A bird made of cones and plasticine. DIY crafts from cones for kindergarten on the theme of autumn

It is unlikely that there are people in the world who do not know what cones are. But, how many of you know that from such a unique natural material you can create original crafts from cones? It is enough to find a little time, a little desire and, of course, bumps. With a little imagination, your home will be decorated with unique decorations.

Before you start creating, you need to learn some secrets:

  • - cones change their shape in heat, they open. In order to fix the shape of the cone, before starting work, you need to lower it into a warm solution of wood glue. Approximately 30 seconds, and then dry. Thus, deformation of the finished product can be avoided.
  • - to change the shape of the cone, it is soaked in water. After that, the cone is tied with a rope, giving the desired shape, and dried.
  • Knowing these simple rules, you will always create neat and beautiful crafts.

Children's crafts from cones

Pine cones are a great craft material to make with your kids. It is enough to go to the forest once, and you will have enough cones for crafts for the whole winter. It remains only to figure out what of these cones can be made with the children. Here are some simple ideas for you:

Fairy from a cone

Squirrel from cones

small trees

bear cubs

Children skiers

cone tree

Bunny from cones

Cone Penguins


Squirrel from cones

hedgehogs from a cone

Other crafts from the autumn gifts of nature:

— Crafts from chestnuts, spikelets and other gifts of nature
— Crafts from autumn leaves
- Crafts from acorns
— Crafts from a pumpkin
- Crafts from twigs and twigs
- Crafts from dried flowers

Christmas decorations from cones

Often, cones are used to make decorations for the new year, hanging pine garlands around the house, improvised Christmas trees in pots. Cones allow you to create almost the entire New Year's decor from them. The easiest way to make golden cones and decorate your home with them:

We breed glue

Sprinkle with glitter

Leave to dry

We decorate the house with golden cones

Cones have many advantages:

  • is a pure natural material,
  • - give a pleasant coniferous aroma,
  • – work with cones is an opportunity to have a rest together with children,
  • - saving money on expensive toys for the holiday.

Pine cone pendants

The simplest Christmas decoration is a pendant, which is easily made from a single cone and a satin ribbon.

Bumps on the windows

Door hanger

wall hanging

Bumps on the chair

Christmas decorations from pine cones

A great idea for cone crafts with kids is Christmas decorations. First, you do some crafts together with your child, and then decorate the Christmas tree, chandelier or other interior elements of your home with them. Here are ideas for Christmas decorations from cones:

Cone Animals

We decorate the Christmas tree with cones

Santa Claus from cones

Silver cones

Christmas wreath of cones

Another great idea is to make a Christmas wreath out of pine and spruce cones, which you can use to decorate the doors or walls of your house. Also in this wreath you can add dried flowers, ribbons and other elements to create your own piece of art.

Spruce and pine cones are great materials for creating crafts and decorating your home. Natural raw materials from the forest not only look original, but also have a pleasant coniferous aroma. Handmade products will become an original decoration for the New Year holidays.

When collecting, it is better to give preference to clean material without dried resin and insects. Remains of dirt can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution.

The internal cavity of forest coniferous raw materials is cleaned by soaking it in vinegar essence, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. After processing, the scales may close, but their shape will remain original.

To create crafts from closed cones, it is recommended to collect material in autumn and in sunny weather. This is due to the fact that the procurement material will be well cleaned and dried. October is the best period when the raw material is moist and the covering scales are tightly closed. Here you can also find cones of non-standard shape.

Tools for the job

In addition to forest raw materials, auxiliary tools will be needed to perform artistic work, of which the most commonly used are:

  • scissors– must be with blunt ends for the safety of children;
  • awl or a large needle - a tool made of durable material is welcome, always with a thread passed through the eyelet;
  • simple pencil- needed for line or contour drawings;
  • paints- necessary for the design of the intended toy or decor, preferably gouache;
  • brushes- softer for painting products, hard - for glue;
  • stack- designed to form the surface of clay or plasticine in creativity;
  • tongs or pliers- used for screwing wires and hooks;
  • clear nail polish- gives the finished product strength and smoothness.

Accessories that are dangerous for a child should only be used under supervision or with the help of an adult.

It is important that the teacher or parent knows the features of working with devices and, as necessary, introduces the child to them.

In the process of needlework, several methods are used to attach elements to each other:

  • Plasticine- the most accessible and easy way for children to connect parts. To make it inconspicuous on finished products, you will need to choose a color similar to the fastened material. In addition, with the help of plasticine it is convenient to “revive” animals by blinding their eyes, nose and paws.
  • Glue transparent "Moment"- a durable option for connecting elements when working with cones. Glue is applied to the parts to be fastened and pressed tightly against each other for a few seconds. This stage of work is recommended to be performed by adults so that the child does not inhale glue vapors.

Crafts from cones are best held together with Moment glue
  • thin wire- will be needed in the manufacture of certain types of crafts - baskets of cones, a New Year's wreath.

Rarely use toothpicks. The material smeared with glue can serve as a fastening of the torso and head.

Processing cones for crafts

When open cones are needed during creativity, they should be dried well. You can collect natural blanks in the spring after being freed from seeds. It is important to note that open instances do not change their shape.

If it is necessary to use an unopened type of cones in the work, then after cleaning the scales, it is treated with glue. You can use ordinary PVA glue or wood glue.

Less often, crafts need raw materials of a curved shape. To obtain the desired workpiece, it is left in boiling water until it becomes elastic, and then the desired appearance is formed, securing it with an insulating tape.

The material intended for the manufacture of figures must be clean and dry. Cones that have been previously processed should be thoroughly dried.

There are 4 drying methods:

  • Outdoors- choose a dry, well-ventilated place, cover the surface with paper and leave for 2-3 weeks.
  • in a frying pan- raw materials are laid out in a cast-iron dish, left on a minimum heat and, periodically turning over, bring to readiness.
  • In the oven- put foil or parchment paper on a baking sheet, distribute the cones not too close to each other and hold for 30 minutes at a temperature above 200ºС.
  • In the microwave- the glass surface must be covered with napkins, lay out the blanks and put the appliance at maximum power for 1 minute.

Pine cones take longer to dry than spruce cones. In addition, due to the lightness and volatility of the seeds, it is better to prepare them in a large and tall box.

Illiterately processed elements can deform over time. Spruce cones are especially susceptible to external changes.

In order for the result of creativity to remain in perfect form, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. boil the assembled blanks for 30-40 minutes;
  2. remove accumulated moisture by drying;
  3. carefully process the finished material with carpentry glue;
  4. if it is necessary to obtain light cones, soak the raw material in a container with universal bleach.

Natural raw materials after heat treatment will become clean and safe. Crafts from cones with your own hands can be covered with paint of the desired color, varnish or artificial snow. The choice will depend on the intended decoration.

In some cases, when performing artistic work, it becomes necessary to drill or cut the material. With such an impact, the scales of cones, especially in spruce ones, break and crumble. To keep them intact, you need to hit the center of the workpiece as accurately as possible with the tip of the drill and deepen it with rotations without any effort. The resulting hole is covered with glue.

The principle of processing and creative work with spruce and pine cones is identical. The only difference is that crafts made of spruce material will have an elongated shape.

What other materials can be used

In addition to cones, there are many more natural materials that can be combined with cones - bright leaves, chestnuts, pebbles of various shapes, acorns - excellent improvised means for children and adults skill. The combination of raw materials of various shapes and textures will allow you to create an artwork of any size.

In art crops, nuts, matches, threads are also successfully used or other handicrafts. Additional elements will make the work more realistic and creative, breathe life into animal figures. Experts assure that the combination of artificial and natural parts is welcome in any skill.

Craft Ideas for Kindergarten

Crafts from cones are a good solution for decorating the interior on the eve of the New Year holidays. From the available components, you can make something new and interesting with your own hands at any time. Creating original crafts is an activity for the whole family.

Christmas tree

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree is the main work before the New Year.

To make a figure you need:

  • cones of various sizes;
  • glue gun;
  • paint can;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

At the first stage of mastery, a cone with a base should be formed from cardboard. Thoroughly cleaned and dried buds need to be sprayed with paint. If desired, raw materials can be left in their natural form.

Next, you should select the largest cones and, using a glue gun, starting from the base, glue the lower part of the cone in a circle. Moving to the top, the material is used in smaller and smaller sizes. As a result, small elements remain for the peak of the cone.

The process of making a Christmas tree ends with its decoration with sparkles, beads, ribbons. It is important when decorating with taste to choose colors.


Crafts from cones with your own hands can be made in any size: as a desktop souvenir or a garden figure. They will captivate children in creativity, developing perseverance, diligence and imagination. Even a child can cope with the proposed bear design.

Materials for creativity should be prepared in advance (table 1).

Table 1

No. p / p Number of cones Purpose
1 1 PC. big torso
2 1 PC. smaller Head
3 4 things. medium Paws
4 2 pcs. small Ears

All elements must be assembled by fixing them together with glue or wire. From plasticine you need to fashion eyes and a nose. The cone bear is ready. You can decorate a new product with a bright ribbon bow.

Cone candlestick

A small project of a New Year's candlestick attracts with its simplicity and originality. A preschool child will cope with the original idea.

To create it, you need a minimum set of raw materials and tools:

  • wax candle - it is recommended to take a wide one;
  • cones of small size;
  • cardboard or strong paper;
  • glue.

The prepared candle must be wrapped with cardboard and fixed. The paper should adhere well and fit snugly against the walls of the candle. Next, the base of each cone is smeared with glue and attached to the workpiece.

To give the candlestick brightness, materials are pre-painted with paint or sparkles are sprayed on them. Candlesticks in a hurry can be made in advance or on the eve of the New Year.


Using the gifts of nature and decorative elements, you can create exciting children's toys. For their manufacture, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, as well as artificial elements are used.

Creativity begins with the preparation of the necessary components. In that work you will need open pine cones and plasticine: black and white.

For decorating a hedgehog, decorative elements and colored plasticine are used.

Step by step execution of the figure:

  1. From a small piece of white plasticine, it is required to form the muzzle of the animal and attach the blank to the flat part of the cone.
  2. Next, you should revive the toy by making ears, and from black plasticine - eyes, nose and paws.
  3. Taking multi-colored plasticine, you need to fashion mushrooms and apples. Fruits are pricked on the back of a hedgehog.

Crafts from cones with your own hands can be identified as a fun toy for a baby or a nice souvenir for loved ones.

New Year's wreath

New Year's wreath is the most beautiful decoration made of fir cones.

Making decor, if you follow the step-by-step instructions, will not take much time:

  1. Newspapers must be rolled into a ring, rewound with wire - this will be the basis of the product.
  2. Wrap the resulting ring with a beautiful fabric (organza) and fix the ends with a glue gun.
  3. Fir cones are attached to the frame around the entire perimeter.
  4. The resulting wreath can be decorated with rain, beads or ribbons.

Spruce blanks can be prepared in advance by decorating them in gold or silver. While maintaining the natural look, the material is supplemented with green twigs with red ribbons. Spruce decor looks more spectacular if it is sprinkled with sparkles.

To simplify the process of creating a New Year's wreath, you need to take a ready-made base as its basis. A separate item can be purchased at any craft store.

In this case, creativity begins directly with the attachment of processed cones and decoration of the product. Creativity can be diversified by adding materials such as chestnuts, acorns or nuts.


Making a garland begins after preparing the cones. For creation, large and open blanks are best suited. Cleaned from dirt and painted with the desired paint, the materials must be strung on a tape, observing the same distance between the elements.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to measure the distance in the room where the garland will be placed.
  2. Next, cut the tape in accordance with the measurements, leaving a small margin for sagging.
  3. Lay out the cones and mark their location on the tape.
  4. Holes are made in the marked places, and loops are sewn on the ends of the tape for hanging.

Now you can start processing. It is necessary to carefully break out the top row of scales, coat the treated area with glue. Next, screws with hooks are screwed into the center of the workpiece using pliers. Finished products are hung on a tape, combining in color, shape and size.

Crafts can be created in the evenings with the family. Original figures and decor items made of cones are an occasion to reveal the creative abilities of a child and make New Year's gifts with your own hands.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about creating fakes from cones with your own hands

Crafts from cones - the best ideas in this video:

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Do you have a bunch of bumps and don't know what to do with them? Why not use them for children's creativity? They are so pretty and easy to work with. In this material you will find 11 step-by-step master classes on making children's crafts from cones, as well as from improvised and natural materials.

  • If you want the cones to be absolutely clean and dry, then before starting needlework, clean them with a brush, then put them in the oven to bake at a temperature of 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Wait for them to cool and start making crafts.

You will need:

  • Pine or any other round, not too elongated cones;
  • Plasticine (brown, beige, orange or yellow color is equally well suited for sculpting the muzzle and legs, and black plasticine is better for the tip of the nose);
  • Hedgehog eyes can be made from plastic doll eyes (available at craft stores), black beads, or black plasticine.

Master Class:

Step 1. Roll a small ball out of plasticine, then stretch it out a little and form a muzzle.

Step 2. Roll up one small ball of black plasticine and place it on the tip of the muzzle.

Step 3. If you want the hedgehog to have ears, just roll two small balls from the same plasticine that the hedgehog's head was molded from, and then stick them in the right places.

Step 4. Now roll 4 sausages about 1.5-2 cm long.

Step 5. Assemble the figure as a constructor and stick eyes on the muzzle. Voila, your hedgehog is ready!

By the way, if you replace plasticine with polymer self-hardening clay, then the hedgehog will become a real souvenir that you can give or present at an exhibition of crafts in kindergarten.

Turkey from cones and leaves

Having collected not only cones, but also leaves on a walk, you can make just such a turkey with a mottled tail.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren's crafts from cones and autumn leaves

You will need:

  • Pine cone;
  • Autumn leaves of different types;
  • Brown and yellow paper;
  • Plastic eyes (optional)
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

Master Class:

Step 1. Pick a bud with a flat base that can stand upright.

Step 2 Collect leaves of different colors and sizes and cut off their petioles.

Step 3. Now you need to create a tail for the future turkey. First, fan out the leaves, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. Glue a row of large leaves first, smearing each leaf at the bottom and inserting it into the hole at the very bottom of the cone. Glue the second row of "feathers" from smaller leaves a level higher. Next, glue the third row of the smallest leaves one more row higher.

Step 4 If your turkey has become unstable due to its tail, then you can make a pedestal for it, for example, from plasticine.

Step 5. Cut out a head with a neck from brown paper, glue eyes (or draw) on it, and finally insert the “neck” into the hole in the top of the cone and fix it with glue.

Squirrel with an acorn made of felt

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bautumn crafts from cones and felt


  • Cone;
  • Coin;
  • Felt in at least two colors - brown and orange for squirrels and acorns and black felt for eyes and nose (can be replaced with black beads);
  • printed template;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue.

Master Class:

Step 1. Download and print the template, cut out all the details and trace their outlines on the felt. Please note that some elements are needed in duplicate.

Step 2. Cut out all the blanks from the felt.

Step 3. Glue the eyes and nose onto the squirrel's face.

Step 4. Glue the tail to the bump as shown in the top right photo.

Step 5. Glue a small coin to the round base with paws (photo on the left), which, due to its weight, will give stability to the craft. Next, glue the blank to the bottom of the cone.

Step 6. Glue the parts of the acorn together.

Step 7. Glue the paws to the cone, and then glue the acorn to them.

Try experimenting with the colors and sizes of the felt to create a whole family of different squirrels.

Pineapple from cones and paper

If the three previous crafts from cones are more in line with the theme of autumn, then the next craft in the form of a pineapple can be called summer.

You will need:

  • Pine cones;
  • Yellow acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Green colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • A thin straw or wooden skewer;
  • Tape or glue.

Master Class:

Step 1. Using a brush, paint your bump with yellow paint, namely its outer tips. This step can be performed independently by a child from 1 year old.

Step 2. While the paint dries, create a pineapple tuft from green paper: cut a strip 5-6 cm wide, and then cut it as shown in the photo above.

Step 3. Using a thin straw or skewer, twist the tips of the “leaves”, alternating them in height.

Step 4. Roll the strip with leaves into a roll to the outside, that is, so that the curls come out (see photo above). Touch up the leaves if necessary.

Step 5 Take a piece of tape and secure the bottom of the green paper roll.

Step 6. Put the roll of leaves on the top stem of the bud. Hooray, our children's cone craft is ready.

flying bee

And here is another idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren's crafts from a summer-themed cone - a flying bee.

You will need:

  • Cone;
  • 3 pieces of yellow woolen thread, about 15 cm each;
  • A piece of sewing thread;
  • Any twig, skewer or pencil;
  • 10 cm square piece of mesh or organza;
  • Thick cotton thread about 20 cm long (for hanging).

Master Class:

Step 1. Wrap and tie pieces of yellow wool thread in the middle of the cone and around the edges (flip through the photo).

Step 2. Gather a square piece of mesh in the center to make a butterfly, then tie it with sewing thread, leaving two free ends of the same length.

Step 3. Tie the resulting wings in the middle of the bee to the remaining ends of the thread as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Tie one end of a thick long thread to a cone, and the other to a twig.

Deer with antlers and legs made of branches

And here is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba New Year's children's crafts made of cones - a deer with horns and legs made of branches.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bChristmas children's crafts from cones

You will need:

  • Two cones - one smaller, the other larger;
  • thin branches;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scissors or secateurs for cutting branches;
  • Red bead or pom-pom for the nose;
  • Small bell, ribbons or beads to decorate the horns (optional).

Master Class:

Step 1. Pick up cones of suitable shapes and sizes with your baby. For the head, a smaller and cone-shaped cone is suitable, and for the body - a larger and elongated shape.

Step 2. Pick up branches: thicker for the legs and a little thinner for the horns. It is good if the branches for the horns will have branches, and the branches for the legs will be of the same thickness. Cut the twigs to the appropriate length. Don't cut them all at once, it's better to do it gradually to avoid mistakes.

Step 3. Dock the head and body of the deer so that the head looks slightly up and to the side, and the scales of the cones are fastened together. After determining the best position for the parts, grease the attachment points with glue, fasten them again and hold until the glue hardens.

Step 4. Now you need to glue the legs to the deer. To do this, first find suitable holes and determine the position of the rear and front branches. Make sure the reindeer is standing straight and strong, adjust the length of the legs if necessary.

Step 5. Make the horns: Take 2 branches and find a suitable place for them on the top wide part of the bump head. Make sure the antlers are not too heavy and do not outweigh the deer.

STEP 6. Well, that's it! It remains only to glue a red pompom or a bead on the nose, decorate the deer antlers and, if desired, paint it.

christmas tree

Since the cones are tree-shaped, why not make smart mini Christmas trees out of them? Such crafts can be used as decorations for a real Christmas tree or, for example, for, and they can also be given to friends and relatives for the New Year.

You will need:

  • A bump (preferably fluffy and elongated);
  • Acrylic paint green and white;
  • Brush;
  • Glitter (optional)
  • wine cork;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Cork cutter;
  • Beads for decoration (optional)
  • Small stars made of plastic or wood (optional).

Master Class:

Step 1: Paint the buds green and let them dry.

Step 2. Paint the tips of the scales white. If you want to decorate the Christmas tree with glitter, then sprinkle them on the tips of the scales before the white paint dries.

Autumn gives a lot of natural materials for adult and children's creativity - these are chestnuts, acorns. Especially popular are pine, cedar and spruce cones, which help to create many interesting crafts. This material is perfect for classes with children - from three years and older. Crafts from cones with their own hands for kindergarten on the theme of autumn are unusual and cute. Subsequently, you can save these interesting products to hang on the Christmas tree. Study a few master classes to implement them with kids in kindergarten.

What you can do with your own hands from cones on the theme "Autumn"

Needlework is a great activity that kindergarten teachers or parents can offer kids. Eco-friendly materials such as cones, acorns, and chestnuts are great craft items. Working with them will bring pleasure to a small child, help to reveal their creative potential and express their individuality. Such an activity helps to improve fine motor skills, which positively affects the development of babies. Crafts on the theme of autumn will captivate and delight young children.

With the help of these natural gizmos, kids can create many interesting items - figures of animals, people, interior items (baskets, vases). Finished products will serve as children's toys or become the basis of an original three-dimensional composition. Plasticine, glue, polymer clay, twigs, scissors, wire can be used as auxiliary materials.

Step-by-step instructions for simple crafts for kindergarten

To make it easy for children to do interesting things, experienced craftsmen create step-by-step master classes with photos and a detailed description of the process. These instructions are suitable for both toddlers in kindergarten and for children who are already in elementary school. All master classes are distributed step by step, which will help to quickly assimilate information, and each child will be able to make the same product. Crafts from cones with their own hands for kindergarten kids on the theme of autumn will be a great activity for preschool children.

Master class on making "People"

Cute crafts-men absolutely will be liked by small children. For their manufacture, you can use spruce or pine cones, dried acorns. Also, toothpicks or twigs, threads and plasticine will be used. Depending on the idea, you can use other materials. So that the pine cones, when dried, do not take on a different shape, pre-treat them with slightly warmed wood glue. The same applies to spruce natural materials. To make an original craft:

  1. Take a suitable sized cone. Turn it over with the sharp end down. Stick a little plasticine to the wide part - this will be the neck of the future little man.
  2. Place the inverted acorn on top to make the hero's head.
  3. Stick some plasticine on it. Make thread bundles, place them on the head - this will be the hair. Cover this area with an acorn cap.
  4. Stick two pieces of plasticine on the sides in the widest part of the cone. Use some more material to do the same procedure from below, closer to the sharp edge. These are the arms and legs.
  5. Insert twigs or toothpicks into clay. Attach inverted acorn caps to their legs - for strength.
  6. Make eyes using white and black plasticine.
  7. The original figurine is ready!

Beautiful composition "Owl on a tree"

Making a touching owl will delight young children. To create it, you need a fir cone, ash, persimmon seeds, melon seeds, plasticine (for kids) or glue (for older children), and also a branch on which the night bird will sit. If you do not find suitable natural materials, you can replace them with something of your choice. To create an owl:

  1. Flip the bump. Attach it with a sharp end to the selected branch, which will serve as support for the entire structure.
  2. Attach ash seeds on glue or plasticine on the sides - these will be the wings of an owl.
  3. Make the ears of a night bird using persimmon seeds (or other fruits). Use plasticine for fastening.
  4. As an eye, flat melon seeds are perfect. Take two pieces of black plasticine, make balls, press down. Position where you want to make the eyes. Place seeds on top.
  5. Make the owl's beak orange or yellow using plasticine.

Crocodile is a simple and fun autumn-themed craft for kids. To implement this interesting idea, you will need dark green, white, black plasticine, two unopened pine cones - one larger, the other smaller, green paint (gouache), carpentry glue. To make a cute animal using natural natural material:

  1. Dip the elements of the future toy (cones) in warm wood glue. This is necessary so that they keep their shape without opening after making the craft.
  2. Paint natural materials with dark green gouache. To do this, you can mix the usual green tone with black.
  3. Take a piece of plasticine and fasten the pine cones together with the wide parts facing each other. The body of the crocodile is ready.
  4. It remains to make the eyes of the animal: roll up the white balls, place on the bump intended for the head. Attach two black plasticine dots to them.
  5. The craft is ready!


A beautiful turtle will be a great option for a child's toy. To create this animal, you will need brown and green plasticine, a sharp, durable knife, and a pine cone that has already opened well. When starting to work with children, cut off the top of the natural material, leaving only the base. What comes out will be the shell of an animal. Make a turtle like this:

  1. Take a piece of brown plasticine, fashion a flat oval (the future body of the animal). Make another ball smaller (about three times), attach from the narrow side of the oval piece, flatten slightly. Such a ball will serve as the turtle's head.
  2. Make four brown legs and place on the sides of the oval piece.
  3. Take green plasticine, roll up two small balls. Place them on the head of the future turtle, flatten a little - these will be the eyes.
  4. Finish the craft by placing a pre-prepared shell (bump) on top.

Craft "Swan" is easy to create, but looks elegant and attractive. It will be a great home decoration. To make it, you will need white, black, red plasticine, a small half-open or open pine cone, a piece of snow-white cotton wool. The finished product on the theme of autumn is successful even for the smallest children. To create a beautiful swan:

  1. Roll up a white strip of plasticine 4-5 centimeters long for the bird's neck. Bend it into an S.
  2. Attach it to the thick side of the cone.
  3. Stick a small piece of black plasticine on the free end so that there is a sharp corner on top.
  4. On the black part, place the orange material, sharpening it at the end, like a bird's beak.
  5. Finish the craft by placing pieces of cotton wool on the sharp side of the cone - these will be the wings and tail of the swan.


A fabulous bird is a craft that kids will definitely like. To make it, you will need dry leaves (one large, two smaller ones and a very small one), a fir cone, a rose hip, wire, blue beads, toothpicks, plasticine. It is better to trust the creation of such crafts to older children who will not get hurt by wire material. To make a magical bird, follow these instructions:

  1. To make the head, use copper or gold-colored wire, a small leaf, beads, and a rose hip. Pierce the fruit of the wild rose bush with a metal material, fasten two beads at its ends. Cut off excess wire. From the thick side of the berry, stick a small dry leaf, which will serve as a tuft of a bird.
  2. From below, stick a toothpick into the fruit - it will be a mount for the head and calf (pine cone).
  3. Use a large narrow leaf for the bird's tail, two smaller leaves for the wings.
  4. Toothpicks will serve as paws. Make a flat stand using your favorite shade of plasticine and place the bird on it.

A funny hedgehog will be an excellent addition to a home interior, decorate a nursery's shelves, and can be included in an interesting autumn composition. Creating this cute animal will bring a lot of fun to kids. To make it, you will need dark brown plasticine, black peppercorns, dry pine needles and a cone of the same tree. Small branches, plasticine, acorn caps are needed to decorate the finished thing with mushrooms. Make a hedgehog like this:

  1. Collect pine needles in bunches of seven to nine. Attach some plasticine at the ends.
  2. Place these elements under the opened scales of natural material on the side where the back of the hedgehog will be. Slightly cut the needles to a length of 2-3 centimeters.
  3. Using plasticine material, mold the pointed muzzle of the animal. At the tip, place black peppercorns for the spout.
  4. Make homemade mushrooms for the back: place a little colored plasticine under the acorn cap, stick short branches into it.

A stylish decorative basket will serve to decorate the house, will surprise guests and household members with its unusual look. To create it, you need a dense wire, 39 opened pine cones of almost the same size. The basket weaving pattern is simple but requires attention. All elements must be fixed evenly so that the product looks good in the interior. Sequencing:

  1. Make three bump rings, guiding natural materials with sharp edges inward and securing them with a layer of wire between the scales. It will take eight cones for a small circle, nine for a medium circle, 11 for a large circle.
  2. From eight cones, make a semicircle that will become the handle of the future basket, fastening the elements with two strips of wire.
  3. Putting on top of each other, connect the three rings with wire material. Attach the handle to the widest upper circle with wire.
  4. Insert three cones from below. You can fasten them, but most likely they will hold on to themselves.
  5. Stylish basket is ready!

If you want to keep the children busy in kindergarten with interesting needlework, make a funny bear with them. To implement the idea, you will need one large pine or spruce cone, one element three times smaller, four very small cones, black and brown plasticine. Make an original bear toy using natural parts, like this:

  1. The large element will become the body of the teddy bear. Place it with the sharp end down.
  2. From above, with an elongated edge towards you, place a medium-sized piece - this will be the head of a bear. Fix it with plasticine.
  3. On the sides, top and bottom, strengthen two small bumps with plasticine material. The paws of the bear are ready.
  4. Roll up balls of black plasticine, attach where the bear's eyes will be. Ears create using brown.
  5. Children's imagination is truly limitless! Thanks to the ideas of the kids, amazingly beautiful crafts are obtained. These are figures of people and animals - men, cats, mice, squirrels, deer, fish, penguins, horses. It is popular to create fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters, such as foresters, goblin, cheburashka. Flowers made from cones look original and unusual - roses, peonies. An excellent decoration of the interior will be a tree of happiness - a topiary. Sometimes real pictures are created by children's hands. Check out the photos of autumn-themed crafts for kids to get new ideas:

    With the help of plasticine, cones, as well as other natural materials, you can create magnificent figurines or fairy-tale characters! We do! Dinosaurs, bunnies, an owl, a duck, a hedgehog, a kitten and other forest animals made of plasticine and cones!

    Children's crafts made from natural material from cones are simple, affordable and very useful, EVERY child can do it!

    The complexity of crafts: easy, even the smallest can do it with the help of parents or a child from 3 years old can do it himself.

    materials: plasticine of different colors, cones of various sizes, a disk, matches and a good mood! You can use cones from different trees, but be sure to be completely dry. Plasticine or glue is suitable for attaching simple crafts.

    Age: from one year old to 7 years old. It plays a role what you let your child do, what part of the work.

    Child development: stimulates the development of creativity, fine motor skills of hands, memory, imagination, perception of shapes, colors, the ability to create compositions, and also contributes to the development of mental abilities in children.

    You can use a CD as a lake. Reeds are toothpicks, on which brown plasticine is slightly wound.

    The duck is made very simply: first, the neck and head are molded. In order to get a neck, we roll a piece of light plasticine into a sausage and combine it with a pre-rolled ball as a duck's head. We attach a beak and eyes on the head.

    We connect the head, neck and bump and lay it on the "pebble" using blue plasticine as a stand. We immerse the whole duck in water on a disk-lake.

    These dinosaurs, hares, ostriches and other animals are all crafts made by children right on the street! Very beautiful, isn't it?! An unusual procession of toy animals formed on the street, but how cute, kind and cheerful!

    And here is the owl. Triangles are molded from red plasticine from which paws are easily cut. Balls are rolled from yellow plasticine and shaped with fingers: two mugs - for the owl's eye, two almond-shaped ears, two ovals - for the wings. A small nose and green thin stripes for the pupils of an owl.

    All the details are connected and you get an owl!

    The hare is very easy to make. The muzzle, long ears, paws are molded with fingers. Small balls-eyes, nose and smile. As a mustache, I think that matches can be used, but after cleaning them of sulfur.

    We attach all the details and attach to the bump and it turns out such a cute bunny!

    And this is a wolf or a dog. Here is an important point - the connection of the paws with the body and the tail, as well as the head with the body, occurs with the help of plasticine, not glue.

    The eyes can be rolled up using white plasticine and blue, and the pupils can be made from peas of black plasticine.

    Below is a hedgehog. The cone itself is somewhat unusual. The muzzle, ears, eyes, nose, paws are also molded with plasticine fingers. Cones are connected in the same way - with the help of plasticine cakes.

    And here is the hedgehog! It's so easy to make a hedgehog by sculpting his muzzle, nose to the top! A cute muzzle turned out to be a hedgehog!

    Such wonderful and at the same time simple children's crafts from cones and plasticine inspire and bring joy to both children and their parents and especially mothers!

    And now with ears! And who is this we got??

    And here is the elephant. A trunk was attached to the cone, the legs of an elephant and eyes were made. For an elephant, a cone of a more rounded shape will be required. Because the elephant has a large size!

    A very small baby can help mom roll up a strip of plasticine so that mom can form the trunk and legs of an elephant. And the kid can try to connect all the details into a whole elephant. Older kids can do the whole craft completely on their own!

    In the same way, you can make children's crafts from natural material in the form of a cat.

    If your child loves cats, then creating a kitten with a twisted tail will spark interest in the baby. The child himself can roll up a ball for the head and ears and the cat's eye. And also the kid can roll up a “sausage” with his handles from which he can try to form a twisted tail, paws, and maybe he will even be able to combine all this into a whole kitten!

    And this Christmas tree can be done like this. Roll up a large "snow" ball of white plasticine. Roll small colorful balls. Paint the cone green and when the paint dries, place the Christmas tree on a white stand ball. Branches of the resulting Christmas tree from a cone, decorate with multi-colored plasticine balls.

    I also really liked this swan. This children's craft made of cones and plasticine for children from 3 years old. Because here you need to roll out the plasticine for the wings thinly, making a waviness around the edges, making the neck and head of a swan. Having put a cone in the wings, thus form the body of a swan.

    Place the swan first on a blue piece of plasticine and then on a dry sheet as a lake.

    These dinosaurs will be made by children from the age of five. Here you need to think about the color, shape, the number of heads of one dragon.

    Children's crafts made from natural material from cones will help children develop creativity, taste, fine motor skills of the hands, help them understand what different shapes can be and what can be made from plasticine and cones.

    Since this type of creativity is quite inexpensive, useful, entertaining, and has a beneficial effect on the development of children, it is often used in kindergartens, in developmental classes and just at home.

    Keep your kids occupied with good and useful crafts! Tell, or rather show ideas of new interesting creative ideas from any natural materials. Surely you have good and simple entertaining toys made by your children!