Romantic dinner for wife at home. How to cook a romantic dinner at home - the most complete guide for a cook in love

Women love romance. Every lady dreams of a pleasant evening by candlelight, by the sea or in a beautiful restaurant. The more unusual the evening will be, the more it will be remembered, and positive impressions can win over. The question of how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl is quite common among men. And this is good, it means that there are still worthy gentlemen who are ready to do anything for the sake of their lady.

Hosting an evening at home

Contrary to the opinion that at home is trite, you can make a wonderful evening that your girlfriend or wife will definitely like. To begin with, you should send your soulmate to another place for a while, for example, to a store or to your mother. No need to make a mysterious face, otherwise a woman can guess everything, but this should be a surprise.

Now we are thinking over the concept: what kind of evening it will be, what will be taken as its basis and what the man will treat the lady to. You can arrange a surprise in oriental style, traditional or come up with something completely exotic. Just setting the table is a bit trite, although it is acceptable if there is very little time. You can spend a good evening in any conditions, the main desire and a little imagination. Everyone’s financial capabilities are different, but you shouldn’t save too much, although you can come up with something interesting as a budget option.

We decide what we will use as drinks and snacks. Food can be ordered in a restaurant, but if a man knows how to cook on his own, the girl will definitely appreciate it. If you chose an oriental dinner, then ordering sushi is a good option. A girl without unnecessary claims can get by with pizza, it will even be somewhat unexpected. At home, it is easy to cook meat in the oven, most men can handle it with ease. The restaurant serves light salads. The girl will definitely like fruit with yogurt.

As a dessert, you can order several types of ice cream, supplementing it with fruits and nuts. Treats such as strawberries with cream are also suitable. If strawberries seem like a commonplace solution, you can replace them with other fruits, such as banana slices. Remember, the food must be light, even if you organize an evening at home, so that you have the energy to dance when you want it.

We're setting the table. If you want to make the evening a little unusual, you can use low tables or even lay out a tablecloth on the floor. The result is a relaxed atmosphere in which it is fun to watch a movie and have conversations. Just make sure that it is comfortable and warm to sit. You can put soft pillows or a fur blanket on the floor.

How to decorate an apartment for the evening

Candles are a traditional attribute of a romantic dinner, but there are other accessories. Now you can order balloons of various shapes, colors and with inscriptions. Traditionally, a romantic date should have flowers. It is not necessary to choose large bouquets. On the table you can put small bouquets of roses or violets. At the height of summer, a bouquet of wild flowers, collected with your own hands, will add romance.

If using scented candles, then choose a neutral smell so that it does not interfere with the overall perception and does not irritate. Important: everyone perceives aromas differently, and some people may have an allergy, this should be taken into account. You can also aromatize the room with the help of an aroma lamp and essential oils. For romantic purposes, the aroma of lemon, sage, lavender is suitable, a few drops are enough. It is better not to light the sticks - they give too strong a smell and can be distracting.

Arrange an evening in nature

Do you want to celebrate an anniversary or the date of the first meeting? Staying at home is not necessary for this. Organize a picnic in nature. This is easy to do in the summer. We collect a basket with snacks and drinks in advance, be sure to take a blanket and go out of town. For romance, we choose the time of the trip in the late afternoon. It's great if there is a clear sky, and the couple can admire the stars.

A trip out of town can be combined with horseback riding. Now this is a popular entertainment, my wife will surely like such a walk. If you don’t feel like riding or the girl is afraid, rent a carriage with a couple of horses. Drive through the countryside or city streets if allowed in your area.

In winter, despite the cold, you can also arrange an evening in nature. Rent a house at a tourist base, just make sure that there is heating and entertainment there. A night spent in a house among snows and nature will definitely remain in your memory. Take care of warm clothes and refreshments. It is better to choose a recreation center with a restaurant on the territory or a small cafe where you can taste delicious barbecue.

If you have a cottage, then you can spend the evening on it. The house should first be prepared: decorate the veranda with balls, flowers, candles, hang bells on nearby trees. Champagne or good wine is suitable as a drink. You can bring food with you, but it is much more interesting if a man cooks it himself. Even the wife will like such a surprise, she will definitely appreciate the attention and originality.

Unusual solutions for a romantic evening

Want to come up with something original? Then turn on the fantasy. Organize a dinner on the roof of the house. Invite the girl to look at the stars or tell her that you want to surprise her. Set up a table on the roof. There is absolutely no need to put a lot of dishes, good wine and light snacks are enough. Candles and quiet music will decorate the evening. A man who knows how to play the guitar can sing a song with a declaration of love. A verse of his own composition will also surprise the lady and will definitely be remembered by her.

The most unusual walk will be an evening in a cave. Find out where caves are allowed in your area and go there with a friend. Be sure to bring flashlights and don't go too far.

For lovers of travel, you can arrange an evening on water transport, and for lovers of extreme sports - on a raft. If the budget allows, then go on a hot air balloon flight. You can take good champagne and chocolate with you.

Do nice little things

A romantic evening does not only consist of dinner or outdoor activities, there should be surprises on it. It can be cookies with wishes, balloons with the inscriptions "I love", "marry me" or "thank you for my son" if the evening is for the wife. For an invitation, you can use love notes, telegrams, a messenger with a bouquet of flowers and a postcard. As a gift, small souvenirs, jewelry, original bouquets or fruit baskets, soft toys are suitable.

A joint dinner should be accompanied by pleasant words, the girl should not be bored. It is necessary not only to spend the evening together, but to make it memorable and want to repeat it. If you organize it at home, make sure that no one interferes, turn off the phone and do not be distracted by extraneous trifles like the Internet. Remember: you must be completely passionate about the girl and pay attention only to her.

The evening should come from the heart, that is, a man should put into it a desire to make a woman pleasant, surprise, touch. If you do it without enthusiasm, then it is unlikely to be successful. Tune in to romance and positive, and then everything will go as pleasantly as possible, and the memory will remain for a long time.

Universal dates for every couple. How to spend a romantic evening in an original and unforgettable way, how to show your feelings and push your loved one to a responsible step. Or maybe you need to cheer up your partner and give fire to the relationship?

Romance in a relationship is a light state of mind, which is rather short-lived. A pleasant pastime will help to preserve and prolong love feelings. Let's have a romantic week. Lovely girls will be able to draw original options for holding romantic evenings. You can hold these meetings not only in the usual home walls, but also in nature. Consider the options in which you and your loved one will be left alone.

The first day is a tribute to traditions

The preparation of your dinner begins in the morning. In order for the evening to become romantic, you need a few simple tricks. First of all, your good mood and your chosen one. To keep it in a positive direction, use pleasant little things that insist on the right way. Depending on your man's preferences, this could be love texts or a little note left for him in the morning. A man should guess that a surprise awaits him in the evening.

Romantic dinner - time-tested classic

You should also prepare. Think ahead about food. You can show your culinary talent or order your favorite dishes in a restaurant. It is worth noting that men and women have somewhat different tastes and attitudes towards food. If a girl calls wine and fruit dinner, then for strong representatives it is more like a dessert. Therefore, cooking should be taking into account the preferences of your chosen one. It is likely that he will have a good mood at the sight of pizza and good beer.

For a girl, this is not a very romantic option, so you need to find a compromise. Sushi is the best option. This is a hearty meal, and an original oriental serving, and a variety of taste solutions. Having decided on the choice of dishes for this evening, we move on to the entertainment program. Since this evening should be enjoyable for both of you, talk about how it all began. Remember what funny things happened at your first meetings, but how did you meet? Memories of pleasant moments and fun situations will give your evening a playful mood. The end of this evening can be watching a joint video or your photos. Or maybe you are set for a more pleasant end to the meeting - decide for yourself.

Second day of walking under the stars

For a second romantic dinner, you should worry about the weather conditions. When choosing a walking option, invite your soulmate to walk under the evening sky. Starlight will replace candlelight, and cool air will allow you to snuggle closer to each other. The original idea of ​​this evening could be the launch of a flashlight in the shape of a heart. Letting it go up, you seem to send your love to heaven. You can end the walk by sitting down to watch a movie in a summer cinema (if there is one in your city) or go to a night show in a cinema complex. On a weekday, you will be practically alone in the back rows and you can safely imagine that the entire hall is just for you. Let yourself surrender to kisses, gentle hugs. Make sure that this particular trip to the cinema is remembered for many years.

Third day with romance

We continue the romantic procession, but this time we will relax when we meet. Do not forget to write cute messages to your beloved and once again set him up in a loving way. Try to spend the third evening in hugs, and in a rather hot atmosphere. We arrange pleasant spa treatments. This time, two lovers will have to share a common font. Be sure to stock up on the appropriate surroundings. Candles, rose petals, fragrant handmade soaps and essential bath oils.

You can spend the evening in the sauna or spa, or you can arrange bath treatments at home. The main thing is that no one bothers you, because this evening you give yourself only to each other. With a sauna, everything is quite transparent, pleasant relaxation and a romantic mood are guaranteed to you. But for spending time at home, you need to prepare a little. In order not to overshadow the evening, we offer some effective tips.

Taking a bath together will strengthen relationships

The day before, you should not burden yourself with food, the last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before the bath. The duration should also be regulated, it is useful to be in the water for no more than half an hour. Be careful about temperature as well. It should not be too hot (no more than 38), because with an increase in the degree, sweating increases. It is easy to check the degree with a mirror, if it is foggy, you need to add cold, just do not overdo it. You should also not use chemicals - a gel or shampoo can reduce the result of the procedure and the effect of natural ingredients.

Finally, we note that all oils are fat-soluble, so they should not be dripped directly into the water. Add a couple of drops to the base, which can be milk, honey, cream, or dissolved in base oil, almond oil is a great option. You can also use sea salt. By itself, it will already be useful, but in combination with essential oils it brings a double effect. For 4 tablespoons, use 4 drops of the essential component, and which one is up to you.

Knowing your loved one better than anyone else, choose the right scent. If you want to cheer up, choose lemon, pine, cinnamon, ginger, verbena. These aromas have a normalizing effect on pressure and the nervous system, improve well-being and tone the skin. In addition to nervous tension, they perfectly relieve muscle stress. A great option for athletes or men who work physically.

When your partner is under stress, choose relaxing and anti-fatigue ethereal fragrances. Baths with a few drops of rosewood extract, ylang-ylang, lavender or jasmine are great. Add a mixture of oils to the water: cinnamon and lemon balm, ginger and mint, each should be taken 1-2 drops.

Refresh your thoughts and rosemary or grapefruit, eucalyptus or tangerine will help create a pleasant atmosphere. For women, such baths are very useful, since citrus fruits are actively fighting cellulite deposits.

Essential oils will add passion

Of course, essential oils, which are aphrodisiacs, should not be overlooked. Flavors will make your couple sensual and passionate . Sandalwood, as well as patchouli or neroli oil, are excellent for these purposes. Such relaxing spa treatments will set you in the right mood, give your skin a delicate light fragrance, and in addition make it moisturized, which will allow you to pleasantly continue a romantic evening.

Give each other tenderness and give your loved one a pleasant relaxing massage. You don't need to take special courses for that. It is worth starting with stroking movements on the back, gradually replacing them with wavy or tapping. The main condition is pleasant sensations, and you and your partner should feel good from this procedure.

Fourth day - we continue water procedures

We alternate being indoors with being in nature. For the fourth day, prepare a walk along the embankment along the water surface. The murmur of water favorably affects the relationship between two lovers and gives a romantic touch to the conversation. A boat trip would be a great option. Choose the best mode of transport depending on your financial capabilities. You can rent a yacht and spend a few hours alone with your loved one surrounded by water. Buy tickets for a pleasure boat and, with a glass of tart wine, watch the boat glide smoothly over the unhurried waves. Feel like the heroes of the movie Titanic or invite your companion to become the captain of your destiny.

If the prior does not suit you, this option may be an alternative to a date on the roof. Many people talk about it, but few people carry it out. And you need quite a bit, a little imagination and a little desire. In order not to burden ourselves with unnecessary worries and preparations, we suggest improvising with a fondue pot. The original version of a romantic dinner in a hurry. Fruit and a chocolate bar create truly magical things. Having retired on the roof or in some other secluded place, you can arrange a picnic with eating fondue. If your lover is not a fan of sweets, take cheese as the basis. It melts well and at the same time quite nutritious. Think about interesting accessories, you can feed each other with fruits on heart-shaped skewers.

Surprise your loved one every day

Friday - slut

The name of the fifth romantic day is not accidental. There are special moments in the life of every couple. Lovers show their feelings and passion - one of them. We offer one of the evenings to arrange a romantic evening with elements of fire. Swap out your traditional home for a hotel room. Hotel - allows you to diversify the familiar atmosphere of home and comfort, try something new, and for some long forgotten. The development of the evening depends on your imagination and looseness. Allow yourself this evening a little more than usual, please your betrothed. To create a hot atmosphere, wear an elegant dress that can easily slip to the floor. Make sure that there is sexy lingerie on the body, which should be chosen, taking into account the tastes of your chosen one.

Do not slow down, continue the evening with oriental dance, which can be easily learned in a couple of days. Simple, smooth movements beckon and fascinate. Of course, you can take care of a themed costume, but for a man the main thing is a secret, so beautiful underwear and a veil work wonders. If you forget about modesty, a slow dance may well turn into a striptease. Even the most restrained man will not be able to refuse such pleasure. The main thing to remember is that four words are basic for a quality striptease: you tease and seduce, he looks forward to full contact!

Romance must be accompanied by passion

Moreover, why restrain your desires. A beloved woman has already done a lot for her chosen one, but she may not stop there and completely take the initiative into her own hands. True, ideally, it is better to transfer the right to be active in an intimate atmosphere to the stronger sex, especially since you have already tried your best. Let the man feel his power and don't resist. Remind him again that the girl is just the weaker sex.

Sixth day - romantic trip

The sixth date will allow you to climb to the height of a bird's eye view. Extremely minded individuals will definitely appreciate your efforts. On the other side, you can't imagine a more romantic view. Soaring over the expanses in the sky with your loved one, what could be more beautiful? In addition, such a date at sunset will allow you to tune in the right way and add adrenaline to your blood.

A balloon flight will refresh your senses and give you an unforgettable experience. In a balloon among the clouds, you can have a mini-picnic and just fly and enjoy the beauty of nature from the tops of a bird's eye view. Give your soulmate a feeling of freedom and boundless happiness. A hot air balloon floating in the sky is wrapped in a light and relaxed atmosphere of romance. Couples in love can imagine that the world around was created only for their love.

A balloon is an original opportunity to make a dream come true, to do something unforgettable and unusual for a dear person. But it should be remembered that it is a complex apparatus in which elements and systems are clearly calibrated. The shell of the balloon - or "dome", is filled with hot air, which allows the device to budge. The most massive part of the structure evokes a feeling of admiration in many.

The gondola is a strong and reliable basket, which is designed in such a way that it can withstand significant loads. Compared to the shell, it looks neater and discreet. There is enough space in the gondola itself to have a picnic, so stock up on light snacks or fruit. Free space allows you to sit comfortably and not feel constrained.

You can replace a walk on a balloon with an extreme walk on a Ferris wheel or a cable car. Of course, the thrill of sensations is not the same, but a worthy pastime. A slow walk up will allow you to be alone and feel the pleasant embrace of each other.

We continue the extreme movement

Invite your loved one out of town. Find out in advance what attractions are available in the area. Maybe there is a nature reserve or forestry nearby, or maybe you want to ride horses and then have a picnic in nature. Spread a blanket on the grass and lie down, enjoying each other together. It is also original to visit a deserted beach and meet the sunset on the shore of a reservoir.

There are a lot of options to spend time together and relax, but the main rule of an effective romantic date is the desire to be with your loved one together.

You are planning a dinner alone with your loved one, and it does not matter at all whether this is your first date at home on Valentine's Day or you have been together for ages and celebrate your wedding anniversary on this day. In any case, everything should be beautiful, elegant, exciting and at the same time very tasty. What to cook for a romantic dinner for two? Let's talk about what options can be, and consider a few especially original dishes in more detail.

If you are hosting an evening for two at home, here are some simple tips and tricks to keep the atmosphere exciting and mysterious:

  • You should be just the two of you. If you have kids, arrange with grandparents that they will spend the night with them. Even if the children in the next room play computer games all evening or elderly relatives promise you that they will quietly watch TV in their bedroom until the morning, all romance will come to naught. A romantic dinner for two is not arranged behind closed doors, you have to be alone in the whole house.
  • The whole atmosphere should be romantic, not just the menu. In no case do not choose the bedroom for such a dinner, and even more so the kitchen. Of course, an evening for two should be organized in the living room or hall room. The table must be covered with a festive tablecloth and served with beautiful dishes, placed on it and lit candles. Turn on soft pleasant music, and no TV, even if there is your favorite romantic picture. No need to be distracted by the characters in the film. The heroes of tonight are you!
  • Meals for a romantic dinner should be light, both in terms of preparation and for the digestive system. As a rule, a light salad, a main hot dish (meat or fish) and a dessert are prepared. You can also make a cheese plate, vegetable or fruit canapes.
  • When it comes to drinks, you know perfectly well that neither vodka, nor whiskey, nor even the best Irish beer can be combined with the concept of romance. In this case, only wine is appropriate. Cocktails will not work, because they need to be constantly prepared and distracted. Start with champagne followed by a glass of white or red wine (depending on the course served).


You need to start a pleasant evening with light salads. In principle, they will also become an addition to hot meat and fish dishes; for a romantic dinner, you should not cook any heavy side dishes.

Remember! No "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa", "Men's whims" and similar salads should not be on a romantic date. Forget about mayonnaise, everything should be easy and delicious.

We offer the following options:

  • , you can make it with chicken fillet or shrimp;
  • salad with Feta or Mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes and olives;
  • salad with Dor Blue cheese, pears and walnuts;
  • green salad with smoked meat, pickled mushrooms and scrambled eggs;
  • salad with baked tomatoes;
  • salad with canned tuna, cherry tomatoes and eggs (chicken or quail);
  • crispy salad with bacon and pine nuts;
  • avocado, grapefruit and sea cocktail salad;
  • salad with tongue, celery, walnuts and pomegranate seeds;
  • salad "Pearl" with salted red fish, tomatoes and avocado.


  • salad mix - 1 bunch;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • coriander, zira and ground star anise - a pinch each;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to your liking;
  • liquid honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp for salad into cubes approximately 2x2 cm in size. Melt the butter in a pan, add cumin, star anise and coriander to it, mix. Due to this, the oil absorbs all the aromas from the spices, and then gives them to the product being cooked in it.
  2. Fry the pumpkin slices in a pan for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. Try to prick it a little with a wooden toothpick, it should be soft, but make sure that the pumpkin cubes retain their shape. Let the pumpkin cool down a bit.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes slightly smaller than the pumpkin.
  4. Prepare salad dressing. In a separate bowl, mix honey, olive oil, lemon juice, add salt and pepper to your taste, beat everything with a fork until smooth.
  5. Rinse the lettuce, dry it, coarsely tear it with your hands and distribute it among two portioned plates. Spread the cubes of pumpkin and cheese evenly on top. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

Dried tomatoes, roasted nuts and seeds can also be added to this salad.

Main dishes

After a light salad (or at the same time with it), serve a hearty, tasty, hot meat or fish dish:

  • skewers on king prawn skewers;
  • veal with rosemary and cherries in chocolate sauce;
  • meat rolls "Plum Valley";
  • glazed loin;
  • turkey fillet with oranges (chicken breasts, the recipes of which you will find in .), will be an inexpensive substitute;
  • duck zrazy with shrimps in cherry sauce;
  • pork with apples and cognac;
  • salmon steaks;
  • pork chops with fried pear;
  • duck breasts with raspberry sauce.


  • pork (brisket or ham) - 600 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • shallots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid honey - 75 ml;
  • red wine - 25 ml;
  • mustard - ½ tablespoon;
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • chili sauce - ½ teaspoon (optional);
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your liking.


  1. Wash the pork, dry it and rub it on all sides with salt and ground pepper.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, wash and cut into 5-6 circles.
  3. Take a baking dish, put onion mugs on the bottom and pour in some water. Place the meat on top, tightly cover the form with cooking foil and send it to the oven, heated to a temperature of 150 degrees, for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Peel, wash and mince shallots and garlic. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic in it. When the onion is soft and translucent, pour in the wine and let it boil. Let it boil for a minute, then add the soy sauce with honey and mustard (add chili sauce at your discretion). Mix everything and let it boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting honey glaze, but do not throw away the soft onions and garlic. Now remove the meat from the oven, open the foil, coat it on all sides with the remaining garlic and onions after filtering. Drizzle the pork with a third of the glaze, cover again with foil, and put back in the oven for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the meat again and open the foil, pour another third of the glaze, cover and put in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven for the last time, remove the foil completely, drizzle with the rest of the glaze and bake for another 20 minutes.
  8. Let the cooked meat rest for 5-10 minutes, cut and serve.


Finish a romantic evening with sweet and airy, beautiful and delicate dessert dishes:

  • fruit and chocolate fondue;
  • cottage cheese dessert with raspberry jelly;
  • a very light dessert will be sorbet, the recipes of which can be found.
  • exotic fruit salad of mango, papaya and pineapple;
  • jellied curd cake with fresh berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries);
  • chocolate jelly;
  • Catalan cream with caramel crust;
  • panna cotta with cherry sauce;
  • mint ice cream;
  • pineapples in syrup;
  • Creme brulee;
  • chocolate truffles.


  • air cookies (for example, "Lady's finger") - 6 pieces;
  • cream (fat content 33%) - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • fresh raspberries - 1 cup;
  • powdered sugar and fresh mint for decoration.


  1. Start by rinsing the berries and letting them dry thoroughly. You can make such a dessert with strawberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries and other berries according to your desire and taste.
  2. Break the cookies by hand into very small pieces. Do not use a blender, because it will grind the cookies into crumbs, and it is precisely small pieces that are needed for dessert. Divide the resulting mass in half and place in two portioned bowls.
  3. Pour the cream into a deep bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 5 minutes to get a thick foam.
  4. Spread one layer of whipped cream on top of the cookies.
  5. Now put in the raspberries. It must be dry. If after washing it there is some water left, then the berries can release juice and then the whole appearance of the dessert will deteriorate. Leave a few berries for decoration.
  6. On top of the raspberries, again spread the whipped cream to the edges of the bowl.
  7. Garnish the finished dessert with berries and fresh mint leaves, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.
  • The meat and fish that will be served as the main course must be pitted.
  • Arrange salads only on portioned plates, no common dishes. The same goes for hot and dessert.
  • Instead of salads, a romantic dinner can be started with light snacks, such as bruschetta with tomatoes, chicken liver pate or creamy cod liver mousse.
  • This evening, try to do without spicy cheeses, peas, beans, garlic and onions.
  • Do not cook a lot of dishes, as for. A table full of plates loses all romance.

We hope that our article turned out to be useful for you and the question of what to cook for a romantic dinner for two is no longer left. Let your evening with your loved one (perhaps the most important in your life) become unforgettable!

Valentine's Day makes the monotonous winter days a little warmer and brighter. It is not at all necessary to give gifts in honor of this holiday - just spend the evening together with the one you love. And we'll tell you.

The taste of tenderness

An exquisite miniature appetizer will be a good start to dinner for Valentine's Day. The recipe for tartlets with delicate pate is exactly what you need. Saute in oil 2 onions with 6 cloves of garlic. Add 200 g of fresh chopped champignons and evaporate the liquid. Separately, fry 500 g of chicken liver in cubes, seasoning it with 1 tsp. dried oregano and 1 tbsp. l. honey. We combine it with cooled mushrooms, put 100 g of butter and beat into a smooth mass. Using a pastry syringe, fill the finished tartlets with pate. Decorate this delicious recipe for a romantic dinner for two with dill sprigs and pomegranate seeds.

A little love magic

Sophisticated chefs know what to cook for dinner on February 14th. A light salad with avocado, shrimp and fresh herbs is a magical combination that awakens the deepest senses. Cooking a meal for two people. Cut 10 cherry tomatoes in half, fill them with a mixture of 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tsp. mustard, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper. While the cherry tomatoes are marinating, boil 200 g of shrimp and cut 2 avocados into thin slices. We combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle them with chopped green onions and torn arugula leaves. This light colorful dish for a romantic dinner will add a special mood to the whole evening.

Pork in emeralds

The next number of a romantic dinner at home is meat, certainly with some zest. Pork medallions in tropical sauce are perfect for this role. Cut 400 g of pork tenderloin into pieces 1.5 cm thick, rub with salt and pepper and leave for 30 minutes. Fry 3 chopped shallots, add 4 kiwi cubes and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Pour in 100 ml of orange juice and beat with a blender. Fry the medallions until golden brown, pour over with fruit sauce, or, alternatively, you can stew the medallions in such a sauce for several minutes. This recipe for a romantic dinner will give a bright firework of flavors.

Salmon in a cream dressing

What to cook for a romantic dinner if your favorite is a fish soul? Cannelloni with salmon will definitely please him. Moreover, preparing such a dish for two is very simple and fast! Fry the onion with 200 g of spinach, lay out 600 g of salmon fillet in pieces and continue to fry until golden brown. Separately, melt 50 g of butter, stir in 30 g of flour, 400 ml of cream and cook a thick sauce. At the end we put salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Dip 10-12 cannelloni in boiling water for a couple of minutes. We fill them with fish filling, pour cream sauce in a baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25 minutes. Your signature dish for a homemade romantic dinner is ready!

Mystery inside

Poultry dishes are a great choice for a romantic dinner for two. Especially if it's meatloaf with vegetables. Cut 2 chicken breasts in half and beat off each piece, wrapping it with cling film. Saute grated carrots with onions in oil. Roast sweet peppers in a dry frying pan. Lubricate each piece of beaten fillet on one side with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard and 1 tsp. spices for chicken We put fried vegetables on the edge, a couple of slices of gherkins, fold tightly and secure with toothpicks. We fry these “cocoons” well from all sides. Such rolls will surely intrigue your soulmate.

chocolate confession

Dessert is the key recipe for a romantic dinner. What to cook for a sweet for a loved one? Panna cotta with chocolate, because this is the main love ingredient. Soak 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of water. We combine in a saucepan a broken chocolate bar, 30 g of vanilla sugar, 100 ml of coconut milk and 400 ml of cream. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil and, stirring constantly, simmer for 10 minutes. Slightly heat the swollen gelatin and pour it into the saucepan. After mixing well, pour the mass into silicone molds and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Before serving, decorate the panna cotta with raspberries and mint leaves. Such a dessert will tell about the most secret feelings.

Cupid in a glass

What is missing for a real romantic dinner at home? Festive drink recipe Original sangria with champagne will be the perfect end to the evening. Dice with skin on 2 sweet yellow pears and 2 sour green apples. We divide a large orange into slices, peel and chop. Cut 15-20 strawberries in half. We put all the ingredients in a decanter, sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and refrigerate. When the sugar has melted, pour in 750 ml of champagne and keep in the cold for another 20 minutes. Pour the sangria into glasses along with pieces of fruit and treat your loved one.

If you have not yet decided how to make a romantic dinner and how to please your loved one, our recipes will come in handy. May this evening give you moments of happiness and leave the warmest memories in your heart.

Romance should be maintained in relationships at any stage of their development. At the beginning of a relationship, romance is extremely important, but it is a must to remember if you have several years or experience just around the corner. The longer you are together, the more tender should be the romantic dinner at home that you arrange for your loved one.

The question is how to arrange a romantic dinner at home for your partner. Most often, men in romantic courtship are limited to a restaurant and flowers, but women try to regularly feed men with interest and a romantic dinner at home. Today you will learn how to prepare a romantic dinner for a man and a woman.

Men are not picky in romantic encounters, if I can put it roughly, then in romance, men generally understand little. Sometimes it is enough for a woman to buy pizza and drinks, watch science fiction or an action movie with a man, and her lover will decide that it was the best romantic evening. You can take this option. Although if you want to show all your strengths and skills, cook a real dinner. The most important thing here is that your man does not eat too much, otherwise he will not be capable of "bedside exploits" after this. For a man, attention is actually very important so that his woman knows how to cook a delicious dinner and give him a rest. Therefore, to arrange a romantic dinner at home for a man is:

- Prepare a delicious dinner with a lot of meat,

- Complement the main dish with a side dish and salad that a man loves,

- Get drinks and a suitable snack from the bar,

- Talk about something light and free.

You can’t talk about something negative on a romantic evening or that a man doesn’t like to discuss, don’t ask provocative questions, etc. laugh at something interesting, and then turn on a good movie and end the evening the way your man wants.

How to arrange a romantic dinner at home for a woman.

It is clear that it will be more difficult for a man to arrange a romantic dinner at home for a woman: not every man knows how to cook well, and the “crown dish” that he knows how to cook will not be suitable for a romantic evening. Therefore, it is worth learning about some options for a romantic evening that any man can embody:

1. Seafood. Seafood is at the head of a romantic dinner. Buy shrimp, clean them in advance, boil and prepare. The preparation process includes decorating the dish so that everything looks beautiful. Don't forget to stock up on drinks and flowers. You can complement the table by ordering or making your own sushi, or order a lobster restaurant with home delivery;

2. Sweets. It's as easy as shelling pears and will surely appeal to most girls who like sweets and are not on a diet. You need to buy not gingerbread cookies, but delicious sweets, marmalade, Turkish delight, etc. The main thing is not to take anything that can get stuck in your teeth or stick to them;

3. Pasta. Arrange an Italian evening by candlelight. To do this, it’s enough for you, which is done quickly and easily enough, as well as cook a simple pasta. Be sure to put several varieties of cheese on the table.

There are many options, you just have to choose. If you're a great cook, cook something fancy: meat, fish, poultry, whatever.

In addition to the fact that you now know how to arrange a romantic dinner at home, or rather what to cook, you need to remember a few rules for a perfect evening:

1. Don't cook too much, as you won't be able to eat enough to last the rest of the evening for real love romance;

2. Be sure to give the girl flowers, but do not put it in a vase on the table, it is better to put the flowers on a free chest of drawers. You can give a girl just one bright beautiful flower, but you can put it in a small vase from the edge of the table so that it does not bother anyone;

3. With the help of music, you can achieve the perfect romantic mood, but it should be a background sound, and not the main one, so turn it down as quietly as possible so that you can talk quietly;

4. Do not sit opposite each other, as if you are in an interview, sit at the sides of the table with one corner;

5. Light candles and dim the main light, so you can create the perfect atmosphere. At the same time, do not choose candles given by someone for the New Year. Prepare in advance and purchase romantic candles. They should be long and thin, the main thing is that they do not flow at the same time.