impact on the development of the embryo. It is possible that even premature births are mostly associated with untreated dysbacteriosis that occurs in the vagina and is a direct consequence of a large amount of gardnerella during pregnancy.

There is no need to terminate a pregnancy due to the development of gardnerellosis. It is much wiser to start treatment on time, although doctors recommend modern women to diagnose gardnerella vaginalis even when planning pregnancy.

Does gardnerella affect pregnancy in chronic vaginosis? Here the answer is always positive, because with a constant large number of harmful bacteria in the reproductive system, an inflammatory process begins. A large accumulation of microorganisms that caused neglected dysbacteriosis leads to the fact that they gradually rise to the upper parts of the reproductive system. This condition can cause uterine bleeding during pregnancy. In especially severe cases, in the last months of childbearing or even beyond a few weeks before the doctor's due date, the amniotic membranes rupture. A pregnant woman develops chorioamnionitis. This is already a rather serious consequence of the disease, because there will be premature births. If the pregnancy is already more than 7 months old, the baby will be born into the world and will be able to live, but its weight will be small. These babies are more likely to have birth defects. They can have pneumonia, neuralgic problems, and the reason for this is the unwillingness of the mother to find out in time what is dangerous for gardnerella during pregnancy.

Treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy

About a third of women ignore bacterial vaginosis, considering it a disease that can go away on its own when the vaginal microflora normalizes and the number of lactobacilli reaches the required number. This is the opinion of those who do not think about the consequences of such a capricious disease. Timely treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy is especially important in order to bear a healthy baby and give birth on time. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, causing further complications, which were mentioned above.

Gardnerellosis during pregnancy is effectively treatable. Only a gynecologist who observes pregnancy can choose a drug to fight a bacterium. Unauthorized prescription of drugs that are used in the treatment of this disease by other patients can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

It is highly undesirable to prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy for pregnant women, because this group of drugs can have a negative effect on the developing fetus. With an active increase in gardnerella, antibiotic treatment during pregnancy is prescribed in the third trimester of childbearing, when it is necessary to prepare the birth canal for the passage of the child through them and to exclude premature rupture of the placenta. Metronidazole helps to get rid of the increased number of bacteria. For the treatment of gardnerella in pregnant women, it is better to use not pills, but candles. Clion is an alternative drug.

To combat the disease, the doctor may prescribe immunocorrectors and vitamin preparations that allow the body to activate its immune forces and restore the microflora faster.

Preferred in the treatment of gardnerellosis in pregnant women is the use of traditional medicine under the supervision of a physician. Douching for pregnant women is not recommended, as well as baths, so it remains only to use herbal decoctions for washing. You can put tampons soaked in apple cider vinegar diluted with water in an amount of 1:1 for 15-20 minutes or rub the genitals with this solution once a day. A spoonful of diluted vinegar is taken on one swab. During treatment with local preparations, it is necessary to control the number of bacteria in the microflora at least once a month by taking a smear from the vagina.

A woman must begin the full treatment of gardnerellosis after the birth of the baby, after conducting a preliminary study of the vaginal microflora.

How does gardnerella affect conception and infertility?

Many women experience infertility, and gardnerella caused it or chlamydia will only be determined by a doctor after all the tests have been passed. Only one thing is unequivocal that all sexually transmitted infections can affect the state of a woman's reproductive system. It is so destined by nature that before becoming a mother, it is necessary to prepare your body. Persons who often deal with sexually transmitted infections in their youth are concerned about whether gardnerella affects conception if it is not possible to reduce its amount in the composition of the microflora. Let's try to understand the example of those facts that are known in medicine.

The first step that a woman who decides to get pregnant takes is to get rid of all infections that can become an obstacle to conception. Gardnerella vaginalis is not included in the list of especially dangerous microorganisms. The cause of infertility gardnerella also becomes extremely rare, because many women find this infection in themselves only at a time when pregnancy has already begun and the first tests have been passed.

Gardnerellosis can become the cause of infertility only in exceptional cases, when a neglected disease is asymptomatic and becomes chronic, affecting the fallopian tubes. In such situations, it reaches the fallopian tubes along with other more insidious infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma). This journey through the fallopian tubes causes them to become inflamed. In such cases, gardnerella affects conception. It makes it impossible until the entire reproductive system is healed.

If gardnerellosis is not treated, it can lead to narrowing of the fallopian tubes, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. This is an extremely serious condition for any woman, which requires immediate surgical intervention. After an ectopic pregnancy, complete infertility becomes quite common, which began with gardnerella vaginalis.