Folding cards for the new year. An interesting and original do-it-yourself folding card

Holidays are just around the corner... Have you prepared all the New Year's gifts? Do you want to try making handmade cards for your loved ones? Then for you - the next master class on making a beautiful New Year's card!

This master class is intended for children of middle, senior preschool age, as well as primary school age, additional education teachers, educators, technology teachers, parents.

Purpose: gift, decoration.
Target: make a New Year's card.
- teach children to make gifts with their own hands;
- develop fine motor skills, improve the skills of working with buttons, cardboard;
- cultivate artistic taste, accuracy.
- for such an elegant and elegant postcard, you will need buttons of different sizes, diameters, then the Christmas tree will sparkle and will seem more alive;
- thick paper for the base A4,
- a strip of white felt;
- pencil;
- scissors;
- gun, glue universal, transparent;
- colored paper;
- paints,
- brush.
Decor elements: wide braid, colored stars

1 step. We make the basis of the postcard: we divide the cardboard (or thick paper) into 2 equal parts and 1 half. Please note: you can vary the dimensions of the workpiece according to your needs. We begin to fold the card along the marked lines. Then, on the inner upper part of the postcard, glue colored blue paper in the form of a frame around the edges. In the middle, using a stencil, draw snowflakes with paints. 2 step. Then, cut out a mitten from colored blue cardboard. Glue it in the middle of the inner second sheet of white cardboard. We decorate the top of the mitten with a white padding polyester, on which we glue the stars. Glue large glass buttons in the middle of the mittens, and small glass stars around the mittens. 3 step. We take a small piece of blue embossed cardboard, glue closer to the bottom edge on the half of the white inner 3 sheets of cardboard. The side edges remain unglued. On this small cardboard, with the help of rice, lay out and glue the words: “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”. We leave the top in the form of a frame for New Year's greetings. 4 step. Glue a blue sheet of colored paper on the outside of postcard 1 sheet, then make a pencil sketch of a Christmas tree. We glue the buttons in the order in which we would like to see them. Christmas tree with buttons is ready. We glue glass stars around the Christmas tree, and a wide ribbon bow on top of the postcard. 5 step. When folded it looks like this.
The Christmas tree is ready, like our postcard! All that is missing is your warm wishes and congratulations inside. Happy creativity!

There are only a few days left before the new year, and many have not even begun to prepare for it. As a rule, basically all people are at work and begin to prepare everything almost on December 31st. Undoubtedly, busyness and constant fuss are a good reason, but you should not forget that every New Year and its meeting is something special, so you also need to be treated in a special way and with all seriousness. You can decorate the house, decorate the Christmas tree and prepare the New Year's table on the very last day, but you need to take care and stock up on gifts now. You can give anything under the Christmas tree, the most important thing is that it be sincere and with love. Even a small trifle in the form of a keychain, a piggy bank, a figurine will seem like a huge present from Grandfather Frost, and if you give something unusual, then the impressions will remain for a lifetime. Here, for example, any holiday is always accompanied by the gift of a greeting card with the words of unusual wishes. Exactly what they wish on New Year's Eve is sure to come true, so you definitely need to give a card with New Year's wishes. This master class will be very useful, which will help us make not just a greeting card, but a whole New Year's fairy tale, which we will do with our own hands using a well-known technique.

To make a folding postcard, we need:
A blank for a red postcard from a cadstock sized 15.5 * 15.5 cm folded;
Green pastel paper;
Scheme of a folding postcard;
Christmas scrapbook paper in bright colors;
Cut circles in red;
Color pictures and cards with New Year's heroes;
Stamped inscription "Happy New Year" in green;
Felled curls white and green, deer, candle;
New Year's brads;
Red Pompom Ribbon;
Lace jute white-red;
Metal pendant 2016;
White satin ribbon with Christmas patterns;
Herringbone of sequins;
Red rhinestone bow;
Printed New Year wishes;
Glue stick;
Stationery knife and scissors;
Simple pencil and ruler;
Glue gun;
Curb puncher.

The postcard will consist of two parts: the base is already ready, only we will decorate it later and the inside. Here is the inner part we are now going to produce.

According to the size of the scheme, cut out the inside of the postcard from pastel paper.

From the New Year's scrapbook we cut out such blanks.

The rest of the paper is punched and glued with a glue stick. We cut out two inscriptions with congratulations and glue them on large blanks. Now we glue all the parts with a glue stick on a pastel base.

We sew all the elements. Now cook on the top red base.

From two parts we collect two blanks 15 * 15 cm. We glue on one circle, pictures and a card, an inscription. Everything is machine sewn.

We cut two strips of 15 cm from the tape and glue it in the center on the top and bottom of the workpiece.

Recently, more and more people are turning their attention to handmade postcards. And this is not surprising: such a gift is available to many, and emotions from just one original handmade postcard lots of.

Have you tried making your own postcards? If not, it's not a problem. Today I will show you how such an unusual folding card is made. Trust me, it's easier than you think. We will definitely analyze how to make a blank for a folding card, because knowing the basics, you can then make postcards with your own hands for any holidays.

So let's go! Collecting materials:

    • A4 cardstock (a sheet of watercolor paper or thin colored cardboard);
    • scrap paper;
    • glue stick and universal transparent;
    • pencil, ruler, creasing;
    • stationery knife;
    • mock-up rug or just a wooden board;
    • silicone stamps;
    • ink pad;
    • double-sided bulk tape;
    • curly scissors;
    • small figured hole punch;
    • decor elements: flowers, butterflies, ribbons, etc.

Here is a list that came out. In fact, needlewomen have much more in their stash, but this does not mean at all that in order to make this original postcard with your own hands, you urgently need to buy everything written. The main thing is scrap paper. And the rest will be found. In this work, I used Boho Chic (First Edition) paper.

Master Class:

Stage 1. Blank for a clamshell postcard

First of all, let's deal with a complex design and make the necessary blank for a folding card.

We mark up the cardstock sheet as shown in the following figure. Please note that you can vary the dimensions of the workpiece according to your needs. When assembled, this postcard turned out to be almost a standard size of 10x16 cm (usually there are 10x15).

Using a clerical knife, we cut two horizontal strips marked in red in the diagram.

Our blank for postcards is ready. Simply!

Stage 2. We select the background for the folding card

Now we need to pick up paper for the background of the folding card. For these purposes, I used 2 contrasting prints. I indicated the dimensions of each background detail in the photo below.

Let's tint the red details around the edges. In addition, I made an impression on each small square using an ink pad and silicone stamps.

Stage 3. We create decor elements for our unusual do-it-yourself postcard

And let's start with the main inscription (this time again a birthday card). We cut out a rectangle with a length of about 10 cm from embossed paper, draw an oval on it and cut it out with curly scissors.

I got bored that everything is so simple, and I decided to decorate this blank with curly holes. Here come the stars.

The next thing I did was tinted this part of the clamshell postcard with stamping ink.

Next, cut out a slightly smaller oval and make an inscription on it. For these purposes, both a gel pen and acrylic paint are suitable. It remains to glue the red rectangle and these two parts. A congratulatory inscription for our original do-it-yourself postcard is also ready.

Another decorative element in our work is a delicate frame with a rose. It is done simply.

We cut out a rectangle with curly scissors from the same paper as the previous decor. Dimensions (approximately) 7 cm long and 4.5 cm wide.

From beige paper (this is the reverse side of scrap paper for me), cut out another rectangle of a slightly smaller size. I stamped it with a silicone stamp from the "Happy Birthday" set, so I already mentioned this set. I also recommend toning the edges.

And now we take a clerical knife and a plank or rug and cut out an oval frame.

Oh yes! Under the frame we will place our favorite red print with flowers, for which we cut out a rectangle of the appropriate size.

The turn has come to decorate our folding card with a flower. It will be a delicate rose, which I borrowed from the same set of scrap paper. Glue a piece of double-sided tape on the back of the bud. This will give our work an interesting effect.

After removing the protective layer, we attach the bud to the corner of the frame. See how playfully now the rose looks out of the window! And there was volume.

Now glue the frame itself to the base. Again, use double-sided foam tape. And here is the result. Here I also glued a dragonfly cut down with a figured hole punch and a couple of beads. And at the bottom there is a place for a flower, but we will attach it later.

So, the main decor for our folding card is ready.

Stage 4. We collect a folding card with our own hands

We glue the stamped squares and a congratulatory inscription, as well as two coffee (by the way, what is the correct name for this color?) Rectangles, as shown in the photo.

Before gluing the T-shaped blanks for a folding card, we first decorate them. I took a satin ribbon to match and a lace-wave cream contrasting color. We wrap the edges on the back of the postcard and securely fix it with universal glue.

Also, before gluing these parts, we need to think about how this original postcard will be closed with our own hands. I used the same tape for these purposes. We measure such a length that you can wrap the ribbon around the card and tie a bow.

We glue the tape itself on the front side (in the diagram, this part is on the left). And on top of it we paste our T-shaped parts. I decided to embellish them a little more by sticking a pseudo-chain of gold rings.

On the frame, as promised, we glue a textile flower. And since 2 flowers are not given on the DR, we glue the third one - a paper scarlet rose. She perfectly took root on the bottom element of the clamshell postcard.

Well, I think it’s better for you to consider everything yourself in more detail (click to enlarge):

Far side of the moon, i.e. fold-out postcards

As a rule, this moment is not paid attention. But the reverse side of a folding card is a great place to write your wishes. And you can put your logo here too. But you never know what fantasy will tell you! Therefore, the back of the postcard should also look presentable.

Of course, ideally both sides should be done in the same style. But what if there is no more such paper? But look how we get out in this situation. If you look closely, you can see that this bizarre pattern, this layering, was the result of gluing scrap paper scraps together. Scrappy patchwork straight! But in the end it turned out well, you see.

I left a place for wishes on the right, it will be covered just in the folded state, so that the birthday boy has an incentive to open this original postcard as soon as possible.

Here is such a master class. Now you know what is folding card and how to do it yourself. Hope everything works out for you! Or maybe you have already made such postcards? In any case, I will be very glad if you share your thoughts, ideas or photos of your work in the comments.

By the way, I think it's time to start creating a gallery of your, dear readers, works. Leave photos of your creations in the main album in our Vkontakte group. I have some ideas about this gallery 🙂 But for now, these are just thoughts (although they may materialize).

See you soon! Your brownie Elena

The New Year is getting closer every day. I would like to please family and friends with some unusual gift. I propose to make a postcard of an unusual shape - a "clamshell".

We will need: thick cardboard (you can use watercolor paper) - this will be the basis of the postcard; colored paper (cardboard, scrapbooking paper) matching the color of the base, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue or double-sided tape, embossing tool (creasing stick).

Let's start, for a postcard measuring 8x8 cm, cut off a piece of cardboard measuring 8x24 cm.

We divide the base of the postcard into 3 equal parts of 8 cm each. Then, on the side parts, we draw diagonals from the lower left corner to the upper lower one. Try to draw the diagonal as accurately and accurately as possible. It is desirable to draw all lines with an embossing tool or a creasing stick (a non-sharp crochet hook is suitable)

We begin to fold the card along the marked lines.

Vertical lines - "valleys", diagonal - "mountains"

Preparation for a postcard. Carefully iron all folds.

If you open the blank, it should look like this.

Let's start decorating the postcard. Cut out a square with a side of 7 cm. Cut it diagonally.

We glue our triangles on the lapels of the postcard. I use double-sided tape, you can use good paper glue or Moment-Crystal glue, it does not "lead" the paper. If you use tape, cut it with other scissors, as paper scissors quickly deteriorate from tape.

Inside we paste a square with a side of 7 cm for wishes and congratulations.

We continue to decorate the postcard. I printed out a congratulation on the printer and divided it into several parts. You can write letters or put a stamp. We stick a congratulation on cardboard, you can cut off the corners of the substrate.

To make the inscription look more voluminous, glue it on another layer of paper. We cut.

We place the words "Happy New Year" "and Merry Christmas!".

Now you need to glue the word "Congratulations". For this we use foam tape. A piece of adhesive tape must be glued to the upper left corner of the inscription. Fold the card, try on the inscription so that it is located in the middle. Then glue it on. We use adhesive tape so that the inscription rises on the base.

It is pleasant to receive an interesting surprise for any occasion and for any holiday, especially if it is the New Year. After all, New Year's gifts are interesting because they are given in a particularly festive atmosphere, we find them under the Christmas tree, which is already unusual in itself. Any gift is valuable, especially if it is given really with soul and love. It doesn’t matter what it will be, the most important thing is that there is such a surprise, so it’s important to prepare it in advance so that it would be nice to give it to you and accept it as a gift to the person you are preparing it for. The most memorable surprise is the one that is made with soul and love, namely with your own hands. Sincere wishes and warm words of congratulations can be left and written in a greeting card. New Year is a magical holiday, so the postcard should correspond to this holiday. Just right now we will make a bright New Year's card of an unusual shape using the technique. Why unusual? Because it will be made of two parts, one of which is a folding form, and the second will be like a box cover.

Sheet in a box for a pattern;
Cardboard sheets under the skin landscape format green and red;
Several sheets of New Year's paper for scrapbooking;
New Year's pictures;
A set of New Year stamps made of acrylic;
Ink, acrylic block;
Hydrangea flowers are green and red;
Red and green yarn;
Hole punch openwork;
Buttons of various shapes;
Openwork red cutting in the form of an ornament;
Red satin ribbon with golden lurex 5 mm wide;
Shiny stamens, berries in sugar, green petal, small stamens, semi-beads;
Double-sided tape, PVA glue, ruler, stationery knife, scissors, pencil;
Glue gun;
Sewing machine.

According to the diagram shown on the checkered sheet, we cut out the bases of both parts of the postcard from red and green cardboard. The diagram clearly shows the bending lines and the cut lines, which we draw with a clerical knife.

From scrap paper, first we prepare the decorations for the box cover.

Cut out two figures 9 * 18 cm from one paper. Then, from the other two, we cut out a card and individual stripes, which we make figured using a hole punch. Cut two strips of 18 cm from the red tape, glue them to the green base.

We do New Year's stamping on watercolors.

We cut out the inscriptions and extinguish along the edges. We sew pictures and stripes on a typewriter, then we completely sew the scraped rectangle to the base.

We are preparing decorations for the postcard itself, cut out the following blanks from different sheets. We also make stripes, glue pictures, stripes and inscriptions.

All glued cardboard elements are sewn separately. Do not forget to cut 4 more blanks of the following sizes: 3.8x3.8 cm, 2.8x3.8 cm and 1.8x3.8 cm.

We glue the scrap blanks to the base. We sew everything.