Smoothing face mask - effective rejuvenation at home. Smoothing wrinkles at home - tips from Maxilift How to remove deep wrinkles: homemade recipes

You can even out the skin relief in 2 stages: first, with a soft scrub, which will get rid of peeling and clean the pores. And just before applying makeup, use a smoothing base, it will visually “fill in” small wrinkles and enlarged pores, correct complexion and even make pimples less noticeable. Miracles!

Skin smoothing scrubs

Scrub and mask Normaderm 3 in 1 from Vichy

Vichy Peeling Scrub contains clay that tightens pores and fights acne. This tool pleases with its versatility: it is a washing gel, and a mask, and a scrub. We recommend using in the evening, before going to bed: apply for a few minutes as a mask, then massage the skin in circular motions and rinse.

Price: about 1200 rubles.

L`Occitane Immortel Smoothing Scrub


It is this scrub that is perfect for sensitive skin: in its texture it resembles milk, very soft and gentle. The main task of the tool is to even out the surface of the skin, and the scrub copes with it with a bang, leaving no redness or dryness. In the composition - extracts of immortelle (immortelle) and daisies.

Price: about 3000 rubles.

Shikhalal Choco-Mint Sparkle Scrub and Mask

A scrub mask with a pleasant aroma of mint chocolate helps to quickly cleanse the skin and make enlarged pores less noticeable. The composition of the product contains natural black clay, the use of which is simply "the doctor prescribed" for oily skin. How to make your face smooth? Leave the mask on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with circular motions, and then apply a moisturizer.

Price: about 450 rubles.

Bases and serums for smooth skin

Erborian Pink Perfect Crème PP Cream

PP cream is a relatively new invention. This tool from the French-Korean brand Erborian was created specifically to even out the relief of the skin, and at the same time give a slight natural glow. The texture is similar to a regular moisturizer, but after application, you will immediately see the result: the skin tone becomes much more even, and the pores really narrow! The composition, by the way, pleases with natural ingredients: extracts of Korean persimmon, pumpkin seeds and camellia. After a PP cream, you may not even need foundation.

Price: about 1200 rubles.

M.A.C. Prep + Prime Skin Smoother Leveling Base

This compact skin-texturing primer fills in fine lines and imperfections, leaving skin soft and visibly smoother. It contains silicon, which allows you to achieve visual smoothness. In addition, the texture of the primer is creamy-waxy, which means that before applying makeup, your skin will become like a smooth canvas: paint what you want!

Price: about 2300 rubles.

Babor Intensifier Serum

This is not just a serum, but a real SOS remedy. The product from the German brand Babor is designed specifically to improve the structure of the skin surface. How to make the skin of the face smooth? The serum evens out the relief, tightens pores and even fights pigmentation. It contains aloe vera extract, it soothes and removes redness, as well as light-reflecting particles, they visually make fine wrinkles and enlarged pores less noticeable. A very useful thing!

Price: about 5000 rubles.

Shiseido Refining Makeup Primer Leveling Base

This base makes the face very smooth, filling fine wrinkles and giving the skin a slight glow. It is noteworthy that you can use it without the subsequent application of a foundation: one primer will be enough to cover imperfections on the skin without using a tonal remedy on top. So the product from Shiseido should appeal to girls who love the latest nudeface makeup.

Price: about 1800 rubles.

Superprimer Universal Face Primer by Clinique

How to make the skin smooth and even? In the Clinique line, there are four primers for different skin types: normal, prone to rashes, dry, pigmented. The most "easy" option for normal skin allows you to bring it to perfection - to make it more matte and smooth. This make-up base contains silicone polymers, it is they that “fill in” fine wrinkles and make pores invisible, so applying foundation afterwards is a pleasure.

Price: about 1700 rubles.

Sweet Cotton Leveling Mousse Base by Holika Holika

This base was created specifically for oily and combination skin, which is most often prone to enlarged pores. That is why the texture of the product is so light - in the form of a mousse. The main caring component of the primer is cotton, which is also considered an antiseptic and helps control sebum production. As a result, the base creates an even coating on the skin: it masks pores and fine wrinkles, so that the foundation will lie perfectly on top of the product.

Price: about 1100 rubles.

Who among us does not dream of beautiful, smooth skin. Mostly young ladies have such a face by nature, but closer to 30 years old problems appear, the skin can no longer boast of an even color, age spots, scars, wrinkles.

But these problems can be solved if you use the right tools. We will talk about this in this article.

Reasons for changing complexion.

To fix problems, you need to find out the cause:

  1. Genetics is a very important factor. Some people have better skin at 40 than younger girls. And nothing can be done about it;
  2. Ecology;
  3. diet;
  4. Living conditions.

From the sun, the skin ages faster, dark-skinned ladies are lucky, they have natural protection from sunlight. And fair-skinned women should always use SPF protection.

A change in complexion can occur for various reasons:

  • age spots may appear;
  • a lack of ;
  • not tanned skin, tan hides imperfections;
  • possible presence of various diseases.

The face becomes dull if a person is constantly under stress, does not get enough sleep.

At a young age, the face has a pale pink tint, this is due to the rapid renewal of cells, new cells replace dead ones. This process slows down over the years. A thick layer of the epidermis pushes the vessels further from the top layer, as a result, they do not receive proper nutrition. Therefore, the skin begins to look worse.

Enlarged pores also affect the unevenness and darkening of the skin. This problem is especially characteristic for oily skin types. Fat causes acne, or even worse, purulent acne.

If there is a bumpy relief on the face, then it is better to just wait. If you squeeze acne, hard-to-remove spots remain in their place.

You should not put up with all this, it is worth fighting for beautiful skin with all known methods, from grandmother's recipes to cosmetologist's procedures.

How to smooth the skin of the face at home

At home, scrubs and masks will help.

First you need to choose the right cosmetics. They must be suitable for age. If you wash your face with soap, forget about it, it has a bad effect on the skin, dries it, which leads to premature aging, provokes the appearance of wrinkles, and an allergic reaction is possible.

For washing it is better to use special gels, foams. You can look at the options with scrubbing particles, these particles will cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum.

If you have post-acne, you know how difficult it is to get rid of them, due to the fact that the skin remains damaged even after healing, this slows down the regeneration process.

When choosing care, first of all, you should pay attention to the means that will make the skin recover, for example, bodyaga is suitable.

In dry form, it looks like, the difference is in microparticles, in the classic version they are round in shape, and in the bodyaga they are pointed.

It operates according to the following principles: bodyagu is applied to the face, they begin to rub in circular motions, this irritates the face, as a result of which regeneration starts. Use this wonderful remedy for 2 weeks and you will notice that the acne scars will begin to heal.

In addition to bodyagi, there are other remedies that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Almost every lady used such a beauty product as clay.

Its color is selected according to the type of skin and problems that need to be eliminated. It can be used as an independent remedy, diluted with water to a slurry state. You can also make a more complex recipe, for example, for skin whitening, take white clay, mix it with soda, take a little soda, literally on the tip of a knife, mix with water. Apply and leave on the face for 15 minutes, when the mask begins to dry, moisten with water.

From clay we get an excellent result, for a small amount of money, one package costs around 50 rubles.

Peach kernel oil is an excellent remedy for nourishing the skin. Use at night instead of moisturizer. The approximate price is 200 rubles.

This mask really has a positive effect on the skin, but it should be used no more than 2 times in 7 days. With frequent use, it can damage the deep layers of the epidermis.

Do steam baths. To do this, boil various herbs in a saucepan, for example, chamomile, celandine, sage. Immediately after boiling, remove the pan from the heat, and sit over it for 10 minutes, covered with a thick cloth. Your pores will open up and you can start cleaning them with a UNO spoon. After the procedure, treat the face with a sterile agent.

Professional leveling methods

Lots of salon treatments.

Facial cleansing can be laser, ultrasonic, mechanical. Combined cleaning is considered the best option. In the process of cleaning, wen, black dots, and impurities are removed from the skin.

The procedure is quite painful, it happens that after it wounds remain on the face, which soon heal.

Laser correction eliminates scars that remain after various mechanical damage to the skin. It relieves due to the fact that it "burns" the cells on the scars.

In general, the procedure is painless, there may be a slight tingling sensation. The skin after the laser begins to actively produce collagen, as a result of which the regeneration process is much faster.

There are 2 types, mechanical and chemical. The first type of abrasive particles relieves the skin of dead cells. The second type works with organic acids. Peeling is recommended to be done in the cold season, when the sun is less active.

Oxygen therapy fills the outer layer of the skin with gas through injections. Purified oxygen is supplied under pressure, thanks to which damaged tissues are quickly restored. This method is good for getting rid of old scars.

Acne and pimples disappear quickly with this method, thanks to the antiseptic effect of the injection.

Cryomassage will relieve acne caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Cold affects the upper layer of the epidermis.

A small layer of liquid nitrogen is applied to the face, applied with tweezers and a cotton swab. When the liquid evaporates and the beautician reapplies liquid nitrogen, this is usually 2-3 times.

The procedure is carried out at the lowest possible temperatures, it stimulates metabolic processes, the pores narrow, inflammation disappears.

After the procedure, the face may turn red or swell, but everything will return to normal within 1 hour. Be sure to apply a high SPF cream before going outside.

Biorevitalization, eliminates minor wrinkles. Skin folds are smoothed out because this injection activates the production of fiber and collagen.

This injection contains fruit acids, a huge variety of different vitamins, a composition containing enzymes.

Folk methods for smoothing the skin of the face

Cucumber mask will help your skin!

Homemade beauty products are just as effective. Some products of natural origin will give an effect no worse than salon procedures. The main thing is to combine them correctly, and spend a little time cooking. It is not in vain that entire generations of our mothers and grandmothers worked on these recipes:

  • kefir mask. Soak a cotton pad in kefir, wipe your face with it, when it dries, wipe it again. And so repeat 10 times;
  • cucumber mask. You can just cut into thin circles, or you can cook porridge. To do this, take the peel and pulp of this most useful vegetable, add 1 tablespoon of starch. Mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • honey and lemon mask Warm the honey a little, do not overdo it, you can get burned, drop a couple of drops of lemon juice into the warmed honey. Apply the thinnest layer, cover with a napkin on top, rinse after 15 minutes. Also, this mask can be used as a scrub by adding 1 teaspoon of sea salt, it will perfectly cleanse your skin;
  • egg white and yolk masks. These are 2 different masks, use separately. Protein will narrow enlarged pores and eliminate unpleasant oily sheen. The yolk will moisturize dry skin. In application, these products are also simple, smear on the face, rinse after complete drying;
  • products from the refrigerator will brighten the skin and remove unwanted pigmentation. Take half a glass of kefir and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Lightly warm the kefir in the microwave. Apply the substance on the face, walk like this for about 20 minutes;
  • for dry skin, there is an alternative option to the previous one, just change kefir for sour cream;
  • for the next recipe you need parsley and dill. Load them into a blender, grind to a mushy state, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, apply for 25 minutes;
  • for normal epidermis, we can recommend the following mask recipe. You will need 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, kiwi, banana. Turn kiwi and banana into a state of sour cream, add egg and olive oil, mix thoroughly. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes. The mask perfectly cleanses and tones the skin;
  • use in another recipe. For owners of oily skin, combine oil with sour berries, these include currants and strawberries. For beautiful ladies with dry skin, sweet-tasting fruits and berries are recommended, ideal: strawberries, nectarines, apricots. Knead, mix everything, apply for 10 minutes.

Decorative cosmetics can hide imperfections.

In the meantime, you are on the way to perfect skin, use cosmetics to mask imperfections:

  • start with the foundation, a fairly new tool in the world of beauty. Choose an individual remedy for your type of epidermis.

For example, there are foundations designed for grouting enlarged pores, mattifying for oily skin, moisturizing for dry skin.

Apply on a clean face, in a thin layer, if the product is colored, it is recommended to select a shade lighter than the foundation;

  • tonal tool. It will make your face of equal color, hide minor imperfections.

It is important to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. It looks very ridiculous when the shade is chosen incorrectly;

  • corrector or concealer. Spot masking of more serious problems that foundation cannot cope with.

They perfectly mask bruises and bags under the eyes, acne, age spots. There are different textures and colors;

  • blush. With the previous means, we have hidden all the natural shadows, created an even canvas, now we need to draw everything again. With the help of blush, you can create volume;
  • . Fixing makeup, for oily skin, this stage is simply necessary, as cosmetics quickly “come off” from it.

With such simple methods, you will immediately hide all the existing flaws.

Properly caring for your skin - you will keep the beauty for many years.

In this video you will learn how to do a deep cleansing of the face at home.

In contact with

Smooth skin is the main component of female beauty. Unfortunately, with age, we notice small wrinkles near the eyes and on the forehead. How to prolong youth and smooth the skin of the face? To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive cosmetics or seek help from plastic surgeons. In this article, you will find several recipes for effective smoothing masks that you can make yourself using simple ingredients.

How to smooth the skin of the face at home?

Use effective masks made from natural ingredients to restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin, prolong beauty and youth. Let's take a look at a few beauty recipes that you can easily make at home.

    Yeast mask. In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast and 1 tbsp. l. warm water. After a few minutes, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The anti-wrinkle remedy is ready. Apply it to the skin in a thin layer. This mask allows you to even out skin tone, reduce its oiliness. Yeast stimulates cells, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and activates collagen production.

    Nettle mask. For this recipe, you will need fresh nettle leaves. They need to be thoroughly chopped with a blender, add honey and olive oil in equal proportions. We distribute the product all over the face, excluding sensitive areas around the eyes. Such a natural cosmetic product will restore smoothness to your skin, effectively eliminate fine mimic wrinkles.

    Potato mask. The main ingredient of this remedy costs a penny, but it has a beneficial effect on the skin. Cook 1-2 medium potatoes in their skins and mash until mashed. Add 1 tbsp to potatoes. l. sour cream, olive oil and glycerin. The resulting seven is applied to the face and washed off after 10-20 minutes. This mask not only smoothes wrinkles, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates rashes and peeling.

Skin-smoothing face masks are quick and easy to prepare. They must be applied immediately, and the remains should be thrown away. It is not recommended to store the finished mixture for several days, as some ingredients may deteriorate during this time and the effect will not be the best. To achieve maximum beauty and smoothness of the skin, to consolidate the result, you need to apply a homemade cosmetic product on your face regularly - 1-2 times a week for 3-6 months.

How to smooth out a hole in the skin of the face?

After improper treatment of acne and blackheads, deep pits often remain on the skin of the face. Such irregularities look ugly, and getting rid of them is quite difficult. In this case, it is best to consult a cosmetologist who can assess the severity of the problem and prescribe medication. Small indentations on the skin can be tried to eliminate at home. For this you need cocoa butter. Apply it to the affected areas daily.

Young, smooth and beautiful skin is the real wealth of every girl. But youth quickly passes, and along with it - for some earlier, for some later - the freshness of the skin also passes, a network of the first wrinkles appears. Skin aging is promoted not only by biological age, but also by stress, bad habits, malnutrition, and poor ecology. To reduce the influence of these factors on our skin, restore its elasticity and get rid of wrinkles, a smoothing mask will help you, which every woman can do at home.

The components that make up the smoothing masks affect the texture of the skin of the face, acting in four directions:

  • restore healthy metabolism in cells;
  • restore the ability to regenerate;
  • eliminate cell dehydration;
  • block free radicals.

Experts have proven that the best components for restoring masks are products containing hyaluronic and succinic acid.

Hyaluronic acid maintains the elasticity and tone of the skin, while maintaining a balance of moisture in it. In youth, our body produces it in sufficient quantities, but with age, this ability decreases, and the skin of the face becomes drier, wrinkles appear on it.

The fact is that the smoothness and firmness of the skin is provided by the structural proteins of the skin - collagen and elastin. Elastin acts as a connecting material for collagen fibers, which are the "golden threads" of our beauty. But it is hyaluronic acid that supports the framework of long-chain protein molecules, filling the space between them, because one molecule of this acid is capable of holding up to a thousand water molecules. Under the influence of age, poor lifestyle, poor ecology, the body loses its reserves of hyaluronic acid, and its deficiency leads to the breakdown of elastin-collagen fibers, contributing to a decrease in skin tone. Losing its frame, it begins to dry and shrink, pores increase, a network of fine wrinkles appears.

In turn, succinic acid is a pronounced antioxidant and has the ability to block free radicals, preventing cell damage and genetic aging. In addition, succinic acid enhances the immunity of cells, promotes their respiration and activation of metabolism, and also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen fibers.

Thus, the components of smoothing masks containing hyaluronic and succinic acid contribute to a general global improvement in the quality of the skin: fine wrinkles disappear, deeper ones are leveled, the texture and relief of the skin are restored, its elasticity and tone increase, and a noticeable lifting effect is observed.

Smoothing face masks at home

Smoothing face masks are very easy to make at home. For their preparation, you need the most common products. For example, succinic acid is rich in kefir, curdled milk, old wine, sunflower oil, brewer's yeast, barley, rye flour, green gooseberries, apples, cherries, grapes, etc. And hyaluronic acid is found in spinach, broccoli, soybeans, brown rice, beans, red wine, red grape skins, eggshells, burdock extract and starchy root vegetables, as well as rooster combs and connective tissues of domestic animals. In addition, it can be bought at a pharmacy, but it should be borne in mind that for external use, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid should be used, the short molecules of which penetrate the skin more easily.

Smoothing masks for normal skin

Boil two small potatoes and mash them into puree, and then add a tablespoon of kefir or yogurt and one or two teaspoons of cucumber, tomato, strawberry or lemon juice to it. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply the mask on the face and, if necessary, on the neck. Hold it for twenty to half an hour, and then rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water. Make such a mask at least once a week for a month, and the result will pleasantly surprise you: the skin will smooth out, the number of wrinkles will significantly decrease.

Mash half a banana in puree, mix it with egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream. For dry skin, instead of sour cream, you can take vegetable oil, and for oily skin - kefir or yogurt. After mixing all the components into a homogeneous mass, apply the mask on your face for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. To get a lasting result and get rid of wrinkles, such a mask should be done two to three times a week for two months.

Masks for oily skin

Mix a tablespoon of kefir or yogurt, a handful of chopped parsley, a teaspoon of lemon juice and add potato starch to the mixture to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mask on your face and hold for twenty minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

Dilute in warm water 20 g of beer, you can ordinary, yeast until a thick creamy mass is obtained. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil there and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on your face for fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Beat three egg whites into foam and add two to three teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, two tablespoons of oatmeal and 3 g of pharmacy hyaluronic acid powder. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask on the face, neck and décolleté. After holding the mask for twenty minutes, remove it with a warm compress.

Masks for dry skin

Peel and grate a couple of raw potatoes on a fine grater. Spread the resulting mass evenly on gauze and apply the mask on your face. After twenty to thirty minutes, wash thoroughly with cool water or chamomile infusion. This mask helps to smooth out dry, sensitive, thin skin prone to peeling and early wrinkles. It moisturizes the skin well, helps smooth wrinkles and even out complexion. In addition, it helps to relieve puffiness.

Peel the potato and grate it on a fine grater. Add there two tablespoons of sour cream or milk and two tablespoons of rye flour. Having rubbed everything into a homogeneous mass, apply the mask on your face, and after fifteen to twenty minutes, rinse it off with cool water.

Smoothing mask for problem skin

Boil a couple of medium potatoes in their skins, without peeling, wipe them in mashed potatoes, add two tablespoons of sour cream or curdled milk at room temperature and a teaspoon of glycerin and olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply the mask on your face, and after fifteen to twenty minutes, wash your face with cool water.

For wrinkle smoothing

Mash several red or black grapes with their skins, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil and mix everything thoroughly. Instead of grapes, you can take two to three teaspoons of grape juice. Apply the mask on your face for twenty minutes, and then wash it off with warm chamomile decoction.

An effective smoothing mask for dry to normal skin

Boil one medium potato, after peeling it, and mash it with one tablespoon of kefir and half a teaspoon of linseed, almond, apricot oil or avocado oil, jojoba. Apply another warm mask on the skin of the face and neck, cover with a terry cloth and hold for twenty minutes. After that, wash with warm water.

To smooth wrinkles and even out complexion

Boil some beans, preferably red, and even better black. Grind two tablespoons of boiled beans in a blender and add a few drops of burdock extract, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of cucumber grated on a fine grater. Thoroughly rubbing everything into a homogeneous mass, apply the mask on pre-cleansed skin. Lightly massage your face for a couple of minutes and hold the mask for twenty minutes. Then wash with cool water.

A smoothing & purifying mask

Mix a teaspoon of linseed oil, the same amount of lemon juice and egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face and hold for twenty minutes and then wash it off with cool water. Such a mask not only helps to smooth out wrinkles, but also cleans blackheads well.

A smoothing & rejuvenating mask

Pour two teaspoons of flaxseed into the floor with a glass of boiling water and stir for a few minutes from time to time, and then leave to infuse for several hours, covered with a cotton napkin. Before going to bed, cleanse the skin of the face and neck, and then soak a cotton swab in the resulting infusion, apply the first layer of the mask and let it dry. After that, lubricate the skin again, repeating the procedure five times. After applying the mask, lie down for twenty minutes, completely relaxing the muscles of the face, and then wash your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin. This mask is a real beauty treatment at home. Do it twice a week for two months and your skin will tighten, rejuvenate and look much fresher.

Feb 25, 2016 abrvalg

These funds are meaningless translation of healthy foods. Olive oil of any quality comedogenic, in addition, it, like many other vegetable oils in its pure - culinary form - dries out the skin, which leads to an increased secretion of sebaceous secretion as a protective response of the epidermis. After this, if I may say “home care”, you will have to put your skin in order by a professional cosmetologist. All the other "remedies", after lying down with a wet pancake, create only the appearance of smoothing wrinkles. Any, even the most uncomplicated cream, when applied correctly (with massage movements), contributes to temporary smoothing wrinkles. So, applying day and night creams, you will massage your face not two or three times a week, but twice a day.

You can not try to improve the condition of the skin without understanding the main mechanisms of its deterioration.

Wrinkles often form as a result of thinning of the collagen layer.

o happens in the dermis - not only does not a single mask penetrate there, but not a single cream. Everything that is able to penetrate the skin deeper than the epidermis does not apply to cosmetics, and is dispensed only by prescription in a pharmacy. The so-called "pharmacy brands" of cosmetics for such drugs do not apply- it's important to know. Drugs are drugs, and cosmetics are cosmetics, wherever they are sold.

The second important reason for the formation of wrinkles is the constant movement of the muscles. The muscles are under all layers of the skin, no cosmetics, of course, penetrate there. The constant muscle movements made throughout life can even leave microtraces on the skull - when restoring the appearance from the skull (what is it), the most experienced specialists even manage to recreate the facial expression with which a person spent most of his life - well, what kind of ointments and lotions can get rid of it?

So eat for health and olive oil, and butter, and eggs - if without fanaticism, then they only benefit, but not in the face, but in the stomach.

The effect of smoothing masks on the skin

What functions can home smoothing masks perform with regular use?

  1. By activating the vital activity of cells and normalizing metabolic processes in them, the components of such masks contribute to the production of collagen and elastin in cells. The fabric filled with them stretches, smoothing out wrinkles, and becomes elastic again, as before.
  2. The smoothing face mask even affects post-acne (microscars after squeezed out acne): they become less noticeable or disappear altogether.
  3. The roughness of the skin is evened out: already after 3-4 masks the surface of the skin becomes smooth and clean.

In addition to its specific functions, the smoothing mask, thanks to its auxiliary components, also has other effects on the skin - it treats inflammation, nourishes the skin, and protects against harmful factors. Is it possible to miss such a unique chance for almost nothing and put your skin in order on your own? However, first you need to listen to the advice of experts.

Cosmetologists warn everyone who decides to use masks that smooth wrinkles at home: do not rush to do them, noticing the first mimic wrinkles in the mirror. They can be straightened with the help of conventional cosmetics. But narrowly special masks are aimed specifically at the skin, furrowed with numerous folds and cracks. They can be recommended:

  • after plastic surgery for resorption of scars and microcracks;
  • with fading, flabby, wrinkled skin;
  • at the first signs of aging, starting only from the age of 30.

If you start making these masks at an earlier age, nothing bad will happen, but the skin can get used to them over the years and no longer respond to familiar, even the most effective components. Now is the time to learn how to smooth the skin of the face by preparing a miracle remedy with your own hands.

If you're looking for a wrinkle-smoothing face mask, it's easy: choose a recipe according to your skin type and enjoy the result.

  • Yeast Smoothing Mask for Oily Skin

Dilute yeast (20 g) with plain water to the consistency of a thick cream, dilute with olive oil (a tablespoon).

  • Nettle mask that smoothes wrinkles

Not suitable for sensitive skin! Grind fresh nettles in a blender, mix (a tablespoon) with honey and olive oil (a teaspoon each).

  • Potato smoothing mask for problem skin

Turn the boiled potatoes into a puree state without peeling, mix (2 tablespoons) with sour cream and milk at room temperature (one tablespoon each), add olive oil and glycerin (one teaspoon each).

  • Bread smoothing eye mask

Problem, how to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes, is very relevant, and therefore this smoothing mask will help you solve it quickly and nutritiously. Soak the crumb of white bread in warm milk for 10 minutes, knead it into gruel, add a couple of drops of olive oil.

  • Nourishing mask for normal skin

Mix the juice squeezed from the lower leaves of aloe (2 tablespoons) with honey, which is better to melt in the amount of one tablespoon.

  • Yolk Smoothing Mask for Dry Skin

Grind the yolk with heavy cream.

  • Yolk mask for smoothing wrinkles under the eyes

Grind the yolk with olive oil until thick, moisten gauze in the mixture, apply to the eyelids at night.

  • Banana smoothing mask for aging skin

Mash the banana in a puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with olive oil and cream (a teaspoon each), bring to a density with oatmeal.

  • Grapefruit mask for oily skin

Mix grapefruit pulp in equal proportions with low-fat sour cream.

Now you can imagine how to smooth wrinkles on the face and even out the surface of the skin. This case is not so difficult if you approach it responsibly. Do not throw your face: take care and regularly smooth your skin with such masks - and you will never be disappointed with your appearance.

With age, the processes of regeneration of skin cells slow down and small wrinkles and age spots begin to appear on it. Already in order to look fresh and beautiful after a sleepless night, more effort is required. Such changes are alarming and urgently require a reconsideration of the approach to cosmetic procedures.

To remedy the situation, you can use homemade mask recipes. Their regular use will help improve the condition of the skin, even out the relief and give the skin of the face elasticity.

The main purpose of using smoothing masks is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastane. These substances allow you to correct mimic wrinkles, and therefore improve the appearance. Such a mask has a beneficial effect on micro-scars left "inherited" from squeezed pimples.

Since the mask is prepared at home and from natural products, by adding certain components, you can achieve an additional nourishing or moisturizing effect.

Experienced cosmetologists warn against the early use of such masks. The best option would be to use the smoothing procedure only at the first signs of wilting after 30 years. If small mimic wrinkles suddenly become noticeable in the mirror, then it is quite possible that only good rest and sleep are needed to bring the face in order. Early use of anti-wrinkle masks can be addictive. Nevertheless, smoothing masks are recommended for use after plastic surgery in complex therapy against scars, as well as for skin laxity accompanied by the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Why does the skin become uneven

Why do scars or dark spots remain after acne, acne, scratches, dermatitis, and other dermatological diseases? For example, if a person has a pimple, which he squeezed out incorrectly, leaving the tip in the skin, then the rash develops again, but at the same time it deepens into the skin, injuring it. Because of this, after it heals, a spot of red or purple color may appear. It will pass after tanning or gradually peel off.

The situation is worse with scars, which themselves will not disappear in any way. They may be left over from deep progressive acne or large wounds. These phenomena provoke rapid cell division and the growth of traumatic tissue, which tightens the wound. The cells of this tissue are randomly located, when the wound heals, an uneven scar remains, which has a darker color.

How to even out the skin of the face

You can even out the tone and relief of the face in beauty salons, where the specialist will be able to correctly select the desired procedure. But if there is no time and money to visit such establishments, then you can put your skin in order at home, using pharmacy preparations. But before you start dealing with facial flaws in salons or at home, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, because such procedures are prohibited for such persons:

  • people with active acne;
  • owners of dermatitis;
  • people with fresh wounds on the face.

Salon methods

Salons offer many services designed to even out complexion and remove scars or scars. The main advantage of such procedures is a professional approach, because the skin will be handled by a trained person who will be able to choose the right care and preparations for him. Below are the most effective procedures for smoothing the skin.


It is suitable for those who have an uneven complexion due to burgundy or purple marks left by pimples and acne. Before the session, the skin is gently cleansed of cosmetics, and then treated several times with liquid nitrogen. This substance has a low temperature, due to which it tones the cells, improves their metabolism, and narrows the pores.

Already after several procedures of cryomassage, a significant improvement in complexion will be noticeable, the pores will become less clogged, so the number of acne and black spots will decrease.

Attention! This procedure is contraindicated for people with very sensitive skin, children under 16 years of age, as well as those who have dermatitis, acne or wounds on the face.

Oxygen therapy

Owners of acne, small scars on the skin often lack oxygen in the skin, and in fact it is involved in tissue repair processes, normalizes cell division, evens out skin tone, and its lack accelerates the development of bacteria, increases the activity of scar tissue, changes in complexion to bluish or grey.

During the procedure, injections enriched with vitamins and oxygen are injected into the skin. These substances penetrate into cells and normalize their activity, increase metabolism. After several sessions, the skin color becomes healthy and matte, traces of scars begin to dissolve, the number of acne and blackheads decreases, and the surface of the epidermis is cleared of dead epithelium.

Laser correction

Laser is a classic way to get rid of acne marks, scars, stretch marks, scars and other skin imperfections. Laser irradiation in professional hands gently destroys tissues that require correction and stimulates the division of normal cells that fill in the remaining gaps in the skin.

It is necessary to even out the skin tone with a laser gradually, removing acne marks or scars little by little, so as not to injure the skin and not cause the formation of new scars. After a course of procedures, the tone and relief of the skin are significantly evened out, ugly scars disappear, and wrinkles do not appear so quickly due to accelerated cell division. Laser correction should not be used by people with any dermatological diseases, fresh wounds, and hypersensitive skin.

Atraumatic peeling

One of the new procedures - atraumatic peeling - has won the love of many, because it allows you to even out the tone and structure of the skin, cleanse it of acne, blackheads and blackheads, and also normalizes the metabolism of facial cells, therefore slowing down aging and preventing peeling.

An atraumatic cleansing is done with special Israeli cosmetics, the basis of which is natural fruit acids, which gently dissolve sebaceous plugs and blackheads in the pores. Thanks to vitamin C, the skin color becomes significantly lighter, and acne marks gradually fade. It is better to do this procedure not in salons, but in medical institutions, because it has many stages, each of which must be carefully controlled so as not to injure the skin and cause inflammation.

To even out the color and remove scars, it is enough to do 1 procedure per month for six months, and after that there is a break for 3-4 months. Atraumatic peeling is not suitable for people with acne, dermatitis and fresh wounds on the face. Those who have acne and blackheads on their skin should visit a dermatologist before the procedure.

home methods

Good news for those who do not have the time or money for salon procedures, but need to even out their skin. There are various pharmacy products that will help you cope with acne marks and scars at home.

Creams and other products in the pharmacy are cheaper, you can buy them almost everywhere. In terms of effectiveness, they are practically not inferior to salon methods for smoothing the skin of the face. It is important to understand that before applying any creams and ointments to your own skin at home, you need to consult a dermatologist and listen to his advice on self-care.

Daily care

Regular skin care will gradually help even out the color and texture of the face at home. The main rules are given below.

Once every 2-3 days, you need to do a gentle peeling of the face before going to bed. It is important to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream daily to clean skin. In summer, you should use a cream with UV protection.

Once a month, it is necessary to peel the skin of the face using homemade cosmetics or go to the salon.

People with problem skin should use antibacterial agents with soothing and healing components: lotions, tonics, washing gels. Any creams or ointments should be tested on the crook of the elbow or wrist before being applied to the face.

Before going to bed, all cosmetics should be carefully removed and the skin treated. Creams, lotions, tonics and scrubs should be chosen according to the type of facial skin.

By following these simple tips at home, you can significantly reduce the number of scars and dark spots, and cheap pharmacy products will help speed up this process.

Aspirin mask

Acetylsalicylic acid helps to reduce fever, relieve heart pain, and it is also necessary for self-care. It is added to various products: tonics and lotions, creams, because it has a matting and brightening effect, disinfects the skin and accelerates wound healing.

To prepare the mask, you need to take 3 aspirin tablets and pour 10-15 drops of warm water. You do not need to add a lot of liquid, otherwise the product will not be able to be applied. Keep the mask on clean skin for 15-20 minutes. For the first time, slight tingling will be felt, but over time, the face will get used to it, and there will be no discomfort. You need to make a mask 2 times a week, and after a month the tone of the face will become smoother and brighter. When the monthly course is over, you will need to take a break of 2-3 weeks. After the mask, apply a moisturizer to the skin.

From aspirin at home, you can also prepare a lotion that will replace the most expensive acne remedies. To do this, you need to take 2 effervescent tablets and throw them into a clean bottle, add 300 ml of water. The lotion is stored for 2 weeks, and you need to use it twice a day, wiping clean skin with a moistened cotton pad.

Retinoic cream

Retinoic cream or ointment contains vitamin A in its composition, which increases skin elasticity, accelerates cell division, and most importantly, has a brightening effect, therefore it evens out complexion and eliminates visible scars. It costs a penny, but is an indispensable tool for removing skin imperfections and maintaining its youth.

Apply retinoic cream after cleansing from cosmetics. No need to smear it all over the face, because the skin will quickly get used to its action, and the effect will not be noticeable. It is enough to apply the cream pointwise on dark spots and acne marks. It absorbs quickly enough if you apply it in a thin layer, so you do not need to rinse it off.

If the retinoic cream could not be found, you can use the ointment, but it is more oily, so after 2-3 hours it must be carefully removed from the skin with micellar water and a cotton pad.

Cream Mirra

Many lightening creams are quite expensive. Mirra is one of the available complexion-evening products. The cream contains mainly natural ingredients: malic, lactic, succinic acid, as well as vitamin C. Regular use of this product will not only even out the complexion, but also tighten the skin, reduce inflammation and rashes.

Dark spots and scars on the skin significantly spoil the appearance of the face, but all such manifestations must be dealt with in salons or at home, because it is not so difficult and expensive. It is important to remember that it is impossible to smooth the skin if there are dermatological diseases or fresh wounds, because then any means will injure it and only aggravate the situation.

Causes of violation of the smoothness of the dermal relief of the face

  1. Off-season period. Especially after winter, we often see a picture that the skin of the face has become noticeably rougher, covered in small pimples, bumpy, irregularities in the cheekbones and forehead area become pronounced. This is due to a lack of vitamins in the body, stressful temperature changes and weathering of the dermal cover.
  2. age factor. At a young age, our skin acquires bumps and bumps due to impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands, which produce overactive sebum and do not allow our skin to breathe normally. Fat clogs the sebaceous ducts and hardens, the closer to the exit to the surface of the face this blockage is located, the more solid it is. As a result, under the epithelial layer, it hardens so much that it is not only felt under the hands, but also becomes visually noticeable.
  3. Withering period. As we approach our 35s, all body systems begin to work in a more relaxed mode and produce the main building blocks for cells more slowly and in smaller quantities. Thus, the lack of collagen and elastin leads to the formation of creases and wrinkles on the skin of the face, which also violate the smoothness of the dermal relief. In addition, a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands leads to constant problems with the output of sebum to the surface, which is also a common cause of plugs in the fatty ducts. Accordingly, the skin acquires additional tubercles and irregularities.
  4. Insufficient hydration. Violation of the drinking regime, abuse of the sauna, frequent exposure to the sun, the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for the type of skin, the use of expired decorative cosmetics, smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages lead to the fact that our skin begins to suffer from dehydration and can no longer produce itself. many substances necessary for its elasticity and smoothness. Therefore, she begins to signal us in all ways available to her - her face becomes covered with a network of wrinkles and small creases, tubercles and so-called "prosyanki" (subcutaneous wen) appear on it.

What needs to be done to smooth the skin and restore the aesthetic appearance of the face. First, you need to normalize hydrobalance in the body. This is not only compliance with the drinking regime, but also the use of additional drugs that positively affect the moisturizing factor of the dermal surface.

Vitamins based on have a very good effect omega 3 fatty acids or taking flaxseed oil on an empty stomach in the morning.

Next, you need to make it a habit face moisturizing during the day. This is the use of cosmetics with a moisturizing factor at least 3-4 times a day, and if this is not possible - for example, makeup does not allow, then it is imperative to irrigate the face with thermal water at least 4 times a day.

Thermal water perfectly penetrates the skin without damaging your makeup, while its transdermal properties allow it to moisturize the epithelial surface very well.

Uneven facial skin requires constant application exfoliants and peels. Their use will not only help smooth the dermal layer and remove bumps, but also give the face a beautiful uniform shade. Due to the exfoliation of the dead layer, the skin begins to fully breathe, which means that all metabolic processes in it will work in full mode, producing all the substances it needs.

You can use cosmetic scrubs, gommages and peels industrial production, which are abundantly presented on the shelves of cosmetic stores, or you can make them yourself.

homemade exfoliants

Scrub for teenage skin prone to breakouts

  • Baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • Soap for children;
  • A decoction of oak bark - 3 tbsp.

Mode of application:

First you need to whip baby soap with a decoction of oak bark into foam. Oak bark has an astringent effect and will help you get rid of small rashes and inflammations.

Strong soap foam is combined with baking soda - that's it, our scrub is ready.

Exfoliation is best done in the evening when, after the procedure, we will not need to go outside. We apply our cosmetic product on the cleansed skin of the face and begin to gently massage it. Bumpy skin instantly becomes much more pleasant and smooth to the touch. This procedure can be done 1-3 times a week.

After scrubbing, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin of the face.

Peeling for aging skin

  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp;
  • Castor oil - 1 tsp

Mode of application:

We combine all the ingredients with each other and let them brew for about 5 minutes, so that the oatmeal is soaked, becomes softer and does not injure the skin of the face during the exfoliation process. It is better to take rustic, natural sour cream - this way, you will not only exfoliate the top layer, but also nourish the skin with valuable substances that are abundant in natural sour cream.

Such a scrub should not be made with a margin and stored - it is better to make a portion at a time. We apply our peeling mixture on the cleansed skin of the face and gently work the entire surface along the massage lines for 5-6 minutes.

After that, the mixture can be left on the face for another 10 minutes already as a nourishing mask. Remains are removed with a cotton swab dipped in herbal decoction or rose water.

If the relief of your skin has deteriorated due to seasonal indicators - the scorching sun, frosty air, off-season, then you can smooth out the dermal surface with the help of cosmetic masks that are easy to do at home.

Smoothing face mask

  • Grape seed oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Glycerin - 1 tsp;
  • Vitamin A in oil form - 5 caps;
  • Vitamin E in oil form - 5 caps;
  • Flaxseed - 1 tbsp.

Mode of application:

Fill the flax seed with boiling water so that the water completely covers it, and leave it to cool completely, filter.

The flaxseed jelly obtained in the process of straining is combined with oil, vitamins and glycerin. Stir until smooth and apply to the face with a cotton pad.

Leave for half an hour and wash off the mask with warm water.

Face mask that improves dermal relief

  • Banana - 40 gr;
  • Natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Corn starch - 1 tbsp.

Mode of application:

We rub the banana on a fine grater or knead it well with a fork. Mix together all the ingredients of the mask and grind them until smooth.

If the honey is candied, it must be melted in a water bath to a liquid state.

The mask is applied to the cleansed face and neck. The exposure time is about half an hour.

After the time is up, the mask must be washed off with warm water, and a nourishing cream should be applied to the face and neck.

If you have an allergic reaction to bee products, then honey should be excluded, and instead vitamins A and E in oil form, half a teaspoon of each, should be added to the mask.

home methods

You can get rid of defects not only in the salon, but also at home. It is necessary to choose the right cosmetics so that they stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells. For washing, you need to use a special gel or foam, and not soap. Since the latter violates the natural ph-balance and provokes rashes.

Get rid of scars and scars at home will help:

  • Lubrication of the face with vinegar, lemon, tomato and cucumber juice. Juices will cleanse the skin and smooth the surface.
  • Massage with almond oil smoothes the face after removing acne.
  • Sandal paste. The skin is cleaned and a mask is applied from the mass soaked in water, kept for 10 minutes and washed off.
  • Clay is mixed with water and essential oils. The face is cleansed and a mask is applied to the affected areas a couple of times a week. The course of procedures lasts 2-3 months.

To even out the relief of the skin of the face at home will help:

  • Steam baths.

Prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, celandine and birch leaves. When it boils, remove the container from the fire. The face is tilted over the pelvis and covered with a terry towel. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. During this time, the pores open well, and the scar tissue softens. Then you need to wash.

  • Coffee scrub.

It is used for peeling at home and will help even out the relief and make the skin very smooth. To prepare a scrub, you need to take finely ground coffee and a suitable cleanser. It can be foam or liquid soap. Dilute the coffee to the consistency of gruel. The composition is applied to the cleansed face except for the area around the eyes and massage is carried out with light movements. Wash after that.

  • Badyaga.

A ready-made skin smoothing agent in the form of a gel and powder is purchased at a pharmacy. It restores blood microcirculation, accelerating the healing process of scars, eliminates acne and blackheads and has a venotonic effect. Badyaga improves complexion, heals wounds and reduces scars. Apply a thin layer on roughened skin, on scars after acne and stand for a quarter of an hour. Then the composition is washed off. Badyagu should not be used for very sensitive skin. If redness appears, then the skin should be lubricated with a soothing cream.

Overview of masks

The following masks will even out the complexion:

  • For oily and normal skin, a mask based on citrus peel is suitable. In a blender, a gruel is prepared from the fresh skins of 1-2 fruits of a lemon, lime or orange. For dry and sensitive skin, the zest must first be dried.
  • Mix a tablespoon of glycerin, 20 drops of camphor alcohol and a teaspoon of baking soda. The composition is applied with a cotton swab, distributing along the massage lines. The mask is left on the face for a quarter of an hour and washed off. Next, apply a nourishing cream.
  • To prepare a yeast mask, dilute 20 g of powder in water to a creamy consistency. For dry skin, it is recommended to add 15 ml of olive oil to the mixture. The finished product is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed off.
  • For a nettle mask, a few fresh leaves of the plant are ground in a blender. Pour a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil into the mass. The composition is kept on the face for 10 minutes. The mask is not suitable for sensitive skin as it can cause irritation.
  • A potato mask is prepared from a tuber boiled in its uniform, which is ground into a homogeneous mass. Puree is mixed with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 15 ml of milk. In order for the mask to acquire stronger cleansing and regenerating properties, 5 ml of glycerin and olive oil are added to it.
  • Bread mask smoothes the skin, eliminating traces of acne and blackheads, removes wrinkles under the eyes. The composition acts very gently, does not cause irritation and redness. To prepare the mask, take a crumb of white bread. It is soaked in milk for 10 minutes. Add a few drops of olive oil to the mass and then apply to problem areas. Maintain the mask for a quarter of an hour.

Kefir or ayran will help not only improve the relief, but also even out the tone and color of the skin of the face at home. These sour milk need to wipe the face. When the first layer dries, apply the next one. So repeat 5-8 times.

These home remedies effectively even out the relief of the face and can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. Compositions prepared according to folk recipes are completely natural and quickly eliminate defects after acne has been cured.

In severe cases, smoothing the skin relief at home is difficult. Needs plastic surgery. Small defects can be masked with special means. At the same time, cosmetics are used, which are aimed at restoring and regenerating processes in tissues. Cream therapy is preferable to surgery, but will take longer. Salon treatments will help enhance the effect of cosmetics.

You can find a huge number of effective face masks on the Web. If you choose the right ingredients that suit your skin and don't be lazy, the result will not be long in coming. Experts recommend alternating masks so that the skin does not get used to them. It is also worth combining this method of care with massage, rubbing, contrast washing, face exercises.

Permanent procedures will result in:

- small wrinkles will quickly disappear;
- deep wrinkles will be less conspicuous;
- the complexion will become even, and the skin - silky;
- you will forget about dry skin;
- wrinkles around the eyes will disappear;
- bags under the eyes will disappear;
- there will be no swelling of the eyelids and face in the morning.

- If you use oils, it is best to take olive oil.
- Dairy products, as well as eggs, are worth buying "from grandmothers."
- The mask will be useful only if you keep it on your face for 20-30 minutes.
- The skin of the face is soft and thin. It is possible that some ingredient will not suit her. If suddenly you feel a burning sensation, discomfort, immediately remove the mask. No need to endure!
- Masks are applied only to cleansed and dry skin.
- It is better to wash off the mass with warm water, preferably filtered or settled.
- If your face has mimic wrinkles, then it is better to make the first masks from a young age.

It may take time before you find "your" beauty secrets. Within 1-2 months, try different options, observe the effect.

We offer several proven recipes for facial masks that smooth wrinkles.

1. Mix half a tablespoon of honey and a spoonful of aloe pulp. Warm up this mass a little and apply on the face. Wash off after 30-40 minutes. Aloe, tightening the face, reduces the number of wrinkles, and honey nourishes the skin, making it velvety.

2. Another great way to fight wrinkles is to constantly make masks from milk and grapes. You can use wine, but only good quality. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and rub the liquid into the skin. Wash off after 25-30 minutes. The procedure can be repeated a couple of times a day. In a month you will not get enough of your reflection in the mirror.

3. Any anti-wrinkle face masks that include potatoes are really good. You can try this way. Boil potatoes in uniforms and crush. Add a spoonful of milk and sour cream, mix. Pour in a teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of glycerin. Keep the mixture on your face for 30-35 minutes.

4. Use grapefruit, sour cream, carrot juice and rice flour. Take a tablespoon of each ingredient and mix. The mask tightens the face and nourishes the skin at the same time.

5. Try to resort to the tricks of the Spanish beauties. Take olive oil and a cup of beans. The latter must be soaked for several hours. Then boil the beans to soften them. After rubbing them through a sieve, add a tablespoon of oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. You should get a thick mass, which you need to apply warm on your face and wait 25 minutes.

6. Mix a teaspoon of vegetable oil and green tea with egg yolk. Add 3-4 drops of lemon juice. The mask is worn for no longer than 15 minutes and washed off with an infusion of herbs. You can take chamomile, sage, arnica, calendula.

7. Another toning mask will smooth out wrinkles in no time. Boil quite a bit of semolina in milk. While it is warm, mix two tablespoons of porridge with the yolk. Pour in a tablespoon of apricot juice and sour cream. This option is great for aging skin.

8. Cabbage juice will help those whose skin has become flabby, and age spots have also begun to appear. Simply soak cotton wool in the juice and rub it into your skin several times a day. After a while, wash with warm water.

9. An excellent anti-aging effect has ... ground turmeric. Mix 3 teaspoons of turmeric with honey and cream or heavy sour cream in a ratio of 3:1:1. The mask is applied for 10 minutes.

10. If your skin is dry, then the fight against wrinkles will be a little more difficult. Try mixing lemon juice and avocado paste. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate, it is the first to begin to age. Cosmetologists advise choosing face masks and masks for the skin around the eyes separately. Below you can find some effective mask recipes.

1. Apply cotton swabs moistened with warm milk to your eyes more often.

2. Yolk, whipped with a mixer, mix with a teaspoon of milk and olive oil - wrinkle mask ready!

3. Soak a piece of fresh white bread in warm milk. Drop 3-4 drops of olive oil on the crumb. You can buy vitamin A and E at the pharmacy. Bread is placed on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

4. Mix butter and yeast (tsp each). Gently apply the mass on the eyelids for 20 minutes.

5. Finally, cosmetologists have another great secret: lubricate your eyelids with wheat germ oil. The result will impress you!

All this is great, but what if you need to look good in just a few hours, but the appearance is not pleasing? Alas, anti-wrinkle face masks created according to folk recipes do not give instant results ... Yes, you are right. Try using the latest MaxiLift serum. Serum "MaxiLift" smoothes the skin in just 15 minutes. It is very important that cosmetics consist of natural ingredients, to which a formula with collagen and urea is added. The action of the serum lasts about 7-8 hours.