Red hair color: who suits and who does not (45 photos). How to give hair a beautiful shade Removing red color from natural hair

In order for henna to give your hair a pleasant red tint, you must follow a few basic rules. So, repainting in red from dark, henna is kept on the hair from 2 to 6 hours. But on blond hair, red henna is left for no more than 15-20 minutes. Moreover, blondes are advised to dilute the henna powder not with water, but with a decoction of chamomile, which will give the curls a light sunny tint. To transform from light brown to red, the dye is aged for 30-45 minutes.

In addition, the color of staining can be adjusted using additional components. So, henna, diluted with beetroot juice, will give the hair a copper-red tint. A dark red tone is obtained by diluting henna with a decoction of oak bark or black tea.

Red hair color at home: henna dyeing recipes

The classic version of the preparation of paint based on henna

Required Ingredients:

  • red henna - 2-3 sachets
  • hot water - 250-300 ml.

Coloring steps:

Recipe for paint with henna and kefir

Natural henna, with all its advantages, has one significant drawback - it dries hair very much. To avoid this problem, we recommend using a paint recipe based on kefir and vegetable oils, which provide deep hydration and nutrition to curls during dyeing.

Required Ingredients:

  • henna - 1 sachet
  • hot water - 150 ml.
  • kefir 1% fat - 200 ml.
  • grape seed oil - 5-7 drops
  • Madadamia nut oil - 1 tsp

Cooking steps:

  1. Henna is poured into a deep container and poured with boiling water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth and cover with a lid for 15 minutes.
  2. When the henna is infused, add warm kefir to it and mix.
  3. In a thick mixture resembling fatty sour cream, add oils.

    On a note! Instead of grape seed oil, you can take burdock or castor oil, and replace nut oil with olive oil.

  4. Mix all the ingredients again thoroughly and apply to wet hair, wrap the head with cellophane. Leave the paint on for 2-3 hours. Then rinse with warm water without shampoo.

We girls love to experiment with our appearance. And if buying a new outfit is complicated by spending money and going to the store, then we can change the hair color at any time. Few girls love their natural color. This interesting phenomenon was laid in us by nature. It is the desire to experiment and change that drives progress, makes a person evolve.

In cosmetic stores, there is simply a huge selection of different hair dyes. But almost all paints have a very detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. This is where the question comes to mind, but how to dye your hair with folk remedies.

After all, there are a lot of natural dyes. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know about any store-bought hair dyes, but used folk remedies for coloring. We will talk about such miracle recipes in this article.

How to dye your hair in different colors in folk ways?

Bronze tint recipe:

Dilute 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma in hot water. Apply the dye for 30 minutes on the hair. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Black hair color folk recipe:

We take equal parts of henna and basma and stir them in hot water. Apply also for 30 minutes.

How to get mahogany shade for hair:

Mix in hot water 1 sachet of henna and 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. We apply the dye to the hair for 30 minutes.

Reddish blond hair color:

Mix 2 tablespoons of instant coffee and 1 sachet of henna in hot water.

Golden hair color folk way:

Pour 50 g of onion peel into 200 ml of water. Then put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. After the paint has cooled down, apply it for 30 minutes on the hair.

Another folk recipe for paint for a golden color is 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (you can buy at a pharmacy), pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Then we filter and rub the infusion into the hair.

Bright golden, sunny hair color:

Mix 1 tablespoon of chamomile infusion and 1 sachet of henna in hot water. The paint is applied for 30 minutes.

Dark brown hair color:

Pour a glass of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of black tea. Then boil for 15-20 minutes and cool. The paint is applied to the hair for half an hour.

Light brown hair color in folk ways:

Finely chop the root and leaves of rhubarb (about 20 grams). Pour 0.5 liters of white wine into the rhubarb in a saucepan. Boil for half an hour. Then cool and apply to hair for 30 minutes.

Why are folk remedies for hair coloring so good? As you can see, no chemicals are used anywhere. All components are exclusively of natural origin. This means that we do not harm the hair, but on the contrary, we take care of it.

There is also a minus of hair coloring with folk methods. You are unlikely to be able to give your hair the right color the first time. The procedure will have to be repeated several times until you get the desired shade.

  • It is convenient to apply paint on hair with a sponge. If the paint turned out to be thick, then you can use a brush.
  • In henna or basma recipes, add 1 tablespoon of kefir. so you not only dye your hair, but at the same time make a mask to strengthen your hair.
  • The intensity of the color can be changed by holding the paint longer or less. But no more than 1.5 hours.
  • Wash off the color with warm water and shampoo, then wring out the hair with a towel and dry it naturally.
  • It is very difficult to predict the right shade of paint if you use henna. Therefore, try dyeing a small strand of hair at the beginning.
  • Do not dye gray hair with henna. The result is unlikely to please you.
  • Can you dye curly hair with henna? The answer is no, you can't. You will ruin the curl.

Although we used folk remedies for hair coloring, it is still stressful for them. Therefore, do not forget to make strengthening hair masks.

It's not easy being a woman. Fashion is so restless that it suggests dyeing hair in a variety of tones. Ten years ago, ladies dyed their hair in red, acid and bright colors. Now natural tones are in fashion, but here are men, their addictions are so changeable that you won’t please them again - either blondes or brunettes they like. After a good manicure, a solarium and a visit to a beautician, there is no desire and money left for expensive hair dye. And what to do? Need to know, how to change hair color without dye, and then you will not have unnecessary problems.

A bit of history

Now you can go to a store or visit a beauty salon and in one procedure you will change your hair color, and no one will judge you for it (except, of course, grandmothers at the entrance, for whom the slightest change in image is another reason for gossip). In ancient times in Rus' there were completely different rules and views on this.

Many women kept their natural hair color a secret. There were reasons for this. For example, a young lady who had blond hair was considered a true beauty (maybe it was from those times that men are drawn to blondes). Pretty ladies with dark and red hair were not in demand. The people said that these beasts are the result of a merger with the devil, their souls are not pure, and communication with them should be avoided. Mothers shed many tears to marry off their daughters. Here also it was necessary to go on some cunnings.

Of course, there were no cosmetologists and hair research institutes in those days, but witches were held in high esteem and authority. Not all of course. The witches were thin, beautiful, because they knew how to take care of themselves. They knew the secrets of beauty, had an idea about the beneficial properties of certain herbs. However, society did not believe in this, and all their discoveries were called the result of communication with the devil. Such women also knew how to change the color of their hair, and therefore dark-haired girls turned to them so as not to remain “in the girls”. Of course, they risked, because they could be punished for having a relationship with a witch. Witches were also afraid, but because of female solidarity, they willingly made concessions and provided women with magic potions. Apparently, since those times, the recipes have been lost among the people, and now they are available to us.

Since it is the desire to become a bright blonde that destroys the hair of many girls, turning them into tow, which is why they have to cut them and wear a short haircut for a long time, we will begin our story with how to lighten hair with natural dyes.

  • golden shade. Prepare a tincture of 200 grams of medicinal chamomile, filled with 1 liter of boiling water. After 30 minutes, strain the cooled broth through cheesecloth. Wet your hair with "miracle water" and wait for the hair to dry naturally.
  • Light brown shade. Make a mix of 0.5 liters of white wine and 150 grams of rhubarb root. Boil the mixture on fire for 30 minutes, and after the allotted time, strain the composition. Let the "potion" dry and rinse your hair with it, letting it dry without a hair dryer.
  • Light gold tone. Pour 100 grams of dried chamomile into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for half an hour, stirring the composition from time to time. Then drain the water and squeeze out the remaining grass and add 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The composition is applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes and washed off with shampoo.

You can lighten your hair in other very interesting and probably familiar ways:

  • Lemon. Apply lemon juice with a brush or run a slice of lemon through your strands and head out into the sun. The effect is guaranteed and great!
  • honey and lemon. Prepare 4 lemons, 20 grams of laendula, 20 grams of chamomile, 30 grams of rhubarb root, 50 grams of alcohol, 50 grams of honey and 500 grams of vinegar. Prepare a brightening composition from all components. Boil rhubarb root and vinegar for 10 minutes, then add chamomile, calendula, juice of 2 lemons to the broth. After 5 minutes, cool the composition and after cooling, add alcohol, honey and juice of the remaining 2 lemons. Rinse your hair with this decoction, adding 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water.
  • Onion peel. To create a golden hue, pour 50 grams of onion husks with 200 milliliters and boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the decoction and wet the hair with the squeezed product. Do not rinse the composition and do not dry your hair with a hair dryer!
  • Acacia honey. Rub this honey into your hair after the usual washing procedure. Leave your hair soaked in honey for 10 hours, covering it with a scarf. After this time, wash off the residue with water. Honey creates the effect of hydrogen peroxide, only spares them in comparison with this remedy. In addition, you can get rid of traces of the previous dye, which dyed the hair.
  • Cinnamon and honey. Please note that this mask is contraindicated for people who are allergic to bee products. The mask allows you to lighten your hair by 2 tones, but we recommend that you duplicate the procedure for this, repeating it 1 time in 7 days. If you have dark hair, then the effect can be seen from about 3-4 times. Prepare the following ingredients: 4 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon, 100 grams of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of balm or hair mask. Heat honey in a water bath without overheating it so as not to destroy its beneficial properties. Then add cinnamon to honey and stir. Let the mixture cool, then add the final component to the mask - hair balm. Stir the mixture again and shampoo your hair. Apply the homemade mask to damp, towel-dried hair, combing through the strands to allow each hair to color. After making sure that every hair is covered with the product, wrap your head with cling film and a terry towel. After 4 hours, wash your hair thoroughly with water and shampoo. By the way, such a mask not only perfectly brightens the hair, but also has the ability to solder split ends.
  • Kefir. This mask is done at night. Beat 50 grams of kefir with an egg, add 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shampoo and the juice of half a lemon. Having created a homogeneous mass, apply it to the hair and evenly distribute it through the hair with a sparse comb. Wrap your head with a film and a towel and go to bed. Rinse your hair well in the morning. After such kefir dyeing, not only the hair will lighten, but it will also grow better, and will also be saturated with nutrients.
  • Nettle and chamomile. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry nettle and chamomile and prepare a decoction by adding 1 liter of water. While the "potion" is cooling, wash your hair and rinse it with the prepared mixture. Wrap a towel around your head for 20 minutes. Remove the towel and dry your hair, and then moisten it with chamomile essence, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 1. After an hour, rinse your hair with the following infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile is poured with hot water and aged for 20 minutes, then filtered.
  • Baikhovy tea. For tincture you will need: 10 grams of tea, 50 grams of pharmacy chamomile, 40 grams of henna, 400 milliliters of water, 200 milliliters of still mineral water. Bring water to a boil, pour in henna, chamomile, long leaf tea and boil the composition for 5 minutes. Wait until the mixture cools down, and only then pour in the vodka. Infuse the composition in a dark cool place for 2-3 days. After that, drain the liquid, and squeeze out the residue thoroughly. On clean, damp hair, apply the composition (without rubbing it into the scalp). Shampoo your hair after 40 minutes.
  • It is also possible to carry out an effective lightening hair with white henna and vegetable oils. However, such methods are less safe, since white henna contains a large amount of hydrogen peroxide, and oils need to be combined with a large amount of an oxidizing agent.

To become a red-haired beast, you can use these recipes:

  • Chinese tea. One glass requires 3 tablespoons of tea. Then the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, cooled and applied for 15 minutes to the hair. The procedure ends with washing the hair with warm boiled water without using shampoo.
  • Henna. Of course, henna is also a paint, but its use, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the health and growth of hair. You can easily find it in the store and prepare the mixture in the proportion indicated on the package. The main thing to consider when buying is the length of your own hair. If you want to dye short hair, 1 pack of henna is enough, for medium hair you need 2 packs, and for long hair - 3-4.
  • onion peel. Pour 200 grams of onion peel with 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture must be kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered, and the hair is rinsed with it. As a result, you can notice a bright golden hue on your hair.
  • Onion peel for creating reddish-red hair. Pour a glass of boiled water with 50 grams of onion peel. Put the mixture on low heat and boil for 20 minutes. After the decoction is infused and cooled, rub it into the scalp. You can also use black tea instead of tea.

How to darken hair?

Not only to lighten, but also to “darken” hair is possible with the help of traditional folk recipes.

  • Ground coffee for brown hair. Pour 4 teaspoons of natural ground coffee with a glass of boiling water and mix well. Boil the mixture over high heat for 5 minutes, then add 1 pack of henna to it. Cool and apply to hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and rinse prepared according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar is diluted in 1 liter of water. To maintain the color, repeat the mask every 7-10 days.
  • Oak bark for chestnut hair. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark with a liter of boiling water and boil for an hour over low heat. After cooling, the mixture is applied to the hair for an hour, the hair is wrapped with a film and a terry towel. The mixture is not washed off, and the hair is dried naturally. Linden or nettle can be used instead of oak bark.

As always, a little knowledge of folk recipes and your desire can work wonders. Do not forget that the use of natural ingredients not only makes the hair color natural, but also has a beneficial effect on their structure and growth.

The hair of an average city resident suffers daily from the environment, high and low temperatures, beriberi, stress, styling, hard water - this list can be continued for a long time, and therefore it is not surprising that various problems appear over time. Worst of all, chemical dyes affect the hair - illiterately selected and applied paint can destroy the hair structure, make curls dry, lifeless, and contribute to hair loss. As a reasonable alternative to chemical dyes, dyeing with home remedies can be considered - folk recipes offer at least a dozen different options for both lightening hair and dyeing strands in darker colors of various shades.

Home dyes

In the list of products available at home that can be used to give curls the shade you need, it is worth including a lot of items:

Among professional hairdressers, all these products are called group IV dyes.

A truly noticeable result of “paint” is given only on those hair that have not been exposed to chemicals for dyeing, curling, etc. They do not cause harm and, in addition to color, provide softness, shine and vitaminization to the hair.

Why natural home dyes are good: they basically keep the hair healthy, along the way helping to solve some problems, for example, excessive oiliness of the curls.

As for the cons, the following can be noted:

  1. Most often, a truly noticeable result can be achieved only after a long and repeated use of the product. If the popular version of dyeing immediately implies a change in color by several tones (lightening), then this option is most often not harmless to the hair. Dark and red colors and shades can be obtained without harming the strands;
  2. The color palette is quite limited - it includes walnut, brown, red, red shades;
  3. Most often, the coloring is not persistent and is washed out when washing the hair, with the exception of henna and basma.

It is worth remembering that all natural coloring compositions are applied to clean curls with a brush, swab or sponge. To obtain a noticeable effect, it is most often necessary to keep the composition on the hair under a thermal bath for a long time (film + wool cap).

Since the final result depends very much on the individual characteristics of the strands, it is recommended that you first test for a small strand of hair that has fallen out - if the result pleases, then you can start coloring.

How to dye your hair red?

The redhead in the hair is always in fashion - bright, juicy, almost orange or dark bronze hair looks spectacular, and due to the fact that the curls do not deteriorate during dyeing, the hair looks lively, elastic, attracts attention with a healthy shine.

Staining in red or reddish color can be done as follows:

How to dye your hair brown or black?

Lightening and getting golden shades on blond hair

  • The leader in this sector of folk remedies are chamomile and calamus.- decoctions of these plants can be used both for rinsing and for masks - a concentrated decoction is applied to the hair under a thermal bath - the duration of exposure depends on the desired shade of hair. Interestingly, natural dyes effectively shade even gray hair, which allows fair-haired women to hide gray hair;
  • Another option for getting a golden hue on blond hair is a decoction of rhubarb. prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials for 1 cup boiling water. The liquid is applied to the hair - the exposure time depends on the desired intensity of the golden hue. Rhubarb will also color gray hair perfectly, providing a light brown shade with a dark undertone;
  • Kefir. This tool effectively washes out the pigment from the lock - it does not matter what kind of pigment it is - natural or artificial. It is enough to apply half a liter of heated kefir to the hair under a thermal bath for 2 hours, so that the color of the strands becomes 1 tone lighter.

Adalind Koss

The golden hue of curls is still relevant. These overflows are to the liking of all women. You can get the desired shade at home without spending a lot of money on going to the salon.

It is worth noting that the variety of shades of gold is great. They are on both dark and light curls. For brown-haired women, this color is amber and golden chestnut, a shade of hazelnut, mocha. For fair-haired girls - light blond and beige. Each such paint has golden notes. They give curls a healthy glow and freshness.

Golden shade in traditional ways

It is not difficult to achieve the desired golden hue at home using traditional methods. Modern cosmetology produces a lot of colors. It is enough to buy a suitable shade in the store. But remember that from black hair to get a golden blond will not work in one go. It will take several stages, and the process will take 3 months. First it is required, and after 2 weeks use paint. You will get an intermediate shade. After another 2 weeks, painting is carried out again. If the desired tone is not achieved, then you need to re-treat the hair with paint. Between manipulations, you must wait at least 2 weeks, otherwise the hair will suffer.

The easiest option is to dye your hair with a chemical dye with the desired shade. If this method is unacceptable, refer to folk remedies.

If it is undesirable to take drastic measures, but you want to give the curls a shine of gold, then use tint tonics. They are sold in stores and are available for all hair colors. This shampoo should not differ from your shade by more than 2 tones. Otherwise, the result will be invisible. Shampoo is applied like this:

Using regular shampoo
apply tint;
let the agent act on the curls for the time specified in the instructions;
rinse off the tint.

A similar effect lasts 1.5-2 weeks, it all depends on the frequency of hair washing. If the tone fades, then use the tint again.

The most offensive after lightening the hair is that the hair looks like straw. To achieve a delicate shade of gold and keep the curls healthy, use the following tips for blondes.

First, choose a tone of lightening paint. Do not take warm tones such as pink or peach wood. Home use of such paint will result in a reddish tint. Ash shade is the best choice. But too pale skin of the face, such a tone will give a ghostly shade.

When starting the dyeing process, do not forget that the skin generates heat. Because of this, the roots stain faster, so you should start from the ends, lubricating the curls from the middle. This laborious technique will help to obtain a uniform tone. After dyeing in any shade, the hair acquires a porous structure, they easily absorb grease and dirt. To preserve the shade, it is necessary to close the pores of the hair with sprays and balms. So, how to get the color of gold on your hair:

golden blond is obtained after gentle bleaching or applying a golden tonic to naturally light curls;
bleached hair sometimes gets a reddish tint. It is eliminated by an acidic composition, but it is not recommended to do it on your own;
hair with a tint of walnut or light blond will get a shade of gold if a golden pigment is added to the product when painting;
using chamomile infusion for rinsing is a proven way to give curls a golden glow;
a variety of ready-made products for fair-haired people contain special components to preserve the shade.

Variety of shades

Consider how to achieve the whole variety of shades yourself:

Reddish, brown and chestnut.

These tones are created by applying beetroot juice. It needs to be combined with water and lubricated with curls (it is important not to get on the skin along the hairline). Let the composition soak in for a third of an hour. Rinse your hair well afterwards.

Don't forget about. This is natural paint. But it should be used with caution, to a minimum. Otherwise, get a bright red color.

Berry tea will give an attractive golden hue to dark hair. Prepare a concentrated decoction, apply to curls and let it work for 30 minutes. Do not add hibiscus, it changes the tone to gray-blue.

Cinnamon will help enhance the natural red tone of the hair. In 1 st. heated water add 2 tsp. crushed cinnamon. The cooled product is left on the curls for half an hour.

Brown and golden tones.

To get a beautiful tone, you should try soda. It perfectly copes with the role of chemical detergents and makes the shade lighter. Apply baking soda evenly and massage gently. But patience is required, the effect does not appear after the first use.

Black tea, surprisingly, gives a light golden hue. Brew a mug of strong black tea and moisten the curls. Let it work for half an hour. Rinse your hair.

It is considered a good way. She will not only heal the curls, but also give the required tone. Mix honey and filtered water. Apply to curls for half an hour.

Another way is vinegar. It makes the hair tone lighter. Better to use apple. Regular rinsing for a month brightens the shade.

Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, will help lighten the strands. To do this, combine the crushed tablet with the base. Water, detergent or protein is suitable as a base. Lubricate the hair, massage and rinse.

Natural ingredients perfectly help to change the shade of the hair. The main thing is to follow the proportions and instructions.

Another great tool is. It will strengthen and nourish the curls. But be careful with the quantity. Lubricate the hair for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. The result will be noticeable even after one application.

Bright shade of gold.

Light shades are obtained through the use of lemon juice. It dries the hair, so add it to the oil. The composition is left on the curls for a third of an hour, rinsed. But do not apply the mask too often.

Another way is dried marigold flowers. Mix together 1 part apple cider vinegar, water and marigolds. Boil the composition, then filter and leave to cool. Gently dampen the curls, massage and let the product work for 20 minutes.

Cope with this task and rhubarb root. But it will suit only dark hair, because. light will make it darker. Prepare a decoction and apply on curls.

Another paradox is the lightening of light brown hair using coffee. Brew a large mug of coffee from natural beans, cool. Moisturize the curls thoroughly and evenly for half an hour. A radical change in shade will not work, but a pleasant golden tone will be added.

Herbal decoction for golden color

You can get golden hair color using herbal decoction. To carry out these manipulations, you will need:

enameled bowl;
1 tbsp dry chamomile color;
1 tbsp dry nettle roots or sage leaves;
half a liter of water;
polyethylene film;
chamomile essence;

So let's get started. Boil water in a bowl. Let it boil for a quarter of an hour. This water is required to pour dry nettle roots and chamomile. The broth needs to stand for a third of an hour under a tight polyethylene lid. The infusion should then stand for another half hour. Now the composition must be filtered.

Wash your hair and dry it slightly, you don't need to completely dry your hair. Rinse the curls with a decoction, put on a hat. In this state, you will need to leave the hair for a period of about 60 minutes.

Now wash them and dry them. At this time, the essence of chamomile should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the liquid to the curls. After an hour, rinse your hair again with a decoction.

Chamomile is a well-known way to get a golden hue. For fair-haired girls, it is enough to use a decoction for rinsing.

Important point! In order to avoid getting an ashy, reddish or greenish tint, this method of painting should be tested on one strand. In addition, do not forget that the result depends on your shade. On dark brown hair, you will not be able to get a radiant golden color.

To increase the saturation of the tone, take 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, juice from ½ lemon and oil. This decoction should be rinsed with curls every 2 days. If you want to hide gray hair, then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin to the product.

A mixture of rhubarb and chamomile also copes with gray strands. This decoction should be rubbed into the roots after washing.

April 22, 2014, 14:02