Parables for children. Instructive parables about friendship and true friends Parables for children 10 years old are short

Our children are constantly striving to learn new things, they are interested in everything mysterious and unknown. But understanding complex life issues is often not easy.

The parables contain the age-old wisdom of generations, philosophical reflections and useful advice. Simple fairy tale language will be clear to children. Since ancient times, parables have served as a means of moral and cultural education. These short stories make children and adults think about their actions, conscience, and eternal values. Stories help develop thinking, memory, perception, and are, in fact, a teacher who educates children in love, decency, peacefulness - spiritual beauty. The main thing is that parables tell us that life is multifaceted, spacious, and you can always find many options for getting out of any situation. This material will very well help the teacher to prepare and conduct class hours, conversations, extracurricular activities aimed at educating spiritual and moral qualities, and is also useful for conducting ORKSE lessons.



good and evil

Saying goodbye to the students, the teacher always told them: "Go and look for good." The students went away, and the teacher never saw them again.

Once a stranger came to the teacher and said:

Master, I was once your student and now I want to become one again. “I taught you everything I knew,” the teacher replied.

You told me to look for good, but people do evil everywhere, there is no gratitude in their hearts, the student objected. - I searched for a long time, but did not find good. Now I have returned so that you can teach me how to search.

Well, - the teacher agreed, - I will teach you, but first go to the forest, which begins right behind my house. Find the beaten man there. Save him without asking anything and without turning to others for help. Don't even mention that person's name in the village.

The wanderer went into the forest and soon found the unfortunate man by the groans. Then the wanderer built

hut and began to treat the poor man with herbs. When the unknown recovered, he thanked his savior for a long time, and then walked away. The Stranger returned to the teacher and exclaimed:

Teacher, thank you. Now I have learned that gratitude exists. From this poor man, I finally heard kind words!

This man is a thief. The villagers beat him, and he cursed them. He said kind words to you, because in fact both good and evil live in your heart, - said the teacher.

Questions and tasks:

Why do you think the student saw only evil everywhere?

  • What did the teacher tell him?
  • How would you explain to a person that the world around him depends primarily on his thoughts and actions?
  • Tell me about a time in your life when someone's kindness helped you get through a problem.
  • Draw the outline of your heart and color it in different colors that match your feelings.
  • Do an experiment. Approach a person who is angry or annoyed and say something kind to them. Analyze his reaction.

Two wings

Once an angel of heaven planted two seeds in the earth: one seed of the male spirit, and the other of the female. The angel watered the seeds, protected them, and soon two flowers grew out of them.

One is like a morning dawn on a delicate and flexible stem. The second is like a stormy sky on a strong and strong stem. Flowers grew together, swayed together in the wind. The flower of the female spirit most often looked to the east - it met the dawn, and the flower of the male spirit liked to look to the west, seeing off the sunset.

When the flowers faded, instead of fruits, they grew a wing. The flowers looked at their wings in amazement, not knowing what to do with them. But one day at dawn, the flower of the female spirit fluttered its wing and tried to get off the ground. He got up a little and immediately fell back. Exhausted, he bowed his wing to the ground. An angel flew in and began to nurse the drooping flower.

Don't save me, - the flower whispered, - with one wing I won't be able to fly, my life is in vain.

You can't with one, but don't you see the second wing nearby? - asked notheavenly angel. - The female spirit and the male spirit are two wings of the same bird.

The female spirit flower lifted its head and looked at its neighbor. He hugged him carefully and helped him straighten up. The heavenly angel filled the flowers with the breath of love. Then he took off and called the flowers behind him.

Two flowers joined, embraced, waved their two wings and rose high into the sky.

Questions and tasks:

What do you think, whose wing is stronger - female or male?

  • What qualities are necessary for a woman and a man so that their wings never break?
  • Draw two flowers before and after they took off.
  • Ask your parents how they met.

Draw their love in the form of a winged flower.

  • Draw a bird of your family on a piece of drawing paper. On one wing of this bird write all the good qualities of the male half of the family, and on the other wing all the good qualities of the female half of the family.

two angels

The Lord sent two angels to people: a white angel of happiness and a black angel of misfortune. The white angel says to the black:

I will give people happiness, and you will only ruin my work. Go back to Heaven and don't bother me.

Let's see who will bring what benefit to people, - objected the black angel.

The angels descended to the earth and saw two brothers who were plowing the earth. They worked hard, but the rocky field gave poor harvests. Then the angel of happiness buried a pot of gold under a stone and whispered to his younger brother to remove the stones from the field. The younger brother began to remove stones and found gold. The brothers bought a lot of good land, built a big house, got married, and had children.

The younger brother ran the household more successfully than the older one. Then he began to think that his brother hid some of the gold. The brothers quarreled, their wives also quarreled, and the children began to fight.

Here the angel of misfortune intervened. He put his younger brother to sleep when he was sitting at the table near the candle. From the candle the table caught fire, and behind it the whole house. It's good that the angel of happiness helped, and everyone managed to run out.

Suddenly, the elder brother's son shouted: "My puppy is in the house" - and ran into the fire. Everyone was numb, and the younger brother poured a tub of water over himself and rushed after him. He carried a boy out of the fire, burned, but alive. The elder brother hugged the younger brother tightly and said:

Forgive me for thinking bad of you.

Together we will quickly rebuild the house. Seeing how the brothers work together, the black angel whispered to the white one:

You see, happiness broke people's friendship, but misfortune strengthened it.

Life is always alternating white with black.

And at that moment, the tips of the black angel's wings turned slightly white.

Questions and tasks:

Why did the brothers quarrel when they got rich?

  • Why do you think the misfortune helped the brothers become friendly again?
  • Why do you think the tips of the black angel's wings turned slightly white at the end of the parable?
  • Think of an adversity in your life and think about what it taught you.

Why is it dark under the lighthouse

The flower grew on a gray rocky cliff, in the shadow of a lighthouse. He was glad that there was enough earth in the stone crack for his roots. The flower was friends with the sea breeze, which brought him moisture. “Everything around is beautiful, except for this high stone tower,” the flower once said to the breeze. She blocks the sun from me.

Light lives in this stone tower. She pierces the night with a bright beam and shows the way to the ships to the sea, - the breeze explained to a friend. The flower was immensely surprised. “Is this tower able to shine? he exclaimed. "Why can't I see her light?"

The lighthouse shines into the distance, soit's always dark under the lighthouse. With his beam of light, he cuts through the darkness and shows the ships the way home. You need to become a ship to see its light, - the breeze explained. Since then, the flower does not grieve that the lighthouse tower obscures the sun from it. Sometimes he whispers affectionately: “Shine, beacon. I may not be a ship, but I know that they need light to return home.

If you live in the shadow of a lighthouse, don't forget that it shines on others.

Questions and tasks:

Which of the acquaintances can you compare with a lighthouse?

  • What kind of person can be compared to a ship, a rainbow, the sun or a flower?
  • Tell us about some bright business that your friends are doing.
  • Draw how the lighthouse saved the ship in a storm.
  • One child is the driver. He receives a flashlight and plays the role of a beacon. The driver points a flashlight at one of his friends and says what a good thing this person can do.
  • The one on whom the light of the flashlight fell tells whether he can do this job and how.
  • What role do you think light plays in human life?
  • Do you agree that light lives in the soul of every person? Why do you think some people give their light and warmth to everyone around, while others do not?
  • People often use different words and expressions related to the sun and light. Remember these words and expressions and explain them. (Shining soul, bright person, bright life, soul lamp, life sun, ignite the heart, eternal light, etc.)

When the mind is powerless

One day two angels were talking about mind and faith.

It is easier for a smart person to believe in God. He understands that the universe did not come into being on its own,” said one angel. “On the contrary, smart people sometimes think that faith is not needed, that a person can achieve everything on his own,” another disagreed. In the end, the angels went to earth to find out who was right.

They came to honor the great doctor who found a miraculous cure for blindness. Everyone admired the miracles of healing, and one of the angels asked the scientist:

Please tell me, did faith in God help you?

I was helped by faith in myself, and not in Heavenly forces, - the scientist replied.

There are moments in life when a person cries out: “Oh God, help me!” Did you do that? the angel asked. - A smart person will act, not cry to Heaven! - said the scientist.

It seems to me that the smarter the person, thehe needs God more so that he doesn't think he knows everything- objected the angel, but the scientist did not listen to him.

You see, the mind prevents a person from believing, - the second angel sighed.

Wait a bit, - asked the first angel.

Soon the scientist received a lucrative offer for the manufacture of a medicine, but he suddenly discovered that the manuscript had disappeared. There were no signs of forced entry, and the thief was not found. Despair seized the doctor, and he exclaimed:

Oh God, help! I worked too hard and even went blind myself. Is it all in vain?

The angels knew that the thief entered through the window and then hid the precious manuscript on the tree. Turning into birds, they sat down near the manuscript and sang loudly. The scientist did not immediately notice the birds, but when he saw, he could not believe his eyes.

Oh my God! Oh God, was all he could say.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why did the scientist turn to God for help?
  • How does faith in God help a person?
  • Why do people most often remember God in difficult moments of life?
  • Imagine that you need to write a letter to God. What will you write to him about?
  • Children are divided into pairs. One person convinces another that faith in God is a sign of intelligence, the other convinces him of the opposite.

The earthly and heavenly world

Where is my mom? asked the orphan.

Death has taken her, the people answered.

Decided then the orphan Death to find. “I’ll see where Death hides my mother and take her home,” thought the orphan, and walked tirelessly through fields and forests, valleys and mountains. Many lands went an orphan and once got lost in a black forest. For a long time he made his way through the thicket, punctured all his hands, tore all his clothes. Suddenly the black thicket ended, and the orphan climbed out into a meadow full of flowers.

The sky lit up with a marvelous color, and a girl of indescribable beauty came out to meet him. The girl affectionately stroked the orphan, and all his scratches healed instantly. - Who are you? Queen of this land? asked the orphan.

I don't have land. I live between worlds and escort people from this world, full of pain and suffering, to the world of light and love.

I would like to go there, but first I need to find my mother. The evil old woman Death took her, - the orphan sighed.

Do you think I'm capable of hurting people? - asked the beautiful girl and looked the orphan straight in the eyes. From this look, the orphan's heart warmed, and fatigue and hunger passed.

No, you are beautiful, like an unearthly fairy, - answered the orphan.

It was I who escorted your mother from this world to the world of Heaven, - the girl admitted. But your time has not yet come. The orphan began to cry, and the girl affectionately said:

Remember: " There is no death, there is only change of worlds ". Your mother sees you from above and sends you her love, - with these words, the girl put an unfading flower into the orphan's hand. Then she breathed into his eyes, and the orphan fell asleep sweetly in the meadow. When he woke up, the girl was no longer there, and in his hand lay the unfading flower of love.

Questions and tasks:

Why did the orphan think that death was a terrible, evil old woman?

  • What do you imagine and experience when you hear the word "death"?
  • What did the beautiful girl tell the orphan?
  • How would you comfort a child whose mother has died?
  • Why did an orphan receive an unfading flower of love?

Asterisk of Hope

The war lasted ten years. The country lay in ruins. People went crazy with loss and grief. But the worst thing happened when people began to lose hope. When someone's hope is lost, the star goes out. At first it was imperceptible: one star, another, a third...Where hope dies, there is emptiness.When almost all the stars went out, the country was engulfed in chaos. At night, only fires were visible and the howling of animals was heard.

But one star did not go out. It was the little girl's hope. She lost her mother, but she believed with all her heart that her mother would be found.

The girl stubbornly walked forward behind her little star. The angel of hope carefully guarded her and whispered in her ear:“With hope, life is easier. Hope conquers all."

And the girl never got into trouble, despite the horrors of war.

One day she was walking through a dense forest. The road to the girl was blocked by a huge ravine. The baby boldly climbed down, but slipped and fell head over heels into some kind of cave. It turned out that people were hiding in a ravine from the war. And the first to pick up the girl in her arms was her mother.

So I'll find my mom too! exclaimed the ragged boy. In the sky, next to the small star, another star immediately lit up.

I will definitely find my children, - the haggard woman said. “And I believe that my husband is alive,” exclaimed another.

Shouts of hope were heard from all sides, and the stars flashed in the sky.

Better without clothes than without hope d s , someone said, and the air trembled with the rustling of the wings of angels of hope. Now they again had a concern - to keep the hopes of people.

Questions and tasks:

Why, when people lost hope, did the stars go out in the sky?

  • Why do you think only one girl didn't lose hope?
  • What does hope give a person?
  • Why should you always hope for the best in life?
  • Draw an angel of hope and an asterisk that brought the girl to her mother.
  • Draw your guardian angel and come up with a fairy tale about how he helps you.
  • Make up a story about how Nadezhda's sailboat sails across the land.

Nuts and shells

For many days the storm carried the fishing boat over the waves and finally washed it ashore on a desert island. The fisherman got out of the boat, fell on the sand and prayed:

Thanks God! You did not let me drown, do not let me die of hunger and thirst. Help me get back to my wife and children. The fisherman prayed for a long time, cried out to the Lord, and suddenly a voice was heard.

I am the spirit of the island, I want to help you. Walk, fisherman, along the shore and in an hour's journey you will find coconut palms. They have coconuts on them. They satisfy both hunger and thirst. Soon the fisherman found palm trees. To his delight, several ripe coconuts lay on the ground. The fisherman rejoiced and exclaimed:

Oh my God! You always care about those who believe in You.

But the shell of the nuts was so hard that the fisherman could not bite through it.

Oh God, my teeth are not hard and sharp enough to handle hard coconut shells, the fisherman cried.

There are a lot of stones around, fisherman.God creates nuts, but does not break the shell- said the spirit of the island.

Questions and tasks:

Why didn't the fisherman think of taking the stone and cracking the nuts himself?

  • Often people complain about life, blaming God and fate for what happens to them. Who do you think is to blame for the troubles that happen to people?
  • Tell us about an embarrassing situation that happened to you. Who do you think was to blame for this situation?
  • How do you act in a difficult situation: do you try to find a way out of it yourself or wait for someone to help you?
  • Tell us about a time in your life when salvation seemed to have fallen from heaven.
  • Draw the spirit of the island in some fabulous way.
  • Do you believe that God comes to help people in difficult moments of life?
  • Do you think God helps all people or only those who believe in Him?

Why does a person need hands

You were given two hands not to misbehave, - mother angrily said to her son.

Why are they given to me? the boy asked.

To study diligently, - answered my mother.

To play, you also need two hands, - put in the grandmother, standing up for her grandson. In the evening, in bed, the boy looked at his hands and muttered as he fell asleep:

Thanks pens. Today you played, worked hard and even learned.

We are needed not only for this, - the boy suddenly heard. -Man is given two

hands, so that when he receives with his left, he gives with his right.

The boy pondered these words for a long time before falling asleep.

The next day, mom woke up her son early:

Run to the garden, on your apple tree the first three apples are ripe.

Not in vain worked, - said the father. - Apples from their own apple tree are always the most delicious, - added the grandmother. The boy ran into the garden. All the apple trees were strewn with ripe apples, but he ran to the fence of the garden, where a young apple tree grew, which he planted himself. Three large red apples hung on the tree like colorful toys.

Grandma, drink, - a plaintive voice was heard. - Pick me one red apple. The boy looked out over the fence and saw a grandmother with two granddaughters on the road.

Do not be fancy. These are not our apples, - said the grandmother.

At that moment, the boy remembered the words of the pens. He picked an apple and handed it to the little girl. Clutching the apple to her chest, she whispered, "Thank you." The older girl licked her dry lips. Then the boy picked the last two apples: one for the grandmother, and the second for the older girl.

Were the apples sweet, son? Mom asked later.

The sweetest, - answered the boy.

Questions and tasks:

Why did the boy give all the apples to his grandmother and granddaughters? What would you do in his place?

  • Why did the boy say apples were the sweetest if he didn't try them?
  • How often do you share with other people something you need?
  • What are your hands telling you?
  • Draw your hands and write below the drawing everything that the hands have told you about.

The softest pillow

The less time remained until night, the more often the rich man sighed, the more dreary his gaze became. For the third year now, the greedy rich man was tormented by insomnia. Doctors prescribed him pills, massages and warm salt baths. Everything was useless. The rich man changed many sofas, beds, but nothing helped.

An old servant, seeing the torment of his master, once said:

You need to find such a person who sleeps soundly and sweetly, and buy a pillow on which he sleeps. Then sleep will return to you.

Go and find me such a pillow, - the banker was delighted.

All the acquaintances and friends of the banker had problems with sleep. Then the servant remembered that in his native village people always slept soundly and sweetly, and went there.

He arrived in the village on Sunday, early in the morning. I got out of the carriage, walked down the street and suddenly heard a loud snoring coming from the rickety house. The servant drummed on the door for a long time. Finally, a peasant climbed out onto the porch and said:

What are you, unscrupulous, don't let a man sleep on Sunday?

Do you suffer from insomnia? the servant asks.

Rather than asking stupid questions, you better go your own way! - the man got angry. - Dear man, sell me your pillow. I will pay dearly. Maybe she will help my master fall asleep, otherwise he was completely exhausted from insomnia, the servant asked.

The man smiled and replied:

And I don't have a pillow. I sleep so soundly. They say,the softest pillow is a clear conscience. Let your master try it.

Questions and tasks:

Why do you think the rich man suffered from insomnia?

  • Do you think all rich people sleep badly?
  • If you have any troubles in your life, how does this affect your sleep?
  • Why do you think some people's conscience sleeps?
  • Do you think that every person has a conscience?
  • List the character traits of a conscientious person.
  • Come up with a fabulous cure for insomnia.
  • To what would you compare a clear conscience? Draw a clear conscience in some way.

Grievances written on stones

Evil resentment

Two friends searched for gold for a whole year and finally found a gold nugget. On the way to the city, friends spent the night in the bushes near the road. The older one quickly fell asleep, and the younger one was kept awake by the fever. Suddenly he quietly took out a nugget from his bag and rushed to run along the road. When an older friend discovered that the nugget had been stolen, he cursed his friend and decided never to make friends again.

The older friend returned to the mine and a week later found the nugget again. At the sight of gold, resentment against his friend flared up in him even more strongly, and his face became even more gloomy. Gloomy, that's what the people called him. Years have passed. The gloomy man became a poor old man. He spent his wealth. He had no family or friends, and he trusted no one. The gloomy man lived in an old hut, and during the day he asked for alms. One day a passer-by placed a purse of coins in front of him.

“It can be seen that he robbed someone, but he wants to be accused of me,” thought the Gloomy Man in fear and threw his wallet into the ditch. On another occasion, a passer-by placed a basket of food in front of Grim.

“It looks like he wants to poison me,” thought the Grim-face angrily and threw food to the dogs.

Soon the same passer-by stopped in front of the Grim and exclaimed:

Friend, I once stole your share of the gold. Conscience tortured me. I returned secretly and at night I planted a gold nugget so that you could find it again. Later I got rich, but I never forgot about you. Many times I tried to help you, but you always rejected my help. Why?

I'll never forgive you," Grim muttered angrily.

- Write grievances on the sand, not on marble, - the former friend spoke bitterly and left.

Questions and tasks:

Why couldn't the younger friend forget the older one all his life?

  • Are you able to forgive insults?
  • Are there any offenses that cannot be forgiven?
  • What forgiveness gives a person; how does resentment, on the contrary, interfere with his life?
  • Why do many religions have days of forgiveness when people must forgive all offenses?
  • Close your eyes and remember some hurt that you can't seem to forget. Then mentally try to feel sorry for your offender.

What is more important

When the ants grew up, the father ant told them:

Today, children, you will go for prey. Be careful and don't go too far.

Don't worry, dad, I won't get lost and I'll bring the sweetest berry, - said one ant.

I will bring a straw as big as a whole log, another boasted.

And I will bring a straw along with a berry, - said the third.

Only the fourth ant remained silent.

Actions speak louder than words, remember this, - said dad, and the ants ran away.

The first ant returned an hour later.

Dad, a fly ate my berry, he complained.

The second ant came running two hours later and angrily explained:

Dad, some bug took my straw.

The fourth ant returned in the evening. He brought a straw with berries strung on it and brought his third brother.

Dad, I found a straw, and then more berries, he reported. - When I approached the anthill, I heard someone calling for help from the hole. It was my brother. I pulled down the straw and pulled it out.

If I had not fallen into the hole, I would have brought ... - the third ant murmured.

Better tomorrow, in practice, prove what you are capable of, ”papa interrupted him. -Actions speak louder than words!

Questions and tasks:

Why did the fourth ant promise nothing, but did more than his brothers?

  • Are you keeping your promises? What promises do you find difficult to keep, and which do not?
  • Tell us about something your parents did that told you more than words.
  • Why do you think doing is harder than talking?
  • Do something for a friend or mom without saying anything about it beforehand. Then tell how your friend reacted when he saw what you did.

Mother's heart

One day a teacher said to his student:

You must leave school and return home to your mother.

Why teacher? Am I a bad student? - the young man was surprised.

You study well, but there is a depth of feeling that cannot be learned at school,” the teacher replied.

Teacher, does the depth of feelings depend on the place? the student objected.

The teacher didn't answer. Sighing, the student got up and went home. His mother had not written letters to him for a long time, but the student was busy and could not visit her. The native house met the young man with desolation.

Your mother dreamed of hugging you before leaving, - the neighbor said sadly.

Why did she write to me in her last letter not to worry? - the young man was surprised.

A mother always protects her children from problems, - the neighbor noted.

She showed the young man the grave of his mother. The son bowed to the ground and exclaimed:

I'm sorry, mom, that I couldn't come to you earlier!

The young man felt bitter that his mother would not say words of forgiveness to him. He kissed the gravestone and wept. Suddenly, the stone cracked, and a delicate flower sprouted through the crack before the eyes of the astonished young man. The young man extended his hand, and the flower stroked him with petals, as if consoling and forgiving. The young man came back and told the teacher everything that had happened to him.

Now you understand that nothing compares to the depth of maternal feelings, the teacher said affectionately. -A mother's heart is like a well, at the bottom of which there is always forgiveness.

Questions and tasks:

Do you think a mother always forgives her children?

  • How does mother's love help children?
  • Tell us about the best qualities of your mother's character.
  • Tell us how your mother comforts you?
  • Do you think a mother can help her children and comfort them if her soul is in Heaven?
  • Draw a flower of motherly love.

It's good that everyone have a dream

Guardian angels, after graduating from the heavenly school, found themselves people whom they began to protect. Some chose relatives, others - unfortunate or sick people. Only one young angel could not choose anyone.

At first I wanted to help a person whose dream does not come true for a long time, - said the young angel. - But many people don't even want their dreams to come true. A sailor sailing on a ship dreamed of land. I went down to the ship and asked the sailor:

Do you want me to turn you into a peasant? You will live peacefully on earth. - I dream of seeing the land, but I will never part with the sea! the sailor answered me.

A dream helps a person to move forward.The sailor loves the sea, but the dream leads his ship through the storm to the shore, - the elder angel explained.

Then I wanted to help a man who has no dream. But it turned out that as soon as a person fulfills one dream, he immediately begins to dream about another.

Without a dream, life would lose its meaning, - said the elder angel. “In the end, I decided to choose a person with a pipe dream to console him,” the young angel continued the story. - I chose a boy. He took off on a swing and dreamed of wings.

I'm glad you found a man for yourself, - the elder angel smiled.

But he doesn't need to be comforted! exclaimed the young angel. - When the boy dreamed, his soul soared to heaven. I realized that someday he will become an angel.

It's good that everyone has a dream, - the elder angel said thoughtfully. - II appoint you as the guardian of the dream. Make sure that the dream always lives in the heart of a person.

Questions and tasks:

Do you think everyone needs a dream?

  • Why didn't the angel find the person who didn't have a dream?
  • Tell me what you dream about.
  • Do you think that every person has a guardian angel?
  • Draw your dream in the form of some image.

Ask your friends to guess from your drawing what you dream about.

Who is the tallest

There were two friends. The first one was very tall, a head taller than other people. He always saw everything from afar. Therefore, he was always the first to receive a treat and the first to escape from danger. The second friend was small and simple-minded. His tall friend often laughed at him and called him short. But the second friend was not offended by his friend and always shared with him everything he could. However, he shared with everyone who met on his way. Friends grew old, died and went to heaven. The angel stopped them at the gates of paradise and said that first he would take the highest of them to paradise.

I was the highest on earth, and everywhere I was the first, and always the first to have time everywhere, - the tall friend proudly said. And the little one, sighing, said that he did not stand out in anything special. But for some reason the angel took his little friend by the hand and led him to heaven.

Wait, you messed up something. My height is much larger, you can measure it, - the tall one shouted and took out a ruler from his pocket.

Here, in heaven, a person's height is measured not by a ruler, but by his good deeds.

The physical height of a man is determined by the distance of his head from the ground; temper-

stvenny same growth - distance from head to the sky.Your friend has grown a thousand times in his life, but your height has not changed, - the angel explained with a smile.

Questions and tasks:

Why did an angel take a short friend to heaven?

  • What do you think is the most important thing in a person's life?
  • Imagine that you are an inventor and you need to invent a measure of a person's moral growth. Tell us about your invention and draw it.
  • Tell us about a person whose moral growth seems to you very great.
  • What moral qualities would you like to acquire during your life?
  • List all the moral qualities that your parents have.
  • Offer the children all the moral qualities of their friends in the form of a sun with rays.
  • Children stand in a circle. Each in turn says how tall he is and how many centimeters he has grown in a year. For example, a child has grown by five centimeters, which means that he must remember and tell about the five good deeds that he did during this time.

Parables for children

Parable of Good and Evil

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson the truth of life:

- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies...

The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins at the end?

The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:

“The wolf you feed always wins.”

wise father

The carpenter taught his two sons to work from childhood. At first, the boys just played with planks, and then they learned how to process them and make wooden toys. One day the father was away on business and the boys decided to do something on their own. - I will make a bench, like a real carpenter, - said the older boy. - But dad did not teach us how to make a bench. It seems to me that it is difficult, - objected the younger brother. "It's easy for a carpenter to make a bench," the older boy proudly declared. - I'll make a boat. It's spring now, and I'll let him into the stream, - the younger one decided. He planed the plank for a long time and diligently so that it looked like a boat, and then he made a mast from a stick and a sail from paper. The older boy did his best too. When all the parts of the bench were ready, he began to knock them down. This proved to be difficult, as the pieces were not made to size and did not fit well together. When the father returned, the youngest son showed him his boat. - A wonderful toy. Run outside, send the boat to sail, - praised the father. Then he asked the eldest son: - And what did you do? He showed a crooked bench. "Your nails don't drive in well," the boy muttered and blushed. “Son, if you want to become a real master, always drive in the nail that is driven in,” his father said sternly.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why did the older boy decide that he himself could make a bench?
  • What did father mean when he said, “Drive in the nail that is driven in”?
  • Tell us about a craft you have made yourself?
  • Do you think children need to learn crafts nowadays?
  • Draw what you would like to do with your hands.

Respect for mother

The first rich man of the city arranged a holiday in honor of the birth of his son. All noble citizens were invited. Only the rich man's mother didn't come to the party. She lived far away in the village and, apparently, could not come. On the occasion of the wonderful event, tables were set up in the central square of the city and treats were prepared for everyone. In the midst of the holiday, an old woman covered with a veil knocked at the gate of the rich man. - All beggars eat in the central square. Go there, - the servant ordered the beggar. “I don’t need treats, just let me look at the baby for one minute,” the old woman asked, and then added: “I am also a mother, and I also once had a son. Now I have been living alone for a long time, and have not seen my son for many years. The servant asked the master what to do.

The rich man looked out the window and saw a poorly dressed woman covered with an old veil. - You see - this is a beggar. Drive her away,” he angrily ordered the servant. - Every beggar has his own mother, but I cannot allow all of them to look at my son. The old woman began to cry and said sadly to the servant: - Tell the owner that I wish my son and grandson health and happiness, and also say: "Whoever respects his mother will not scold someone else." When the servant conveyed the words of the old woman, the rich man realized that it was his mother who came to him. He ran out of the house, but his mother was nowhere to be seen.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why didn't the old woman immediately say that she had come to her son?
  • How should children be raised so that they show respect for other people's mothers?
  • Tell me about all the good things your mom did for you.
  • Think of a way to thank your mom so that she remembers it for a long time. For example, kiss her hand, write a love letter, make a gift with your own hands, etc.

alien mother

The old woman walked with difficulty along the muddy road. She had a large bag over her shoulders.

She had just left the city when she saw that a wagon was coming towards her.

The young driver stopped and waited for the old woman to step aside and clear the way for him.

The old woman gasped and asked the young man:

Take me home, honey, and I'll give you half a bag of rice. Kind people gave a bag of rice, but it is too heavy, I'm afraid I won't carry it.

I'm sorry, I can't, mother. For two days I worked without rest - I drove people. I myself was tired and my horse was tired, - the driver refused.

The wagon left, and the old woman, lifting the sack with difficulty over her shoulders, wandered on.

Suddenly she heard behind her the clatter of hooves and the voice of a young driver:

Sit down, mother. I decided to take you anyway.

The young man helped the old woman into the wagon and packed her sack. The journey took about two hours.

In order not to fall asleep from fatigue, the young man told the old woman about his life.

I came here with a horse from a mountain village to work. I am the only son of my mother and I must help her repay a debt to a rich neighbor.

My son also went to a foreign land to earn money. We haven't heard from him for a long time, - the mother sighed.

Arriving at the house, the old woman invited the young man to pour half of the rice out of the bag.

I will not take rice, - the young man refused. - Seeing you, I remembered my mother.

Mother is a spring at the foot of the mountain. Maybe someone will also give my mother a ride when her old legs have a hard time climbing up the mountain.

Questions and tasks:

Why did a young man give a free ride to an elderly woman, despite the fact that he was tired?

Do you think someone will help his mother in the mountains if it is difficult for her?

How would you help your mother if you were far away from her and could not come?

Write the word "MAMA" in beautiful letters so that each letter looks like your mother.

Why is it bad for one

Three small children were with their parents and one eldest daughter was an assistant. From morning to evening she nursed the younger children: fed, consoled, washed. In the evening, when the kids fell asleep, the girl helped her mother to wash and clean everything.

Once a girl went to the river for water and found someone's staff in the water. She pulled the staff out of the river and sees: the grandmother is walking along the shore.

Grandma, isn't this your staff? - asked the girl. The grandmother grabbed the staff, was delighted:

This is my magic staff. For finding him, I will reward you. Say what you want? “Most of all I want to rest for a day,” the girl answered. - You can rest as long as you want. My magic staff will grant any wish. - It's good, - the girl was delighted, - but who will feed me? "Don't worry about that," Grandmother said, and waved her staff.

Everything swirled before the eyes of the girl, and she found herself in a castle of wondrous beauty. In every room of the castle there were invisible servants who watered, fed, washed and dressed the girl. There was no one around the castle, only the birds were singing in the garden.

The day passed, the second passed, the girl got bored, so much so that everything around became not at all joyful, and she cried:

I want to go home. They'll probably disappear without my help. “If you return home, you will work without rest for the rest of your life,” someone’s voice sounded. - Well, let. Alone man and heaven is not heaven- said the girl. At the same moment she was at home. Her brothers and sisters rushed to her. One - asks to eat, the other - to drink, the third - to play, and the girl is happy.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why do you think the girl did not stay in the wonderful castle, although the sorceress told her that she would work until the end of her life without rest if she left?
  • Would you agree to live on a paradise island alone?
  • Why is it bad for a person alone, even if he has everything?
  • Can a person feel lonely if he lives in a big city?
  • Draw a magical island with a castle, and next to you and everyone you love.

Who is more tender?

Two daughters grew up with their father, but he loved the eldest daughter more. She was very pretty: her face was rosy, her voice was sweet, her hair was fluffy.

“You are tender, like a rose in the garden,” said the father, admiring his eldest daughter.

The younger daughter was also good and obedient, but her father did not like her: her face was rough, the skin on her hands was rough from homework. Therefore, her father spoiled her less, forced her to work more.

Once a misfortune happened to my father while hunting. The gun exploded in his hands. His hands and face were burned by the explosion and shrapnel wounded him.

The doctor treated the wounds and put a bandage on his hands and face. The father became helpless, he does not see anything, he cannot eat.

The youngest daughter said: - Do not worry, dad, I will be your hands and eyes until you get better.

Then she gave her father a drink of healing broth and fed him.

For a whole year, the youngest daughter took care of her father. The wounds on the arms healed quickly, but the eyes had to be treated for a long time. Sometimes the father asked his eldest daughter to sit next to him, but she was always busy: either she hurried to the garden for a walk, or she hurried to a date.

Finally, the bandage was removed from the father's eyes. He sees his two daughters standing in front of him. The eldest is a gentle beauty, and the youngest is the most ordinary.

The father hugged his youngest daughter and said:

Thank you, daughter, for your care, I did not know before that you are so kind and gentle.

I think I'm much softer! exclaimed the eldest daughter.

During my illness, I realized that tenderness is not determined by the softness of the skin. - answered the father.

Questions and tasks:

Why, before the accident, the father did not see that his youngest daughter was kinder and more tender than the eldest?

Who is the sweetest in your family?

What are some ways to show affection?

Come up with tender words for all members of your family and give them to loved ones.

Who loves more?

The leader of the tribe was old and strong. The leader had three adult sons. In the morning they went into their father's house and bowed. - Your wisdom, father, keeps our lives! exclaimed the eldest son. - Your mind, father, multiplies our wealth! - said the middle son. “Hello, father,” said the youngest son. The father nodded amiably, but at the words of the youngest son his brows frowned. Then the father went hunting with the hunters and one of his sons. Only he never took his youngest son hunting. “You, the youngest son, help the women gather the roots,” ordered the father. The youngest son also wanted to go hunting, but it was impossible to break the word of the leader.

Once a bear hurt the leader's hand. The whole tribe rejoiced at the rich booty, but the leader left the feast because his hand was very sore.

In the morning the sons entered their father's house and saw that he was unconscious. The hand was swollen and red.

The eldest sons immediately announced to everyone that the leader was ill with blood poisoning, that there was no escape from this disease, and a new leader had to be chosen.

The eldest and middle son offered themselves as leaders, praising their merits. The people of the tribe decided in a week to arrange a battle between the brothers. Whoever wins will become the leader.

Meanwhile, the younger one treated his father with herbs and roots. He studied their properties well while collecting them. Father felt better, and the swelling subsided. “When you get sick, you will find out who loves more,” the father said to his youngest son. When the day of the battle came, the leader came out of the dwelling in full combat gear and announced menacingly: - I am the leader of the tribe and will be so until death, and after me my youngest son will become the leader.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why do you think the two eldest sons praised their father, while the third son just said hello?
  • In what way, besides words, can a person show his love for another person?
  • If you were the leader of a tribe, how would you check who loves you more?
  • Why did the youngest son decide to treat his father, although the disease was considered incurable?
  • Draw a portrait of the person you love the most.

What do books contain?

The chief's little son was a smart boy. Once a white teacher came to the tribe and said that a school had opened in the village. The teacher suggested that the leader enroll the children of the tribe in school. The leader thought and brought his son to school, but he did not want to study. “Father, nature will teach me everything I need,” said the boy. “First learn to read, and then speak,” said the father. The boy went to school, but did not listen well to the teacher. He only liked Natural History. One day the teacher brought figs to the lesson. - These fruits are bitter! the boy exclaimed. - I tried them at the beginning of summer in the forest. “I also saw a wasp crawl inside. Whoever eats this fruit will be stung by a wasp,” the boy added. - The fruits of figs are sweet and healthy, - the teacher explained. - At the beginning of summer they are bitter from the white milky juice that is in unripe fruits. In spring, fleshy fruits appear on the fig tree, inside of which flowers are hidden. Small fig wasps carry pollen from one flower to another. Without this, the fruits will dry out and not turn into sweet figs. - How do you know that, teacher? the boy asked in surprise. - I read about it in books. Books store knowledge. The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind, - the teacher answered. From that day on, the chief's son became a diligent student and soon learned to read and write. The father, seeing his son with a book, said: - I am glad, son, that you have learned to read, just do not forget our customs. - Sunrise awakens nature, reading a book enlightens the head, - the son smiled.

Questions and tasks:

  • Why did the boy think that nature would teach him everything?
  • How and what does nature teach people?
  • Tell us about something unusual that you learned from books.
  • Everyone lists everything he knows and receives from the teacher as many pebbles as he listed points. Children should put their stones into glass vessels with the same amount of water. The water in the vessels will rise. The teacher explains to the children that knowledge elevates a person in the same way that pebbles raise the water level.

Dialogue - presentation

"Land of Courtesy"

Let's imagine that you have two pointers in front of you. One of them points to the country of Politeness, and the other to the country where there are no rules. Which of these countries would you like to visit? (I warn you that the path to the country of Politeness lies through a country in which there are no rules) - So, we find ourselves in a country where there are no rules. The main slogans in this country are the slogans: “But I want it that way!”, “But I don’t care”, “I am the most, the most!” - Imagine for a moment what you can see on the streets of this country? – Would you like to stay in this country for at least a day, two, a week? Why? “Now let’s hurry to the land of Politeness.” It is ruled by the Queen of Ethics. She is young, beautiful, graceful. It was she who taught everyone to be kind and considerate, fair and accurate. It was she who taught the inhabitants of her country not only to observe the rules of conduct, but also to treat each other well. In this country, everyone is a little magician. He will certainly cheer up the sad, help you, be happy with you and your successes. - So, if you want to become a little kind magicians, then you must definitely get acquainted with kind (magic) words. Thank you ("God save you") Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Please! (“perhaps” - do me a favor, do me a favor; “hundred” is a form of address. for example, Andrei - a hundred, perhaps to me tomorrow for a name day).

The story of V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Ordinary Man"

try to determine what kind of actions people are talking about in it?

“There is a well in the hot dry steppe. There is a hut near the well, a grandfather and grandson live in it. There is a bucket on a long rope at the well. People go, they go - they turn to the well, drink water, thank their grandfather.

One day the bucket broke off and fell into a deep well. My grandfather didn't have another bucket. Nothing to get water and drink.

The next day, in the morning, a man in a cart drives up to his grandfather's hut. He has a bucket under the straw. The traveler looked at the well, looked at his grandfather and grandson, whipped the horses and rode on.

This is not a man, - answered the grandfather.

At noon, another owner drove past the grandfather's hut. He took out a bucket from under the straw, tied it to a rope, took out water and got drunk himself, gave it to his grandfather and grandson to drink; poured water into the dry sand, hid the bucket again in the straw, and drove off.

What is this person? asked the grandson of his grandfather.

And this is not yet a man, - answered the grandfather.

In the evening, a third traveler stopped at the grandfather's hut. He took a bucket out of the cart, tied it to a rope, got some water, and got drunk. He thanked me and drove off, leaving the bucket tied by the well.

And what kind of person is this? - asked the grandson of his grandfather.

An ordinary person, - answered the grandfather.

What can you say about the main characters of the story? What are they? Why?

Do you agree with the characterization that grandfather gave to passers-by? What is he - an ordinary person? - (kind, take care of others, helps ...) At different times, people had a different concept of norms, we will talk about this in the next lesson.

Lesson on the fairy tale MOTHER'S HEART

A big beauty birch grew in the forest with three little daughters - thin-stemmed birch trees. With her spreading branches, the Birch mother protected her daughters from wind and rain. And in the hot summer - from the scorching sun. Birches quickly grew up and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything.

One day a severe thunderstorm broke out in the forest. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the sky. The little birches trembled with fear. Birch tightly hugged them with branches and began to reassure: “Do not be afraid, lightning will not notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest."

Before Birch's mother had time to finish, a deafening crack sounded, a sharp lightning struck directly at Birch and scorched the core of the trunk. Birch, remembering that she must protect her daughters, did not catch fire. The downpour and the wind tried to knock down Birch, but she still stood.

Not for a minute did Bereza forget about her children, not for a minute did she loosen her embrace. Only when the thunderstorm passed, the wind died down, and the sun shone again over the washed earth, the trunk of the Birch swayed. As she fell, she whispered to her children: “Don't be afraid, I'm not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My fallen trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but a mother's heart will never stop beating in it. With these words, the trunk of Mother Birch collapsed, without hitting any of the three thin-barreled daughters during the fall.

Since then, three slender birches have been growing around the old stump. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass. If you come across this place in the forest, sit down to rest on the birch trunk - it is surprisingly soft! And then close your eyes and listen. You will surely hear how a mother's heart beats in it ...

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

  • Tell us how three friendly sisters will live without a mother. In what and how will the mother's heart help them?
  • Imagine that all the trees are a big family. Tell us who are the parents in this family, who are the grandparents, who are the children.
  • Why do you think mothers always protect their children?
  • Think and tell how you can help your mother if she has trouble at work, feels unwell, etc.
  • Imagine that your mother had to leave for one week, and you need to do all your mother's business for a week. List these tasks and think about when and how you will do them.

"Thank you" V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Two people were walking along the forest road - grandfather and a boy. It was hot, they wanted to drink. The travelers came to a stream. Cool water gurgled softly. They leaned over and got drunk. “Thank you, you have a stream,” said grandfather. The boy laughed. - Why did you say "thank you" to the stream? - he asked grandfather - After all, the stream is not alive, will not hear your words, will not understand your gratitude. - This is true. If the wolf got drunk, he would not say “thank you”. And we are not wolves, we are people. Do you know why a person says "thank you"? Think who needs this word? The boy thought. He had plenty of time. The road was long...

A modern parable for children 9-12 years old "When no one sees you ..."

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a new publication from the literary cycle "Instructive Tales" for children from 9 to 12 years old.
Methodological development can be useful for Sunday school teachers, elementary school teachers, additional education teachers, parents and creative people.

Lychangina Lyubov Vladimirovna, Sunday school teacher at the Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Aldan District, Yakut and Lena Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)
Target: education of the moral qualities of children through the literary word.
Tasks: to give children the idea that not one of our negative actions goes unnoticed, that one must always live according to the laws of morality; to cultivate moral qualities - kindness, compassion, philanthropy, good nature, responsibility for one's actions, respect and love for one's neighbor.

When no one sees you...

Dear readers! I want to tell you an instructive story about seven days in the life of a boy I know named Stepan.

Stepan lives in a new high-rise around the corner with his family. For his mother, he is the most exemplary son in the world - affectionate, kind and obedient. For dad, he is an assistant in all matters, an attentive and caring child, who also studies well at school and loves sports.

Styopa has a younger sister, who is still very young, she has just begun to take her first steps, and the baby still does not know how to speak at all.
With his parents, the boy and his sister are always kind and friendly, but only the father and mother are outside the door - and Styopa becomes unrecognizable, he can push the baby away without a twinge of conscience, scold her, and even hit her.

For example, last week, on Monday, while his parents went to the store, he offended a defenseless girl by taking away her favorite toy.
Parents were surprised when they came home and saw the tearful face of their little daughter.
"What happened?" they asked their son excitedly.
“Nothing, mommy, nothing, daddy, little sister just fell,” he calmly answered them.

The next day (Tuesday), Styopa decided to take a walk in the courtyard of the house opposite. At this time, a little neighbor boy was sculpting Easter cakes in the sandbox. Stepan decided to have fun - he took it, and the guest threw sand into the eyes of the baby, and he burst into loud tears from surprise and pain! The cry of the little one was heard by his mother, who was sitting nearby on a bench, she rushed to the sandbox, but Styopa was already gone.

On Wednesday evening, on the side of the road, Stepan saw an old blind grandfather who needed to cross to the other side of the street. The old man rushed about at the road crossing, knocking on the asphalt with his white cane, but the cars scurried back and forth, and there was no way for the elderly man to cross the road. The curious Styopa approached the blind man, waved his hand in front of his face to make sure that he really did not see anything, and, laughing sarcastically, ran across the road to do his business.

Here's what happened on Thursday. Not far from the boy's house is a confectionery, which often sells fresh, tasty and fragrant buns. After school, Stepan went to the bakery, although he had no money with him. When the saleswoman turned away for a second, he stole a sweet roll from the counter and rushed headlong into the street. And then he ate the stolen treat with gusto.

Here is another insignificant (according to Styopa) event that happened on Friday. Approaching his entrance, the boy saw a small helpless kitten at the door, which meowed thinly and trembled from cold and fear. Styopa, without even batting an eyelid, kicked the animal so that it flew off to the side, and entered the entrance without even turning around.

And at home he again showed himself to be an exemplary and loving son and a caring brother - he helped his mother wash the dishes, read a book to his sister, did his homework.

The next day, Saturday, the mother went to church for confession and took her son with her.
At first she confessed herself, and then she pushed Stepan to Batiushka.
“I have no sins,” Stepan confidently told the confessor.
Batiushka looked at him questioningly, waiting for the boy to remember his sins.
Styopa stood stubbornly, his head bowed, and was silent, but his heart was vague and anxious.

And suddenly he clearly heard a stern male voice: “Enough to be silent! Tell the truth! Didn't you hurt your little sister and the baby in the sandbox? Who did not help the blind to cross the road? Who stole the bun in the store? And who finally kicked a kitten on the street?

The hair on the boy's head stirred with fear, the color of burning shame flooded his face.
"How do you know?" - the timid Stepan asked the invisible owner of this voice. - "No one saw this!"
“I can see everything, didn’t you know that? All living creatures are the creation of my hands, and I love them all equally. I live in every earthly creature, and offending them, you offend me!”

Tears of repentance flowed from the boy's eyes in a hail; the wise Father patiently waited until the confessor calmed down. Having recovered a little, Styopa, sobbing, listed to the priest all his unworthy deeds, every single one, without missing anything. It turned out to be very difficult to talk about it, the words got stuck in my throat, and I was terribly ashamed. When the holy father absolved Stepan of his sins, the boy felt that his soul became light and calm.
He thought that tomorrow, Sunday, with a pure heart it would be possible to come to the temple for service and communion.

“I will never be the same again! I promise you!" he whispered softly to his invisible interlocutor in the temple.
And he crossed himself.

You think no one sees you
When do you do your abominations?
Good you remain only in appearance,
But HEAVEN knows when you sin!

You do not notice evil behind you,
And you secretly do obscene things,
Offending someone in passing
And HEAVEN sees when you sin!

Now you know the holy truth
Hurry up to make amends...
From now on you will surely understand
That the SKY cries when you sin!..
(L. Lychangina)

Christian parables and fables for children for the lessons of spiritual and moral education.

Kharitonova N.V.

How do we see the world?

There was an old withered tree on the road.

One night a thief passed by him and was frightened - it seemed to him that it was standing, waiting for his guard.

A young man in love passed by and his heart beat joyfully. He mistook the tree for his beloved.

The child, frightened by terrible tales, burst into tears when he saw the tree, and decided that it was a ghost, but the tree was only a tree.

We see the world as we are.

And why you?

Andrey Marko's fable

Once a little Mishutka asked his father Bear:

Dad, do you know everyone who lives in our forest?

Yes, son, everyone.

But tell me, is the wolf the bravest? - asked the son.

He is very brave, much braver than me, - answered the bear.

Is the tiger strong? - Mishutka did not let up.

Incredibly strong, I can't even compare to him.

Well, what about the lynx? Is she smart?

Woo! muttered the bear. - She is so dexterous that the leaf does not move when she hunts for prey.

And what about the fox? She is said to be very smart.

Yes, son, they are right. She is really smart and agile.

So why, dad, are you the head of the forest, and not a tiger, a wolf or a smart fox? - Mishutka asked in bewilderment.

You see sonthe wolf is brave but cannot be careful. The tiger is strong, but very quick-tempered. The lynx is agile, but often cannot keep what it has acquired. The fox is smart, but sometimes she uses her skills to outwit others, and therefore gets into trouble. Well, I just see ten entities where they only see one. And depending on the situation and time, I am either a fox, or a tiger, or a wolf. That's the only reason I'm the head of the forest.

The world is the way you see it.

A young man came to one oasis, drank water and asked an old man who was resting near the source:

What kind of people live here?

The old man, in turn, asked the young man:

What kind of people live where you came from?

A bunch of selfish people with bad thoughts,” the young man replied.

On the same day, another young man went to the source to quench his thirst from the road. Seeing the old man, he greeted and asked:

What kind of people live in this place?

The old man asked the same question in response: - And what kind of people live where you came from?

Beautiful! Honest, hospitable, friendly. It hurt me to part with them.

You will find the same ones here,” said the old man.

One man who overheard both conversations asked, "How could you give two such identical answers to the same question?"

To which the old man replied:

Each of us can only see what is in our hearts.

He who has not found anything good wherever he has been will not be able to find anything else either here or anywhere else.

If you don’t like something in the world around you, then most of all we are upset not by the phenomenon itself, but by our opinion about it.

Are Hell and Heaven the same?

One day a good man was talking to God and asked him: Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is.

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one, and led the good man inside.

There was a huge round table in the middle of which was a huge bowl filled with food that smelled very delicious. The people around the table looked like they were starving. They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands.

They could take out a bowl filled with food and scoop up food, but because of their long handles, they could not bring the spoons to their mouths. The good man was shocked at the sight of their misfortune.

The Lord said, "You just saw Hell just now."

The Lord and the good man then went to the second door. There was the same huge round table, the same giant bowl filled with delicious food.

The people around the table held the same very long-handled spoons.

Only this time they looked full, happy, and deep in pleasant conversations with each other.

The good man said to the Lord, "I don't understand."

"It's simple," the Lord answered him,

"These have learned to feed each other. Others think only of themselves."

If Hell and Heaven are arranged in the same way, then the difference is inside us?

Parable about wolves.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The old man smiled and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Is the world hostile to humans?

The student asked the dervish:

Master, is the world hostile to man? Or is it good for a person?

I will tell you a parable about how the world treats a person, - said the teacher.

"A long time ago there lived a great shah.

He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things.

Among other curiosities in the palace was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately realize that there was a mirror in front of him - they reflected objects so accurately.

In addition, the walls of this hall were arranged in such a way as to create an echo.

Ask: "Who are you?" - and you will hear in response from different sides: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"

Once a dog ran into this hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below.

The dog bared its teeth just in case, and all the reflections responded to her in the same way.

Frightened in earnest, she barked desperately. The echo repeated her barking.

The dog barked louder and louder. The echo didn't stop. The dog darted back and forth, biting the air,

And her reflections, too, rushed around, snapping their teeth.

The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could harm her in any way. The dog died fighting its own reflections."

Now you see, - finished the dervish,- the world does not bring either good or evil by itself. He is indifferent to humans. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, actions.

The world is a big mirror.

The basic rule for achieving the goal

Three beginners came to the Master of Archery:

You are the most dexterous shooter in the whole world! We want to become as successful and continue your work,” they said.

I can teach you archery! Master replied. - Tell all the secrets and wisdom of this case. But I will take only one as my student! And he can become the best shooter and a truly successful person.

In order to choose someone to be his disciple, the Master offered to pass a small test for all three. He hung a target on a tree, and at a distance of several meters let down the first beginner.

What do you see in front of you? the Master asked.

I see a tree with a target hanging from it.

What else? the master asked

Behind a green lawn, flowers grow on it.

Good, - said the Master and called the next applicant to be a student. - What do you see in front of you?

I see a target, a tree, a clearing, flowers, the sky,” the second newcomer replied.

Good! - answered the Master and asked the same question to the third beginner. – What do you see?

I see a target in front of me! he replied.

All right, said the Master, what else?

Nothing else! The most important thing is the target, I see only it!

Well done! Master said. You will achieve great success in life. I will take you as my student.

When there is a goal, nothing else matters.

Parable "True knowledge".

One day a school Teacher came to a very respected Teacher and accused her of being completely illogical in her method of teaching, that it was some kind of crazy chatter, and some other things of that kind. The teacher took out a gem from her bag. She pointed to the mall shops and said:

Take it to stores that sell silverware and watch batteries and see if you can get a hundred pounds of gold for it.

The Schoolmaster tried everything he could, but he was offered no more than a hundred silver pence.

Great, said the teacher. “Now go to a real jeweler and see what he will give you for this stone.”

The Schoolmaster went to the nearest jewelry store and was surprised when he was suddenly offered ten thousand gold pounds for this stone.

The teacher said:

You have tried to understand the nature of the knowledge I am giving and my way of teaching, just as the silver merchants tried to value this stone.

If you want to be able to determine the true value of a stone,

Become a jeweler.

The Parable of the Purposeful Frog

Several frogs gathered and started talking.

What a pity that we live in such a small swamp. I wish I could get to the neighboring swamp, it's much better there! one frog croaked.

And I heard that there is a great place in the mountains! There is a clean big pond, fresh air, and there are no those hooligan boys, - the second frog croaked dreamily.

And you something that from this? snarled the big toad. "You'll never get there anyway!"

Why not get there? We frogs can do anything! Really, friends? - said the dreamer frog and added, - let's prove to this harmful toad that we can move to the mountains!

Let's! Let's! Let's move to a big clean pond! - croaked all the frogs in different voices.

So they all began to gather to move. And the old toad told all the inhabitants of the swamp about the "stupid idea of ​​the frogs."

And when the frogs set off, everyone who remained in the swamp shouted with one voice:

Where are you, frogs, it's IMPOSSIBLE! You will not reach the pond. It's better to sit in your swamp!

But the frogs did not listen, and moved on. For several days they walked, many were exhausted from their last strength and abandoned their goal. They turned back to their native swamp.

Everyone whom the frogs met on their difficult path dissuaded them from this crazy idea. And so their company got smaller and smaller. And only one frog did not turn off the path. She did not return back to the swamp, but reached a clean beautiful pond and settled in it.

Why did she manage to reach her goal? Maybe she was stronger than the others?

It turned out that this frog was simply DEAF!She had not heard that it was IMPOSSIBLE! I didn’t hear how they dissuaded her, which is why she easily reached her goal!

The parable of the oyster and the eagle.

(This parable is based on a story from ancient Indian mythology about how man was created)

In the beginning, God created an oyster and placed it at the very bottom. Her life was not varied. She did nothing all day

She just opened the sink, let some water in, and closed it again. Day after day, and she kept opening the shell and closing, opening and closing ...

Then God created the eagle and gave it free flight and the ability to reach the highest peaks. For him there were no boundaries, but the eagle had to pay for his freedom.

Nothing fell to him from the sky. When he had chicks, he hunted all day to get enough food. But he was glad to pay for this gift at such a price.

After all, God created man. And he led him first to the oyster, then to the eagle. And told him to choose his way of life.

Constantly learning and developing, we make a choice between two forms of existence. Oyster means people who do not seek to expand their horizons. Very often in this case they have to do the same thing all their lives.

Whoever decides to live like an eagle chooses, for sure, a difficult road. Most likely, there is only one way to go through it to the end - we must learn to find pleasure in learning and development.

The more we learn and grow, the freer we become. Obstacles and problems become, from this point of view, lessons.

Butterfly lesson.

One day, a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a man who happened to pass by stood for long hours and watched how a butterfly was trying to get out through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly did everything she could, and that she had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. Butterfly came out immediately. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly's wings were about to spread and get stronger, and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged along the ground its weak body, its unspread wings. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the effort to get out through the narrow crack of the cocoon is necessary for the butterfly, so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave this shell with difficulty so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without difficulties, we would be deprived. We could not be as strong as we are now. We could never fly.

I asked for strength ... And life gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom... And life gave me problems to solve.

I asked for wealth ... And life gave me the brain and muscles so that I could work.

I asked for the opportunity to fly ... And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them.

I asked for love... And life gave me people whom I could help in their problems.

I asked for blessings ... And life gave me opportunities.

I didn't get anything I asked for. But I got everything I needed.

Strong snowflake.

Let's check which of us is stronger, who can break this dry branch.

The first snowflake ran up and jumped with all its might onto a branch. The thread didn't even move. Behind her is the second. Nothing too. Third. The branch didn't budge either. Snowflakes fell on the branch all night. A whole snowdrift formed on it. The branch bent under the weight of snowflakes, but did not want to break. And one small snowflake hovered in the air all this time and thought: “If the bigger ones couldn’t break the branch, then where should I go?”

But her friends called her: - Try it! Suddenly you can!

And the snowflake finally made up its mind. She fell on a branch, and ... the branch broke, although this snowflake was not stronger than the others.

And who knows, maybe it is your good deed that will defeat evil in someone's life, although you are not stronger than the rest.

Who to blame?

In the train car, the girl diligently writes something in a notebook. Mom asks her: “What are you writing, daughter?” - “I describe the places that I see from the window. You can read, mommy, ”the daughter replies. Mom reads what was written and raises her eyebrows high: “But you have so many mistakes in your words, daughter!” - “Ah, mother! - exclaims the girl. - There's a different kind of train here! He shakes so much that it is very difficult to write correctly!

Always blame yourself for your mistakes, not the circumstances, and you will never make a mistake.


Parable about mercy and love for nature for children

A flower grew in the field and rejoiced: the sun, light, heat, air, rain, life ... And also the fact that God created it not with nettles or thistles, but in such a way as to please man.

He grew, grew ... And suddenly a boy walked by and plucked it. Just like that, without even knowing why.

Crumpled up and thrown onto the road. The flower became painful, bitter. The boy did not even know that scientists had proven that plants, like people, can feel pain.

But most of all, the flower was offended that it was simply torn off and deprived of sunlight, daytime heat and night coolness, rain, air, life ...

The last thing he thought about was that it was still good that the Lord did not create him with nettles. After all, then the boy would certainly burn his hand.

And he, having known what pain is, did not want so much that at least someone else on earth would be hurt ...

The dispute between the wind and the sun.

One day, the angry North Wind and the Sun started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and decided to try their hand at one traveler.

The wind said: “I will immediately tear off his cloak!” And he began to blow. He blew very hard and for a long time. But the man only wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak.

Then the Sun began to warm the traveler. He first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, and then took off his cloak and carried it on his arm.The Sun said to the Wind: “You see: with kindness, affection, you can achieve much more than violence.”

Happiness is near.

The wise old cat lay on the grass and basked in the sun. Then a small, nimble kitten rushed past him. He tumbled past the cat, then jumped briskly and began to run in circles again.

What are you doing? the cat asked lazily.

I'm trying to catch my tail! - out of breath answered the kitten.

But why? the cat laughed.

I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, I will catch my happiness. So I've been running for the third day after my tail. But he always eludes me.

Yes, - the wise old cat smiled, - once I, like you, ran after my happiness, but it eluded me all the time. I left this idea. After a while I realizedthat there is no point in chasing happiness. It always follows me around. Wherever I am, my happiness is always with me, you just need to remember this.

Mother's heart.

On the forest edge illuminated by the sun, a beautiful birch tree grew with young daughters. She loved her children, caressed with sprawling branches, protecting them from the cold wind and heavy rain. And in the summer, under its canopy, no scorching sun frightened the birches. They were "warm in the sun, but good in the mother."

But one day a thunderstorm broke out in the forest. No joke. Thunder rumbles shook the earth, and the sky was lit up with lightning every now and then. Thin-barreled beauties trembled with fear. But mother birch reassured them, hugging them with her strong branches: "Do not be afraid of anything. Lightning will not be able to notice you under my branches. I am tall and ...". She did not have time to agree.

A loud crack resounded through the forest. A huge lightning struck the birch mercilessly, scorching the core of its trunk. But the birch did not catch fire. Her strength left her, an evil wind tried to knock her to the ground, a heavy downpour unraveled the branches, but under them were her children and no one except her mother could protect them now. camps, washing the tears flowing down the leaves. Last time. There was no limit to motherly love.

Only when everything was over and the sun shone again over the rain-washed forest, she, swaying, quietly sank to the ground. “I will never leave you,” she whispered to the birches, “my trunk will very soon be overgrown with grass and covered with moss. But my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it. No lightning can break it.”

When the birch fell, she once again affectionately hugged her daughters, and did not touch any of them. So three slender beauties grow around an old stump covered with moss. It happens that a traveler sits down to rest in their shade on the trunk of an old tree and it seems to him that it is surprisingly soft. He closes his eyes and hears the beat of his mother's heart...

Holy lake.

There lived two brothers-banks and a sister-river. One bank was high and overgrown with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich. And the other, low and sandy, is poor.

Somehow he asked the poor shore from his rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm himself. Yes, where is it! The rich shore was indignant:

If every time I give you even a little, then, you see, there will be nothing left for yourself. And I will become poor, just like you!

Heard this sky, frowned. Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on a high bank. The forest caught fire. And such a fire began that the high bank pleaded:

Sister River! Brother coast! Help out! Save! Without water and sand - perish!

Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help their brother.

And they tried so hard that she, filling the fire with water, gave herself to the last drop, and he, filling it with sand, gave everything to the last grain of sand.

So they put out the fire.

But this did not bring relief to the rich brother. After all, now there was only a large empty lowland in front of him. And he didn't have a sister or a brother...

Time has passed.

Rains and industrious springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called "holy". How else to call the fruit of sacrificial love?

And when someone stayed here to spend the night, the high bank, sighing guiltily, generously endowed him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold ...

Required knowledge.

Chinese fable.

In ancient times, the Zhu people lived. One day, he learned that the old hunter Ma Teng could kill dragons. Zhu came to him and asked him to teach him how to kill dragons.

This is a difficult art. Are you ready to study from morning to evening without rest for five years? Do you have money to pay for teaching?

Yes, - said Zhu and began to study. Five long years have passed. All these years, he diligently learned to defeat dragons. He returned to the village without a penny in his pocket, but he could defeat any dragon. Zhu lived a long life, but he never met a dragon. And since he did not know how to do anything, his life was spent in sorrow and need. And only when he got old, Zhu realized a simple truth:good knowledge is that which people need and benefit them.

About a boy who believed in miracles.

The boy was very fond of reading kind and clever fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales. Feeling somewhat disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles. Or miracles do not happen in life?

“My dear,” his mother answered him lovingly, “if you try to grow up as a kind and good boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true.Remember that they are not looking for miracles - they come to good people on their own.

The material was collected from various Internet sites.

Before you is an amazing book: “Little Parables for Children and Adults. Volume 1, written by the Russian writer, poet and playwright monk Varnava (Sanin).

Parables are a special genre, which is very rare not only in Russian, but throughout the world literature. Short allegorical and instructive stories enable a person to look at his shortcomings from the outside, think about eternal values, help to find answers to various questions of our being.

Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin), having created in his parables an amazing fusion of high spirituality and morality with folk wisdom, at the same time managed to write them in a very capacious, fascinating, intelligible language, which makes it possible to read these instructive stories not only for adults, but also for children.


At I saw a pool on the shore a beautiful lily. And decided, by all means, to take possession of it.

What he just did not offer the beauty: to ride on his fast waves, the gentle coolness of the water in the unbearable heat and a whole whirlpool of all kinds of entertainment and pleasures.

The beauty hesitated.

The bug, who hopelessly loved her, noticed this and began to dissuade:

- He will kill you! You'll be lost!

Only where there!

“He is so strong, handsome and all sort of mysterious ...” Lily objected. - No, I think I'll still accept his offer!

- Ah well? the beetle shouted. “Well then, look what awaits you if you do this!”

And he, folding his wings, rushed to the surface of the whirlpool, which immediately mercilessly swirled, spun it, and soon disappeared forever from the eyes of the lily, who only now understood what true love is ...


P envy came to the store with money to buy bread.

He looks, and there a man buys a pie for a ruble ...

So envy jumped out of the store!

Then she decided to at least drink water from the well. She took the biggest tub so that everyone would envy her!

And at the well the peasant's wife - light buckets, painted yokes ...

She threw her bucket of envy, and, well, completely run away from the village - without food, without drink ...

She lay down on a hillock, which is higher, and began to envy herself that there was a time when she did not envy anyone ...


Z The wind extinguished the candle and became proud:

“Now I can pay off everything!” Even the sun!

A wise peasant heard him, made a windmill and said:

- Eka unseen - the sun! Even the night can extinguish it. You try to stop this wheel!

And, with all his strength, he spun a large, heavy wheel.

The wind blew once, blew another - but the wheel does not stop. On the contrary, the more he blew, the more it spun.

Flour flowed into the smart peasant's bags, and he began to live: he himself was in abundance, and the poor should not be forgotten!

And the wind, they say, still blows on this wheel. Where exactly? Yes, wherever there is a place for pride!


At a man fell into a deep abyss.

Lies wounded, dies ...

Friends came running. They tried, holding on to each other, to go down to help him, but they themselves almost fell into it.

Mercy has come. It lowered the ladder into the abyss, yes - oh! .. - it does not reach the end!

Good deeds, done once by a man, arrived in time, threw down a long rope. But also - a short rope ...

They also tried in vain to save a person: his loud fame, big money, power ...

Finally, repentance came. It extended its hand. A man grabbed it and ... got out of the abyss!

— How did you do it? – everyone was surprised.

But repentance had no time to answer.

It hurried to other people whom only it could save...


R I told the man's conscience that he was wrong, another, third ...

On the fourth he decided to get rid of her. Yes, not for a day or two - forever!

I thought and thought about how to do it, and thought of ...

“Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”

“No,” she says. - You will deceive me anyway - you will peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely sick and said:

- I got sick of something ... Bring me some milk from the cellar!

Her conscience could not refuse him this. Went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends to the joys and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended the other, and when they began to take offense, he completely drove everyone out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - good at heart, calm.

It’s good, it’s good, but only a day has passed, another, but something began to be missed by a person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such anguish fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

“All right,” he says, “come out!” Just don't order now!

And in response - silence.

He went down to the cellar: there, here - there is no conscience anywhere!

Apparently, indeed, got rid of her forever ...

The man sobbed: - How am I going to live without a conscience now?

- Here am I…

A man called to the joys of his friends, apologized and arranged such a feast for them here!

Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not mind. And not at all because I was afraid to be in the basement again.

After all, if you look, that's how it was!


W whether on the road good and evil. In front of them are two men.

“Come on,” says the evil, “let’s test which of us is stronger?”

- Let's! - agreed not knowing how to object good. - But as?

“And let these two men fight for us,” says evil, “I will make one of them strong, rich, but evil!”

- Good! - says good. - And I'm different - weak and poor, but kind!

No sooner said than done.

In a moment, one man was on a horse, in rich clothes. And the other is in rags, and even with a stick ...

- Get out of my way! - shouted at him turned into a rich man, beat him with a whip and galloped home as soon as possible - to count the money.

Made poor sighed and silently trudged along.

— Aha! Evil rejoiced. “Is it clear now which of us is stronger?”

“Wait,” he says kindly. - Everything is easy and fast for you, but not for long. And I, if I do something, then - forever!

And there was this. How long, no, the poor man walked, only suddenly he sees - a rich man is lying under a horse that has fallen on him and cannot rise in any way. Wheezing already, suffocating ...

The poor man approached him. And he felt so sorry for the dying man, that where did the strength come from! He threw away the stick, pulled himself up and - helped the unfortunate man to free himself.

Weepy rich. Doesn't know how to thank the poor.

“I,” he says, “with a whip, and you saved my life!” Come live with me. You will be my brother now!

Two men left. And evil says:

- What are you, good? They promised to make their little man weak, but he could lift such a heavy horse! If so, then I won!

And good and did not argue. After all, it did not skillfully object - even to evil.

But since then, good and evil do not go together. And if they go along the same road, then only in different directions!


H It began to wear the strength of people on a country road.

For a hundred years they have been trampling it, trampling it: it's time to retire - she knew about the pension from those who walked along it all their lives. And who needs it: now more and more highways and asphalts are in fashion!

The road curled up and lay down to rest on the sidelines.

People came out in the morning: there is no road!

How to be? What to do?..

You can’t walk on asphalt - the asphalt of spring streams could not stand it, it all cracked, and now they will re-pave it until autumn.

The highway is also soft, viscous in the heat. So the soles stick to it.

The road saw this, sighed and - nothing can be done! – began to serve people again.


At they knew watercolors that they were going to be diluted with water, and were indignant:

- Why can't we do it ourselves?

- No, - she said, tired of rubbing on dry paints, even the softest brush.

- Don't do it! - confirmed the paper that has seen a lot in its lifetime.

The artist didn't say anything.

He diluted the paints with water and painted a picture.

One that everyone was happy with.

And first of all, the watercolors themselves!


E the hero roamed the field.

Helmet, armor, shield, spear, mace, and even a sword in a sheath ...

Towards the old monk.

A faded skullcap on his head, a patched cassock, and a rosary in his hands.

- Be healthy, honest father!

- And you, kid, do not get sick! Where are you heading?

— To the war. And you?

- And I'm in the war. I don’t need to look for her, just like you!

The two heroes looked at each other with understanding.

And they hurried to save Rus' from visible and invisible enemies!


To settled in the museum of the painting on the icon and did not understand anything:

"And why was she hanged among us?" No bright colors, no beauty of movement, no liveliness of the image! Right, black square?

But the black square did not answer. Behind the silence, he hid his complete emptiness and therefore was known as the most wise and even mysterious. In addition, due to his price, he was very rich, and therefore even more respected.

The icon itself was very upset. And not at all with these gossip addressed to you. And the fact that people walked by and just looked at her.

But she was created not to be looked at, but to pray before her!


R ate a hammer to fly into space.

Others fly - and why am I worse? At the same time, I’ll nail the stars to the sky so that they hold on tighter and don’t fall so often!

Maybe he would have flown, but he just didn’t know how to get up there and where to get free time.

So he worked tirelessly during the day. And at night I looked out the window at the shooting stars and sighed: oh, I'm not there now! ..

And he sighed in vain.

He was very much needed on earth ...


P left a chair on the table when the windows were washed, but forgot to clean it. He got proud.

- I, - he says, - is now the most important in the house!

And commanded all things to call themselves the throne.

The fly heard it. She sat on a chair and said:

“Now I am the queen, since I am sitting on the throne!”

The fly swatter slapped a fly and announced that there was a coup d'état in the house.

It is not known how it would all end, only the hostess came. She put the chair back, sat down on it to rest, and said nothing.

But all things already knew: now the house is in order!


R boasted crane:

“If it wasn’t for me, everyone in the house would have died of thirst!”

And how can you argue with that? Everyone can see that water really flows from it.

Only once there was an accident somewhere. The masters came and turned off the water.

They twisted and twisted after that the tap: there is no water!

And then everyone guessed that the whole thing was not in the crane.

And most importantly, he understood it too. Because he almost died of thirst then!


P the poor baby went to the mug - to ask for alms.

"Give it up, for Christ's sake!" After all, we are almost namesakes, and maybe even relatives!

— Go to the lid! - gave the circle a turn from the gate. - If we are relatives, then only second cousins. And you and her in the title - only one letter of the difference. Maybe a cousin will give!

The crumb went to the lid. And she didn’t even get off the pan. So she answered from above:

- There are a lot of you all walking around here! Now a jug, then a cat ... I have nothing! Can't you see what times we live in? It is not enough for us with a saucepan. Right, girlfriend? she turned to the pot-bellied saucepan.

But she was so full that she couldn't even answer.

Went, not salty slurping, baby home. And towards her - a hammer. He learned about her need and said:

Don't worry, I'll help you in any way I can!

“But I’m not your relative, and even our last names are different!” – whispered the baby in tears.

- So what? Hammer was surprised. - We need to help each other!

And, although he himself was not at all rich, rather even poor, he gave her so much that was enough for a long time. How much does a baby need? And when it was over, he ordered to come again. Although he was neither a relative, nor even a namesake!


Z a lark hooted over the field.

He praised God, who gave him this beautiful day, this beautiful earth, sky, air and beautiful life itself!

People looked at the tiny ringing dot and wondered:

- Wow, so small and sings so loudly!

And the lark sometimes glanced down at people and only wondered:

- Wow, such big and strong ones are the crowns of God's creation, and they sing so softly ...


AT two roads meet at a fork. Narrow and wide.

- You completely let yourself go: all in sharp stones, potholes, overgrown with prickly thorns! - the wide narrow one began to reproach. “Your travelers are about to die of fatigue or hunger!” Whether business I: beautiful, smooth! Along me are cafes, restaurants, houses with all amenities. Live - have fun!

- Why are you suddenly silent? After all, judging by your words, you live well! the narrow road surprised me.

“It’s good, it’s good ...” the broad sighed in response. - Yes, only at the end of me - the abyss. Bottomless, black, gloomy. Something that I can't describe to you. Many people are not even aware of it. And those that know, just brush it off. Apparently they don't know the whole truth. And I've seen enough of this abyss so that more than anything in the world I'm afraid to slide into it one day. After all, I'm afraid it will be then forever! Well, how do you live?

- Difficult! sighed the narrow road. “And it’s not easy for those who follow me. But at the end of my path is a mountain. And those who climbed it are so bright, joyful, happy that I can’t even describe to you! And you know, I want to be there too. After all, I hope it will be forever!

The roads talked and parted in different directions.

And at the fork of that man remained, who heard all this.

And what is strange is that he is still standing there, still thinking which way he should turn!


P made friends with a haystack with a match.

- She is not a match for you! everyone told him. - Stay away from her, otherwise - is it far from trouble?

But he didn't want to listen to anyone. I spent the whole day admiring my girlfriend. And even at night wished to see her.

The match could not refuse him and struck itself against a stone ...

People came in the morning, they look - from the haystack there is only a dark circle in the meadow. And there was nothing left of the match!


R Yesil evil man to become good.

He prayed to God and began to do good to people.

And evil is right there:

“Well, no, I won’t give my prey to anyone!”

Seized the moment and made a man do evil.

He sits, rubbing his hands rather:

"He won't get away from me!"

But it was not there!

The man only got smarter after that. He again prayed to God, asking him to protect him from evil, and with even greater zeal began to do good. And he paid no more attention to all the persuasions of evil.

And evil went, trembling with malice, from its familiar place.

Yes, in the very first house where they do not remember God ...


AT the young oak was indignant:

- Why are you, the wind, do not give me rest? All you blow and you blow! You only stroke the grass, you preen it, but on me you have already broken off how many branches!

- Silly! This is for your benefit! grunted the old oak tree.

- For mine?! - the young oak was indignant, thinking that the old man had already lost his mind. And he, as if nothing had happened, explained:

“Oh, youth, youth!.. The wind shakes you, and your roots go deeper and deeper into the ground. Soon he and me, so that you have more sun, will knock down ...

And then the wind thanked the young oak. And he regretted that he could not move aside so that this old and wise oak would not have to be felled ...


P the hare looked at himself in the winter, looked in the summer and thought: and what do I have only two fur coats: white and gray? I'll sew a redhead for myself - like a fox's! First, it's beautiful. And, secondly, the rest of the hares will become afraid of me, and all the carrots in the garden will be mine!

No sooner said than done. The hare sewed a new fur coat and went for a walk in it.

And when I realized that it was a hare, I was even more delighted, because I had not had lunch yet in the morning.

Only the hare himself was then not up to joy.

He took his paws by force. After all, you always want to live more than you have!

The fox only licks its lips and remains. And since then, the hare did not dare to think of changing anything from what the Lord Himself had given him!