The script for the accountant's day is funny. "Money Day"

In all corporate companies are held differently. However, all of them are united by the fact that not every employee wants to organize a festive event. Moreover, sometimes they have to do it under duress. Therefore, it is not surprising that many corporate parties are boring and monotonous. This is especially true of all kinds of professional holidays, for example, Accountant's Day. But a corporate party, even for such an occasion, can be made truly fun and memorable if you take seriously the choice of games and contests for the Accountant's Day.

"Guess the Number"

Accountants are distinguished by a mathematical mindset. Based on this, you can invite them to train their brain and guess a simple mathematical problem. To do this, it is necessary for any guest of the corporate party to guess the number and multiply it by three, and then divide it by half. The resulting number must be multiplied again, but this time by six. The result must be reported to the accountant and asked what number was guessed.

Finding the answer is quite simple because for this it is enough to divide the result by nine. If the accountant guesses, it means that he is a good specialist.

"The Fastest Accountant"

Several accountants must participate in this competition. Each of them must be given a roll of toilet paper, which will be a salary. After that, you need to ask the guests of the corporate evening of the celebration to go out into the hall and stretch out two hands in front of you. Accountants must calculate (wind) each employee's salary. The winner is the one who uses up the entire roll the fastest.

Tip for accountants: Ask participants to spread their arms as wide as possible, and generously reward them with a “bonus”. Then your roll will surely run out faster.


For this corporate party in honor of the Accountant's Day, you need to prepare well. However, if the celebration takes place in the office, then this will not be difficult. To hold this competition, you need to prepare two office chairs, two packs of paper, four pens, and two waste baskets. Chairs must be placed in the middle of the room. Opposite them at the same distance, about three meters, you need to put empty waste baskets.

After all the preparations are completed, it is necessary to divide the workers into two teams of four people, each of which will include one accountant. It is the accountants who should sit on chairs, holding a pen in their hand. The rest of the participants should line up next to the chairs. The last participant must hold a pack of beeches in his hands, and the middle one - a pen. The last employee gives a sheet to a partner with a pen, he writes the word “Order” on it and gives it to the first. He reads what is written on the sheet, and gives the sheet to the accountant, who is sitting on a chair. The accountant puts his signature on the piece of paper, crumples it up and throws it into a basket three meters away.

The contest lasts three minutes. The winning team is determined by the number of crumpled sheets in the basket.

"Salary from paper clips"

For this competition, you need to prepare two packs of paper clips. The host divides the guests into two teams of eight people. If the team is small and does not allow creating such large teams, then four people can go to each of them. The facilitator hands the teams paper clips and asks them to create the word “Salary” from this stationery. If there are eight people in the team, then each participant creates one letter, which must consist of at least ten paper clips. If each team includes four people, then each participant needs to create two letters and paper clips. When all the letters are ready, the participants must lay out the coveted word. The team that manages to do it faster will win.

"Documents to archive"

A contest that is perfect not only for the Accountant's Day, but also for any corporate holiday in the office. The host distributes to all participants according to a standard sheet. He asks to fold them as many times as possible and sign them. After that, the host takes the folded sheets. As he unfolds the paper, he counts the number of folds. The employee who folded the sheet the most times wins the competition.

"Count the money"

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare a drawing paper on which you need to draw banknotes of different denominations. Whatman must be put on the table, to which it is necessary to call everyone who wants to participate in the competition. The task of the participants is to count the amount of money that is drawn on the paper as quickly as possible. Having counted the amount, the participant must whisper in the ear of the leader, so that the rest of the contestants do not hear. The leader writes down the time of the first participant and the amount he called, and then calls the second. The participant who was able to name the correct amount of money in the shortest possible time wins. This competition can reveal who at work counts money faster than an accountant.

"Numbers in Music"

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which must have an accountant. After that, the presenter invites the team to recall songs in which the topic of finance and just numbers are mentioned. In addition to naming the song, you must also sing its chorus. These songs include “My finances sing romances”, “Today is a holiday for girls”, “Thirty-three cows” and many others. Well, you can start with the song "Accountant" by the Combination group.


This competition is perfect for any corporate event in the sales department, but it can also be held on Accountant's Day. The essence of the competition is that at the beginning of the evening all guests are given the same amount of play money and a set of balls. During the evening, participants must sell and buy balloons. At the end of the evening, the host will count the amount of money each of the participants has and announce the winner. What scheme to use for the sale and purchase of balloons is up to the participants to decide. For example, you can bend the price of them, or you can sell all the balls together at a wholesale price. Accountants may also like this game.

"Small coin"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare a large number of coins of different denominations. After that, it is necessary to distribute coins in an equal amount to two participants, which can be two accountants. Then you need to blindfold them and within three minutes exchange each other for money by touch. That is, one contestant gives another coin of a certain denomination, and he must give him the same amount of money, but in several coins. After three minutes, it is necessary to count the number of coins for each of the participants. If the amount of money for both contestants is the same, then both participants won. If someone has more money, then none of them wins.

"Tax audit"

An ideal competition for celebrating the Day of the Accountant, in which the whole team can participate. Participants stand in a circle, and the driver enters the center, who acts as a tax inspector. The task of the participants is to pass a coin behind each other so that the driver does not notice. At any time, the inspector can stop the game and check who currently has the coin. If he guessed right, then the participant who had the coin in his hands changes places with the inspector.

There is a paper clip - there is a clue


Twenty paper clips are placed in front of two men. On a signal, they begin to unbend them to make hearts. The fastest one wins.

scraper jewelers

For a certain time, it is necessary to build an ornament from paper clips: a bracelet, a chain, a necklace. The product itself and the number of paper clips that went into its manufacture are evaluated.

fiddle fishing

Paper clips of different sizes are scattered on the table, the "fishermen" receive a magnet. Players throw a magnet on the table and after each throw remove the paper clips that have become magnetized. The "catch" is sorted by size and counted. The player who catches the most fish wins, given that the big paperclip counts as two.

Blind violinists

Couples participate in the competition. One player from a pair sits at the table, the second - at arm's length from him. The player at the table with his eyes closed with one hand looks for paper clips of a certain size among the piled paper clips, passes them to his partner, who connects them into a chain. The pair with the most links in the chain wins.


A stack of playing cards is fixed with two paper clips on the wide side in the middle. Players take turns taking out a card so that the paper clips do not fall. It is not allowed to touch the paper clips with your hands. The one who drops the paperclip loses.


Team game. It is necessary in the allotted time to lay out letters from the paper clips linked together, and from the letters   - a word. The number of letters depends on the number of players in the team. Each player makes up one letter, which must contain at least ten paperclips. Words posted by players: prize, luck, friendship, fortune, holiday, daring, winners. The team that completes the task faster wins.


My profession is an accountant.

1 .Hello dear friends!

2 .We are pleased to welcome you to today's meeting, which is held under the program "Accountant's Week"

1 .Our event aims to broaden the horizons of students in the accounting profession.

2. Every year, millions of people graduate from the country's schools, and each graduate decides the question: "What to be?", What to learn, what profession to choose, because. There are more than 4,000 professions in the world.

1 .Profession is a “craft” that requires special training.

It is necessary to choose the one that will become a matter of life, bring joy and happiness.

2. Accounting is an ancient profession. The word "accountant" in German means "bookkeeper", and accounting arose even during the primitive communal system.

Almost 500 years ago, the Italian scientist Luca Pacioli wrote a book about commercial accounting. It gave advice to merchants who kept records of goods, money and debts. He wrote: “If a merchant does not know how to keep records, he hires a skilled and diligent accountant. Otherwise, his business will turn into chaos.”

1. In Russia, the time of “major turns” and enterprising people came with the reforms of Peter 1. Peter himself made significant efforts to increase turnover and support entrepreneurship.

2. With the development of society, the prestige of an accountant has especially increased, his status has increased in connection with the adoption in 1996 on November 21 of the Federal Law “On Accounting.

1. Not only the success of a single enterprise, but also the economy of the entire state depends on the clear and careful work of accountants.

More than 3.5 million accountants work in Russia. Officially approved professional holiday on December 17 "Accountant's Day."

2. Accountants also have an international coat of arms. The accountants coat of arms was designed by the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Dumarche (1874-1946). The coat of arms consists of three figures: the sun - accounting illuminates economic activity; weights - balance; the Bernoulli curve - symbolizing that accounting, once having arisen, will exist forever, and the motto "Science, trust, independence".

1. These facts did not go unnoticed by artists. Who composed the anthem of accountants. It is performed for you by students of group 3 "G".

Anthem of accountants:

New Year! The whole world, forgetting worries

Have fun, drink, shout Hurray!

We write summaries and reports

We are not people, we are accountants.

Let others, drunk on vodka,

They dance and walk until the morning.

Our joy is in the right wiring

We are not people, we are accountants.

May passed fragrant and serene,

Evenings are drowning in the moonlight

We can't walk too

We are not people, we are accountants.

On a summer day - everyone lives in the country,

Everything on the sea - air and water

Only we count the shortfalls

We are not people, we are accountants.

We don't see sunlight

Lunar we do not see silver.

Our life is balance, expense and estimate

We are not people, we are accountants.

2. The accounting department in our technical school was opened in 1975 in accordance with the decision of the main department of secondary specialized educational institutions. During this period, more than 3,000 specialists have been trained, most of whom work in many regions of our country and neighboring countries.

Therefore, Kucherovka can rightly be considered a "Forge of Personnel".

The verse dedicated to Kucherovka is read by Sorokina O.

Kucherovka my dear

Pond, gardens, copses, fields

Corner of the earth you paradise

My lost youth.

Here in the hungry years he studied

Gryz granite peasant sciences

This is where I fell in love for the first time.

I drank the wine of hot girlish lips

I traveled across half of Russia

I saw many beautiful places

But my Kucherovka is prettier

For me, this is not on earth.

I am often gnawed by nostalgia

And my native land is calling me

The road for me is all Russia

Dear everyone, my Kucherovka.

1. Any profession assumes that the person who has chosen it has certain qualities. The most important quality of an accountant is adherence to principles, the will to justice, everything he does corresponds to the letter of the law. This forms his whole nature, and fills the content of his work with deep meaning.

2. Constant work with people and material values ​​requires from the people of this profession a sense of duty, the creation of high responsibility for the task assigned. An accountant is the most courageous person in the modern system of industrial and labor relations.

For an accountant, patience is no less important, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

1. Currently, _______ people are studying at the accounting department full-time and ______ people are studying by correspondence.

Graduate Babicheva.Yu. shares her impressions about her future profession.

2. Some consider the work of an accountant to be uncreative. This misconception is based on the rigid regulation of the decisions made by the accountant. The search for truth - the legal and the only right decision - always takes place in accordance with a set of rules and restrictions that exist in any profession. How correctly Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote about this.

Have you been in accounting?

I've been in accounting

Numbers and figures everywhere

Both small and big


And in the end, everyone agrees with each other.

Accounting -

Surprisingly interesting.

1. An accountant must be punctual and collected person. And if about him, as Pushkin about Onegin, says: "A small scientist, but a pedant," then this will be a great praise for the professional qualities of the Accountant.

A poem about an accountant, read by Poltoretskaya S.

Though your path is hard,

But without you, it's impossible.

You are the best! You are universal!


In "1C" you make postings

So that Billy Gates bites his elbows!

And tricks with objects of sale

Even eclipsed Copperfield!

You are the main one! You are responsible for everything!

And he should know about everything in the world!

The "Business" binder is your best friend.

Accountant, know that you are not alone!

The Ministry of Finance is always with you:

That letter will be sent to you.

Then suddenly they will come for a visit!

Always be healthy and cheerful

And forget about sick leave!

You must always be in the ranks!

More than once you cursed your fate:

“All life is divided into quarters;

There is no rest, only rushes!

In July you will not go to the resort,

Don't worry about celebrating the new year...

There is no strength for the night

Consolidate accounts in a financial statement.

Then stand in a crowd of queues, -

And each of them is like a Mausoleum…”

But the report is handed over, and you are extremely happy.

As if he received a set of awards.

Take a breath and move on...

Next report coming soon!

2. Each profession has its own professional language used by special terminology. There are quite a few words in the accounting language that are unique to it.

Debit, credit, 1:C -

For some, a dark forest

But the accountant in this ace,

He rescued us more than once!

1. Sometimes an outsider, listening to a professional conversation of accountants, begins to think with apprehension, where have I got to?

We invite you to listen to the song of fellow accountants performed by Laskovets O. and Polyanova S.

We calculate expenses, collect income

And every day we dream that there are more of them,

To close the salary, guardianship, communal,

And also to have enough for coal and gasoline

We meet clients, we see clients off.

We always work in a good mood.

They hand over reports almost like tests,

And that's why everyone respects us very much.

We all consider the budget, we all make up the budget

And every day we dream to accept it as soon as possible,

After all, it is very difficult, really, we will say frankly,

Every day it is so difficult to patch it from holes.

We wish you, colleagues, we have a well-coordinated work

And also we wish you a big budget,

So that "deficit" as a word disappears from everyday life,

And with a surplus, friends, everything will be fine.

2. Numbers in accounting are not dumb signs. The numbers speak, whisper, suggest. The ability to see and feel the living life behind them is one of the virtues of an accountant and one of those incomparable pleasures that his seemingly boring profession brings to an accountant.

Digital river. A mountain of papers.

A lot of innovations and obstacles.

Who, if not them, will tell

Where was a million born?

Their patience and courage

Everything in the world will grind

And brings good to the people

Their simple but important work;

1. Seems like a nightmare

A planet without papers:

Order crumbles

And chaos reigns...

But slender columns

Accountants ranks -

Sit, modest heroes,

Rescuing from trouble

Pythagoras discovered that the world

Rule number and number

In this sense, you are idols,

You colleagues are lucky!

Let the storms subside in the world

Chaos and confusion

May you colleagues have

Full of life openwork!

2. And listen to how the numbers are sung by Laskovets O. and Polyanov S. “If you shoot the numbers at night”

If only the numbers are removed for you at night

And you need to work again on a day off,

So, you girls are called accountants

So, sing this song together too!

This holiday without a doubt

We forget about the calculation

To set the mood

We will sing more than once!

If someone spoiled your mood

Maybe not enough money was given in advance,

You still love your job

There are many different professions, but an accountant is a class!

And a smile, no doubt

Yours will decorate a strict look,

A good mood

You can raise the premium.

If someone was thrown into misfortune by a friend,

And this act penetrated your heart

Remember how many good friends there are

You have much more to remember about them.

And a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

    In the accounting profession, along with successes and joys, difficulties and serious trials are also possible. An accountant, like a person in any other profession, is not immune from failure, even if he works in good faith and everyone has a personal life. For students of the accounting department, the song "Accountant" performed by T. Malakhova and O. Komova sounds.

I'm tired of singing about this foreign country

I'll put on boots and a red coat

I'm going to visit my beloved capital

Although in this form no one thinks

I'll take with me to the platform of the gentleman

He knows all my songs by heart

Not a foreigner and not a millionaire style

He is a simple accountant, so be it

Here it is, so simple

Accountant my dear accountant

Accountant my dear accountant

Here it is, so simple

Accountant my dear accountant

But native, but all mine.

Arriving in a cold and dusty office

Lay out paper folders on the table

Twist Soviet shag into a tube

And he will think only, only of me.

His work day is nearly over.

And Dt with Kt remained not reduced

He doesn't care about it if only day and night

I sang a song about him.

Accountant my dear accountant

Here it is, so simple

Accountant my dear accountant

And happiness will be if there is peace in the soul

Accountant my dear accountant

Here it is, so simple

Accountant my dear accountant

But native, but all mine.

2. Teachers make a great contribution to the formation of professional skills. The profession of a teacher requires you to always be principled, objective and kind. Today we, students of the accounting department, want to thank you for your work and give you a song. "Blue Swans" performed by Polyanova S. and Laskovets O.

One girl at 16

I believed in happiness that does not exist

Who is she, what is her name

You guess yourself.

And then one day with an evil smile

Her chosen one, her hero

Said calmly "Come with you

We'll just be friends."

blue swans bright dreams

Proud birds of magical spring

You lied to me

Flew far away

blue swans where are you

You save love from trouble

I was promised.

One girl at 16

Bought a train ticket

Who is she and what is her name

You guess yourself

And carries somewhere her express

The autumn forest flew outside the windows

Childhood rolled down the cheeks

Crystal tears.

blue swans bright dreams

Proud birds of magical spring

You lied to me

Flew far away

blue swans where are you

Wing shadows on blue water

You save love from trouble

I was promised.

blue swans bright dreams

Proud birds of magical spring

You lied to me

Flew far away

blue swans where are you

Wing shadows on blue water

You save love from trouble

I was promised.

1. I would also like to especially greet the students who are studying at our technical school for the first year. It's nice that they chose the profession of an accountant and it is in our educational institution. We hope that they made the right choice, and the years of study at the technical school will leave only good memories of themselves. For them, the song is performed by students of group 3 "G" Chudinova M. and Belenkova O. "Queen of Beauty".

Summer roams the lanes

The sun pours straight from the rooftops

In the stream of sunlight

You are standing at the kiosk

Shiny magazine covers

You look at them with delight

You saw in the magazines

Beauty queen.

And I admire you alone

And you don't know yourself

That beauty will overshadow any

beauty queen

And I'm going to meet you

And I bring you flowers

As the only one in the world

Beauty queen.

I am connected with you forever

You are life and happiness, my love,

I saw a lot of beauties

Both in magazines and in movies

But none of them became

The best darling doesn't care

I didn't even notice

How did you enter my dreams

You are the cutest in the world

Queen of beauty

I am connected with you forever

You are life and happiness, my love.

Summer roams the lanes

The sun pours straight from the rooftops

In the stream of sunlight you stand

And I'm going to meet you, and I bring you flowers

As the only one in the world

Beauty queen.

2. And finally, the accountant must be a very seasoned worker. So, a benevolent attitude towards a person who makes a request or clarification should always be present with an accountant.

Politeness, correctness of an accountant when discussing any problems will always leave a good impression not only about a particular person, but also about all representatives of our profession.

    A people who passionately believe

And knowledgeable accounting,

An accountant who respects money

A debit with a credit will always bring you down.

Hence our advance payment, salary,

And the prize is calling ahead.

Accountants, you are adored

You are wonderful people!

2. Love life, love people, love your profession.

On the eve of the Spring holiday of International Women's Day on March 8, we want to congratulate all women, girls and wish them health, happiness, love and good mood. And give me a song. "Weather in the house" performed by Malakhova T. and Komova O.

What is our forecast for today

What did you wake up with again out of tune

Just tell me "God have mercy"

What shit do you mean

Most importantly. Weather in the house

And everything except

What is the forecast, rain or fog

Does not wait, no matter how inadvertently trouble

You like a volcanic eruption

I can never predict

Most importantly. Weather in the house

And everything else is nonsense - there is you and me

And everything except

Easy to settle with an umbrella

What is the forecast as long as the sky is starry

What can we expect, spring or winter

Tell me everything, and if it's too late

We will only be to blame.

Most importantly. Weather in the house

And everything else is nonsense - there is you and me

And everything except

Easy to settle with an umbrella

There are many different holidays in the world. There are local and international holidays, traditional and unusual: Hug Day, Blonde Day, Egg Day, Dormouse Day, Chocolate Day, Spontaneous Kindness Day, Cucumber Day and even Toilet Day. So, the most diverse holidays exist, but there is no Money Day! It's time to restore justice. Proposed scenario "Day of money" can be used for a home party or a corporate holiday (for example, the Day of the accountant or the Day of the financier). Such a ringing and rustling holiday can be arranged on a birthday, and on any calendar holiday, by adding the appropriate toasts and slightly changing the eyeliners. After all, this day is not tied to a date, and therefore you can spend it on any day, and as many times as you like. This one can also be used to conduct fun seminars on the topic ... "Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity!" It has been noticed that the There are always more of these parties in your pocket, and wallets become heavier.

Training: To begin with, we will lay a festive table, the menu of which will please the heroes of the occasion. (Let me remind you that the culprits of our celebration are MONEY). Prepare a beautiful menu where you remind guests of the importance of this or that dish on the festive table. Additional materials, musical inserts are attached. Hints for organizers are in italics.

Required props:

- Lots of small money (coins) - some of them will serve as promotional tokens, the other will be the starting capital for teams;

- Socks (2 or 3 according to the number of teams), which will contain the "starting capital" of the teams;

- Printed "Money menu". You can also read the menu, you will find the text in the first words of the Host.

- Souvenir money or Wrappers, acting as banknotes;

- Tablets with signs or names of currencies for the Crazy Grandmas contest;

- An unchangeable ruble - a denomination of One ruble, which was in circulation in the USSR (if not available, you can draw or print a copy of it from the Internet);

- Costumes "Money bag", for the final "Distribution of elephants and gifts"

Money menu:

Pancakes with cabbage- so that the cabbage is thick

Mushrooms- to row everything to yourself
Fried fish with a golden crust- to fulfill material desires
Pork in any form- a symbol of prosperity and wealth
Greens varied- to green dollars
Grape- a symbol of abundance
Kiwi- green fruits that are for money, and they are also shaggy, therefore, for big money
Tea- for aspirations
Lemons- to millions
Halva- for freebies
Chocolate- so that everything is in chocolate
Well, and, of course, semolina to MANI to lure
You can drink it all LEMON-at-home- so that millions fly into the house.

Don't forget about money scents: orange, bergamot, cinnamon, patchouli, rosemary and others.

(Those who are familiar with the OXYUMORON technique will surely supplement the menu with “own” dishes. If you use this scenario to conduct a fun seminar, then “seat” purses (open) in the center of the festive table, let them inhale the aromas and eat - eat-saturate)

Non-serious scenario of the holiday "Money Day".

Leading: Money, Money, Money - multi-colored pieces of paper and voiced coins that have fantastic energy and powerful potential. And also - rejected, slandered, cursed ... Remember, "money is evil", "you can't earn big money with honest work", "money spoils a person" and the like. But why, then, do we secretly lust for these very banknotes? Yes, and in quantities that are inconvenient to say in a decent society? Education, my friends, education! I propose to restore justice and celebrate Money Day. I note that the menu of today's holiday corresponds to the stated theme. On our tables there is everything that is useful for increasing the money supply in our wallets.

The first competition "Currencies of different countries".

Leading: To begin with, let's arrange a warm-up according to the "Auction" principle: whoever says the last word on a given topic wins. And the topic of our Auction will be "Currencies of different countries".

(Hint for the Leader: ruble, dollar, pound, euro, afghani, dinar, peso, franc, lev, dong, lari, real, tenge, krone, yuan, won, yen)

Sounds like a song about money from the movie "Wooing a Hussar" Oh, money, money, rubles

Leading: Have you ever noticed that some people, who are rather uncertain about their expenses, become more agile and confident when they have to count income and free cash, or their own "ringing opportunities", as Nikolai Gumilyov poetically called money? Perhaps our first ones who dropped out of the race in the previous competition were among them?

The second competition "Money loves the account".

(competition see in the script on this one)

Competition "Money account love - 2".

Leading: Two people are invited to the podium (one from each team), who, in the last competition, were somewhat ... "lingered". So to speak. Now you will have a unique opportunity to show your abilities in full brilliance and earn start-up capital for your team. A long time ago, money was kept in chests, cellars, hiding places, now, as a rule, banks are trusted with savings, however, some people hide money under the pillow or in socks in the old fashioned way. These socks, filled with specie, will become the starting capital of your team, but for this, you have to count how many coins we have hidden in this rare cache.

Conditions of the competition: There should be a different number of coins in the socks - the difference is 3-4 coins, the Host must know exactly how many in which sock. The first one to count wins. After the end of the competition, the starting capitals are equalized, and the winner receives an additional bonus. Let's say 5 coins.

Contestants consider "seed capital".

The fourth contest "Keep money in the savings bank!"

Leading: Probably, many people remember such a Soviet slogan: "Keep money in a savings bank." And we, like modern people, keep our savings, of course, not in socks, but in banks. But not everyone knows how to make deposits "correctly", how to protect their savings.

A competition is being held"Keep your money in a savings bank"

Leading: I'll ask you to go "on stage" 1-2 (depending on the number of participants) men - these will be our BANKS. We will give each Bank one client who, in a certain amount of time, (e.g. 1 minute), will have to make as many deposits as possible in their banks. Contributions are candy wrappers (clients must have equal amounts of "cash"), bank cells - pockets, sleeves, socks, finally! Begin. Time has gone!

Sounds like timer

After counting the funds remaining on hand, the first winner is revealed.

Leading: And now I ask clients to change BANKS and try to withdraw the deposits of their rivals. For everything about all the same 60 seconds. Time, gentlemen!

The winner is the participant who managed to withdraw the most deposits of the opponent.

Movable competition "Crazy grandmas".

Leading: And now we will briefly return to childhood. Remember how fun it was to shout: "Ali Baba!", "What is the servant about?..." And then run, breaking through the chain of the rival team with your chest? Having kept the rules of that children's game, we will catch grandmas, more precisely "grandmothers", more precisely money. Approximately like this:

- Yes Yes Yes!
- Dollar-Petya us here!

(Organizers: you can prepare plates with the sign or name of any currency and hang on each participant)

The competition "Mad Grandmas" is held. The team that catches the most "money" wins.

Team relay race "Store eggs in different baskets, or explore new markets"

Leading: They say that eggs should be kept in separate baskets. I don’t know who came up with this thesis, but there was no such proverb in Russian folklore. Nevertheless, the phrase turned out to be tenacious, and therefore, we will now deal with just such a packaging of eggs.

(The presenter picks up the egg, "accidentally drops it, thereby showing that the egg is raw. Arrange in advance with the assistant to quickly remove the results of the "demonstration").

Leading: As you can see, the eggs are fresh and fragile, and therefore, try to save your goods.
Relay conditions are as follows: Participants line up at the start line. Spoons in hands, eggs in spoons. Ahead - chairs on which there are baskets (buckets, pots, basins, in short - containers). One team member stamps the eggs. (This can be a children's toy stamp (seal), or just a felt-tip pen on which the team's sign is placed. Let's say, for one it will be "P" - from the ruble, and for the other "E" - from the euro. Or more simply: felt-tip pens of different colors ). On command, the participants move to their basket, leave an egg in it, return, pass the relay spoon to another participant, who carries the egg to another "basket". Please note that teams can use absolutely all "baskets" (markets).

The relay race "We store eggs in different baskets" is held. The team that "mastered" the greater number of "markets" wins.

(Option 2 competition "We store eggs in different baskets, or develop new markets."
In a close friendly company, you can make the competition more extreme. In this case, men will act as "baskets", or rather their pockets and hands, where the "raw" eggs will be sent, but it will be more convenient to carry them in their hands).

Seventh contest "Money, how I love you, my money!"

Leading: It's time to rest. We are having another auction. We call proverbs, sayings, popular expressions about money and money. We remember, replenish the treasury. Each proverb is a coin. The team that cuts down the last one wins.

(Leader tips: There is never much money; Money doesn't smell; Money account love; A penny saves a ruble; Money can not buy happiness; Think do not think, but a hundred rubles is not money; There was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn; You won't earn all the money; Money like dirt; Money - chickens do not peck; Your money will become ours; Money for a barrel!; Money to money; We cried our money; Finances sing romances; A bargain is a bargain; Eh, ma, if only the darkness of money!; A penny saves a ruble; etc.)

Eighth competition"Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity, or Excitement is a serious matter."

Leading And now the teams will have the opportunity to significantly increase their team capital. To do this, you, friends, will need both ingenuity, and the ability to think logically, and simply Her Majesty - Luck. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, our great-great-grandmothers played the simple game "danetki". Most likely, then it was called differently. Today, having received a new modern name, the game is becoming popular again. This is where we're going to play. The conditions are simple: I ask a question, while the teams ask me additional questions that can help in solving the problem. I will answer only "Yes" or "No", but you, by logical reasoning, must find the correct answer. So let's start. The first guessed "danetka" will bring the team 10 (20) full coins.

The first "baby"

They did their job well, and because of them, Sveta began to speak better. What's happening?

Answer: Sveta teaches the tongue twister "Four black, grimy little imps drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly"

The first round of the game is underway.

Leading: Is the task clear? And now the conditions are a little different. More precisely, only one team will answer the question. For example, the "N" command. With the correct answer, she will receive her 20 gold pieces, but!!! The "M" team, if desired, can repurchase the right to answer. To do this, she must stake a larger amount - 25 - 30 coins. In the case of a correct answer, the team receives the amount that it staked. Both teams can participate in the auction.

Items for sale:

1. To test her theory, Lisa was damaging the environment. What's happening?

Answer: Lisa guessed on a camomile - "loves, does not love."

2. Baba Klava was walking from the bazaar, climbed a tree along the way, got down from it and went on. What happened?

Answer: She crossed the stream on a fallen tree.

3. In the store, Irina was attacked by an animal that wanted to get to her neck, but she managed to emerge victorious. What happened?

Answer: Oksana was "strangled by a toad", but the girl overcame her greed.

The ninth contest "Money does not lie underfoot".

Leading: All good things come to an end: youth, vacation, and money. And ours is slowly coming to an end. I ask the team to the stage. What do you think, my rich friends, is the proverb "Money does not roll under your feet" true?

Answers follow.

Leading: Well, I suggest you check it out. Now your attention will be presented to a unique attraction: "Money Rain". This is a very useful action. It is not for nothing that the newlyweds are showered not only with rose petals, but also with wheat and small coins. We are far from being married here, but it is always useful and pleasant to experience the grace of the ringing and rustling rain. But, after the financial cloud flies away, you have to collect what attacks from it.

There is a "money rain" from souvenir bumfeti. You can add to the "precipitation" and a few hailstones (coins). Teams raise money. The team with the most banknotes and coins wins.

Alik Farber's song "Money, how I love you, my money" sounds.

The final. "Distribution of elephants and gifts."

Leading: While the life-affirming song sounds, the teams count their capital and calculate how much they have earned for tonight, not forgetting to take into account that the initial amount was NN.

The song of the ABBA Ensemble "Mani-mani-mani" sounds

Leading: So, the money is counted, the results are impressive. During our short evening, the N team earned nn banknotes in hard (wooden currency) and took an honorable second place. She is given an unchangeable ruble.

Applause sounds, a gift is presented.

Leading: With a slight margin of mm signs, Team M became the overall winner. In this connection, she is given a check in the amount of capital earned today, and all team members receive the honorary title of "Money Bag".

(For organizers: Costumes can be prepared for the winners: bags with cut holes for the head and hands, with appropriate inscriptions and decorations. One of them can be tried on and demonstrated.)

Applause sounds, gifts are presented.

Advice from the author: In a small company, or at a fun seminar, you can arrange a tea party with meaning and benefit. To do this, place a small sheet of paper under each cup. Stir the tea with a simple pencil. (You can determine the number of stirs in advance. The Merry Wizards, for example, consider the number 27 to be magical. But you can also use your own lucky number). After that, everyone writes on a piece of paper: TEA, MONEY WILL BE! The sheet must be put in the wallet. Let him work as a bait for money. And do not forget about the heroes of the occasion. You can "feed" your wallets with semolina. And scatter the lure at the door. Let the money know where to go)))

We wish all our users wealth and prosperity!