Makeup tips for round faces. Applying makeup for a round face Applying makeup for a round face

Makeup for a round face, the purpose of which is to correct it, is done using cosmetics in dark tones. This is explained by the fact that such funds, correctly applied to any part of the face, can visually reduce it in volume.

It should be borne in mind that the correct makeup for a round face should not be noticeable. A prying eye should see only the result, which consists in the optically changed proportions of the face.

The correction scheme does not depend on what kind of cosmetic product is applied. Painted in stages, it always consists of two points:

  1. A dark base is applied to the area for which correction is needed.
  2. Then it is carefully shaded.

When answering the question of how to apply makeup on a round face, if you mean the evening version of the make-up, it should be borne in mind that the evening version of corrective makeup requires a slightly higher contrast of tones.

Principles of round face correction

Two basic principles apply to corrective correct makeup for a round face, thanks to which you can highlight some parts or areas of the face and muffle others. These principles lie in the fact that dark cosmetics are used for visual reduction, and light cosmetics for visual enlargement. However, these principles are valid for any other type of person.

In order to narrow the full face, correction is carried out with the help of dark corrective powder. In this case, it is applied to the surface of the skin, previously powdered with loose powder.

In addition, the face can be narrowed with another creamy dark cosmetic product that has a fairly thick consistency. But in this case, it should be applied directly to the foundation. And only after that, makeup for a round face is lightly powdered with loose powder.

Cosmetics for this type of makeup are taken a few tones darker than your natural skin color.

For example, for chubby blondes who usually use a golden foundation, the correction will be made using terracotta cosmetics. This rule will, of course, be useful not only for blondes.

Consider some techniques by which the shape of certain parts of the face can be corrected. It is clear that we will take examples characteristic of the round type.

Correction of a round face with makeup

What to do if your forehead seems too low for you

If the shape of your face has a too low forehead, in your opinion, then there are several ways to make it visually higher. For example, this problem is often solved by bangs. But this method is not always suitable. In this case, the shape of this type of face can be corrected cosmetically.

To do this, you need to apply a light tonal foundation at the roots of the hair, then go down to about three-quarters of the forehead and blend the tone properly. Thanks to this technique, the forehead, highlighted with foundation, will give the impression of a higher one.

How to visually enlarge and reduce the chin

A similar technique is used when you are not satisfied with the shape of the chin. A disadvantage of this type quite often annoys chubby women. The shape of the chin, as in the previous case, is corrected by applying a light foundation to the chin and then shading it.

Round faces are characterized by a variety of proportions. Therefore, it is not uncommon to encounter a different type of problem when you want to make the chin look smaller. To do this, a small amount of a dark tone is applied to the tip of the chin, which should then be shaded in the direction of the cheeks and lower jaw so that the saturation of the tone decreases as it moves away from the starting point.

Light shades of foundation are used to visually enlarge the chin.

Makeup is a decoration of the face with the help of decorative cosmetics, as well as a way to hide existing defects.

Almost all women observe unpleasant flaws in their own appearance. Basically they don't like the shape. But if you try, you can competently transform your face with makeup.

A round face does not always speak of the wide forms of its owner. Even very slim people can be chubby. Therefore, the ability to correctly apply cosmetic products is very important. This will make it possible to change the appearance and correctly emphasize the ideal features of the face. How to do makeup for a round face? You will learn about this by reading the article.

Round face correction rules

To get an attractive makeup, you should consider the shape of the face, as well as skin tone and eye color. It is possible to correct a round face with makeup. There are several rules, the observance of which will help to make the correct correction.

  1. The first step is to choose the appropriate shape of the eyebrows, because they make the face "slenderer". Their shape should be of medium thickness with a deflection in the center in the form of an arch. This type of eyebrows visually stretches a round face. The color should be chosen a tone darker than natural.
  2. It is important to mask the circles under the eyes. To get rid of them, you can use a concealer, it helps to hide unnecessary flaws in a split second.
  3. Girls with such a face should focus on the eyes. Eyeliner and mascara, which visually increase, can also give "slimness". Eyeshadow must match your eye color and skin tone.
  4. The next handy tool for a round face is a bronzer. It performs the function of sculpting and is suitable for all events and seasons. It is applied in a thin layer along the jaw line, slightly darkening it.
  5. Highlighter is a faithful accomplice in makeup that highlights certain parts of the face. With it, you can visually lengthen and fill with radiance a round face.
  6. It is undesirable to use lipsticks of dark shades, as they give roughness and heaviness. The best solution is light pink tones.

Applying makeup

It should be remembered that all imperfections can really be hidden with simple brush movements. A round face is visually shorter and wider, so it is necessary to follow the stages in applying makeup. Makeup for a round face should be done in several stages.

  1. Owners of a round face should start by cleansing the skin. This will help a special scrub with a peeling effect, cleansing milk or lotion. After that, you can start applying your regular moisturizer. For this type of makeup, it is necessary that the cream is well absorbed before applying the foundation.
  2. Next, the masking of circles under the eyes and minor imperfections on the skin begins, and almost all girls have them.
  3. To apply the tonal base, it is desirable to select the tone of the cosmetic product that is suitable for the complexion. It is better to apply it with a sponge, in which case the foundation will be more confidently distributed on the skin of the face and neck. So that there is no transition between them, you need to shade the base well in the chin area.
  4. The main focus is to give the necessary form. For this, a tonal base is used that is a tone darker than the previous one. So contours are applied on both sides. Shaded with a sponge, vertical movements from top to bottom, from the temple to the chin. It is important to be very careful with this step, as there should be no noticeable transition between the two creams.
  5. Makeup for a round face can be completed with blush. Brown shades will be suitable, which are applied to the upper edges of the cheekbones and shaded to the middle of the cheeks. This brightens the center of the face and creates a lengthening effect.

Eye makeup for a round face

  • To decorate the eyes of chubby beauties, small arrows with tips raised up are allowed. They contribute to an expressive increase in the eyes. And long arrows can visually expand the face even more.
  • Shadows you need to match the color of the hair and eyes. It is better to apply them only at the edges of the eyes within the eyelid. In no case not under the eyebrows. To emphasize expressiveness, shadows should be shaded with horizontal lines.
  • Eyelashes it is advisable to paint only the upper ones, and do not touch the lower ones, this will make the look brighter.
  • Brows should be regular in shape with a thin tip, but not thin. It is better to apply paints on them in dark colors.

For lip makeup you should use a special pencil to express the contour. Since this can have a magnifying effect, it is better to use light lipsticks or transparent pearlescent glosses.

Makeup for a round face with green eyes

The best option for cosmetics for green eyes are all purple tones. They look perfect and add contrast.

This makeup wins in that it is suitable for both daytime and evening use. You can dilute these colors with pastel shades, such as beige or khaki.

The role of hair color in makeup for chubby

Correct makeup for a round face is not at all difficult to do. You just need to take into account all the nuances, in particular, hair color.

  • Brown hair. They can pick up bright brown colors for evening events. For example, bronze, copper and gold. Brown eyeliner and a reddish eyebrow pencil are perfect for them.
  • Blondes. Blonde girls will look good with green and turquoise eyeshadows with black eyeliner. You can alternate with light brown and peach tones.

  • Redheads. Unlike brown-haired women and blondes, all sorts of shades are suitable for red-haired green-eyed women with a round face. Brunettes can use the same option.

Absolutely inappropriate makeup for green eyes are colors such as silver, blue, pink and completely black.

Final Reminder

Evening makeup for a round face should mainly be created from soft blush. They will give freshness and vivacity to the external image.

If the lips are slightly lowered, then, due to the exception, horizontal application of blush is allowed.

Use quality cosmetics for flawless makeup. But at the same time, do not forget that excessive application of this product can, on the contrary, worsen the external image.

Any qualified makeup artist will confirm that with the right makeup it is possible to turn the most ordinary girl into a beauty. However, in order to hide the flaws in appearance and focus on its merits, it is necessary to understand what they are. It will be about creating a wedding makeup for a round face. This is a complex process from a technical point of view. A round face often looks cute and somewhat childish, but the wrong make-up can turn the bride into a doll, making her appearance too unnatural.

Characteristics of a round face

Before you master competent wedding makeup for a round face, you should determine that it really has such a shape. The round face is characterized by the same lines of length and width, large cheekbones and a rounded chin. Such data often make the bride's face not textured enough, so the main goal of wedding makeup will be to highlight the relief of the forehead, temples, nose, cheekbones, lips and brow ridges. Each master uses his own make-up technique, but there are general rules that provide an opportunity to make a round face more expressive.

Features of wedding makeup for a round face

Since the round face lacks definition, in creating a wedding make-up, giving it expressive contours will be of paramount importance. In the process, you will need foundations of different tones, lipstick or gloss, mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow, eyebrow pencil. The lip pattern will be clear, and the eyebrows will be expressive. We advise not to use glossy contour products (foundation, blush) for wedding makeup - this will add even more volume to a round face. Only matte tones are allowed.

Makeup rules for a wedding for chubby

Chubby brides need to choose tonal means of three adjacent tones: repeating the color of the skin, one tone lighter and darker. When working with them, you must follow a few important rules:

  • The cosmetics selected for the wedding should not contrast strongly with each other, a difference of no more than 2 shades is allowed.
  • The joints of areas of different tones are subject to careful shading, they should not be visible.
  • To create a wedding solemn make-up, it is allowed to enhance the contrast in tones in order to highlight the cheekbones.

Makeup scheme

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing. Like any other, makeup for a round face should begin with cleansing the skin. For this purpose, a cosmetic scrub or peeling, cleanser (milk) or a special lotion is used. After removing keratinized skin, fatty secretions and dirt, it is worth applying a moisturizer. Wait a couple of minutes until the cream is absorbed and start applying the foundation - the main tool that will moisturize the skin, give it a healthy look, and keep your festive look until the end of the evening.
  2. Evening out skin tone. The bride should tone the imperfections of the face and dark circles under the eyes with the help of a corrector. Next, apply foundation in a natural tone that matches your skin tone. Use a special sponge for this, so the cream is better distributed over the surface and blended. Remember that the transition between the neck and the face should be invisible.
  3. Contour drawing. To visually make the face oval, you will need two different tonal bases - lighter than the one that covered the entire face, and darker than it. The first is applied to the nose, forehead and center of the chin, the second to the cheeks, temples, jaw lines. You should not do this with your fingers, even if it is more familiar - it is better to use a sponge. The shading must be flawless, so the bride should arm herself with a mirror and sit by the window.
  4. We put on blush. If the bride prefers to sculpt her face with blush rather than foundation, then you should arm yourself with a high-quality brush, preferably with natural bristles. Apply blush under the cheekbones and blend them a little towards the top, towards the temples. Professionals advise not to go beyond the parallels of the lines on which the outer corners of the eyes are located.

Wedding eye makeup

To create a wedding look, chubby girls should follow the rule of vertical lines. They help to visually correct the rounded type of face. The correct eyebrow arch is the #1 rule in eye makeup. Comb the eyebrows, if any, with a pencil, shade the gaps, drawing the hairs in the direction of their growth. To get a clear, soft contour, the eyebrows should be combed up a little.

The bride needs to highlight her eyes, which can be done with a highlighter and light bronze powder. Apply highlighter to the inside of the eyelid and under the brow line. Darken the eyelid itself with powder, it should still be applied to the area under the lower eyelid. To make wedding eye makeup more expressive, use eyeliner: you can draw full-fledged arrows or emphasize only the corners of the eyes.

To achieve the effect of big eyes, shade the area just below the brow line with dark shadows and slightly draw the eyebrows to the outer corner of the eye. Chubby girls should not apply shadows above the center of the eye, otherwise the roundness of the forms will be even more obvious. Line the lower eyelid and blend the shadow between the eyelashes. The final step is to apply mascara to the top row of lashes.

Makeup for lips

The final touch of wedding makeup for a round face will be a lip make-up. Any technique for applying gloss or lipstick will do, the main thing is to draw a clear outline. To make the lips appear plump, the bride needs to use gloss or natural lipstick tones. And it is important to follow the sequence: first cover your lips with lipstick, then gloss. This bridal makeup gives chubby girls a fresh and natural look. Remember that the emphasis should be on one thing - either on the eyes or on the lips. Bright lips and eyes shorten the face, visually rounding it even more.

Video tutorial on applying makeup for a round face

Full cheeks make a woman's face round - a sign of health and vitality. You can’t call them ugly, but often girls with this type strive for a more oval face shape. To do this, stylists have come up with many cosmetic tricks. Makeup for chubby girls involves the use of light, discreet colors. To create a beautiful wedding make-up, you should stock up on a set of cosmetics: 3 shades of foundation, mascara, shadows, eyeliner. You can learn how to do makeup for chubby brides by watching a video tutorial.

Photo of wedding makeup for a round face

When working with a round face, it is important to use all the tools that effectively lengthen its shape. Cosmetics are important, but you can’t limit yourself to just well-applied makeup. Great helpers in this matter can be: hairstyle, shape of the neckline of a wedding dress, jewelry in the ears and on the neck. Approach the creation of a wedding image in a complex and be irresistible.

Chubby girls are very cute, but this fact does not deprive them of the desire to correct the shape of their face, resorting to makeup tricks, experimenting with hair. The round shape of the face is characterized by the fact that its length and width are almost equal. It differs from the square one in the absence of "corners". The disadvantages include an inexpressive chin and wide cheekbones. The face appears flat, devoid of relief. A good make-up for a round face is aimed at lengthening the shape, visually reducing the volume of the cheeks, focusing on the protruding parts: nose, cheekbones, brow ridges, forehead.

Creating a tone

Since we are talking about a round face shape that needs to be corrected, it will not be possible to get by with a tonal remedy of one tone. You will need two shades: the first should match the natural skin color, and the second should be a little darker. When modeling the face, both tonal means and compact powders are used.

A lighter tone is applied to the central part of the chin, forehead and nose. Be sure to highlight the areas under the eyes. And with a dark shade, the lateral parts of the face are worked out, including the forehead area, as well as the wings of the nose. With the same color, it is necessary to highlight the cheekbones, making them more prominent. To prevent the presence of make-up on the face from looking too theatrical, the darker shade blends into the upper part of the neck. And quite a bit - on the earlobes.

One of the main points of high-quality correction is thorough shading. It is aimed at smooth transitions from one tone to another. Therefore, make-up should be applied in good natural light.

On a note: The same technique of "stretching" the oval can be successfully applied to the make-up of a full face.

Video: Correction of a round face with makeup


In makeup, chubby girls pay a lot of attention to eyebrows. In order for the shape of the eyebrows to contribute to additional correction, they should not resemble a rounded oval of the face. Also, you can not make the shape of the eyebrows horizontal. Correct option: eyebrows with a slight kink that resembles a gull's wing (the kink should be soft, not clear and sharp). It looks like this: 2/3 of the eyebrow is raised, 1/3 is the tail.

Important! Thin eyebrows make a round face “flat”, and therefore medium-width eyebrows with a thin tip are recommended for this type.


Makeup for a round face is impossible without the use of blush. They will not only make the face fresher, but also help to beautifully outline the cheekbones. They are applied in a “triangle” along a diagonal line: from the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth. If the corners of the woman’s mouth are lowered or the oval of the face is “floated”, then the blush is applied horizontally to avoid the effect of a “sad face”.

As a shade of blush, choose warm brown tones or natural tones. Pink color is strictly contraindicated in makeup!

Advice: Professional makeup artists recommend applying compact products with vertical strokes when it comes to round face makeup.

Video: How to apply blush correctly


A round face does not like clear geometry, which means that a contour pencil should be discarded. Professionals believe that lip makeup for this type of face is best done with gloss and lipsticks from neutral colors.

You should always follow simple makeup rules if your face is full or round:

  • bright, flashy shades - "no";
  • in make-up, emphasis should be placed on the eyes;
  • no clear lines and contours.

Features of eye makeup with a round face

Chubby girls should avoid horizontal lines in makeup that expand. For example, lovers of "arrows" should not make them long. An eyeliner line that goes up a little and has a short, curved tip will be good.

Makeup shadows are selected according to their color type, although in most chubby girls dark shades are suitable that deepen the eye sockets. Mascara will effectively emphasize not only the beautiful eyes of a woman, but also visually contribute to the modeling of the face, if applied correctly: the eyelashes are more actively worked out at the outer edge with a brush, and the lower ones are not stained at all (it is better to emphasize them with eye shadows).

Emphasis on the eyes is one of the basic rules of this type of makeup. After all, the larger they are, the optically the whole face already seems. For example, for an evening make-up, you can use false eyelashes glued to the outer corners of the eyes. A good volume gives a simple curl with special tweezers.

Advice: To make your eyelashes thicker and more expressive, you can powder them before staining with mascara. It is allowed to repeat the procedure after the first layer, after which mascara is applied again.

Eye makeup depending on the shape

Sometimes it is necessary to correct the shape of the eyes itself:

  1. Bulging eyes. The main rule is to exclude mother-of-pearl shades that add volume, and not to get too carried away with a dark palette that can "weight" the eyelids. The ideal option is muted shades with a slight “stretch” towards the temples. Bulging eyes require the obligatory underlining of the lower eyelid with suitable shadows.
  2. Wide-set eyes. With such an appearance, the roundness of the face is especially noticeable. Visually “remove” the distance between the eyes will help the shadows of dark tones, which are applied to the inside of the eyelid, shaded towards the eyebrows. Soft "arrow" originates already from the inner corner. And the eyebrow growth line needs to be painted closer to the bridge of the nose.
  3. Deep-set eyes. In this case, as in the previous one, the use of very dark colors is undesirable. But you can not be afraid of shiny and light shadows! They are applied to the entire moving eyelid, right up to the eyebrow line. Only the outer corner is emphasized with a darker color, imitating the almond-shaped shape of the eye.

Video: Makeup for deep-set eyes

Features of makeup for close-set eyes

There is a simple rule by which this is easy to determine: if the segment between the eyes is less than the length of one of the eyes, then a close landing is typical. Makeup in this case is given special attention:

  1. You need to apply shadows on the upper eyelid from the center, moving up and to the outer corner of the eye.
  2. In the inner corner of the eye, running a little on the bridge of the nose, a very light tone is applied.
  3. The incision is emphasized with a darker tool, but the line originates exclusively from the middle of the century (you cannot draw "arrows" along the entire length of the eye).

The distance between the eyebrows is increased artificially, and the brow areas are highlighted.

A round face can and should be corrected not only with makeup. There are other "tools" of modeling. A lot depends on the hairstyle.

So, high and voluminous haircuts with a side parting will help bring the oval closer to the ideal. Looks great and styling, in which the hair is combed back, there is volume in the crown area.

A high ponytail is a classic for a round face. Long hair also elongates a round face well. They can be straight or curly, but volume is important for any option so that the hairstyle helps visual correction.

Video: Haircuts for a round face

Worth remembering: If the hairstyle covers the ears, then the hair should be straight, since any curls and curls from the sides of a round face will only expand its oval.

As for short haircuts, it is very important that the length is below the chin line, and the strands go to the cheekbones (or one, if the haircut is asymmetrical). An elongated bang, laid to one side, will also help to visually narrow the face.

Correction of the shape of the face with clothes and accessories

Few people know that the neck of the clothes is also able to visually adjust the shape of the face:

  • a high collar that fits around the neck is not suitable for ladies with a round face shape;
  • V-shaped neckline effectively lengthens not only the face, but the entire silhouette as a whole;
  • a square neckline will add visual relief to a rounded face (the "principle of opposites" works).

The use of elongated earrings is an effective method in the application of accessories. But earrings and clips like "buttons" are contraindicated for a round face.

Video: Round face! Hairstyle, accessories, make-up

A round face in makeup requires a competent approach if a woman wants to bring it closer to the ideal shape. But cute chubby girls will be pleased to know that they look younger than their peers, thanks to the shape of the face, which is always associated with youth.

Every professional make-up artist knows that with the help of competent makeup, you can make a real beauty out of any woman. But in order to mask the flaws in appearance and emphasize its advantages, you need to be well aware of what they are. In this material, we will talk about working with a round type of face, which is quite difficult in terms of applying makeup.

Chubby girls are very cute, but this fact does not deprive them of the desire to correct the shape of their face, resorting to makeup tricks, experimenting with hair. The round shape of the face is characterized by the fact that its length and width are almost equal. It differs from the square one in the absence of "corners". The disadvantages include an inexpressive chin and wide cheekbones. The face appears flat, devoid of relief. A good make-up for a round face is aimed at lengthening the shape, visually reducing the volume of the cheeks, focusing on the protruding parts: nose, cheekbones, brow ridges, forehead.

Makeup for a round face

Both daytime makeup for a round face and evening makeup should begin with the application of moisturizers, such as cream or gel. This is followed by treatment with tonal means, smoothing the skin and masking dark circles under the eyes, inflammation, rashes, and so on. If there are significant irregularities, pimples and spots on the skin, you need to act step by step - first cover the problem area with foundation, then powder, trying not to create too thick a layer of tone.

A selection of photos of beautiful makeup for a round face

Properly applied makeup allows you to hide imperfections and visually change its proportions. There are a few simple make-up rules that will achieve amazing results. Makeup should be selected most carefully for chubby ones, since for this type it is important to “stretch” the face as much as possible, giving it an oval shape. In addition, choosing the right makeup for a round face, you also need to take into account other details: the shape and size of the eyes, lips and nose. On the one hand, a round face in itself always looks cute and a little childish, on the other hand, makeup for a round face can make it too doll-like. Beautiful makeup for a round face should hide skin imperfections well and visually stretch the oval of the face.

Eye makeup for a round face

Chubby girls should avoid horizontal lines in makeup that expand. For example, lovers of "arrows" should not make them long. An eyeliner line that goes up a little and has a short, curved tip will be good. Makeup shadows are selected according to their color type, although in most chubby girls dark shades are suitable that deepen the eye sockets. Mascara will effectively emphasize not only the beautiful eyes of a woman, but also visually contribute to the modeling of the face, if applied correctly: the eyelashes are more actively worked out at the outer edge with a brush, and the lower ones are not stained at all (it is better to emphasize them with eye shadows). Emphasis on the eyes is one of the basic rules of this type of makeup. After all, the larger they are, the optically the whole face already seems. For example, for an evening make-up, you can use false eyelashes glued to the outer corners of the eyes. A good volume gives a simple curl with special tweezers.

Technique for applying foundation on a round face In order to visually transform a round face shape into an oval one, it is enough to be guided by the following recommendations, which will tell you how to apply makeup correctly:

  1. To even out the color and relief of the skin of a round face, you can use foundation creams of light and dark shades. A light tone is applied only on the chin, under the eyes, on the center of the forehead and nose. A dark shade foundation must be applied to the side areas of the face, the wings of the nose and its sides, and also to emphasize the cheekbones. The same technique can be used when applying full face makeup to make it look thinner.
  2. Eyes with long arrows look very impressive, but they are completely unsuitable for a round face. After all, horizontal lines in makeup, just like in clothes, add volume. But short arrows with upturned ends are quite acceptable.
  3. It is recommended to choose shadows of dark shades to make the eyes more expressive. Their choice will depend on the color type of the girl: autumn, spring, winter or summer.
  4. You can apply shadows for a round face not only on the upper eyelid, but also on the lower one.
  5. Most girls have a question: how to paint eyelashes? Experts recommend applying black mascara with a twisting effect only on the upper lashes. This will make the look seductive. In addition, such makeup for a round face will look easier.
  6. If you emphasize the eyebrows, then you can give expressiveness to the eyes. To do this, use a pencil and shadows, the shade of which matches the color of the hair. But first you need to know how to properly shape your eyebrows. Photo 1 shows the steps to take. Eyebrows should not be thin along the entire length, as then they will emphasize the shape of a round face. The correct eyebrow should start with a wide head and smoothly move into a pointed outer tip.
  7. As a rule, girls with "curvy" forms have a rounded type of face, which is formed due to plump cheeks. Therefore, when applying makeup for a full face, be sure to use a blush of light brown shades. Blush is applied along a diagonal line from the top of the cheekbone to the middle of the cheek.
  8. The use of a lip pencil is strictly prohibited, since then a round face will acquire additional volume. Moreover, this rule applies to both dark pencils and light ones. Shine with mother-of-pearl in natural shades and light-colored lipstick are considered ideal.

Rules for doing makeup for a round face

Although the oval face shape is considered one of the most beautiful (almost any hairstyle looks good in combination with this face shape), the round face has its advantages. Many women with a round "childish" face shape look younger than their age. Despite the fact that young girls are not particularly happy with a round face, women over 30 appreciate the benefits of this form. Face shape: Use light foundation colors in the center of the face: lighter areas of the face are more vibrant. To give the face an elongation, it is necessary to "lighten" the nose, chin and the center of the forehead.

Foundation: To create the effect of an oblong face, you will need two different shades of foundation. One shade should match your natural tone exactly, and the other should be one shade darker. Apply a lighter foundation in dots to the center of the forehead, along the nose and chin. Blend well. To create the effect of high cheekbones, apply dark shades to areas that you would like to hide, such as the chin. Using a darker foundation, dot the temples, under the cheeks and along the jaw line. Thus, these areas of the face will be less emphasized, making the face visually longer. Make sure you blend the transition lines so that the borders are completely hidden.