Recipes for laminating hair with gelatin at home. How to do hair lamination at home: recipes and recommendations How to do hair lamination

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Among modern salon services, hair lamination is very popular. With the help of the procedure, you can make your hair shiny, smooth and obedient. Since the technology is simple, you can laminate strands not only in the salon, but even at home.

What is hair lamination

The procedure involves covering the strands with a special mixture, the components of which envelop each hair with an inconspicuous thin film. It provides protection from the negative effects of the external environment, hair styling products and equipment. The effect of the procedure is similar to hot keratin straightening or restoration: the curls become smooth, beautiful, shiny, however, hair lamination is a service that is not only therapeutic, but also protective.

With the help of the procedure, each hair is covered with a breathable film that evens out its surface by gluing the scales. Unlike lamination, hair keratinization at home involves saturating them with keratin, so that the strands become obedient and even, however, this substance is quickly washed out. Another fundamental difference is that the kerating agent contains formaldehydes, which can adversely affect the health of the hair if the procedure is carried out frequently.

What gives hair lamination

Experts recommend using a protective drug for girls with thin, dull, dry and unruly hair. The lamination gel will be useful for those who have recently dyed the strands, as well as for girls with highlighted, curly, curly hair who want to even out, moisturize and protect them from the harmful effects of styling products. What other lamination effect should be expected:

  • combing is greatly facilitated;
  • volume is added (lamination agent lifts the hairs from the roots);
  • split ends become invisible (if you do hair biolamination at home systematically, then over time, the damaged ends fall off on their own);
  • laminated hairs cease to be electrified;
  • the hairs become more flexible, strong and healthy (if you laminate the hair with folk remedies, then there will be no allergic reaction).

How hair lamination is done

As a rule, the remedy for the procedure is available in the form of a tint or colorless gel. When choosing the first option, make sure that the tone matches your natural color. Hair lamination technique:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, but without balm, blot the strands with a towel, comb gently.
  2. When using a colored gel, apply a coloring composition to the hairs along the entire length. If you are using a colorless product, skip this step.
  3. Cover your head with a nourishing mask. After applying the preparation for lamination, moisture will remain in the structure of the hairs for a long time.
  4. Next, you need to wash off the mask and distribute the laminating preparation over the strands in a thick layer. After that, wrap your head with cling film, and on top with a terry towel.
  5. Turning on the hair dryer, warm up the head (this procedure cannot be ignored, otherwise the composition will not penetrate deep into the structure of the hairs). Warming up should last at least 5 minutes, optimally - 10.
  6. Hold the product for about an hour, then rinse the strands with slightly warm water without shampoo.
  7. Dry the head of hair with a towel, comb with a comb with rare teeth.
  8. When the strands are dry, straighten them with an iron and evaluate the result.

Lamination at home

Almost any beauty salon offers hair treatments, but not every girl can afford their cost. The best solution in this case is lamination at home. With the help of natural products or a professional set of products that can be bought in specialized stores, you can achieve an amazing effect, giving your strands shine, volume and obedience. How to laminate hair at home?

Gelatin hair lamination at home

The effect after the procedure done at home will last about 2-3 weeks, while in order to achieve good results, it is important to carry out it regularly. If you plan to dye your hair, it is best to do so before laminating. The therapeutic hair mask contains gelatin, it has no contraindications and cannot cause allergies, compared to professional formulations. The following is a step-by-step process of how to make home lamination of hair with gelatin.

Before doing lamination, you need to conduct a test by distributing the finished gelatin mixture in a small amount per strand, wait 15 minutes and wash it off: if there is no burning, itching, then you can start the procedure. Hair lamination at home has certain features:

  • the total duration of the procedure is 2-3 hours, so it is better to do it on free days;
  • the gelatin composition envelops the hairs, as a result of which the mop looks thicker, more voluminous, while the product does not weigh down the hair and is suitable even for those girls whose sebaceous glands are overactive;
  • lamination should be carried out after washing the head, since there will be no expected effect from gelatin coating of strands covered with dust or cosmetics;
  • gelatin moisturizes and nourishes the hair, leaving it soft.

To achieve the desired effect from lamination at home, it is important to properly prepare the composition of the treatment mask. The recipe looks like this:

  1. Prepare 2 tsp. gelatin, 1 tsp. castor or coconut oil, 30 ml of water.
  2. Mix all the ingredients well, put the container in a water bath and heat slightly, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. When the gelatin mask has cooled down a bit, start applying it to the strands, moving from the roots to the tips, while you can use a comb to help evenly distribute the composition.
  4. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap your head in a towel.
  5. After an hour, wash off the oil mask (without shampoo) and dry in the usual way. Repeat the procedure weekly as it has a cumulative effect.

Hair mask with gelatin and balm

According to reviews, the therapeutic gelatin composition for lamination makes the strands obedient, shiny, smooth. Hair mask with gelatin and balm is suitable for both women and men who want to have a neater look, while for short hair you need to prepare a small amount of lamination. The mask recipe looks like this:

  1. Take 10 g of gelatin, 30 ml of water, the same amount of hair balm.
  2. Pour gelatin with warm water, mix with a spoon and leave to swell for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the product with the balm and cover the wet strands, previously washed with shampoo, with the composition along the entire length, while trying not to get on the scalp.
  4. Put a bag over your head, wrap a towel over it.
  5. After an hour, wash off the mask without using shampoo / balm.
  6. Dry your hair, style with an iron, do not use a spray or other styling product. Make a mask twice a week.

Compositions for hair lamination

Products for the treatment procedure can be purchased at the store of professional supplies for stylists and hairdressers or by ordering online. According to reviews, the best products are offered by American, German and Japanese firms. However, a professional hair lamination product from Russian companies is also very popular. Consider the most popular lamination products that can be used at home:

  • Estel OTIUM Bio-Crystal. The kit contains an initial cleansing shampoo, a two-phase laminating gel, a fixing lotion and a polishing serum. Despite the fact that reviews about this tool are divided, there are much more positive ones. The effect of lamination with Estel Bio Crystal compositions is pronounced, but not always durable (depending on the structure of the hairs).
  • Matrix Color. Professional cosmetics for lamination Matrix allows you to choose products that take into account the individual characteristics of the hair, while the manufacturer produces a gentle and more potent drug.
  • Lebel Cosmetics. Japanese product for biolamination with mild action and gentle composition. With it, you can put the strands in order quickly and effortlessly. The preparation is produced in the form of a gel of a translucent texture, which does not need to be diluted, but is immediately ready for use.
  • Color Prefal Gel. The manufacturer offers a wide tint palette, so that every girl can choose the perfect tone for herself. A product with a predominantly vegetable composition envelops the hairs, while coloring them, making the strands strong, elastic and obedient.
  • Moltobene Color Acid. The action of the drug is aimed at giving shine and brightness of color to dyed hair. Herbal ingredients protect the hair, giving it softness and elasticity. The tool penetrates deep into the structure of each hair and nourishes with valuable substances for a long time.
  • Constant Delight. Italian composition for lamination, which can be used at home. The drug is suitable for owners of various types of hair - those who want to improve the mop after curling, lightening or removing split ends. To maintain the effect, experts advise using the funds once every 1-2 weeks.
  • Concept smart lamination. The complex includes three products that provide fast and deep restoration of even very damaged hair. The procedure is not very difficult to do at home, it is advisable to carry it out for those who have recently dyed or lighten the strands. The preparations "seal" the hairs, thereby removing the ugly split ends and making the shock shiny, beautiful, obedient.
  • Kemon. The product restores and nourishes the hair from the inside, covering them with a protective film. The set includes shampoo, thermal mask, lotion and balm. Since the procedure does not imply the presence of certain skills, you can even do it yourself at home.
  • barex. The set consists of 4 items for preparing, cleansing and restoring hair. According to reviews, it is necessary to feed the strands with Barex once a week, since the drug, although it shows a pronounced therapeutic effect, does not guarantee the durability of the protective film.

On the covers of glossy magazines, models are like princesses: a long shiny braid, incredible volume and density. It is not necessary to run to the salon for such an effect; you can do hair lamination at home. The procedure will take several hours, but the result will exceed all expectations.

What it is

Lamination is a technique for sealing curls. It is suitable for any type, designed to make thin and weakened strands more vibrant and shiny. In the salon, such a service costs from 2,000 rubles, but the effect can last up to 2 months.

The salon offers the following types:

  1. Classic. This is the use of artificial cellulose. The damaged structure is filled from the inside, which makes the curls stronger and more resistant to external negative influences.
  2. Phytolamination. An organic procedure, thanks to which the curls are saturated with minerals and vitamins, based on herbal preparations.
  3. Biolamination. Another type that uses natural ingredients. It differs from the classical use of natural cellulose.
  4. Glazing. Processing method in which a protective film is formed on the surface. Often the procedure is carried out before painting.

Salon wrapping has two subspecies according to the method of exposure: cold and hot. Lamination at high temperatures is considered more effective, important trace elements penetrate deeper into the center of the hair shaft.

It is worth paying attention to the cause of brittle hair, most often it is a lack of trace elements in the body. Read the review of the best brands Did you know that iherb now has delivery even to Belarus? Get 10% off your first order to buy natural cosmetics.

An excellent alternative to a salon procedure is laminating hair at home with gelatin. This mask has no contraindications and is suitable for any type.

Pros and cons

The difference between a home wrap and a salon wrap lies in the effect. The luxury and shine of the hair does not last so long.

Advantages of gelatin lamination:

  • healing from the inside;
  • strength and brilliance;
  • moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  • strengthening roots and length;
  • protection from the negative influence of the external environment;
  • color brightness;
  • cumulative action;
  • low cost.

Such care at home will help protect the quality of the hair before dyeing. The procedure is similar to salon glazing. It is recommended to carry out a course of masks in winter to protect the hair from the weather.


  • temporary action;
  • complexity of implementation.

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to carry out the procedure if they are not allergic to the components of professional products.

Lamination with folk remedies has no contraindications. But salon techniques can harm curls with strong loss and brittleness of unknown origin. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the reconstruction of the strands in advance and consult a doctor for an appointment.

You can evaluate the work of the masters by the photo before and after.

Can it be done at home

The best hair lamination at home is with gelatin. You can apply a mask without professional training. The cost of ingredients is low, you can buy everything up to 100 rubles.


Processing is divided into three main stages: preparation, main part, cold or hot exposure.

How to do hair lamination at home step by step:

  • apply the mixture to clean strands, it is better to wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo to completely get rid of clogging with silicones;
  • if you are wrapping with professional preparations, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, follow the recommendations;
  • apply homemade mixture to slightly damp strands;
  • lamination of long hair at home is difficult to do on your own, ask a friend to help;
  • the composition is not intended for the scalp, applied to the length;
  • cold method involves natural solidification;
  • the hot method is heating with a hair dryer for 10 minutes at a distance of 15 cm from the head or wrapping in foil and ironing each strand for 10 seconds.

After washing, you do not need to use an additional balm or spray. Hair is recommended to dry naturally.

homemade recipes

The most popular hair lamination products at home are gelatin, egg and cosmetic oils. The procedure is carried out according to the scheme described above, you just have to choose the right recipe.


Hair lamination at home with edible gelatin is the most popular option. The procedure is carried out according to several recipes. The easiest one is with water.

With water

Gelatin has an enveloping property, accelerates regenerative processes from the inside and restores even the most damaged curls.

Main Ingredients:

  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 70 g;
  • conditioner balm - 100 g.

Pre-soak sheets of gelatin or granules in cold water, leave for 20 minutes to swell. Heat the mixture in a water bath without boiling. Add any store-bought balm to the warm mass, apply the mask on the strands and wait for complete solidification. Approximate exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

Some types of gelatin are difficult to dissolve, leaving lumps. To get rid of them, put the container with the liquid in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. The rest can be strained.

With milk

Women prefer to enhance the vitamin effect of gelatin with milk. The proportions of the mask do not change, just the water needs to be replaced. It is better to choose a homemade product and also not bring the mass to a boil, so as not to lose the value of the products.

At temperatures above 80 degrees, gelatin loses its gelling properties and glazing of curls will not work.

With vitamins

In a cosmetic store, you can buy special capsules with useful elements. Their cost is quite high, you can replace them with oily pharmaceutical types: vitamin A and E. Ampoules B1, B2, B6 and B12 are also sold. They are intended for intravenous administration, but many girls use them externally.

For vitamin wrapping use any of the listed means. It is only necessary to reduce the amount of water in the recipe by 5-10 g, replacing it with healthy additives.


Hair lamination at home can be done without gelatin - coconut oil. Previously, it was difficult to find it on sale. Now coconut oil is a popular product for women, helping to cope with any cosmetic problems.

Choose a quality oil. This product is solid and melts only in the hands at temperatures above 25 degrees. The liquid consistency is a fake.

Take some pure oil, rub it in your palms to melt it. Distribute the resulting mixture on clean hair. Wrap your head in a towel or cap, leave for 1 hour.

The mask is washed off with shampoo, since without special products it is difficult to completely clean the strands. It is better to use organic cosmetics or without sulfates. The effect of the oil mask lasts for 2-3 weeks. The mixture is allowed to be applied to the roots to treat hair loss.


Hair lamination can also be done with gelatin and an egg. Dilute the product in water according to the classic recipe, but instead of balm, add 1-2 yolks. This little trick will make the recipe 100% organic.

The yolk will help even with increased fragility and weakness of the strands, loss. To appreciate the full benefits of the product, try others


The new Indian recipe conquered women. This is a folk remedy that strengthens the hair shaft from the inside, making the curls more shiny, strong and thick.

  • natural henna - 10 g;
  • dry mustard - 10 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water or milk - 70 ml;
  • oil - 20 ml.

Mix dry ingredients, dilute gelatin according to package instructions. While the mass has not cooled down, add peach or other light oil, pour in the powder. If the mixture is too thick, add water. Wash off after 1 hour without shampoo.

Do not add a lot of oil so that the curls do not seem greasy. Mustard strengthens curls, but dries a little. It's the perfect ingredient

With lemon

Another unusual way to strengthen - with lemon juice. This method is suitable for oily hair types.

For cooking you will need:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • corn starch - 20-30 g;
  • lemon juice - 10-20 ml;
  • essential oil - 3-5 drops.

Dissolve the starch in warm milk, add the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of orange oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath until thickened, but do not bring to a boil. Apply the warm paste to your hair. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

With honey

To prepare a laminating mask, take 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, the same amount of burdock oil and yolk. For long hair, the amount of ingredients is doubled.

The mixture is homogeneous and easily distributed over the entire length. It is recommended to wash off without shampoo, for oily hair it is better to refuse oil. Holding time - 30 minutes.

professional tools

Hair lamination can also be carried out by professional means; the Estelle, Matrix, Dixon series are adapted for home conditions. Their cost ranges from 100 to 2000 rubles. Lamination kits will help you achieve salon-like results at home.

Matrix PRO+

The company produces a series for deep and fast recovery. The complex includes: laminating agent, thermal protection cream and tint paint. The average cost is 2000 rubles.


The kit contains 4 products: shampoo, gel, lotion and serum, instructions for use are attached. You can buy the whole set from 1800 rubles.


A series designed for SPA-lamination. Consists of shampoo, preparations for hot and cold phases, fixing stabilizer. This is a cheap option - up to 1000 rubles. Separately, you can also purchase a serum to fix the smoothing effect.


A professional line of hair products, but it is problematic to find a whole set on sale. Lamination is proposed to be done in the main phases: hot and cold. To consolidate the effect, you can purchase a serum from the same series. The cost for one jar does not exceed 500 rubles.


Cheaper analogue of Japanese production. The set includes a prep shampoo, laminating ointment and revitalizing conditioner. Preparations are suitable for any type of hair. It is difficult to find such a set for sale.


The leader of Italian production, corrects even with curly hair. The complex includes shampoo, serum and light gel-fluid. The procedure is simplified, and the effect is instant.

hair company

The series is difficult to use, the duration of the procedure can reach 3-5 hours. This is the choice of professionals, such products are used in the salon.

The disadvantage of professional lamination is that hair is difficult to style.

The result of a salon or home experiment will be smooth, beautiful and compacted hair. Usually the effect lasts up to 4-6 weeks. In order for the curls to retain a glossy look longer, it is recommended to use sulfate-free shampoos and abandon styling products.

December 31, 2018

Every woman knows that without good scalp and hair care, it is impossible to have a luxurious hairstyle. If the curls are delightfully shiny, soft and silky, grow well and are not damaged - this is always a joy. Among the numerous salon procedures designed to make strands beautiful and healthy, lamination is especially popular.

But today you can spend it at home with the help of folk recipes and professional cosmetics. Let's figure out how to properly laminate hair at home, reviews on recipes and features of which we will discuss today.

Hair lamination is a cosmetic procedure during which special compositions are applied to the curls, which include various useful substances of natural and synthetic origin. After the procedure, the curls become soft and obedient, get rid of split ends and brittleness, become smoother, shiny, rich in color and thicker. Moreover, a breathable film is formed on each individual hair, protecting it from the negative effects of external factors. You can do lamination at home and in the salon.

But many women prefer the home option, as it has a lot of advantages:

But negative aspects are still present when laminating at home:

  • it is difficult to choose the most suitable recipe or professional remedy;
  • any mistake in the procedure can lead to negative consequences, including loss, slow growth, loss of volume and the opposite of the desired effect;
  • with a very long hair, the procedure will require outside help and considerable effort both when applying the composition and when washing it off;
  • fragility of obtaining the effect;
  • allergic reactions may occur (but this is also typical for a salon procedure);
  • hair can begin to get dirty and greasy faster.

Important! A careful and attentive approach to home lamination of hair will help to significantly reduce the risk of negative consequences of the procedure. Also, properly selected hair care will help to prolong the effect.

Gelatin hair lamination

Gelatin lamination at home is one of the most affordable recipes. The procedures are especially delightful for women who suffer from too thin and frizzy hair. The tool for such a procedure is easy to prepare and can be bought at any store. The duration of lamination will not take more than an hour. At the same time, the composition of gelatin contains substances, firming and nourishing hair, and not just creating a film on it.

There are also disadvantages to such a gelatin hair procedure at home - it is not always possible to get the desired effect the first time and the duration of its preservation is not long. According to the reviews of women, 3-4 lamination procedures are necessary for the curls to become smooth and thicker. It is worth remembering that gelatin on the hair of each woman behaves differently. Therefore, for the first time it is better not to try to apply it before responsible events and important events.

Usually, in addition to gelatin, the recipe for hair lamination includes any mask or balm, water, as well as other components of your choice available at home: juices, herbal decoctions, chicken eggs, lemon and other ingredients. First, gelatin swells in warm water in a glass container covered with a lid, and then other components are added to it. The product is applied to curls like a mask.

When cooking, gelatin should not be heated too much and brought to a boil. It is advisable not to apply the composition to the hair roots during lamination: you need to deviate from them by 5-10 cm. You can learn more about all the features of preparation and use from.

Hair lamination without gelatin at home

There are recipes for lamination at home without gelatin. They have about the same effect as the formulations with this product.

Here are some of the most popular ones:

Important! The composition for lamination with or without gelatin is applied to clean, slightly damp hair, which is additionally wrapped with cling film and wrapped in a towel. The number and frequency of hair treatments at home may vary. But women who have tried folk recipes on themselves recommend using them after each shampooing for the first time, and then as desired.

You can independently carry out the lamination procedure at home with the help of special professional cosmetics. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and shops you can find a variety of shampoos, masks, balms and other products with a laminating effect. There are also special formulations for the procedure and entire kits, which include a deep cleansing shampoo, a laminating agent, foil and a product for washing your hair after the procedure.

According to women, the most popular among branded and professional cosmetics for lamination are the following products:

Important! It is necessary to carry out home lamination with the help of professional products on clean hair. They are washed with a deep cleansing shampoo, dried with a towel without using a hair dryer. Then the composition is applied to the strands, after which each of them is wrapped in foil and ironed. Rinse off the product according to the instructions. Most often, this should be done 30-40 minutes after application with running warm water and professional shampoo.

Many brands produce special care collections for home lamination for every taste and budget. Typically, the kit includes shampoo, mask, conditioner and several products for hot and cold phases (or one bottle of laminating agent). But there are also completely natural remedies for the home lamination procedure. It is worth considering that in this case you will have to do several procedures. In addition, the effect is not so durable, and after a month and a half (not more often, otherwise you risk drying out your hair!) lamination will have to be repeated. We carefully studied the different ways of home lamination and collected options for every taste.

Gelatin lamination

You will need:

  • gelatin (1 tablespoon);
  • boiling water (3 tablespoons);
  • balm or hair mask (½ tablespoon);
  • lemon juice (1 teaspoon);
  • food film.

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with slightly cooled boiling water and mix thoroughly. Close the lid and leave for 20 minutes, if after that there are undissolved lumps, warm the mixture a little. Add ½ tablespoon of your favorite mask or hair balm and mix again. Wash your hair, pat your hair dry with a towel, section it into strands and apply the prepared mixture as quickly as possible (gelatin hardens quickly). After that, wrap your head with cling film and warm with a hat or towel. To enhance the effect, warm the hair with a hair dryer for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water without shampoo. To consolidate the effect, rinse your hair with diluted lemon juice (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

Lamination with castor oil

You will need:

  • Castor oil,
  • food film.

Comb your hair, divide it into several strands and apply oil to each. Gather your hair, cover with cling film and a towel. For an hour, periodically warm the hair with a hairdryer, then rinse thoroughly.

Lamination with coconut oil

Need :

  • Coconut oil,
  • foil.

Comb your hair, divide it into wide strands. Melt coconut oil and apply to hair. Wrap each strand in foil and go over it with an iron. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Hair mask lamination

You will need:
  • favorite homemade hair mask made from natural ingredients,
  • foil.

Mix in your favorite natural hair mask. Comb, divide your hair into strands, apply a mask on them. Wrap each strand in foil and heat with an iron. Wash off after an hour.

Lamination with coconut milk

You will need:

  • coconut milk (2 tablespoons)
  • honey (2 tablespoons)
  • olive oil (1 tablespoon),
  • banana (1 piece),
  • food film.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Comb your hair, divide it into strands. Apply the mixture, wrap your head with a film and a towel, warm it up with a hair dryer for 5 minutes. Wash off after an hour and a half.

Lamination with oils and glycerin

You will need:

  • glycerin (1 tablespoon),
  • castor oil (2 tablespoons)
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons).

Instead of olive oil, you can use peach, flaxseed, shea, black cumin ... any oil will do! Mix all the ingredients. Comb your hair and separate it into sections. Apply the mixture, wrap your head with cling film and insulate. Rinse with shampoo after an hour.

Every representative of the beautiful half of humanity knows that female beauty largely depends on the care of appearance. This also applies to hair care. Agree, long curls can make any girl more attractive. And if they also delightfully shine - this is an additional plus. To achieve a brilliant effect, many women prefer salon treatments. But what if there is no opportunity to visit a good hairdresser? In this case, hair lamination at home can come to the rescue. This procedure may seem difficult to apply, especially for those who encounter it for the first time. However, we assure you that the proposed method is very simple and even a beginner can handle it. You just need to decide in advance what is closer to you: lamination with professional compositions or with the help of folk remedies. Similar articles


Lamination is a method that uses a special coating, the main task of which is to return the hair to its former strength and energy. The applied composition envelops each hair, therefore such a procedure significantly improves their condition as a whole.

By regularly resorting to lamination, you can protect your hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.


Hair lamination, like any other procedure, has pros and cons. So let's talk about its benefits first:

  • Hair acquires a special density, especially if initially your hair did not have volume;
  • There is a healthy shine and their extraordinary smoothness and softness;
  • Split ends are quickly restored;
  • It will also be possible to forget about the electrified hair;
  • When laminating, their structure thickens and they straighten;
  • The procedure is considered absolutely safe. So, all women can use it;
  • Particularly pleasing is the fact that such hair lamination can be used by expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy;
  • By doing this procedure at home, you save money that could be spent on visiting a beauty salon.


The above advantages are undoubtedly inspiring, but it will be equally important to learn about all the disadvantages of home hair lamination:

  • There will be no one to blame for the unsuccessful result, but yourself;
  • Since everyone's hair is completely different, for some, lamination can be a wonderful salvation from all problems, while for others it will only aggravate their already deplorable condition. For example, coarse hair can become even tougher, and for some, this procedure may not work at all;
  • The main contraindication is individual intolerance to gelatin. Therefore, we recommend that before applying the composition to the entire length of the hair, apply it to the skin area behind the ear and wait 10-15 minutes. If the skin does not start to itch and burn, then everything is fine, you can proceed to lamination;
  • On very long hair, it will not be easy to apply the product on your own, however, as well as wash it off;
  • After lamination with gelatin, the hair begins to grow fat faster;
  • Problems with unprecedented dryness of the tips may begin.


To obtain a high-quality result, it is most reliable to contact specialists, but in the salon this procedure is expensive. It is worth trying to make lamination at home. A special composition can be bought at a store for professional hairdressers. Such compositions do not contain aggressive substances that destroy hair (hydrogen peroxide, ammonia), but contain caring substances (amino acids and keratin) that restore the hair structure.


Consider the popular compositions that can be used both in the salon and at home.



If you want to get a beautiful mop of hair and spend the minimum amount of money, you can use gelatin hair lamination. This procedure is perfect for those who have too damaged hair structure. In addition, if your ends are badly cut, and the curls look dull and dry, this method will become a real lifesaver.


Lamination will return your hair a healthy shine. This procedure is of particular delight to owners of thin and sparse hair, because after its application, the hairstyle noticeably increases in volume.

The advantage of gelatin lamination is its availability. You can buy gelatin inexpensively at any grocery store, and the duration of the hair healing procedure based on it will not take more than an hour.

Gelatin contains collagen, which is a natural protein compound. It completely envelops the surface of each hair, forming a protective film. Due to this, they become much thicker and more voluminous. Gelatin also perfectly moisturizes curls and nourishes them with vitality.

Although it is worth mentioning right away that it is unlikely that you will be able to see the visible result the first time.

In order for it to be noticeable, you need to carry out at least three recovery procedures. It is best to do them at a time when you are used to washing your hair.

This means that if you wash your hair every other day, that is, about three times a week, then hair lamination at home should be carried out on these days. And of course, if you clean your curls once a week, then there should be exactly the same number of restorative procedures.

The lamination effect is cumulative. Try it! And you will be rewarded with silky and smooth hair with amazing shine.


Everything you need for homemade gelatin lamination is:

  • A pack of regular gelatin. You can take any, since the composition of different manufacturers is identical. And it makes absolutely no difference to the cost of such a product;
  • Water, previously boiled and cooled to room temperature or slightly warmer;
  • Your favorite hair mask. Instead, you can take the balm that you are used to using;
  • Plastic bag or hair cap.


Recipes for hair masks based on gelatin

Above, we have described the classic recipe for preparing a laminating agent. However, there are others, which we will now tell you about.

Gelatin juice mask

Such a universal mixture, which allows you to make home hair lamination, is perfect for both owners of dark and blond hair.

The only difference for different shades is that blondes need to use freshly squeezed lemon juice, and brunettes should add carrot juice to the laminating mixture.

For one regular tablespoon without a slide of gelatin from the package, there should be three tablespoons of juice. There is no need to add water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. Do not forget that for girls with long enough hair, the amount of ingredients for the mixture should be tripled.

Gelatin mask with egg

This mixture is suitable for absolutely any woman. The composition is prepared simply and does not require expensive ingredients. Dilute in a small container one tablespoon of dry gelatin and water, in the amount of three tablespoons. Then separate the egg yolk from one egg and gently fold it into the mixture. Gelatin should swell well. After that, continue to do everything in the sequence already familiar to you, described above.

Oily hair mask

This is a superbly proven homemade recipe for laminating hair with gelatin. Such a mask has already been tested by many girls and has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness. Take one spoonful of dry gelatin without a slide and put it in any bowl. Add four tablespoons of lemon juice to it. If you do not currently have it at home, you can use diluted vinegar.

Drive the yolk of one egg into the resulting gruel. Take any shampoo for oily hair and add it to the mixture, stirring constantly. Shampoo will approximately need one tablespoon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and put in a water bath. Then follow the instructions above.

Mask with milk and honey

Dilute 35 gr. gelatin in 260 ml. milk at room temperature (fat content from 3.2%). Add 40 gr. liquid honey, mix, distribute through the hair. Do not treat the root area and scalp, so as not to provoke excessive greasiness. Keep the composition for about 1 hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo. The product is ideal for dry and normal hair.

Mask with egg and balm

Mix in a ceramic or glass bowl 25 gr. gelatin, 3 chicken yolks, 55 gr. regular hair balm Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or foil and let sit for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo, spread the mask over the entire surface of the hair. Wrap your head with cling film, wrap with a towel, heat with a hair dryer for 5 minutes. Wash off the composition with water at room temperature, use shampoo to remove egg residue.

Mask with lemon and shampoo

Formulated for oily hair. Dissolve 30 gr. gelatin in 85 ml. filtered water at room temperature. Wait for the swelling of the composition, then pour in 15 ml. lemon juice and 45 ml. regular shampoo, mix. Spread the mixture through your hair, rubbing in thoroughly. When the mass begins to foam, wrap your head with a film. Soak for half an hour, remove with warm water.

Mask with apple cider vinegar and essential oils

Dilute 25 gr. gelatin in 70 ml. cool water, leave for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour in 15 ml. apple cider vinegar (concentration 6%), add 3 ml. ether of lavender, geranium, nettle and eucalyptus. Beat the mixture with a blender or mixer, apply to hair, soak for half an hour. After that, wash off the mask with shampoo, use a balm. The product is designed for very dry and brittle hair.

Sea salt and burdock oil mask

The composition is designed for oily hair. Pour 35 gr. fine sea salt without fragrances 70 ml. boiling water, stir until the product is completely dissolved. When the liquid has cooled, pour 40 gr. gelatin, pour 30 ml. burdock and 25 ml. castor oils. Leave the mass to swell for a quarter of an hour, then make a mask and wrap your head with polyethylene. Warm the mixture for 5 minutes, then wait another half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Chamomile and eucalyptus mask

Buy dry chamomile at the pharmacy, brew 35 gr. product in 100 ml. hot water. Let it brew for 1 hour, pass through a gauze filter, mix with 10 ml. infusion of eucalyptus. Pour 50 gr. gelatin, wait 20 minutes. Make a mask on pre-moistened and clean hair, leave for 1 hour. After the expiration date, remove the composition with shampoo and water.

Coconut oil and patchouli mask

Pour into a bowl 40 gr. gelatin, pour 250 ml. milk or water. Stir, leave for half an hour until completely swollen. Then pour in 20 ml. coconut or burdock oil, add 3 ml. patchouli ether (can be replaced with ylang-ylang). Make a hair mask, wrap the strands with cling film, wrap your head with a thick cloth. Heat the mop with a hair dryer for 7 minutes. Keep the mask for about 1 hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

Henna and egg mask

Mix 20 gr. gelatin with 60 ml. cool water, leave to swell. After half an hour, pour 25 gr. colorless henna, 2 gr. mustard powder, add 3 chicken yolks. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, pour in 35 ml. olive oil. Make a mask, wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel so that the mixture does not drain. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse with lukewarm water. Be sure to apply a balm.

Useful tips or how to do home hair lamination correctly

Finally, we want to summarize and answer some frequently asked questions on the topic of home lamination:

  1. Gelatin mask can be done at least once a week;
  2. Try not to rub the laminating agent into the scalp to avoid itching and flaking;
  3. Gelatin during heating in a water bath should in no case boil !;
  4. Make sure the gelatin dissolves completely. Do not apply gruel to the hair, which contains lumps, otherwise it will be very difficult to comb them out later;
  5. If the effect of lamination is not noticeable after 3 procedures, then the reason for the weakening of your hair lies inside the body. Contact your doctor for advice in a timely manner!