Real stories and true stories from life. Life Stories

A colleague is on the phone. And we all hear what she says:
- Hello!.. Excuse me...
And he gives up.
We are interested in what she was told in response to the greeting that the conversation ended so quickly.
It turned out that in response to her "hello" a tired middle-aged female voice said:
- It's not something there. This is an apartment.
Yeah, after that, all that's left is to apologize and disconnect.
And all because of a trivial typo in the reference book. Strongly, you see, they got the poor inhabitant of the apartment, that she developed such a reflex ...

On the subject of cleanliness.
I smoke on the balcony, in the evening, many people smoke on the balconies, 14 floors of the house. The Civic stands under the windows, tinted like this, the music pumps. The glass falls, the hand climbs out, the bigmach bag with bits falls on the asphalt. After 30 seconds, the bottle flies from above into the roof.
Oh, the lope of the mat was, but how the mood improved!

One of our ethnographers on an expedition studied the life of some wild tribes on some distant island. On his return to the penates, he wrote an article about his observations and sent it to an ethnographic journal. The article contained a key phrase for the subsequent story: "The natives are in complete ignorance."
The editors of the journal read the manuscript, decided to accept it for publication, and sent it to the printing house. The typist, while typing, made a mistake, as a result of which the above phrase took on the form "The natives arrive in complete ignorance." When viewing the proofs (printed version) of the article, the editor found an error, crossed out the letter I, entered the letter E and sent it back to the printing house. The typesetter inserted the letter E, but (attention!) forgot to remove the letter I from the set! So the article went to press.
They say that the author of this article, having received and read the author's copies, enthusiastically told others that the resulting word is ideal for describing the state of the natives on that distant island ...

The long-awaited autumn-winter hunting season has opened. Began to issue licenses for shooting game. The nearest hunting inspection is located in a neighboring town and works only half a day on weekdays. The husband, an avid hunter, has no time to get off work at all, and he asked his wife: they say, go, dear, get it, here are all the documents for you, just show them to the hunt manager, and he will issue a license.
She arrived, stood in a huge queue, one single woman among bearded men in khakis, approached the hunter, handed him documents. He suddenly asks a completely logical question:
- You license to whom?
Well, the wife, without thinking twice, answers:
- For my husband...

Moscow. Early 2000s (when crossing two solid lines was not punishable by death).
I'm driving along Kutuzovsky Prospekt to the center, left lane. Near the Arc de Triomphe we stop together, on the opposite side it is empty - it is clear that we are waiting for the government motorcade. We are standing. A little back (60 meters) and to the left (through two solid and empty oncoming lanes) - turn onto Barclay Street (for some reason there was no traffic police). We are standing. Ahead of me is the Volga, it moves off sharply, leaves with a turn to the left and quickly moves towards Barclay Street. Looks like I've been waiting...
At the same moment, the nine that stood in front of the Volga and six in two cars behind me breaks away. They catch up with the Volga, press it to the side of the road. The driver tried to get out of the car, to which he heard over the speakerphone: "Sit."
The cortege passed. Six and nine left after him. Volzhanin escaped with a slight fright...

Another story from the "Ours in America" ​​series.
A colleague at a liquor store in California is looking at a single bottle of Stolichnaya. Voice from behind:
- Sing, look, what you need; now this American sucker will move away, and we will take her away.
The colleague turned around and said that, unfortunately, nothing would come of them, he was not a sucker and he needed this bottle himself.
Compatriots, joyfully:
- So, maybe we'll drink together?

Once we went with a friend to visit a distant foreign country to our friends. They picked up all kinds of delicacies, since they don’t sell them there or they are too expensive, this is always a nice gift. And another friend asked me to bring her a spoon with holes - to remove the foam from the soup. I don’t know why, but they don’t sell them there either, or she didn’t search well, that’s not the point.
We flew without problems, we stand in line for customs control and see - everyone is being shredded. Well, that's all, our delicacies cried, they will take away how to drink. The customs officer, a young guy, very smartly checks the suitcases, as if he was born for this job. As on a conveyor - opened, checked, closed, opened, checked, closed. What is doubtful - passes to his colleague for a more detailed view.
My turn comes up, opens the suitcase, and there on top, right in the middle, is this spoon. The guy changes his face, raises the spoon, examines it for a minute, then puts it exactly where it was, closes the suitcase and with some strange look, full of regret and at the same time respect, looks at me, making a gesture with his hand "come in."
Like this! A country where soup is eaten with holey spoons is invincible!

History brought from Turkey.
So. Friends persuaded me to buy a discount ticket to an awesome hotel in Kemer, which even the locals consider one of the best. Ultra all-inclusive, Chivas 12 years old, hennessy included, concerts, Roquefort for dinner, huge area, and all that. Given the cost of the room, hotel guests probably rarely use public transport.
But how can we, the Slavs, not see the surroundings, when the body can no longer withstand the harsh everyday life of the all-clusive. Therefore, my wife and I decided to take a ride to Antalya, which is 40 kilometers away. A one-way taxi costs 60 bucks, and there are plenty of minibuses for 6 bucks for two. We decided to take a ride.
On the way back, we wait at the bus stop. We look, the minibus is caught by two Russian women 45-50 years old, on whose wrists tags are fixed indicating a 3-star hotel nearby. Word for word, one of them asks, what hotel did you stay in? I see that the name does not tell her anything. Further dialogue:
- Well, how do you like the hotel?
Wishing not to offend the interlocutor in any way, I answer:
- It's okay, it's okay.
Turning to her companion, glowing with pride, she said triumphantly in her voice:
- Do you hear, they are normal, MEANING WE HAVE A CLASS IN GENERAL!
It is a pity that they left a little earlier than us, I would like to see the reaction.

My brother was at a resort in Greece. For his birthday, he rented a yacht and vacationed there with friends for several days. Everything was top notch. Only on the second day, for some reason, the toilet began to clog. And they were fed huge olives there.
On the third day, the yacht worker runs out of the toilet and, waving a huge olive pit, shouts:
No, don't throw it down the toilet! This should be thrown in the trash!
To which they replied in surprise:
We didn't throw them out...

Romance of the 80s.
We sit with fellow tourists in the forest, at night, by the fire, we yell songs with a guitar. In the tents, randomly placed between the pines on the sand, beds are made. The moon shimmers in the purple surface of an oval lake. Fiery petals highlight slender girlish shins and thighs, girls eyes sparkle like stars in an infinite universe. Tired of annoying mosquitoes? Wow, the local huntsman Grisha knows a lot about the local potions, he threw some kind of grass on the fire. Mosquitoes suddenly became gentle and harmless, even though they are the size of a dinosaur...

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It doesn't take a lot of imagination to write a great screenplay. It is enough just to look around, and life itself will throw you a plot, and even filled with such vivid details that you will doubt if this is a dream. Just read the real stories about Anatoly the fly and the grandmother who met her prince at 72 and see for yourself.

  • I met a girl on a dating site. Pretty, came on a date without delay. We sat in a cafe, and then went for a walk. We pass by the police station, she stops me at the stand “They are wanted by the police”, shows a woman in the photo and says: “This is my mother.” And then she laughed out loud and abruptly fell silent, adding: “I'm not kidding, it's really my mother. Been on the run for 6 months now."
  • My grandmother is 72, she is very active, she began to learn English at her leisure, even though everyone made fun of her. 2 years ago she met a man her age from Norway. He came to her once, but she did not introduce him to her family, fearing ridicule. A year later they got married, and she left. And yesterday they came to us: a handsome athletic man, who can’t even be called an old man, a thinner, fit, tanned grandmother in jeans and a fashionable blouse, with a haircut, eyes shining, holding hands. He speaks good English, learns Norwegian, travels. We sat for an hour and went to the museums. And my mother and I, completely stunned, were silent all day.
  • I’m on the bus, a woman comes in, asks the driver for a lucky ticket to give to my mother, who is in the hospital. And the driver, like a good fairy, gives a whole roll of tickets so that she chooses the right one for herself.
  • Due to work, I often have to return home late, through unlit streets. You can't wait for public transport after 21:00, and taxis are expensive. In addition to pepper spray, I always carry a creepy Halloween mask in my bag. When I go home in the dark, I put it on and keep the player ready with satanic laughter. So far, no one has bothered me yet, but sometimes I even wish it happened. I want to see this person's reaction.
  • When I was a teenager, I met a guy. He lived outside the city, we rarely met, because my parents did not allow me to travel so far alone. Communicated on the Internet, sometimes called up. Then the communication came to naught, there was no “official” parting. After 4 years, out of boredom, she wrote to him, saying, let's part in a good way. We laughed, remembered, decided to meet. Already 6 years together after that meeting and 10, if you count this 4-year pause.
  • We went to the forest for mushrooms. We sat down to rest, we look, there is a door in the ground, out of curiosity we went in. What we saw there shocked us: a good repair, a huge TV, video cassettes with films, a full cellar of elite alcohol, books, cigars, leather furniture, air conditioning, windows in the ceiling, a stove, expensive dishes and wiring leading to the transformer. Apparently, no one was there for 10 years. The dude has good taste and a bitch wife, as I understand it. Then I found out that this is the "lair" of our neighbor, who moved to Germany.
  • My husband and I met in the emergency room. I came in with a buttock burn, and he dislocated his leg. We have been together for 2 years, and all this time we have been haunted by the question: what to answer the child to the question, how did we meet?
  • I go in a taxi, I ask the driver:

Is that your fly or can I release it?

Leave it if it doesn't bother you - it instantly turns on. - This is Anatoly, he needs to go to Pulkovo.

  • A couple of years ago I worked in an expensive gift shop. We had a regular client - an intelligent aged man, a doctor. He bought all the porcelain clowns from us: from small ones for a couple of thousand to half a meter for a few dozen. It was known that he buys them as a gift for his daughter. Once I asked where she keeps them, as the man bought up an unrealistic amount of them. It turned out that my daughter had a whole room under them in a castle in England! She studied there and married a count. At that moment, my envy could be touched, as well as the peasant's pride for having a grandson - a count.
  • A friend managed to sneeze so hard that her eardrum burst. For a long time she considered her a model of "luckiness", until she herself yawned until her jaw was dislocated. No wonder we are best friends.
  • I work as a cashier in a supermarket. I see hundreds of people a day, they are all as one. I don't see anything spectacular. One nice guy got into the habit of going to our store, I noticed that he liked me. Always smiling, but noticeably shy. Once I was in no mood, bored, I would rather go home ... He comes in. And so I let him go at the checkout, saying the standard algorithm, and add on my own: “Do you need a cashier?” And he replies: "I need it." Twisted. I love.
  • When I was at school, after school I went with my friends to a cafe and saw my father with some blonde. She was sitting with her back to me, and dad was too engrossed in conversation and did not notice me. So much anger came from somewhere in me that I went up and poured a glass of cold water on this krale's head. She starts screaming, her eyes meet, and I see that this is my mother. She just dyed her hair.
  • Once I was walking down the street, as usual, I stopped at a traffic light, thoughtfully looked at the other side of the road, and there ... Grandmother in a nuclear-pink tracksuit and with a rooster on a leash.
  • After the divorce, my aunt's friend was drawn to extreme sports. I decided to go skydiving. The first jump - a crack in the spine. A month on painkillers, jokes “I should have gone diving, you fool!” Six months later, a call: “I’m calling you from a Spanish hospital. I got electrocuted by a stingray!”
  • I’m standing on the side of the road, then the back door of a passing van opens on the move, a box falls right under my feet, the door closes, and the car is carried away into the distance. I didn't even get scared. I open it - a full box of ice cream in waffle cups. This, of course, is not 500 popsicles from a helicopter, but luck, definitely luck!
  • Once a week I go to the market with my granny and help to buy everything you need. The last time I saw a picture of how two meat sellers quarreled over who had the best goods. One grandmother with screams threw raw stomachs at another, and her rival defended herself with a ram's head.
  • I was standing in China near a coffee shop, waiting for a friend. It's cold, it's raining, I forgot my jacket, my phone is dead, my friend is late and I don't know when she'll come, I don't know Chinese - in general, the whole set. I'm on my nerves, shivering from the cold, when suddenly a barista guy comes out and silently hands me a latte. I hesitantly reached for my wallet, but he just shook his head, handed me a glass, smiled and went on to work. No names, no dialogue, just a minute episode, but I still remember that delicious coffee.
  • Shoes stolen on the train. I slept on the top shelf, I wake up, get off at the next station, but there are no shoes. Searched the whole car. People laugh, it's fun. And I'm crying, I still have to go home on the bus, and I'm in socks. One guy helped - gave his flip flops. And here I am sitting at the station in flip flops 6 sizes larger, crying. People are squinting. It's embarrassing, and sad, and funny. Thanks to him. I will return the slippers.
  • As a child, when I had nightmares, I jumped out of bed and ran barefoot in my pajamas to my dad in the workshop. Dad is an architect, but he often painted with paints, so he rested from his main job. I ran to him, sat down in a chair, wrapped myself in a blanket and, shaking with fear, described the terrible creatures that I dreamed of ... Father listened to me attentively and at the same time drew from my words. Whatever monster I described, every time there was some nice little animal on the canvas. I indignantly told him: “Dad, he doesn’t look like that monster at all!” - and he answered in surprise: “Seriously? Sorry, can you describe it again? And as soon as I tried to remember the dream, I realized that it had almost disappeared from my memory, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Have there been stories in your life that could become a script for a Hollywood movie?

Everyone has moments in life when they overcome difficulties, and it seems that their hands are about to drop ... The stories of these amazingly strong-willed people will help many of us understand that you can cope with any situation and under any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself and to your strength!

/ Life stories

/ Life stories

The history of the creation of an amateur series about the manners and customs of the African country of Ghana and the position of women in society. Even if you are a doctor of science or, by chance, the owner of your own business, for an African man it does not matter. You are a woman, which means that you should not have a personal opinion, as well as desires.

/ Life stories

Timur Belkin is professionally engaged in photography, creates websites, develops the public “Another Odessa”, in which he covers informal events of the seaside city, conducts performances as part of the authentic La Briar theater. But today we are going to talk about the features of hitchhiking in domestic open spaces.

/ Life stories

We are the fast food generation. We have everything quickly, in a hurry: instant pictures, short SMS, express trips... A crazy kaleidoscope of events behind which you can't see the essence... Why are we in such a hurry to live? This question was asked to the heroine of the story by an old antiquarian. And the search for an answer helped the girl find her calling and taught her to value time.

/ Life stories

On the International Day of the Girl, which is celebrated all over the world today in support of equal rights, I would like to recall such an important, integral (albeit sometimes hated) part of our life as education. To get an education, for example, in Afghanistan, girls literally risk their lives...

/ Life stories

How to get into the winter in the summer, make it rain on a sunny morning and curb the wind? Why filming never depends on the weather forecast and how long does it take to put a lime in a block of ice? In the realm of the Snow Queen, they know the answers, and you will too.

/ Life stories

She looks better than flowers on a dress. With a warm look, a caramel smile. Next to her is a confident calm. She says - Vajra, and you want to listen to her. She says awareness, and it needs to be written down. And read. After all, this is yoga. And something else.

/ Life stories

"A dream needs to be lived and thought about. It needs to be allowed to grow stronger so that it does not shrink in front of public opinion and criticism. To know that it is unique only because it originates from love. From the love of photography." Let's talk about your dream of becoming a photographer.

/ Life stories

What kind of business becomes profitable, how to survive frustration, build your own reality with your own hands and want to get married right. Says a European Top 100 Entrepreneur who worked for Google and Cisco in Silicon Valley and raised $3 million in funding for her startup.

/ Life stories

Pole dance is the toughest type of dance that requires not only coordination and flexibility, but remarkable strength in the arms, abs and other muscles. Acrobatics. Stretch marks. Soldier work. Expander in hand. And love. Because how can you endure all this if you do not like this activity?