Self-hypnosis is a way to get to know yourself better. Self-hypnosis can unlock your extrasensory potential! How to do it right? We also offer you to try two self-hypnosis techniques for the fulfillment of any desires.

Today we will talk about what self-hypnosis is, how it is useful to every person. Where to start if you decide to do self-hypnosis, how to set goals correctly, how to properly prepare for independent sessions.

Self-hypnosis is hypnosis without the participation of a hypnotist, when a person plunges himself into a trance, hypnotic state. And then he uses his subconscious, the capabilities and resources of his body to achieve goals.

How does self-hypnosis work? Self-hypnosis is characterized by two powerful tools.

The first tool is a mechanism of self-regulation, self-adjustment. It can be used for relaxation, relaxation or quick recuperation. In itself, being in a hypnotic state without any additional suggestions triggers all the necessary mechanisms and is very beneficial for the health and psyche of a person.

Using the mechanism of self-regulation, you can easily get rid of stress and find peace, eliminate insomnia and improve sleep quality. Self-hypnosis can help you quickly put yourself in order after a hard day, quickly restore strength, and save you from overwork. And also, self-hypnosis is very effective for working with one's health as a prevention of various diseases and in managing non-resource conditions (pain, weakness, etc.).

The second tool is self-hypnosis, allowing you to give yourself the desired settings, shape your thinking and behavior.

Using self-hypnosis, you can program yourself to achieve goals, eliminate bad habits, form new traits and qualities of your personality: confidence, activity, purposefulness, positive thinking, and much more.

But before you enter the state of self-hypnosis, you need to carefully prepare: identify your goal; choose a suitable quiet and comfortable place where no one bothers you; prepare to work in self-hypnosis. It is with preparation that we will begin. Sometimes for beginners, preparation takes even longer than the session itself, but as they say, "it's better to lose a day, then fly in five minutes."

Preparation consists of five consecutive steps:

  • We choose a target, we are located conveniently. With eyes closed, we visualize (visualize) the image of the target.
  • We pronounce a phrase-suggestion to ourselves.
  • We listen to our voice. We listen, we feel the beating of our heart or our breath.
  • We make emotional and volitional efforts aimed at the desire to achieve your goals.
  • We reproduce the ritual, the key to entering the state of self-hypnosis.

So let's go through each step in turn.

The first step is to set a goal. It should be positive and clear. What you can imagine, feel, imagine. It is desirable to write down this goal, and even better to depict it in the form of a drawing or diagram.

It is very important to sit comfortably, you need to find a position in which you could easily spend 15-30 minutes. Undoubtedly, lying down is more convenient to do self-hypnosis, but for beginners, we recommend mastering this technique while sitting, since lying down, especially on the bed where a person usually sleeps, can end in a good deep sleep. There is nothing wrong with this, but there will be little benefit either. Therefore, at first it is better to sit on a chair or in an armchair.

Hands and feet should be along the body. If your arms and legs are crossed, then after a while they may become numb and then you will want to change position. Your feet should rest on the floor and be parallel to each other. You do not need to stretch your legs, it is better to place your feet completely on the floor so that they take part of the weight of your body on themselves. Hands must be placed on your knees. Keep your head straight, you can tilt forward a little. The eyes are closed. The back rests on the back of a chair or armchair.

From a comfortable position, visualize a clear image of your goal. If your goal is to improve your well-being, you need to remember, imagine those moments when you felt this way. If you want to realize goals that are related to material wealth, you need to imagine that you have already realized them. This will allow you to be motivated to achieve your goals and possibly find alternative ways to achieve them.

Why is it important to present an image of your goal? The fact is that the subconscious perceives images, pictures better than verbal formulations.

It is through images that the subconscious communicates with us during dreams. As the saying goes, "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times."

The second step: in the course of preparing for self-hypnosis, it is necessary to completely oust the internal critical dialogue. Internal dialogue can interfere with immersion in the state, and in the case of "critical" formulations, it can be realized as a negative self-suggestion. In order to force out a critical internal dialogue, it is enough to repeat one single phrase to yourself: "I want to enter a state, ... I want to realize my goals." The word "goals" can be replaced with your specific tasks. For example: "I want to enter a state ... I want to improve my sleep" or "I want to enter a state ... I want to get well." Thus, you replace negative or extraneous thoughts with positive formulations.

It is necessary to simultaneously hold the image of your goal and pronounce the suggestion phrase to yourself.

The third step is to listen carefully to yourself. This allows you to concentrate all your attention within you, completely move away from external stimuli. Your thoughts, image, voice - everything should be inside you. In order to focus well on "yourself" it is useful to listen to the beating of your heart or to your breathing, and preferably both.

It is important at this stage to simultaneously perform all three steps - to hold the image of the goal, to repeat the phrase - suggestion, to listen to your voice, heartbeat or breathing. It is important that all your attention, sensations from all the senses, channels of perception are fixed inside you.

The fourth step: you need to mobilize as much as possible internally, focus on achieving your own goals. Those. it is necessary to make strong-willed efforts, to want to realize your goal. It is similar to how an athlete, before the start, before the race, before the jump, turns on all his will to achieve the goal, causing a state of emotional tension.

Just as before, at the fourth stage, it is necessary to simultaneously perform all the previous steps. You must completely displace extraneous thoughts, emotions, experiences and move away from external stimuli. All your internal processes, emotions, experiences, attention should be directed and fixed only on your goal.

Usually it takes 5-10 minutes to set up, for beginners it may take longer. This is due to the instability of attention, when even previously familiar sounds or other stimuli can be very distracting.

Fifth step: we reproduce the ritual / key to enter the state. After, performing all four steps at the same time, your images / pictures of the goal, your voice (suggestion phrase), thoughts will begin to "rotate" in your head, as if involuntarily renewed, you need to take the next step - proceed directly to immersion and perform the simplest technique, which we will now consider.

Having tuned in to the entrance, remaining with your eyes closed, raise your hand to a height of 10-20 cm from the knee. Continuing to repeat to ourselves the commands "I want to enter the state, ... I want to realize my goals", we add the phrase "the hand goes lower, ... I enter the state deeper". This phrase must be repeated continuously until the hand goes down by itself.

The movement of the hand does not need to be helped or resisted, just let your hand go down as you exhale. You can imagine that under your hand is a ball that smoothly descends. On each exhalation, the arm goes lower and lower because the balloon is deflating. Just allow yourself to relax, and the hand will surely fall smoothly on your knee.

After the hand goes down to the knee, you can take a deeper breath and exhale and for a minute or two repeat to yourself the phrase: "deeper I enter the state, ... completely focus on the goals."

Thus, the transition to the state will be completed. And it will be possible to start self-hypnosis, which we will talk about in the next article. "The practice of self-hypnosis: the rules for constructing suggestion formulas. How to inspire yourself with health, confidence and success."

When diving into a state of self-hypnosis, it is important to know and remember that this state is not a dream. In this state, a person hears and feels everything, sometimes even more than in the normal state. Ordinary sounds that were not previously noticed suddenly become more noticeable and can annoy and knock the beginner out of this state. The most important thing when doing the exercise is to keep all your attention on your goals, no matter what irritants arise around you. And if at first a lot will interfere, then for the third, fourth time everything that distracts around will move away, be perceived more detached, calmly. You will become more and more focused only on yourself and your goals.

Usually, beginners manage to enter this state after 3-9 workouts, spending 1-2 weeks on it. It is important to first develop the skill of positioning yourself in a comfortable position, being able to fix your attention on the target, and visualize your target. And then everything will work out!

What do we know about the power of self-hypnosis? Do we often repeat phrases aloud or to ourselves in order to inspire ourselves with the desired qualities of character? Recall what self-hypnosis is - this is the work of our subconscious, we process words and mental representations, thus making them more real.

Rice. Self-hypnosis - how does it work?

Some do not believe in the power of self-hypnosis because they have not tried to put the method into action. In fact, the power of suggestion is at work every day when we suggest negative thoughts and emotions to ourselves. Agree, this is much easier than suggesting something positive to yourself.

Self-hypnosis - what to do to make it work?

The mental phrases that you say to yourself should sound in the first person, in the affirmative. Never use the negative particle "not". You can't say "I don't drink"; instead, say "I'm sober." The phrases are distinguished by their short content, the internal monologue is inappropriate here. When you say a wish, imagine it as if it were coming true. Thus, you visualize what you want.

The power of persuasion is more effective when the body is completely relaxed, then it is easier for it to accept your inner messages. Do not forget that self-hypnosis really works only when you want to achieve a specific goal, thereby focusing on the settings for the subconscious.

There are many methods of self-hypnosis. Among them are the following: psychological attitude, affirmation, meditative techniques, visualization. It is up to you which method suits you.

This is the repetition of phrases to oneself or out loud. You tell yourself that you have reached your desired goal. For example: I am doing well, I have a favorite job, I feel great. Because of affirmations, good thoughts will gradually replace negative ones, and as a result, everything that you repeat to yourself will come true.

Another method of self-hypnosis. The point is to mentally imagine and experience imaginary events. This method is effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imaginary events. Visualization should always be positive. For example, your desire is to purchase a new house. Imagine how you see a new house for the first time, open the door, look around the corridor, go into other rooms.

These two methods work best when your mind is in a calm state. Concentrate on the goal while resting. The best time is before bed when your mind is completely relaxed and ready to take in new information.

Meditation helps you go deeper into your subconscious mind. The most important in is. The essence of this method is as follows: first you need to determine the target settings, then enter the state of emptiness and feel them in yourself. If everything is done correctly, then after leaving the state of emptiness, the suggested attitudes will remain in the subconscious.

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We met Alexander at the institute. He surprised me with his concentration, zeal for learning and love for experiments on himself.

Alexander trained holotropic breathing, and experimented with sleep, and trained memory in the strangest ways. In general, Alexander was entirely for self-development. For the longest time at the institute, he studied self-hypnosis. Gradually, he involved our entire company in his new hobby. The techniques he learned from books on psychology have helped him and us more than once in preparing for exams, important interviews, and problems in his personal life.

Self-hypnosis - self-immersion in a hypnotic state, trance. An important component of self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis in particular opens up new possibilities of the brain that we often do not use, and sometimes do not even suspect of their existence.

Self-hypnosis is an individual work of consciousness, aimed at suggesting to oneself any attitudes, ideas.

The types of self-hypnosis are:

  1. Affirmations. An affirmation is the familiar repetition of positive or negative attitudes to yourself (but if you want concrete results that will make you happy, you should give yourself positive attitudes, right?). Our desires - to have a big house, travel, money and a happy marriage - will be more achievable when saying phrases to ourselves - "I have a big house", "I have a good expensive car", "my loved ones are healthy and live in abundance" and that Further.
  2. Gratitude. The main thing is to feel gratitude, thank fate and higher powers for a “happy marriage”, “healthy and beautiful children”, “a promising new job”, even if you don’t have it now. A constant “thank you” puts you in a positive mood and changes your life for the better by attracting what you want into your life.
  3. Visualization. By mentally drawing pictures that are pleasant to the heart, you are programming your consciousness to achieve fantasy. The more focused you are on the desired picture, the more relaxed you are - the better the picture emerges, the closer you are to achieving your dream. It is advisable to repeat the visualization as often as possible - several times a week.
  4. Meditation, immersion in a trance. At this moment of thought, the whole cycle of thoughts must be turned off, focusing only on physical sensations. Mentally pronouncing the installation, it is important to feel yourself not in reality, but in ... emptiness. “Enter” with this mindset into the wasteland, stay there for a while (at your discretion), and return with this mindset to reality.

The technique of self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis differ in that in the first case there is no need to enter a trance state. Self-hypnosis, unlike self-hypnosis, has no harmful effects (provided that the thoughts are positive and aimed only at improving your affairs and condition).

Method of active self-hypnosis

Used by A. S. Romen. This technique is based on the balance and harmony of the human mind and body. Consists of two stages:

1) Complete relaxation. It is necessary to feel not only lightness, but also the heaviness (immobility) of each part of the body. Start small - with arms and legs. It is necessary to feel such heaviness in the arms and legs that it is difficult to lift them or move the fingers. Even when making an effort, raising the arm should be done slowly and heavily.

2) Achieve the sensations you need. For example, feelings of coolness. Feel it throughout your body. And then, try to feel coolness (coldness) in only one part of the body - in the arm, leg, around the head. If after months of training you can feel coolness in your left hand (for example) and heat in your right hand, then you have succeeded in mastering this technique!

Autosuggestion (self-suggestion) is a meditation technique that excludes the hypnotic state. This is the same self-hypnosis, but the main task is to relax in the process without entering a trance state. Autogenic self-hypnosis training also helps to give up bad habits, convince yourself of the achievability of your goals.

The technique of self-hypnosis was first proposed by the pharmacist Emile Coué. Experimentally, he noticed that self-hypnosis directly affects a person's body movements. For example, a person mentally representing a circle, holding another object in his hand, will make movements in the form of a circle, trying to give the object in his hand a rounded shape.

How to learn self-hypnosis? Just practice regularly! Don't expect instant results, enjoy the process. And over time, you will notice how your workouts have progressed significantly.

Self-hypnosis technique

The main thing to understand is that the subconscious does not distinguish between the imaginary and the real. And by programming itself for a certain mood, the subconscious mind tries to adapt to it, you change, and the reality around you also changes.

First, try to retire to a quiet place. Don't let outside sounds distract you.

For self-hypnosis, you need to relax as much as possible, choose a calm environment for this.

The first practical exercises should not end in a hypnotic state, it is enough to learn how to enter a light trance. Try to see yourself from the outside.

For the first time, try self-hypnosis in front of a mirror. Don't expect instant results. Feel the tension pass through each muscle in your body in turn. The sensations that a person experiences during a dive are similar to reading a prayer or meditation.

Each time, you will get better and better at relaxing, focusing on one thing. The technique itself consists of 5 stages, in total it takes half an hour.

Let's see how to use self-hypnosis to convince yourself to give up nicotine addiction.

  1. stage. Focus on one goal, desire. Speak to yourself the result of the goal, the result. We analyze what resources we have now to achieve the goal. We think how to change the current situation. For example, we made a firm promise to ourselves to stop smoking from Monday. We have identified for ourselves: smoking is a big problem that needs to be eliminated
  2. stage. Completely relax physically and emotionally.
  3. stage. Visualization of the process and result in achieving the goal.
  4. stage. Declaring the desired result.
  5. stage. Exit from the hypnotic state.

How to do self-hypnosis

It is important to clearly articulate your desires: “I want to quit smoking”, “I want to build a house”, “I want a leadership position”. Self-hypnosis does not work with the “not” particle, so the requests “I don’t want to be a subordinate”, “I don’t want to live in a rented apartment” will be heard without this particle. And then the requests “I want to be a subordinate”, “I want to live in a rented apartment” are obtained.

The method of self-hypnosis is a great technique for exploring your capabilities, because we all know that the human psyche is capable of much more than we use in everyday life.

Self-hypnosis only works if you do it regularly. Don't put off exercising too long.

Sleep self-hypnosis is considered to be a productive form of influence. In a dream, we process all the information received during the day, we see the most important in the form of dreams and remember it on a subconscious level.

self-hypnosis lessons

For training, you can try the following method:

Sit comfortably. Focus on a point or object in front of you. Take a deep breath and exhale 3 times to relax the muscles. This exercise uses your hearing, sight and smell. In 3 sentences, tell yourself what you hear, see, feel.

Again, do the “inhale-exhale” exercises, reduce the number of sentences to two. Then inhale and exhale again, say one sentence about each of the three senses. After that, completely relax again, try to look at yourself from the outside. Feel your body completely immobilized.

Stay in this position for a few minutes, and then start repeating the desire that is paramount for you now: quit bad habits, bring prosperity, money, new opportunities to life.


Try self-hypnosis as soon as you finish reading this article. The sooner you start practicing, the sooner you will get the first results. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can get rid of bad habits, attract money and prosperity, and attract happy events into your life. Go ahead and remember that we ourselves create our own destiny. Good luck!

Since ancient times, people have known that the human brain is the center that controls our entire life and determines the reality in which we live. It is the brain (or rather, our subconscious) that has a strong influence on a person, working on it, you can change many internal settings. But in a normal state, this is quite problematic, so it is necessary to achieve a state of altered consciousness, and self-hypnosis can help a lot in this.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very similar concepts, but they have certain differences. Let's go back in history to find that starting point when they started.

For the first time, the inhabitants of ancient India spoke about states of altered consciousness and hypnosis. Somewhat later, approximately in the fifth century BC, the so-called “sleepy temples” came into fashion among the ancient Greeks, in which healing from many ailments was carried out. Almost all ancient civilizations had knowledge about the features of the trance state.

Hypnosis became especially popular already in the 18-19th century - many famous European psychotherapists began to actively engage in it.

The technique of modern hypnosis was developed in the second half of the twentieth century by Milton Erickson, the most famous hypnotist today. The technique got its name in honor of the founder.

But Erickson was engaged not only in ordinary hypnosis, but also paid enough attention to self-hypnosis. The doctor was able to prove that self-hypnosis helps to get rid of many pathologies, and also contributes to the realization of the desired. After all, it is using the technique of self-hypnosis that you directly contact your subconscious, which contains truly incredible possibilities that many are not even aware of.

Erickson believed that anyone can master self-hypnosis if desired. And if someone has difficulty getting into a trance state, then you should work on changing consciousness with a person you can trust.

Today, self-hypnosis works real miracles - millions of people around the globe are achieving incredible success in curing deadly diseases, gaining self-confidence, fulfilling their most cherished desires and much more.

More about the secrets of self-hypnosis will tell you the following video

How self hypnosis works

Our subconscious is a powerful force, with which it is difficult to compare something. If you learn how to use this power correctly, you can easily change your life in the most harmonious way.

At the same time, the mechanism for fulfilling desires is quite elementary. Our subconscious cannot distinguish between real information and imaginary information. Therefore, when a new thought or idea appears in your head, it first settles in the depths of our brain and only then begins to manifest itself in reality. This, in fact, is the main secret of the action of self-hypnosis.

Therefore, if you are striving with some kind of changes in your life, you must first of all engage in a change in your thinking.

It doesn't matter which type of self-hypnosis you are most interested in - self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires, self-hypnosis for money, self-hypnosis for success, or some other - before you begin to practice, study the following recommendations.

  1. You need to find a quiet and calm room in which you will feel comfortable. Even minor extraneous sounds can greatly disturb you. Therefore, pay special attention to this aspect and be sure to turn off your mobile phone.
  2. Trust your body. It is likely that during a self-hypnosis session you will feel various unusual sensations in your body. This is a sign for you in which direction to move. Trust yourself and enjoy the process.
  3. For self-hypnosis to be truly effective, you will need to devote enough time to your studies. Regularity is very important, especially in the beginning. Therefore, plan your practices so that self-hypnosis sessions fall at the same time.

Self Hypnosis: An Immersive Technique

Now we have come close to the analysis of the very technique of immersion in a state of altered consciousness. It consists of several stages:

  1. Training. Take a comfortable position on a chair or armchair, it is important to lean on the back and completely relax your body. Place your hands on your knees and place your feet in such a way that the foot is completely on the floor.

It is better to be in a sitting position during self-hypnosis, and not in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you run the risk of greatly relaxing and falling asleep.

  1. Muscle relaxation. The next step is to find any point in the room and focus on it. Silently say the phrase: "My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, I am completely relaxed." Repeat this wording many times. You need to feel how you really will be overwhelmed by relaxation. Then you will want to cover your eyelids. Follow the prompts of your body - it knows better what you need right now.
  2. Trans state. The next step is to connect with your subconscious mind. To this end, you need to mentally transfer yourself to the elevator, which smoothly descends from the 10th to the 1st floor. You need to count each floor, visualize the situation as much as possible, feeling more and more relaxed.

When the elevator reaches the first floor, its doors silently open. You move forward and find yourself in a very cozy and comfortable room, in the central part of which there is a large and very comfortable bed. You need to approach him, lie down on him and immediately fall into a sound sleep. Mentally, you need to say the phrase: "I fall asleep with a healthy sleep and will remain in this state until I return to the elevator and start moving up."

Secret- when you mentally move down in an imaginary elevator, your subconscious mind begins to awaken, and when you go up, you, on the contrary, return to our reality. This exercise is the foundation of the self-hypnosis technique.

This is already a state of light trance, when you can begin to dictate certain settings to your subconscious.

Important point! Do not take on the settings right away, you can do this after two to three weeks of constant relaxation training, when you learn complete relaxation and can stay in this state for a certain time.

  1. Self-hypnosis and work with the subconscious. Active self-hypnosis is the most important part of self-hypnosis. Here you make the necessary settings in your subconscious.

Important detail– the work of our unconscious and consciousness is very different. The subconscious relies on images, not words. Therefore, when working with him, you need to use a different technique - to inspire ideas in the form of images.

For example, you want to get rid of extra pounds with the help of self-hypnosis. Then don't just imagine how you do it, how much money and effort you spend on it. Just start visualizing your graceful, slender, beautiful body and inspire yourself with something like this:

“I enter the realm of my subconscious. Now it actively perceives information. I am constantly losing weight. My fat deposits are melting every day, forming a slender silhouette. The whole body loses weight evenly. My body is filled with vital energy and light, I become light and airy.

Repeat this affirmation many times while imagining a picture of your ideal body. Make sure that the visual image is firmly embedded in the brain. After all, it is really much more effective to resort to self-hypnosis than to go to liposuction.

Make all your self-encoding affirmations as figurative as possible, and formulate them clearly and beautifully so that they are easy to remember. This is the basis of successful self-hypnosis, which not everyone knows about, but it is precisely this that ensures the effectiveness of the installations.

Another important point - when using self-hypnosis, choose only one target. Give her one or a couple of weeks and only then take on the fulfillment of the next desire. Immediately inspire yourself, for example, losing weight, then self-confidence, health, getting rid of ailments, and so on. Only you control your body, so you can cope with any suggestions.

  1. We complete the trans. At the end of the self-hypnosis session, you should feel calm, confident, know that in the very near future you will be able to fulfill your goal and it will come true. At the end, use the phrase-fixator of consciousness "Everything will be exactly as I decided."

Then mentally get up from an imaginary bed. Slowly walk up to the elevator and enter it. Climb up, while counting each next floor. When the car stops, you need to get out of the elevator and open your eyes. Sit still for a few minutes without making any movement until you finally find yourself in the real world. This is the final moment of the practice of self-hypnosis.

Don't worry if you can't do everything right away. You need to put more effort, and a positive effect will be guaranteed to you.

Self-hypnosis is a great power with which you will have the opportunity to change your life in the most drastic way. Reviews about self-hypnosis are impressive - after just a few sessions, people become more self-confident, begin to lose weight, solve many life problems that they have been forced to put up with for years. Try this miracle cure for yourself and see how it works!


I printed this article for myself a long time ago ... and years later I found it in a box with other articles and books. Unfortunately, I don’t know who wrote this text, but it’s clear that the person understands the topic ( upd: source is at the end of the article). I suspect that the article was written somewhere in 2011 and it describes 10 rules on how to do self-hypnosis correctly.

Attention! Self-hypnosis is just one of the tools in achieving goals. Full

How to do self-hypnosis: 10 rules

What is self-hypnosis, I think many of you know. If not, then I will briefly remind you that self-hypnosis is the repetition of certain phrases aloud or to yourself in order to inspire yourself with the desired qualities of character, become richer, lose weight, or achieve any other goal.

An analysis of the use of autosuggestion in my life led me to the conclusion that sometimes it works well, and sometimes it does not work at all, despite months of repetition of a certain suggestion.

In this article, I summarized my diary entries over several years and the conclusions about when self-hypnosis works and when it doesn't.

1 rule of self-hypnosis: yes to the word no

I often read that in self-hypnosis you can’t use the word “no and you can’t.” I didn't notice that auto-suggestion doesn't work when using these denial particles. It works and pretty well. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, but do not know how to formulate a suggestion without negation, then use it. This is especially true if you want to give up some habit, for example, eat a lot, smoke, etc.

Rule 2 of self-hypnosis: in your own words

The choice of phrases for yourself is extremely important. Often in books you can see self-hypnosis for the development of confidence, money thinking, memory, etc. But it is not at all necessary that these auto-suggestions will work for you.

Some words you do not fully understand, for some words you do not have a single association. There are words that for some reason cause you rejection. Therefore, it is necessary to spend some time on the selection of words. You won't save time here. Try one or the other self-hypnosis. Do you like it, do you understand it, do you have at least a few associative images in your head when you pronounce it, is there any discomfort in your soul or body?

The phrase “I am a confident person” may not work for you if you do not have associations with it. What is it for you, a set of words, or do you have many images? What is self-confidence for you? If you know what "I'm sure (a)" is, then feel free to use it. If not, then maybe “I speak loudly” or “I look people straight in the eye, I don’t look away” or something else is better.

For some purposes, short auto-suggestions are better suited, for others a little more detail is better. It happens that self-hypnosis works well for a whole page of text that you read aloud.

Rule 3 of Self-Suggestion: Relax

Self-hypnosis requires at least minimal relaxation. Once I tried a self-hypnosis formula that I used for 2 months on my way to work and back. Twice a day, for 15 minutes, it seems to be enough to feel the effect. But there was no effect.

And only when I began to pronounce it at home, in a calm atmosphere, having previously relaxed, did it begin to act.

Therefore, I am somewhat skeptical about the recommendations to use self-hypnosis on the way to work, while walking, sitting in a car in traffic jams, etc. Worse of course will not be, except for the loss of time. Although, of course, all people are different.

Rule 4 of Self-Suggestion: Daily Practice

Self-hypnosis requires daily practice, at least twice a day. All of my successful autosuggestions have occurred when I have been doing enough intense exercise. Approximately twice a day for 15-30 minutes.

Skipping at least one class is bad for achieving the effect. Skipping one day of classes is very, very bad and greatly undermines the effect of classes. Skipping a couple of days of classes, for example on weekends, raises the question that everything you do is useless.

It’s much better to work out intensively for two months and then quit altogether than to work out with weekend passes for a whole year.

Important! If your work or life schedule is such that you cannot practice twice a day, then it is better to postpone the training until better times, do not repeat other people's mistakes.

You will spend a lot of time, get frustrated, and say that this method does not work, although it works, and not bad.

5 rule of self-hypnosis: form an image

Self-hypnosis is more of an assistance to the subconscious in the formation of images, rather than a direct action. Therefore, do not just say mindlessly self-hypnosis phrases. Let some images and situations corresponding to self-hypnosis rush through your mind. As soon as the consciousness began to go aside again, repeat the self-hypnosis again.

Rule 6 of Self-Suggestion: Watch for Changes

If no changes in your life occur within 2-3 weeks, then you are doing something wrong. Review your training, go through the points of the secrets of self-hypnosis.

Rule 7 of self-hypnosis: a good phrase

And vice versa, if self-hypnosis works, do not try to change the phrases of auto-suggestion. It is also desirable to save the time of classes, frequency, etc. Some well-functioning phrases can be used for years. If they become annoying, then sometimes it is better to add a phrase than to remove it altogether.

Rule 8 of Self-Suggestion: Use Aids

Sometimes aids are good for self-hypnosis. For example, recording text on a tape recorder and listening to this recording, or self-hypnosis in front of a mirror.

Self-Suggestion Rule 9: Check Negative Attitudes

Sometimes a more basic belief gets in the way of realizing your goal and desire. It could be parenting programs or other persuasion. For example, if you study how to earn more money, how to increase income, then another suggestion that the rich are bad can completely or partially neutralize the effect of the studies. How to determine that there is another suggestion?

If you start to practice and your body has a feeling of rejection, too strong disbelief, reaching aggression, excessive laziness, etc., then there may be another suggestion that is opposite to the one you are now suggesting to yourself.

If you work out for several days and analyze the images that arise in your head, then be sure to identify it. Turn the opposite suggestion into
lesson program. Everything will get better little by little.

Rule 10 of self-hypnosis: specific or non-specific?

Well, the tenth remark, again, in some books they write that it is necessary to formulate goals as specifically as possible. That is, I do not want a car, but I want a BMW 5 series, gray, on such and such a date, etc. I dealt with both specific suggestions and general ones. On this occasion, I can say the following: at the beginning of work, you, as a rule, cannot clearly articulate your dream, and even more so the deadlines, etc.

The specifics at the beginning of the work only hinder the work. As you get closer to the goal, of course, you can and should specify it.

Therefore, when you started to study, it is better to pronounce the phrase “I am rich”, and as you progress, you can formulate “By such and such a number, through such and such a business, I easily earn money by such and such a number, etc.” Again, the main thing here is that the desire is only yours, and not inspired from outside.

That's all 10 rules how to effectively use the method of self-hypnosis so that it works. Thanks to the author for the advice.