Happy birthday to granddaughter. Congratulations to the granddaughter from grandparents

We wish, dear granddaughter,
So that you bloom like a rose
Surprised everyone with beauty
She was cheerful and cheerful.

May your life be good
And full of happiness and love,
Let the good angel smile
Bless you from heaven.

Let them not touch the sweet granddaughter
Resentment, envy and trouble.
Don't forget grandma and grandpa
We are always waiting for you at home.

Happy birthday, granddaughter,
Beloved baby!
Please always be
The happiest.

Rejoice mom and dad
Don't forget us.
Be cheerful, joyful
And don't be discouraged.

We wish, dear
Good for you
Sun in the clear sky
Peace and warmth.

Live, our angel, for many years!
Yours, grandma and grandpa.

Our sweet granddaughter
native girl,
Happy birthday to you
Congratulations today!

From grandma and grandpa
As a gift you accept
Good wishes
Happiness and love.

In your life, sunshine
We wish you well
So that fate is happy
You had.

We want it to come true
All your dreams
Joyful, beloved
It was so, granddaughter, you!

Our granddaughter is golden
We wish with all our heart
Clear days, clear weather,
Be radiant like the sun.

Open doors for happiness
Always believe in miracles
love grandma and grandpa
And give them smiles!

Happy birthday, granddaughter. Our beauty, we wish you to be happy and loved, talented and successful in everything, kind and sincere with everyone, respected and adored by everyone, purposeful and lucky in all directions. Health to you, granddaughter, support of relatives and true friends.

How nice that in the world
There are not only our children,
And also this little thing
Like a beloved granddaughter.
Here is perpetual consolation!
Wish her happiness
Yes, more true friends,
Less bad incidents
Become more beautiful in the world
Yes, love - where without it!

Dear granddaughter, our angel,
Light congratulations you accept from us.
Congratulations on the holiday, happy birthday!
Happiness and health, and luck in everything!

Let the sun shine just for you
Joy, smiles, light and kindness.
To visit us, my love, come more often,
Don't forget grandma and grandpa!

Our beloved granddaughter
Our beautiful girl!
Time flies faster and faster
You have become a year older!

We congratulate you, dear
And with grandfather we wish you
So that you grow to our joy
And I was the happiest!

So that everything works out in your life,
And you achieved your goals
And so that people in life you
Met the best on the way!

From grandma and grandpa
On your birthday
cordial, granddaughter,
Accept congratulations.

You are our joy
And our sun
You every day
You become more beautiful.

Like a delicate flower
You flourish in love
Troubles and sorrows
Don't know about life.

Let the angel fly
Following you
We wish happiness
Native granddaughter.

On your birthday, granddaughter, you
We congratulate grandpa!
Peace, happiness, tenderness, warmth
We sincerely and sincerely wish you.

May success accompany everywhere
Let there be no obstacles in business,
Everything is easy, let you
Life will be like a miracle.

Birthday is the most favorite holiday of all children. This is the day when gifts are given, congratulations to the granddaughter on her birthday sound, a big cake with candles awaits on the table ... These happy moments in the life of each of us leave a wonderful trace in our memories. Granddaughter on her birthday can be congratulated in an original and sincere way. It must be remembered that if you choose the words with which you will congratulate your granddaughter on this happy day, it is very important to do it in such a way that not only grandparents, but also the birthday person will like the congratulation. The sincere words of close and dear people, no matter whether they are spoken in prose or in verse, will never leave your granddaughter indifferent.

They say that they love grandchildren very much,
Even more than your own children!
For me, you, dear, like a daughter -
There is no you more beautiful and sweeter.
So let it be on your birthday
The best dreams come true!
Happiness, peace, joy, fun,
Good health, beauty!

I, granddaughter, especially love you,
I breathe you like air.
I'm ready to take all your problems myself,
So that you can flourish in your career.
Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you extraordinary luck.
Let you have a car and an apartment,
And everyone around you always, always loved.

Of a thousand granddaughters I recognize mine,
And all because I love you so much!
I admire you and laugh duet
It's easy to confess my best feelings!
May the sunshine always bring joy
And the rain: washes away everything. sadness without a trace!
Be happy, granddaughter, healthy, smart,
Full of wonderful hopes, strength and plans!

Nice girl, berry, sweetheart,
In the house - an assistant, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - grandmother,
You don't have time to live without care!
Be like an asterisk - bright, brilliant,
Grow smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy
Kind, funny, with a beautiful soul!

My dear, dear granddaughter,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you.
Happiness and fun, so that the house is full,
To make guests happy to stay in it.
So that the smile of happiness does not leave the face.
In unison, so that two hearts beat with a sweet one.
So that your dreams come true forever
And to have a loved one nearby.

Cheerful girl, funny cunning -
How much happiness the granddaughter brought in the house!
Be happy and you, little laughter!
I wish you joy, warmth!
So that the perky sparkle in the eyes shone,
So that all your further path is easy!
And in order to turn into a beautiful princess,
You are kind and wise!

I want to wish my dear granddaughter with love
The very best friends! To smile! Dream!
So that life responds to everything with only good,
So that happiness shines in your heart!
The brightest miracles, the most colorful days,
More laughter and joy in your life!
Amazing dreams, beauty, magic,
So that your desires come true in full!

Our granddaughter! You have grown up!
(We remember how I used to play in the arena.)
No friends, girlfriends in the house number,
That's why you visit us less and less.
Bookcase, where fairy tales are completely forgotten,
Mani, cabaret, Mercedes beckon ...
Only we have no offense to this:
Every age has its own interests!
Granddaughter! Observe honor and be smart
Yes, comprehend science! (Oh, there are many!)
Don't forget your grandparents:
The road to the future is open to you!
Let without gift lipstick,
Congratulations, granddaughter, happy!!!

You are our sunshine
Asterisk, granddaughter!
bright day
And a warm night!
Joy is immeasurable
cherished happiness
And nightingale
Trill before dawn!
May mercy
Your gaze will be filled
Everything in life will come true
It will definitely come true!
Let only good
People meet!
May your qualities
Everyone is surprised!

Happy birthday, our granddaughter!
You are a year older.
You alone are more beautiful than all of us,
You are smarter than everyone, kinder than everyone.
We wish you forever
Would you stay like this
Happiness to infinite
A river flowed for you.

We wish you, our granddaughter,
Bloom like a rose
And stay trendy
Remember us more often
Always love and be loved
A rich life without worries
And be as beautiful
Everything is getting better year after year!

Our granddaughter is a fidget,
Loves grandma and grandpa.
And of course, in response to her
We send warm greetings.
And a bouquet of red roses
Despite sclerosis,
We stocked up today:
The years of the granddaughter have grown up.
Here is the summary of the poem

We want to congratulate our dear granddaughter,
How we love you alone, dear.
We wish you success in life
And happy birthday to my granddaughter!
We want you to be happy
I could always get my way
We want your dreams to come true
We wish you much beauty!

A night star lit up in the sky,
The day you were born.
All fairy tales were read only for you,
What would only a good dream.
And on your birthday, I want to wish.
When you are a year older.
Grow healthy, and don't forget.
Visit your grandparents.

Ringing bell, you are our granddaughter!
There is no one in the world sweeter and more beautiful than you!
You warm your heart with your smile
You immediately understand something not childish.
Happy birthday, honey! Happiness and luck!
You deserve the best, and nothing else!
Listen to your parents, study well!
And do your homework right away, don't be lazy!

Granddaughter - you are the joy of grandparents,
Laughter like a bell is the best reward!
Happy birthday, our frisky little fire!
More beautiful every day, our dear flower!
We wish you, granddaughter, bright long years!
Live with love in your heart and not knowing the troubles!
Be always healthy, lucky in everything!
Surrounded by happiness and warm relatives!

Congratulations to the grandchildren on the phone

Birthday is the most favorite holiday of all children. This is the day when gifts are given, congratulations to the granddaughter on her birthday sound, a big cake with candles awaits on the table ... These happy moments in the life of each of us leave a wonderful trace in our memories. Granddaughter on her birthday can be congratulated in an original and sincere way. It must be remembered that if you choose the words with which you will congratulate your granddaughter on this happy day, it is very important to do it in such a way that not only grandparents, but also the birthday person will like the congratulation. The sincere words of close and dear people, no matter whether they are spoken in prose or in verse, will never leave your granddaughter indifferent.

Seeing you is a pleasure
Hearing your laughter is soothing!
Gently hug - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy,
And congratulations - a pleasure!
Granddaughter, let in tomorrow's future
Everything always works out!
The sun is warm and happy
Happiness always smiles!

Happy birthday, our granddaughter!
You are a year older now.
You are the most beautiful of all of us,
All smarter and all kinder.
We wish forever
You stayed like this
To happiness is endless
A river flowed for you.

Happy birthday, our granddaughter!
You are a year older now.
You are the most beautiful of all of us,
All smarter and all kinder.
We wish forever
You stayed like this
To happiness is endless
A river flowed for you.

Granddaughter - grandmother's happiness,
Granddaughter - grandfather's flower.
Happy birthday to our happiness!
Be gentle like a petal!!!

cute curls,
Tiny pens!
Happy birthday glorious
Happy birthday granddaughter.
You grow up with joy
Everyone, my beauty.
There is nothing sweeter for me
Your "Grandma"
So let it pass
Bad weather will fly by
To make your eyes shine
Not from tears, from happiness!

Granddaughter, you are our sun! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to always be as cheerful and beautiful as on this day! May your life path always be easy, and may you meet only good people on it! Grow and be happy for the joy of us!

Already quite an adult, granddaughter, you have become,
There is a lot of mind and warmth in your heart,
Your smile is lovely and pure,
Your kindness rules the soul,
For us, of course, you are still a child,
We remember you among toys, diapers,
Your first words, your first step,
And it's not easy for us to realize now,
That you are not a child! And a few days will pass
How do you walk your path
We will help you with advice or deed,
Let's support your undertakings boldly,
You can come to us with any trouble,
We share sorrow or joy with you!
So quickly you, granddaughter, have matured for us

You, granddaughter, always caress the eye,
The sun kisses your head
May wishes come true now
God will give happiness and good luck!