Merry christmas and a happy new year! (Polish holiday postcards). Congratulations, Wishes and Compliments in Polish Polish Postcards Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Poland is a country that, although not similar to us in culture, is very similar in mentality. Despite the fact that it is part of the European Union, the native Poles are very similar to us in many ways, both in their worldview and in life goals, habits, character and temperament. All of them, without exception, love their country, their people and their language very much, so if you decide to give a Pole a birthday greeting in Polish, then his happiness simply will not be the limit. It will be a pleasant, and, not least, a very unexpected surprise that will overshadow any other congratulatory words.

Hearing your native language while away from your homeland is like touching home with your own hands. If you choose congratulations for a person living in Poland and just want to send them on social networks or by e-mail, then this will still be a very serious step towards strengthening relationships. After all, they may be needed not only for friends and comrades, but also for business partners.

In any case, on you can find poems in Polish to congratulate any person. Just take a look at the works presented here, check out their translation, and choose one of them! The secret to success is as simple as ever!

Happy Birthday! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the best!

Najlepsze życzenia urodzinowe! Przesyłam najserdeczniejsze życzenia z okazji święta i życzę wszystkiego najlepszego!

Happy Birthday! We wish you love and prosperity.

Najlepsze życzenia urodzinowe! Przesyłamy życzenia miłości i dobrobytu.

Happy Birthday! We want to wish you happiness, creative success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Najlepsze życzenia urodzinowe! Chcemy życzyć Państwu szczęścia, twórczych sukcesów i pomyślności we wszystkich przedsięwzięciach!

Soon, just a little bit, and the Poles, just like the rest of the world, will begin to wish each other a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Of course, in our time of modern technology, it is much easier to send a text message or a congratulatory email to a friend or relative. But the inhabitants of the Commonwealth sacredly honor centuries-old traditions and continue to wish happy holidays with magnificent illustrated postcards, each of which can be considered a real work of art.

Best wishes for the winter holidays.

The history of Polish New Year's cards goes back almost two centuries. The first holiday greetings written on separate pieces of paper appeared in Poland at the end of the 19th century and, oddly enough, in the territory of modern Western Ukraine - in Galicia. And this despite the fact that the tradition of sending New Year and Christmas greetings took root in Europe only in the 20s of the 20th century.

First christmas and new year cards They were just neatly cut pieces of paper with wishes written on them by hand. No illustrations, no decorative elements. Just a graceful rondo and the smell of perfume.

Neat papers with wishes.

Interestingly, until the beginning of the 20th century, these same postcards in Poland did not have their own name and were simply called - wishes. Only in 1900, in view of the extraordinary popularity of "wishes", Polish bohemia, with the support of the government, thought about what, in fact, to call them. A competition for the best name for holiday wishes was announced in Warsaw. Several options were presented for consideration by the competent jury - “leaf”, “otvartka”, “leaflet”, etc. The prize-winning place in the competition was taken by the name proposed by Henryk Sienkiewicz - “pochtuvka”. Since then, in Poland, postcards have been called - postcards.

Merry Christmas!

It is not known who first came up with the sparkling idea to decorate postcards with images of a Christmas tree, angels and other Christmas and New Year motifs. Perhaps it was some kind of romantic lady who decided to please her beloved with such an original congratulation, or a respectable descendant of the Polish gentry, who knows how to draw robustly. Be that as it may, but since the beginning of the 20th century, Polish postcards have changed beyond recognition, turning into miniature works of art “hand-made”. And in the 20s of the last century, the issue of illustrated postcards was put on a production line.

More than a million postcards are sent out in Poland every year.

Every year, on the eve of the Christmas holidays and Sylvester Night, more than one billion holiday cards are sent out in Poland. The first place among them is occupied, of course, by factory products produced by printing houses in a huge assortment. But handmade postcards, distinguished by their special grace and unique festive atmosphere, do not graze the rear. By the way, New Year's Eve in Poland is traditionally called Sylvester's - on behalf of the Roman Pope Sylvester I, whose day falls on December 31, and who is especially revered in the Commonwealth.

You can congratulate your foreign colleagues and friends in Polish on the holiday "Catholic Christmas". One of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches celebrate December 25 in the modern Gregorian calendar. Description of the holiday in Polish: Jest to jedno z najważniejszych chrześcijańskich świąt. Ustanowiono je dla uczczenia narodzin Jezusa Chrystusa z Maryi Dziewicy. Kościół katolicki oraz większość kościołów protestanckich obchodzą je 25 grudnia zgodnie ze współczesnym kalendarzem gregoriańskim.

The project of the Flarus translation agency is a universal list of congratulations in Polish on both international and national holidays with translation from different languages ​​of the world. You can also find out which major holidays are celebrated in a particular state. For congratulations on the holiday "Catholic Christmas" in Polish, you can use the text created by a professional translator and native speaker of Polish. You can see the translation of congratulations into other languages.

Living in Poland or communicating with Poles, people often encounter situations when a person needs to be congratulated on the occasion of some holiday, express their wishes or just make a compliment. However, not knowing how to do it correctly in Polish, you can get into a rather uncomfortable and even unpleasant situation. Of course, today, in the era of digital technologies, you can express your congratulations not only with words, but also with emoticons, cute pictures, stickers or so-called "gif cams" that are understandable to everyone, but nothing compares to the wishes that you say personally, from pure heart. We have collected the most common options for congratulations on the occasion of various holidays, and the words that you can use when saying your wish, as well as ready-made examples of beautiful congratulations.

The main rule of congratulations is sincerity. It is very important and always pleasant to hear (or say) those words that come from the heart and not only on a special, festive day. After all, a holiday can be made even on weekdays.

  • Pozdrowienia- congratulations
  • Pozdrawiam- Congratulations
  • serdeczne pozdrowienia- hearty congratulations
  • pozdrawiam serdecznie- hearty congratulations
  • przekazać komuś pozdrowienia- send greetings to someone
  • masz pozdrowienia od ...- Do you have congratulations from...
  • wszystkiego najlepszego- all the best
  • Zyczę Ci...- I wish you...
  • chcemy Państwu życzyć ... We would like to wish you...
  • Wesolych Swiat- happy Holidays
  • chciałabym Wam złożyć najserdeczniejsze życzenia z okazji ... I would like to send you my most heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of...

For everybody Birthday- It's a special day. A day when all the attention, warmth and love of relatives from friends are directed to you, when all words of congratulations, all gifts and surprises are intended only for the birthday person. It is very important to choose the right words for congratulations and say what you really want.

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!- All the best on your birthday!

100 lat!- 100 years! (Many years!)

Życzę Ci, żeby dzisiejszy dzień był wyjątkowy, szczęśliwy i radosny!- I wish you that this day was exceptional, happy and joyful!

100 lat, niech żyje, żyje nam! Wszystkiego najwspanialszego z okazji urodzin. Realizacji zamierzonych planów i miłości!- Many years! All the best on your birthday. Realization of cherished plans and love!

Z okazji urodzin składam Ci moc życzeń: zdrowia, radości, mnóstwa prezentów i gości, wielu przygód niebywałych i uśmiechu wesołego i wszystkiego, wszystkiego najlepszego!- On the occasion of your birthday, I wish you health, joy, many gifts and guests, many incredible adventures, smiles and all the best!

Życzę Ci samych wspaniałych chwil, miłości, uśmiechu, szczerych przyjaciół, nie tylko w dniu urodzin, ale przez całe życie!- I wish you the most beautiful moments, love, smiles, sincere friends - and not only on your birthday, but for life!

Wszystko, co piękne i wymarzone, niech w Twym życiu będzie spełnione. Niech życie słodko płynie, a wszystko, co złe, niech szybko minie.- All that is beautiful and desirable, let it come true. Let life be sweet, and let all the bad things bypass you.

Życzę Ci, aby marzenia, które skrywasz na dnie Twojego serca, doczekały się spełnienia.- I wish you that the dreams that you hide at the bottom of your heart come true.

Sto lat! Śmiało patrz w przyszłość, nigdy nie bój się jutra i z odwagą stawiaj czoła wyzwaniom, zarówno w życiu zawodowym jak i osobistym. - Many years! Face the future with courage, never be afraid of tomorrow, and face challenges with courage in both professional and personal life.

Kolejny rok minął blyskawicznie! Z tej okazji życzę Ci, żeby spełniały się Twoje pragnienia, przyszłość wyglądała tak jak ją zaplanowałeś, abyś każdego dnia na nowo odkrywał piękno tego świata, a entuzjazm i motywacja nigdy Cię nie opuszczały. - Another year has passed with lightning speed! I wish you that all your aspirations come true, the future is as you planned (a), so that every day you rediscover (a) the beauty of this world, and enthusiasm and motivation never leave you.

Obyś każdego dnia była tak radosna jak dziś. Jesteś wyjątkową osobą, której uśmiech potrafi zdziałać cuda. Nie trać wiary w ludzi, postrzegaj życie jako wspaniałą przygodę, śmiej się i tańcz tak często jak to możliwe! - So that every day you are as joyful as today. You are a special person whose smile is ready to work wonders. Don't lose faith in people, take life as a wonderful adventure, laugh and dance as often as possible!

Christmas traditionally celebrated in Poland December 25 However, on the eve of this holiday, you can hear all kinds of warm congratulations and wishes for happy holidays. New Year (Nowy Rock, Sylvester)- one of the most fun holidays, which is traditionally celebrated 1st of January.

Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Bozego Narodzenia- All the best on the occasion of Christmas

W tych wyjątkowych dniach chcemy Państwu życzyć wiele zadowolenia i sukcesow- In these wonderful days we want to wish you joy and success

Wesolych Swiat!- Happy Holidays!

Wesołych Świąt, radości, pomyślności, miłości, szczęścia, uśmiechu, zdrowia i samych pozytywnych rzeczy!- Merry holidays, joy, prosperity, love, happiness, smiles, health and positive!

Życzę Ci dużo zdrowia i radości, spełnienia wszelkich marzeń, sukcesów zawodowych, a także dużo szczęścia w Nowym Roku!- I wish you a lot of joy and health, the fulfillment of all your dreams, success at work, as well as a lot of happiness in the New Year!

Ze szczerego serca w ten piękny czas, gdy gwiazdka świeci dla wszystkich nas, życzę miłości, bez trosk i złości, a w Nowym Roku marzeń spełnienia i pomyślności.- From the bottom of my heart at this wonderful time, when the star shines for all of us, I wish you love, without worries and anger, and in the New Year - fulfillment of desires and prosperity.

Z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia życzę Ci zdrowia i błogosławieństwa Bożego. Niech nadchodzący nowy rok przyniesie Ci jak najwięcej łask Bożych.- On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, I wish you health and God's blessing. May the coming new year bring you more God's blessings.

Sylwestra!- I wish you happy, lived in peace with the world and with yourself, full of love Christmas holidays and an irresponsible, unforgettable, unique New Year!

Życzę gwiazdki najjaśniejszej, choinki najpiękniejszej, prezentów wymarzonych, świąt mile spędzonych, roku bardzo udanego!- I wish you a bright star, a beautiful Christmas tree, longed-for gifts, well-spent holidays and a good year!

Easter- the biggest holiday of all Christians. It is a movable holiday that falls annually between March 22 and April 25. In Poland, this day is highly respected and celebrated with its colorful traditions. On this day, it is customary to congratulate relatives and friends on the arrival of spring and the resurrection of Christ.

Zdrowych, pogodnych Świąt Wielkanocnych, pełnych wiary, nadziei i miłości. Radosnego, wiosennego nastroju, serdecznych spotkań w gronie rodziny i wśród przyjaciół!- Healthy, serene Easter holidays, full of faith, hope and love. Joyful, spring mood, cordial meetings with family and friends!

Życzę aby Święta Wielkanocne przyniosły radość, pokój oraz wzajemną życzliwość.- I wish the Easter Holidays to bring joy, peace and goodwill.

Pogody, słońca, radości, W niedzielę dużo gości, W poniedziałek dużo wody, to dla zdrowia i urody. Dużo jajek kolorowych, Świąt wesołych oraz zdrowych!- Wait, sun, joy, on Sunday there are many guests, on Monday there is a lot of water - this is for health and beauty. Many colored Easter eggs, happy and healthy holidays!

W dzień Święta Wielkanocnego życzymy jaja smacznego, świąt pogodnych i radosnych oraz tchnienia wiosny. - On this Easter day, we wish you a delicious egg, serene and joyful holidays and the breath of spring.

Życzę Wesolych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy!- Happy Easter holidays!

Życzę Radosnych Świąt Wielkanocnych wypełnionych nadzieją i wiarą w sens życia. Pogody w sercu i radości z faktu Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego oraz smacznego Święconego w gronie najbliższych osób! - I wish you joyful Easter holidays filled with hope and faith in the meaning of life, weather in your heart and joy from God's Resurrection, delicious consecrated dishes in the circle of your closest people!

Women's Day (Dzień Kobiet) traditionally celebrated in many countries of the world March 8 since 1910. In Poland, it was especially popular during the Polish People's Republic in 1952-1989. Today this holiday is not official, but until now, most men in Poland congratulate their wives, loved ones, mothers, daughters, girlfriends and work colleagues on March 8.

Wszystkim przedstawicielkom płci pięknej składam najserdeczniejsze życzenia zdrowia, pomyślności i samych pięknych dni w życiu. Życzę by uśmiech rozpromieniał Wasze twarze i byście zawsze czuły się doceniane. - To all the fair sex, I convey my most heartfelt wishes for health, prosperity and the brightest days in life. I wish that a smile illuminates your faces and that you always feel needed.

Z okazji Dnia Kobiet pragnę złożyć Ci życzenia, wszystkiego najlepszego, dużo szczęścia, by w każdym dniu roku uśmiech na twarzy Twej gościł tak samo często, jak dziś.- On the occasion of Women's Day, I want to wish you all the best, a lot of happiness, so that every day a smile on your face appears as often as today.

8 marca - niech to będzie dzień radosny. Życzę Ci więc dużo kwiatów, dużo wiosny. Niech dla Ciebie slońce świeci. Niech Ciczas radośnie leci. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Kobiet. - May the day of March 8 be joyful. I wish you many flowers and a lot of spring. Let the sun shine for you. Let the time fly by with joy. All the best for Women's Day.

Drogie Panie, dziękuję Wam, że czynicie ten świat piękniejszym i lepszym.- Dear women, thank you for making this world a better and more beautiful place.

Mother's Day- this is perhaps the most beautiful and gentle international holiday. This is the day when everyone greets their mother - the dearest person on the planet - and gives her their love and affection. For the first time this holiday was established officially by the US Congress on May 8, 1914. In Poland, Mother's Day is traditionally celebrated 26 of May.

Dużo Mamie mówić miałem, lecz gdy biegłem zapomniałem. Więc Mamusiu nadstaw uszka i zapytaj się serduszka. Niech Ci powie jego bicie, że ja kocham Cię nad życie.- I wanted to tell my mother a lot, but while running - I already forgot. Therefore, Mommy, prepare your ears and ask my heart. Let his beating tell you that I love you more than life itself.

Kochana mamo, przez serce życzę wszelkich dobroci, ktorych nie zliczę...- Beloved mother, with all my heart I wish you all the best, which cannot be counted ...

Dzień Matki jest raz w roku, szczęśliwy i pełen uroku, w tym dniu pragnę złożyć Ci życzenia zdrowia, szczęścia i powodzenia. Niech Ci słonko jasno świeci, niech Ci słodko życie leci.- Mother's Day happens once a year, happy and full of charm. On this day I want to wish you health, happiness and prosperity. May the sun shine brightly on you, and life be sweet.

Mamo, tak bardzo Cię kocham i dziękuję Ci za wszystko. Za Twój uśmiech, ktory ogrzewa mnie w różnych chwilach życia, a najbardziej dziękuję Ci za to, że jesteś. Mom, I love you so much and thank you for everything. For your smile, which warms me at different moments of life, and most of all, thank you for being you.

Życzę Tobie, Mamo, szczerze zdrowia, szczęścia i radości. Życzę, by z Twojego serca płynął zawsze dar miłości.- I wish you, mother, health, happiness and joy. I wish that the gift of love always comes from your heart.

Z okazji Twego święta, Mamo życzę Ci zdrowia, sił i codziennej radości wraz ze słowami największej wdzięczności. Za wszystkie dla mnie trudy i starania składam Ci dzisiaj podziękowania.- On the occasion of your holiday, mother, with words of boundless gratitude, I wish you health, strength and daily joy. For all your efforts and work for me, I am grateful to you.

Kochana Mamo! Niech ten radosny dzień na zawsze Twe troski odsunie w cień. Niech się śmieje do Ciebie świat blaskiem szczęśliwych i długich lat!- Beloved mother! May this joyful day forever overshadow all your worries. May the world smile at you with the brilliance of happy and long years!

Abyś zawsze przy nas była najpiękniejsza i jedyna, mądra, dobra, ukochana taka bliska - nasza Mama!- So that you are always with us, beautiful and unique, wise, kind and beloved, so dear - our Mom!

Teachers are those people who teach us the basics of not only the sciences, but also life itself. In Poland Teacher's Day, or Education Day (Dzień Edukacji Narodowej) traditionally celebrated since 1972 October 14. On this day, the authorities reward outstanding teachers and educators for their exceptional achievements, and students congratulate their teachers.

Pragniemy, aby nie zabrakło Wam zapału do kształtowania naszych sumień, abyście uczyli nas pokonywania zła i kierowania się w życiu tylko dobrem. Potrzebne są nam wzorce i Wy, drodzy Nauczyciele jesteście takimi wzorcami. -We want you not to lose interest in the formation of our conscience, teach us to overcome evil and live only good. We need patterns, and you, dear teachers, are those patterns.

W tym jednym z najważniejszych dni w roku szkolnym, w dniu święta wszystkich nauczycieli, chcielibyśmy złożyć najserdeczniejsze życzenia: dużo zdrowia, cierpliwości, wytrwałości, sukcesów zawodowych oraz zadowolenia z uczniów! - On this one of the most important days of the school year, on the day of the holiday of all teachers, we want to make you the most sincere wishes: good health, patience, endurance, success at work and fun from students!

Dziękujemy za pokazanie nam, że porażki mogą nas czegoś pożytecznego nauczyć, że gdy przeżywamy trudności, mozemy odkryć swą siłę, że miłość i życzliwość często często Thank you for showing us that defeat can be the beginning of something good, that when we go through hardships we can discover strength within ourselves, and that love and sincerity can be found even in the darkest of days.

Z okazji Dnia Nauczyciela składam serdeczne życzenia wielu sukcesów zawodowych, spełnienia obranego celu oraz tego, aby podejmowany trud był źródłem satysfakcji i społecznego uznania.- On the occasion of the Teacher's Day, I would like to sincerely wish you success in your work, the implementation of your plans, and that the work performed be a source of satisfaction and social recognition.

Youth, energy, perseverance - all this is about students, the color of every nation. International Student Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Studenta) note November 17. The history of the modern celebration of this day is connected with the tragic events that took place in what was then Czechoslovakia on November 17, 1939, when the Nazis arrested and placed 1200 students in a concentration camp. Today the Student's Day is celebrated by more than 70 countries of the world, including Poland.

Z okazji Dnia Studenta życzę Ci grona prawdziwych przyjaciół, niewyczerpanych pokładów energii i genialnych pomysłów.- On the occasion of Student's Day, I wish you many real friends, inexhaustible energy and brilliant thoughts.

Z okazji Dnia Studenta życzę wielu uśmiechów, samych piątek i dobrej zabawy.- On the occasion of Student's Day, I wish you many smiles, only fives and a good celebration.

Życzę Wam, aby czas studiów stał się niezapomnianym okresem zawierania przyjaźni, rozwijania talentów oraz przygotowania do jeszcze wspanialszego życia rodzinnego i zawodowego.- I wish you to have an unforgettable time of study in terms of making friends, developing talents and preparing for an even more wonderful life - both personal and career.

Drodzy Studenci! Z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Studenta życzymy Wam udanych sesji, fantastycznych ocen, rozwoju związanego ze zdobytą wiedzą, a także realizacji planów naukowych i osobistych. - Dear Students! On the occasion of the International Student's Day, we wish you successful sessions, fantastic grades, development related to the acquisition of knowledge, as well as success in the implementation of scientific and personal plans.

Everyone loves compliments, and especially representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. No wonder they say that women love with their ears. Making beautiful compliments is an art. However, how to properly say a compliment in Polish? We have collected for you the most common and most beautiful compliments in Polish. The main rule here is simple - compliments should be made sincerely, from the heart and as often as possible :)

  • Uwielbiam twoje...- I love your...
  • Jestem z ciebie dumny- I'm proud of you
  • Jestem szczęściarzem, że cię mam- I'm lucky to have you.
  • Dzięki tobie chcę być lepszym człowiekiem- Thanks to you, I want to be a better person
  • Jesteś Swietna-You are wonderful
  • Zjawiskowo wyglądasz- You look fantastic
  • Kochanie!- Darling! (Favorite!)
  • Zaskoczylaś mnie! Świetnie wyglądasz.- You shocked me! You look great.
  • Masz Ladny ...- You have a handsome...
  • Jesteś uprzejmy- You are so kind
  • Sumiennie pracujesz- You are doing a good job
  • Bardzo Ladnie wyglądasz- You look very good
  • Kapitalnie ci w tej nowej fryzurze- You are incredible with this new hairstyle
  • Bardzo podobasz mi się- I really like you
  • Zawsze jesteś taki mily i wyrozumiały You are always so kind and merciful.
  • Masz Swietną figurę- You have a wonderful figure
  • Fantastycznie się ubierasz- Fantastic dressing
  • Jesteś wyjątkową matką- You are an incredible mom.
  • Trudno znaleźć tak dobrze wychowane dzieci jak twoje- It's hard to find well-behaved children like yours.
  • Uważam, że nikt mnie nie rozumie lepiej niż ty I don't think anyone understands me as well as you.

  • Zazdroszczę ci takich pięknych włosów (oczu, nog, ust itp.)- I envy you. You have such beautiful hair (eyes, legs, lips, etc.)
  • Wspaniale udaje ci się pogodzić pracę z domem You are great at balancing work and home.
  • Pyszne to ciasto- What delicious cookies
  • Ladnie dziś wyglądasz- You look nice today
  • Jesteś piękna- You're beautiful
  • Twój uśmiech poprawia mi humor Your smile lifts my spirits
  • Masz Fajny Krawat!- You have a beautiful tie!
  • Masz pikne oczy!- You have beautiful eyes!
  • Wyglądasz szałowo w tej sukience!- You look amazing in that dress!
  • Wspanialy jest ten lokal! Dobrze, że zdałem się na ciebie. Zawsze wybierasz idealnie!- This place is amazing! It's good that I relied on you. You always make the perfect choice!
  • Jesteś dla mnie bohaterką- You are my heroine

Polish Christmas Traditions:

Christmas post. Fasting precedes Christmas. Many Poles follow this tradition.

Christmas Eve. This is a family dinner on the night before Christmas, which in Poland is called “Vigilia” - Wigilia.
During Vigilia, it is customary to carefully observe an atmosphere of mutual respect, to avoid disputes, and even more so scandals. The Poles say: "jaka Wigilia, taki cały rok" - What a Christmas Eve, such a whole year. Agree, not the worst tradition. Such a useful tradition for family relations, perhaps, does not even need an explanation.

They sat down at the Christmas table after the first star lit up in the sky, which heralds the birth of the Savior. The fast preceding the feast ends with a vigil dinner. This is also why the dishes on the table are still lean.
Because of this, in the old days in Poland Vigil Dinner was called a "postnik" (postnik, pośnik). Before serving dishes, according to tradition, a snow-white tablecloth is placed on the table, under which straw or hay is placed as a sign of memory of the barn and manger where the Savior was born and lay. Sometimes hay is also placed under the payment, but the symbolism, of course, remains the same.

Hay under the tablecloth

When laying the Christmas table, the hostess will definitely put hay under the tablecloth. It will symbolize the barn in which the baby Jesus was once born. Once in Poland, this hay was used for Christmas divination. Family members alternately “blindly” pulled one straw from under the tablecloth: if it was straight, then life next year would be carefree; the crooked the straw, the more "surprises" await its owner.

Another interesting tradition is Free seat at the table

At the Christmas table, one more seat is traditionally served than there are guests at the table. "Extra seat" is for "unexpected guest". Thus, the Poles, as it were, pay tribute to those loved ones whom they miss at this table.
Here we should recall another very good Christmas tradition. Very often, Poles invite lonely neighbors, relatives or just acquaintances to visit this evening, so that no one is alone on this Christmas Eve evening.

Oplatek is such unleavened bread

Oplatek occupies a central place on the vigil table, the rest of the dishes are placed around it.
The refraction of payment was traditionally started by the owner of the house. If he was not there, then the eldest son did it, after which each had to break off a piece of the other's payment and let him break off his own.
While breaking off the payment, the Poles congratulate family members and say wishes.
Only after the refraction of payment, you can start the gala dinner.

Main courses

Vigilia was opened by a magnificent almond soup, flaxseed or fish, depending on how it was done in the house. Red borscht and mushroom soup were also traditional. Even now they are the most frequent guests on the vigil table. Poppy seed roll was and remains the most popular vigil dish. It was impossible to do without bigos with peas in the old Polish style and kutya, traditional for the eastern regions of Poland.
Poppy was present on the vigil table without fail, as it was believed that he would bring a good harvest and peace. He was part of the Kutya. In addition to poppy, it contained wheat - a symbol of life and growth, honey - a symbol of sweetness, purity and the victory of good over evil. And also kutya is a symbol of the unity of the living with the departed. If there was no kutia, then these products were still on the table, but separately or as part of other treats. The bigos with peas mentioned above also had meaning. Cabbage and peas were symbols of strength and health. It was believed that nuts will serve to increase mental abilities.

It was necessary to try at least a little bit, but all the dishes, so that the coming year would be just as fruitful.

The ban on getting up from the table until the end of dinner. This is a very old custom, which, by the way, does not apply to the hostess or the one who serves the dishes on the table. Long ago, it was believed that the rattling of chairs could frighten away the ancestral spirits that were returning home that evening. So keep this in mind if you're visiting a Polish family the night before Christmas.

It is impossible to imagine Christmas in Poland without traditional

Kolendy (kolędy) is an integral part of the holiday, both at home and with friends or even at work.
Kolenda is primarily a religious song, thematically related to biblical events. This is a song traditionally performed from midnight at the Christmas Mass (Mass or Msha - Msza Święta - liturgical service in the church, in Orthodoxy - Divine Liturgy.), Until the feast of the Catholic Candlemas (or in the Polish tradition Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej) on February 2.

There are a lot of knees in Poland. We would like to quote just a few of them:
popular Kolęda in Poland - Cicha noc, święta noc
Cicha noc, święta noc,
Pokoj niesie ludziom wszem,
A u żłobka Matka Swięta
Czuwa sama uśmiechnięta,
Nad Dzieciatka snem,
Nad Dzieciatka snem.

Cicha noc, święta noc,
Pastuszkowie od swych trzod,
Biegną wielce zadziwieni,
Za anielskim głosem pieni,

Gdzie się spelnił cud
Gdzie się spelnił cud.

Cicha noc, święta noc,
Narodzony Bozy Syn,
Pan wielkiego majestatu
Niesie dziś calemu światu
Odkupienie win,
Odkupienie win.

Another Polish knee
Jezus malusienki
Jezus malusieńki, leży wśród stajenki,
Płacze z zimna, nie dała Mu matusia sukienki.
Bo uboga była, rąbek z głowy zdjęła,
W ktory dziecię uwinąwszy, siankiem Je okryła.
Nie ma kolebeczki, ani poduszeczki,
We żłobie Mu położyła siana pod główeczki.
Gdy dziecina kwili, patrzy w każdej chwili,
Na dzieciatko boskie w żłóbku, oko Jej nie myli.
Panienka truchleje, a mówiąc łzy leje:
O moj synu! Wola Twoja, nie moja się dzieje.
Tylko nie płacz, proszę, bo żalu nie zniosę,
Dosyć go mam z męki Twojej, ktorą w sercu noszę.

Dictionary on the topic "Christmas and New Year" in Polish
anielskie włosy"rain"
anioł angel
betlejem Bethlehem
bombka Christmas tree toy
Boze Narodzenie Christmas
choinka Christmas tree
chrześcijanski Christian
dzieciatko Jezus baby jesus
girlanda świateczna garland
Herod Herod
calendar adwentowy advent calendar
kolęda carol
confetti confetti
kutia kutia
lampion Swiateczny christmas lantern
lampki chainowe light bulbs, garland
msza mass
oplatek wafer
pasterka Christmas Mass
presentation gift
Renifer reindeer
składać życzenia congratulate
construction decorate
construction decoration (on the door or table)
Święty Mikołaj Saint Nicholas (their Santa Claus)
Szopka bożonarodzeniowa christmas nativity scene
tradition tradition
urocysty festive, solemn
wieczerza supper
wieniec jodłowy coniferous wreath
Wigilia Christmas Eve
życzenie congratulation

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas in Polish
Christmas Poland traditionally celebrates on December 25, but already on the eve of this holiday, you can hear all sorts of warm congratulations and wishes for happy holidays.
New Year (Nowy Rock, Sylvester) traditionally celebrated on January 1st.

Wesolych Swiat- the simplest and most common wishes on Christmas Eve. This phrase can be heard literally everywhere, in stores when communicating with cashiers, you can wish Wesołych świąt to your neighbor.
Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Bozego Narodzenia – All the best on the occasion of Christmas
W tych wyjątkowych dniach chcemy Państwu życzyć wiele zadowolenia i sukcesow - In these wonderful days, we want to wish you joy and success.
Niech Świeta Bożego Narodzenia i Wigilijny wieczór upłynął Wam w szcześciu i radości przy staropolskich kolędach i zapachu świerkowej gałązki. May Christmas Eve and Christmas be happy and joyful for you, with old Polish carols and the smell of fir branches.
Wesołych Świąt, radości, pomyślności, miłości, szczęścia, uśmiechu, zdrowia i samych pozytywnych rzeczy! — Merry holidays, joy, prosperity, love, happiness, smiles, health and positive!
Życzę Ci dużo zdrowia i radości, spełnienia wszelkich marzeń, sukcesów zawodowych, a także dużo szczęścia w Nowym Roku! - I wish you a lot of joy and health, the fulfillment of all your dreams, success at work, as well as a lot of happiness in the New Year!
Ze szczerego serca w ten piękny czas, gdy gwiazdka świeci dla wszystkich nas, życzę miłości, bez trosk i złości, a w Nowym Roku marzeń spełnienia i pomyślności. - With all my heart at this wonderful time, when the star shines for all of us, I wish you love, without worries and anger, and in the New Year - fulfillment of desires and prosperity.

Z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia życzę Ci zdrowia i błogosławieństwa Bożego. Niech nadchodzący nowy rok przyniesie Ci jak najwięcej łask Bożych. - On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, I wish you health and God's blessing. May the coming new year bring you more God's blessings.
Sylwestra! – I wish you happy, lived in peace with the world and with yourself, full of love Christmas holidays and an irresponsible, unforgettable, unique New Year!
Życzę gwiazdki najjaśniejszej, choinki najpiękniejszej, prezentów wymarzonych, świąt mile spędzonych, roku bardzo udanego! - I wish you a bright star, a beautiful Christmas tree, longed-for gifts, well-spent holidays and a good year!

Wesolych Swiat!!!

To be continued…

For the material provided, we once again thank the School of the Polish Language Together.