Make earrings at home. DIY earrings: video instructions and a master class with step by step photos

Today we will talk about assembling bead earrings, which you can do with your own hands without any special experience or knowledge of any technique. For such work, you will need a standard set of accessories: beads, earwires, pins, hats, connectors, etc. In the master class, we will also show one of the ways to assemble bead earrings.

To make stylish and beautiful earrings with your own hands, it is not necessary to own any particular technique. It is enough to purchase a small supply of accessories for jewelry and show a little imagination. Even in the simplest design, beaded earrings can look elegant and fashionable. In this case, beads can be made of different types of material and have a variety of shapes.

An example of do-it-yourself beaded earrings, where only a fastener and a bead are used in the work. It is enough to choose your favorite bead, earring, then connect them with a pin loop and laconic and delicate earrings are ready.

Cups and caps for beads will help to emphasize the bead.

Beaded earrings can be made with wire.

Earrings made of beads, where the bead is made of beads, clay, glass, etc. If you do not own any of these techniques, these beads can also be purchased ready-made and simply connected to the earring.

Earrings rings. And here everything is simple. We string the desired beads onto the base and the decoration is ready.

You can make ring-shaped beaded earrings with your own hands using a cable or various wires for this.

Earrings made of beads in the form of clusters.

Elongated beaded earrings. To do this, you can use a long pin, collect the required number of beads on it, or connect several blanks at once with the help of pins and thereby lengthen the work.

Earrings made of beads with chains.

You can also decorate beaded earrings with frames, unusual earrings or pendants.

Earrings made of beads in the form of bells.

And, of course, an easy way to decorate beaded earrings is with the use of connectors.

In the master class, we will assemble bead earrings, where the bead will consist of the beads themselves.


Beads 4mm - 24 pcs

Pins with eyelet 2 pcs

Ear hooks 1 pair

Moth pendant 2 pcs


Tools: Scissors, side cutters, round nose pliers.


For work, we need the following weaving pattern:

We string three beads on a monofilament. We draw the edges of the fishing line towards each other through the fourth bead. We tighten.

We now string one bead on each edge of the monofilament and draw the edges of the fishing line through one additional bead. Weave a cross pattern three times. Then add again one bead to each end of the monofilament.

We draw the edges of the fishing line through the very first bead in the pattern, folding our weaving into a ball, which will serve as the finished bead.

Next, collect the earrings. We connect the loop of the pin with the loop of the fastener. We string on the pin one separate bead, a blank of beads and again one bead. We advance the beads to the schwenze. We shorten the pin column with side cutters and make the edge of the pin into a loop with round-nose pliers, connect it with a moth-shaped pendant.

Earrings from beads are ready!

Love exclusive jewelry? Do you consider yourself a creative person? Try to make original earrings with your own hands in various needlework techniques! This amazing activity is so captivating that, without having time to rejoice at the new man-made ...

Love exclusive jewelry? Do you consider yourself a creative person? Try to make original earrings with your own hands in various needlework techniques! This amazing activity is so captivating that, without having time to enjoy the new man-made masterpiece, another grandiose project is already ripening in my head. For starters, we offer you some interesting workshops and video tutorials with step-by-step instructions, with which you can make dozens of handmade earrings. Our ideas will come in handy not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftswomen who have experienced a creative crisis. We hope that we will be able to inspire you and direct your thoughts in a creative direction.

    • Fantasy gossamer earrings
  • Photo of creative options

Let's make earrings from ready-made accessories

Homemade ganutel earrings

These amazing earrings can be made with your own hands literally “out of nothing”. At minimal cost, the end result will exceed all your expectations! The ganutel technique is an ancient type of Maltese needlework that has survived to this day in the monasteries of the Mediterranean, where nuns from thin spiral wire, silk threads, beads, pearls and beads create elegant outlandish flowers of unearthly beauty to decorate the altar.

The term "ganutel", apparently, comes from the words "canutillo" (Spanish) and "canutiglia" (Italian), which in medieval Europe called a wire of gold or silver curled into a spiral. In Russian, this word has obviously turned into a "gimp". The ganutel technique is quite easy to learn. All you need to create your own masterpieces is perseverance and accuracy.

We will need:

  • thick and thin wire
  • knitting threads iris or silk threads for embroidery in different colors
  • wire cutters
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • fasteners
  • wire winder (let's try to replace it with improvised means)
  • beads (optional)

Earrings in the technique of ganutel step by step

  • Step 1: Making the base springs

We cut off the required length of thick wire with wire cutters and gently wind a thin wire around it with a spiral. To speed up the process and give the product a professional look, you can use a wire winder. If we can’t get one, we make a homemade one from a Kinder Surprise egg-box and knitting needles with a bent end. The thickness of the needle should be 2 mm. We pierce the egg through with a knitting needle.

We take our navivatel in the left hand, thread the end of the wire into the knitting needle ring, as shown in the photo.

We fix the end of the wire on the ring and turn it several times so that the wire holds tightly and does not fly off during winding. The egg will act as a stopper. We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

The length of the winding depends on the size of the earrings. When the length of the spiral suits you, bite off the wire with wire cutters, leaving a small tip.

  • Step 2: Stretch the Springs

We remove the resulting spiral from the knitting needle and stretch it a little, like a spring. Ideally, equal gaps should be formed between the curls, equal to the thickness of the thread.

We no longer need the ends of the wire, so you can safely bite them off.

  • Step 3: Making the Frame

In order for our earrings to keep their shape well and not flatten out, it is necessary to insert a frame wire inside the spiral, which should be slightly thicker than the wound one.

  • Step 4: Create the Shape

We decide on the shape of our earrings. The first thing that comes to mind is a circle. Why not?! After all, round earrings always look spectacular. If desired, the base spring can be given a wide variety of shapes: oval, droplet, petal, heart, rhombus, triangle. When you get a little stuffed in your hand, by all means try to make earrings using the ganutel technique in the form of a peacock feather. We create a loop and twist the ends of the wire at the very base.

  • Step 4: Wrap the base with thread

Now we proceed to the most interesting stage of work - winding the frame with threads. The color scheme is selected individually exclusively for your taste and color. To get curious bindings, you can wrap the base in different directions, alternating threads of different colors. One turn of the wire spiral - one step. The simplest ways to wind a thread on a wire frame, which are perfect for the first experiments:

parallel winding

and winding "from the middle"

Within 5-10 minutes you will see the result of your work. Perhaps it will be something like this:

Finished earrings can be additionally decorated with beads, rhinestones, sparkles, feathers. And, of course, do not forget to attach the earring so that all this beauty can be worn.

It is unlikely that you will be able to stop at one model, and soon you will have your own collection of homemade ganutel earrings. Original handmade earrings are also an excellent gift. In addition to earrings using the same technique, you can make a pretty pendant. Enjoy your creativity!

How to make original paper clip earrings

Such a luxury, like ordinary paper clips, is sure to be found in any home. Sleight of hand and a little imagination will help turn a pair of banal paper clips into an exclusive piece of jewelry. To make original and stylish triangular earrings, we need threads, scissors, epoxy glue, hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, ear hooks and metal clips. The technology for creating staple jewelry with your own hands is outrageously simple. By varying the color of the thread and the method of weaving, you can create an exclusive pair of earrings for any outfit. This is not sold in stores, so you can be sure of the uniqueness of your creation. And you won’t have to be upset if you lose a staple earring, because in a matter of minutes you can always make a duplicate.

We take the most ordinary paper clip and with the help of a couple of simple manipulations we turn it into a triangle. The illustration shows the disconnection points. In principle, if you wish, you can try to give the paper clip any other shape, for example, a heart, but the simplest and most organic paper clip is transformed into a triangle. So that there are no gaps in the base, we fasten the edges of the triangle with epoxy or hot glue.

Using hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, glue the thread to the paper clip. After 10-15 minutes, when the glue dries, wrap the thread around the paper clip, and then wrap the triangle in any convenient way, purposefully or randomly forming an earring ornament. We also fix the end of the thread with glue.

We fasten the fasteners and our masterpiece is ready for fitting! For a neat classic looka, horizontal stripes are perfect. Fantasy nets will also look spectacular. If you first string small beads or beads on a thread, your collection of handmade jewelry will be replenished with a pair of glamorous pendants. By experimenting with colors and the method of winding threads on a triangle base, you can make original sets of pendants in various styles, ranging from classic and ethno to avant-garde. Triangular paper clip earrings are a great accessory for boho style outfits!

DIY Earring Ideas

Fantasy gossamer earrings

Elegant and sexy hoop earrings almost never go out of style. And if they leave the fashionable Olympus for some time, then only in order to return even more effectively. Large hoop earrings, called Kongo, apparently got their name from the country of the same name, the inhabitants of which obviously love to adorn themselves with these colorful accessories. And they do it right! Hoop earrings are a versatile accessory that will suit any face shape and any hairstyle, whether it's naughty curls, glamorous curls, a strict top bun or a ponytail. In any case, it will be very sexy.

If you approach the matter creatively, ordinary hoop earrings can be decorated in a very extraordinary way. One of the most beautiful ways is to crochet openwork cobwebs on the rings. To make original gossamer earrings with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced knitter. It is enough to have basic crochet skills.

For work, we need a round base for earrings or old hoop earrings that have become familiar, which can be done with a creative upgrade, iris or Maxi threads, and a hook 0.5-0.75. For a glamorous decor, beads and beads may come in handy.

We tie the base for earrings with a single crochet. The second row is similarly knitted with a single crochet. Well, then everything depends solely on your imagination and desire. You can knit a neat openwork mesh (1st / n., 2 v / p.), Or deliberately rough holes of a large format ((1st / n, 5 v / p.). Do not forget to reduce each subsequent row by 1-2 arches. We finish knitting We cut off the end of the thread and hide it in knitting.

Inspired by: knitly, creative-handmade,

Video lesson: how to crochet simple earrings

Video lesson: Red Phoenix beaded earrings

Photo of creative options

Earrings "Paradise birds" in the technique of kanzashi

Luxurious natural peacock feather earrings

Spectacular ganutel earrings

Molecule Earrings: To make these elegant earrings, you will need 24 medium-sized pearl-like beads, fishing line and a special earring base

Earrings "Molecules": the sequence of connecting beads

Earrings "Molecules": how to attach earrings and hide unnecessary elements

Transparent pearl earrings from a plastic bottle

Love exclusive jewelry? Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Try to make original earrings with your own hands in various needlework techniques!

This amazing activity is so captivating that, without having time to enjoy the new man-made masterpiece,

Another grandiose project is already brewing in my head.

For starters, we offer you some interesting workshops and video tutorials with step-by-step instructions, with which you can make dozens of handmade earrings. Our ideas will come in handy not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftswomen who have experienced a creative crisis. We hope that we will be able to inspire you and direct your thoughts in a creative direction.

These amazing earrings can be made with your own hands literally “out of nothing”. At minimal cost, the end result will exceed all your expectations! The ganutel technique is an ancient type of Maltese needlework that has survived to this day in the monasteries of the Mediterranean, where nuns from thin spiral wire, silk threads, beads, pearls and beads create elegant outlandish flowers of unearthly beauty to decorate the altar.

The term "ganutel", apparently, comes from the words "canutillo" (Spanish) and "canutiglia" (Italian), which in medieval Europe called a wire of gold or silver curled into a spiral. In Russian, this word has obviously turned into a "gimp". The ganutel technique is quite easy to learn. All you need to create your own masterpieces is perseverance and accuracy.

We will need:

  • thick and thin wire
  • knitting threads iris or silk threads for embroidery in different colors
  • wire cutters
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • fasteners
  • wire winder (let's try to replace it with improvised means)
  • beads (optional)

Earrings in the technique of ganutel step by step

  • Step 1: Making the base springs

We cut off the required length of thick wire with wire cutters and gently wind a thin wire around it with a spiral. To speed up the process and give the product a professional look, you can use a wire winder. If we can’t get one, we make a homemade one from a Kinder Surprise egg-box and knitting needles with a bent end. The thickness of the needle should be 2 mm. We pierce the egg through with a knitting needle.

We take our navivatel in the left hand, thread the end of the wire into the knitting needle ring, as shown in the photo.

We fix the end of the wire on the ring and turn it several times so that the wire holds tightly and does not fly off during winding. The egg will act as a stopper. We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

The length of the winding depends on the size of the earrings. When the length of the spiral suits you, bite off the wire with wire cutters, leaving a small tip.

  • Step 2: Stretch the Springs

We remove the resulting spiral from the knitting needle and stretch it a little, like a spring. Ideally, equal gaps should be formed between the curls, equal to the thickness of the thread.

We no longer need the ends of the wire, so you can safely bite them off.

  • Step 3: Making the Frame

In order for our earrings to keep their shape well and not flatten out, it is necessary to insert a frame wire inside the spiral, which should be slightly thicker than the wound one.

  • Step 4: Create the Shape

We decide on the shape of our earrings. The first thing that comes to mind is a circle. Why not?! After all, round earrings always look spectacular. If desired, the base spring can be given a wide variety of shapes: oval, droplet, petal, heart, rhombus, triangle. When you get a little stuffed in your hand, by all means try to make earrings using the ganutel technique in the form of a peacock feather. We create a loop and twist the ends of the wire at the very base.

  • Step 4: Wrap the base with thread

Now we proceed to the most interesting stage of work - winding the frame with threads. The color scheme is selected individually exclusively for your taste and color. To get curious bindings, you can wrap the base in different directions, alternating threads of different colors. One turn of the wire spiral - one step. The simplest ways to wind a thread on a wire frame, which are perfect for the first experiments:

parallel winding

and winding "from the middle"

Within 5-10 minutes you will see the result of your work. Perhaps it will be something like this:

Finished earrings can be additionally decorated with beads, rhinestones, sparkles, feathers. And, of course, do not forget to attach the earring so that all this beauty can be worn.

It is unlikely that you will be able to stop at one model, and soon you will have your own collection of homemade ganutel earrings. Original handmade earrings are also an excellent gift. In addition to earrings using the same technique, you can make a pretty pendant. Enjoy your creativity!

How to make original triangle earrings from paper clips

Such a luxury, like ordinary paper clips, is sure to be found in any home. Sleight of hand and a little imagination will help turn a pair of banal paper clips into an exclusive piece of jewelry. To make original and stylish triangular earrings, we need threads, scissors, epoxy glue, hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, ear hooks and metal clips. The technology for creating staple jewelry with your own hands is outrageously simple. By varying the color of the thread and the method of weaving, you can create an exclusive pair of earrings for any outfit. This is not sold in stores, so you can be sure of the uniqueness of your creation. And you won’t have to be upset if you lose a staple earring, because in a matter of minutes you can always make a duplicate.

We take the most ordinary paper clip and with the help of a couple of simple manipulations we turn it into a triangle. The illustration shows the disconnection points. In principle, if you wish, you can try to give the paper clip any other shape, for example, a heart, but the simplest and most organic paper clip is transformed into a triangle. So that there are no gaps in the base, we fasten the edges of the triangle with epoxy or hot glue.

Using hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, glue the thread to the paper clip. After 10-15 minutes, when the glue dries, wrap the thread around the paper clip, and then wrap the triangle in any convenient way, purposefully or randomly forming an earring ornament. We also fix the end of the thread with glue.

We fasten the fasteners and our masterpiece is ready for fitting! For a neat classic looka, horizontal stripes are perfect. Fantasy nets will also look spectacular. If you first string small beads or beads on a thread, your collection of handmade jewelry will be replenished with a pair of glamorous pendants. By experimenting with colors and the method of winding threads on a triangle base, you can make original sets of pendants in various styles, ranging from classic and ethno to avant-garde. Triangular paper clip earrings are a great accessory for your boho outfit!

DIY fantasy gossamer earrings

Elegant and sexy hoop earrings almost never go out of style. And if they leave the fashionable Olympus for some time, then only in order to return even more effectively. Large hoop earrings, called Kongo, apparently got their name from the country of the same name, the inhabitants of which obviously love to adorn themselves with these colorful accessories. And they do it right! Hoop earrings are a versatile accessory that will suit any face shape and any hairstyle, whether it's naughty curls, glamorous curls, a strict top bun or a ponytail. In any case, it will be very sexy.

If you approach the matter creatively, ordinary hoop earrings can be decorated in a very extraordinary way. One of the most beautiful ways is to crochet openwork cobwebs on the rings. To make original gossamer earrings with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced knitter. It is enough to have basic crochet skills.

For work, we need a round base for earrings or old hoop earrings that have become familiar, which can be done with a creative upgrade, iris or Maxi threads, and a hook 0.5-0.75. For a glamorous decor, beads and beads may come in handy.

We tie the base for earrings with a single crochet. The second row is similarly knitted with a single crochet. Well, then everything depends solely on your imagination and desire. You can knit a neat openwork mesh (1st / n., 2 v / p.), Or deliberately rough holes of a large format ((1st / n, 5 v / p.). Do not forget to reduce each subsequent row by 1-2 arches. We finish knitting We cut off the end of the thread and hide it in knitting.

Making a simple earring - It took less than 3 minutes to make one earring. 1. Earrings - 2 pcs. 2. Carnation pins - 2 pcs. 3 beads. 4. Round nose pliers and wire cutters.

another simple earrings

Wire earrings Wire - Wire - Artistic Wire 1.02 mm 2 bases for earrings (earrings)

there are a lot of MK for making jewelry -

Look at this beauty -

DIY earrings: photo ideas

The popularity of earrings does not fade with time. They were of great importance in antiquity and are now. Only, if earlier they were mainly symbolic, now earrings are increasingly moving away from any symbolism and are becoming an indispensable attribute in many events.

Almost no woman can do without earrings. They are a faithful companion in events of various kinds. Whether it's a business meeting, an evening out or an ordinary day. For any event, in any situation, and even to the mood, you can choose earrings according to their characteristics.

What if you make your own earrings? Independently, with the help of the necessary materials. Such an activity is doubly important, as it is the joy experienced in doing the work and the free flight of the imagination for the themes and plans for translating your idea into something beautiful. There are a huge number of different options for earrings to create them by hand. You just need to choose a template you like and harness the time and patience to implement your idea. Such an activity as creating jewelry with your own hands cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The history of the appearance of the first earrings

The origin of such jewelry as earrings lies in the ancient world. Oddly enough, in the beginning, only males wore earrings. In the course of the further development of life, women also become bearers of earrings. Symbolism played a significant role in the way of life. Therefore, along with the use of earrings as jewelry, they were also used to indicate one's social position in society. As for the geographical origin and distribution of earrings, in Ancient Europe they appear in Egypt, Rome and Greece, and in Ancient Asia in countries such as India, Assyria and China.

Significance and application

Since ancient times, earrings have been of considerable importance. In different eras and in different countries, the meaning of wearing earrings varied. So, in Egypt, only representatives of the noble class wore earrings. And the ancient Romans wore earrings only if they were slaves. In the countries of Ancient Asia, earrings had medical significance. According to the idea of ​​​​such a direction in medicine as acupuncture, people believed that there were special points on the earlobes, each of which was responsible for a specific human organ.

In the 13th century, the Catholic Church banned all jewelry, including earrings, for religious reasons. In the Middle Ages in Europe, earrings were worn only by such minorities as gypsies, thieves, pirates. Moreover, by the earrings of the gypsies one could judge their family customs, by the wearing of earrings by pirates about the capture of a sea vessel by them. As for thieves and robbers, they wore earrings, thereby showing their attitude to power.

During the Renaissance, earrings gain their former popularity. As it increases, more and more people are involved in jewelry. In Rus', both men and women wore earrings. Earrings were not only decoration, but also expressed social status. Cossacks wore earrings according to military activities. During the wars, earrings had the meaning of a talisman.

In the modern world, earrings have almost completely lost any symbolism, but their popularity is still high. Mostly earrings are now worn by the female half of the population, but such representatives can also be found among men. Earrings can be selected for any occasion of life of different characteristics and different prices, and you can also make earrings yourself, with your own hands.

Technique for making different types of earrings with your own hands

Shell earrings

For the summer period, the ideal option would be to create earrings from shells. The combination of sea nature, so reminiscent of the beach, sun, relaxation and summer, with earrings will emphasize female beauty, giving the image lightness, warmth and sunny mood.

Consider a few simple examples of creating earrings from shells.

The easiest and fastest way is to use only shells (it is best to use an interesting shell shape, like a Rapana shell, or any other curl) and fasteners (shackles). It is only necessary to make a hole in the shell and pass the mount through it.

Another option is to use beads in addition to the shell.

Necessary materials:

  • Two shells Scallop or Venerka (it is better to choose the same size and shape, the color is also better the same),
  • bases for earrings (earrings - attachments to the earlobe),
  • two beads (or, if you are lucky enough to find, two pearls),
  • big needle,
  • glue,
  • acrylic varnish (to change the color of the shell, if desired).

Manufacturing technique:

  • Take each of the shells in turn and make holes in it with a needle.
  • Pass the ring through the hole and fasten the bases for the earrings.
  • Turn the shell inside out and use glue to attach a bead in the middle of the shell, in the recess.
  • If necessary, cover the surface of the shell with varnish.

You can use other materials found on the seashore: pebbles, starfish, etc.

Wood jewelry looks very simple, without unnecessary pretentiousness, and elegant, but at the same time original. Wood is a material that is pleasant to the touch, lightweight and retains heat. Such decorations will help you feel one with nature, feel the warmth and lightness coming from the earth itself, find grace and original beauty in simplicity.

Those who know how to work with wood, carved professionally or amateurishly, will not face any particular difficulties in creating the jewelry itself, but those who have never done anything like this will not find it difficult to create an earring out of wood, using ready-made wooden blanks of the most diverse shapes and scorched patterns.

To make the product not only correct, but also aesthetically beautiful, it is better to use textured wood species, special forms and methods regarding carving. You can also create interesting compositions using, in addition to wood, semi-precious stones.

In order for the product to fit you exactly, consider your hair color, the color of your eyes, the structure of the face, its shape, the length of the neck, etc.

Consider an example of creating earrings from wood.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden blank for earrings - 2 pcs. (it is better to choose with a through hole),
  • acrylic varnish spray,
  • acrylic contours (to create a three-dimensional picture),
  • sponge for washing dishes (it will be needed in order to apply the paint evenly),
  • base for earrings (holds the earring on the earlobe),
  • two pieces of beads
  • two pieces of huggers that are intended for beads,
  • pins to connect the beads,
  • small ring connectors
  • pliers.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Varnish each of the wooden blanks on both sides.
  • With a sponge dipped in acrylic paint, cover the blanks also on both sides.
  • Apply dot patterns with a contour or contours of different colors, based on your imagination.
  • Coat the surface of the blanks with varnish.
  • Put a bead on a pin, form a loop with round-nose pliers and cut off the excess edge.
  • Connect the workpiece, the bead and the base for the earrings using the connector rings.

You can create the basis for the earrings yourself, without using ready-made ones. Let's see how to do it.

Necessary materials:

  • wood earring,
  • steel pin with a small ring,
  • glue,
  • wire with a diameter of 0.7 mm to 1 mm,
  • pliers,
  • pliers.

Technique for making fasteners and hooks:

  • Take a wooden earring and drill a recess in the middle from the top with a diameter of one to one and a half mm and a depth of up to 25 mm.
  • Take a steel pin and a ring, bend it so that there is a knee in its middle part.
  • Lubricate the pin with glue and place in the drilled recess.
  • Bend the wire using a hook. And at one of its ends, get a ring of the same size as on a pin, using round-nose pliers.
  • Fasten the ring of the hook and the pin smeared with glue, join the end with pliers.

Earrings made of beads and beads

Probably one of the most common options for creating earrings with your own hands. There is a huge scope for creativity and the embodiment of their ideas. Those who are fond of beading can create unique jewelry with an interesting pattern, flat and voluminous. This jewelry can serve as an earring and it remains only to add a mount to the earlobe. On the Internet, in books and manuals, there are a very large number of different weaving patterns for every taste and preference. But here we will consider the simplest examples of creating earrings from beads and beads, which even those who are not familiar with weaving mechanisms can make.

In general, if you have wire, beads, beads and a mount for earrings at hand, then you can make any shape out of the wire, for example, twist it in a spiral, then string beads and beads onto the wire, and fix the end with a mount. Get a very original earring!

Or, if there is a ring and wire, then you can fasten beads and beads around the ring with wire, also fasten with a hook for the ear, and you get an earring! You can connect several rings of different diameters and an elongated earring will come out, it looks very beautiful!

Consider how to make earrings from beads "Sea Wave". Light and expressive combination of colors, and is not difficult and fast.

Necessary materials:

  • fishing line,
  • silver, gold, blue and aqua beads,
  • metal jewelry tubes
  • hooks for earrings - 2 pcs.,
  • clips with a gold ring - 4 pcs,
  • pliers and jewelry tweezers.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Cut out pieces of fishing line 10 cm long (2 pcs.), Pieces 14 cm long (2 pcs.) And pieces 17 cm long (2 pcs.).
  • String beads on cut pieces of fishing line.
  • Arrange the resulting pieces in three rows for earrings in such an order that the largest in length is at the bottom, and the smallest in length in the middle.
  • At the fishing line, gather the ends together in a bundle and glue them together, then secure with a clip with a ring.
  • Do the same with the other ends of the line.
  • Connect the resulting parts with beads with hooks for the ears. At the same time, string the ends with clips of the fishing line onto hooks.

Now let's try a more complex example - earrings made of beads with beads. The pattern will resemble a blossoming flower.

Necessary materials:

  • 3 beads, the diameter of rounded beads is 3 mm and 4 mm, and the diameter of faceted beads is 6 mm,
  • beads,
  • needle,
  • bicone beads with a diameter of 4 mm,
  • fishing line.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Cut off a part equal to 100 cm in size from the fishing line.
  • String on a fishing line with alternation 4 beads, the diameter of which is 3 mm, and 4 pieces of beads, thereby closing the resulting line in a circle.
  • Pull the needle from one piece of beads, string on it a bicone bead, a bead 6 mm long, one bead and again a bicone bead, then thread the thread again through the initial piece of beads, but now from the other side. Thus, we get a petal.
  • Pass the thread through the next lying bead and a piece of beads on the way. On the last one, repeat the petal again. The result is 4 pieces of petals in a circle.
  • Pass the thread through a faceted bead with a diameter of 6 mm, string a bead with a diameter of 4 mm on it and send the thread further along the circle to another faceted bead of the petal. In a circular way, repeat the action. Tighten the thread at the end. The base of the flower will form.
  • Draw a thread through a faceted bead, then string a bicone bead on it, beads, then again a bicone bead, then move on to the next faceted bead in a circle. Do the same until the end of the row.
  • Between the bicone beads, according to the order, you need to insert 3 pieces of beads and 2 beads, the diameter of which is 3 mm, for which you need to string them on a thread and fasten them between the bicone beads.
  • Pass the thread through the little thing of beads, which is located between the bicone beads, string three things of beads on it and return the needle to the bead from which it came out, but now on the other side. After the thread, pass through the bicone and continue to make a cross in the next bead.
  • Attach the earring holder to the woven piece.
  • Repeat all steps for the second earring.

As you can see, with the help of beads and beads, you can turn a lot of original ideas into reality.

Button earrings

Often in the house you can find a dozen buttons that no longer fit the clothes you wear. They should not be thrown away, because with their help you can make very unusual earrings. You can combine buttons of different sizes, shapes and colors to create earrings. Suitable plastic buttons, buttons made of wood or iron.

Consider a few simple examples of creating button earrings.

Necessary materials:

  • Buttons - 8 pcs.,
  • wire,
  • hooks,
  • pliers.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Cut the wire into 8 pieces of 5 cm.
  • Bend each segment in half, forming a loop.
  • Pass one of the bent pieces of wire through the hole in the button.
  • Bend the ends of the wire threaded into the button along the button opposite to each other.
  • Do this with the remaining buttons.
  • Take the largest button and put it with the back side up and bend the upper end of the wire threaded into it from it.
  • Take the second button in size, make a loop on the upper section of the wire, put the back side of the second button on the first so that the lower part of the wire of the first button is above the second button, and the loop of the second button enters the upper part of the wire of the first button.
  • Make a common loop from the lower ends of the wires of the first and second buttons.
  • Do the same with the first and second buttons.
  • Repeat steps for the second earring.

It is not necessary to connect the buttons together too tightly, as the earrings may begin to bend inward, and the shape will be lost.

You can also make button stud earrings very simply.

Necessary materials:

  • Buttons - 2 pcs.,
  • Super glue,
  • cloves,
  • wire cutters,
  • sandpaper

Manufacturing technique:

  • Remove the fastener from the button using wire cutters or side cutters.
  • Grind the uneven cut of the button on the sandpaper until this side is smooth.
  • Glue the stud earring holder to the back of the button with superglue.
  • Wait until the glue dries.

You can use spray paint to give the buttons the color you want.

Knitted earrings

Knitted jewelry has long been in vogue, they give softness and femininity to the image, and are very pleasant to the touch, light, not sharp at all, delicate and at the same time elegant. To achieve the desired result, you need patience and accuracy when knitting. There are many patterns for knitting earrings on the Internet, both simple patterns and more complex ones. It is better to start with simple schemes. Mastery will come gradually, and then it will seem like a very exciting activity.

Necessary materials:

  • Knitting,
  • hook,
  • earring fasteners,
  • beads,
  • scissors,
  • needle,
  • sewing thread.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Tie according to the scheme or according to your imagination any composition, for example, two connected flowers. We knit first one flower, then the second and connect them with a thread to each other.

In order for the earrings to be durable, you should starch them and wait until they dry.

  • Tie fasteners for earrings.
  • Sew beads into the center of the knitted flower.

Let's look at another example of currently very popular earrings.

Necessary materials:

  • Threads for knitting two colors,
  • hook,
  • earring fasteners,
  • wooden beads 2 pcs.,
  • scissors,
  • needle,
  • sewing thread,
  • pendants of any shape and image - 2 pcs.,
  • pins for earrings - 2 pcs.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Evenly tie a wooden bead, half of one color with threads, and the second with a different color.
  • Insert an earring pin into the bead. Trim to required size.
  • Attach the hanger on one side.
  • Attach the earring holder on the other side.

Fabric earrings

More and more, do-it-yourself fabric jewelry began to come into use. Fabric is a very handy material when creating something. Due to the fact that fabrics are very different: from airy and light to hard and durable, almost not bending, the range of their use in creating jewelry varies. The combination of different fabrics also gives a very intriguing result. In general, there is a place where you can roam in the ideological plan of creating a unique image of an earring. The fabric can be used in conjunction with other materials, making original compositions.

Consider how to make earrings from airy fabric.

Necessary materials:

  • Scissors,
  • matches,
  • cardboard blank for cutting a round shape with a diameter of 7.5 cm,
  • airy fabric (satin) 20 by 20 cm,
  • earring fasteners,
  • beads - 2 pcs.,
  • huggers for beads - 2 pcs.,
  • wire 25 cm.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Cut out 4 circles on the cardboard blank from the fabric. Two circles for one earring and two for the other.
  • Finish the edges of the fabric circles.
  • Cut two pieces of 10 cm from the wire.
  • String the bead on a segment right in the middle and fold the wire in half.
  • Fasten the wire over the bead by twisting it three turns.
  • Straighten the ends of the wire.
  • Pierce the ends of the wire exactly in the middle of the circles of fabric and string it on a bead (a bead in the middle of the fabric).
  • Put a bead hugger on the wire, then string the fastener on top of the wire.
  • Bend the remaining wire in half and fasten tightly, rotating in a circle. Remove the unnecessary end of the wire with scissors, bend the ends of the wire inward.
  • Straighten the fabric.

Denim earrings are also quite common. Denim jewelry differs from others in its specific style. Finding such a fabric at home is not difficult. The combination with lace, beads, buttons, chains, pebbles and other materials adds spice to the decoration. The material is durable and keeps its shape, so you can safely cut out your favorite shape from it. To give greater strength, the shape is made voluminous, often simply by joining two pieces of fabric into one.

Leather earrings are very stylish. To make such earrings, you do not need a lot of materials. You only need a piece of leather (it can be cut from an old bag, belt or other leather item that is not used) and additional elements for decoration, such as beads, beads, rhinestones, etc. First, a blank is made of paper, on which the main parts of the earring are then cut out of the existing piece of leather. Then these parts can be decorated as you wish and finally connected to the earring mount.

Feather earrings

Feather ornaments have recently appeared on the market, although since ancient times there have been techniques for making such ornaments. The feathers themselves are very diverse, some of the creations of nature are simply mesmerizing. Feathers are a lightweight material, but durable, which is why it is used to create jewelry. Feathers can be dyed in any color you like, feathers of pigeons, ostriches, geese, turkeys, ducks, peacocks and other birds are often used. Feather products are versatile when choosing what to wear with them from clothes. Although they are durable, they are tender, they should be protected from excessive moisture and obvious pollution in order to serve their owner longer.

Consider how to make earrings with feathers.

Necessary materials:

  • two feathers,
  • two beads
  • wire,
  • two wooden sticks
  • pliers,
  • pliers,
  • side cutters,
  • Super glue,
  • connecting rings - 2 pcs.,
  • two earwires and two pins with an eyelet.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Take a stick and twist a wire onto it with nine turns. Cut off the ends to get a spring.
  • Remove from the stick, make a half ring from one end of the coil, and a loop from the other.
  • Make a second same spring for another earring.
  • Carefully clamp the feather inserted into the spring from the side of the half ring with pliers, attach the attachment point with glue.
  • Place the beads on the pins, and connect the ring with the earring. Attach a feather blank to the ring at the fastener.

Work safety

First of all, you need to take care of the organization of your workplace. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Provide comfortable lighting for the eyes.
  2. It is necessary to sit comfortably, without tension.
  3. Choose a mobile place to work. So that there is an opportunity to leave work safely for yourself and others, if you need to be distracted.
  4. It is advisable to place all the necessary tools in their places at the workplace. Perhaps in specially designated boxes, especially when working with beads.

When working with threads, fabric, accessories, it is important to observe the following points:

  1. Put all working tools in packages in the intervals between working hours.
  2. Be sure to store small parts in bags designed for this purpose.
  3. Get the thread of the required length only with scissors. Not with teeth or hands. And observe the acceptable thread sizes (approximately, up to the elbow).

When working with pins and needles, it is important to follow the steps below:

  1. Needles and pins must be kept in a needle bed or other specially designated place.
  2. Do not stick needles into products and clothing.
  3. A thimble should be used, if available.
  4. Use only good quality needles and pins.
  5. Get rid of broken needles, pins, after placing them in something (for example, paper).
  6. Be sure to count the number of needles and pins before and after work and make sure that these numbers match.

When working with scissors, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Do not forget to hide the scissors in a special place (for example, a case) between work.
  2. Scissor blades should be kept closed on the table when not in use.
  3. Make sure that the fingers on the hand holding the material are always away from the blade of the scissors that are in the other hand.

An important safety point is that all working tools must be used strictly for their intended purpose.

How to wear earrings?

Precious metal earrings should be worn, as they do not contain such a harmful substance as nickel, unlike others.

And, as you know, nickel can cause an allergic reaction.

Danger to the ears can be heavy massive earrings. When the ear lobes are stretched, it is difficult for the skin to return to its original shape, especially with age. The holes in the ears stretch and can become quite large, which is both ugly and harmful to the skin.

If we talk about which earrings should be worn for different occasions, then you can familiarize yourself with the proposed ideas. Earrings for daily wear should be comfortable first of all. They should not cling to anything, prick, bring discomfort to the ears. It can be any simple and light earrings. For work in the office, not too bright geometric stud earrings are suitable, combined with a business style of clothing. For evening events, elegant bright earrings are appropriate, especially earrings made of precious materials, which will emphasize the solemnity of the event.

In the new review, the attention of readers to 12 stylish jewelry at once, each of which can be made with due diligence and attention to the issue with your own hands. Definitely, any of these crafts will help to make a positive impression on others, so watch and remember.

1. Thread earrings

Original long earrings that will be a great addition to both everyday and evening looks, and the process of their creation will take no more than half an hour. To create such earrings, you need a skein of floss threads of the color you like, which you need to carefully cut, form two tassels, attach loops to them, fasten with a thread of a contrasting color and put on the base hooks, bought in a specialized store.

2. Pin necklace

From safety pins of the same color and size, beads, two strong cords, you can create an unusual and very effective necklace that will become an exquisite addition to any look.

3. Resin pendants

From epoxy resin, without special skills and efforts, you can create incredibly beautiful pendants. To do this, you need to put dried flowers, shells, beads or sparkles in special silicone molds, fill them with epoxy resin, pre-mixed with a hardener, and wait for it to harden.

4. Glitter pendant

A simple and at the same time very attractive shimmering pendant that you can make yourself from a metal base, decoupage glue and sparkles. Sequins should be carefully laid out in layers on a base greased with glue. Each new layer must be smeared with glue and filled with glitters until they fill the entire pendant.

5. Bright necklace

A stunning large necklace made of dyed beans will be a wonderful addition to the spring and summer look. Painted beans, together with accessories, must be glued to thin plastic according to a specially prepared template. When the layout is finished and the glue dries, the necklace must be carefully cut out, holes made on the sides and fastened to the chains.

6. Asymmetrical necklace

An original asymmetrical necklace in the style of Christian Dior, which can be made from a hoop by sewing strings of beads of different lengths to it.

7. Choker

Trendy choker with a ring in the middle, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, using glue and a small ring, you need to fasten two identical pieces of thin velvet ribbon and equip the product with a clasp or ties.

8. Massive necklace

An original massive necklace made of rope and knots, which, despite the simplicity of its creation, will become a universal decoration and addition to any outfit.

9. Necklace-harness

An ordinary clothesline can be braided with threads of beads and create a unique and very beautiful neck decoration that will undoubtedly draw attention to its owner.

10. Wooden earrings

From small wooden blocks, special accessories, glue and varnish, you can make unique long earrings that will surely appeal to all lovers of natural materials and connoisseurs of creative things.

11. Dreamcatchers

Simple in execution, but at the same time beautiful and airy talisman earrings that you can make yourself from special accessories, small rings, wire, threads and feathers.

12. Volume necklace

Leather accessories always look expensive and elegant, and if the product is also made with your own hands, it automatically becomes exclusive. Getting a unique necklace is not difficult at all. You just need to cut out several identical petals from the skin, give them the desired shape, fasten them together with glue and connect them with a chain.