Proper and complete feeding of a newborn baby. Breastfeeding Rules How many times to breastfeed a newborn baby

The first days of feeding a newborn baby are a very difficult and responsible period for every mother. Not all babies immediately begin to properly latch on to the breast or bottle. Some mothers do not have enough milk, and have to resort to artificial feeding, but I really want to maintain natural lactation.

Feeding mode

How to feed a newborn with breast milk? Many mothers who are faced with motherhood for the first time are interested in this. It is worth noting that the baby still unconsciously performs his actions. They are driven by reflexes and instincts. Therefore, some moments the mother has to adjust to the newborn on her own. For example: the correct grip of the nipple, the position of the baby during feeding, and more.

From the first days after birth, the child is given the opportunity to feel hunger and satiety. Therefore, to feel when the baby wants to eat is absolutely not difficult for any mother.

Watch your baby carefully, and soon you will be able to easily understand when he sucks a breast or a bottle for the purpose of pleasure, and when - to satisfy his hunger. You should not allow the baby to suck just to calm down. If you try to reduce such moments to a minimum, then it will become much easier to establish a feeding regimen, and the child will show by his behavior when he wants to eat.

On average, babies need breast milk every four hours, and it takes only one week to accustom a baby to a regimen. Moreover, a properly set schedule will help in the future to deal with colic and regurgitation.

Postures for feeding

As you know, breast milk transmits antibodies from mother to child, which help the child's body fight bacteria and viruses. It has been found to reduce the risk of developing allergies and asthma. Children who feed on mother's milk in the first six months of life are less likely to get sick in the future and are less susceptible to respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases.

If you are a supporter of long-term breastfeeding, you need to read the information on how to properly breastfeed your newborn. The recommendations of pediatricians and experienced mothers are similar. There is no single correct feeding position for an individual baby. Here you need to focus on the comfort of mom and baby.

How to breastfeed a newborn while lying down? Breastfeeding experts recommend that mothers change positions as often as possible, so it will be much easier for the baby to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from milk.

Feeding a baby lying down is the most comfortable position that meets all the parameters of proper breastfeeding.

Application rules

Before proceeding with the first attachment of the crumbs to the breast, the mother should know how to properly feed the newborn:

  1. The baby's nose should be pressed against the mother's chest so that it does not interfere with the even and correct breathing of the crumbs.
  2. Mom should not experience pain during feeding, and the baby should suck at the breast in a calm state. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to pay attention to the correct grip of the nipple during feeding.
  3. The child should completely capture the areola with his mouth, and the lips should be turned outward.

regurgitation of air

It often happens that the baby, along with the mixture or milk, swallows air, which can cause “false” saturation. Therefore, the mother should take small but regular breaks between feedings so that the crumbs have the opportunity to burp air. Such changes will help the baby feel hungry again and finish drinking his prescribed portion. Also, timely regurgitation of air can reduce the risk of colic.

During breaks, try to carry your baby in the "column" position - a half-straight or straight position with his back to the mother's stomach. You can take the baby on your shoulder so that his arms lie on your back. Do not forget to put a napkin on it, as the baby with air can spit up some of the food.

What to Consider

Even if there is an excellent amount of milk in the mother's breast, it is important to follow some rules.

Lactation depends on how soon the mothers put the newborn to the breast. After the birth of the baby, the midwife should bring the baby. First, colostrum is released from the mother's breast, and a couple of minutes of suckling is enough for the child to fall asleep. Such a laborious process tires the baby. The first intake of fluid from the mother's breast gives the newborn a lot of antibodies that can protect the baby from infections, bacteria and viruses.

Breastfeeding should be as comfortable as possible for mom and baby.

  1. Choose a comfortable position.
  2. Mom can feed lying down, and the baby should lie sideways.
  3. The position of the body of the baby should be straight.
  4. In no case do not put pressure on the head of the crumbs. Try to hold it by the back or shoulders.

If the baby is naughty, then first calm him down, and only then start feeding. By experimenting with different positions, you will soon find a comfortable one for you. And you should pay attention to the information on how to properly feed a newborn lying down.

What about night feedings? Do not wake the baby if it is time for him to eat by the clock. Follow the "on demand" mode. As soon as the baby wants to eat, he will independently report this with a hungry cry. This mode has a positive effect on the development of emotional stability.

Is pumping necessary? Stagnation of milk in the breast can cause serious problems and troubles.

Therefore, mom needs to express on time. True, on this issue, the opinions of experts are divided.

This procedure can be performed both manually and with the help of special devices.

Need for a bottle

There is an opinion among pediatricians that if the baby is mixed-fed, it is not recommended to use a bottle. The baby is able to very quickly get used to a comfortable nipple and give up his mother's breast. Therefore, it is customary to replace the bottle with a syringe or a spoon.

Today, a tube system is very popular, which can replace natural feeding as comfortably as possible. First, the mother must give the baby a breast, and then feed it with the help of a special device.

When the baby is fed only with a mixture, and a return to the GW is not planned, this rule does not apply. The baby can easily use the bottle. How to bottle feed a newborn? Parents should pay special attention to the quality of this item when buying. Dishes must be made of safe materials marked "0+".

Glass bottles are very easy to clean and sterilize with boiling water. They have a long service life. The disadvantage is very significant - such dishes are beating, which is extremely unsafe for the baby and not only. Plastic bottles made from quality material are the safest to use, but they have to be changed very often. This is due to the fact that the plastic wears out, and in the process of boiling it loses its attractive appearance and shape.

Preparing for feeding

After reviewing the recommendations on how to properly feed a newborn with a mixture, you can proceed to the next step. Preparation for feeding the baby should be carried out in advance. You should have clean bottles and teats ready. Before starting the preparation of the mixture, the mother should thoroughly wash her hands with soap and water.

Before preparing the mixture, carefully read the instructions on the package. Do not make mistakes with the addition of liquid, otherwise the baby may get dehydrated or not enough vitamins and minerals.

Although there is an opinion that the finished mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for a day, try to prepare a fresh food product for the baby every time. If for some reason you are opposed to this point of view, then heat the milk in a water bath.

Most infant formulas are diluted with boiled water at an average temperature of 36-37 degrees. This is an important nuance of the process in how to properly feed a newborn with a formula. Before offering milk to a toddler, drip on the back of your hand. If the temperature is comfortable, you can safely offer the child.

Put on a protective collar or bib for your baby, and put a towel over yourself. If you spit up while feeding, you and your baby will stay clean. When choosing a bottle, it is very important to pay attention to age restrictions: from 0-3-6-12 months, etc. The fact is that this information implies a pressure of milk from the nipple. The smaller the baby, the weaker the flow should be. Normally, for a newborn, when the bottle is tilted, it should just drip.

A few minutes before the next feeding, you can lay the crumbs on the tummy, but only under constant supervision. If the baby is naughty, dissatisfied or annoyed with something, then you should not immediately offer a bottle. The baby needs to be calmed and wait until he gets hungry.

How to feed newborns with mixed feeding? The schedule should be followed on average every 4 hours between meals, but try to prioritize on-demand mode. In this case, the risk of overeating is reduced.

To make bottle feeding as comfortable as possible, mom should follow a certain technique:

  1. When feeding, hold the bottle at a slight angle so that the nipple spout fills with formula.
  2. The milk should completely fill the nipple.
  3. Avoid the vertical position of the bottle. This increases the pressure, and the baby may choke or choke.
  4. Do not screw the nipple ring too hard. Air must not enter the bottle. Although the modern market for children's goods already presents a lot of dishes with a well-thought-out system.
  5. During feeding, the baby must be kept in a horizontal position with a slightly raised head.
  6. Take regular breaks so that the baby spit up air and can continue the "comfortable" process of absorption of milk.
  7. Never leave your baby alone with a bottle.

As soon as the baby has eaten, take the bottle and take the baby on the handles in an upright position - “column”, and let the baby spit up for 5-10 minutes.

Prolongation of lactation with mixed feeding

Many young mothers are wondering how to properly mix feed a newborn. There is a proven relationship between the amount of milk a mother has and attachments. Accordingly, if you apply crumbs to the chest as often as possible, then lactation will be better.

To prolong the possibility of natural feeding, the mother should supplement the baby with formula only after breast milk. For this purpose, modern GW simulation systems can be used. It works in a very interesting way. The baby suckles the mother's breast, but receives milk from the system. The advantage is that the baby maintains an emotional connection with the mother, and the mother receives additional stimulation for the lactation process.

If the mother is working, then lactation can be maintained by pumping, but at least every two hours, and the baby can be fed in the morning, evening and at night on demand.

Signs of a lack or excess of the mixture

If the baby overeats, he:

  • often spit up;
  • sleeps poorly and is naughty regularly;
  • pulls the legs to the tummy, thereby signaling bouts of pain in the abdomen;
  • experiencing gas and flatulence;
  • he is sick after feeding;
  • quickly gaining weight.

If the child eats little, he:

  • weak and inactive;
  • sleeps badly;
  • walks little "in a big way" and "in a little way";
  • crying and acting up during the feeding process;
  • sucks fingers or the edge of the diaper;
  • the baby is behind the norm in weight or does not gain it at all.

How to properly breastfeed a newborn lying on its side and what role mother's milk plays in the life of a recently born baby, we have already considered. But you should not rely on the fact that breastfeeding is the main foundation in building a trusting relationship with the baby, because there is still a very significant aspect: tactile contact. It is very important for newborn babies to feel their mother's care, tenderness and love. When mom is around, the baby always feels protected and safe. Touching and stroking a mother is very important, and breastfeeding helps to create a strong emotional bond with the baby.

It is undeniable that breastfeeding promotes more rapid close contact. But bottle feeding can also be beneficial. It is enough to gently press the baby to yourself during feeding. The baby will feel warm and tender. What’s more, bottle feeding can create an emotional connection not only with mom, but also with dad and even grandma.

Breast milk is, of course, the best that nature has come up with for a newborn baby. But if the mother does not have enough of it, you should not torment the baby with hunger, it is better to choose mixed feeding of newborns. How to properly feed a newborn with milk, the above article will tell you. Moreover, most mixtures today are made taking into account all the needs and characteristics of a small organism.

For the correct process of feeding with breast milk or formula, it is enough for a mother to know just a few rules. GW is completely invented by nature, it is inherent in every woman. So there shouldn't be any problems here.

Do not forget that a warm and tender relationship with a child can be built not only through breastfeeding, but simply with regular tactile contact.

When my eldest daughter read the subject of an article I was working on, “How to Feed a Newborn Baby,” she chuckled and said knowingly, “How to Feed a Newborn?! Usually. Breast."

Expectant mothers can also reason until they put a newborn in their arms. In this exciting moment of the first attachments, often all the theoretical aspects of feeding that they have heard or read about are lost somewhere.

It would seem that the topic of feeding a newborn is well covered in various sources. Everyone knows about the benefits of breastfeeding. Questions about how to feed a newborn are always sorted out in the classroom at the “school for young mothers”.

But with the advent of a child, new mothers inevitably have questions:

  • how to feed properly?
  • in what position?
  • what time is it?
  • do you need a mod?
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • Is the baby latching on correctly?

Especially many questions arise in the first (adaptation) month of a baby's life. At this stage, the baby and mother learn to interact with each other, to adapt.

First milk, first days after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the child, it is very important to attach to the mother's breast. Even if during this application the child receives just a few drops of colostrum.

There are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby early.

This contributes to:

  • the rapid development of lactation and stimulation of the production of breast milk in a larger volume;
  • faster adaptation of the child to conditions outside the mother's tummy, since the baby's intestines are quickly populated with useful bifidum flora. And this means that the unfavorable period of transient intestinal dysbacteriosis of the crumbs is reduced;
  • strengthening the feeling of motherhood, reducing the level of stress hormones in the blood of a woman, accelerating the involution of the uterus (restoring prenatal dimensions).

This skin-to-skin contact allows the baby to feel the mother's warmth again, to feel the smell of the mother, the beating of her heart. It has been proven that the early establishment of such psychological contact gives a powerful impetus to the normal development of the baby's psyche.

In the first 2-3 days after childbirth, a woman does not produce milk, but colostrum - the most valuable product of the mammary glands for a newborn.

Mom should not be afraid that colostrum is initially allocated in a meager volume. Due to the high caloric content and nutritional value, a small amount of colostrum is enough for a child.

It is rich in proteins and fats. And, unlike mature milk, colostrum doesn't have as much water in it.

The child also needs time to adjust to another - enteral (through the mouth) - type of nutrition, to start the gastrointestinal tract and its enzymatic activity. And colostrum, like nothing else, helps a small body in this.

Colostrum contains many enzymes that help the baby's fragile digestive system to cope with its function. It has a mild laxative effect. Thus, it helps to cleanse the baby's intestines from the original feces (meconium).

Colostrum is also a kind of immune vaccine. It contains maternal immunoglobulins. These are immune proteins that give the child immunity from the mother. They will protect the baby from infections even before the age of six months. After all, his immunity will take some time to form.

The formation of immunity is also helped by the early colonization of the sterile intestine of the newborn with lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are found in large quantities in colostrum.

Based on the above, colostrum is the most valuable and unique product for the nutrition of a newly born baby. Therefore, it is important not to miss the opportunity to start breastfeeding your baby from this important stage.

Remember - do not rush to supplement it with milk substitutes (mixtures), hoping that they are better than this small amount of colostrum.

How to establish breastfeeding?

In order for breastfeeding to be successful, long and enjoyable for both participants in this process (mother and baby), you need to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

After all, when a child properly captures the breast, he eats well and does not capture much air during feeding. And at the same time, the mother does not have pain during feeding, cracks and chafing on the nipple do not form.

Let's consider the application on the example of the classic position for feeding. This is the so-called cradle position. This is a comfortable position, mom can relax and even rest while feeding.

I'll tell you in more detail what kind of "Cradle" it is:

  • Mom sits down, leaning her back on a comfortable support. Support is required, otherwise it will be difficult for mommy. After all, the first feeding can last up to 40 minutes.
  • Additionally, for convenience, it is better to put your feet on a small chair or delivery, otherwise your legs will be unnecessarily strained.
  • Mom holds the baby in the elbow bend, holding the neck and back. The baby should be turned to the mother and pressed with his stomach to her stomach.
  • Thus, the ear, shoulder and thigh of the baby is on the same line. It is important that the baby does not throw his head back and does not arch.
  • It is important to hold the child by the neck and upper shoulder girdle, and not by the back of the head. Otherwise, when the baby is held by the head, he leans back, worries, is naughty at the chest.
  • It is most convenient for the mother to serve the right breast with the left hand, and the left breast with the right.
  • Take the breast, placing the thumb on top a little further than the halo (dark area of ​​the nipple), without covering it, and the remaining four fingers - from below.

The fairly common scissor grip, where the nipple remains between the index and middle fingers, does not allow the breast to be inserted deep enough into the baby's mouth.

At the time of application, the baby's nose should be opposite the nipple.

After squeezing out a drop of milk, move it along the baby's lower lip. After waiting for the baby to open its mouth wide, bring the nipple into the baby's mouth. With your other hand, slightly move and guide the baby towards the breast.

Thanks to this oncoming movement, the grip on the chest will be deeper and more correct.

Here are a few criteria for the correct capture of the breast by the baby:

  • The baby's mouth is wide open.
  • The lips are well everted and cover most of the halo.
  • The baby's chin rests on the chest.
  • The baby's cheeks are not sunken.
  • You can hear how the baby swallows milk, but there are no clattering, smacking and other loud sounds when sucking.
  • The baby is turned to the chest with the whole body, and not just the head.

If the mother does everything right when preparing for feeding and when applying to the breast, then she will not experience pain and discomfort during feeding.

With this application technique, the tip of the nipple rests on the transition zone of the hard (bone) to the soft (muscular) palate of the child. And the wave-like movements of the baby's tongue do not injure the delicate peripapillary skin.

After feeding the baby, be sure to hold it upright for several minutes. You have probably heard the expression - "hold a column."

This is necessary so that the child can get rid of air bubbles that could enter the stomach during sucking.

If this is not done, then excess air will enter the intestines. Thus, they will provoke an attack of intestinal colic in an infant.

Also, if you do not wait for the release of excess air from the stomach (belching) after feeding, then such a gas bubble will provoke regurgitation in the baby.

Do I need to wash my breasts before and after feeding?

Breasts do not need additional washing before feeding. After feeding, washing the breast is also unnecessary. The fact is that after feeding, a natural protective film appears on the skin of the nipples, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Excessive hygiene procedures, especially with the use of soap, especially laundry soap (some grandmothers advise), dry out the thin skin of the nipples. And this is fraught with the appearance of cracks on them and discomfort during feeding.

It is enough for a nursing mother to take a shower twice a day and you can not think about additional breast washing. An exception is cases when a nursing mother uses any medicines for nipples in the form of ointments or gels.

Moreover, the drugs used by the mother are not always an exception, requiring washing of the breast before feeding. Some specialized gels for the treatment of cracked nipples do not need to be rinsed off.

Whether or not to flush the drug from the breast before feeding, always check with the prescribing doctor, pharmacist at the pharmacy or in the annotation for the drug.

As for the feeding regimen for a newborn, the opinions of experts differ. My opinion is based on an analysis of expert recommendations, my experience as a pediatrician and mother of two breastfed children.

The size of the stomach of a newborn is still small and his physical strength for a full-fledged long-term meal is not always enough. Therefore, a newborn simply needs to be breastfed more often than once every two to three hours.

Let me remind you that the neonatal period is the first 28 days from birth, that is, approximately the first month of life.

During this adaptation period, immediately after birth, the mother's breast allows the newborn to satisfy not only his nutritional needs, but satisfies hunger. When sucking, he also quenches thirst, gets rid of fears, enjoys the mother's smell and warmth.

Also, sucking stimulates peristalsis (wave-like contractions) of the baby's intestines, which contributes to the discharge of gas. Therefore, babies often poop when they suckle their breasts.

The feeding regimen by the hour in the first month inhibits lactation, and frequent applications stimulate it.

Prevention of lactostasis

Rare and incomplete emptying of the breast is the main cause of lactostasis. This is the stagnation of milk in the milk ducts, which develops into mastitis within 3 days, manifested by all signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, pain, fever).

From the second month of life, the child begins to develop a certain sleep and feeding regimen. Therefore, in the future, mothers can establish a feeding schedule by the hour in 2-2.5 hours. This applies more, of course, to socially active or working mothers.

But it will not hurt an ordinary non-working mother, who is always next to the baby, to establish a feeding regimen in the future. Otherwise, there is a not very pleasant prospect of turning into a “papilla” on which the baby will hang 24 hours a day.

The duration of feeding is determined by the baby. But this is not an absolute statement.

For example, during the neonatal period, feedings of less than 15 minutes do not allow the baby to get enough. At the same time, babies often quickly get tired and fall asleep. Therefore, if your newborn baby is too lazy to do a good job at the breast and falls asleep, you will have to wake him up.

On average, the first feedings last up to 30-40 minutes. An older child eats much faster.

What about night feedings?

It is at night that the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for stimulating milk production, reaches its peak of activity. Therefore, nightly applications provide sufficient milk production and contribute to the stimulation of lactation at the stage of its formation in the first month.

Long breaks in feeding and incomplete emptying of the breast during feeding, on the contrary, suppress lactation. The body will not use energy to produce milk if it is not in demand. So feeding a newborn at night is necessary for both the baby and the mother.

Newborn babies, on average, can wake up at night for feeding 2-4 times. After six months, the child can sleep all night and not wake up to eat. But in my practice there were few such babies.

If the child is gaining weight well and sleeping at night for 4 hours or more, then it is not necessary to wake him up. But if your baby is lagging behind in weight gain and at the same time likes to sleep, then it is necessary to wake him up and feed him.

There are many different positions for feeding a baby. We will consider the most common and suitable for a newborn baby.

Poses "Cradle" and "Cross cradle"

These are seated feeding positions. We have already considered all the features of the location of the baby when feeding in the “Cradle” position above.

This is a widespread position when the child lies in the arms of his mother, as in a cozy cradle. With this position, the baby's head lies on the elbow bend towards the breast, from which it sucks.

I am writing about it again, because I want to talk about another variety of this pose. This is the so-called "Cross Cradle".

In this position, the mother holds the baby with the hand opposite the breast from which she is going to feed. The child is located on the forearm of the bent arm of the mother. At the same time, with the palm of this hand, the mother supports the baby's head and can easily guide him.

In this way, the mother's other hand is freed to apply the breast correctly and adjust the baby's breast latch.

This position is more suitable if the baby is weakened, premature. These babies usually have difficulty latching on to the nipple and sucking.

Mom, when feeding in the “Cross Cradle” position, can sit on a chair, in an armchair, on a fitball, or even walk and rock the baby.

It is worth saying that for the first feedings, which last for 30-40 minutes or more, the “Cradle” and “Cross Cradle” poses are not very comfortable if there is no back support and footrest. Mom often gets numb legs, arms, back.

Therefore, be sure to take care of your comfort in advance. Place a pillow on your knees so as not to hang over and “hunch” over the child. Place a small chair under your feet. Sit in a chair with a comfortable back. Place a pillow under your back and under the arm holding the baby.

Some mothers find it more convenient to feed lying down, especially after childbirth, when sitting is still difficult or impossible.

Pose "Lying on the side"

Mom and baby lie on the bed belly to stomach. Mom rests her shoulder on the bed or puts a pillow under her head. It is important that you put a pillow under your head, and not under your shoulders!

Under the back of the baby, you can put a roller twisted from a diaper or blanket so that the baby does not roll onto his back. At the time of application, the nipple should be at the level of the crumbs' nose.

This position is suitable for women who cannot sit down after childbirth or if after a caesarean section the woman experiences pain when feeding while sitting.

This position is also ideal for feeding at night. From this position, without shifting the child to the other side, you can immediately attach it to the other breast, slightly hanging over the child.

Pose "Lying on the side with a jack"

With this position, mother and baby lie in opposite directions, that is, the legs of the crumbs are directed towards the mother's head.

I haven't seen this type of feeding very often. This position also has the right to exist, and sometimes it should be recommended specifically. In particular, feeding with a "jack" helps to cope with the stagnation of milk in the upper outer lobes of the mammary gland.

It is noticed that in those areas where the crumbs chin is directed, breast milk does not stagnate. Therefore, it is logical to use "jack" feeding from time to time in order to evenly empty the breast of milk, thus stimulating lactation.

Pose "From under the arm"

Mom in this position can be sitting or half-sitting to feed the baby. The child lies on a pillow under the arm of the mother, his legs are directed towards her back.

It is necessary to ensure that the baby's legs are below the level of his head. The mother of the baby can hold with one hand, more precisely, she can hold and guide with one hand.

With this position, it is easy for the mother to control, adjust, correct the grip of the chest, to shake up the “lazy sucker”, since she has a free other hand.

This pose is great for stagnation of milk in the lateral and lower segments of the mammary gland.

Also, if a woman has already developed nipple cracks on one side, then changing the position, where the baby’s chin is directed in the opposite direction, will make feeding less painful and facilitate the healing of cracks.

Natural attachment (Australian position)

This is rather not a pose, but a method of self-attachment of a newborn child, which helps the baby to properly capture the breast, and the mother to relax during feeding or even take a nap.

The technique assumes that the mother should take off her clothes from the upper half of the body and allow the baby to find the breast on his own and kiss in the way that is convenient for him.

The position of the mother is reclining on her back with support on the head of the bed or pillow. The baby lies on the mother's stomach to the stomach. With a little help from his mother, he finds a nipple and applies it to the breast. This is self-applying.

In the future, the baby's head can be held with a hand bent at the elbow joint. And put a pillow under your arm and calmly feed.

Very often, mothers of newborns ask the question: “What should I do if milk flows from the breast quickly and the child does not have time to cope with this flow, is naughty at the breast?”

Self-adhesion solves this issue, with such a horizontal position, the flow of milk will be less.

Another way to slightly reduce the flow of milk is to express it a little and apply the baby when the milk does not flow so quickly. This option is suitable if the mother has a lot of milk.

Should the baby be given water?

If the child is breastfed, then it is not necessary to give him additional water. It is believed that up to six months a breast-fed child does not need additional drinking and complementary foods.

Breast milk can satisfy a child's thirst and hunger. The foremilk acts as a drink, as it contains more water and less fat than the hindmilk.

Sometimes water is needed according to indications, for example, if the baby has problems with stool. Your pediatrician will give specific recommendations on this matter.

Soother, bottle and other nipple substitutes…

If you want to breastfeed your baby for a long time and successfully, then you should not offer him “mother substitutes” in the form of a dummy or bottle.

The fact is that sucking these devices is not like sucking on the breast. When a baby suckles, the nipple is on the soft palate. When sucking on a pacifier, its tip does not reach this zone. The child gets used to the wrong sucking.

If a child sucks on a pacifier, then his grip often deteriorates. Further, in the process of sucking, the baby "slides onto the nipple." Feeding when the baby sucks only the nipple is ineffective and very painful for the mother.

It is easier for children to suck from a bottle, therefore, if a mother supplements from a bottle, then sooner or later the child prefers her and refuses to suckle her breast.

Is there enough milk?

During the formation of lactation, milk is produced by the mother not always evenly. There are peaks and valleys in this process.

Around the 3rd - 4th week of a baby's life, a mother may experience a decrease in milk production. This so-called lactation crisis.

Such a crisis occurs during periods of maximum growth of the child, when the need for milk increases sharply, and the amount of milk produced remains at the same level. The child at such moments often requires breasts, is naughty. This situation is fixable and does not require specific treatment.

Mom needs to put the baby to the breast more often, eat hard and drink warm drinks. Stimulation of the nipple sends a signal to the woman's brain that milk should come. The hormone prolactin is produced, which triggers and stimulates milk production.

The lactation crisis lasts 1-3 weeks on average. Moms often have a question, is the baby getting enough milk, is he full, do you still need to feed him?

I will briefly say that the true signs of a lack of milk are:

  • Little weight gain or weight loss by the child;
  • Reducing the number of soiled diapers (the child rarely pees and poops);
  • The child's stool is scanty, rare and dense.

If you leave your child without disposable diapers for a day and count 10 or more soiled diapers, then you have no reason to worry about a lack of milk.

Elena Vasilievna Borisova, a practicing pediatrician and twice mother, told you about how to feed a newborn.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Article last updated: 04/28/2019

Loving parents always worry about the health of their baby, and in infancy, nutrition is undoubtedly the most important thing. Pediatricians recommend that all women breastfeed their children. Studies show that breastfed children suffer less from allergic reactions, obesity and diabetes, they have higher immunity and less speech defects. The composition of women's milk is unique, even the best mixtures have not become its complete analogue. Nature made sure that it is ideal for a newborn. Lactation problems that occur in mothers are often associated with a lack of knowledge of how to breastfeed properly.

First breastfeeding

A few days after the birth, the mother does not have milk, only a small amount of colostrum is produced. Do not worry that it is too small and the child will be hungry. For a newborn, only 20-30 ml is enough. Colostrum is much superior to milk in terms of the concentration of proteins, vitamins and microelements. But the content of fats and carbohydrates in it is reduced. This contributes to the settlement of the intestines of the baby with beneficial microflora and cleaning it from meconium, reduces the likelihood of jaundice in newborns.

The immune system of a newborn is in its infancy. Immunoglobulins contained in colostrum will be the first defenders of the baby from infections.

Now in maternity hospitals, early attachment of the newborn to the breast is practiced. In addition to preventing possible troubles with lactation, early application causes contraction of the mother's uterus and accelerates the separation of the placenta.

Contraindications for early breastfeeding

Early application is not possible if:

  1. The woman had a caesarean section with general anesthesia;
  2. There was a lot of blood loss;
  3. The mother has a venereal or serious infectious disease;
  4. The pregnant woman was treated before giving birth, taking a course of antibiotics;
  5. The condition of the newborn is severe, the test result according to the rapid assessment method is below 7 points.

In order to be able to fully feed when the problems disappear, it is necessary to express milk regularly with a breast pump or manually.

It is recommended to carry out the first pumping no later than 6 hours after childbirth, then perform the procedure every 3 hours with a night break of 5-6 hours. This will help keep lactation at an acceptable level and avoid mastitis.

Causes of insufficient lactation

Insufficient lactation occurs in a woman in the postpartum period if:

  1. she suffered toxicosis in the third trimester of pregnancy,
  2. had an obstetric operation
  3. she had a hormonal imbalance
  4. age over 35 years.

How to put a baby to the breast

Important practical advice from lactation consultants on how to properly breastfeed your baby:

  • The baby must independently capture the areola along with the nipple. When he is hungry, he searches for breasts with his open mouth, makes sucking movements with his lips, and turns his head. Mom can help him by pinching the areola between two fingers so that the baby grabs more than just the tip of the nipple. The lips turn slightly outwards. The deep grip on the nipple prevents it from cracking.
  • Mommy should get comfortable so as not to get tired, because. feeding usually takes a long time. In the process of sucking, unpleasant painful sensations should not appear.
  • The baby should be positioned with his stomach to the mother, his mouth should be against the chest, the neck should not be turned, and the head should be firmly fixed. The baby should be able to adjust the location of the nipple in the mouth and turn away when it is full. He should not make an effort to reach the nipple, this may cause insufficient latch. It is necessary to ensure that the baby's nose is not closed.
  • If the baby cries and does not take the breast in any way, you can gently touch his cheeks or lips, squeeze a few drops of milk into his mouth.
  • If a superficial grip occurs, then the mother can step back by easily pressing the baby's chin.
  • You have to control the depth of capture all the time. The baby can correctly capture the breast, but in the process of sucking gradually move to the tip of the nipple, it is not difficult for mommy to understand this by painful sensations. Remove the breast from the baby and reattach.

Postures for feeding

  1. The mother sits, holds the child in her arms, the head rests on the crook of the elbow - this is the most common location. While the weight of the crumbs is small, it is convenient to hold it on one hand, and the other can be helped to properly capture the nipple.
  2. If the newborn has problems, then additional control of the head can be obtained by holding the little one with the hand opposite the breast offered to the baby. In this case, the slightly tilted back head is held by the palm of the hand, which makes it easier for the child to take the areola. The disadvantage is that the mother's hand gets tired quickly, so it is recommended to put a pillow under it.
  3. It is also good for the control of attachment and high-quality emptying of the mammary gland when the baby is located on the arm and pillow under the arm on the side of the mother. Since there is no pressure on the abdomen, this is a suitable position after a caesarean section.
  4. The most comfortable position for the mother is lying on her side. The baby is laid side by side, raising his head with the help of a hand or a blanket folded several times.
  5. Feeding is possible when a woman, lying on her back, places the baby on her stomach.

Breastfeeding Rules

You need to feed the newborn on demand, this is one of the conditions for successful lactation. Milk production is directly proportional to how much the baby sucks.

Mother's milk is easily digested, so frequent feeding does not harm the baby's digestive system. After about six weeks, the child himself will establish a fairly stable schedule.

If the child is restless, then mothers perceive feeding on demand as a situation where the baby literally lives in the mother's arms. This suits not all women. Many doctors recommend a free schedule, when eating is not tied to a specific time, but a two-hour break is still observed. If the child is sleeping, then they do not wake him up. If he is calmly awake, not demanding food, then it is not offered.

The duration of one feeding depends on the personal qualities of the baby. Some babies eat more actively and are quickly satiated, others suckle slowly and fall asleep, but when they try to remove the nipple, they wake up and continue to eat. It is considered normal when suckling lasts about half an hour.

You can determine that the child is full by the following signs: he calmly releases his chest, is in a good mood, sleeps normally, and gains weight in accordance with age.

It is recommended to give one breast per feeding, alternately replacing them. Let the child empty its contents to the end. This will allow you to establish sufficient lactation, and the baby will receive both the initial liquid portions, the so-called foremilk, and thicker hindmilk, which contains a significant amount of nutrients. If there is not enough milk, then it is allowed to use both breasts in one feeding, but avoid overfeeding.

The most effective method of preventing insufficient lactation is to regularly apply the baby to the breast, because it is the irritation of the woman's nipple that starts the process of milk production.

If a woman has problems that she cannot solve on her own, then you can learn how to breastfeed properly from a pediatrician, an experienced midwife or a lactation consultant.

Timing and frequency of feedings

It is necessary to breastfeed a newborn up to six months of age, it is desirable to continue it up to a year. Further preservation of natural feeding depends entirely on the desire and capabilities of the mother.

In the first week, the child requires food up to 10-12 times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced. The process can be uneven. During periods of active growth, and this is 7-10 days, 4-6 weeks, 6 months, the baby's appetite increases. The increase in milk production by 2-3 days may lag behind and at this time food may be required more often. But the general trend towards increasing intervals and decreasing the number of feedings persists. By the age of one, the baby is usually breastfed twice a day.

When feeding on demand, the question of night feedings often arises. For a mom, this can be quite tiring.

Pediatricians advise the first six months to be sure to respond to requests, as night feeding increases the overall production of milk and gives the baby additional nutrients.

Later, when the baby's diet becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods, you can not get up at night. The creation of a humid and cool microclimate in the sleeping room will help in this. You can also practice late evening bathing before the final daily feeding.

Feeding a newborn on demand is considered a new phenomenon. However, this method is older than clock feeding. Feeding on demand is the basis of breastfeeding, which is formed naturally and adapts to the rhythm of the baby. Many physicians and breastfeeders choose this particular approach and pay attention only to the baby's needs. Let's look at each approach in more detail.

By regime

This method implies that the newborn is fed by the hour. The first month, the baby receives a breast every three hours and sucks for 30 minutes. As they grow older, the intervals between feedings increase, and the duration of attachments decreases. Feeding at night is not recommended, and the interval between applications during this period is 6 hours.

  • The child has a clear daily routine;
  • The baby does not need to be fed at night;
  • Mom knows exactly when to feed a newborn and when she will have free time;
  • No need for co-sleeping;
  • Some pediatricians believe that such feeding improves digestion and absorption of food due to the timely production of gastric juice.

Often the child has to be supplemented with milk mixtures, which will negatively affect the development of the baby. Such food can cause allergies in a newborn, and children switch to complementary foods as early as 3-4 months.

The dangerous consequences of this method are the extinction of lactation and an increased risk of developing breast diseases in a nursing mother. Please note that the production of breast milk is directly dependent on the application of the child. The fewer applications, the less milk is secreted. And as a result, milk accumulates in the glands, which often leads to pain in the chest, the appearance of seals and lactostasis.

Feeding by the clock does not at all guarantee a good night for the mother, since such a long break in the first two or three months causes severe hunger in the baby. As a result, the baby often wakes up and cries. But over time, the child gets used to such night breaks, and in the future he already sleeps peacefully. However, as practice shows, such children grow up more insecure and anxious.

The basics of feeding by regimen

  • Feed a certain number of times a day. Newborns up to three months are applied seven times every 3 hours. Babies aged 3-5 months are fed six times in 3.5 hours. From six months to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to five times with an interval of 4 hours;
  • The duration of feeding in the first month is 30 minutes, then - 15 minutes;
  • In one feeding, the baby is given only one breast, and in the next - the second;
  • At night, the interval between applications is 6 hours;
  • If milk remains in the breast after feeding, pumping is necessary.

On demand

With this approach, the baby is fed when he wants it. The duration and number of applications are not limited. The child is not force-fed, but is breastfed only when he wants to. But they don’t take it away until the baby is full and stops eating or falls asleep. As a rule, such feedings occur every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day and at least 3 times at night. Such a rhythm does not harm the baby at all and does not lead to spoiled child, as many believe.

The first two or three weeks, most of the time will have to be given to feeding the newborn. In the first month, the number of feedings can reach 18-20 times a day or more. But over time, the duration and the number of attachments gradually decrease themselves. By the age of three months, their own regime is being formed, which the baby has chosen and installed on his own.

This contributes to successful, harmonious and long-term breastfeeding, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. You can read about the benefits of breast milk for a baby.


  • The kid fully receives substances and elements for harmonious growth and development;
  • The newborn is less tormented by colic, gases and other stomach disorders;
  • The baby receives the required amount of food and does not need to be supplemented with milk mixtures;
  • The child does not need to be supplemented with water and there is no need to introduce early and premature complementary foods;
  • Frequent applications - good stimulation of lactation and prevention of various breast diseases in lactating women;
  • This method improves lactation, which avoids problems with a lack of milk for the newborn;
  • Natural and regular breastfeeding does not require pumping;
  • Frequent application completely satisfies the sucking reflex, soothes the child and allows you to do without a pacifier;
  • Such babies grow up healthier, more confident and calmer.

Minuses This method lies in the fact that before the first feeding, breast milk will be the only food for the baby, so the mother always needs to be ready for the feeding process. In addition, a woman will have to adapt to the rhythm of the baby, take the baby to bed and sleep together. A woman should be prepared for lack of sleep and fatigue. And the strong attachment of the baby will not allow the mother to be away for a long time and leave the child with someone else.

Fundamentals of on-demand feeding

  • Attach the baby on demand, do not wait for strong crying or tantrums. When the baby is hungry, he behaves restlessly and begins to move his lips;
  • The number and duration of feedings are not limited. Do not take the breast from the baby until he is full. When the child is full, he himself releases the nipple or falls asleep;
  • Use nipples and pacifiers that replace breasts as little as possible. Modern pediatricians recommend completely excluding such devices during natural breastfeeding. The pros and cons of using a pacifier;
  • Don't give your child water. Up to 6-7 months, the baby does not need it, since milk contains the necessary amount of water and fully satisfies the baby's needs for liquid. As an exception, with severe colic, it is sometimes possible to give a newborn dill water. And in extreme heat, wipe the child with wet wipes, bathe more often and take air baths;
  • With one feeding, both breasts are used. First, the child completely empties one breast, and only then receives the second. It is important that the baby receives both foremilk and hindmilk.
  • Sleep together at first. have a positive effect on the mental development of the child. In addition, at night, mom will be able to quickly breastfeed.

Whether it is worth feeding a newborn on time or on demand, each nursing mother decides individually. Today, however, pediatricians insist on prolonged breastfeeding and breastfeeding at the request of the child. This has a positive effect on the well-being of the mother and the development of the baby. Feeding on demand satisfies both the physiological and psychological needs of the newborn.

To decide how many times to feed a newborn, watching his behavior will help. A child in the first month of life should be fed on demand, according to the schedule that he has set for himself. On the first day, the baby asks for a breast every half an hour. Short intervals indicate that the feeding process has not been adjusted. Frequent attachment to the breast improves lactation. In the first 3 days, the baby feeds on colostrum, which is a harbinger of breast milk. This is a valuable food that populates the intestines with beneficial microflora. At this time, it is better to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. You should not be afraid that he will overeat. The newborn will take as much milk as he needs. The question of how much to apply per day to the breast of a newborn in the first week of life should not worry the mother. Let's breastfeed every time the baby cries. Newly born babies can eat up to 12 times without a break for a night's sleep. Usually a child of the first month of life can withstand without feeding for about 2 hours. If the intervals between feedings are extended to 3 hours or more, then gently wake the baby, apply to the chest. In the second month, the interval between feedings increases to 3 hours. The child requires breast up to 8 times a day. By six months, children switch to five meals a day. A hungry newborn will be: restless; move your mouth from side to side; look for breasts suck fists; try to suck on objects that are nearby. The frequency of feeding a newborn depends on his activity, the duration of sucking. If the baby lazily sucks the breast, falls asleep without being satiated, then he will quickly wake up from hunger, the interval between feedings will decrease. No need to calculate how long to breastfeed. The baby himself will show that it's time to eat.