Preservation of the feminine energy of the Veda. Vedic knowledge for women

The weaknesses of women are actually not a whim at all, but precisely what gives a woman true strength and inexplicable magnetism.

According to Vedam, which arose about 5 thousand years ago, the energy of a woman is the basis of the World. Because it is the creative female "I" that gives the man the forces that direct him to exploits and accomplishments.

Everyone has periods of energy decline.

Veda offer amazing ways to increase the Power of a Woman.

So, the list of things that give us strength!

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs to be touched. Our body needs to move, knead. Otherwise, the energy stagnates. Presses on the body from the inside. And it causes illness.

2. A visit to the hairdresser - a beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for a woman and for a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hairstyles.

3. Manicure - beautiful hands want to kiss! That's what men say. This item was tested by myself and several of my friends. After a manicure with red lacquer, the attention of husbands, loved ones and just men has increased!

4. Communication with other women - the mutual exchange of energy greatly strengthens women. A man needs silence to realize himself. A woman understands her feelings better in communication with her friends.

5. Long conversations and conversations - on the same phone - are not a waste of time. This is the burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will surely splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.

6. Walking - a woman just needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the guardians of the hearth, the connection with nature is very important!

7. Music - listen to music every day. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to turn on music, for example, over a cup of tea.

8. Refuse difficult topics for reflection and negotiations - yes, it is useful for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of the "girl" gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.

9. Bath with rose petals, oils - this is not pampering, but a necessity! Having given such a small amount to your body, to yourself, you will be surprised at your own radiance and excellent mood.

10. Meditation - like any relaxing practice, raises the level of female power. Meditate at least once a day before bed. Meditation in nature is very helpful.

11. Take singing lessons - singing clears the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear, reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words "she is like a song."

12. Shopping - Shopping is not just a way to look for new things. Learn to shop even if you don't have money. Try on things. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - the female energy is so strong that sometimes it is enough to see, touch a thing so that it soon migrates to your wardrobe. And the money for it is, as it were, out of nowhere.

13. Visiting a psychologist - but always a woman. A wise, experienced woman can help you see things differently. And understand her. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother, great-grandmother.

14. Dancing - in any form - is a great thing to enhance female power and sexuality. Arabic dances, Latin are especially good.

16. Regular gatherings with girlfriends - getting out together in a public place, you create a strong background of female Power. And exchange with each other the missing qualities.

17. Caring for flowers - a small garden at home and digging in the garden - this is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering, growth - it's all a reflection of feminine energy.

18. Talking to married friends is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of the family in the Vedas is considered the most beneficial and valuable. Therefore, do not rush to abandon the party, where there will be only married couples. After such a meeting, you will accumulate energy that will more likely attract a man to you than after visiting a nightclub where there are many single women.

19. Help - to help someone or ask for help. All this strengthens the woman. Learn to let go of the “I am myself” principle. Because this is a typical principle for a man.

20. Visiting a bookstore is amazing, but walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. Knowledge woman. And books are a source of knowledge.

21. Ask for help from a man - any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Do an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise 100%!

22. Reading - read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying fate, you understand yourself better.

23. Sharing household responsibilities with someone - thinking that without you everything will “grow with mold” is a way to reduce your feminine energy. Feel free to trust some things to loved ones. Give yourself the free time!

24. Cooking - everything related to cooking significantly raises the level of female energy. A hostess who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. You know how - improve your skills. Master the cuisine of some country.

25. A house is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energy connection with the house. That is why we are so annoyed by a creaky door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings. Feminine energy flows through such holes. But just in such trifles, sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why?

A man thinks big: “When all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we’ll make a new one. Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it's easier to hire someone to fix minor bugs. Just be sure to tell your husband that you did it, realizing that he is very busy. And not because his hands are growing out of the wrong place. Male self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26. Planning - any incompleteness and doubts destroy a woman. A clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan for the little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you do tomorrow evening?

27. Gala dinner - or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and gourmet dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our beloved. Bring those magical moments to life. Please yourself and loved ones.

28. Teaching, raising children - by communicating with children, a woman can raise her energy level. For this reason, sometimes you should not refuse to play with children. And it is even better to teach children what you can: drawing, singing, dancing.

30. Have a picnic in nature - always in the company of friends. Here several things come together that raise the level of female energy: bonding, being in nature, cooking.

31. Makeup - and personal care - is not a way to please a man, but to please yourself.

Therefore, while at home, it is important to do hair, wear clothes and look good.

32. Giving yourself flowers is one of the easiest ways to boost your energy levels. Flowers not only decorate a woman, but also instantly remove the negative, taking it on themselves. Therefore, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into the pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wearing skirts, dresses - such clothes restore the connection with the energy of the family through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates. In the event that you want to really charm a man. In addition, it has been found that the constant wearing of trousers negatively affects the female organs.

34. Club of young mothers - if you have a small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is represented by the Moon. And lunar energy is female energy.

35. Caring for children - do not refuse to help a married friend play with a child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to consider your man as a child.

36. Feed the needy - mercy is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there is a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant trifle. Buy fruit for a lonely neighbor. Do not refuse a cup of tea to a guest who has run to you.

37. Communication - it is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We draw energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you transmit is not gossip and other negativity.

38. Romantic movie - arrange with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do it in the company of other women.

39. Learning a new culture - contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows a woman not to become isolated in the inner world. Feminine energy tends to expand. No need to narrow it artificially.

40. Water sources - rest on the river, lake, by the sea - this is a great way to raise your energy level. Water is the basis of a woman's sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to circumstances, or vice versa stormy.

In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were taught to swim and communicate with the water element. (More about all the joint secrets of Woman and Water in the issue "Favorite: Energy of Water")

41. Physical activity - if you feel a breakdown, start learning a new sport. It can be not only a new kind of fitness, but also just a morning run. Dancing is very helpful! A great way to recover if you're exhausted after breaking up with your partner.

42. Outfits – A nice dress is one way to boost your energy levels. By the way, in order to dress up, you don’t have to go somewhere. Wear nice clothes at home.

43. Dismantle the rubble - old things, garbage and trash weaken the energy of a woman. If a difficult period has come in life, it's time to sort out the rubble.

44. Healthy lifestyle - needless to say, bad habits have a negative impact on female energy and beauty. Not only smoking can be a bad habit, but also the habit of staying up late, slandering or being lazy.

45. Poetry - reading poetry helps to reveal the romantic side of your "I". Feel free to write your own poetry. The energy splashed out on paper will save you from worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

46. ​​Feeding birds, animals is a very easy way to raise your energy level. Build a bird feeder under a window. Get the canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47. Visit a museum or an exhibition - everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

48. Communication with the Teacher - go to a lecture by your favorite author, attend a training. Books provide knowledge. This is undeniable. But when we meet the Teacher, we are recharged with energy from a person.

49. Keep a diary - daily write down your thoughts, desires, goals. You can paste pictures into the diary or draw yourself. Your feelings matter! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man. Which in itself is not very good. In addition, writing down thoughts contributes to their analysis.

50. Make an album of your beautiful photos - paste your best photos into it. And don't be afraid to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide on your desires - formulate desires for yourself, what you really want, especially in a relationship. Focus on "I want" and forget about "I can". I can is the prerogative of the Man.

The man says: I can win her, I can take her as a wife (or I can't). When a woman begins to think a lot in the “I can” style, she becomes a “man”. Compare: I want to look good. I want to please him. I want to get married. And - I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.

52. Affectionate speech - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Scolding, obscene words reduce female energy to nothing.

53. Obedience - arguments, competitions and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be gentle and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of a man is very debilitating for a woman. And a man does not want a woman who is so proactive towards him. Her behavior reminds him of a man.

54. Selectivity in sexual relations - if a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Have sex only with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to postpone the first sex after meeting. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Do not lose it ahead of time in sex.

55. Cleanliness - keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Get home early. Do not accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity will bring Strength.

56. FEEDING YOURSELF WITH LOVE is one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. Worse than that, she will begin to vampire energy from him. Hence - the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. It must be FULL of love.

57. Arts and crafts - knitting, embroidery, modeling ... - everything that you can do with your own hands raises the level of your feminine energy.

58. Compliment - yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If it's hard for you to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can give difficulties in relations with the mother, mother-in-law, daughter.

59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, to people, to your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain, and even your sadness. Because she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Composing bouquets - working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge of renewal and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition - use foods that have undergone less processing and are closer to nature. Remember what strength an apple you picked in the garden gives? And some hamburger. Feelings are very different.

62. Caress - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And to know. Caress your body. Even if you do not have a man, do not deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will idolize them.

63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left all alone. Don't get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself. This is the period of menstruation.

64. Soft toy - do not scold yourself for the fact that you still sleep in an embrace with a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.

65. Learn to work with the energy of the Moon - stand outside in the moonlight, charge the water with moon rays. And then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help in women's ailments. To do this, you need to imagine in meditation how you bathe in the moonlight. You and the moon are one
(More about interaction with the Moon is described in the second lesson of the Course of the Goddess)

66. Send someone a postcard - for any reason. Having shown a sign of attention to someone, you will be filled yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. Giving - is filled.

67. Charity is pure expression of female energy. If you can help someone in some way, do it.

68. Aromas - You should always radiate an aura of pleasant aroma. The woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and choosing a fragrance enhances feminine energy.

69. Dignity - be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming! You are sexy! You are a woman!

What is the female strength and energy, where to get it? How powerful is female energy and strength in the material and spiritual worlds? Why are modern women very weak and unhappy? These and many other questions in this amazing article "Women's strength and energy"

What is the female strength and energy, where to get it?

There are two sources of female strength and energy. For women:

  1. in the first place - cleanliness,
  2. on the second - austerities.

Purity and asceticism are attributes of the higher yugas, Satya- Yugas (singular yuga) are four cyclically repeating periods through which the Universe passes in its development. The yuga is the smallest unit of measure for the lifetime of the universe.

These are Satya Yuga (duration 1,728,000 years), Treta Yuga (1,296,000 years), Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years), Kali Yuga (432,000 years).

A complete cycle of four yugas is called the divya yuga, or chaturvy yuga, or maha yuga, which lasts 4,320,000 years.

"> yugi and Dvapara-yuga, and this is really a great power. There is a wonderful

Parable about female strength and energy

One modern Englishman, having arrived in India, drew attention to the fact that women there are very different from European ones. He noticed that the Hindus cover their bodies - their heads, hands and even their faces. And he asked a brahmin why? In reply Brahman: 1) Vedic sage;
2) Absolute Truth in the form of the impersonal hypostasis of God

"> brahmin offered two sweets: one was in a wrapper, and the other was not.

And he said: choose. And the Englishman took the one in the wrapper.
- Why did you take this one? the brahmin asked him.
- Well, why? She's cleaner!

The power and strength of female energy

and Radha

Initially, the feminine energy is very, very powerful. In fact, in all three worlds, in the spiritual and material, everything is controlled by female energy. There are 25 qualities. And the final quality, which is the most important, is that she keeps Krishna under control. This is the female energy.

In this material world, everything is controlled by the female energy - Durga devi. Goddess Kali is one of the incarnations of Devi, or Durga, the wife of Shiva; the personification of the formidable aspect of His divine energy - Shakti.

Goddess Kali dance on Lord Shiva

Once, having won the battle with the great demon Mahish and celebrating the victory on this occasion, Kali started dancing. It was an incredibly energetic dance that betrayed Her sincere joy from victory. Gradually, Her movements became more and more impetuous, and everything around her shook more and more. The world was threatened with destruction... The gods began to beg Lord Shiva to stop the frantic dance of the goddess, but even he failed to calm her down.

Now ordinary women are very weak they have no spiritual power. Why? Because they have the power to destroy. It destroys men, society and women themselves, because they do not have, and they behave inappropriately.

When does a woman lose strength? When she behaves freely. She speaks freely, raises her voice, laughs loudly, opens some parts of her body. And through these open parts of the body, through the mouth, through the eyes with which she looks with might and main, where she wants, this force leaves.

How is feminine strength and energy lost?

It transforms from constructive to destructive. And what to do? You need to start changing things gradually. In fact, everything that happens outside is a reflection of our consciousness, a reflection of our desires, our meditations, views and paradigms. If we do not want something, it will never happen, but if we want it, it will arrange so that our body will be covered, and at the same time we will look very fashionable and attractive. These are all simple technical things.

Women's strength and energy comes out through the head.
Many women don't cover their heads
and the energy comes out through the head and hair.

only recently we began to forget this tradition

At lectures, I sometimes conduct an experiment: I ask all the mataji present to cover their heads and sit like that for half a minute. Changes in the atmosphere are felt by many - and Prabhu is a respectful address in the Vedic culture for males. Analogues in other cultures: master, pan, sir, mister, etc. The letter “x” in the word “prabhu” is read very easily and imperceptibly, as a result, the word sounds almost like “prabhu”.

, and the mataji themselves, i.e. immediately the guna rises.

How can female strength and energy destroy men?

If women's bodies are not covered, how do they destroy men? Men look at the exposed parts of the body, and they have samskaras left. It's the same with your husbands. And then they start looking at other women, because these open bodies are samskaras. Women themselves do not understand what they are doing. If some brahmana sees their open bodies and gets offended, then Vaishnava aparadha immediately falls on them. Then the Vaisnava-aparadha goes over to the husband and destroys him.

In India, those who know about it even cover their faces. said that his mother never went outside, she was carried in a palanquin, where the curtains were always closed. Women in Vedic times were like precious stones, diamonds and they were protected.

A story about the power of female energy and strength

There is such a story. Once upon a time, a Muslim ruler could not defeat a single king. And then the vizier advised: if you can’t win in a fair fight, then you need to do it with the help of cunning, through a woman. The Muslim ruler had a very beautiful ring with a huge diamond, which cost fabulous money. This ring was sent as a gift to the queen. She accepted it, and this was her first mistake: by accepting this gift, she became defiled.

“... We are not stupid people who exchange love like small coins. For us there is nothing more sacred than her. Are you suggesting that I let go of something that will never be again? How is it ... - to betray those who are more faithful to you than all. Svetlana Zhdanova

Unfortunately, we don't talk about these things. Maybe they think that the time has not yet come. But I talked to the senior mataji, and they said that it would be right if the mataji themselves spoke about this. Because many matajis can misunderstand, perceive in such a way that sannyasis discredit us. Mataji Devaki talks about these things in lectures - she held a women's seminar in Kharkov, and after that the atmosphere there changed very noticeably for the better. It was felt that the yatra became stronger, more peaceful, there was more goodness, there was less rivalry and quarrels. Those. this energy began to go in the right direction. And the mataji themselves, who behave correctly, no longer lose energy, but become its owners. They can manage it themselves.

The shastras say that when a woman gives a blessing, it is very powerful, because. she directs her feminine energy and strength into him.

Mataji, being at home, create an aura, a home, they protect a husband who works. And if this energy is preserved, then the woman directs it where it is needed - to Guru is a spiritual teacher.

">Guru and on his mission, on her husband, on her children. The husband is enthusiastic, healthy and obedient.

That is why Srila Prabhupada says that a GOOD WIFE IS LIKE A FORTRESS. And this is the correct use of female power, when it becomes not destructive, but creative.

Each of us has periods of energy decline, when there is no strength for ourselves, what can we say about others. At such moments, we make noise at loved ones, find fault, act up and do everything that is described in various books and magazines under headings such as: "Ten things that destroy relationships" or "What annoys men in women."

This is because we are very inattentive to our energy. But a woman is a vessel of energy, when she is full of it, she endows those around her. Where to get the strength if they run out? And better - what to do so that the forces do not end?

So, here are twenty ways that increase female power.

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body needs touch. It's great if there is a loved one nearby who will hug you, stroke your head ... But even if he is not there, be sure to go for a massage. Otherwise, negative energy stagnates, which can even lead to illness.

2. Hairstyle. Hair stores energy. But they accumulate negative energy too. That is why women often intuitively start a new life with a new hairstyle. Regular hair care is essential for a woman.

3. Fragrances. Aroma lamps, incense, perfume, envelop yourself in an aura of pleasant aroma.

4. Water. In ancient times, it was believed that any element is able to fill a woman with energy. But water has always occupied a special place among the sources of strength of “our brother”, because water removes negative energy, renews, and purifies. If you feel tired, go for a walk by the pond, go on vacation to the sea. And be sure to take baths as often as possible.

5. Diaries. A woman has thousands of thoughts in her head and they need to be put somewhere. By expressing our emotions on paper, we are freed from them, we understand ourselves better.

6. Care. Don't feed us bread, let us humanize the monster. Because we need to care. Do good deeds, do charity work. This gives the woman a sense of being wanted and needed.

7. Meditation. A woman simply needs to stop in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and simply cleanse herself of a variety of thoughts and energies.

8. Praise. No, it's not just about being praised. It is very important that you learn to praise others. Especially women. Learn to compliment. By the way, the inability to praise speaks of blocks in communication. Often with other women of the family family.

9. Nature. Firstly, a woman just needs to spend an hour a day on the street. Ideally, if it is a park, square or forest. The energy of the Earth, pardon the metaphor, is as necessary to us as air. Trips out of town, picnics in nature fill us with energy.

10. Dresses, accessories. If a woman looks bad, then she wants the world to pay attention to her suffering. That is what the Vedas say. A woman should decorate herself, take care of herself, look beautiful. Particular attention is paid to beautiful dresses and accessories.

11. Ask for help.“I myself” is a disease of modern women that destroys their energy. Learn to ask for help. If this doesn't seem very convenient, start small: ask to hold the door for you or help carry a heavy bag. And you will see an amazing response.

12. Needlework. Well, it was not for nothing that in the old days women sewed shirts for their heroes and believed that this would save them in battle. Things made with your own hands really become a kind of amulet. In addition, when a woman is engaged in needlework, it slows her thoughts down and gives her inspiration.

13. Conversations with girlfriends. According to the Vedas, in order not to accumulate negative energy, a woman needs to say 22 thousand words a day. A man's head will burst from such a flow of information. And other women will easily listen and add more. This is called energy exchange.

14. Sleep. Very often we neglect it because of other things. Set aside! Sleep is our beauty, good mood and energy. So pay attention to him first.

15. Creation is one of the main sources. Vocals, acting, drawing, poetry - all this allows you to throw out the accumulated feelings.

16. Dancing. Also, in theory, they belong to creativity and yet occupy a special place in the list. They prolong youth, make us more feminine, develop plasticity.

17. Cleaning. It would seem, what is the source. On the contrary, all the forces will suck. And here it is not. Analysis of the rubble cleanses the woman.

18. Flowers. They take away all women's sorrows. When a woman is given flowers, they immediately take away all the negativity. If you don't get it, buy it yourself. The worse the mood, the more beautiful the bouquet should be. House plants also show the level of female energy. Caring for flowers is a manifestation of care, service to something. Therefore, flowers help us to develop female energy in ourselves.

19. Candles. In the old days, they went around the house with a candle, highlighting the dark corners. They believed that it drives out evil spirits from the house. In general, the energy of fire - cleans and adds passion.

20. Self care. Last on the list, but not least. Holte, cherish, celebrate yourself! Eat right, eat delicious and healthy food, take care of yourself. The old adage “a healthy mind in a healthy body” was not in vain.

Yes, Gurdjieff did say that a woman cannot reach except through a man – and he is right. He is right because the feminine energy is different from the masculine energy.

It's like if someone says that only a woman can give birth to a child. A man cannot give birth to a child – he can only give birth to a child through a woman. The physical structure of a woman contains a womb, the physical structure of a man is devoid of a womb – he can only have a child through a woman. And the same thing happens in reverse in spiritual birth: a woman can only achieve enlightenment through a man. Their spiritual energy is as different as their physical part. Why? Why is it so?

And remember, it's not a question of equality or inequality - it's a question of difference. Women are not inferior to men because they cannot reach directly, a man is not inferior to women because he cannot directly give birth to a child. They are different. It's not a question of equality or inequality, it's not a question of evaluation. They are just different, that's a fact.

Why is it difficult for a woman to achieve enlightenment directly? And why is it possible for a man to achieve enlightenment directly?

There are two paths, only two, in fact only two, that lead to enlightenment. One is meditation and the other is love. They can be called Gyana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga - the path of wisdom and the path of devotion. There are only two main routes.

Love needs another; Meditation can be done alone. A man can reach through meditation -- so he can reach directly. He may be alone. Deep down he is alone. Loneliness naturally comes to a man. It is difficult for a woman to be alone, very difficult, almost impossible. Her whole being impels her to love, and love needs another. How can you love if there is no other? You can meditate if there is no other - it is not a problem.

The woman, the feminine energy reaches the meditative state through love, and the masculine energy reaches love through meditation. Buddha becomes a great loving force - but through meditation.

When the Buddha returned to his palace, his wife was very angry, naturally, because he had not shown himself for twelve years. One night he just disappeared without even saying anything to her. When she slept, he just ran away like a coward.

Buddha's wife, Yasodhara, would let him go. She was a brave woman. If the Buddha had asked, she would have let him go, there was no problem, but the Buddha had not asked. He was afraid that something would go wrong, she might start crying and sobbing or something. But the fear was not because of her—the fear was deep within him. He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to leave Yasodhara weeping and weeping. Fear is always for yourself. It would have been very cruel, and it couldn't have been so cruel - it was better to run away while his wife slept. So he escaped and twelve years later he returned.

Yasodhara asked many questions. Specifically, she asked, "Tell me, what did you achieve there, could you achieve it here by living with me? Now that you have achieved, you can tell me."

It is said that the Buddha remained silent. But I will answer: Buddha could not have attained, because a passionately in love man... and he loved Yasodhara very much. It was a very intimate relationship. If there was no loving relationship with Yasodhara, if she were just a Hindu wife, without love, then Buddha could have attained even while living with her. Then there really is no problem. The other is on the periphery, you are not connected. If you are not connected, there is no other – he is only physically present, on the border.

But Buddha was passionately in love. And it is difficult for a man to achieve meditation when he is in love – that is the problem. It is very difficult, because if he is in love, whenever he sits in silence, the other will arise in the mind, his whole being will start revolving around the other. It was fear - so Buddha ran away.

Nobody talked about it before, but Buddha ran away from this house, from his wife, from the child, because he really loved. And if you love someone, when you are busy you can forget him, but when you are not busy the other is immediately remembered. And then there is no entrance for the divine.

If you are busy working in a shop, or... Buddha was on the throne and looked after the affairs of the kingdom, then everything was fine - he could forget Yasodhara. But when he was not busy, there was Yasodhara - Yasodhara filled the passage and the divine could not enter.

Man cannot reach the divine through love. His whole energy is completely different from the feminine energy. First he has to achieve meditation - then love will happen to him. Then there is no problem. First he must reach the divine, then the beloved will also become divine.

After twelve years, the Buddha returned. Now there is no problem – now there is God in Yasodhara. Before there was too much Yasodhara and it was difficult to find God. Now God is completely there, there is no room left for Yasodhara.

The exact opposite happens to women. She cannot meditate because her whole being demands something else. She can't be alone. When she is alone, she is unhappy. And if you say that being alone is bliss, being alone is ecstasy, a woman cannot understand it. And this emphasis on being alone exists all over the world because of so many seekers - men - Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus, Mohammed. They all walked alone, and they only reached alone. They created the milieu.

But a woman, when she is alone, feels suffering. If there is a lover, even in her mind, she is happy. If someone loves, if someone is loved - if love exists around a woman, it feeds her. This is nutrition, this is subtle food. When a woman feels that there is no love, she simply starves, suffocates, her whole being shrinks. So, a woman cannot think that loneliness can be blissful.

This feminine energy has created a path of love and devotion. Even a divine lover will do - no need to look for a physical lover. Krishna will suit Mira, that is not a problem - because there is another for Mira. He may not be here. Krishna can only be a myth, but for Mira he exists, the other exists - and Mira is happy. She can dance, she can sing, and she is satisfied.

Only a thought, only an idea, only a feeling that the other exists and is love - and the woman feels satisfaction. She is happy and alive. Only with such love will she come to the point where the lover and the beloved become one. Then meditation happens:

For the feminine energy, meditation happens only in the deepest love union. Then she can be alone – then it is not Mira or Radha or Teresa – they have all reached through the beloved – Krishna, Jesus.

I feel that when a male seeker comes to me, he is interested in meditation, and when a female seeker comes to me, she is interested in love. She might be interested in meditation if I say love will happen through it. But her deep passion is love. Love is God for a woman.

This difference has to be understood, deeply understood, because everything depends on it – and Gurdjieff is right. The feminine energy will love, and through love, a meditative state, samadhi, will blossom. Satori will come, but deeply rooted will be love, and satori will be a flower. For male energy, satori will be in the roots, samadhi will be in the roots, meditation will be in the roots - and then love will blossom. But love will blossom.

And when female seekers come to me, the following always happens: they will feel more love, but then the physical partner will satisfy them less, because the physical partner can only satisfy the periphery, he cannot satisfy the center.

So in ancient countries like India we never destroyed love - we allowed arranged marriages. Because if love is allowed, sooner or later the physical partner will stop satisfying, and then frustration will arise.

Now the whole West is in turmoil. Now there can be no satisfaction at all. Despite the fact that love is allowed, an ordinary man cannot satisfy it. He can satisfy sex, he can satisfy the superficial, but he cannot satisfy the deep, the depth. Once the depth works, once you are disturbed by the deep, only God can satisfy, no one else.

So, when female seekers come to me, their depth is shaken. They begin to feel a new awakening, the dawn of a new love. But now their husbands or their friends, their partners will be unable to satisfy it. Now it can only be satisfied by a much higher quality of existence. It goes to this.

Or your friend, your husband has to become more meditative, to create higher qualities of life – only then can he satisfy. Otherwise, the relationship will be broken, the bridge cannot be restored. You will have to look for a new friend. Or if it is impossible to find a new friend - as Mira was - hard to find, then you have to love the divine. Then forget the physical part - now it is not for you.

The same thing happens with male seekers, but in a different way. When they come to me, they become more meditative. As they become more meditative, the bridge to their old partners collapses, becomes shaky. Now their girlfriend or their wife will have to grow up, otherwise the relationship is broke, it can no longer be maintained.

Remember that all your relationships, your so-called relationships, are adjustments. If one person changes, the adjustment is broken - for better or for worse, it doesn't matter. People come to me and say: "If meditation brings higher qualities, then why are relationships broken?" It's not a question. The relationship was an accommodation between two people as they were. Now one has changed, the other has to grow with him, otherwise there will be disturbance, everything will become false.

When a man is here, he becomes more meditative. The more meditative he is, the more he wants to be alone. The wife, the beloved will be concerned about this. If she does not understand, she will start to worry: this man wants to be more alone. If she understands, then there is no problem: however, this understanding can only come to her if her love grows. If she feels more loving, then she will guard his loneliness. She will try to understand that this is not a hindrance - now this will be her love.

And if this man feels ... if the Buddha feels that Yasodhara is protecting, guarding, watching, taking care that his meditation is not disturbed, to help his silence, then there is no need to run away from such Yasodhara. But this only happens if Yasodhara's love grows.

As the meditation of a man grows, the love of a woman must also grow. Only then can they keep pace, and the highest harmony will arise, and this will continue higher and higher. And a moment comes when the man is completely in meditation and the woman is completely in love – only then is the meeting made. only then is a real, supreme orgasm between two people. Not physical, not sexual - total! Two existences merged into each other, dissolved. Then the lover becomes the door, the beloved becomes the door, and they both reach the same.

So, whoever comes to me, he must be clearly aware that it is dangerous to be around me. Your old adjustments will be shaken - and I can't help it. And I'm not here to help you adjust; it's up to you.

I can help you grow - grow in meditation, grow in love. To me, both words mean the same thing because they lead to the same end.

According to the Vedas, for a full life, a girl must learn and apply the principles of femininity. One can begin the study of principles by making a clear distinction between the nature of man and the nature of woman.

Playing by the rules of civilization forces a modern woman to acquire qualities that are not originally characteristic of her genetics and subtle nature. Male and female strength differ in almost everything: the hormonal system, the thinking system and the subtle structure of the psyche in women and men are completely different. The ancient sages knew about it.

Each woman is able to reveal the nature originally inherent in her, however, for this it is necessary to rebuild many habits brought up in society with diligence and labor, which is not always easy. But the result will amaze you, because after the efforts made, life will become much easier.

The basic principle of female happiness

Vedic knowledge is based on the idea of ​​a woman's security both from society and from herself. This means that the man a woman chooses must provide her with financial, social, and emotional protection. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Financial security for a woman means that the husband is the breadwinner in the family. The wife is not obliged to work and financially provide for the family. Her responsibilities include the distribution of the budget for the benefit of the whole family. That is, a woman should distribute the money earned by a man so that all family members have everything they need, and also so that the family and husband can accumulate financial strength and family capital.
  • Social security means that a woman fully relies and entrusts herself to a man, so that all other social factors can no longer influence her. No one can offend and harm her, because she is under protection.
  • Emotional security means that a woman is under the care of her husband and he provides her with emotional stability, relieving her of unnecessary negative experiences and impressions.

These principles put a woman in absolute protection of a man, which is based on the fact that a woman goes through life FOR her husband, and not ahead of him and not next to him. A man, as a strong link and head of the family, takes on all social burdens, while a woman can remain light and direct in the circle of his responsibility. She can become the guardian of the hearth and the mother of his children.

Practical application of the basic principle

When you read many Vedic recommendations, it seems that only a man can change the situation. After all, it is he who must voluntarily take responsibility, show strength and protect the woman from everything. However, it is worth considering that the modern lifestyle develops in a woman qualities that it can be difficult for her to refuse.

A cunning and wise woman is also able to change the situation in the family, starting to consciously recognize the leading role for a man:

  • Financial security is achieved when a woman voluntarily transfers to a man the right to earn money and provide for a family. At the same time, it is important to trust a man and support him not only in the development of income, but in the development of his own affairs and projects. Income will increase naturally if a man improves in those things that fascinate him and that he wants to do.
  • Social security is achieved when a woman considers her man the main person in her life and it is on him that she relies in her opinions and deeds. In this case, pressure from the boss, parents, girlfriends and any other social contacts is impossible on her, because the woman relies on the opinion of her man and is protected by his dominant position in the family. For example, the boss threatens with dismissal, and the woman is already initially protected, because her husband is more important for her, there is another job. Or parents say claims, and the woman knows that everything suits her husband and says: “Mom, I won’t listen to this, my husband is happy with everything.” A woman who truly respects her man is invulnerable.
  • Emotional security comes from great love and respect. When a woman trusts a man so much that she does not worry and simply helps him, when a woman loves a man so much that she dissolves all her negative moods in this love, then she receives a very deep and unshakable peace. This peace gives her deep and unbreakable happiness.

Love for your man, respect for him, renunciation of the desire to control the actions and decisions of her husband, loyalty, trust and permission to lead oneself along the path of life are the main principles that reveal femininity and natural strength. These qualities must be constantly exercised in oneself, and in the exercises it is important to remember that for a woman to develop them in modern conditions is a real feat.

Why doesn't it work so often?

It often happens that wives try to respect their husband and recognize his supremacy in the family, but this happens, as it were, with a subconscious claim, an initial calculation. That is, a woman feels something like this: “You are a man, you are the main one, let’s protect me, let’s make money, make sure that I don’t need anything, provide me with this, that and that.”

Such an attitude will not give a good effect, because it is a manifestation of masculine qualities in a more hidden form. Only sincere work on oneself, sincere trust can lead to a full-fledged result.

Indirect ways to develop femininity

There are a number of ways that can support an increase in female energy, so that the development of the main female qualities is easier for a girl.

The origins of natural strength

The Vedic understanding is based on a harmonious combination of the life and activities of a woman with natural cycles:

  • Dream. It is better to go to bed at 8-10 pm, and get up at 4-6 am. Such a schedule strengthens the hormonal system of a woman and keeps her active. If it becomes difficult during the day, you can lie down for half an hour or an hour.
  • Food. Food should be light: vegetables, fruits, dairy products and a variety of spices are good for the female body. In the morning it is important to drink a glass of warm milk and eat sweets. After 12 o'clock it is better to take more serious food. Intake of sweets in the morning is good for mental health, but in the evenings it destroys.
  • individual products. The introduction of certain products into the diet enhances female energy. These include: grapes, strawberries, saffron, ghee and milk. Honey is very useful, it is important to eat a little every day.

It is important for a woman to feel her own body and live according to its internal rhythms. These rhythms are easier to understand with regular contact with nature. For the correct disclosure of femininity, it is important to spend as much time as possible in interaction with the living. Of the practices that reveal the energy of a woman, almost everything is best done in nature:

  • Walk with children and play games with them. Communication with children naturally reveals feminine qualities, motherhood and love.
  • Exercise. To properly support the hormonal system, it is important to engage in light physical activity. Exercises that combine statics and stretching (Yoga, Tai Chi) are great.
  • Dancing in nature. It's good to let yourself relax sometimes and dance the way your body feels. Feeling nature reveals a natural connection with it, and dancing reveals warmth and flexibility. You can separately do oriental or any other type of dance and then perform them for your man. Dances, which are available only to the husband and are not shown for show, support masculinity and strength in him.
  • Fantasize and think. Everything that you have collected in your head can then be drawn, compiled into a beautiful story, or expressed in any other form of creativity.
Development of internal art

It is important for a woman to be creative and learn how to skillfully express herself. Anything can be a platform for creative self-expression, even a set of daily tasks: cooking, cleaning, choosing clothes, conversations, with the right mood, turn into a platform for self-expression. It is important to see the ability to create in everything: this supports the girl's psyche and makes a woman attractive to a man.

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