Make a baby book around the world. How to make a baby book with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

How to sew a book for the smallest, for schoolchildren. Paper baby book.

For a needlewoman, the appearance of a baby is an additional incentive for creativity. Unexplored edges of needlework. Even if the craftswoman has not worked with these materials before, she will be happy to take on a new project: she will master a new type of needlework, plus she will create a unique thing for her little treasure.

Do-it-yourself educational book for the little ones made of felt: step by step instructions

The baby is almost six months old. Many parents know that knowledge in moderate proportions should be given not in preparation for school, but as soon as the baby began to study the world around him with pleasure. Do not be alarmed if the baby wants to “tear and throw” a new book, the child learns the world initially tactilely, and only then visually.

In order to create a felt book for a baby, you will need some free time (it may take days to create the first booklet, but you will most likely do the second or third in just a couple of hours).

We are for the master class, and you will need to create a booklet:

  • Felt, various colors, both in cut and in pieces for small details
  • Threads, also all kinds of colors, as you will need to sew both to match the felt and with contrasting stitching
  • All kinds of sewing accessories: beads, zippers, buttons, buttons, etc.
  • Ribbons, ribbons, lace
  • Sewing machine or crazy hands with love for hand sewing
  • Cutting and curly scissors

Let's start creating

The first page of "Mouse and Cheese":

  • From yellow felt we cut out a square 12 * 12 cm and duplicate another one of the same

  • We take coins from the wallet and circle each

  • We stitch with a zigzag or we sew with our hands (hereinafter we will indicate only the machine)

Do-it-yourself developing book for the little ones from felt: step 3
  • Cut out the circles, leaving one uncut small size

  • We apply our "leaky" to the second square

  • From white fabric cut out a page measuring 23 * 23 cm

  • We place our 2 pieces of felt on a white "page" and sew in a zigzag on a typewriter

  • Cut out a mouse from paper

  • Transfer to gray or pink felt and cut out

  • Sew to the page, where the eyes are sewn with black beads

  • Instead of a ponytail - a ribbon

  • On the second tip of the ribbon we string a couple of large beads and sew on as in the photo

  • The first page is ready!

Second page "Apple tree":

  • Cut out a tree from paper (circle or print)

  • Trace over felt and cut out

  • We cut a new white page of size, like the first one

  • We sew the green part of the tree - the crown

  • We sew our pole

  • We take five buttons and randomly sew

  • Curly scissors cut out apples from red felt

  • We take gray / brown narrow ribbons / laces cut off five pieces of 2 cm

  • Sew the second part of the buttons to the apples

  • The second page is ready!

The third page "Abacus in the bag":

  • A piece of felt and 5-6 colorful beads of different colors and textures

  • We string beads on a dense thread or lace and sew along the felt

  • We take a fabric of a contrasting color (we have it pink) and cut out a square 28 * 28 cm. Draw a circle with a diameter of 8 cm in the center

  • We round the corners

  • We hem and sew so that you can thread the tape

  • We find the middle of the page, fasten the fabric and attach a circle of 8 cm to the page. Tie the string to the ends

  • Sew beads randomly around the edges

  • The third page is ready!

Fourth page "Ladybug"

  • We take a white braid, a small zipper and red and black felt

  • On black cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm

  • We also make a semicircle "muzzle" for a ladybug

  • From red felt, draw a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and cut it in half as well

  • We duplicate the same 2 halves from the bright color lining

  • Cut out 6 small circles from black felt.

  • Sew a zipper to the wind and lining

  • Sew circles on red felt

  • We put lace on dark felt and sheathe it

  • We attach the braid and sheathe

  • We string beads on 6 ribbons and sew on “paws”, sew 2 more ribbons to the head of a ladybug

  • Sew to the page and it's ready!

Fifth page "Butterflies"

  • This page is a butterfly in a clearing. We will need a butterfly blank (you can buy it in the accessories department or remove it from a hairpin), chiffon or organza, small beads, ladybugs and other small attributes for a clearing

  • We cut off a new page and a piece of chiffon protruding beyond the page by 1 cm on each side

  • We draw “waves” and stitch / embroider with fantasy patterns

  • A wave-like gap turned out between the page and chiffon, we fill it with a variety of accessories and overlay the edges

  • Sew a butterfly and beads on the upper corner

  • We process the edges of the page and it is ready!

Sixth page "Rainbow and the sun"

  • Cut out the page and again chiffon or organza slightly protruding from the edges of the page

  • Cut out the blue cloud and sew

  • Cut out the sun and rays, also sew over chiffon

  • In the circle of the sun, we sew firmly the gold-colored patches

  • From the cloud we sew several rows as in the photo with beads "droplets of water"

  • We embroider a rainbow with bright threads

  • We sew on a bunny or any other animal that you find in your blanks. Ribbon can be used to decorate a bow for a bunny

  • The page is ready!

Seventh page "Forest in autumn"

  • Cut out the page and start sewing on the appliqué

  • According to the template, we cut out a hedgehog, mushroom, tree trunk, tree crown and leaves from felt

  • We sew everything on the page, sew a few beads on the twigs

  • The page is ready!
  • The first page can be anything. We sew a wide ribbon on the left side of each page
  • We frame all pages around the perimeter with the same tape, to stiffen
  • We cut off the ribbons sewn on the left side to make a booklet, steam it with an iron and hurry to give it to our child!

Soft books are often requested for the nursery group. If you like to do something with your own hands, then you can create such a book yourself.

Be sure to keep in mind that such books instill that same love for books for the rest of your life. They should evoke vivid emotions, interest the plot, and there should also be a desire to touch the pages in order to fully perceive the plot according to age.

The manufacturing process is as simple as possible:

  • We take cotton rectangles measuring 12 * 22 cm (each page in this case will be 10 * 10 cm)
  • We sew applications on them, depending on the subject of the book, taking into account that 1 cm should remain along the edges and 1 cm in the middle should not be touched

  • Next, we add 2 rectangles (total 4 pages should turn out) between them we lay a thin synthetic winterizer 10 * 20 cm in size, bend the edges and sew
  • So we add several rectangles, but we recommend a total of 8 to 12 pages, then they simply won’t close

  • The last step is to fold it in a pile and sew it in the middle, “sewing” the book together into a single whole.
  • Optionally, you can make a fastener with a button

A do-it-yourself book is not just a masterpiece, it is an incomparable energy, as well as an opportunity to create a unique work for your child.

We propose to create two versions of a paper book, for younger and older children.

Book in a box

To create it, you will need a thick sheet of paper or thin A4 cardboard, a small ready-made box (from a watch, jewelry or other), decoupage paper, colorful thematic pictures printed or hand-drawn with your own hands.

  • We come up with a plot, decide how many pages the book will have
  • We cut the sheet in this way: the height of the sheet is equal to the height of the box -1 cm, the width of the sheet is equal to the number of pages, while the width of the page is equal to the width of the box -1 cm
  • We bend the sheet as many times as there should be pages, if it is cardboard, then draw along the fold from the back under the ruler with the sharp tip of a compass or the back of a clerical knife
  • We paste the application, sign the pictures
  • We glue the first and last page to the box, which we pre-decorate
  • The book is ready!

Book for a schoolgirl

First-graders are very fond of their stories, and with the acquisition of the skill of writing, she can write her story herself, in her own book! And her mother will definitely help her in this. The creation of the same book.

  • We take several sheets of paper of the desired format, we have it 10 * 10 cm and pierce it with a hole punch. If you wish, each leaf can be tinted with paints or tea to give a certain effect. We have in soft blue tones and snow-white is quite suitable
  • Sew all sheets together with thread
  • Now we make a cover: cut out the cardboard, we have a size of 11 * 24 cm

  • In the middle we draw a straight line and make a fold with a compass or the back of a clerical knife. At this point, the cardboard should be thinner, but not torn.
  • We take wrapping paper or a printed pattern and paste over the cardboard as in the photo. First in the corners, then bend and fix with glue
  • The inside can be glued with white or colored paper
  • We bend the cover in half, and then another 1 cm fold as in the photo. We wrap the middle inward and attach stitched sheets to it. We fix the book with glue or stitching with a thread
  • The book is ready! All you have to do is write your own story!

Today, the development of creativity in school plays as important a role as other tasks. Do-it-yourself book is one of the most common activities. It is easy to make and brings lots of joy to the kids.

    How to make a do-it-yourself baby book for school: step 5
    • We glue the middle with PVA glue so that the book does not fall apart. And you can read right away!

    Video: DIY baby book

Hi all.

On Tuesday, my daughter came from school with a task - to make a baby book with her own hands (a task on the outside world, they went through typography). The task for the week, that is, next Tuesday, must be handed over. At first, it took a long time to decide which work to take - the task was - small, you can come up with your own, or you can take something well-known. We decided to make a book by B. Zakhoder "The Whale and the Cat".

I’ll tell you what happened step by step, and in the middle, see a master class on covers for notebooks / books and others like them (I promised it for a long time, all my hands didn’t reach, but there is a reason). For those who have recently been with me, the book was sewn with Coptic binding (it is also a manual version of book binding), I had an MK for it somewhere in a magazine, or in the needlework community, I don’t remember already, I need to look for it.

To begin with, I created a layout in Photoshop, printed out the text and pictures in light gray font, because my daughter would not have written SUCH a volume of text completely by hand, and it would not have been even at all.

Today, when she finished writing, we started to create the book itself, not forgetting to print additional illustrations as well.

We needed iris threads, a large “gypsy” needle, an awl and scissors.

To begin with, we folded all three sheets in half, carefully ironing the folds.

After that, they took another blank sheet of paper, folded it in half, unfolded it, picked up a ruler and a pencil. They stepped back from both edges by 3 cm and every 2.5 put marks - a total of 7 marks.

After that, we sequentially put a leaflet with marks into each of the three sheets with text and pierced holes on the fold from the inside along the marks.

I inserted the needle only into the very first hole - then my daughter sewed herself, I controlled the process and suggested which hole the next needle was inserted into.

When we sewed all three “notebooks” (slang, “sheets folded together for stitching”), my daughter was very surprised and said “how is everything already ???”

Not without a second, terribly interfering "assistant"

As a result, after my request to smile, I had to take two dozen shots, of which one was more or less successful.

This is how the “block” looks like - the inside of the book after stitching.

Then I’ll show the remaining ponytails where we use it, but for now I’ll just show how the same sewn book looks from the inside.

It's inside the notebook.

And this is between the "notebooks" - there are gaps, they do not need to be put anywhere, they will not be visible later.

Since the block is stitched, let's start creating the cover. Well, and, accordingly, further will be a detailed MK .

Choose what the cover will be from. We had bumvinyl (such a special paper, you can google it), you can take thick paper, you can even take thick wallpaper, fabric - whatever your heart desires and what you have enough experience for - the easiest way to start is with ordinary thick paper (with a density of 180 g / m2 ).

We cut out 2 identical parts from cardboard, so that the cover is 1-2 mm larger than the inner block itself along the top, bottom and one of the sides (the density of the cardboard depends on your wishes, not less than 300 g / m2 exactly, if you need a straight hard cover - about 600-700 is needed, only if it is not beer cardboard - I don’t remember the numbers for it, but it comes in only one density).

The third part should be equal in height to the first two, and its width is the thickness of the innermost part plus 1-3 mm (depending on how thick the inner part is, if 5 mm, then the middle of the cover is 6 mm, if the thickness is 5 cm, then the middle of the cover and 5.5 cm will do).

We lay out the cardboard on the “fabric” (I remind you that I have bumvinyl, if you have a different material for the cover, just keep this in mind), cut off the excess part of the “fabric” so that there is 1-2 cm on each side for a hem. And do not forget to make 1-3 mm between the middle cardboard and the side ones.

First, we roughly lay out the cardboard so that the top and bottom have the same distance (a couple of mm will not play a role). We outline this for ourselves with dots, remove the cardboard and draw the GREEN line using a ruler. It is important that the green line is even, parallel to the top and bottom, otherwise everything will be skewed.

It is better to immediately glue the middle cardboard along this red line (if it is narrow, then by eye, if it is wide, we find its middle and combine the top and bottom points with the red line).

Next will be the most difficult thing, what you can get confused about, so I immediately recommend - put cardboard boxes - immediately mark them and on the very “fabric” on which they lay, put the corresponding numbers / letters / signs. Because if somewhere they made a mistake of at least 1 mm and they are not exactly the same, then confusing them in places when gluing is almost like death. Therefore, I wrote the number 1 on the cardboard, removed this cardboard, under it on the “fabric” I wrote the number 1, I did the same with the second cardboard.

Then we carefully combine the cardboard (first one, then repeat everything for the other) and the already existing green line. We retreat from the middle cardboard 1-2 mm and circle the side cardboard on two sides - in the picture it is BLUE lines .

We remove the cardboard again. And mark the cut lines. So that you don’t get confused and don’t turn the mouse back and forth, I duplicate the picture that was above.

PINK lines- just places of cuts between the side cartons and the middle one - so that everything is easily bent and there are no jams.

along the YELLOW lines cut out the corners, this is superfluous, we don’t need them (relative to the blue lines, no more than 45 degrees, the angle should be, optimally about 30, but I do it by eye).

After cutting out the corners, we sequentially glue the side cardboards, focusing on the green and blue lines (in the photo below they are black, too lazy to switch colors).

By the way, the choice of glue completely depends on what you use as a “fabric” - it is best to glue leather and paper of any kind on PVA (only take a construction one - it dries thicker and faster), and the same fabric, especially dense - on glue the moment is transparent (for example, silicone). Just don’t take any second glue - just ruin everything - you won’t even have time to apply it, but you also need to spread it evenly.

My daughter actively participated in all stages of making the book, therefore, on the same gluing of the middle cardboard, the jamb at the bottom is very visible, but oh well, but almost herself)))

Actually, the cardboard boxes themselves are glued first, then they are pasted over with a “fabric” by bending it (if it is any kind of paper, first you press and iron it without glue, it’s easier to glue it).

Moreover, the long sides are glued first - there can be the most jambs with them, and only then we try to hide these jambs by gluing the short sides.

Actually, MK can safely end here - it remains to put the cover under the press and leave to dry.

Well, my daughter and I, while our cover was resting under pressure, glued the inner block. This is done for several purposes:
- so the block becomes stronger, it will not be possible to tear out the pages by accident,
- “notebooks” stop moving up and down relative to each other (you can sew tighter, but then it turns out to be overstretched and not beautiful after gluing)
- Holes between "notebooks" are filled.

It is important to glue the block with the same glue that was used to glue the cover, so this time we have Moment Crystal glue.

Since we have a thin block, I simply pressed the ponytails to the block, when the block is thick (at least 1 cm or more) - be sure to first coat with glue, let it dry a little, coat it again a little, put gauze / bandage on top and coat with glue again - so block becomes one.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it - otherwise the glue may leak inside and partially glue the pages.

This is what the block looks like from the inside after sizing (I did not open it wide, yet it should dry for much longer than 15 minutes).

This is between the "notebooks" - where there was emptiness - now glue.

Well, inside the notebooks I’ll show you closer how my daughter sewed it.

We waited until the casing dries up, and proceeded to the final “finishing”.

This is what the book looks like with the inside block inside the cover.

Something is missing, my daughter told me. That's right - there is not enough flyleaf. And so we took two more thick sheets of paper, folded them in half and put them on the cover.

It is very important that the flyleaf recedes from the edge of the cover, that is, it completely coincides with that side of the side cardboard, which is closer to the middle. Glue one side of each endpaper to the cover.

That is, so that later the flyleaf opens, but one side hides all the fear and horror of the cover.

First, we outline the line beyond which the glue should not protrude. I wrote the dimensions of this space above. Since we have an A5 book size, I indented about 1.5 cm from the edge. On the other hand, the same thing.

Then we successively and very quickly apply glue to the already glued part of the block, to the middle cardboard of the cover and to the intended parts of the block (the same 1.5 cm from the edge). And we press the cover at the same time with the butt to the cover and the endpapers to the block on the sides.

Keep it like this from a minute to 5 minutes (depending on the type of glue), and then again your favorite press. Let the book dry under pressure. From half an hour to infinity - the longer - the better.

Well, my daughter and I remembered that the illustrations were left unused, so we had to urgently cut them out and stick them on a glue stick (I hope they won’t fall off tomorrow).

And here's what happened in the end:

closed book (the inscription will appear on the cover tomorrow)

This is how the endpaper and the cover are “pulled” by the glued inner block (this is how it should be for an “unread” book)

First page (which is glued to the flyleaf - the flyleaf is slightly smoothed by hand)

Pages 2-3

Pages 4-5 (formed by two different “notebooks”, this is almost imperceptible in the finished book)

Pages 6-7 (sorry, the whole picture did not fit, I only had to take a helicopter)

Pages 8-9 (pictures were requested here, but there was nowhere to put them, alas)

Pages 10-11

Page 12 ("imprint" and flyleaf)

Thank you all for watching)))

There will be questions - ask, I will try to answer them as far as possible.

P.S. I’m crazy happy with my daughter, she really did it herself under my strict guidance, I expected it to be in the spirit of “bring-give-idinafih-don’t interfere. It's nice to be so wrong in children))))

P.S.S. Inappropriate comments will simply be deleted - I have neither the strength, nor the time, nor the desire to listen to the nonsense of idiots.

Every child dreams of their own handmade book. An adult should help him with this. Such a book can serve as a notebook in which your child will draw. Also, a handmade book can be a wonderful gift for a loved one or a close best friend.

Well, how to make such a book yourself? Let's study.

Do-it-yourself small paper book (master class)

To make it you will need:

  • Sheets of white or colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler or needle and thread.

Manufacturing steps:

Do-it-yourself medium-sized paper book at home

One of the options for what a craft might look like.

To make it you will need the same materials as for the manufacture of a small book.

First you need to decide what you need this book for, in order to know how many pages it should have. Know that one page makes two. Don't forget the cover. It will require colored cardboard.

If you are going to make it for a gift, then it is better to use paper with a beautiful texture for this.

Do not use lined paper she doesn't fit.

Let's move on to production:

  • Fold it in half. Fold each page one at a time, not all at once. This is necessary so that the fold lines are even.
  • Smooth out the fold lines with a hard object.
  • Folded - fold one into one. If there are a lot of them, then fold the pages in blocks: four or two by six).
  • Fasten each such stack with a stapler. The brackets of one stack must not match the brackets of another blog. This is necessary so that when they are connected there are no ugly bulges.
  • Now fold them up. All edges must be even.

The main part is ready . How to make a binding.

Do-it-yourself book binding (step-by-step master class)

Bindings can be completely different. Its choice depends on the thickness of the product and your desires.

  1. First you need to make a cover. To do this, you need a thick colored cardboard. Fold it in half.
  2. If your collection consists of several parts, then they need to be glued together with adhesive tape. Cut the tape so that it is longer than your item. Stick it on the front and back pages: half tape on the front and half on the back. The excess tape must be cut off.
  3. Glue it to the item.
  4. There is another way to attach parts and covers - a ribbon or cord. If you choose this method, then you do not need to fasten them with a stapler and tape.
  5. Put parts in it.
  6. Align the edges.
  7. Use a hole puncher to make two holes.
  8. Pass a ribbon or string through the holes and tie a beautiful bow.

If you want to make a children's voluminous book for a child, then use durable cardboard. Only in this case the child will not be able to tear it.

Coptic binding

Coptic binding- this is the fastest and easiest way to bind pages together. Even a child can make this look, but it will take a lot of time and patience. A thing with him will be a great addition to your office or hotel.

To make it with such binding you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Paper;
  • Thick thread and needle;
  • Awl;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil.

Master class on making Coptic binding:

  1. Fold the sheets in half, connect them into stacks of three sheets.
  2. For each, the fold line must be marked with a pencil with a ruler. Put five points at the same distance from each other. Pierce them through with an awl. On the rest - you need to put the same points and also pierce.
  3. We make a cover out of cardboard. Fold it in half and put the first part inside.
  4. Now we sew the back and the first part. From the inside, insert a needle and thread into the first extreme hole. A small tail will remain in the fold. With the same thread, pick up the cover from the outside and bring the needle between the stack and cardboard.
  5. Circle the needle around the sewn thread and re-insert it into the first hole.
  6. Tie the tail and thread into a knot and tighten tightly.
  7. The same operation must be done through the second hole. So you need to flash all five holes.
  8. Now put the second block on top of the first and sew it in the same pattern.
  9. The latter will be stitched along with the cover. The needle must be inserted into the outermost hole and brought out between the stack and the cover. Circle the thread around the stitched stitch between the previous two and bring it to the extreme hole of the last pile, pull the thread inward.
  10. The same operation must be repeated with the adjacent hole. On the spine you should get a beautiful pigtail.
  11. Fasten the thread in the middle of the fold of the last part
  12. The original book is ready.

To learn how to make a book yourself, watch this video.

Photo gallery

To attract the attention of the child and make him want to learn, you can make a bright baby book with your own hands. This will require a little time and materials. It is enough to arm yourself with glue, scissors, paper and other simple things that can be found in every home to prepare the basis for creativity. It is worth noting that such books are popular with both preschoolers and primary school children. They differ only in content, which should correspond to the age of the child.

Benefits of baby book

Developing craft has a huge number of advantages:

  • folds easily, does not take up much space, so you can take it with you on trips or for a walk;
  • if the book is made of felt, it can be washed;
  • it is possible to periodically change pages, add new ones;
  • multifunctionality - depending on the content, it develops the child's fine motor skills, teaches writing and other skills;
  • if desired, a whole gaming complex can be made from crafts, giving it the shape of a house, car and other things;
  • With a felt book, you can play games, construct buildings, and much more.

Baby book for kindergarten "We study geometric shapes"

As you know, young children cannot sit in one place for a long time, which makes the learning process difficult. Another thing, if you do it in a playful way. This is exactly how kids will perceive the study of geometric shapes from a bright baby book for kindergarten, which is easy to make with your own hands from cardboard and colored paper.

Materials and tools

You can make an original craft for kindergarten from the following materials:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • self-tapping screw for metal;
  • threads;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • ruler;
  • shape templates.

Step by step master class

Instructions with step-by-step photos will help you make a baby book for kindergarten:

  1. For the manufacture you will need two sheets of colored cardboard. Each of them must be divided into 6 equal parts.

  2. Cut cardboard sheets along the marked lines.

  3. Using a ready-made template, cut out different geometric shapes from colored paper.

  4. It's time to start designing a baby book, and the child can do it with his own hands. Adults closely monitor this process. Glue geometric shapes cut out of colored paper onto cardboard sheets in random order. Try to have different shapes on each sheet, combine colors, shapes, sizes, and so on.

  5. From a piece of cardboard, make a template for holes, as well as a spine for a book. Below is a diagram of how to do it right.

  6. Bend the spine with scissors. Also cut out a template from cardboard and make holes in the indicated places with a self-tapping screw. They are necessary for the threads that will hold all the pages and the cover together. It remains to carefully fold all the cards with pasted geometric shapes. Pass the thread, folded in half, through the needle and carefully collect the book.
    On a note! To prevent the book from falling apart, you need to use a strong thread. Tie the thread into several knots, cut off the excess. Work out the folds of the spine and pages with scissors. It will turn out such a baby book, as in the sample below.
  7. But since the process of designing the book in this case preceded the assembly stage, when assembled, it will turn out the same as in the picture.

The finished booklet will help kindergarten children learn geometric shapes and colors. Moreover, you can additionally count the number of elements on each page.

Baby book for school

Plain paper is the basis of many crafts. You can make a baby book out of it using just one A4 sheet.

Below is a master class on which you can make a standard template for a baby book for school, anyone can come up with content of their own choice. For example, students in grade 1 can learn letters and numbers with it. For grade 2 students who have already learned to read, a book with riddles is suitable, it is also easy to do it yourself. Using a baby book, grade 3 students can even learn the multiplication table.

Materials and tools

To make a baby book, you will need the following materials:

  • A4 sheet;
  • ball pen;
  • scissors;
  • cover cardboard;
  • glue.

Step by step master class

So, we make a do-it-yourself baby book template for school:

  1. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half, as in the photo. Expand.

  2. Fold the paper in half again, but in the other direction. Expand. The result is a sheet with two fold lines that intersect each other.

  3. Both parts of the sheet that are from the fold line, fold in half. As a result, you will get 8 identical rectangles, as shown in the photo.

  4. For convenience, you can number the pages of the book with a pen and mark points A and B on it, as in the picture.

  5. Make an incision from point A to B, and then fold, as in the photo below, to make a diamond.

  6. Press on both sides of the diamond to close it.

  7. Bend the sheets to form a book.

  8. It remains to cut through the pages and fill the book with content.

  9. You can make a cover for a baby book out of cardboard and arrange it at your discretion. Glue the pages to the cover.

  10. Tie the book with a beautiful bow.

As for the content of the baby book, it must be selected depending on the age of the child.

For a student of grade 1, a baby book with fairy tales, the alphabet or mathematics with numbers is suitable. You can decorate it with your own hands with the help of pencils and paints or cut out ready-made pictures.

For grades 2 and 3, you can make a baby book about riddles. It will help develop the thinking of the child.

Thus, the content of the book for the school can be anything. The main thing is that it corresponds to the level and interests of students.

Ideas for creativity

You can create baby books on absolutely different topics. The main thing is that they are interesting to the child. It is easier to introduce children to the world around them, the seasons, and natural phenomena using a good example from a soft baby book.

It is enough to make quite a bit of effort to create a unique and unusual book that will arouse genuine interest in the crumbs and the desire to learn something new.

There is an opportunity to make a book for a boy or a girl. Little mischievous people will surely be interested in exploring every hidden corner of the fairy-tale castle, imagining themselves as a brave knight.

Little princesses will love this pink baby book named after them.

Well, all children will like to explore the sea on the ship. You can come up with adventures on your own by imagining yourself as a brave captain who enters into an unequal struggle with sea robbers and emerges victorious from it.

Or go on a journey on a fun train with friends - what could be more exciting?

The smallest baby book should help develop fine motor skills. Therefore, it is preferable to sew it from felt with many interactive details.

For primary school students, the book should assist in the study of school material. Its contents should correspond to the level of development of the baby.


An unusual baby book is a personal space for children to play. Amazing cars drive there, funny animals live there, unique houses are built. It is at the same time a football field, a sea station and a magical land with many adventures.

If you sew a baby book out of fabric, all the details must be firmly fixed. This is especially true for small items that a small child plays with. For older children, a paper product is suitable.

Before you start creating a small book, you need to think about what exactly will be interesting to the child. One kid will love the marine theme, the other will be delighted with the cars. How to make a baby book with your own hands will help video tutorials for beginners.