Heartiest congratulations on Mother's Day. Congratulations to mom on mother's day

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Only mom knows us
Rebuke and caress.
Only she will always have time
Say a good word.
Only with mom we are comfortable
In cold, rain and heat.
My mom, you are amazing!
How I love you!


How many songs did you sing to me
By the bed at one o'clock in the night.
How long did you sit next to me
You are with me for hours and days!
I am for all of you, dear,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations on a wonderful day
And still love!


On mother's day I hasten to tell you
Words of love and sincere confessions.
Believe me, I value you very much,
Accept a bouquet of modest wishes!
May the sun always be in life
And joy overflows without end
God bless you for years
Live another hundred years, my dear!


Mom, you are the source of light
A ray of sunshine and kindness.
Wise sincere advice
You will always help me.
Congratulations, mom!
For me, you are the best!
Be the most beautiful
May your laughter always sound!


On Mother's Day, we hasten to congratulate everyone,
Who gave rise to a new bright life,
Helped us to gain faith in success
And he loves us, as in childhood, and still does.
Words of confession - to our mothers.
Thank you for your kindness and patience!
We sincerely wish you happiness
We need you, without a doubt!


Words of confession, sincere love
I hasten to tell you today, mother.
Although the years of childhood have long passed,
You are dearer to me, even closer.
I thank you for the love
Which is not more beautiful and stronger.
Happy Mother's Day! God bless you!
There is no one in the world like you.


I don't know how to put it into words
Everything you want to say about.
The only loving mother
How I want to fall into your hand!
To touch your cheek with your lips,
Close your eyes and feel the peace
To plunge into your love, as in childhood,
Feel that you are with me again.
Thank you for all your worries
For giving light to life
For all the answers to my questions
And wise advice.
Thank you for being who you are.
Thank you! I say again and again.
Happy mother's day to you, my dear!
And let my love warm you!


Mom's caring hands
And native kind eyes ...
How many times during the hours of spiritual blizzard
Mother's words saved us!
How many times advice and attention
Mom protected us from troubles
And with your care, understanding
A gentle light gave us happiness.
On this solemn autumn day
Congratulations to our lovely mothers.
We love you and, believe me, we appreciate you.
Hundreds of words of confession today - to you!


Rejoice heaven and earth
Exploding with applause!
Sing, mountains and seas,
An ode to mother, from end to end!
Lord, please bless
The one that life gave and raised
Your child in quivering love,
The one that did not sleep with him at night.
For whom happiness is just to know
That her baby is healthy and cheerful,
Hear him laugh and kiss
Pink cheeks at dawn.
Our mothers, low bow to you
And bouquets of sincere confessions!
Let joy fill your house
And the smiles of loved ones will be with you!


Mom ... This word is expensive
The first for each of us
This word is close
On the day of fun, testing hour.
Mom ... There is so much light in this word,
Tenderness, care and love!
We come to mom for advice,
We share our joys with mom.
On this holiday, we wish mothers
Happiness and health for years.
We only dream of one thing -
May you always be with us!


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How many mothers live in Russia? Statistics here, of course, are powerless - they say that women in our country become mothers every 18 seconds. Unfortunately, more than twenty million women are officially considered single mothers, and only 7-9% of Russian women have three or more sons and daughters. Among them are heroine mothers who gave birth and raised five or more children, and foster mothers who wholeheartedly take care of the children they once adopted. On November 27, 2016, all of them will celebrate their holiday and accept congratulations on Mother's Day. This date was established precisely in order to convey to society once again: motherhood is the hardest, but the most beautiful job. There is no need to be afraid of becoming mothers - beware of not experiencing the joys of motherhood. It is an honor and pleasure to be mothers - women whose children write and read vied with congratulations on Mother's Day know this for sure. Kind words go to everyone - and grandmother, and mother-in-law, and mother-in-law. Very young children, adult daughters and sons give their mothers cards with cute pictures and poems about love and fidelity. Congratulatory words to mothers are heard in prose, poetry, short SMS, letters, on radio and TV, on the streets and at home, at work and in the yards. They compose and sing beautiful and beautiful songs for mothers. We invite you to choose one of the proposed poems for mothers on our website, see how to solemnly congratulate heroine mothers and mothers of large families, which postcards and poems they will like.

Kind congratulations on Mother's Day from loving children. Sincere verses of the classics and amateur quatrains

Who, no matter how children congratulate their mothers on Mother's Day? Of course, on this holiday, the closest and most beloved women will receive flowers, sweets, jewelry, perfumes, and many pleasant trifles. When handing gifts to mom, “decorate” your surprise with kind verses. Choose sincere quatrains, once written by the classics of Russian literature, or dedicate an amateur poem to your mother. Read our selection of poems - you will definitely like the sincere lines of poets. Use them for congratulations on November 27th. Or maybe you yourself want to compose a few stanzas in honor of your beloved mother?

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

In the old Strauss waltz for the first time
We heard your silent call
Since then, all living things are alien to us
And the quick chime of the clock is gratifying.
We, like you, welcome the sunsets
Reveling in the nearness of the end.
All that we are rich on the best evening,
You put us in our hearts.
Tirelessly leaning towards children's dreams,
(Without you, only a month looked at them!)
You led your little ones by
Bitter life of thoughts and deeds.
From an early age, who is sad is close to us,
Laughter is boring and homemade is alien ...
Our ship is not sent off in a good moment
And floats at the behest of all winds!
All paler azure island - childhood,
We are alone on deck.
Apparently sadness left a legacy
You, O mother, to your girls!

Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin

Darkness... Mother... Death... consonant unity...
Here is the roar of the inner caves,
there is the whistle of a sickle in the tears of motherhood:
out of the darkness - a whirlwind, the buzz of dreary spheres.
Of all the knots and ties of life - a knot
sonship and motherhood - he
the tightest and tightest of all:
The driver of life has narrowed the door to being.
I languish with the bonds of your blood,
and you, O mother, can I find a word for feeling?
You give birth to me every day
and tormented by my birth.
Who bound us and threw us into the world blind?
What destinies have we unraveled?
How persistently you demand: "Name
tell me yours! who are you? name."
I don't remember the name... but know that I'm not all
born by you, and there is another part,
and destinies golden balance
supervises the ruling power.
Freedom and love in the soul are inseparable,
but there is no love that does not impose bonds ...
The tax of the earth is the union of two mortal bodies ...
Like whirlwinds we are driven through eternity.
Who has loved another for himself,
desiring flesh for flesh without return,
to that in the accomplishment of reckoning:
through us will be born those whom, loving,
we have bound by unrelenting desire.
You were cleansed by double fire, mother, -
accomplishing everything that dared to wish,
you exalted in the fusion of the whole
in itself beloved flesh...
But as the tide turns to the tide,
so from now on your every day, Lord
marked with a fiery burst.
The child grows, and another grows in it,
not born of a woman, rebellious,
but bound by your longing stubborn -
your family tie.
I know, mother, your every hour is a loss.
As you are in me, so I am crucified in you.
And there is no love for your reward and return,
then, that in itself - a reward and a return!

Mommy, my love, you are my own.
The best in the world, I know for sure.
You are the only one, Mommy, so kind.
The most with the most my mother.

I feel good next to you, comfortable.
You know how to support with a true word.
You will hug me, the angels will sing to us.
I love you so much I hold your hand.

I will surround you, mommy, with care.
I will give you all my attention.
I will take over some of your work.
Take care, children, and pity mothers!

Official congratulations on Mother's Day in prose. Kind words from the bottom of my heart

On November 27, 2016, waking up in the morning, many of us will turn on the TV to hear congratulations on Mother's Day. The President of the country, officials, popular artists and celebrities will give speeches in honor of all mothers. Mother-heroines will be awarded with awards and valuable gifts, even with orders and medals. Labor collectives will prepare surprises for mothers with many children - children's books, things, educational games, postcards and sweets. Concerts will be held in many cities - mothers and their children can visit them for free. Here you can see how you can congratulate mothers at work and what to say to them in honor of the holiday. Remember or write down options for congratulating moms so that you can come up with your solemn speech later.

Our dear mothers and grandmothers! With a special reverent feeling, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Mother's Day in Russia!
From time immemorial, a woman has been surrounded by the holy halo of motherhood. From the word "MAMA" we learn to speak and realize our destiny in this world. This word contains love and hope, strength and inspiration, it contains light, warmth and comfort. Immensely happy is the person whom caring motherly hands and kind words support not only in childhood. Maternal love makes us stronger, helps us overcome adversity and believe in success.
But moms need our attention too! Sometimes it’s enough just to ask “how are you?”, to tell that everything is in order with us. And the upcoming holiday is a great occasion to get together in a family circle and fill the house with warmth.
A deep bow to you and the most sincere words of gratitude, our dear mothers and grandmothers. Be happy! Peace and goodness to you, family well-being and good health! And let your children, to whom you give the best, only please you.

Dear women! Our lovely mothers and grandmothers!
We sincerely congratulate you on one of the warmest and most sincere holidays - Mother's Day! Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, it undoubtedly occupies a special place. Helps to realize the greatness and holiness of the most important mission of a woman associated with the birth and upbringing of children. To exalt its most important role in preserving and strengthening the spiritual values ​​and moral ideals of society.
We are sure that the upcoming holiday will be held in the family circle, will be filled with comfort, warmth, words of love and gratitude. And we join in the congratulations!
Health and happiness to you, our dear mothers! Let your children be successful, attentive, loving, and your life will be full of prosperity and harmony!

There is a great feeling in the world, which is called maternal love. This feeling is like no other. It comes to the future mother with the conception of her child. You just need to open your heart for him in time. Mothers always protect their children from birth. They never wish harm to their children, who can offend them with a harsh word. Real mothers know how to forgive and love their children like no one else in the world. Children, take care of your mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and comfort in the house, warm you with a kind word is one, there will be no other. It is worth remembering this and never forget to congratulate her on Mother's Day. May all mothers be happy on this day, and children be proud of them. Be happy!

Poetic congratulations from the mother-in-law on Mother's Day from the heart. Sweet words in poetry

In personal congratulations to mothers and mothers-in-law, there should not be a hint of officiality. Suho is not congratulated on Mother's Day - every word you say must come from the heart. If you cannot find the right and kind words for your mother, read her a wonderful verse. The words of the poet, uttered with all my heart, will surely touch her. We know that among our selection of poems you will find the best stanzas suitable for congratulations. Copy them and save to your collection.

Congratulate dear mother-in-law -
It would seem, what could be easier!
They became the second mother to the son-in-law,
Since then - always "on a pedestal".

I wish you good from my heart
Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you.
Fate will give warmth
Bless your good home!

Thank you, mother-in-law, for your daughter!
Accept my admiration
Always happy to help you in everything
You are the best mother without a doubt!

Today, on Mother's Day, I
I wish you eternal happiness!
Let the troubles go away forever
And all bad weather will go with them!

I was very lucky with my mother-in-law
And that's why I'm on Mother's Day
I want to tell you a few words
Backed by good deeds.

Thanks for the simplicity
For lightness and warmth in communication.
May life give you beauty
And fabulous vibes!

The best congratulatory words in postcards for Mother's Day. Short poems and aphorisms

When choosing a Mother's Day card for your mom, think about how you want to sign it. Of course, there are many ready-made postcards with signed words available in stores. We invite you to come up with your own version of congratulations - look in our selection of mini-congratulations for mothers, what inscriptions can be made. Of course, your own words will always remain the best option, but if they are not enough, you can always use a ready-made version. Prepare for Mother's Day in advance and think through everything to the smallest detail.

"Mom" is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of babies. (William Thackeray)

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (William Ross Wallace)

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. (O. Balzac)

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower)

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (O. Balzac)

Hearty congratulations from an adult daughter on Mother's Day. Beautiful poems for November 27, 2016

Happy are the mothers whose daughters consider them their best older friends, trust them with their secrets, secrets, share experiences, come to them for advice. To win the love of a daughter is quite simple - you need to disinterestedly love a person. You never need to win your mother's love - mothers love us with all our shortcomings, whims, sometimes arrogance. They forgive their daughters and callousness, and selfishness, and delivered pain. Ask your mom for forgiveness on Mother's Day - your heartfelt words of repentance will be the best gift for her. If you are embarrassed to say sincere phrases out loud, give your mother a postcard signed with beautiful poems on November 27, 2016. Read the variants of such verses offered by us - perhaps you will like them.

My dear, dear mother!
You are always there, always.
You surround me with your warmth
And protect me from everything.

On Mother's Day I wish you happiness
Let your shoulders not be touched by bad weather,
And your mother's heart
He sings with joy and pride.

I am your daughter, and you and I are alike:
Both externally and in character are so similar.
You always taught me the best
She dedicated her whole life to me.

I'll thank you, dear!
There is no better mother in the world, I know.
Accept my low bow to the ground.
As long as possible, mommy, live.

Dear Mom, I congratulate you
And I wish you joy on Mother's Day!
So that kind eyes would shine with happiness,
So that bitter tears do not touch them!
There is no dearer than you, mother, and there is no dearer,
Be always healthy and live a hundred years!

I want to thank you mom
That raised me right.
I used to be mean and stubborn,
And you endured every day.

Today is your holiday, I congratulate you.
I will keep your smile.
Let your eyes shine only with happiness,
All troubles - bypass the long road.

Always be smart, sweet and beautiful.
Your soul radiates with kindness,
And you, my dear, be like that,
But just stay young.

Poetic congratulations to mom on Mother's Day. Stanzas from the classics

In preparation for Mother's Day, rummage through your library and find volumes of classic poetry. Poets of past years often dedicated their works to mothers - you can easily find the necessary kind lines addressed to mothers from Sergei Yesenin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Maximilian Voloshin ... Here we presented a small selection of these great works. It is not difficult to remember them by heart - sincere words and pure thoughts of the poet are close to the loving hearts of mother's children.

Mother! look out the window...

Athanasius Fet

Mother! look out the window
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently it's cold.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone with a beef
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.


She was filled with sadness
And meanwhile, how noisy and frisky
Three youths played around her,
Her lips whispered thoughtfully:
“Unhappy! why were you born?
You will follow the straight path
And you can't escape your fate!"
Do not overshadow their fun with longing,
Do not weep over them, martyr-mother!
But tell them from early youth:
There are times, there are whole centuries,
In which there is nothing more desirable
More beautiful than a wreath of thorns...

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

talk to me mom

How long have you been singing songs to me,
Leaning over the cradle.
But time has flown like a bird
And in childhood, the thread broke.
Talk to me mom
Talk about something
Until starry midnight until the very -
Give me childhood again.
I am satisfied with my fate
A long way has been traveled in life.
But I really want to
I look back at my childhood.
These fabulous minutes
I will forever leave in my heart.
More than all the awards in the world
Your song is quiet for me.

Victor Gin

Children's pictures with congratulations and poems for Mother's Day. Postcards and drawings from daughter and son

Kind pictures depicting mother are the best children's congratulations. A father can invite his son or daughter to draw a mother in a beautiful dress, with flowers and gifts given to her for the holiday. Mom will definitely like such an original surprise. In addition, a children's drawing will be an excellent opportunity to find out what kind of mother their own children see. What if, in the picture, mom will not be holding flowers and sweets, but string bags with potatoes? Think about the meaning of the pictures your children draw.

Sincere congratulations to the mother-in-law with a verse on Mother's Day. good poems for mom husband

If you love your husband, of course you are warm to his mother. The woman who gave life to your "soulmate" deserves the kindest and most sincere words. Say them in a verse for Mother's Day. Choose lines from a selection of our poems and sign a card for your mother-in-law with them. Let the husband’s mother become “his blood” for you, and not just remain a strange woman. Kind words addressed to her will help you get closer.

Congratulations on Mother's Day,
I give flowers, I hug you warmly.
Thank you for your help at a difficult time
For helping us out.

Thank you a hundred times for your son,
I respect and love him very much.
Health to you for many years,
Smiles and warmth!

You accepted me like your own daughter,
With tremulous care and kind words.
Hurry up to support, always help,
My mother-in-law, my second mother!

For your warmth, for understanding
Accept the word of thanks.
May all dreams and wishes come true
Happy Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you!

I congratulate you on Mother's Day!
I wish never to know adversity.
If you raised such a son,
You can be called the best mother.

Let health please you for a long time,
To have more joyful events.
And let the sun shine overhead
And fortunately the way will always be open!

Short and sincere congratulations in SMS on Mother's Day. Small verses for telephone messages

Most children, growing up, "fly away" from under the mother's wing in all directions. Some of us even go to live in other countries. Let thousands of kilometers not become an insurmountable and difficult obstacle for you - take a cell phone and dial a short SMS for your mother with sincere words. Choose a small but meaningful poem for your message that speaks of your sincere love. Tell your mother how much you miss her, how much you miss the warmth of her hands. Feel free to say beautiful words - usually the distance "washes away" all conventions and eliminates embarrassment. It is not necessary to choose a lyrical message - do not forget to joke and please your mother with a good mood.

Happy mother's day, I congratulate you
Thank you for giving me life.
Health, I wish you bright years.
And remember, I love you very much!

It's not easy to find so many sincere words
To express your tenderness and love.
Happy mother's day, dearest person!
May God grant you happiness for the whole long century!

Congratulations mom, today is your day!
Let lilacs bloom in the soul in honor of the holiday,
The sun shines brighter, the frost is in no hurry,
Life will be strewn with rose petals!

May your life be full of joy
There will be sun in the soul, spring in the heart,
Mother's Day brings warmth and love.
Thank you again and again!

Thank you for the tenderness, warmth and comfort,
Thank you for the house where they always wait for me,
For sunlight and excess heat.
Happy Mother's Day! Be happy always!

Wonderful congratulations from children on Mother's Day. Poems and funny songs with video

If you find it difficult to choose a gift for your mother on Mother's Day, a cheerful song performed on November 27, 2016 by the whole family, or poems read by children can become a congratulation. Start preparing a surprise for your mother in advance so that on the morning of November 27 you will please her with your wonderful gift. Decorate the house for the holiday and do a spring cleaning in honor of mom.

Congratulations on the holiday, my mom!
Tender, beautiful, I love you!
Let the smile of joy give good light,
May God give you a hundred bright years to live!

Be happy without end
And always happy.
Happy mother's day, dear!
I love you so much!

When choosing congratulations on Mother's Day, stop at poems or a song if you want to congratulate your mother with the whole family. Small children can draw pictures and sign them with congratulatory words. Adult daughters and sons, presenting their gifts on November 27, 2016, will definitely tell their mother how much they love her. If you find it difficult to say sincere words, do it by reading a pre-recorded poem. Do not forget to congratulate the mothers of your spouses - mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law will be waiting for your kind words and warm wishes for simple female happiness and, of course, health. Instruct the head of the family to read solemn congratulations before the festive dinner. His "official" prose speech will open your dinner in honor of your mother.


At all times, the touching and majestic image of a woman-mother was sung in poems, songs, and paintings. Mom is the first person in the life of a child who is always there, supports and accepts her son or daughter in any way. In honor of the mother in our country, a holiday has been established at the state level - Mother's Day, which we celebrate on November 27 in 2016. And let there be autumn bad weather outside the window, in the hearts of our beloved mothers it is warm and joyful in spring. After all, congratulations on Mother's Day from beloved children bring positive, good mood and remain in memory for a long time. In connection with this holiday, we have collected for you a wonderful "collection" of beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day: in verse and prose, congratulatory words to mother, mother-in-law from daughter-in-law, mother-in-law from son-in-law, sister, girlfriend, adult daughter, sister from sister, from children , official, short sms. Such wonderful congratulations on Mother's Day will not leave your loved ones and relatives indifferent, and bright pictures with the best wishes will create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.

Beautiful congratulations to mother woman on Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a holiday for all mothers, regardless of their place of residence and social status. So, on this day, every mother will be glad to receive a beautiful congratulation from relatives and friends. Or maybe your sister, friend or classmate is waiting for a happy event? Expectant mothers can devote a lot of beautiful touching congratulations on Mother's Day - recite them in person, send them via SMS, send them by e-mail. Such congratulations on the holiday of all mothers will be a pleasant sign of attention and a sincere gift for the addressee.

You, who gave birth to us into the world!

To you, in whom the soul hurts for us!

You who inspired the darkness of poets

Having endured many insults -

I will praise you forever

Bowing low every time!

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Happy Mother's Day to me today!

On this holiday, accept congratulations,

Let everything be as you want -

Happiness, joy, love, luck,

And the fulfillment of a cherished dream!

Dear friend, please accept my most sincere congratulations on Mother's Day. You are the most exemplary mother, you set an example for others how to raise your child. Stay the same always, happiness, health, prosperity to you and your son (daughter). Happy holiday!

Touching congratulations in prose on Mother's Day - mom, sister, girlfriend

It is always joyful and pleasant to give touching and sincere words of congratulations. Especially if such congratulations are pronounced to the closest and dearest people - mothers, sisters, girlfriends. And how joyful it is to see a kind smile and joy in your eyes in response to your words. Congratulations on Mother's Day allow you to convey the best feelings, charge you with a good mood and evoke a sense of celebration - our mothers deserve it more than anyone else. We offer you a selection of touching congratulations in prose for mom, sister or girlfriend. Let warm words of wishes fill your soul with light and remind you of eternal human values ​​- love for parents and family.

Dear sister! I congratulate you on this wonderful November holiday - Mother's Day. May your star always burn right above your head and illuminate your path, leading you to the true path. I wish you a beautiful sky above your head and peace on earth. May God save you from all bad things.

Mommy! Please accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. I don't have enough tender words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support you in difficult times and share the joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in business.

My beloved girlfriend, not so long ago you gave birth to a toddler, and now I already have the right to congratulate you on the most important women's holiday, Mother's Day. Let your baby grow up quickly, never get sick and please mommy with success everywhere and in everything. In short, simple maternal happiness to you.

Sincere congratulations to women on Mother's Day in verse

For every woman to receive congratulations on Mother's Day means that she is appreciated and remembered. On this festive day, mothers accept congratulations from colleagues, relatives and close people. As a rule, these are beautiful poetic lines in which they convey the most sincere wishes for good, happiness and prosperity. Of course, you can try and write a few warm lines yourself with congratulations to the "culprit" of the occasion. However, not everyone has a poetic gift, so we suggest using our selection of sincere congratulations on Mother's Day in verse - mothers can pronounce them in person or send them in the form of SMS.

What a blessing to be a mother

beautiful half,

Couldn't imagine

Well, no man!

They have to congratulate

Wish different accomplishments

And gently kiss your hands

On this beautiful holiday.

This holiday is the most important

The warmest, the kindest.

After all, there is nothing more desirable in the world,

There is nothing more important than the word "mom!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

Our mothers cordially.

We wish you health.

Glory to you! Live forever!

Mom's favorite! Mother dear!

Happy Mother's Day today!

Although my daughter has grown, she also remembers fairy tales

About chicken Ryaba, about Goldilocks,

And the softest hands in the world.

Thank you for these moments!

Original congratulations to the sister from the sister on Mother's Day

Dear sister, I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. Mom is the most important word in the life of every person, a mother will not leave or betray, she will always become a support and support for her child. I wish you to always remain the same loving, gentle, caring mother .. Happy Holidays!

Happy Mother's Day, sister!

Love and warmth

Smiles and fun -

You deserve everything.

Let the sun be bright

And loud children's laughter.

May there be a lot of happiness

And you are the happiest of all!

Stay the same -

Beautiful, young.

Always be the leader

And we are always with you!

Sister, my dear

I congratulate you today!

For your health, I raise a glass,

On Mother's Day, I wish you all the best.

May your life be bright

Let your family grow

There is no greater happiness in the world -

When children laugh in the house!

Congratulations on Mother's Day to mother-in-law - from son-in-law

Every mother-in-law on Mother's Day will be glad to hear warm congratulatory words from her son-in-law. After all, it was the mother who gave birth and raised his beloved wife - so congratulations to the mother-in-law from the son-in-law on Mother's Day sound like a relative sincerely and sincerely. On our pages you will find the kindest congratulatory words on Mother's Day to your mother-in-law from your son-in-law, which will touch your soul and heart. Undoubtedly, these words of gratitude for the daughter will be remembered for a long time for their sincerity and will “melt” the heart of the most strict mother-in-law.

I was very lucky with my mother-in-law

And that's why I'm on Mother's Day

I want to tell you a few words

Backed by good deeds.

Thanks for the simplicity

For ease and warmth in communication.

May life give you beauty

And fabulous vibes!

You, mother-in-law, my wife's mother,

You have created a miracle!

I wish you happy days

I will praise you on Mother's Day.

I want to wish you health

And never worry

Also, don't be discouraged

And you need to smile more often!

Happy mother's day mother in law

I congratulate you with all my heart

I want to make life easier

And peace will come to your soul.

Being your son-in-law is happiness

I want to sincerely say

Let misfortune not touch you,

You are my second mother!

Congratulations to an adult daughter on Mother's Day - touching to tears from her mother in verse

It is known that the relationship between mother and daughter is extremely strong and strong. However, children grow up quickly - before you have time to look back, how your mother's beloved daughter is already an adult and has become a mother herself. But the appearance of a grandson or granddaughter is always a joyful family event! Therefore, the most touching to tears congratulations on Mother's Day for an adult daughter sound from mother-grandmother. In our selection you will find the sweetest congratulations to an adult daughter from her mother on Mother's Day in verse - touching lines to tears are literally permeated with boundless, eternal and tender maternal love.

You also became a mother, dear,

And on this holiday, I'm in a hurry,

Congratulate your daughter without edge,

To wish her many bright days!

Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you generously,

May you be healthy all your life!

To go its own way with a fair wind

And your business always went well!

So that you raise children with dignity,

To become the dearest mother!

To always, always live in peace

And she remained herself for a century!

Daughter, by the sun that gently shines,

Warmly appeared in my fate you ...

And now we celebrate Mother's Day together,

And I wish you a lot:

Fewer difficult, restless nights,

Fewer dull and cloudy days,

More childish, happy smiles.

And I would like more good news from you!

I congratulate you on Mother's Day

You, daughter, do not melt,

That parenting is hard work...

Only mothers will understand him.

Patience, tenderness, worries!

They are needed and not for a year.

I want to wish you

Become a great mom!

Hearty congratulations to the wife on Mother's Day - from the husband

In honor of Mother's Day, the husband dedicates to his beloved wife, the mother of his children, beautiful words of congratulations on the holiday. We have prepared the most cordial and warmest congratulations on Mother's Day, which a husband can say to his wife or send her in the form of SMS. After all, the wife gave her husband such wonderful children and takes care of them every day! Therefore, for a wife on Mother's Day, it will be nice to hear heartfelt words of congratulations, wishes and the most sincere confessions from her beloved husband.

Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you!

My love for you is even stronger!

My beloved, dear wife,

You gave happiness to me - children!

Your care is enough for the planet

You give love, happiness, warmth!

I sincerely thank you for this!

I love you, good, love!

I want my wife on Mother's Day

Wish you great happiness.

How great are your merits -

You are a wonderful mother!

Your day is really "dimensionless",

You are raising your children well.

You have time for everything, and I'm sure

You will amaze us again and again!

My wife, when I look

How do you hide a child

How tenderly you look, hug,

I understand that I love.

After all, a woman whose name is mother,

Will always be the most worthy

Only mothers are madly loved,

Only a mother deserves to prosper!

Warm congratulations to the mother-in-law on Mother's Day - from the daughter-in-law in verse and prose

Relations between daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law are sometimes not easy, and it takes years to achieve mutual understanding. However, on Mother's Day, every mother-in-law will appreciate the words of gratitude and congratulations from her daughter-in-law. After all, it was the mother who managed to raise such a wonderful, strong and courageous son - this fact alone is worthy of respect. It is better to choose warm and sincere congratulations for the mother-in-law from the daughter-in-law, with a “respectful” connotation. But comic and funny congratulations are best left for a friend or sister. Here you will find the warmest congratulations to the mother-in-law on Mother's Day - from the daughter-in-law in verse and prose. Words of congratulations on Mother's Day can be prepared together with your spouse for a family holiday celebration and pronounced in the form of a toast - any mother-in-law will be doubly pleased with such attention from her son and daughter-in-law.

You gave life to the most beautiful person in the world, gave him not only the opportunity to exist, but also invested a part of yourself in him, were able to bring up in him those features that make him a real man. So let fate be favorable to you and reward you for the efforts and efforts that you spent on your son. Happy Mother's Day! May happiness and health never leave your home.

Thanks for the beautiful son

On Mother's Day it's worth saying

And the sky is blue and clear for you

I want to wish from the bottom of my heart.

And let happiness be in the house,

And the laughter of your big family.

A bunch of compliments is huge -

All my congratulations to you.

You are just a super mom

Mother-in-law - so simple class

Be happy yourself

May you have everything:

peace, prosperity,

Great supply of good

And in the apartment - peace, order,

Happy Mother's Day, cheers!

Short SMS congratulations on Mother's Day - beautiful wishes for women

Every woman is pleased to receive signs of attention from relatives and friends, both on weekdays and on holidays. And for mom, the best gift will be words of gratitude, recognition and love - on Mother's Day, beautiful congratulations with wishes for the best are heard everywhere. What is the best way to congratulate a mother on Mother's Day? Give a bouquet of bright autumn flowers, and add a touching gift along with congratulations to it. If on this holiday you do not have the opportunity to personally congratulate the "culprit" of the identity, send an SMS message with congratulations in verse or prose. In our "piggy bank" you will find short SMS congratulations to women on Mother's Day - with wishes for good, happiness and all the best.

Motherhood is a fairy tale

Any woman's life.

I want you to enjoy

This role is not easy.

On this holiday, this kind, bright,

Let there be no thunderstorm, no wind,

May happiness, joy and love

They come to visit again and again.

Mom is the dearest

From the concepts of people.

You carry it like a banner

Make the world brighter, kinder.

Congratulations for mom on Mother's Day in verse - from kindergarten children

Kindergarten pupils always look forward to Mother's Day - according to tradition, morning performances are held on this autumn day, with the invitation of beloved mothers and grandmothers as spectators. On the eve of such an event, children learn poems, songs, and also prepare dance numbers, fun contests and thematic skits. Undoubtedly, congratulations coming from a child's heart are the dearest for a loving mother. Prepare with your child simple and beautiful congratulations for mom on Mother's Day in verses that can be recited at a matinee in kindergarten or in the family circle. Let these touching words bring a kind smile and a good festive mood to mom.

Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy.

For affection, kindness, care

We want to thank you.

Collect all the flowers in the world -

To you, dear, to give.

And wish you health, happiness,

More joy, goodness,

So that there is no misfortune in life

And so that the years do not grow old.

Live, dear mother, long,

Be healthy, don't get sick

Keep your health

Don't shed tears in vain.

If, sometimes, we are inattentive to you,

Do not hold resentment against us in your heart,

Forgive us with heart and soul for all of us.

Official congratulations on Mother's Day - in prose

Being a mother is not only an honor and pleasure, but sometimes it is not easy. After all, the “work” of the mother does not end outside the office, and at home she does not have “vacations” and “business trips”. Therefore, it is so important to give mothers the opportunity to relax about the endless household chores, and even better - arrange a holiday for them. On Mother's Day, beautiful congratulations from the president and other famous people sound on TV to the mothers of the whole country. In some institutions, it is customary at the official level to congratulate employees on Mother's Day - with the presentation of awards and prizes. We offer you a selection of official congratulations on Mother's Day in prose, which can be included in the program of the solemn event in honor of Mother's Day.

Today is Mother's Day. On this holiday, all the mothers of the world are congratulated by the most important people for them - their children. I wish you inspiration, happiness, smiles and, of course, patience. Because no matter how old your children are, they will always need your love and support.

There is a great feeling in the world, which is called maternal love. This feeling is like no other. It comes to the future mother with the conception of her child. You just need to open your heart for him in time. Mothers always protect their children from birth. They never wish harm to their children, who can offend them with a harsh word. Real mothers know how to forgive and love their children like no one else in the world. Children, take care of your mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and comfort in the house, warm you with a kind word is one, there will be no other. It is worth remembering this and never forget to congratulate her on Mother's Day. May all mothers be happy on this day, and children be proud of them. Be happy!

Mother's Day is an important holiday not only for every woman, but for all people who appreciate and love their mothers. Therefore, congratulations on Mother's Day to all mothers will help express gratitude for the love, care and support. On this day, we want to wish every mother family happiness, love and understanding from her children.

Bright pictures-congratulations to mom on Mother's Day - with verses

With the onset of autumn, the days become shorter, and the sun is no longer so “willing” to give us its warmth. However, this is not a reason for sadness, because a series of cheerful autumn holidays awaits us. So, on November 27, 2016, all mothers of the country celebrate Mother's Day. On this day, households prepare interesting surprises for their mothers and grandmothers, the most tender and warm words of congratulations, flowers and festive treats. Bright pictures of congratulations to mom on Mother's Day will cheer you up and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day - they can be handed out in "paper" form or sent by e-mail. We have selected several options for bright congratulatory pictures with poems for Mother's Day - choose and congratulate!

Mother's Day is a heartfelt and touching holiday that reminds us of eternal family values. So let's appreciate and protect our mothers, show attention and care more often. For you - the most beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day: in verse and prose, to a mother woman, mother, girlfriend, sister, adult daughter, congratulatory words to mother-in-law from son-in-law, mother-in-law from daughter-in-law, short SMS, from children in kindergarten, official, bright pictures with verses. Let Mother's Day be an excellent occasion for meeting, calling, declaring love to the dearest person on Earth - mom.

Dear mothers! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day! Happiness, health, prosperity, peace of mind and love! Peace and comfort to your home! Being a mother is the greatest happiness and merit! Be proud! You are MAMS!

Today is the most kind and sincere holiday in the world - MOTHER'S DAY! We want to congratulate all the women who proudly bear this honorary title. You do not need prizes, awards and medals - you only care about the well-being of your own children ... We wish you never to experience disappointment and take care of yourself.

Today is Mother's Day, hurry up to congratulate your mothers who always wish you the best and truly love you! Appreciate and take care of them! And even if we are imperfect children, with our own whims and sometimes overly selfish even in relation to our loved ones, but nevertheless, let's think before saying something that could offend our loved one.

Mother's Day has come -
This is a great day
The closest person
He is blessed!

Mom ... - the children repeat
Many thousand times!
This word is the most precious
To each of us!

A person closer to mom
Not in this world
And everyone knows about it
On the big planet!

Today the sun has washed
Early in the sky ascended
Nature has changed
It's holiday time for us!

Mother's Day all over the planet
For them, the only ones, relatives,
Children bring flowers to the feet,
For their kindness and care!

You are mom. Is it a lot or a little?
You are mom. Is it happiness or a cross?
And it's impossible to start over
You pray now for what is:
For crying at night, for milk, diapers,
For the first step, for the first words.
For all children. For every child.
You are mom! And so right!
You are the whole world. You are the rebirth of life.
And you would like to hug the whole world.
You are mom. Mother! It's a pleasure
No one can take away from you!

On this day I want to congratulate
All dear mothers.
You need to put up a monument
From sons and daughters.
May this good congratulations
It will add to your mood.
And not for a moment from year to year
The love of children will not leave you!

I want my mom to smile
To never be sad in life
So that you always succeed,
So that you do not know that there is trouble.

On mother's day, my love, I wish
May you stay like this forever!
I dedicate these lines to you
Beautiful mother, tender and dear!
love love love..

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! With all my heart I wish all mothers of our planet, present and future, peace and kindness, happiness and confidence in the future, fulfillment of all desires, clear sunny days, and most importantly, health to their families! Be loved and beautiful! It's such a blessing to be a MOM!

On Mother's Day, we hasten to congratulate everyone,
Who gave rise to a new bright life,
Helped us to gain faith in success
And he loves us, as in childhood, and still does.
Words of confessions - to our mothers.
Thank you for your kindness and patience!
We sincerely wish you happiness
We need you, without a doubt!

You quietly sing the lullaby again.
I am happy: and again I understand how eternal all this is.
I know: the child-grow, this song-sound.
I know that the radiance of the moonlight is eternal.
A mother's face will always be beautiful,
Mother's love will be full of disinterestedness,
How will the cool distant heights be,
How green the grass and leaves will be in spring.
You quietly sing a lullaby again
And she became beautiful, as before. The eyes warmed up.
The moon illuminates the cradle. You take your eyes off
You can't from this moonlit cradle.

The baby is not sleeping, his eyes are quietly screwing up,
Listening in sleepy silence
How softly sings a song mom
Dreaming of restful sleep.
Girlfriend, you are a wonderful mommy!
The kid is just like you!
And your gentle gentle hands,
They caress him, pulling his hair.
You know, today is a bright holiday
Mother's Day is yours and mine!
And let it be deserted, cold outside,
Your son will warm you with caress!
And the husband with a question will approach slyly,
Congratulate, kiss gently on the cheek!
Beloved, I congratulate you
But isn't it time for us to have a daughter?

We don't choose mom
But it is not more expensive!
We wish you sun and warmth
May the Lord keep from troubles!

Our relatives, dear, good,
Vulnerable, most friendly,
Darling, we are just like you
We are loving, dear mothers!
On the day of the holiday, we give you smiles,
And all the words unspoken tender
Forgive us for rudeness and mistakes,
For our inattention, negligence.
For forgetting to call you
For all the flowers not brought
And we rarely congratulate you on holidays,
We do not notice your beauty.
And we hurt the heart, and torment the soul
With his perseverance and obstinate disposition,
Forgive me for everything, our dear ones,
Today this holiday is yours by right.

In a distant, pure and sinless childhood
Walking step by step,
We whimpered:
“Mommy! Give me a pen!",
To go around a puddle or a hole.
And clasping your hands with your hands,
Fingering happily...
We forgot about everything in the world,
Entirely relying on YOU!
The years have passed... the children have grown up.
The step became harder, the look became more severe ...
But there is no hand more reliable and warmer
Than the one that took us to kindergarten.
And often walking over the abyss,
Or vegetating in a bitter dead end,
I am calm ... only because I know -
You, Mommy, will always help me!
When sometimes life gives a thrashing,
And a steel hoop will squeeze my chest ...
Whispering like a child
"Mommy! Give me… a pen!”
And suddenly my path becomes easier.
Give me your hand! Mommy ... dear!
After all, I'm in trouble now ... alone!
And you hear everything, you know everything ... Mom!
And as salvation you stretch your hand to me ...

It happens -
The dog is barking
Rosehip prick,
The nettle stings.
And dream at night
Huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you cry out:
- Mother!
And mom will show up
Next to me
And everything that scared
Will pass by.
She will smile
Splinters will disappear
scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears...
“What luck! -
I think -
What is the best mother -
(V. Borisov)

Happy Mother's Day, my dear!
I want to kiss you!
With all my heart of great happiness,
You, mommy, wish!
Let life be beautiful, easy,
Enough strength for everything!
So that all your dreams, desires -
You were able to bring it to life!

When I was less than a year old
Only my mother saved me from everything,
Winter cold weather
She dressed me warmer.
I collected a portfolio for school,
Gave flowers at graduation
Stealthily wiped away a tear,
When she spoke at the wedding
Dear, dear mother,
You raised me, loving.
On an autumn day, I want to congratulate:
"Happy Mother's Day, mommy, to you."

Mom is the first word of a child
There is no better place in the world for her
Always help, caress
And he will give you valuable advice!
Mother's Day is a legal holiday
For my mother
We are happy to congratulate her, -
Let life be more fun!
Be wrapped in love
You are always your children!

Thank you, dear, for my birthday,
For every morning my awakening,
For affection, for severity, for good hands!
What a pity that we live apart from you!
Be happy, mommy, and don't be sad.
I pray for you and love you. And I'm sorry...

When the baby first says
That word is always the same
With his soul, he "Mom" knits sounds,
From God so we are destined!
And my mother walks with him by the hand,
Of us, then each felt
She removes danger
The ninth wave is not terrible with her!

Today is Mother's Day, so I heartily congratulate all mothers on this holiday! Dear mothers, be happy and loved. Remember, you gave life to the world, and this is the most important achievement. Thank you for the kindness, affection and care that you give, let your children answer you the same. I wish you family well-being, health and love.

Dear, beloved and beautiful women! From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on Mother's Day! We wish to always be a reliable rear and support in the lives of children; strength of spirit; health for many years; positive mood and never lose heart, no matter what happens in your life! May God keep and protect!

Being a mom is still hard work.
Go ahead and here and there,
And follow, create comfort,
Give it to that,
Something needs to be learned...
But how else can you live?
Let the worries with the children not be counted,
But happiness if they are!
And with this congratulations, I
I wish happiness for you!
Smile happily now!
You are a super mom, believe me!

Mother! Today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! For everything: for the gift of life, for care, for kindness, for support, for who I am. I can't imagine life without you. I promise that I will always take care of you and support you in difficult times! You are the most wonderful person in my life and the most beloved! Happy holiday!

Dear mothers! Happy Mother's Day to all of you! Mom is the closest person for each of us. Girls are the best friend. For boys - an understanding friend. May the Sun shine for all of you, dear mothers, and peace and order reign in each of your houses. Happy holiday!

Mommy, I kiss your hands!
This holiday is yours by right,
And when we are near, and apart!
So accept my devoted bow:
Since ancient times, for everyone in the world
There is no word, sweeter than the word "mother"!
Adults and children know this.
I want to wish today:
Happiness and good luck to you, dear!
Long life, cheerfulness, warmth!
So that you live without despondency
So that you are always with me!
So that you believe in me and know
Every minute, at any hour:
No matter how fate separates us,
With a grateful heart - I'm with you!

Dear Mom! I want to sincerely congratulate you on this touching holiday and thank you for everything that I have today in my life. Always smile, laugh and enjoy the little things, and I will always be there, support and help! Be happy!

Mother's Day is your day, dear!
Like birds fly telegrams
And everyone in Russia today believes
That he is named after his mother.
And he's only yours - I want you to know
About this always and forever:
Only a mother loves everything and always, from the beginning,
To the brim, in any person!
You are my life - and hope and faith,
And I wish you happiness
Health and vigor, strength - without measure,
Successes in life - without edge!
May all your plans come true, as it should,
No hassle - no worries!
And the main thing in your life will be joy -
Always, down to the smallest moment!

Happy mother's day to you, dear!
I wish you clear days!
Health, joy, hope,
Happy life, serene!

It must be hard being a mom.
In everything you need to be the most,
Know everything in the world and know
Doing all these things…
And these kids are capricious
Naughty and grumpy
Sometimes they help to live.
But how can you not love them?
And on All Mothers Day I wish you
Live without forgetting yourself
Love the whole world, love yourself
And always be happy!