The reason for the quarrel between Borodina and Omarov. The history of the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina are trying hard to demonstrate an ideal relationship. Their fans are simply delighted that they have to watch such a family idyll. But, as Kurban admitted, sometimes they also swear. For example, recently a conflict arose over a gift that Ksenia made to her husband. Borodina presented him with a chic ATV, but Omarov was upset, because a woman should not give such gifts.

Recently, Kurban Omarov boasted to his subscribers about the chic ATV that his wife presented to him. The man looked incredibly happy, however, now he admitted that in fact a serious conflict arose between them because of an expensive gift.

Kurban Omarov // Photo: Instagram

“A woman should not give a man such expensive gifts, this is male territory. Nevertheless, I was very pleased that Ksenia guessed right, got right to the point. Therefore, we swore for a short time, ”- Kurban said.

Omarov assured that they always try to find a compromise, so their conflicts are not protracted. A major quarrel last year helped them get through a difficult stage, and at the same time helped to verify the sincerity of feelings. At the same time, children always come first.

Kurban Omarov and Kseia Borodina // Photo: Instagram

Kurban is sure that the main thing in a family is the ability to build a dialogue. In this case, it will be possible to solve any problem. If you do not learn to hear each other, then family life is doomed. A man tries to support his wife in all her endeavors.

The host's husband does not hide the fact that he has not been watching the project for almost a year, since it is necessary to watch all the episodes, and he does not have such a huge amount of free time. At the same time, Kurban notes that he tries to spend as much time as possible with children.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov what served as the divorce of the famous couple: Ksenia Borodina for the first time announced a divorce from her husband due to infidelity. Press service of Kurban Omarov: "His upbringing does not allow him to say bad things about Ksenia"

Press service of Kurban Omarov: His upbringing does not allow him to say bad things about Ksenia

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov broke up in June 2016: the press service of the 35-year-old businessman commented on Ksenia Borodina's statement about his betrayal and betrayal.

33-year-old TV presenter Ksenia Borodina first spoke about the discord in the family with her newly-made husband, businessman Kurban Omarov, from whom the star had a daughter, Teya. In her Instagram, Borodina announced that she was divorcing her husband because of his betrayal and betrayal, which she could not forgive. However, not so long ago, in her interviews, Ksenia claimed that Omarov is a completely non-conflicting decent person who is always the first to reconcile.

“Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it,” the presenter shared with her subscribers.

In turn, representatives of the press service of businessman Kurban Omarov commented on the girl's revelations as follows:

- Now Kurban is at the signing of documents on large business projects. I don't think he saw this post. He does not follow Xenia's social networks. In recent months, there has been a lot of negative information in the media and on the Internet, but after this post, everything became clear. I will say that I have never heard negative things from Kurban towards Ksenia, although I think he could tell a lot, it’s just that his male upbringing does not allow him to. He is very worried about the children,” said press secretary Kurban Omarova.

The press secretary also noted that, mentioning the warm relationship with Kurban's son, Ksenia did not even bother to write the child's name correctly. The eight-year-old boy's name is Omar, not Amar, as the TV presenter wrote on her page.

Recall that shortly before Borodina’s frank post, in groups dedicated to the work of the TV presenter, information appeared from “well-wishers” about Kurban Omarov’s betrayal of his wife when she was pregnant. It is to them that she refers.

Ksenia Borodina for the first time announced a divorce from her husband due to infidelity

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov latest news: Dom-2 host to Kurban Omarov’s mistresses: “You won’t wash off such dirt for the rest of your life”

All the rumors around the separation of the 33-year-old TV star and her 36-year-old husband Kurban Omarov turned out to be true. Fans of Ksenia Borodina have long begun to suspect that there are many contradictions between her and her husband. Recently, information appeared that the reason was that the businessman broke up with the mother of his child due to surveillance, allegedly found a bug in his phone.

Neither Kurban nor Ksyusha practically commented on the situation all this time. But their behavior spoke for itself: they were no longer seen together. Even the birthday of the eldest daughter of his wife Omarov missed.

More recently, Ksenia stated that she is no longer related to the clothing store of her name. This business helped her organize her husband. Then rumors spread that Omarov was dating Nastasya Samburskaya, the star of Univer. The actress herself did not deny or confirm such suspicions. The latest news about the Borodina-Omarov couple was the businessman's statement that Borodina had not informed him that she was going to Turkey with her daughter.

And after all this time, the host of "House-2" could not stand it and announced a divorce. On Instagram, Ksenia spoke about everything that happened all these months between them (we give the author's text in full):

“It’s just that this is the father of the child, so I’m trying to be more worthy (as far as the dirty situation allows) to file a divorce. There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (as he exposes himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12 for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 in the morning from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his tough parties with betrayals. I wish health to such Yulia, Tanya, Oksana and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the peasant Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in fact you are unlikely to wash off such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived in rose-colored glasses, was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought that Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he likes to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave in 5 minutes, by the way, everyone who writes about Amar, I love him very much and I'm sorry that he can't come to our house anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones ... P.S. and remember whose wife you are, Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for yourself and your children !!! Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain devoted to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell my family to you, my refusal was the right decision, I will not allow any person (even my husband) to sell us !!! - wrote Borodina.

Ksenia is now resting at sea and delights subscribers with pictures from her vacation Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

Recall that Borodina's first marriage was with businessman Yuri Budagov, to whom in June 2009 the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Marusya.

Three years after the wedding, they filed for divorce. With Kurban Omarov, she went to the registry office on July 3, 2015, although the celebration was originally scheduled for September. The urgency was due to Xenia's pregnancy. In December 2015, their daughter Theona was born. The couple's divorce became known on Monday, July 18, a year after the wedding.

Little is known about the almost ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina and the father of her second daughter: businessman Kurban Omarov is 36 years old, he comes from Dagestan, he has a little son Omar from a past relationship. We learned about Kurban only a year and a half ago. “His name is Kurban, friends from childhood call him Winter,” the TV presenter wrote on Instagram, adding that her fiancé is a non-public person, and she is ready to protect him from any attention from the press. But it did not work out to save Kurban, and he himself did not long wish to remain in the shadows.

Quite quickly after the engagement with Borodina, Omarov got used to the status of an Instagram star and began to openly publish passionate declarations of love for Xenia. “Darling, for me a day without you is unbearable. About such as you, I dreamed all my life. You hit me so hard last night that I'm still laughing. Your humor, your attitude towards me mixed with your beauty is my wealth. I love you very much. I will always be there, we have a long way to go and I am your support. Soon the fruit of our love will appear and we will wrap it in love. You know, I'm stingy with these words, but today I step over myself and want to say this publicly. No one will oppose such love, you and I are a generator of goodness and our friends are around us. Just know I love you and I thank the Almighty that I went there that day and took it forever, ”Kurban wrote on the Web (The spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved hereinafter. — Note. ed.).


Quick wedding

Before the gossips had time to find out the minimum information about Kurban Omarov, Borodina had already set the wedding date. Ksenia's ex-man, policeman Mikhail Terekhin, whom the girl met on the Dom-2 show, where Terekhin came to build love, also joined the discussion of this news. “People want to get married, let them get married. But this is somehow hasty and, it seems to me, thoughtlessly. Yes, this pregnancy is ill-advised. I have the impression that they are trying to do everything, as if everything is fun, wonderful and cool, but in their hearts they really have cats scratching, ”Terekhin shared with reporters.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban took place on July 3 last year, at that time the bride was already in position. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds, along with their children from past relationships, went on a honeymoon to Ksyusha's beloved Turkey.

Secret pregnancy

Ksenia found out about her second pregnancy in the spring, when she and Kurban were just preparing for the wedding. The lovers wanted to get married in September, but plans had to be changed. The star did not comment on the guesses of the fans in any way, however, Ksenia did not manage to hide her position for long - rumors about her position began to appear long before the official confirmation of pregnancy.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, Ksenia arranged a baby shower party, to which she invited her closest friends. Among those who came to rejoice for Borodina was Alena Vodonaeva, a former member of Dom-2, whose name will still appear in our history ... in connection with completely different events.

Birth of Theona

On December 22, baby Thea was born in the family. The 33-year-old TV presenter gave birth to a girl at the Mother and Child perinatal center in Moscow. Just a month after the second birth, Ksenia Borodina returned to her normal rhythm of life and resumed work at Dom-2. Helping her wards build love, Borodina at the same time could not cope with her relationship ...

General business

The daughter is not the only "common achievement" of the newlyweds. Ksenia admitted that her husband organized her own business. “I want to thank my husband that he believed in me and opened 2 beauty salons for me this year and helped me with the business at @borodina_shop_ He believed in me, invested money, soul, time, his knowledge, etc. I am very grateful him that in addition to having a bunch of his own affairs and meetings, he gives himself to my business too! It is so important when people believe in you! I'm a terrible coward and very afraid of experiments, but he believes in me! And of course, thank you for buying our clothes!” Borodina said on Instagram. It is this business that can now become a bone of contention between divorcing spouses. However, Borodina stated that she no longer has anything to do with the Borodina-shop clothing store. The TV presenter claims that she was deceived by business partners.

First bells

In mid-June, the couple's fans sounded the alarm because the couple hadn't posted photos together for weeks. Rumors intensified when Kurban did not appear at the birthday party of Ksenia Marusya's daughter. Gossips assured that the man raised his hand to his wife, and she, in turn, kicked Omarov out. According to the participants of "House-2", Ksenia gave her husband a scene of jealousy, after which the couple sorted things out for a long time and Kurban pushed his wife hard. According to them, after this incident, Ksenia did not want to see the businessman and was soon to announce a divorce. Ksenia really announced the divorce, and in a rather harsh form, but before that she ignored questions about the discord and asked to be left alone. “I will answer everyone at once, who will ask about his personal life. I am very pleased that you are experiencing such a huge amount, I am pleased that many people think about this and write to me, but let's leave the personal to the personal. Please don’t pull me, ”Ksenia said during a broadcast on Periscope.

This is the end

July 3 wedding anniversary Ksenia and Kurban celebrated separately. Borodina spent this day in the company of her friends in the country restaurant Novorizhskaya Zastava. The girls were together until the very evening, and Kurban Omarov did not appear in the restaurant, and later flew to Spain with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. They left to rest, or the trip was business, the young people did not tell. Ksenia’s comment on this matter was not long in coming: “I don’t care about such narrow-minded women like her, except for the pity that she is like the rest of the loners. Let them show their insecurity and try to PR at the expense of me. And so life punished them! They live by me, and I live my life.” Perhaps it was this act of Omarov that finally brought Borodina out of herself: she decided to announce the divorce publicly.

The truth about change

Last week, a frank and emotional post appeared on Borodina's Instagram, in which Ksenia accused her husband of cheating even when she was in her last month of pregnancy. “It’s just that this is the father of the child, so I’m trying more worthily (as far as the dirty situation allows) to file a divorce. There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (how he exposes himself to the public) But I remember this night of December 12 for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 in the morning from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth ! Everything that is written about treason is pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his tough parties with betrayals. I wish health to such Yulia, Tanya, Oksana and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the peasant Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in fact you are unlikely to wash off such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived in rose-colored glasses, was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought that Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he likes to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes. Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain devoted to yourself! Borodina wrote. Later it became known that the TV presenter hired a lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, who specializes in divorces of famous people.

Word for Kurban

After the recognition of Borodina, Omarov also decided to break the silence. Kurban wrote on Instagram that he misses his daughter Thea very much. The businessman is upset that now he will rarely see the baby. Omarov hopes that he and Borodina will be able to agree on the upbringing of the girl. Omarov also commented on the relationship with Ksenia: “There are no two camps here, and you do not need to take a position. I was born in a man's family, and my upbringing is appropriate. I will not allow myself all sorts of statements in the direction of the woman to whom I spoke words of love, the woman who bore me a daughter with blue eyes like the sky. I won’t write anything in my own defense, I don’t want this controversy, and I won’t allow anyone to offend or insult little Theona’s mother. Ksenia is a caring mother who constantly pays attention to children, despite her busy schedule. We had an honest, sincere love, we burned like two suns and, unfortunately, it burned us.”

(33) and Kurban Omarov(35) getting divorced - now there is no doubt. Yesterday Kseniya officially announced this by sharing with subscribers in Instagram proof of her husband's infidelity - correspondence with a person who allegedly "covered" Kurban. To figure out what happened to the seemingly perfect couple, we decided to remember how the story began Xenia and Kurban.

The novel started a year and a half ago. It all started like a movie Kseniya hid her chosen one by signing mysterious photos on social networks with the letter Z, and shared expensive gifts that the mysterious young man did not skimp on. Fans tried in every possible way to declassify their beloved Borodina and argued about who he was. Herself Ksyusha she didn’t say anything about the new young man, and answered journalists’ questions about her personal life that she simply dreams of getting married again.

But a few months later, she nevertheless decided to introduce fans to a mysterious lover. TV presenter published in Instagram the post that answered all the questions about her new relationship. “The time has come to clarify the name of my man (future husband, beloved). His name is Kurban, friends from childhood call him Winter. It turned out that kurban- Dagestan businessman, with him Ksyusha met at a party's birthday party "Houses-2" by Stepan Menshchikov three years ago, but then everyone was busy with his family.
It seemed that in their relationship there is complete harmony. kurban was able to find a common language with my daughter Xenia - Marusey and she, in turn, became friends with his son.

Despite the fact that they were together for only six months, on their 32nd birthday Borodina Kurban proposed to her. And already in the summer of 2015 they got married, and at the end of December Ksyusha gave birth to a daughter Theon.

Surprisingly, two months ago, the couple posted joint photos (especially Ksyusha) and confessed their feelings. In May, the couple vacationed on Maldives. But already in June Ksyusha abruptly stopped sharing pictures and made ambiguous entries: "Everything that is done is for the best". kurban posted photos with children, but did not write anything about Xenia.

Some time later Borodin began hinting at changes in her life in her Periscope. During the live broadcast, she did not answer questions from fans, but everything was very clear: “To be honest, I'm glad that people care and think about me. But the personal will remain personal.”. And in the next broadcast she shared: “It happens that people sometimes cheat. You completely trust a person, and he betrays you..
The day before the wedding anniversary Ksyusha posted a photo on Instagram with the caption: “Do not believe the one who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Believe the one who silently does beautiful things.

Anniversary Borodin I met without a husband - with friends and children, and in social networks the spouses did not even hint at a joint holiday.

But the situation changed five days ago. It all started with a photo (now it will be unexpected) Nastasya Samburskaya! How did she get into this story? Let's talk! Over the weekend, the actress was in Spain and drank wine in one of the resort's restaurants. And photographed her kurban, whose subscribers Nastya calculated on the cover with the inscription "Zima" included in the picture. Of course, the photo caused a heated discussion.

She did not remain silent and - an old friend Borodina. She immediately published a post on her Instagram, where she clearly spoke about Samburskaya: “Actress of 15-second roles”, “A woman who doesn’t know that black socks under white sneakers are not very good at all”.

It turned out that Nastya and Kurban just a collaborative project, as his name appeared on the video Samburskaya, but this only revealed new details.
Kseniya finally told what was the reason for the divorce from her husband. In her profile, she shared a screenshot of the picture, which lobster published in December, right before the birth Theons, and next to it I attached a correspondence with the wife of a good friend Kurban, which "covered" all his betrayals.

Borodin stated that she was breaking up with her husband because of his betrayals and love for wild parties and accompanied this with a detailed story about his "adventures". Naturally, everyone immediately thought that everything was to blame. Samburskaya, who reacted with this post: “I am very glad that I didn’t get out into the people due to the glory of my ex-husband. Darling, I'll divorce you, tell everyone what a m**k you are, and I'll become, for example, a fashionable secular grass-burner, then I'll change my mind and become a diligent, super-stylish mother-shit businessman. She began to refuse dubious projects for a long time, although one or two are still present in the filmography. I'm glad I don't sell fake Chanel to people. I have the conscience to carefully approach the issue of advertising and not turn the page into a market.

It seems to be getting hot... We really don't know how this story will end, but now it obviously concerns not only Ksyusha and Kurbana. By the way, because of this turmoil, everyone forgot that, in fact, Nastya have a lover - singer Alexander Ivanov with whom they have been together for almost six months. So that Samburskaya clearly became an accidental witness to family squabbles.

Well, we will continue to monitor developments and hope that Xenia and Kurban will be able to solve all problems peacefully.