Make instructions for making paper. DIY paper toys

In our age, when children's toys are not in short supply, and you can buy everything your heart desires in stores, do-it-yourself children's toys made of paper still do not lose value. And even though such products look somewhat primitive, they have undeniable advantages. Firstly, they are fragile and require careful treatment, to which modern kids are simply not accustomed. Secondly, there is not a single child in the whole world who would find the process of creating a paper toy boring and uninteresting. And thirdly, you probably don’t need to tell your parents that working with paper is extremely useful for the development of the crumbs. In addition, do not forget that the creation of toys is a painstaking process, and requires perseverance, attentiveness and accuracy from the little one.

Actually, that's why we offer kids and adults to devote the next free evening to creating a wide variety of paper toys. It can be animals, dolls, plants, equipment: voluminous and flat, large and small, moving and stationary figures. Depending on the idea, you can use different paper and execution techniques. For example, in recent years, the so-called By the way, we did origami in childhood, without even knowing it. Remember paper boats and airplanes - which of us has not mastered the technique of making such figures at one time. However, now this art has acquired a global scale, and the finished works of real masters amaze with beauty and functionality.

Of course, it is still too early for us to claim the title of origami master, so we will begin to improve our skills with simple crafts.

So, do-it-yourself voluminous paper toys for children - to your attention are several master classes on this topic.

How to make paper toys with your own hands?

Example 1

If your child is missing a pet, try offering an alternative. Funny kittens are easy to make, do not require much time and expensive materials. All you need to make them is a sheet of colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

So let's get started:

Example 2

Not every home collection of toys can boast of a wise owl.

We bring to your attention a simple diagram of how to make a do-it-yourself movable owl toy out of paper and cardboard:

  1. Using the blank, we put the contours of the body and wings of the bird on the cardboard, and cut them out.
  2. Then we cover them with brown paper and dry them.
  3. Glue the details of the head.
  4. Now we take a sheet of yellow cardboard, cut out a detail with pupils from it and with a simple pencil outline the contours of the eyelids and the pupils themselves.
  5. We glue the part of the part where the eyelids are located with paper of the same color as around the eyes.
  6. We attach the wings to the body and make two punctures with an awl.
  7. Next, let's take a look at the fasteners.
  8. Our next task is to set the owl in motion. To do this, we make holes in the upper part of the wings and the lower part of the part with pupils, we stretch the threads through them. Now we stretch one more thread only through the holes in the details with pupils.
  9. We attach the part with the pupils to the ears with an elastic band.
  10. Next, adjusting the length and tension of the threads, we tie them together, we tie a ball to the end.
  11. Now it remains to finish the small details with a felt-tip pen, and we can assume that our moving owl is ready.

Example 3

New Year's toys deserve special attention. They help create a festive atmosphere in the family, have fun and usefully spend leisure time. Try, using a blank and a detailed diagram, to make a beautiful voluminous New Year's paper snowflake toy with your own hands for children. Let's get started:

If you liked the process of creating paper toys, you can use ready-made templates that you just need to print and cut out. And then fold and glue the toy from the finished parts.

Application "Cheerful Parsley - a toy-balancer" master class with templates

Gorbunova Elena Valerievna, senior educator of the MDOU d / s No. 5 "Zvezdochka", Furmanov.

Description: the master class is intended for educators, teachers of additional education and just creative people, it can be used in working with children from 5 years and older.
Summer this year is far from every day conducive to long and fun educational walks. It is raining, the sky is gloomy, cool. There are days when, as they say, "you can't stick your nose out" on the street. However, children need interesting developmental activities. I think that making funny paper crafts with which you can play and experiment may well be an interesting pastime.
The purpose of the master class: making a funny toy-balancer out of paper.
- develop constructive and creative abilities
- learn to observe symmetry and proportions in parts
- develop fine motor skills of hands and eye
- develop interest in the process of work and the result obtained
- to form in children the initial scientific and technical knowledge
Materials and tools: cardboard, colored paper, templates, scissors, glue, paper clips.

Today I suggest you make Petrushka, a fun toy.
His funny cap
Famously shifted to the barrel.
He is a funny toy.
This is a merry fellow - Petrushka.
V. Orlov

Some interesting information about Petrushka:
Parsley- one of the characters of Russian folk puppet shows. Depicted in a red shirt, canvas pants and a pointed cap with a tassel; traditionally Petrushka is a glove doll (glove doll).
In the dictionary of V. Dahl it is: the nickname of a farce doll, a Russian jester, a joker, a wit in a red caftan and in a red cap.

Petrushki have been known in Russia since the 17th century. Russian puppeteers used marionettes (puppet theater on strings) and parsleys (glove puppets).
Petrushka's appearance is by no means Russian: he has exaggeratedly large hands and head, facial features, large almond-shaped eyes and a huge aquiline nose.
He inherited Petrushka's appearance from the Italian Pulcinella.
Until the middle of the 19th century in Russia, Petrushka did not yet have its own name. Most often, he was then called "Ivan Ratyutya" or "Ivan Ratatouy."
From various memoirs and diaries of the 1840s, it follows that Petrushka was called Pyotr Ivanovich Uksusov. The famous Russian puppeteer Sergei Obraztsov called Petrushka Petr Petrovich Uksusov or Vanka Ratatuy.

Our Petrushka will be an acrobat-balancer.
There are many ready-made toys-balancers.

But creating a toy with your own hands is much more interesting.
Let's start doing Petrushka.
First you need to cut a symmetrical base from cardboard.
To do this, we need a sheet of teradi in a cage, on which a symmetrical pattern is drawn.

Preschool children, of course, are given a ready-made cardboard blank, and schoolchildren will be able to draw and make this toy on their own.

We attach paper clips to Petrushka’s hands (if the paper clips are metal, heavy, then you can have two for each hand, and if they are light from yellow metal, then it’s better to connect them in a chain of two - four paper clips are obtained for each Petrushka’s hand).

Look, our Parsley is ready and already balancing and does not fall even on the smallest surface. We draw Petrushka's face, while not forgetting that the workpiece must be turned upside down.

I propose to decorate - dress Petrushka (be careful, cut it more evenly, Parsley should remain symmetrical, the result depends on it - if the symmetry disappears, then the toy will balance crookedly).

Put Parsley with a cap on a finger or any thin limited surface - Parsley, swaying, will balance, but will not fall.

I'm not green from the garden at all,
Even though I'm called Petrushka,
I will be for you guys
Doll toy!
In the same way, you can make a balance toy of any shape, the main thing is that the picture is made of cardboard and has a symmetrical shape. It can be butterflies, airplanes, dragonflies and much more that you can think of.

Thank you for your attention!
I wish you all a warm and sunny summer!

Crafts of cats are not inferior in popularity to their living counterparts. You can find almost anything in the shape of a kitten or with its image: pillows, clothes, cups, toys and so on. We bring to your attention several workshops on the topic "How to make (paper origami) a cat." According to them, you can make your own paper kitten.

Necessary tools and materials

To make an origami cat, you will need:

  1. paper that can be folded (regular landscape sheet, colored paper, corrugated carbon paper, special origami paper, and so on);
  2. scissors (needed in order to give the sheet a square shape);
  3. markers, paints, pencils or pens (needed in order to draw a muzzle);
  4. any decor: beads, beads, ribbons and bows, sparkles and so on.

How to make cats out of paper

The instructions are quite simple, and the order of work depends on how you make the cat. This can be done in two ways:

  1. The craft is made from two sheets of paper: a muzzle is formed from one, a body is formed from the other.
  2. The craft is made from one sheet of paper.

Making a cat's face (first option)

Master class "How to make a cat out of paper": we make a muzzle in the first way:

  1. Place a square piece of paper in front of you (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the top right and bottom left corners together. The result is a triangle (Figure 2).
  3. Bend the left corner of the triangle down so that its tip is flush with the bottom, but not in contact with it (as in illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right corner in the same way as the left one (Figure 4).
  5. Bend the middle corner up a little, as in illustration 5.
  6. Flip the shape.
  7. Draw eyes, nose, mouth and antennae (Figure 6). You can also draw eyebrows.

The muzzle of the cat is ready!

The second way to make a muzzle

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (photo-instruction for making a muzzle):

  1. Place a square piece of paper in front of you.
  2. Fold it in half to make a triangle (Illustration 1).
  3. We unfold the sheet. The fold line should be in front of you horizontally.
  4. We bend the upper corner to the middle of the sheet (Figure 2).
  5. Fold the sheet in half again, as in illustration 3.
  6. We conditionally divide the resulting figure, as in Figure 4.
  7. Fold the left and right corners to the center along the lines from the sixth paragraph (Figure 5).
  8. Bend up the left and right sides, as in illustration 6. That is, the fold line should not be straight, but at an angle and be in the center of the length.
  9. You have ears.
  10. Bend the top corner of the shape down, as in illustration 7.
  11. Flip the shape over.
  12. Bend the bottom corner up a little (Figure 8).
  13. Bend down the tip of the folded corner from the previous paragraph, as in illustration 9.
  14. Draw eyes, antennae, nose and mouth. Or stick them out of paper.

The muzzle is ready!

body of a cat

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (instructions for creating a torso):

  1. We take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half to make a triangle (Figure 1).
  2. Unfold a piece of paper.
  3. Fold the right and left sides to the fold line, as in illustration 2.
  4. Fold the resulting figure vertically in half (Figure 3).
  5. Lay the resulting figure horizontally in front of you.
  6. Bend the sharp corner down, as in illustration 4.
  7. Wrap the corner again (illustration 5).
  8. Open the corner (Figure 6).
  9. Hold the main part of the figure with your left hand, and straighten the corner with your right hand.
  10. Fold the straightened corner along the extreme fold line, as in illustration 7.
  11. Wrap the corner up in the same way as in illustration 8. You have a cat's tail.
  12. Fold the tail in half vertically (Figure 9). To do this, flip the left side to the right.

The body for the cat is ready!

Now connect the body and muzzle together. If you use the muzzle from the first option, then you need to glue it, and if from the second, then just stick it on the body.

A whole cat from one sheet of paper

Master class on how to make an origami cat out of paper:

  1. Take a rectangular sheet of paper with an aspect ratio of 1 to 3 and lay it horizontally.
  2. Fold the paper in half (Illustration 1).
  3. Reduce each of the sides by bending them in half as well, as in illustration 2.
  4. Unfold the last folds and turn the sheet upside down.
  5. Wrap the bottom left corner up (Figure 3). You've got a kind of pointer.
  6. Fold back the corner of the pointer (illustration 3).
  7. Go through all the folds.
  8. Open the paper completely.
  9. Fold the sheet of paper as shown in illustration 4.
  10. The left and right vertices are the ears of the future cat (Figure 5).
  11. Now do everything as in illustration 6. In it, a green triangle is used to indicate the lines along which you want to make a chin.
  12. Squeeze the bottom of your chin. Fold the top of your head as shown in Figure 7. If you do everything right, then at this stage your muzzle will already form and your ears will curl up a little.
  13. Fold the rest of the sheet in half (Figure 8). As a result, you will get a ponytail.
  14. On both sides of the previous fold, make two more diagonal ones. Fold the paper as shown in illustration 9 . You will get paws.
  15. Raise the body perpendicular to the tail.
  16. Bend the sides of the tail in the same way as in illustration 10.
  17. Twist the tail with a pencil or scissors (just be careful).

Tamara Nikolaevna Lazarchuk

Hello again dear colleagues. I continue to introduce you to my master classes on making paper toys. After all paper- the most accessible and popular material for children's creativity. In the process making paper crafts children develop artistic abilities, creative imagination, imagination, thinking. Today I invite you to look master class on making a cat. The toy is easy to make and preschool children can easily cope with such work.

Target: make a cat using paper modeling technique.


Strengthen the ability to work with paper, scissors;

Development of fine motor skills, constructive skills and abilities, creativity and imagination;

To form a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help;

Cultivate perseverance, accuracy, respect for work.

Step-by-step instruction.

Attach a saucer to a leaf paper. Circle with a pencil and cut out two circles. Draw another circle inside one.

In a clean circle, make two V-shaped cuts for the ears. Under them draw a muzzle.

The second circle must be folded in half and cut. Fold each half in half again. Then we draw the paws and tail, as shown in the photo.

Bend the ears and glue the head cats.

We cut out a rectangle measuring 21 by 14 cm. Then roll it into a cylinder and glue it.

We attach the head, tail and paws to the body. Glue the tail on the back so that it can be seen from the front. That's all the cat is ready.

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Good afternoon, dear guests of my page. I suggest you look at another one of my masters - a class for making paper toys. This toy.

April 1 - April Fool's Day. Despite the fact that this holiday is not on the calendars, it is actively celebrated in various countries of the world. On this day.

We made such wonderful swans together with the kids, having at hand only paper, gouache scissors and glue. Swans can also be white.

Dear colleagues! I want to congratulate you on the past holidays and present to your attention a master class on manufacturing.

Master class on papermaking. Volumetric paper toy "Water lily - pin"

Master class for elementary school teachers and for further use in the classroom

Target: Direct development by students of working methods for performing technological operations, the formation of skills and abilities to work with tools.

Material: colored paper, simple pencil, ruler, compasses, scissors, piece of foam rubber

Step by step description:

1. Mark on the wrong side of the yellow paper two circles with a radius of 7 cm

2. Cut out circles

3. Add each circle three times - it will be divided into 8 parts

4. Expand the circle and cut it along the folds. Leave the middle

5. Glue each part into a petal bag.

6-7. On the wrong side of the velvet paper, mark a circle with a radius of 9 cm with a compass.

8. Draw a notch on the circle - you get a sheet. Cut out the sheet.

9. On a green sheet, glue the lower whisk with one drop of glue.

10-11. We glue the upper corolla - its petals should lie between the petals of the lower one.

12. Cut a piece of foam rubber so that we get a core and paint it.

13. Glue the core.

14. Assembly completed.