Russians are waiting for a long weekend in the May holidays. Russians are waiting for a long weekend in May holidays International Children's Day

A day off for a person is an opportunity not only to take a break from performing their work duties, but also to spend time with benefit. Weekends for the May holidays in 2019 for many citizens of the Russian Federation, expected to be no less than the big weekends in December and January, since they are approaching the latter in duration.

It is on weekends and holidays in May that many people open the outdoor recreation season. At the same time, fruitful work is in full swing among those who have their own summer cottage and are preparing a garden or planting a future crop directly.

It is also pleasant to relax on the May holidays because this month they celebrate not one, but several different holidays at once, which are real pride for many:

  • The first is, of course, Labor and Spring Day (May 1).
  • And the second has a scale that covers many countries - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

In order to plan the weekends in May 2019 as correctly as possible and, accordingly, find out how we relax in May 2019, it will not be superfluous to have information about how the holidays are transferred in May and how many days are eventually free from work duties for most people.

Official holidays in May

As before, in 2019, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation additionally decides how much we rest.

Weekends in May 2019 associated with the celebration of Spring and Labor Day will go on for 5 whole days! The beginning of such a mini-vacation for many will be Wednesday, May 1 itself, which is a public holiday and an official day off. Then come May 2 and 3, Thursday and Friday, which should be working days, but in order not to split the working week, the weekend from January 5 and 6 was moved to them. To all these days, the 4th and 5th will also be added, (Saturdays and Sundays).

May holidays in 2019 do not end there. It's time for one of the great and important holidays in the history of the existence of modern Russia - May 9th. This day is fixed as an official public holiday at the federal level in Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in 2019 falls on Thursday. On May 9, citizens will again have plenty of rest - 4 days. They made such a long weekend again so as not to split the week, adding a day off on Friday, May 10, which was moved from Saturday, February 23.

If we take into account the standard days off for many Saturdays and Sundays, then the answer to the question of how many days off there will be in total in May takes on an impressive value - 13. At the same time, people whose salary depends on the number of hours worked are likely to lose wages, since There will be only 18 working days in May.

History related to holidays and weekends

Weekends for the May holidays have a long history behind them. The first official, and not postponed, holiday on May 1, known to everyone from a very young age, is the Holiday of Spring and Labor. It has been celebrated in our country since the formation of the socialist regime and the creation of the Soviet Union. It is connected not only with the fact that in many regions of the homeland the long-awaited warmth comes after the winter cold, but also with a new, albeit not very long, working period of time, this is what the second name is Labor Day.

In May 2019, in Russia, the vast majority of residents begin their summer season by planting seedlings in specially prepared greenhouses, planting potatoes and other seasonal work, the phasing of which is associated with the climatic zone.

During the existence of the Soviet Union in May 2019, large-scale demonstrations were held in the streets in Russia, with the help of which citizens showed their respect for the work performed by each of them and honest work. The first forays into nature, including those with the aim of enjoying its beauty and, accordingly, relaxation, at that time were called Mayovkas.

We rest on the May holidays in 2019 also on the 9th, so it’s not right not to pay attention to the history of this holiday. Russia has been celebrating Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War since 1945. This is a tragic story for many peoples of the world, when the holiday is combined with sorrow associated with regret and bitterness for the dead people, destroyed cities and crippled fates of the survivors.

Patriotism, pride in the Russian people and other nationalities stood shoulder to shoulder in that difficult period that began in 1941. Faith in a peaceful and calm future, based on the inviolability of the country and its greatness, is only a small part of the emotions associated with the celebrations taking place on this day.

Where to spend

There are lucky ones who, in addition to the question of how to relax on the May holidays in May 2019, also decide where to relax on the May holidays at sea. Preference should be given to countries in which it is warm during this period, and on the territory of our country Sochi or only warming up, but no less attractive Crimea, may well come up.

The specific choice depends on how many days of uninterrupted rest are in stock. For those who rely solely on postponed weekends and official holidays, a vacation option that does not involve leaving the country is quite suitable. Holidays in May in 2019 are a good opportunity to relax in nature outside the city, before a long period of work.

Most of our compatriots are accustomed to being meticulous about planning their time. They calculate in advance a favorable period for rest, travel, travel and entertainment, so that leisure does not interfere with work.

The best assistant in such an organization will be the production calendar, according to which the days of work and rest are distributed.

This official document, which regulates the number of days off, holidays and workdays, is developed every year by the relevant state authorities and is approved by the Government.

This happens at the end of the first or at the very beginning of the second quarter, the previous year. Thus, this resolution becomes available even before its entry into force, and all individuals and legal entities can adjust their activities, taking into account its instructions.

It is the production calendar that becomes the basis for planning working time and creating all production plans in our country. It is actively used by personnel officers, accountants, heads of departments and enterprises.

According to his plan, wages are accrued to employees, as well as bonuses and incentives are assigned. In addition, anyone using this document will be able to easily determine which days the extraordinary weekend is scheduled for this year.

Holidays in 2019

The upcoming schedule of working days and weekends will be somewhat different from the previous ones. The reason for this will be mainly floating holidays, the location of the calendar of which changes depending on the decision of the government of our country.

According to the production calendar, students, schoolchildren and working people will get enough time for rest. Officially, non-working days will be state, international, professional holidays, as well as historical dates.

In addition, since the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation are Orthodox Christians, the most important religious days are also included in the number of official dates, on which the canons prohibit believers from performing labor duties.

In total, in 2019, Russian citizens will celebrate 8 festive events:

  • January 1 - New Year;
  • January 7 - Nativity of Jesus Christ;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8 - International Women's Day;

  • May 1 - Holiday of Spring and Labor (May Day);
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12 - Day of Russia;
  • November 4 - National Unity Day.

How we work in 2019

The celebration of winter and spring celebrations will bring some pleasant surprises to employed people.

The latest edition of the labor code has another noticeable addition, for all those whose employment contract specifies a 40-hour work week.

According to the current rules, if the day of the holiday falls immediately after the working day, then the working time of this date is reduced by 1 hour. In 2019, this rule should work exactly 6 times:

  • Friday 22 February;
  • Wednesday 7 March;
  • Tuesday 30 April;
  • Wednesday 8 May;
  • Tuesday 11 June;
  • Tuesday 31 December.

Weekend transfers

There will also be some unpleasant surprises. One of these, for example, will be the obligation to work some days that the population will miss due to the holidays.

In production, the following transfers of days off are recorded:

  • from January 5 to January 9;
  • from January 6 to January 10;
  • from February 23 to February 25.

Extended holidays

As you know, a typical weekend in our country takes no more than two days a week. This is quite enough for rest and even short trips, but it takes a little more time to organize larger-scale leisure activities.

Thanks to the holidays, Russians can get so-called long days off several times a year, freeing them from performing professional duties for three or more days.

There are such holidays in those cases when the celebration precedes the calendar weekend or immediately follows it. Also, every busy person receives once a year a small vacation during the New Year holidays, sometimes lasting more than a week.

In 2019, people will have a full 8 days of rest in winter, which is quite enough to organize any kind of vacation. Thus, January will be the shortest working month of the year.

In the coming year, the extended holidays will be distributed as follows:

  • January 1-8;
  • March 8 - 10;
  • 2 – 4 November.

It should be noted that in the latest edition of the production calendar for 2019, another pair of long holidays in May may appear if the government manages to streamline the spring celebrations and correctly connect them with planned non-working dates.

Working hours for 2019

In addition to weekends and holidays, the production calendar can also tell you about the planned working hours for each employed person.

The number of mandatory hours of labor is calculated based on the standard forty-hour working week, from which days of celebrations are subtracted, which are not subject to further work and are officially adopted at the state level for reducing the work shift.

In total, for a calendar year, consisting of an average of 365 days, an employed person must work 247, while 6 of them will be reduced. Thus, workers will spend 1970 hours at their workplace.

Weekends for every person are a vital time of rest from routine daily duties. During these short periods, people settle household chores and gain strength for new achievements.

In such conditions, long vacations and extraordinary non-working days become an excellent bonus in an employment relationship package. They make it possible to carry out those plans that are very difficult to fulfill in a standard situation.

For example, long trips. If it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a long trip over an ordinary weekend, then, for example, during the winter holidays or long spring weekends, you can safely go to another region or even a country.


The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

Many residents of our country are interested in the question of how we relax in 2019. In Russia, there are several categories that denote days of work and rest:

  • holiday,
  • pre-holiday,
  • post-holiday
  • weekend.
  • The rest of the time is referred to as working days.

Transfers of working and weekend hours were created in order not to break the days of rest and not to turn a five or six day working week into a two or three, and sometimes even a one-day working period.

Select month of 2019:

There are 365 days in 2019. This includes 247 weekdays/weekends and 17 public holidays.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia at one time investigated this topic and developed a project in which the days of the transfer of workers and days off were listed. These days change slightly every year. It depends on which days of the week the pre-holiday and holiday dates fall on.

Rest time 2019 by months

So, let's begin. The first thing that interests all citizens is what day of December will open the New Year's festivities. Most likely, the Russians are waiting for a ten-day vacation. In 2018, Saturday falls on December 29th. It can be changed from Monday, which will be December 31, so as not to interrupt the pleasant preparations for the New Year 2019.

January 2019

In January, the country is waiting for another 8 long days of carefree pastime. This, of course, is the meeting of the New Year itself, post-holiday days of rest and weekends. The exact date of leaving and going to work will be set in the autumn, while preliminary numbers call us to work on the ninth of January.

February 2019

February, which is not a leap year in 2019, has 28 days. Of these, one pre-holiday day will be shortened, and nine days will be days off. Red day of the calendar - February 23, which fell on a Saturday will most likely be rescheduled for Monday.

March 2019

In March, we expect 20 working days, among which the pre-holiday day will be shortened. Weekends are allotted as much as 11 days, which will include International Women's Day on Friday.

April 2019

April 2019 has 8 days off and no holidays at all. 30.04 falls on Friday, and since this date, as always, is pre-holiday, the day is designated as a shortened one.

May 2019

May, like January, is full of festivities and weekends. May Day falls on a Wednesday and is considered a public holiday. May 8 will be a shortened day, and May 9 will be a holiday. Also, residents of Russia in May expect 8 days off.

June 2019

June has the same number of days off as May. 12.06. the whole country celebrates Russia Day, and 11, respectively, residents expect a short work schedule.

July 2019

July will not bring us any special celebrations, and gives us the same number of days off as in previous months.

August 2019

August, like July, is not marked by red days of the calendar. But there are 9 days off this month.

September 2019

This month, like the previous one, has as many as nine days off, since it starts on Sunday and ends on Monday.

October 2019

In October, we are waiting for only 8 days off and nothing more.

November 2019

The month will please us with the fact that it has as many as 9 days off and one holiday - November 4th. True, there will be no short working day before him, since the holiday falls on Monday.

December 2019

December gives us 9 days off, their number still remains, but as mentioned above, Saturday changes places with Monday.

Happy holidays to all Russians in 2019! However, do not forget that it was labor that made us human beings, so we must work with love!

Image of calendars - site

There will be two long holidays in Russia in May 2019. On the first May holidays we rest for 5 days: from May 1 to May 5. On the second May holidays we rest for 4 days: from May 9 to May 12.

  • weekends and holidays
  • pre-holiday days
    (with reduced working day by 1 hour)
29 30
1 2

Working hours

How we work and relax in May 2019

In May 2019, Russia has 18 working days and 13 days off and holidays.

Working day:

MonTueWed MonTueWedThuFri MonTueWedThuFri MonTueWedThuFri
6 7 8 ... 13 14 15 16 17 ... 20 21 22 23 24 ... 27 28 29 30 31

May 8 is a pre-holiday working day with reduced working hours by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Weekends and holidays:

WedThuFriSatSun ThuFriSatSun SatSun SatSun
1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 10 11 12 ... 18 19 ... 25 26

Long weekend in May

In May 2019, Russia celebrates two public holidays: May 1 - Spring and Labor Day and May 9 - Victory Day. These are public holidays. There are also three additional rescheduled days off. Thanks to this, there are two long weekends in May.

How to rest on May 1

How to rest on May 9

Public holidays in May

In May 2019, Russia celebrates 2 public holidays: Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day. These are official days off (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

May 1, Wed. - Spring and Labour Day. Dedicated to all workers. People call this day May Day. On this holiday, it is customary to arrange May Day parties: picnics, trips out of town, fishing, to the country.

May 9, Thu. - Victory Day. Dedicated to the victory of the Soviet army over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 2019, Russia celebrates the 74th anniversary of the victory over fascism.

May 1, 2019 - day off or work

Where do the extra days off in May come from?

According to the Decree of the Russian Federation of October 01, 2018 “On the postponement of days off in 2019”, the Government of Russia approved for May 2019 the transfer of days off from the New Year holidays and Defender of the Fatherland Day:

Working hours

According to the production calendar of Russia, in May 2019 there are 18 working days in the country (including 1 shortened one) and 13 days off and holidays.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 143 hours (18 x 8 - 1, where 18 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of reduced working days);
  • at 36 hours - 128.6 hours (18 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at 24-hour - 85.4 hours (18 x 4.8 - 1).

Where to go on May holidays

Travel lovers can go on an excursion to another city in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, go on a bus tour along the Golden Ring of Russia.

In Moscow, you can book a sightseeing bus tour of the city, visit historical museums, a zoo, the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh), a circus, a planetarium, a botanical garden, and climb the Moscow City observation deck. On May 9, it will be interesting to watch the Victory Parade on Red Square, the Immortal Regiment procession, and fireworks.

In St. Petersburg, you can stroll along Nevsky Prospekt, Vasilyevsky Island, admire St. Isaac's Cathedral, visit the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, go on a night tour "Night of Drawbridges". On May 9, it will be interesting to watch a military parade on Palace Square, a festive concert and fireworks.

In Sochi, you can visit the Dendrarium park, the dolphinarium and the oceanarium in the Riviera park. You can go on a boat trip on a boat, ride ATVs and horses in the foothills of Sochi. The water in the sea in early May is still cool. However, the sun is already hot, and daredevils can swim in the sea.

Those wishing to spend the May holidays abroad can go to Turkey, Georgia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands.

In Turkey, the beach season opens in May. Swimming in the sea and boat trips can be combined with visiting architectural monuments, fortresses and museums, shopping. You can also go on an excursion to the thermal springs of Pamukkale.

In the Czech Republic, you can go on a tour of Prague: visit the Prague Castle - a fortress, the residence of the President of the country, the Old Town, Charles Bridge, admire the Prague Clock on the Old Town Square, take a boat ride along the Vltava, see the castles around the city. The holiday season opens in Karlovy Vary on the May holidays. Tourists are given the opportunity to visit the food festival, craft fairs, holiday concerts.

In the Netherlands, it will be interesting to visit the Tulip Mania festival in the Keukenhof Flower Park in Liss. You can also walk around Amsterdam, The Hague. In Amsterdam, you can take an evening boat tour through the city's canals, visit the Nemo Science Museum, the Rijksmuseum Art Museum, the Royal Palace, and the Red Light District. In The Hague, you can visit the Binnenhof Castle, the Gevangeport Torture Museum, and the Madurodam Amusement Park.

How to celebrate, where to go on May holidays

May holidays are the time for outdoor recreation. At this time of the year, warm weather sets in, flowers and trees bloom. Fans of outdoor activities can go with family or friends to the river, to the forest or to the country house. There you can cook food on fire, play games, sing songs with a guitar.

Those who want to relax in the city can arrange a cultural and entertainment program: go to the cinema or theater, visit museums or exhibitions, organize shopping. You can walk in the park, sit in a cafe.

    Convenient calendar with week numbers and printable

    State, professional and folk holidays

Might be interesting

For most Russians, the 2019 New Year's weekend will begin on Sunday, December 30, 2018.

Thanks to the transfer, Saturday, December 29, 2018 will be a working day (that is, "five-day workers" will have a six-day working week), and Monday, December 31, 2018 will become a day off. Further, at the beginning of January 2019, 7 days of the New Year holidays and the feast of the Nativity of Christ follow. Thus, citizens working on a five-day week will rest during the New Year holidays on the following days:

How to rest for the new year 2019 - news.

In 2019, Russians will have a ten-day New Year holidays and almost the same length of May holidays.

The Ministry of Labor has prepared a draft government decree on the postponement of days off. It is posted on the federal portal of regulatory legal acts. According to the document, the day off from Saturday, January 5 will be moved to Thursday, May 2, and Sunday, January 6 will be moved to Friday, May 3. Saturday 23 February will be moved to Friday 10 May.

Thus, the inhabitants of the country will walk in honor of the New Year from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

Production calendar 2019

The Ministry of Labor of Russia has prepared proposals on the postponement of days off in 2019. According to the draft resolution of the government of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens will have a rest during the New Year and Christmas holidays from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

The next holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, will last from February 23 to 24 and from March 8 to 10, respectively.

The Russians will also have a rest from May 1 to 5 and from May 9 to 12, when the country will celebrate the Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day.

Also, the day off is traditionally scheduled for the Day of Russia - June 12. Residents of the Russian Federation will celebrate National Unity Day from November 2 to 4.

As explained in the Ministry of Labor, such a procedure for transferring rest days in 2019 was drawn up in order to rationally use weekends and non-working holidays by employees.

How we relax in 2019 on holidays calendar approved by the Ministry of Labor

A draft new decree prepared by the department has appeared on the federal portal of regulatory legal acts, from which you can find out which days off next year will become working days and vice versa.

So, the New Year holidays in the country will begin on December 30 and will last until January 8, 2019.

The day off from Saturday, January 5 will be moved to Thursday, May 2. And Sunday, January 6 - respectively, on Friday, May 3. In addition, Saturday 23 February will also be moved to Friday 10 May.