The most popular gifts for March 8.

International Women's Day has been celebrated since 1921. Today is one of the most joyful holidays for our women. After all, every year they are given gifts, presented with beautiful colors and pleasant congratulations are addressed to them.
Today, many are looking for a suitable gift for the fair sex and in desperation turn to friends, girlfriends and the Internet for help. Do you know what is most important in a gift? It's to do it from the heart. And, of course, you don’t need to give any nonsense, just to be considered. I want to offer a few ideas, thanks to which gifts for March 8 will delight girls and women.

First of all, you need to decide who the gift is for: your girlfriend, wife, sister, mother, grandmother, or maybe you want to buy gifts for employees on March 8. Of course, you can choose almost any gift for a loved one, especially if you have perfectly learned her tastes and know exactly what she will be delighted with. Many girls love soft toys. Perhaps this will seem banal to someone, but it's true, a huge bear, a bunny, a dog and a bunch of flowers cause genuine delight among beautiful ladies.

1. A good gift for March 8

Many representatives believe that the best gift for girls is diamonds. If you are able to make such a luxurious gift for March 8 to your lady of the heart - give it! She will definitely like it. A ring, earrings are a wonderful gift for your beloved woman on March 8. If you don’t know the size of her finger, which often happens, but don’t want to spoil the surprise, give a bracelet, chain, brooch, elegant pendant. A good gift for March 8 is what your girlfriend dreams of. I think she told you more than once about her preferences, tastes, wishes and what she really likes. You only need to remember. Silver jewelry, gold, platinum - a wonderful gift. Believe me, even the most modest silver ring for 500 rubles or gold for 3000 will delight! Is it really necessary to save on joy?

gold jewelry is a good gift for March 8
jewelry made of gold and diamonds - a good gift for March 8
flowers and diamonds are a good gift for March 8

If your lady of the heart is very practical and believes that jewelry is an unnecessary waste of money, then give her something that is useful in the household. A useful gift for March 8 is a tea or coffee set that you will share.

You can give a set of beautiful plates, different sizes. It can also be a chic set of Vinzer dishes, which is not cheap, but is of excellent quality.

Needless to say, household appliances have always been in great demand among the female population. Can't spend a lot of savings on a gift right now? Buy a modern coffee maker, a beautiful electronic clock, a hair dryer, a bread maker, a double boiler, an electric waffle iron - all this will come in handy on the farm.

A useful gift for March 8 - a clock in the form of a picture

3 Unusual gifts for March 8

Every self-respecting woman wants to look at any age not just good, but attractive to her man, and not only Taking care of her appearance, women do not just look after themselves, but endure many, to put it mildly, not very pleasant procedures, for example - depilation. Men, you yourself should try at least once to understand what feats your girls go to in order to please you! Give your girlfriend the most unusual gifts for March 8: a subscription for several sessions to a beauty salon. Let your girlfriend feel even more attractive. Not a bad idea - a coupon for a chocolate or honey massage.

If your girlfriend is a creative person and loves music, get a ticket to a concert, festival, exhibition, theater, ballet, opera. A ticket to a new movie is also a good idea, but she can buy it herself, so giving such a gift, do not really count on delight in her eyes.

Unusual gifts for March 8 - ticket for the premiere of the ballet

Every, even the most ordinary girl wants to feel attractive and desirable. Creative gifts for March 8 can be different, it all depends on your imagination and wealth. A stylish photo shoot in the studio, Thai massage, a certificate for visiting the pool - they may well become an unusual gift. As well as a brand new phone, laptop, camera, tablet or e-book - your girlfriend will be pleased.

If you know the tastes of your girl very well and are guided by the size of her clothes, give her beautiful lingerie, a peignoir, a sexy corset, or even (for the most daring) an erotic toy. She will thank you in a special way 😉

There are a lot of actual gifts, these are things that we rarely pay attention to, but we can’t do without them. For example, a handbag for women is a must-have accessory, as well as a stylish wallet. For business women, an actual gift for March 8 is an expensive pen and a diary in a leather or original cover.

A table lamp that will fit perfectly into the interior of the room, a beautiful bedside table, a picture, chic bedding, such as satin, silk or with a colorful pattern, a satin bedspread to match the bedroom with embroidery. Your woman will appreciate your gift and your housekeeping.

Romance is very important in a relationship. Even if your girlfriend is not 15, this holiday is impossible without flowers. Men, you should take care of the flowers in advance, and not while breakfast is being prepared for you, you will go to the store with an important look, gritting your heart, sort of like on business .. You don’t need to do it defiantly! You are quite mature and independent people, you know how to navigate in numbers and days. Prepare everything in advance. Wake up early on this day, you are the stronger sex and your woman believes in you and counts on you. Let you wake up first on this day and make coffee, tea, or (if you don’t know how to do this, everything happens in life) open the juice and pour it into a glass. Please your girlfriend, let her see what a gentleman you are and let her make sure that you are the best! A box of chocolates or fresh fruit, a cake and, of course, flowers are part of a romantic gift for March 8th. Dinner at a restaurant or a romantic evening in a cozy cafe is also a great gift for March 8th.

7. Gifts for March 8 to employees

Gifts for employees on March 8 are usually bought by "neutral", but of course, depending on age, position and position. First of all, flowers and sweets, and you can also present an individual cup and saucer, made in the original style, or a tea cup, which is always useful at work at lunchtime. You can also give a beautiful bath towel, a light spring scarf, an unusual keychain for a mobile phone or keys. A set of beautiful pens or a stand for pens and pencils - everything that can come in handy in the workplace.

International Women's Day is usually celebrated in the first month of spring. Although at this time it is usually still quite cold and frosty, our hearts are ready for the onset of this long-awaited spring. This is also the best time to once again demonstrate to your dear women (whether mom, bride or spouse) how much you love them. In this article, we have collected the best gifts for March 8, so there is where to roam.

Top 10 best gifts for March 8

  • car or apartment. This is one of the most desirable gifts that any woman would like to receive as a gift. As they say just like that, just because you exist, and it doesn’t matter that it requires impressive material costs - you can’t forbid living beautifully!
  • Jewelry made of precious metal and precious stones. This is the classic that was, is and will remain the most popular and sought-after gift option for women. No wonder in one famous song it is sung: “The best friends of women are diamonds!”. Perhaps a chic gift for mom on March 8, by the way, it’s also suitable for my wife.
  • Fur coat. This is a rather expensive gift for your wife on March 8, but if you have such an opportunity, then why not?! Perhaps every second woman, if not the first, dreams of a new and beautiful fur coat made of real fur!
  • A gift certificate for a visit to the spa, which includes a full package of procedures. There, a woman can perfectly relax, relax and just put herself in order.
  • Flowers! And do not believe those ladies who say that they feel sorry for the money spent on acquiring this short-lived joy! They are cunning and possibly testing you for stinginess! This is the best gift for a girl on March 8, she will certainly appreciate it.
  • Authentic, healthy and delicious chocolate. Ordinary tiled or in sweets - it does not matter. It just so happened that ladies of all ages like to indulge themselves with this delicacy from time to time. An inexpensive and good gift for a sister, a friend on March 8, in general, for all female representatives.
  • Soft toys, especially those huge ones that will then take up a lot of the right space. Consider it a hello from childhood!
  • Expensive perfume of her favorite brand or even the one she will try for the first time! In this case, you can choose perfumes together (which is very romantic) or get by with a certificate from the desired department of the store. Such a cool gift for mom on March 8 will certainly please her.
  • Modern technology. It can be a new mobile, tablet or laptop. If we are talking about mom, then kitchen appliances, such as a blender, coffee maker or multicooker, will also work.
  • Tour for two. This is a great way not only to congratulate your beloved, but also to have a good rest, escape from weekdays and gain new impressions, including from each other.



Do not despair if now you do not have the opportunity to give the lady of your heart what she deserves - everything has its time. There would be a desire, but there will always be means and ways to get what you want. Love and be loved! Share links and leave your comments.

The main concern of every man on March 8 is to find a suitable gift for all those around him, beloved ladies: for his daughter, niece, mother, grandmother and beloved woman. And do not forget about female colleagues ... To please everyone, causing a joyful smile in each hero of the occasion, is not easy. After all, it is necessary to take into account age, character and personal preferences.

Some men are not particularly worried about this. They manage with a traditional bouquet of flowers and a gift set of caring cosmetics recommended by the saleswoman in the nearest store. But if you really want to make a good impression and make your loved one happy, try to choose a present carefully. And buy it early!

For sister or friend

Most likely, you are well aware of her hobbies. This already greatly simplifies things. To narrow your search, focus on the little things that are really important for a particular woman:

  • car enthusiast you will surely like a convenient and attractive external organizer for a car or a female modification of the autoheel. She can also be given a car charger for a mobile phone and a sheepskin seat cover.
  • The girl who belongs to the category sportswomen, will definitely appreciate a branded exercise bike, a subscription to the gym paid for a year in advance.
  • Lady partial to pleasant aromas, you should please the aroma lamp or pendant for oriental incense.
  • Your girlfriend can't live without beautiful jewelry? Present her with a fashionable silver pendant encrusted with gems. For those who are looking for a budget option, a pretty hair clip with rhinestones will suit.

If a woman does not have clearly expressed hobbies, opt for universal gifts. It can be a projector of the starry sky or sea waves - it will give its owner peace and a sense of blissful peace.

No less welcome surprise will be an exclusive T-shirt with a print (inscription), which will have a special meaning for the girl. Many young ladies like to decorate not only themselves, but also their home. Such ladies will be delighted with elegant modular paintings, an elegant key holder or original wall clocks.

Advice.Your present does not have to be serious. By March 8, a creative surprise with a humorous touch is also suitable. For example, for a girl who is constantly late, a running alarm clock will become relevant, and for a slender young lady, preoccupied with her “extra” kilograms, a cake in the form of scales.

For the other half

You can please your wife or girlfriend with many surprises. Here, the most important thing is not your budget, but the desire to give your chosen one joy and an understanding of what exactly makes her happy.

Most ladies will surely appreciate the care shown in the form of a cooked and beautifully decorated breakfast served in bed. It is also possible and even necessary to take care of a romantic candlelit dinner. Do not limit yourself to your signature dishes - treat your loved one to something new!

For each person, the best gifts are those that give unforgettable positive emotions. If your modern lady has dreamed of learning English or mastering the technology of polymer clay crafts, solemnly present her with a gift certificate for completing the course. And you will please the extreme by paying for a bungee jump or a helicopter jump. Of the more calm, but definitely pleasant options, a joint visit to the concert of the artist, whose work the girl admires, is suitable.

Romantic young ladies will like the ode composed in their honor and read on the Eighth of March, a verse and a song. In addition, you can organize a festive flash mob or make a touching photo presentation. But it is better for practical women to make a surprise in the form of the equipment they need or multifunctional, useful gadgets.

Luxurious jewelry belongs to the category of always appropriate, win-win gifts. There is nothing better than receiving a ring, earrings or diamond bracelet from a loved one on International Women's Day. This will be an excellent proof of his sincere feelings and serious intentions. If a man has more modest opportunities, you can get by with a small but beautiful accessory made of silver with semi-precious stones. To make the surprise less banal and more spiritual, take care of the appropriate engraving with a commemorative inscription (this can be rhyming lines, a declaration of love, or simply the initials of the future hostess).

And don't forget the flowers. For fans of the classics, a bouquet of scarlet roses would be an excellent choice, and for a lady interested in floral trends, it is better to present a spectacularly designed box with flower buds and delicious delicacies - multi-colored macaroons.

For mom and grandma

Your closest relatives will most likely be happy with traditional gifts: a set of towels, beautiful tablecloths, curtains or kitchen utensils. The latter option involves a wide range, among which there will definitely be something that your mother or grandmother will like. For example, it can be baking dishes, a kettle, pots.

Having decided to make a woman happy with advanced household appliances, keep in mind: older ladies often find it difficult to understand the functionality of overly advanced models. If you want to make her life easier, you should opt for analogues that are easier to set up.

For more advanced modern women, you can buy branded perfumes or first-class cosmetics. When choosing, be guided by the taste of the recipient, especially her appearance. Also, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to what kind of products she usually prefers.

Grandmother and mother will surely like thematic presents that are directly related to their hobbies. A fan of culinary delights will be delighted with an elegant apron or an original vegetable cutter, and a needlewoman can easily be made happy with a bead embroidery kit, a comfortable needle bed or a new sewing machine.

Ladies of Balzac age and older are usually quite sentimental, so most of them will be happy with a memorable photo album or an unusual video greeting. Your relatives will be no less delighted with the presents for International Women's Day that you make with your own hands. It can be a knitted snood scarf that is now popular, homemade soap, a postcard made in the origami technique or made from Soviet greeting cards.

A gift that will cause unbridled delight and tears of happiness will be a tourist voucher to your mother's favorite country or to any health resort. If the financial situation does not allow making such a costly surprise, you can limit yourself to a ticket to the theater or to an interesting private exhibition.

Instead of the usual bouquet, in this case, it is preferable to give the woman flowers in a pot or an unusual composition of fruits and chocolates.

When choosing a gift for March 8, immediately decide what type of people the hero of the occasion belongs to.

  • Audialu Those who know the world mainly through sounds will like an MP3 player, audio books or karaoke.
  • visual will sincerely admire the donated camera, bright clothes and a beautiful picture.
  • Logic people like encyclopedias, as well as e-books.
  • Kinesticom first of all, emotions and tactile sensations are important - they should present a warm, soft blanket, delicious homemade cakes and bedding that is pleasant to the touch.

For colleague, boss

Thanks to balloons, flowers and beautiful postcards, you can easily create a festive mood in the office. A good gift for colleagues on March 8 will be a corporate event organized in a restaurant, during which each employee will receive a bouquet and a small surprise in the form of a calendar, weekly planner or organizer. An excellent solution is a gift mug with a wish applied with acrylic paint. You can also give preference to beautiful figurines, piggy banks and wall panels.

The main condition is that the presentations must be of equal value. And since all women are very different, it is very difficult to achieve this. Therefore, more and more men are buying gift certificates for the same amount for colleagues, so that the fair sex can decide for themselves the perfect gift for themselves in an accessory, clothing or cosmetics store. In addition, special training programs and development courses, various trainings paid for for all employees of the company will help to get out of a difficult situation.

For a schoolgirl (sisters, daughters, nieces)

Do not forget to please your dear little princesses on International Women's Day. Ideal presents for them will be those that cause admiration and joy:

Advice. There are only a few groups of valuable presents. These are practical presents like a mobile phone or a set of dishes, creative surprises (a painted portrait, a dedication song and a story written in honor of the hero of the occasion).

In addition, you can make a gift that will bring you even closer to the girl: a ticket to the cinema, to a fashion exhibition, a festival. Or to make a dear person happy with the fulfillment of his dream. For example, give him a ticket to a sunny country, order a personal photo session - if the fair sex has always dreamed of becoming a fashion model.

Sociologists interviewed many women and summed up the results of their research. According to the Gift Ideas resource, the top most desired gifts in the world for March 8 include:

10. Chocolate

In tenth place, chocolate is one of the most versatile, inexpensive and popular gifts for March 8th. A chocolate or a box of sweets with delicate filling and coconut flakes will be appreciated not only by gourmets and sweet teeth. Chocolate can be presented to a sister, classmate, girlfriend, neighbor or work colleague, with such a gift you show your attention and even concern for your health. After all, chocolate contributes to the production of serotonin in the body, which calms, and endorphin, which gives energy. In addition, cocoa contains phenylethylamine and theobromine, which improve mood. Chocolate gift ideas are quite diverse. You can present exquisite handmade chocolate.

9. Flowers

In ninth place, flowers are a must-have and almost always not the only gift. Women love original and luxurious bouquets of roses, spring flowers, single flowers such as orchids, flowers in a pot will delight gardening lovers. Live up to women's expectations with your bouquet of fresh, spring flowers. Palm trees and large flowers in a pot can also be suitable, but we do not advise you to be very zealous in this direction, not knowing the desire of a woman.

9th place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8

8. Accessories and jewelry

In eighth place are accessories and jewelry, not gold. A very practical gift are accessories that a woman can use daily - a scarf, leather gloves, an umbrella, a silk scarf, a handbag, a cosmetic bag, a purse with several green bills so that money flows. Many women love bijouterie and jewelry, gift ideas are already there, you just have to choose the right jewelry for your girlfriend and see her enthusiastic reaction in response to the gift. Dreams are what will warm the soul of any woman. And the dream of a summer vacation is especially good. If your gift anticipates a possible joint vacation, then it will be very original, unusual and desirable. With a hint, you can give something that will come in handy on a vacation by the sea.

8th place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

7. Soft toys

In seventh place are souvenirs, soft toys and just cute little things, of which there are a great many in specialized gift shops. Very popular and desired gifts for March 8, especially among young girls. A gift in the form of a soft toy, small or very large, plush or stuffed, which can be put on a shelf or hung on the wall, will be pleasant and will always come in handy. If you want to please the fairer sex, make her laugh with your gift. A souvenir that brings a smile and makes a woman laugh is a great gift and your efforts will be truly appreciated. Your gift will become a generator of good mood, and you will remember a great holiday for a long time.

7th place in the TOP of the most popular gifts for March 8.

6. Author's designer things

In sixth place are the designer items that many women desire, as well as shoes, fashionable clothes and household appliances. Buy a decoration for your home and interior, because women love to decorate not only themselves, but also the dwelling in which they live. Or buy a woman elegant, fashionable shoes - a proven way to win women's forgiveness and favor. Fashion clothes will also be a welcome gift for many women. Gift ideas in this direction can be inexhaustible.

6th place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

5. Perfumes

In fifth place is perfumery, which many of the fair sex wish to receive for the spring, women's holiday. Women very often want something unique and inimitable, buy your beloved woman a subscription to a spa salon or fitness complex with a swimming pool. Or cosmetics that she can use on vacation at sea. French perfume gift ideas are a classic.

5th place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

4. Household appliances

In fourth place, with a very small margin from perfumery, were household appliances and various technical gadgets and devices. Most women are very practical and dream of a new mobile phone, dishwasher, food processor or other household appliances. Such gifts are best made after knowing the desire of a woman. Household appliances are usually given to wives and mothers. What could be better if a delivery service brought such a desired gift to your house, carefully chosen by your man and packaged in a gift box?

4th place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

3. Fur coat or precious jewelry

In third place is a fur coat or precious jewelry, it is their women who want to receive as a gift from their men and decorate themselves and emphasize their beauty, femininity, individuality and attractiveness. Men, be prepared to shell out a large enough amount of money to buy a gift for your beauty. A gift in the form of gold earrings, a chain, a bracelet, a ring or a necklace characterizes a man as a generous and successful person. Such a gift is universal and will be pleasant to any lady.

3rd place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

2. Travel voucher

In second place is the purchase of a tourist voucher and a trip to a resort on vacation. Bask in the sun, swim in the warm gentle sea, drink an exotic fruit cocktail, go on an excursion, a tourist trip gives a charge of vivacity, positive emotions and a lot of vivid impressions to travelers who have made it. Are you asking yourself what to give on March 8? And can't decide on a particular gift idea because you want something out of the ordinary? Travel agencies offer tours for every taste, to every corner of the globe, buy and enjoy.

2nd place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

1. Car or apartment

In the first place are welcome and large gifts in the form of a car or an apartment. To coincide with such a gift for International Women's Day on March 8 is a great idea. What to do if you are a simple student and have not yet earned money for chic gifts? Show your creative imagination and give a piece of your attention! Think and your heart will tell you the right decision regarding gift ideas.

1st place in the TOP of the most desired gifts for March 8.

The beautiful half of humanity needs care and constant attention from the stronger sex. This principle is not always observed and not by everyone, but once a year, in the spring, men are exhausted, extolling their women in all possible ways and means. Here you can not do without a gift. And in order to slightly alleviate the share of the already exhausted gentlemen, let's try to compile a list of the 20 most interesting, thoughtful presents for March 8th. So, what to give beautiful women?

What to consider when choosing a gift

In fact, to choose the right, that is, appropriate, gift, you need to consider only three factors.

What to give a woman on March 8: top 20 original and practical ideas


An individual approach is important here: there are women who can’t stand bunches of half-dead roses, chrysanthemums, etc. covered with ribbons. At the same time, the paradox is that these capricious ladies also love bouquets. So you have to seek help from florists who will help you compose an interesting composition, for example, in the form of a kitten or a puppy.

The main advantage of such a souvenir is that you can choose a composition for any amount allocated for a gift. In addition, the headache regarding the composition of the bouquet remains with the florist.

It is interesting. Even in this age of practicality, there are superstitions that cannot be ignored. As for bouquets, women should not be given yellow flowers (including daffodils) - they are harbingers of separation, red flowers should not be presented to a wife, beloved girl - they symbolize quarrels, and roses with thorns predict trouble.

Photo gallery: unusual design of flower arrangements

In addition to flowers, ribbons, pieces of fabric are used for decoration. When buying a composition, be sure to ask about the features of the content: whether it is necessary to water, how and when In flower arrangements, yellow does not carry a negative superstitious message.


Perfumes cannot be cheap and sold everywhere, so buying perfume in a supermarket is not the best way to choose a worthy gift.

This most banal of possible gifts can become incredibly romantic if presented in an original manner. But first, a few words about the souvenir itself. Good perfumes cannot be cheap - this is an axiom. The only chance to save some money is to take advantage of the offers of online perfume stores. True, in this case there is a chance of getting a pig in a poke. That is, it is safer to buy in specialized stores, albeit with an extra charge. To guess with the aroma, you need to know what smells a woman likes. It is best, of course, to ask her personally, but not on the eve of the holiday.

Table: the most popular fragrances of 2018

WomanhoodNew perfume from Thierry Mugler. Refined and refined smell of sea water with the addition of figs, black caviar, strawberries.
Miss DiorA creation characterized by the sweet floral touch of Bulgarian rose combined with patchouli.
Sahara NoirThe base of spices and flowers was created from extracts of tobacco, grapefruit, black pepper combined with bergamot.
Valentino Aqua FlorealThe elegant, strict composition is complemented by playful notes of orange tree and jasmine.
Eau de LacosteThe scent of a girl's perfume, created by the perfumers of the Lacoste fashion house, who consider persistence and freshness to be especially popular this season. The scent is sensually light.
Dior Hypnotic Eau SensuelleA melody of weaving austerity with romanticism. Freshness and brightness are given to it by tangerine chords.

It is interesting. Buying cosmetics among men is considered the easiest way to please the lady of the heart. Well, the joy of such a gift will be really sincere if the knight chooses the right product according to skin type, SPF protection degree, shade, brand and texture.


Jewelry - a luxurious gift

A gift for all time. Moreover, it can be both things made of precious metals and beautiful elegant jewelry. By the way, the latter is presented either to well-known women who wear such jewelry, or to young girlfriends.

Rules for choosing jewelry

  1. Find out about the preferences of the lady. So, for example, some women do not wear rings (they interfere with work, irritate, etc.) or bracelets, chains. To do this, you can casually, in the next shopping, drop into a jewelry store. By the way, unmarried guys should not give a girl a ring, as you can unexpectedly inspire her to the phrase "I agree."
  2. Find out the size. Close relatives, husbands usually have the opportunity to take one of the available rings as a sample.
  3. Consider savings options. If you are good at jewelry, then it makes sense to consider purchasing jewelry through firms that specialize in buying jewelry around the world. Jewelers of these companies bring jewelry to marketable condition, complete it with authentic boxes and sell it at a discount of up to 60%.
  4. Be careful with your purchase. This applies to compliance with the conditions for the acquisition of precious products: the presence of a seal, a sample, a brand of the country of the manufacturer and the company.

It is interesting. It is possible to determine the authenticity of a piece of jewelry by the location of the hallmark and sample regulated by international standards. On rings, this mark is placed on the inside, on earrings - on the arms, on chains - on the lock, on pendants - on the hanging loop or on the back of the pendant, on bracelets - on the link or ring that connects the lock to the product.


Watches are best chosen together with the lady, so as not to be mistaken with the color of the case, shape and bracelet

It is believed that giving a watch is a bad omen. And not only for the wedding, but also for the holidays. There is another quite practical argument in favor of the ambiguity of such a gift: a watch is not only a fashion thing, but also a functional one, that is, it must sit beautifully and be easy to use (whatever the creators of the glamorous watch model with rhinestones instead of arrows say ). Therefore, it is best to go shopping for a souvenir with the woman to whom they are intended, having previously allocated the necessary amount to her.

Fur coat

Classic, expensive, very effective gift - a fur coat

In addition to diamonds, girls are also great friends with fur coats. So no young lady will refuse such a gift, regardless of age. The point is small: choose the right present.

Fur coat selection rules

  1. The length is selected according to age. The length to the middle of the thigh is considered universal, unless, of course, the figure of the lady allows you to see reliefs, and not a shapeless mass in furs. Young girls feel good in short fur coats, but for mature ladies, such models will be flirtatious beyond their age. For a woman who drives, a fur coat to the floor will not bring any pleasure, but there will be a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Buying fur products on the market is extremely imprudent. It is better to contact a specialized store.
  3. Good quality fur will be rich in color, resilient, silky and without an unpleasant greasy feel to the touch.
  4. Good manufacturers do not sew the lining, as they do not hide the wrong side of the fur. After all, it is by it that you can determine the quality of dressing skins and their integrity. Many home-grown manufacturers sew fur coats from pieces and, in order to hide this and inflate the price, the lining from the inside is not just sewn on, but attached.
  5. On a quality product, there must be a company marking, as well as a label indicating the details of care.
  6. The choice of fur is determined by the aesthetic impression, as well as durability. So, products from otters last the longest - up to 20 seasons. They are followed by a river beaver - 18 seasons, a fur seal - 17, a mink - 10, astrakhan fur, an arctic fox, a marten - 7 winters, a nutria and a fox - 5, a squirrel and a marmot - 4, a rabbit - 2, and a hare and even less - in total one.


Gadgets are that group of gifts in which men do not need advice

Perhaps this is the only area in which most men do not need advice. Even those who are far from the idea of ​​acquiring a powerful computer model to receive bitcoins, ladies will certainly be delighted with a new tablet, phone or laptop. And even if for the young lady the most remarkable thing is that he is “white”, she will still be delighted with the gift. The matter will remain small: install the necessary programs for it and place shortcuts in the usual places on the screen. You can expand the list of electronic toys:

  • e-book;
  • player;
  • navigator (for girls who have recently been driving).


It is also difficult to give lingerie because you need to know exactly the size that the girl wears.

A very intimate gift that is appropriate from a husband to his wife (or, if the couple has been dating for a long time, from a boyfriend to a girl), from a father to a daughter, or from a brother to a sister. Here it is important not to miscalculate with the size, and therefore the relationship should be so close: it is unlikely that an unfamiliar guy will immediately determine the fullness of the bra cup or the volume of the hips. Deciding to buy such a souvenir, be sure to pay due attention to the packaging. A branded box is an indispensable attribute, but a bag or wrapping paper with an incredibly beautiful bow is also needed.

Bags, clutches, wallets

Handbags in the form of animals - a great souvenir for teenagers and young girls

The trend of modern ready-to-wear fashion is that for each outfit in the wardrobe there should be a handbag of a certain color, size, shape. So, buying such a gift, you definitely won’t be mistaken: a real lady will definitely find what to wear it with. Just try to avoid black - there is hardly a woman who does not have a black handbag. And remember that the gift should only be leather or suede. Because if a gift is a manifestation of attention, then leatherette options reduce the cost of this very attention.

For teenage girls, a purse with an original pattern will be a great present.


The umbrella should be not only original, but also strong, of high quality.

A very practical gift. Such accessories are usually very necessary, but often lost. Therefore, a high-quality, solid umbrella with an original print will be a very appropriate gift. Just be sure to keep in mind: if a lady walks with small handbags, you should not give a massive umbrella - it will be inconvenient for her to walk with it. It is better to present a miniature umbrella or cane.


As you know, a woman does not have many irons, curling irons and hair dryers.

We are talking about household appliances, both large and small. If you know that a girl needs a new washing machine, refrigerator, or she is renovating the kitchen and simply cannot do without a new hob, then there is a chance to make a 100% appropriate gift. True, in order not to get into trouble, it is still better to choose together: then there will definitely not be misunderstandings about the color of the multicooker or the possibilities of loading the dishwasher.

A particularly popular group of gifts designed for the average budget is household appliances for personal use:

  • hair stylers (hair dryers, curling irons, irons, brushes);
  • epilator (a very personal gift that only a husband, father or brother can afford);
  • bath for pedicure;
  • electric file for heels;
  • a lamp for drying gel polish, a set for a hardware manicure (buying such a gift, it would be nice to enlist the support of someone who understands these things).

Video: ideas for tech gifts for girls by March 8 from 300 to 70,000 rubles


By decorating an ordinary mug with a polymer clay figurine, you can make a quite banal present unusual.

A standard gift for women with whom they are not too closely acquainted. Traditionally, glasses, sets, vases, etc. are presented to teachers and doctors. If we are talking about a present for a loved one, a friend, then you can present a couple of glasses hand-painted by the artist with acrylic paints. Such dishes are usually used not for their intended purpose, but for decorating the interior.


Bedspreads, bed linen are usually given to mothers

Cozy things, such as blankets, warm pajamas, towels, are given to loved ones who want to wish warmth and comfort. When choosing a souvenir, it is worth considering:

  • the preferred color scheme (if a woman cannot stand yellow, then a plaid shade of the sun is unlikely to cheer her up);
  • style (if you are not sure exactly, then it is better to refuse the Scottish cage, oriental painting on the fabric, and choose something plain and neutral);
  • functionality (you should not give pajamas three sizes larger just because there was no suitable model with mother-of-pearl buttons - the young lady will not even be able to move in a hoodie with sleeves hanging below her knees).

It is interesting. There is a belief that you can not give indoor slippers. Like, you predict that a person will leave your life. But if the gift has already been bought or nothing else comes to mind, then you can “neutralize” the negative message with a symbolic payment for the gift.

For bathroom

Soap, handmade bath salt, oil - a very nice gift

In addition to the already mentioned towels, which, by the way, can be with personalized embroidery, a gift can be associated with one of the most favorite types of relaxation for women - taking a bath. Sets of shower gels, body creams, face creams, peels, scrubs, etc., packed, for example, together with towels of different sizes, are a very practical present. You should not give such gifts only to those who are unfamiliar or not yet too close - they are too intimate.

Creative hobby gift

Kits for a variety of hobbies can be found in art stores

It's good when a woman has a hobby - questions about what to give as a present disappear by themselves. It is only important to be imbued with the topic. So, for women practicing soap making, you can offer a set of molds - although there are a huge number of them, the prices for some bite painfully. Lovers of drawing can pick up something related to this type of creativity. For example, a set of brushes.

Table: sample list of gifts for popular hobbies


Portrait from a photo on canvas - a fashionable gift for any occasion

Women love with their eyes, and even more so if these eyes see their own beauty. Moreover, one of the fashionable trends in the gift industry is the creation of a portrait on fabric: photographs are reprinted on a special fabric, which is stretched onto the base through a foam pad and fixed with a beautiful frame. It turns out such a soft photo, which can also become a functional detail of the interior. Small notes with wishes, a shopping list or declarations of love can be attached to suitable areas of the image with buttons.

Portraits on canvas, copied from photographs, remain ageless popular. Moreover, the work can be done in black and white or stylized as Andy Warhol's pop art.

Young ladies with a good (!) sense of humor can be presented with a funny cartoon. Usually such gifts are presented to girl friends.

In the cartoon, you can beat the desires of the girl, however, only not the most intimate, so as not to offend her

Certificates or subscriptions

A great idea for those who doubt or are lost in the choice.

A VIP golden client card to your favorite gym or swimming pool is a great option for a wife, mother

Few women will not be happy with a certificate for:

  • visiting a beauty salon;
  • relaxation in the spa;
  • professional photo session;
  • shopping in a perfumery, cosmetics or clothing store.

If you want the lady to remember the gift received on March 8 with warmth for as long as possible, it is worth considering the option of a subscription - each time presenting it, she will unconsciously remember the one who presented the opportunity for a free visit:

  • master classes in your favorite pastime;
  • massage parlor;
  • gym (you can give only if you are sure that the woman will not perceive the present as a hint of being overweight);
  • oriental sauna with massage;
  • dance (art) studio.


One ticket is not given, only two or more

In addition to the coveted tickets to Goa or Paris, you can consider more affordable options.

  1. Tickets for a fashion show. Especially if it's a premiere.
  2. Concert tickets, cinema tickets.
  3. Tickets for a sporting event, if the lady is passionate about sports.

Fans of outdoor activities can be invited to a hot air balloon flight, parachute jump or horseback riding.


Despite the fact that many consider money to be an unacceptable gift, for many such a present still remains the most desirable.

Most of the long-term and firmly married people prefer just such a form of expressing attention on March 8. Despite the fact that cash gifts are considered the “path of least resistance” option, if such gifts are acceptable in your environment, then there is no problem: feel free to give money. The only question is in what currency and in what amount. But here the choice is only for those who give. But you can pack this gift in a very original way, relying either on your imagination or on the already existing experience in making such presents.

Photo gallery: examples of the original packaging of a cash gift

Such a topiary can decorate any interior. Breakfast from McDonald's can be very unusual In order to pack money in an original way, it does not always take a lot of time. The original box can be an excellent money box for small expenses

Travel must be in good company.

To break out of a boring winter and a full-fledged spring that does not come in any way - what else can you dream of on a holiday. It is not necessary to give an all-inclusive package for 3 weeks. Let the trip be only for 2-3 days, but to an interesting place and, most importantly, be sure (!) In a pleasant company. And to make a lasting impression, you can present the trip with the help of the following gift option.


Gambling women take part in the quest with pleasure

Teenagers usually buy time in the quest room, but on March 8, a woman can organize a quest on her own. The main thing is to choose a suitable goal, the search for which can be divided into 2-3 stages, each to be carried out in different parts of the city, connecting familiar and unfamiliar people. Less troublesome option: quest in the mall. For example, a girl needs to find a dress from a photo or tickets to London (Paris, New York, Seoul, etc.), but in order to get this photo (and then the thing itself), it is necessary to decipher the tasks, one of which she will have to find in the pocket of the jacket, determining its location by the coordinates recorded in the mirror image.

Examples of formatting questions in notes for a quest

  1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, having correctly added them, the participants will find out where to go next.
  2. The use of puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, which, if interpreted correctly, give clues about the further route of movement.
  3. Riddles in logical series. For example: “Heat is born in the oven, but where does the cold come from?”
  4. A variant in the best espionage traditions - tips written on paper using melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to paint over the leaf with colored pencils.
  5. Accommodation along the entire route of the signs. But it does not have to be ordinary arrows at all. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal.
  6. The phrase that makes up the hint may have mixed words. Players need to arrange them in the correct order. Only then will they know what to do next.
  7. The assignment is written backwards and must be read correctly.
  8. The hint is applied to the paper using lemon juice or milk. Together with the leaf, the participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and direct the player to the next item.
  9. Digital encryption of words is used. For example, instead of each letter, its serial number in the alphabet is written. The key to the puzzle must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
  10. As a task for the quest in the room, you can use an item that is in the room in several copies, in one of which instructions are hidden regarding further actions. It can be a book, a box, a bedside table and the like.
  11. Another interesting option is the use of hints written in the form of a mirror image. Deciphering them is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and interesting.
  12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the name of the next destination.
  13. Messages are also laid out with magnets on the refrigerator door.
  14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, sweets and other products.
  15. From sweets you can make an amazing composition that will be a worthy replacement for a traditional breakfast in bed

    There can be only one “contraindication” to such a gift: a woman does not like sweets. But since there are few of them, you can opt for this universal present. And to make it original, it is worth tinkering with the design. One of the most popular packaging options is a bouquet or figure of sweets. It's simple: we find a designer, choose from ready-made templates or offer our vision, pick it up at the appointed time. And to make it completely classic, we accompany the sweets with a bouquet of flowers.

    Video: what to give mom, grandmother, sister - ideas for women

    Choosing a gift for March 8 is a responsible and difficult task. To whom to give, what to give, how to arrange a present so as not to offend, not to annoy, not to give an extra reason for unreasonable fantasies - there are many conditions. But it is enough to observe one thing to definitely please with congratulations: you need to give from the bottom of your heart. Women, as beings with a fine mental organization, feel such things. And they can even forgive minor flaws, for example, the fact that the fur coat is a little too big.