Statuses about small children. Statuses about children The most beautiful statuses about children

And I dedicate this status to my first love! Sandbox boy, forgive me for the broken spatula, let's start over

At first, girls are interested in dolls, and boys are interested in cars. And then vice versa...

They want children from modest, chaste, pure girls who preserve their natural beauty. They are loved madly, with all their hearts, completely every part of them, as the most valuable thing, they want children from them.

There is nothing Authentic and Real left in the world! ... Except for a child's smile.

Dear, what happens if I get pregnant? - Well, everything is simple, I see two options. - What kind?! - Either a boy or a girl.

And I have such a beautiful boy that I can just sit like this, leaning on a chair, watching him and envying myself!

Boys are better friends than girls.)

I want to meet a guy I'm 12.13 .. yes, you go to teach lessons, children!

Every girl in life must learn to jump over a goat ... Like in physical education)

Masha ate porridge, Pasha ate porridge. All the children ate, but Petya fucked up))

We don't understand why children are so happy.

There is no spectacle more beautiful in the world than a film of how children are made!

Why are your kids so skinny? Do they still need to be fed?

I hope our children will not be as harmful as we are.

Girls, does this happen to you, so you fall in love with a guy, and he bangs and cut his hair?

The most important thing for parents is to understand in time that their children have grown up!

Children are divided into two categories: ill-bred and their own.

And it seems ALREADY such ADULTS ... but STILL such CHILDREN!

Childhood is the friendship between a boy and a girl....

And remember girls, a good frying pan is the basis of your family happiness!

Girls and boys, I wish you to finish school well and meet your love)

Go and tell your mom that you drank a liter of blood from the teacher!

If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends.

- Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - I can drop out of school!


I love making handmade gifts. Which of my children do you prefer a boy or a girl?!

And if twin girls marry twin boys, will they have similar children?

The happiest days are childhood. But they are happy only for the children themselves.

Girls study better than boys, because they have nothing to put on their studies.

Paper boys and girls jump from one plastic house to another.

No child can dishonor their parents the way a parent can dishonor a child.

As a child, I grew up as a weak and frail boy. The guys offended me, pulled my pigtails!

Every child deserves to plunge into the world of drawing, music, fairy tales, fantasy, creativity and beauty.

More boys are born during the day, more girls are born at night.

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.


Statuses about children, girls and boys

Statuses about a child and happiness with meaning

  • "I know what my happiness looks like. I know his weight, height and eye color."
  • "In the presence of a child, we are all much better than usual."
  • "Life seems a little easier and more joyful when you look at the smile of a baby."
  • "The only cry you look forward to is the first cry after the birth of a child."
  • "With the birth of a baby, a woman is transformed. She not only becomes more beautiful, but also shines with an unknown beautiful light."
  • "Childhood is happy because it does not think about happiness."
  • "Every adult, at least sometimes, but dreams of plunging into childhood again. And only after the birth of his baby does he succeed."
  • "There is one gift that you always carry with you in your heart - a child."

Beautiful statuses about children and happiness

  • "Peace, time, order, silence disappeared ... And happiness appeared."
  • "The only first date that always ends in love for the rest of your life is the birth of a child."
  • "Let the only sorrow after the birth of your children be their growing up."
  • "The happiness of parents is directly related to the happiness of their children."
  • "How small the problems become, how insignificant the insults and disappointments of the past, when happiness appears - your child."
  • "When else can a person be happier than when he holds a small copy of himself in his arms?".

Statuses about a child and happiness are love wrapped in a couple of lines.

Funny statuses about the joy of fatherhood

Statuses about a child and happiness are most often understood by all parents. After all, they experience similar situations that fill life with genuine joy and meaning.

  • "It is not for nothing that they say that children are flowers. They also cannot do without a pot in their lives."
  • "Does a child's happiness increase with the number of toys he has?"
  • "Do you want to learn how to plan time? Have a child! That's it, now your time is subject to his schedule."
  • "With the birth of a baby, parents become superheroes: they can walk silently, see in the dark and sleep 3 hours a day."
  • "The truth that not all men are scoundrels, only mothers of sons know."
  • "The mother's logic is amazing. When the children are at home, she wants to rest. And when they leave, she does not find a place for herself and waits for her return."
  • "When a child has a grandmother, he does not care about all the parents."
  • "If you don't want information leaked, don't send your kids to their grandparents for the summer."

Original short statuses about children

  • "A baby's smile is a "thank you" for mom."
  • "A joyful, aching feeling in the chest - this is pride in your child."
  • "The duty of every self-respecting kid is to paint the walls and life of parents in bright colors with felt-tip pens."
  • "The more love you put into a child, the more happiness it illuminates the house."
  • "In a baby - the best features of parents."
  • "In a house where children are happy, even cockroaches run more cheerfully."
  • "The inner purity of the child should not be exposed to the mood of the parents."
  • "You don't have to worry about kids not listening. They're still good at imitating you."
  • "Children have their own vision and thinking. There is no need to replace it with your own."
  • "Only children can teach us to live in the present. After all, they are joyful every day, even though they know neither the past nor the future."

Statuses about family, and happiness, and children are the warmest of all. You can not only leave them on the pages of social networks, but also keep records, diaries and albums that will keep the memory of the happiest days in life.

What can we say about our beloved children? They are the meaning of our life, and that which pleases us, regardless of the situation that surrounds us, they can also easily unite us. People are able to love not only their own, but also other people's children, because they are the happiness that comes from nowhere. Each child, albeit in his own way, is dear and valuable to his parents. After all, even in severity and punishment, we still love our children very much, and this is so appreciated by most children in the future. This love is shown even then. When we look at the photo and beautiful statuses about children we understand that this is our main meaning of this life. In general, it seems that cameras seem to “love” children, and only in children can one see that sincerity and real emotions that are absent in adults who have already learned to lie. And this is what every child appreciates. After all, how nice it is to notice a real sweet smile on a gentle face, to look into sincere eyes that give you several times more tenderness than you do.

We understand childhood well only when we grow up.

Today you breastfeed him and teach him to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a computer.

Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

When this angel sleeps, he sees everything that you have done for him today.

Rejoice in the little things, because a child lives inside you.

Even if you have outgrown your mother, you will always be her child.

The world of children is special: carefree and bright!

All children on the planet laugh in the same language!

The most harmless and strong love is children's. Adults need to learn...

Think before committing a bad deed. You have a child behind you who thinks that you are a hero for him!

A gentle face, every dash, a snub-nosed nose sniffs - Money, a career - it's not important, important - he's sleeping next to him.

The most expensive necklace for a woman is the arms of a hugging child!

Baby smiles for the first time at four weeks of age. By this time, his eyes are focused enough to get a good look at your face.

I believe in love at first sight - after all, I fell in love with my mother from the moment I opened my eyes -

Yesterday he was in diapers, and today he asks for a car and a separate apartment.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price!

Let's believe in miracles from childhood, shall we? Have you found your miracle yet?

Childhood is when we are very happy about a new bike, so in the future we will not even be happy about a cool car.

A newborn baby sucks the juices and energy from the mother's sisi, and having matured - from the father's wallet.

A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled!

Children should be very lenient towards adults.

A child can teach an adult three things: to rejoice without any reason, to always find something to do for yourself, and to insist on your own.

Your child has grown if the question: What to give you? replies: Give money-

Adults are just old children.

Adults do not swear in front of children, and children do not swear in front of adults.

Nowhere do the stars shine so brightly as in the city of our childhood.

A family without children is heaven without angels.

The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us.

In life, we are always faced with one annoying thing - One day the child becomes an adult.

Only children will help adults learn how much patience they have.

A little son asks his father: -Dad! And how much does it cost to get married? - Dad thought about it and answered: - You know, son, I don’t know, because I’m still paying.

Do you think the child grew up bad because he got involved with a bad company? Don't defend yourself!

Who in childhood did not think that monsters live under the bed and that they can grab you?

Children - it's like life started all over again: First steps, first smiles, first successes and first disappointments. Children are our experience, children are us.

No matter how much you raise your children, they still act like parents!!!

Previously, children were scared by Grandmother-Yozhka, and now by turning off the Internet.

Children's imagination is wider than an adult's, because it is free from the realities of life.

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him, he will make the street his home.

Children hug sincerely and tightly, and most importantly - loving and just like that -

Last night at -Goodnight, kids- the puppeteer hit his head on the table-. The kids have never heard such wishes for the night -

Childhood is when age can be shown on the fingers.

If you want the children to listen carefully, talk to someone else in a low voice.

The best feeling in the world is for parents who come home, and the kids hug them from the doorway with all their wonderful little arms and legs.

Childhood is when you think that you are already an adult, and adults think that you are a child. And they are all completely wrong.

Your children will definitely teach you what to do in the house on a regular basis.

When I was little, my parents moved around a lot. But I always found them.

Recently I made a little hint to my son and hung a sign on his door with the inscription - Payback time - 18 years -.

Head down, butt up - this is how babies often sleep. This is amazing!

Statuses about small children - If toys are scattered around the house, the wallpaper is peeled off, you do laundry every day, all small items are above your height ... it means that happiness lives in the house!

What is happiness? It's very simple! It starts with half a meter of growth. These are undershirts, booties and a bib, a brand new described mother's sarafan. Happiness is soft, warm hands, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer that everyone who has children has it!

Happinnes exists! It can't help but eat... and it, this happiness, drinks, pees, poops, sleeps in a crib and naughty at such a speed that typhoons nervously smoke on the sidelines!

Small children at home - it's so wonderful: wherever you sit - a cube in the pope ...

I love the perfect order, but happiness is when you stumble over toys scattered throughout the apartment, look for your mobile phone for a long time, on the "silent" mode and find it in a box with cubes, and to rest - you sit down ... on freshly spread yogurt ...

Gold is not something that glitters, but something that runs around the house, does not eat porridge and makes a mess

On the pillow, quietly, quietly, little happiness sleeps. He clung to the toy, sniffing with his nose. I will forever kiss these tiny hands. Joy! Happiness is not earthly, what else to call you!

We christened the child, he lies in his diapers, and does not hear and does not know that the Lord blesses. You are an innocent angel, you have a strong voice, grow up for everyone's joy, you are the best of all - know that!

You are my little bundle. How long I've been waiting for you ... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, The meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more!

When you say to little children "Show me how much you love me..." - they stand on their toes, hug you with such force that you involuntarily understand - there is nothing in the World stronger than such hugs and sincere love!!!

I’m happy because I sing a lullaby… because my little hands tangle my hair… because the meaning of life falls asleep in my arms… because I kiss my chubby cheek every evening… happy… because mom

happiness slapped on the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My happiness is bare-assed, It is unthinking, Shebutnoy and not meek, Here it breaks, there it crushes, Above the lip - a kefir mustache ... Here it is, running to me !!!

Now you kiss them, and in 18 years you will think about where they wear them.

Hellish patience, iron nerves, prayers in half with curses (to oneself), breathing every other time, the birth and melting of hopes - this is what it means to put a child to sleep.

Only small children can love you sincerely, tenderly, faithfully and trust you in everything, offending them, you betray the dearest thing that can be in your life.

The smile of a baby in the morning replaces a cup of coffee and completely crosses out fatigue from a sleepless night!

My little big happiness smiles and asks for hands ... Here it is the meaning of life!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world - than our crumbs, our children!!!

Happiness is a tiny hand that tightly squeezes your finger, trustingly looks into your eyes and sincerely smiles with its toothless smile!

There is nothing more beautiful than hearing the sweet sniff of your baby!

Sleeping baby in his bed
And snores sweetly
And on a small pillow
His toys are sleeping nearby

Undressing a sleeping baby is like defusing a bomb, one sudden movement - minus 3 hours of sleep.

There is no more solemn anthem on earth than the babble of children's lips

With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly - this is suspicious

Little children in the sandbox don't know each other at all, but they already play like best friends. Too bad we can't do that.

A man screams about himself the loudest when he is in swaddling clothes; then gradually tone down

The day begins with happiness, Happiness rose before anyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, Turning a smile into laughter.

Hug babies under any pretext! … after all, little children still smell of God.

Little children are the joys of parents.
Little kids - cups of winners.
Sandals run around the house,
Fairy gnomes, as if for fun.

Every adult person is just a small child at heart, and every small child is a monkey with an awl in one place.