Parable about life for children. Parables for elementary school children

Parables of the owl Anfisa. Parables for children are short and understandable stories that contain wisdom

"How to wean a magpie from stealing"

At the edge of the forest, behind the very oak that rests on the sky with its top, the owl Anfisa lives in a crevice of the rock. Animals go to her every now and then for advice, because there is probably no one wiser than Anfisa!

Hey, magpie, what's that glitter in your beak? - The owl asks its neighbor somehow.

Ky-kysh, ky-ky, ky-ky, - the magpie muttered.

Then she sat down on a branch and carefully placed a tiny ring next to her:

I say, I stole a trinket from a hare.

Anfisa is watching, and the neighbor is beaming with pleasure.

When will you stop stealing, shameless? she snorted ominously.

But, the magpie has already caught a cold. She flew off to hide her treasure ... Anfisa thought and thought how to teach the villain a lesson, and then she decided to turn to the bear.

Listen, Prokop Prokopovich, I have business with you. Take the chest with the stolen "wealth" from the magpie. I noticed a long time ago in which clearing she hides it. Only I can never lift it myself - forty over the years filled it to the eyeballs!

What should I do with him? - the clubfoot scratched the back of his head.

Nothing, - Anfisa chuckled, - let him stand in your lair for the time being ...

Less than an hour later, the magpie stirred up the whole forest.

Guard! Robbed! Villains! she shouted loudly, circling over the clearing.

Here Anfisa says to her:

Do you see, neighbor, how unpleasant it is to be robbed?

The magpie shyly covered her eyes with a wing, and is silent. And the owl teaches:

Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself.

Since then, forty does not take someone else's. The animals, rejoicing at the things they found, threw such a feast in Prokop Prokopovich’s lair that the clubfoot still cannot drive them out ...

"Terrible Punishment"

Once a hedgehog came to the owl Anfisa, and began to complain about her beloved son:

My mischievous one constantly strives to run away alone into the depths of the forest! Ah, you know, Anfisa, how dangerous it is! I have already told him a thousand times that without my father and I not a step out of the nest. Yes, it's all useless...

So come up with some kind of punishment for him, the owl advised.

But the hedgehog sighed sadly:

I can not. He told me that week: “Since you scold me and punish me all the time, it means you don’t love me!”

Anfisa almost fell off the branch from such stupidity. Then she hooted busily several times, and said:

Go home, hedgehog, and tell your son that everything is now possible for him, and you will not punish him for anything. And when the evening comes, I will come to visit you ...

And so they did. As soon as the first stars lit up in the sky, the owl spread its wings and hurried to the other end of the forest. I flew up to a familiar bush, under which a family of hedgehogs lived, and there so-and-so! The hedgehog fluffed up the thorns from happiness, and happy jumps around the nest. The hedgehog screams, shedding bitter tears. And only dad-hedgehog, as always calmly, reads the newspaper. He already knows - if the owl got down to business, then everything will be fine.

What are you talking about here? - Anfisa hooted, going up to the hedgehog.

My mom allows me to do everything! - He joyfully exclaimed, - And he will not punish for anything else! Oh, I'm going to conquer the forest now! I’ll go around all the nooks and crannies, I’ll climb under every bush! After all, there are so many interesting things around ... And, I don’t need adults, now I’m my own boss!

The owl tilted its head to one side and thoughtfully stretched:

Terrible horror, a nightmarish nightmare... There is no worse punishment in the whole wide world...

What is this, an owl, - the hedgehog was surprised, - didn’t you understand or what? Now, on the contrary, everything is possible for me!

Anfisa narrowed her huge eyes and said:

What a fool you are! This is the most terrible punishment - when your parents stop educating you! Heard what happened to the hare, whom mom didn’t punish for lying? The eared one lied so that the whole forest laughs at him, it’s a shame to show his nose from the hole.

The hedgehog became thoughtful, and the owl continues:

Have you heard about our bear? Prokop Prokopovich's whole family lives in the city. Both parents and brothers work in the circus - real stars! One of them was not accepted. Do you know how upset he is? And, all just because he did not like to train since childhood. Even shied away from charging. The bear took pity on him and closed her eyes to everything. And now our clubfoot dreams of a circus, but no one takes him there - too clumsy.

Here the hedgehog dad decided to intervene in the conversation:

It's okay! What happened to the raccoon...

The adults looked at each other meaningfully. The hedgehog, who was even afraid to imagine what happened to the poor raccoon, plaintively asked:

I do not need such a terrible punishment! Let it be better than before...

The owl nodded.

A wise decision. And remember, hedgehog: whoever parents love is punished. Because they want to save you from trouble!

The hedgehog kissed the resigned son on the nose, and seated the owl at the table. They began to drink tea, and chat about all sorts of trifles. They had so much fun that the hedgehog suddenly thought: “And why did I run away from my parents all the time? Home is so good…”

"About the fox and the squirrel"

Everyone in the forest knew that the squirrel was a real craftswoman. If you want, he will make ikebana from dry flowers, but if you want, he will weave a garland from cones. But, one day she thought of making herself beads from acorns. Yes, they turned out so beautiful - you can’t take your eyes off! The squirrel went to show off in front of all the animals. They marvel, they praise the needlewoman ... Only the fox is unhappy.

What are you, redhead, depressed? the owl Anfisa asks her.

Yes, the squirrel ruined the mood! - she answers, - He walks here, you know, and boasts! You have to be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing ...

Anfisa didn't say anything to that. She flapped her wings and flew to the stream. There, behind a rotten stump, lived her friend - a spider.

Help, - the owl tells him, - to weave a cape for the fox.

The spider grumbled for order, and agreed:

Come back in three days, it will be ready. I can cobweb even the whole forest, for me some kind of cape is a trifle!

And, true, three days later he showed Anfisa such a marvelous shawl that she was breathtaking with delight! The owl gave the fox a gift, but she cannot believe her happiness:

This is for me, right? Yes, now I'll be the most beautiful in the forest!

Before Anfisa had time to open her beak, the red-haired cheat threw a shawl over her shoulders, jumped out of the hole, and rushed to brag to everyone in the neighborhood:

And, dear animals, I have a cape, which cannot be found in any forest! The squirrel is no match for me now with its beads!

So until late at night, the fox walked around friends and acquaintances until she became hoarse. Then an owl approached her and asked:

Redhead, didn’t you recently teach: “We must be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing?

The fox blinked once, blinked another, but did not know what to answer:

What is it, Anfisushka?! How am I like this?!

The owl lifted its wing and hooted:

This, redhead, is a well-known wisdom: if you condemn someone, you will soon commit the same act yourself!

The fox tucked its tail, and whispers:

I understood everything, Anfisushka...

Probably true, I understand. Because, no one else heard that the fox would condemn someone. And, the spider has since become a famous fashion designer.

"How a firefly wanted to become a beaver"

Owl Anfisa once noticed that the firefly got into the habit of flying to the river in the evenings. She decided to follow him. One day he observes, another ... Ah, the firefly does nothing special: he sits under a tree, but admires the work of a beaver. “All this is strange,” Anfisa thought, but she decided not to pester the firefly with questions. However, a real commotion soon began in the forest.

Anfisa, what is going on in the world?! - Ladybug was indignant, - Last week, the firefly got some paint somewhere, and painted the same spots on his back as mine! Oh, I don’t need such a relative!

Just think, news, - the forest bee interrupted the ladybug, - Here I have trouble, so trouble! This firefly of yours asked to join us in the hive. Yes, but he does not know how to do anything, and the harm from him is more than good!

Only Anfisa had time to listen to them, as the fox came running:

Owl, reason with this foolish firefly! He demands from the beaver that he take him as an apprentice. Ah, the beaver is angry - he doesn't need helpers. It’s not even an hour, they will fight ...

Anfisa flew to the river, looks, and the firefly sheds burning tears:

Well, what a stupid creature I am! There is no use for me! Now, if I were a ladybug ... They are beautiful! Or, for example, a bee... They know how to make delicious honey!

Ah, now what? Have you decided to become a beaver? the owl laughed.

Yeah, - the firefly sobbed, - have you seen how deftly he carpenters ?! But he doesn't want to teach me anything. He says I won't be able to lift a single log - it's too small.

The owl listened to him, and says:

Fly to my clearing as it gets dark, I'll show you something interesting.

The firefly of twilight waited, and set off. Arrived, and the owl is already waiting for him.

Look, - he says to him, - who is hiding in the bushes there?

A firefly took a closer look - and, however, behind a tree, a squirrel rustles with dry foliage, and is shaking all over with fear.

Why are you sitting here? the firefly was surprised.

It's so dark, - the little squirrel whispers, - so I got lost.

Then the firefly turned on his flashlight, and commanded:

Follow me, I'll clear the path for you!

While he saw off the little squirrel, he also met the little fox. Togo also had to be driven home. And, as he returned to Anfisa, she said to him:

Well? Do you now understand that everyone has their own purpose? While you were offended that you were born a firefly, there were so many animals around that needed your help!

So the firefly began to patrol the forest at night. And when no one was lost, he flew to the beaver and complained:

If it wasn't for my job, I would have helped you build the dam. Eh, we would have launched such a construction site with you! But, there’s no time for me, friend, there’s no time ... You manage yourself somehow!

"Evil Pest"

Some particularly malicious pest has wound up in the forest. Everyone rushed to the owl Anfisa for advice. Please help us to catch this outrageous!

He pulled out all the carrots from the garden for me, - the hare whimpers, - Oh, it’s too early to pick it! Hasn't grown yet...

Here the wolf roars:

Wait a minute, big-eared one, with your carrot! I have a more serious matter. I was picking berries for a squirrel just now. I scored half a basket, lay down on a hillock to rest, and, apparently, dozed off. I wake up - and, my basket is filled to the top! Here, I think, miracles! I carried the squirrel a treat, and she squealed: “Grey, are you going to poison me or something ?! "Wolf" berries brought! They're poisonous!"

The animals giggle, and the wolf scratches the back of his head:

I'm embarrassed, owl. The squirrel doesn't want to talk to me now. Help find the one who put these berries in the basket! I'll teach him the mind-reason ...

Suddenly, a cuckoo came out into the middle of the clearing and said offendedly:

This malicious pest was going to send me into retirement! I wake up yesterday, and there is a clock hanging on a nearby tree! Yes, not simple, but with a cuckoo!

Here even the beaver clutched his heart in excitement, and the narrator, switching to a conspiratorial whisper, continued:

So now she cackles instead of me, not knowing fatigue! Oh, what do you want me to do? It turns out that no one needs me in the forest anymore?!

Anfisa glanced around at all the animals, and hooted:

Do not worry, by the evening I will find your pest.

And, as soon as everyone dispersed about their business, the owl flew straight to the bear. While the clubfoot was pouring tea into cups, Anfisa said to him:

Why are you, Prokop Prokopovich, turning into a villain? You prevent a hare from growing carrots, slipped poisonous berries to a wolf. I decided to send the old cuckoo to retirement ...

The bear froze.

How did you know it was me?

The owl just waved its wing.

What is there to guess? You weren't the only one at our meeting. So, why are you doing all the nasty things?

The clubfoot thumped on the table, even the samovar jumped up:

They invent everything! I tried for them ... I just felt sorry for the hare, so I decided to help him harvest. How was I to know that the carrot hadn't grown yet? And, I was specifically looking for "wolf" berries. I thought, since they are wolves, it means that wolves should love them ... So, while the gray one was sleeping, I went around the whole forest with a basket.

Anfisa suddenly became agitated:

Why did you hang your watch on a tree? Where did you even get them?

So this is... Borrowed from the village doctor, - the bear was embarrassed, - They hung on the wall in his bedroom. You understand, Anfisa, I wanted the cuckoo to rest. And then she’s all “coo-coo” and “coo-coo”! Who knew that she would be happy to cuckoo?!

The owl drank her tea and advised:

You, Prokop Prokopovich, always think. Even if you are going to help someone. After all, there is no virtue without reasoning!

The animals of the bear, of course, were forgiven. But the clock was forced to return. The clumsy, remembering Anfisa's advice, tried to walk through the village on tiptoe - so that no one would notice him. And, then last time both the doctor and his wife had to be soldered with valerian. Some timid ones got caught ...

"Medal for Woodpecker"

On a serene spring day, a woodpecker flew to the owl Anfisa. He was beaming with joy.

Give me, my friend, a medal!

For what merit? the owl said calmly.

The woodpecker took out from behind his back a huge scroll, inscribed from top to bottom, and said in a businesslike manner:

For good deeds! Look at the list I made.

You can bake a blueberry pie and treat your friends. You can wake up early and help the bees collect nectar. You can go to the river, find a sad frog, and cheer her up.

Then the owl stammered, and hesitantly said:

You can take the old woman across the road…Listen, but we don’t have any roads in the forest! Yes, and no old ladies either!

Then the woodpecker began to explain that he had read about the old woman in a book. However, it does not even matter whether they are found in the forest or not. The main thing is to figure out how to do good. For this, he, in fact, expected to receive a medal.

Okay, - the owl agreed, - Let's ask the animals what they think about this.

The woodpecker was pleased. He was sure that no one else could know about good deeds more than him. After all, he made his list all his life. The owl meanwhile flew to the fox.

Listen, redhead, - she says to her, - why is your shed squinting?

The old one has become, so he squinted, - the fox sighed.

So you call the woodpecker. Let him fix it! Anfisa advised.

Then she visited a hare, a squirrel and her hedgehog bosom friend. The owl advised everyone to turn to the woodpecker for help. And, three days later, Anfisa gathered a meeting in the clearing.

On the agenda, - she solemnly hooted, - the question of awarding a woodpecker with a medal for good deeds!

Then the animals screamed:

What more! You can't ask him for snow in winter!

He didn’t want to repair the shed for me, the fox was indignant.

And he didn’t help us with the squirrel, - the hare confirmed.

And, he didn’t even talk to me, - the hedgehog admitted with resentment.

The woodpecker was confused, began to make excuses:

But, I have a list ... I know about all-all-all good deeds in the world ... I even learned them by heart!

The owl explains to him:

It's not enough just to know something good. It is imperative that this be done!

The woodpecker grieved that the medal was not given to him. And then I thought: “The owl said correctly. We need to help others." And, he went to exploits - he decided to do everything exactly according to the list. In vain did he compose it, or what? True, grandmothers are not found in the forest. But, if at least one comes across, he will certainly translate it through something!


Christian parables and fables for children for the lessons of spiritual and moral education.

Kharitonova N.V.

How do we see the world?

There was an old withered tree on the road.

One night a thief passed by him and was frightened - it seemed to him that it was standing, waiting for his guard.

A young man in love passed by and his heart beat joyfully. He mistook the tree for his beloved.

The child, frightened by terrible tales, burst into tears when he saw the tree, and decided that it was a ghost, but the tree was only a tree.

We see the world as we are.

And why you?

Andrey Marko's fable

Once a little Mishutka asked his father Bear:

Dad, do you know everyone who lives in our forest?

Yes, son, everyone.

But tell me, is the wolf the bravest? - asked the son.

He is very brave, much braver than me, - answered the bear.

Is the tiger strong? - Mishutka did not let up.

Incredibly strong, I can't even compare to him.

Well, what about the lynx? Is she smart?

Woo! muttered the bear. - She is so dexterous that the leaf does not move when she hunts for prey.

And what about the fox? She is said to be very smart.

Yes, son, they are right. She is really smart and agile.

So why, dad, are you the head of the forest, and not a tiger, a wolf or a smart fox? - Mishutka asked in bewilderment.

You see sonthe wolf is brave but cannot be careful. The tiger is strong, but very quick-tempered. The lynx is agile, but often cannot keep what it has acquired. The fox is smart, but sometimes she uses her skills to outwit others, and therefore gets into trouble. Well, I just see ten entities where they only see one. And depending on the situation and time, I am either a fox, or a tiger, or a wolf. That's the only reason I'm the head of the forest.

The world is the way you see it.

A young man came to one oasis, drank water and asked an old man who was resting near the source:

What kind of people live here?

The old man, in turn, asked the young man:

What kind of people live where you came from?

A bunch of selfish people with bad thoughts,” the young man replied.

On the same day, another young man went to the source to quench his thirst from the road. Seeing the old man, he greeted and asked:

What kind of people live in this place?

The old man asked the same question in response: - And what kind of people live where you came from?

Beautiful! Honest, hospitable, friendly. It hurt me to part with them.

You will find the same ones here,” said the old man.

One man who overheard both conversations asked, "How could you give two such identical answers to the same question?"

To which the old man replied:

Each of us can only see what is in our hearts.

He who has not found anything good wherever he has been will not be able to find anything else either here or anywhere else.

If you don’t like something in the world around you, then most of all we are upset not by the phenomenon itself, but by our opinion about it.

Are Hell and Heaven the same?

One day a good man was talking to God and asked him: Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is.

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one, and led the good man inside.

There was a huge round table in the middle of which was a huge bowl filled with food that smelled very delicious. The people around the table looked like they were starving. They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands.

They could take out a bowl filled with food and scoop up food, but because of their long handles, they could not bring the spoons to their mouths. The good man was shocked at the sight of their misfortune.

The Lord said, "You just saw Hell just now."

The Lord and the good man then went to the second door. There was the same huge round table, the same giant bowl filled with delicious food.

The people around the table held the same very long-handled spoons.

Only this time they looked full, happy, and deep in pleasant conversations with each other.

The good man said to the Lord, "I don't understand."

"It's simple," the Lord answered him,

"These have learned to feed each other. Others think only of themselves."

If Hell and Heaven are arranged in the same way, then the difference is inside us?

Parable about wolves.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The old man smiled and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Is the world hostile to humans?

The student asked the dervish:

Master, is the world hostile to man? Or is it good for a person?

I will tell you a parable about how the world treats a person, - said the teacher.

"A long time ago there lived a great shah.

He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things.

Among other curiosities in the palace was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately realize that there was a mirror in front of him - they reflected objects so accurately.

In addition, the walls of this hall were arranged in such a way as to create an echo.

Ask: "Who are you?" - and you will hear in response from different sides: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"

Once a dog ran into this hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below.

The dog bared its teeth just in case, and all the reflections responded to her in the same way.

Frightened in earnest, she barked desperately. The echo repeated her barking.

The dog barked louder and louder. The echo didn't stop. The dog darted back and forth, biting the air,

And her reflections, too, rushed around, snapping their teeth.

The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could harm her in any way. The dog died fighting its own reflections."

Now you see, - finished the dervish,- the world does not bring either good or evil by itself. He is indifferent to humans. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, actions.

The world is a big mirror.

The basic rule for achieving the goal

Three beginners came to the Master of Archery:

You are the most dexterous shooter in the whole world! We want to become as successful and continue your work,” they said.

I can teach you archery! Master replied. - Tell all the secrets and wisdom of this case. But I will take only one as my student! And he can become the best shooter and a truly successful person.

In order to choose someone to be his disciple, the Master offered to pass a small test for all three. He hung a target on a tree, and at a distance of several meters let down the first beginner.

What do you see in front of you? the Master asked.

I see a tree with a target hanging from it.

What else? the master asked

Behind a green lawn, flowers grow on it.

Good, - said the Master and called the next applicant to be a student. - What do you see in front of you?

I see a target, a tree, a clearing, flowers, the sky,” the second newcomer replied.

Good! - answered the Master and asked the same question to the third beginner. – What do you see?

I see a target in front of me! he replied.

All right, said the Master, what else?

Nothing else! The most important thing is the target, I see only it!

Well done! Master said. You will achieve great success in life. I will take you as my student.

When there is a goal, nothing else matters.

Parable "True knowledge".

One day a school Teacher came to a very respected Teacher and accused her of being completely illogical in her method of teaching, that it was some kind of crazy chatter, and some other things of that kind. The teacher took out a gem from her bag. She pointed to the mall shops and said:

Take it to stores that sell silverware and watch batteries and see if you can get a hundred pounds of gold for it.

The Schoolmaster tried everything he could, but he was offered no more than a hundred silver pence.

Great, said the teacher. “Now go to a real jeweler and see what he will give you for this stone.”

The Schoolmaster went to the nearest jewelry store and was surprised when he was suddenly offered ten thousand gold pounds for this stone.

The teacher said:

You have tried to understand the nature of the knowledge I am giving and my way of teaching, just as the silver merchants tried to value this stone.

If you want to be able to determine the true value of a stone,

Become a jeweler.

The Parable of the Purposeful Frog

Several frogs gathered and started talking.

What a pity that we live in such a small swamp. I wish I could get to the neighboring swamp, it's much better there! one frog croaked.

And I heard that there is a great place in the mountains! There is a clean big pond, fresh air, and there are no those hooligan boys, - the second frog croaked dreamily.

And you something that from this? snarled the big toad. "You'll never get there anyway!"

Why not get there? We frogs can do anything! Really, friends? - said the dreamer frog and added, - let's prove to this harmful toad that we can move to the mountains!

Let's! Let's! Let's move to a big clean pond! - croaked all the frogs in different voices.

So they all began to gather to move. And the old toad told all the inhabitants of the swamp about the "stupid idea of ​​the frogs."

And when the frogs set off, everyone who remained in the swamp shouted with one voice:

Where are you, frogs, it's IMPOSSIBLE! You will not reach the pond. It's better to sit in your swamp!

But the frogs did not listen, and moved on. For several days they walked, many were exhausted from their last strength and abandoned their goal. They turned back to their native swamp.

Everyone whom the frogs met on their difficult path dissuaded them from this crazy idea. And so their company got smaller and smaller. And only one frog did not turn off the path. She did not return back to the swamp, but reached a clean beautiful pond and settled in it.

Why did she manage to reach her goal? Maybe she was stronger than the others?

It turned out that this frog was simply DEAF!She had not heard that it was IMPOSSIBLE! I didn’t hear how they dissuaded her, which is why she easily reached her goal!

The parable of the oyster and the eagle.

(This parable is based on a story from ancient Indian mythology about how man was created)

In the beginning, God created an oyster and placed it at the very bottom. Her life was not varied. She did nothing all day

She just opened the sink, let some water in, and closed it again. Day after day, and she kept opening the shell and closing, opening and closing ...

Then God created the eagle and gave it free flight and the ability to reach the highest peaks. For him there were no boundaries, but the eagle had to pay for his freedom.

Nothing fell to him from the sky. When he had chicks, he hunted all day to get enough food. But he was glad to pay for this gift at such a price.

After all, God created man. And he led him first to the oyster, then to the eagle. And told him to choose his way of life.

Constantly learning and developing, we make a choice between two forms of existence. Oyster means people who do not seek to expand their horizons. Very often in this case they have to do the same thing all their lives.

Whoever decides to live like an eagle chooses, for sure, a difficult road. Most likely, there is only one way to go through it to the end - we must learn to find pleasure in learning and development.

The more we learn and grow, the freer we become. Obstacles and problems become, from this point of view, lessons.

Butterfly lesson.

One day, a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a man who happened to pass by stood for long hours and watched how a butterfly was trying to get out through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly did everything she could, and that she had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. Butterfly came out immediately. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly's wings were about to spread and get stronger, and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged along the ground its weak body, its unspread wings. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the effort to get out through the narrow crack of the cocoon is necessary for the butterfly, so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave this shell with difficulty so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without difficulties, we would be deprived. We could not be as strong as we are now. We could never fly.

I asked for strength ... And life gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom... And life gave me problems to solve.

I asked for wealth ... And life gave me the brain and muscles so that I could work.

I asked for the opportunity to fly ... And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them.

I asked for love... And life gave me people whom I could help in their problems.

I asked for blessings ... And life gave me opportunities.

I didn't get anything I asked for. But I got everything I needed.

Strong snowflake.

Let's check which of us is stronger, who can break this dry branch.

The first snowflake ran up and jumped with all its might onto a branch. The thread didn't even move. Behind her is the second. Nothing too. Third. The branch didn't budge either. Snowflakes fell on the branch all night. A whole snowdrift formed on it. The branch bent under the weight of snowflakes, but did not want to break. And one small snowflake hovered in the air all this time and thought: “If the bigger ones couldn’t break the branch, then where should I go?”

But her friends called her: - Try it! Suddenly you can!

And the snowflake finally made up its mind. She fell on a branch, and ... the branch broke, although this snowflake was not stronger than the others.

And who knows, maybe it is your good deed that will defeat evil in someone's life, although you are not stronger than the rest.

Who to blame?

In the train car, the girl diligently writes something in a notebook. Mom asks her: “What are you writing, daughter?” - “I describe the places that I see from the window. You can read, mommy, ”the daughter replies. Mom reads what was written and raises her eyebrows high: “But you have so many mistakes in your words, daughter!” - “Ah, mother! - exclaims the girl. - There's a different kind of train here! He shakes so much that it is very difficult to write correctly!

Always blame yourself for your mistakes, not the circumstances, and you will never make a mistake.


Parable about mercy and love for nature for children

A flower grew in the field and rejoiced: the sun, light, heat, air, rain, life ... And also the fact that God created it not with nettles or thistles, but in such a way as to please man.

He grew, grew ... And suddenly a boy walked by and plucked it. Just like that, without even knowing why.

Crumpled up and thrown onto the road. The flower became painful, bitter. The boy did not even know that scientists had proven that plants, like people, can feel pain.

But most of all, the flower was offended that it was simply torn off and deprived of sunlight, daytime heat and night coolness, rain, air, life ...

The last thing he thought about was that it was still good that the Lord did not create him with nettles. After all, then the boy would certainly burn his hand.

And he, having known what pain is, did not want so much that at least someone else on earth would be hurt ...

The dispute between the wind and the sun.

One day, the angry North Wind and the Sun started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and decided to try their hand at one traveler.

The wind said: “I will immediately tear off his cloak!” And he began to blow. He blew very hard and for a long time. But the man only wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak.

Then the Sun began to warm the traveler. He first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, and then took off his cloak and carried it on his arm.The Sun said to the Wind: “You see: with kindness, affection, you can achieve much more than violence.”

Happiness is near.

The wise old cat lay on the grass and basked in the sun. Then a small, nimble kitten rushed past him. He tumbled past the cat, then jumped briskly and began to run in circles again.

What are you doing? the cat asked lazily.

I'm trying to catch my tail! - out of breath answered the kitten.

But why? the cat laughed.

I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, I will catch my happiness. So I've been running for the third day after my tail. But he always eludes me.

Yes, - the wise old cat smiled, - once I, like you, ran after my happiness, but it eluded me all the time. I left this idea. After a while I realizedthat there is no point in chasing happiness. It always follows me around. Wherever I am, my happiness is always with me, you just need to remember this.

Mother's heart.

On the forest edge illuminated by the sun, a beautiful birch tree grew with young daughters. She loved her children, caressed with sprawling branches, protecting them from the cold wind and heavy rain. And in the summer, under its canopy, no scorching sun frightened the birches. They were "warm in the sun, but good in the mother."

But one day a thunderstorm broke out in the forest. No joke. Thunder rumbles shook the earth, and the sky was lit up with lightning every now and then. Thin-barreled beauties trembled with fear. But mother birch reassured them, hugging them with her strong branches: "Do not be afraid of anything. Lightning will not be able to notice you under my branches. I am tall and ...". She did not have time to agree.

A loud crack resounded through the forest. A huge lightning struck the birch mercilessly, scorching the core of its trunk. But the birch did not catch fire. Her strength left her, an evil wind tried to knock her to the ground, a heavy downpour unraveled the branches, but under them were her children and no one except her mother could protect them now. camps, washing the tears flowing down the leaves. Last time. There was no limit to motherly love.

Only when everything was over and the sun shone again over the rain-washed forest, she, swaying, quietly sank to the ground. “I will never leave you,” she whispered to the birches, “my trunk will very soon be overgrown with grass and covered with moss. But my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it. No lightning can break it.”

When the birch fell, she once again affectionately hugged her daughters, and did not touch any of them. So three slender beauties grow around an old stump covered with moss. It happens that a traveler sits down to rest in their shade on the trunk of an old tree and it seems to him that it is surprisingly soft. He closes his eyes and hears the beat of his mother's heart...

Holy lake.

There lived two brothers-banks and a sister-river. One bank was high and overgrown with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich. And the other, low and sandy, is poor.

Somehow he asked the poor shore from his rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm himself. Yes, where is it! The rich shore was indignant:

If every time I give you even a little, then, you see, there will be nothing left for yourself. And I will become poor, just like you!

Heard this sky, frowned. Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on a high bank. The forest caught fire. And such a fire began that the high bank pleaded:

Sister River! Brother coast! Help out! Save! Without water and sand - perish!

Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help their brother.

And they tried so hard that she, filling the fire with water, gave herself to the last drop, and he, filling it with sand, gave everything to the last grain of sand.

So they put out the fire.

But this did not bring relief to the rich brother. After all, now there was only a large empty lowland in front of him. And he didn't have a sister or a brother...

Time has passed.

Rains and industrious springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called "holy". How else to call the fruit of sacrificial love?

And when someone stayed here to spend the night, the high bank, sighing guiltily, generously endowed him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold ...

Required knowledge.

Chinese fable.

In ancient times, the Zhu people lived. One day, he learned that the old hunter Ma Teng could kill dragons. Zhu came to him and asked him to teach him how to kill dragons.

This is a difficult art. Are you ready to study from morning to evening without rest for five years? Do you have money to pay for teaching?

Yes, - said Zhu and began to study. Five long years have passed. All these years, he diligently learned to defeat dragons. He returned to the village without a penny in his pocket, but he could defeat any dragon. Zhu lived a long life, but he never met a dragon. And since he did not know how to do anything, his life was spent in sorrow and need. And only when he got old, Zhu realized a simple truth:good knowledge is that which people need and benefit them.

About a boy who believed in miracles.

The boy was very fond of reading kind and clever fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales. Feeling somewhat disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles. Or miracles do not happen in life?

“My dear,” his mother answered him lovingly, “if you try to grow up as a kind and good boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true.Remember that they are not looking for miracles - they come to good people on their own.

The material was collected from various Internet sites.

Current page: 1 (total book has 3 pages)

Illustrations by Vyacheslav Polezhaev.



For children and adults

Volume 3


“If it weren’t for me,” the rain boasted, abundantly watering the garden and field, “then nothing would grow on the earth!”

“If it weren’t for me,” the earth objected offendedly, “then there would be nothing to grow on!”

“And if it weren’t for me…” the sun began with a challenge.

But then the sounds of a church bell were heard, calling people to the temple for service.

And they all fell silent in shame.

Because they remembered that if it were not for God, then nothing would have happened anywhere!


A linden seed flew to the very edge of a steep cliff.

His mother persuaded him. Brothers and sisters asked:

- Don't take root here! Wait for the first gust of wind and fly away from this dangerous place!

But where is it!

The seed didn't want to listen to anyone.

Why am I going somewhere? Everywhere there are continuous forests and undergrowth, where even without me it’s crowded. And here - only grasses that will not interfere with my growth, and solid space! All earth, sun, water - only mine! Drink, eat, have fun!

In a word, the seed did not heed the good advice and remained in this dangerous place.

It drank, ate, enjoyed space and light to its fullest, as it wanted.

One problem - not for long.

As soon as it grew up, its roots quickly destroyed the cliff, and the young tree collapsed into a deep abyss ...

And all the other seeds, having become a grove, lived together, sharing everything equally.

And still, they say, they live!


The lazy mouse asked the snail to go to the grocery store ...

And long after that she scolded that because of her she almost died of hunger.

Or maybe scolded in vain?

Was she just lazy?


The idea came to the traffic light that it was the most important one at the intersection.

And he began to do whatever he wanted.

If he wants, he will turn on the red light when he wants.

If he wishes, he will turn it on when he wants green.

And yellow, who tried to reason with him, completely turned off.

What started here!

People don't know when to cross the road.

Drivers - when it's their turn to go.

Accident after accident!

It all ended with the fact that they removed this traffic light and, without even starting to repair it, threw it into a landfill.

And a new one was put in its place.

Who began to manage the intersection so that there was never another accident on it.

For, remembering the sad fate of his predecessor, he clearly understood that the main one, no matter what post he was in, was, first of all, reasonable!


Stole a million people.

He has everything.

And if something is missing, then there is a lack of something.

Live happily ever after.

And only one thing he will not understand: why it became so uncomfortable and restless in his soul.

What's so amazing about that?

She knows perfectly well who will eventually have to pay for all this ...


A snowflake fluttered from the sky.

She flew, flew and fell on the cheek of a bitterly weeping man.

Did someone offend him or did he walk, tormented by evil pain ... Who knows?

One thing is known: the snowflake, having melted, mixed with his tear - and it immediately became not so bitter ...

This man was surprised.

He looked up and was even more surprised. This time for not looking at Heaven for so long.

He looked, looked up, remembering God and the fact that besides this earthly life there is another - where there is no offense, no pain ...


And stop crying!


The morning is wiser than the evening.

Especially if between them there is a night filled with prayer to God ...


Tired of dirt being dirt.

“And why am I worse than others?” she thought and moved into a crystal vase.

But that didn't stop it from being dirty!


The general looked in the mirror.

And the mirror lit up.

It was as if he had become a general.

And as soon as he left, what was he to be proud of?

After all, each of us is what he really is.

It does not matter with whom and when he communicates in this life ...


Tired of the newly fledged chick to obey its parents in everything.

- What about me, near the wings, or what, no? he thought and decided to jump out of the nest.

Jumped out.

That's the end of this parable...

But it could have turned out to be a great and beautiful story!


The caterpillar is tired of eating, drinking, having fun over the summer.

It's time to dig into the ground.

“Is it necessary? she thought suddenly. - All the same, the snow will sweep me away! Is it worth it just to work for nothing?

Lies by the path and thinks.

And even if someone told her that ahead of her is such a life that she does not even suspect!


A bird flew across the sky, not noticing either the sunlight, or snow-white clouds, or earthly beauty.

And suddenly - a solar eclipse!

Darkness enveloped everything around.

As it darkened, the clouds disappeared.

Neither the earth nor the sky could be seen.

The bird got scared and thought it was blind.

She cried.

How am I going to live without all this? How can I go further?

The sun appeared.

The clouds cleared up and became snow-white again.

And finally, the land appeared, which has never seemed so beautiful!

The bird gasped and sang with joy.

And, unable to get enough, as if for the first time looking at all this beauty ...

... How useful it is for us, people, from time to time - such an eclipse of the sun!


The ermine got into the habit of climbing into the chicken coop, but he himself fell into a trap.

Sitting, crying in pain and fear.

And the chickens say to him:

“Do you understand now what it was like for all those whom you crushed and gnawed to death?”

The ermine looked at them, and only then it dawned on him that there was someone else's pain.

But it was already too late...


The forests caught fire in the summer.

A fiery whirlwind fell from the sky on villages and villages.

Fired up at home.

But man both sinned and continued to sin.

Freezing rains came in winter.

The ground was covered with a thick crust of ice.

But even this did not enlighten the man.

Or should we expect something even worse?


The blizzard decided to kill the man.

She waved her huge terrible wings over him, swept up all the ways, roads ...

“All-s-so,” he whistles, “the end has come to you, man: I’ll cover it with snow, I’ll put it to sleep, I’ll freeze it!”

But the man turned out to be a believer.

He prayed fervently to God!

And - no matter how hard the blizzard tried, she could not do anything.

Only she covered herself with snow, put to sleep and froze.

And the man, along the opened paths-roads, went further!


A flower grew in the field and rejoiced: the sun, light, heat, air, rain, life ... And also the fact that God created it not with nettles or thistles, but in such a way as to please man.

He grew, he grew...

And suddenly a boy walked by and plucked it.

Just like that, without even knowing why.

Crumpled up and thrown onto the road.

The flower became painful, bitter.

The boy did not even know that scientists had proven that plants, like people, can feel pain.

But most of all, the flower was offended that it was simply torn off and deprived of sunlight, daytime heat and night coolness, rain, air, life ...

The last thing he thought about was that it was still good that the Lord did not create him with nettles. After all, then the boy would certainly burn his hand.

And he, having known what pain is, did not want so much that at least someone else on earth would be hurt ...


The unbeliever laughed at the believer: and that he only loses time going to church, and the best thing is Sunday, and that he exhausts himself with fasting and prays for no reason.

And most importantly: that he has such a sad face!

What was there to have fun with?

After all, a believing person, looking at an unbeliever, grieved about what would happen to him in the end if he did not start going to church, praying, fasting.

And most importantly - if he does not have time to repent! ..


A thought came into the man's head.

Where, how - even scientists still do not know.

Good idea.

The man accepted it and did everything as God pleased.

And after the first, right there - another thought.

Proud: they say, what a fine fellow I am, that I did everything so well!

Thoughts, they don't know where they came from.

But the man knew well how to treat them.

And he did not let a second thought come to him. Didn't even listen to her. It was like slamming the door on her.

And he did the right thing!


The man wanted to be saved without difficulty.

And his work:

- Do not rush! Here you are without me here on earth, can you do anything?

“No, no,” the man answered, thinking. “Without you, I’ll die of hunger in a week, and of thirst even earlier!”

“You see,” Trud said. - It's in temporary life. And here we are talking about Eternity!

Thought and thought another man.

And forever abandoned any thought of easy salvation ...

Foul language

On a clear, fine day, foul language came out of the house - to look at people, and to show oneself.



And hurry home!

Before that, it suddenly became uncomfortable and cloudy on the street.

What's the matter?

And it turns out that the sun became so ashamed that it quickly hid behind the largest dark cloud.

Who was smarter, he immediately guessed what was the reason.

And foul language and people accustomed to it did not even understand this ...


There lived two brothers-banks and a sister-river.

One bank was high and overgrown with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich.

And the other, low and sandy, is poor.

Somehow he asked the poor shore from his rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm himself.

Yes, where is it!

The rich shore was indignant:

“If I give you even a little every time, then, you see, there will be nothing left for yourself. And I will become poor, just like you!

Heard this sky, frowned.

Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on a high bank.

The forest caught fire.

And such a fire began that the high bank pleaded:

- Sister river! Brother coast! Help out! Save! Without water and sand - perish!

Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help their brother.

And they tried so hard that she, filling the fire with water, gave herself to the last drop, and he, filling it with sand, gave everything to the last grain of sand.

So they put out the fire.

But this did not bring relief to the rich brother.

After all, now there was only a large empty lowland in front of him. And he didn't have a sister or a brother...

Time has passed.

Rains and industrious springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called "holy". How else to call the fruit of sacrificial love?

And when someone stayed here to spend the night, the high bank, sighing guiltily, generously endowed him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold ...


A man was walking along the seashore.

Mood - you can't imagine worse!

Trouble at work. At home - scandals. With friends - in a quarrel.

Suddenly he hears:

- Tonu! Help!!!

He looked - and the truth is, someone is drowning.

He rushed, without hesitation, a man into the water and saved the drowning man.

And then his phone started ringing.

What a miracle

The wife asks for forgiveness. At work, instead of a reprimand - gratitude and a bonus. Friends, all as one, invite you to go fishing.

Man cannot understand anything.

returned to the rescued.

- Who are you? - he asked.

And heard in response:

- Gratitude!


Insincerity went for a walk.

One will ask, how is your health?

The other one, how are you?

He will sympathize with the third when he learns about the troubles at work.

From the outside look - love itself came out into the street.

And as you come closer, peer and listen, then all of this will suddenly blow with such cold that you will want to warm up as soon as possible, despite the fact that there is insincerity on a hot summer day!


I wanted slyness at least once in my life to act honestly.


And since then he has always talked about it so that people would believe his next slyness!


There lived a bitter drunk. And he had a cat and a dog, who constantly argued which of them was the owner's true friend.

Here he once wanted to drink, as always.

And the cat that helped him out when he had no money in such cases is already right there:

- You sell me, but buy yourself a drink! And I, as your most faithful and true friend, will run away and return to you again!

No sooner said than done.

The drunkard sold the cat.

I bought a bottle of wine with the proceeds.

And just as he was about to drink, the dog suddenly growled so that the bottle fell out of his hands, and all the wine spilled on the ground.

- Ah well? - the drunkard got angry and began to beat the dog.

But she didn't even run away.

- Bey says, just don't drink!

Then, fortunately for the dog, the cat returned.

She found out what was the matter, looked victoriously at the beaten dog and again went with the owner to the market.

He returned with a new bottle of wine.

And as soon as he uncorked it, this time the dog would bark like this, that this bottle had fallen and broken.

The drunkard got angry.

He began to beat the dog with whatever he could get his hands on.

He himself became worse than a chain dog.

- I hate it! - growls. - I'll kill you!

- Kill! the dog agreed. - Don't drink!

The drunk looked at her.

And suddenly his eyes became meaningful.

He finally realized who his real friend was.

And he began to stroke the dog and ask her forgiveness.

And when she returned again, the cat was sold again. Only this time so far away that she could never return...


They offered in the underpass to everyone walking - a diamond necklace or a cross.

By choice.

Almost everyone, without hesitation, grabbed a necklace.

And only a few reverently took up the cross.

Thus, the way out of this dark, gloomy passage into the light immediately opened.


A lit candle was looking for a needle in a haystack.

Found a needle.

Yes, she lost a stack!


Language will bring to Kyiv.

If only to hold it in time...


Your shirt is closer to your body.

If only there is no cross under it!


The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain.

Unless, of course, there is a temple on it.

Otherwise, how smart is he then?

"The Right Order" p.12


The birch was going to visit the pine tree, but the roots are not allowed.

She murmured at such an order in the world.

And the sun said:

- Instead of being indignant, it is better to think. What would happen if trees were without roots, rivers without banks, fire without barriers, summer without winter and winter without summer, and I without borders?

Birch presented all this, was horrified.

And she thanked God for the fact that the order in the world is exactly the way it is!


My tongue is my enemy.

Who only dreams of becoming a friend!


A beetle accidentally flew into an airplane, circled it around the sky and, having learned to what height it climbed, proudly declared that it could fly higher than all beetles and even birds!

Poor beetle!

But even greater pity is worthy of a man who thinks that he can do anything without God!


Tired of flattery deceiving people and telling them something completely different from what she thinks of them.

And she decided to stop flattering.

Yes, people themselves did not let her do this.

Some are out of fear of losing their jobs.

Others were afraid to be left without friends and acquaintances.

Still others simply did not want to change their habits.

And they began to beg flattery not to leave them, showering her with the most flattering words.

I was flattered by these persuasion, and ...

What to continue?

One has only to look around and listen to understand how it all ended ...

I saw a sign of a person who does not believe in her and thought:

- Well, now you will quickly become mine!

She sent a black cat to cross the road in front of the man, but after a couple of steps she dug a hole.

But I didn’t even think about the fact that it was connected with a cat.

The omen got angry.

She made the black cat cross the road again.

And I dug not a hole, but a whole hole!

The man stroked the black cat, noticed the danger on the way and avoided the pit.

And at the same time, a sign trembling with impotent rage, which realized that she could not do anything with a person who does not believe in any signs!


A neighbor went to a neighbor.

She hastily crossed herself at the icons, in front of which a lamp was burning. And let's complain about your life: the children do not obey ... the husband drinks ... they fired him from work, they overcame various ailments ...

Complained for an hour.

And the hostess listened to her and sighed:

- And in the whole year I have at least once got sick, or what grief has come! Apparently, the Lord completely forgot about me ...

- Yes, what are you? the neighbor wondered. - Do they complain about this?

And heard in response:

- Think! Any sorrow or illness is a visitation from God. No wonder they say: which of the sons the father loves more, he punishes more. And someone else, as if he does not notice!

The neighbor thought about these words. So much so that she did not notice and brushed off the hostess's favorite cup standing in front of her.

Beautiful, from an old service.

- Ouch! - she began to lament and ask for forgiveness from the hostess.

And she lit up with joy.

- So I, too, have at least a little, but grief! - collecting the fragments, she said, but immediately corrected herself: - Although - what kind of grief is this? As they say, God gave, God took! But still, at least for a short time, but again visited me!

Or maybe he never left her at all?


One stubborn man set a goal for himself - to swim across the river.


Behind it is a wide river.

Then the lake!

I put my whole life into it.

Got into all the record books.

To which only the shores did not get.

But he never reached the main shore.

There was once…


The fish saw a man with a fishing rod sitting on the shore.

She even jumped out of the water to get a better look at him.

- Here it is, the crown of God's creation! - she sighed with delight and envy and thought with involuntary respect: - Of course, she is praying now, that is, she is talking with God Himself, thanks Him for everything and dreams of a blessed Eternity ...

And the man, who had never been to the temple, at that time swore to himself that there was no bite at all and dreamed of catching at least one, well, for example, at least this fish that had just jumped out of the water right in front of him ...


A dirty word came to visit a clean one.

She sat in an armchair, lay on the sofa, ate, drank, and everything she touched defiled and soiled.

A pure word was upset - even from home after such a please.

And the dirty one didn't even notice it.

After all, it did not consider itself dirty at all ...


Boasting and envy met.

Bragging immediately began to brag.

And envy immediately closed his ears.

So they didn't have a conversation.

And how could it be otherwise?


A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

And man to man and both will not regret ...


They recognize a lion by its claws.

And for the killed lion - a man!


The satiated does not understand the hungry.

Until you want to understand it.


If I knew where to fall, I would have laid a straw in advance ...

Wouldn't it be better to just avoid this place?


The hut is not red in the corners, but red ...

No, not pies.

And people - that is, us with you!


Everything will grind - there will be flour.

So it is.

But without repentance - eternal torment ...


From good - good is not sought.

Especially if it is Eternal goodness!


Once lied, who will believe you?


Without God, not to the threshold.

This is how our ancestors lived.

And how do we live now - to the threshold and from the threshold? ..


I saw an old samovar electric kettle and laughed:

– Well, how much time and effort does it take for you to boil? Whether business I – have included and it is ready!

- Oh, you child of the century! the samovar sighed. - What's the point? While I was boiling, people were talking decorously and peacefully, and most often about the most important thing. Now what are they talking about? Even if they have extra time thanks to you ...

Schadenfreude and LOVE

Malevolence crept like a snake into the heart of a person and began to live there.

A person sees that somewhere someone is bad, so you want it to be even worse!

And where it is worse, it became so bad in general!

This continued until the person realized that it should not be so.

That all this is not his thought!

He prayed to God:

- Lord, understand!

And he asked at least for a moment to show what true love should be.

And immediately - as if winter was replaced by spring!

Like a dry tree blossomed!

It was like rain in a waterless desert!

Man suddenly wanted to embrace the whole world.

And so that anyone who feels bad, it becomes good.

And who is good - even better!

And although this lasted for only one moment, the person no longer felt in himself a drop of the poison of gloating.

Because even this was enough for it to crawl out of his heart like a snake. And he began to look for where he would move in now ...


Man is angry with man.

For a long time he could not forgive him.

Until he suddenly found out that you need to be angry not at a person, but at a sin.

And then everything fell into place.

And the anger of man from sinful immediately became righteous.


Most of all in life, an unbeliever was afraid of death.

And when she came, I found out that life turns out to have no end.

And he began to regret it forever ...


A deadly disease came to a deeply religious person.

Introduced herself to him.

I expected him to start crying and upset.

But he only sighed and crossed himself.

- You don't understand who I am? - the disease was surprised.

- Why? Understood…” the man answered her. “Only I know that without the will of God you would not be here. And if so, then I accept you as a guest sent by Him.

- Ah well? - a deadly disease got angry. “Well then, there’s nothing for me to do here!

And, slamming the door, she ran out of the house.

And instead, joy.

She didn't even have to introduce herself.

So she glowed all over.

The man looked at her, smiled and crossed himself again, accepting her as a long-awaited guest.

For he knew that she was also from God!


It's time to visit Eternity.

We sat and talked.

And it was so good at Eternity that I did not want to leave.

But the time has come to part.

Time had one consolation.

- Now I know what you are, and what to spend yourself on! it said.

And smiled.

For the best confirmation of this was Eternity itself.


One impatient grain wanted to go out into the open ahead of time.

But the earth does not let.

“Wait,” he says. - Soon it will become quite warm, the rains will pass, you will gain strength, get stronger, and I myself will open the way to a great life for you.

Only where there!

The grain did not want to listen to anyone.

It tensed up and crawled out of the ground.

With all its strength it began to stretch upwards, repeating with stubborn superiority:

- I'm the first! While the rest of the grains are still sleeping, I will become a whole tree and bear the most fruit!

Little time has passed.

It got quite warm.

The rains have passed.

And the earth parted in front of many sprouts patiently waiting for their time.

All of them unanimously began to grow, and quickly overtook the completely exhausted grain.

The harvest was rich and generous that year.

Only the impatient seed did not even know about it.

After all, it withered much earlier than the harvest began ...


Argued mind and heart, whose faith is stronger.

The mind, getting excited, began to talk about God and faith with the help of many quotations and sayings.

And the heart only quietly but firmly said:

– All this, probably, is also important and someone really needs it. But I already know that He is!

Mind looked at him.

And… I also believed!

"Experience" p.21


"Wait and see!" - the person liked to repeat nonchalantly when they told him about the future.

And began to regret the past.


They gave the lazy person a self-assembly tablecloth.

But he was too lazy to unfold it.

And he took it and exchanged it for a ready-made dinner!


You can't throw a scarf over someone else's mouth.

But on your own - there is always an opportunity!


A young monk sailed in a boat to an old man who lived on the island.

And asked:

- How to be saved?

– Pray and work! The old man answered him.

And, seeing that such a short answer was not entirely clear to the monk who was waiting for a long explanation, he added for clarity, pointing to the boat:

– Prayer and work are like two oars that will help you reach the desired Pier.

The monk rejoiced.

Thanked the old man.

And went back.

And on the way I forgot what I heard on the island.


Come right back!

And then such annoyance took him that he hit the side with his fist, from which one of the oars jumped out of the oarlock and floated away, downstream.

Suffered, circled the boat.

The monk immediately remembered the edification of the elder.

To celebrate, where did the forces come from - he rushed into the water, swam to the oar, returned with it.

And diligently rowing with both oars, he leveled the course of the boat and continued on his way - praying and working!


Once upon a time there was a tailor who had a favorite saying:

Once upon a time...


He did not shy away from other sins.

Didn't go to pee.

And only when he lived his life did he understand what he had doomed himself to, spinning the fiber of his posthumous fate.

But the past could not be returned.

For the saying turned out to be right, which became a sentence:

"What is the fiber, such is the fabric!"


The smoking man bought a box of matches.

Upset boxes:

“It would be better if some mistress bought me so that I could kindle gas with my matches!”

And the man now and then took matches from it, struck them against the side of the box and smoked.

Smoked and chirped...

Chirped and smoked...

This went on all day.

And suddenly in the evening he became ill.

Either he fell ill (it’s not in vain that so much is written about the harm of smoking!), Or maybe the conscience woke up after something done wrong.

But he remembered the icon in the corner of the room.

And he decided to light a lamp in front of them.

And the time was very late, when all the shops were closed.

And at the bottom of the box there was only one match.

The man also struck her.

"Don't let me down!" pleadingly asked for her boxes.

And she herself - how she tried!

It was all burnt out, so that it burned the man's fingers, but she managed to revive the wick of a lamp that had not been lit for a long time ...

The man got on his knees and began to pray.

And the empty box, although he now had a way to the trash can, and from there to the landfill, was happy.

Still, not only, willy-nilly, he helped a person to turn demons. But, finally, he lit the lampada for God himself!


I saw a brand new, just made jug of my old brother, who had lost his appearance, and decided:

“I will never wear anything in myself, so as not to become the same!”

He stood aside from all the dishes, and, enjoying a carefree life, he could not understand how other jugs could please - milk or sour cream, with which the hostess filled them ...

Years have passed.

And although later than the rest of the dishes, the once new jug from time to time also became covered with a network of wrinkles, darkened and lost all its former appearance.

In the end, the hostess, disrespectfully removing him from the right bowl, dropped him on the floor, which caused a large crack to appear on his bottom.

And here, realizing that his days were numbered, he suddenly urgently wished to feel the joy that he saw in his neighbors.

He also wanted to serve people, just like them.

But ... who needed him like that now? ..


The bad weather envied the good:

- Here, people rejoice at you, but from me they are only upset!

And she says:

“So that’s why they rejoice that I’m coming to replace you!” Can you imagine what would happen if there was only me all the time? Where would their joy come from then? Do you know her people? They would be dissatisfied with me. So consider that half of their joy is yours!

I thought bad weather.


And - ceased to envy the good!

A man walked along a snow-covered path and left his mark.

He looked around.

He looked with superiority at the hummocks, bushes, at last year's dry grasses and proudly introduced himself:

- I am the trace of a man who, as everyone knows, is the crown of God's creation!

- Why then does he not go to the temple, to God? the bush asked.

Yes, but to the market? - the cat agreed.

So today is Sunday! - tried to intercede for the person next.

And then even the dry grass could not stand it.

- Especially! she whispered.

What could the trace answer to this?

He became embarrassed and fell silent.

To overtake him a man.

Retell this whole conversation.

Yes, it is not supposed to follow the trail of the one who is going ahead.

Even in parables!

A man flew into space.

He flew and flew, and did not see God anywhere.

– Aha! - the unbelieving people who wanted everyone to be the same as they were delighted. So there is no God! Otherwise, astronauts would definitely see it!

And how could those, I wonder, see God?

If He Himself said that He could be seen - only the pure in heart!


Anger has built a nest in the heart of man.

And gloomy evil thoughts began to fly out of him.

The man himself is not happy with them. Yes, he can't help himself.

He then prayed to God.

Went to the temple.



And, as if by an invisible fire, the nest burned down with fire.

Anger crept out of him.

Immediately thoughts went kind, bright.

The man rejoiced at them.

And he stood guard over his heart.

After all, evil still roams the world.

So he strives to make a nest in someone's heart!


Theft has entered the house of generosity.

Fortunately, even the doors were open in it, it was not even necessary to break them open.

And let's rake all the best in a bag!

Suddenly he sees - and the hostess is standing on the threshold.

And instead of screaming and calling for help… the second bag holds out.

- What is it? - did not understand theft.

Just in case you don't have enough! Generosity explained.

And she began to fill it.

... There was a sigh, theft, bending under the weight of two bags along the street.

And she thought: that if it ever finds the strength in itself to leave its craft, then only thanks to generosity!

He boasted of a young sail that a ship could deliver to any point of the sea.

And the old wind, smoking his pipe, only listened silently and laughed.


Once a sandpiper flew into the royal palace.

He returned to the swamps and, as far as words were enough, told everything that he had seen there.

But the waders did not believe him.

Everyone praised his swamp and did not believe that somewhere there could be something better than him.

In the end, even the wader-traveler himself began to think that all this was only a dream to him.

But only, every time falling asleep, he dreamed of seeing that dream again.

And never wake up again!


People are surprised: what is going on with the world?!

Every year it gets worse and worse...

Why be surprised?

After all, the path to hell begins here on earth.


“It is better to see once than hear a hundred times,” said the man, hearing about paradise for the first time.

And when he learned about hell, he exclaimed:

“Better to hear it a hundred times than to see it once!”


Asked stupidity to borrow a little mind.

Yes, she foolishly lost it right away.

Now he sits and does not know: how to repay the debt?

There is no mind of its own.

And no one else wants to borrow someone else's!

A wise Taoist parable about harmony:

Once, several young men were brought to the patriarch of the Immortal clan, who wanted to comprehend the "taste of the fruit from the tree", and asked to set a test for them. The wisest ordered to dig several holes near his dwelling and place the subjects there. A snake was thrown into each hole. After some time, the Wise One with his disciples went to look at the young men.
In the first pit sat a young man with a pale, petrified face. He pressed his back against the earthen wall, and nothing could make him move. Looking at the subject, the Wise One said to his disciples:
- This person will not be able to comprehend the teachings of the calm, since by nature he is a victim and will always be at the mercy of the winner. He has to spend a lot of effort before he teaches thoughts to command the body.
The second hole turned out to be empty, because the young man who was being tested jumped out of it in fear and fled. Looking into the hole, the Wise One said:
- He who sat here will not be able to comprehend the teachings of the calm ones, since by nature he is a coward and cowardly thoughts rule his body. Such a person cannot even be a warrior.
In the next pit, the Wise One with his disciples saw a triumphant young man sitting proudly over a dead snake. The wisest shook his head sadly and said, addressing his disciples:
- The one who sits in this pit has committed the act of a warrior, but he is not yet ready to comprehend the wisdom of the calm, since his body is controlled by the thoughts of a predator, and he is not able to see the picture of the world.
In the fourth pit, the subject sat with a detached face, and a snake crawled not far from him.
“This young man,” said the Wise One, “sees the picture of the world, but he has the mind of an ascetic, which means that he will not be able to live in harmony with those around him. It is too early for him to comprehend the doctrine of tranquility, since he neglects life and does not care about the body.
- Is it possible that none of the test subjects will be able to follow the path of Truth? one of the students asked.
- One should not ask, - answered the Wise, - when you know what to answer, because it leads to laziness of the mind and helplessness in life. You should not interfere with the natural course of things, because by showing impatience, you lose the picture of the world.
With these words, the Wise One rushed to the last pit, in which he saw a young man without a trace of confusion on his face and with a slight smile on his lips. The snake also did not show any signs of anxiety, although it was not far away. Silently, the wisest departed from the pit, and only entering the house, he said to the disciples.
- To see the picture of the world and live in harmony with it, not to impede the course of things, but to control their course - aren't these the sources of peace? Tomorrow morning, the one who passed the test will become your brother.

And then she went to look for her.

But it was raining heavily outside, lightning flashed continuously in the sky, thunder rumbled loudly and reverberantly ... From these lightnings, from this thunder, the woman was terribly scared.

Life story...

The merchant returned home from a trip. And found that his son was completely out of hand. What to do? You have to raise your son somehow. But how?

Having thought well, the father came up with the following: he dug a pole against the house, and after each misconduct of his son, he drove a nail into this pole.

Some time passed ... And there was no living place left on the pillar - it was all studded with nails.

This picture struck the imagination of the son.

The lion was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly the Mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her in; she said:

- If you let me go, and I will do you good.

The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do him good. But he let her go anyway. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, ran, gnawed through the rope and said:

“Remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do you good, but now you see, sometimes good comes from a mouse.

Parable. How to find friends

The girl came to a village where she didn't know anyone. She complained to her father:

- I'm bored. Nobody wants to be friends with me. How can I find friends?
- There are a lot of friends around. Come out, daughter, on the street, but take a closer look- he said.

The girl went out into the street - no one. She went to the field. He sees a foal running. Rushed to catch up - did not catch up. A hare jumped out from under a bush. She rushed to catch him - did not catch. He sees - a dove is flying, she ran after her, but where is there. The dove flew away. The girl saw a ladybug, extended her hand - and ... caught it.

- Let me go! the ladybug asked.

two oars