A five-year-old girl watches her mother give birth. The youngest mother in the world: how was the fate of Lina Medina, who gave birth at the age of five

The laws of biology tell us that gestation, the birth of a child, and, by the way, conception are possible only after puberty (i.e., the first menarche) and before menopause.

But the genetic characteristics of individuals make it possible to give birth to a child at an earlier or later date.

The world knows cases when children and old women became mothers. In this article, we will tell you about the youngest mothers in history. You might also be interested in the article about the oldest mothers in the world.

The youngest mothers in the world

Extremely early puberty in five-year-old children is a rather unusual case, but it still occurs in medical practice. In most cases, infant pregnancies are terminated at an early stage in order to avoid social stigma and negative consequences for the development of the parent child.

Lisa from Kharkov

Born at 6 years old

In 1934, information appeared about another young mother. 6-year-old Lisa from Kharkov got pregnant from her own grandfather. She carried a healthy baby girl, whose height at birth was 50 centimeters and weighed 3 kilograms.

The low financial situation of the family did not allow hiring a qualified surgeon who would “procesarize” the baby. A six-year-old Ukrainian woman had to give birth naturally with little or no anesthesia. Unfortunately, this story did not end as well as Lina Medina's. The baby died during childbirth - Liza's umbilical cord fell off prematurely.

Hilda Trujillo from Peru

Born at 9 years old

Another case, and again the scene is Peru. At the end of 1957, 9-year-old Ilda Trujillo gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kilograms in a hospital in Lima. Ilda's mother noticed her daughter's swollen belly back in the summer. The doctor's diagnosis simply shocked her - the doctor stated that the baby was pregnant. It turned out that the girl's cousin, a 22-year-old young man who lived with the girl in the same room, became the father. He was arrested the same day, as soon as his parents found out about Ilda's pregnancy.

The youngest mothers of the XXI century

"Underage" motherhood is also found in the 21st century.

A young mother from the Apurina tribe

Born at 9 years old

In July 2006, a 9-year-old Indian girl from the Apurina tribe became a mother. It happened in the capital of the Brazilian Amazon - Manaus. The pregnant girl was sent to the hospital in April, and then only after a group of researchers saw her disproportionately huge belly in her native village.

In the hospital, the expectant mother was found to have a whole bunch of dangerous diseases: pneumonia, malaria and anemia. She did not hear the doctors and did not react in any way to what was happening around - the baby had giant sulfur plugs in her ears, which had to be removed in the hospital. However, her daughter was born healthy, although not very large: 42 centimeters and 2.2 kilograms.

Pregnant girl from China

In 2008, Kang Mengru, a one-year-old orphan girl from an orphanage in China, was found to have an embryo in her stomach. However, the doctors were not surprised by this fact: it turned out that during gestation, the girl “absorbed” her twin. At the same time, the trapped fetus did not die, as it retained contact with its sister and continued to receive nutrients. Such cases (there is even a special term for them - "embryo in the fetus") are quite rare: about 1 in 500 thousand "twin" pregnancies.

The youngest mother in the world - Lina Medina from Peru

Gave birth at 5 years, 7 months and 21 days

The earliest pregnancy recorded by doctors was found in a native of Peru, Lina Medina. The girl was born on September 27, 1933, and at almost 6 years old she became the youngest mother in the world. This "record" is still not beaten.

Five-year-old Lina was brought to the hospital by her parents, who were concerned about their daughter's enlarged abdominal cavity. At first they believed that the girl had a tumor. After examining the doctors, they discovered that Lina Medina was seven months pregnant. The girl's mother confirmed that Lina's first menstruation began at the age of three. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took the expectant mother to Lima, the capital, so that the pregnancy was confirmed by other specialists.

A month and a half later, on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. The operation was inevitable because of the girl's still undeveloped pelvis - in a natural way, the baby would simply not be born, most likely, the young mother would also die. The surgery was supervised by Dr. Lozada and Bussleu, and the anesthesia was provided by Dr. Colretta.

The newborn, who at the time of birth weighed 2.7 kilograms, was named after Dr. Gerardo. As they grew older, the boy was told that Lina was his sister. The fact that she is actually his mother, Gerardo found out at the age of 9.

How exactly Lina Medina became pregnant has not been documented. Of course, the authorities could not ignore such an egregious case, and at first they accused the father of molesting his own daughter. However, the charges were subsequently dropped - the examination showed that the girl was a virgin.

The most plausible version seems to be that the pregnancy occurred due to the poor level of hygiene in a poor Peruvian family. Lina herself was silent all her life about the circumstances of fertilization.

It is known that Medina later married a young man named Raul Gerado, from whom she gave birth to a second son in 1972. The family lived in a poor area of ​​Lima known as Chicago Chico ("Little Chicago"). Lina Medina died in November 2015, outliving her eldest son by almost 40 years - he died in 1979 from bone marrow cancer.

And about who became the youngest parents in Russia, you can find out in this article.
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Peruvian Lina Medina is the youngest mother in the world: at the age of 5, the girl became pregnant and a healthy baby was born. Here is her story.

In 1933, a girl appeared in a family of ordinary workers, named Lina. At the age of 5, the child's belly began to grow, the family turned to doctors for help.

Doctors believed that the baby had a tumor, but the examination gave a shocking result: Lina is pregnant, and is in her 7th month. One of Medina's doctors took the child to another clinic in order to make sure that the baby was expecting a child at that age. The doctor's name was Gerardo Losada.

After 40 days in 1939, Lina gave birth to a healthy boy. Naturally, a caesarean section was performed. The child was born 2700 grams, no health problems were found. The name was given in honor of the doctor - Gerardo.

During the procedure, the doctors were shocked that the child's genitals were, despite their age, like those of an adult woman. They were developed and ready for pregnancy, gestation, and childbirth.

The child's period went at the age of 8 months, but according to other sources - at 2 years old. At the age of 3, they went to Lina regularly and became the norm. Doctors decided that the child had premature maturation of the genital organs.

Boy's father

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the question arose of who dared to sleep with a 5-year-old child? Who is the baby's father?

Naturally, immediately after the birth, law enforcement agencies arrested the girl's father, but due to lack of evidence, he had to be released soon.

Lina herself did not say anything: she never talked about how it happened and who is the boy's father.

There is also information that the traditions of local residents are to blame for the pregnancy of the child. In the village where Lina lived, there were holidays ending in mass orgies. Most likely, a child took part in one of these orgies.


Dr. Gerardo felt responsible for Lina. He gave her the opportunity to get an education, and after a while the girl was already working as a secretary in his hospital. He also helped Gerardo Jr. with schooling.

But the doctor died of cancer at the age of 40. A couple of years before her death, Lina got married to Raul Jurado. A couple of years later, they had a child.

Little is known about the future of the youngest mother: she worked and lived with her husband in a poor Peruvian area.

Rumors also surfaced that this event was a fiction, but there is material evidence of what happened in the form of documents and photographs of Lina. Plus, if it really was a fiction, then the family would not be silent about it. The girl herself never spoke to reporters and never revealed the name of the father of her first child.

Who became mothers in childhood, quite a lot. It is also worth considering that most of these incidents are carefully hidden in order to avoid censure and shame. Lina Medina is the youngest mother in the world, whose pregnancy is officially confirmed by medicine, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Lina is a girl who became a mother at the age of 5

On September 23, 1933 (also the 27th) in the Huancavelica region of Peru, a girl, Lina Vanessa Medina, was born, then no one knew that in 4 years she herself would become pregnant. When Lina was 5 years old, her parents, Chiburelo Medina and Victoria Lozeya, took her to the hospital. They were worried about a strong increase in the abdominal cavity of their daughter.

Initially, the doctors suggested that the tumor, but it was soon found out that she was not sick, but. A month and a half after going to the doctors, at the age of 5 years and 7 months, Lina Medina gave birth to a healthy boy weighing 2.7 kg and 47 cm tall, who was named Gerardo.

Medical Facts About 5 Year Old Mom

Viktoria Lozeya, the mother of a 5-year-old mother, almost immediately after birth noticed too rapid development of sexual characteristics in her daughter. According to her, Lina's first pubic hair appeared by the age of 3 months, at 8 months she had her first menstruation. At the age of 4, the girl began to develop breasts. By making a simple calculation, you can understand that it was at this time that the girl became pregnant.

When the local doctor Gerardo Lozada came to the conclusion that the girl was pregnant, he could not believe the obvious facts and sent Lina to the capital's doctors, who agreed with the diagnosis. Doctors confirmed all of Victoria's observations, in a report compiled on this occasion, it is written that at the age of 5 the girl's ovaries were like those of an adult woman, and there was also an expansion of the pelvic bones. However, this did not contribute to natural childbirth, the boy was born by caesarean section.

There is a photo of 5-year-old Lina, which fully confirms the fact of pregnancy, it also shows a fully formed breast.

The life story of the youngest mother and her first child

Lina Medina never had contact with journalists, who, by the way, were very annoying. She refuses to give any interviews, especially regarding her early pregnancy. Therefore, the public does not know under what circumstances Medina became pregnant and who can be called Gerardo's father.

According to one version, Lina became a victim of orgies, which are still common among the Peruvian Indians, especially in the village where the girl grew up.

It is known that for the first 10 years of his life, Gerardo considered Lina his sister, and only at the age of 15 he was told who his mother really was. The young mother was greatly supported by the doctor who took delivery, Gerardo Lozada, after whom, by the way, the newborn was named. He helped to get an education and work not only for Lina, but also for her son.

Married Lina married Raul Jerado, together they live in a poor area of ​​\u200b\u200bLittle Chicago. In 1972, a woman gave birth to the second child in her life - a boy. Her first-born Geranardo, despite unusual circumstances, grew up a healthy man, but still died early due to a disease of the bone marrow.

It is sad to realize, but there are children in the world who were not destined to play enough with toys, they lost their childhood too early. And all because they themselves became parents.

The laws of biology, and even morality, say that a little girl plays with dolls, a young woman gives birth and raises children, and a grandmother nurses her grandchildren with pleasure. But this is not always the case. A very young girl becomes a mother, and playing with dolls is replaced by caring for a baby. Whether this is true or not is not for us to judge. We just collected for you a few stories about the youngest mothers and fathers, and their difficult fates.

1. The youngest mother in the world

The earliest pregnancy and the earliest birth were recorded by doctors in 1939. The youngest mother was a 5-year-old Peruvian girl, Lina Medina, who was born in September 1933. Her "record", fortunately, is still not beaten. Lina's parents brought the girl to the doctor for a checkup, concerned about the girl's belly enlargement, suspecting the worst. On examination, the doctors found that the girl was in her seventh month of pregnancy. Lina's mother confirmed that her daughter's first menstruation began at the age of three. On May 14, 1939, Lina Medina gave birth to a boy by caesarean section, which was necessary.

The boy who was born weighed 2.7 kilograms and was named after Dr. Gerardo, who performed the operation. All responsibilities for raising the child were taken over by Lina's parents, and until the age of 9, Gerardo considered Lina his sister. Who was the father of this child, no one knows to this day. Lina herself never talked about it. Already an adult, she married and in 1972 gave birth to a second child. The youngest mother in the world died in November 2015, outliving her eldest son by almost 40 years. Gerardo died in 1979 from brain cancer. Cases of such early puberty in girls are extremely rare, but still this fact is not isolated.

2. Little Lisa from Kharkov

The story of this little six-year-old girl is sad and tragic at the same time. In 1934, the earliest pregnancy was recorded in the USSR. The sad thing is that Lisa got pregnant from her grandfather, who lived with her and her parents. The grandfather "looked after" the baby when her parents were at work. In 1934, in the USSR, caesarean sections were extremely rare due to the risk of infection. Mass production of the first antibiotic began, as is known, in 1943. Therefore, Lisa's birth took place naturally. It is even hard to imagine what this little girl went through during childbirth. Despite the fact that the newborn boy was healthy and full-term, he died during childbirth - Liza's umbilical cord fell off prematurely.

For obvious reasons, the girl's parents changed their place of residence. It is only unclear that the same grandfather went with them to a new place of residence. The further fate of Lisa is not known for certain.

3. Hilda Trujillo

Another Peruvian girl, Ilda Trujillo, became a mother at the age of nine. She gave birth to a girl in a Lima hospital in late 1957. The baby was born weighing 2.7 kilograms. It turned out that the girl's father was the 22-year-old cousin of Ilda, who lived with the girl in the same room. The young man was arrested on the same day that his parents found out about Ilda's pregnancy.

4. Valya Isaeva

This girl became a mother at the age of 11 in 2005. All the newspapers wrote about her story, and the girl was invited more than once to participate in various television programs. While studying in the 5th grade, Valya began dating a lodger from Tajikistan, Khabib, who was barely 17 years old. Soon, law enforcement agencies found out about the girl’s pregnancy and a criminal case was opened against the guy. The public, which came to the defense of young parents, helped save him from prison. Valya and Khabib lived together, raised their daughter Amina. After Valya turned 17, the young people got married, and their son Amir was born. Khabib Patakhonov from Tajikistan can be safely called one of the youngest fathers.

5. Nadya Gnatyuk

This girl from Ukraine also became a mother at the age of 11. She gave birth to a girl, Marina. Despite the fact that Nadia's own father became the baby's father, the girl was born healthy and full-term. The court sentenced the rapist father to 10 years in prison. After some time, Nadia got married to 24-year-old Valery and gave birth to a son, Andrei, again becoming a mother at the age of 14. True, she could not finish school.

6. Maria from Romania

Romanian gypsy Maria became a mother at the age of 11. And this only confirms the fact that early childbirth among gypsies is rather the norm than the exception. After all, the girl's mother gave birth to her at the age of 12. Maria gave birth to a healthy boy, and her mother became the youngest grandmother at the age of 23.

7. Veronika Ivanova

A young Yakut girl became a mother at the age of 12. She managed to hide her pregnancy until the last moment due to the fact that she was always a little chubby girl. Parents, teachers and classmates believed that Veronica just gained a little weight. The reason for this weight gain was found out only before the very birth. The father of the child turned out to be a 19-year-old guy, previously convicted of drug distribution. This time the young man went to jail for molesting a minor. Veronica is raising her daughter and lives in a civil marriage with another man.

8. Schoolgirl from the UK

Another young mother lives in the UK. She was 12 years old when she gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 3.175 kilograms. The father of the baby is recognized as a friend of a schoolgirl who lives next door. Relatives of the youngest parents supported them. Young people hope to continue to be together and take care of the child. And when they reach the right age, they plan to get married. While the students continue their studies, their names are not disclosed for ethical and legal reasons.

9. The youngest parents from China

This story takes place in China in 1910. It was so incredible that at first the doctors themselves tried to hush up the fact of the birth of a child from two children. When the baby was born, his mother was 8 years old, and his father was 9 years old. But can you hide this? Ultimately, these two children received their rightful page in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest parents in the world.

10 Sean Stewart

In January 1998, schoolboy Sean Stewart became a father in the UK at the age of 12. His 16-year-old girlfriend Emma Webster gave birth to his son. Initially, young parents raised the child together. But soon Sean was no longer interested in both his son and his lover. After some time, he landed in jail for several months, and Emma got married.

11. Alfie Patten

Becoming a father at the age of 13, this handsome boy became a star in Britain. His girlfriend, 15-year-old Chantal, gave birth to a girl. Alfie showed maximum responsibility and from the first days he began to diligently look after the baby. Unfortunately, this story did not have a happy ending. According to the results of a DNA test, the girl's father was not Alfie, but another boyfriend of Chantal, 14-year-old Tyler Barker. Alfie's mother admitted that her son cried for a long time when he found out about this. After all, he is, in fact, still a child himself. But will he be able to believe in sincere feelings again as an adult?

12. Nathan Fishburne

Another young father from the UK. This is Nathan Fishburne, who had a child at the age of 14. His son, Jamie, was born to him by his age, April Webster. The young father admitted that the young people did not plan this pregnancy, but he is glad that this happened.

In the spring of 1939, an anxious family from a small village in Peru brought their five-year-old daughter to a doctor in Lima. The girl's belly had been growing for several months, and her parents were afraid that she was seriously ill.

Specialists examined the little patient and made an unequivocal "diagnosis": pregnancy, seven months.

And six weeks later, at the age of five, Lina Medina became the youngest mother in history. Due to the size of the pelvis, the girl had a caesarean section performed by three doctors at the Lima clinic.

The operation was successful, a healthy boy weighing 2.7 kg was born and was named Gerardo, in honor of one of the doctors who delivered the baby.

This unprecedented case became a real sensation that attracted the attention of the public. Doctors tried to find an explanation for such a unique case, the authorities wanted to find the culprit of the "immaculate conception", and journalists - an unusual story for newspapers.

A case of early puberty

For pediatricians and endocrinologists of that time, this situation came as a complete surprise. According to statistics, cases of precocious puberty occur in one child in 10,000. Girls reach early puberty more often than boys, around the age of 8 years.

However, Lisa's tests showed that she reached puberty much earlier. Menstruation began in a girl at the age of three.

But even precocious puberty does not fully explain Lina's pregnancy. The child must have a father, and he was clearly not the same age as Lina.

Who is the father of the child

Lina herself never named the father of the child and did not tell anything about the circumstances of conception. Perhaps she herself did not really know what had happened.

After the publicity, police arrested the girl's father for rape, but he was quickly released due to lack of any evidence to support the charge.

He himself strongly denied the fact of incest, and relatives suggested that the girl could have been raped when she went to the river alone to wash clothes.

When Lina Medina's fortune became public knowledge, newspapers offered the family thousands of dollars for interviews and photographs. However, the family and Lina herself avoided any interviews and contacts with the press throughout her life. And she always refused to deal with journalists and television programs.

What happened next?

After giving birth, the baby and mother went home to their village of Tikrapo.

Until the age of 10, Gerardo grew up thinking that Lina was his older sister.

“She gave birth, but remained a child,” explains Dr. Juan Falen in an interview with Reuters, “early puberty did not change her ability to think.”