Proper balayage technique. Balayazh hair coloring technique at home and in the salon: balayage on dark, blond and blond hair with photos and videos from the salon

The modern language of hairdressers sometimes resembles the negotiations of alchemists: shatush, degrade, balayazh ... For those who are “out of touch”, it can be oh so difficult to understand a heap of fashionable novelties and terms! How, for example, balayage differs from classic highlighting? How will it look on long, buzz cut or curly hair? Is it possible to repeat this curious technique at home, or is it better not to even try? Let's try to answer these questions, and at the same time draw up detailed instructions for reproducing the fabulous "solar coloring" in your own kitchen. Why not?

What is balayage

Those who call coloring with the effect of sun-bleached strands a relatively young technology are not entirely right. It originated almost half a century ago in France, where it experienced its first rise to the peak of popularity, reigned for some time on the heads of European fashionistas and eventually receded into the shadows. However, in recent years, the undeservedly half-forgotten way of turning a boring monophonic hair into a sunbeamed one again declares itself, so loudly that neither Hollywood divas nor ordinary "earthly" beauties ignore it. Moreover, there are more and more varieties of "burnt" coloring! And this one is one of them.

Roughly speaking, balayazh means lightening the ends of the hair with almost no effect on their main length and roots. Another thing is that "tips" is an indefinite concept. Depending on the wishes of the client, they can be either a couple or two dozen centimeters. And if you try to put it in more detail, then the technique that allows you to light a small personal sun in your hair came into being from two other popular coloring methods - ombre and shatush.

What is the difference between him, shatoush and ombre

The word “balayage” itself can be translated as “ride” or “revenge, brush away”, which very accurately reflects the essence of the technology. Having pre-treated the tips, the master with easy, light movements “waves” the brush over the client’s hair, pulling the paint of 1-2 selected shades into separate strands with strictly vertical strokes. Moreover, the thickness and location of each next curl that “fell on the brush” is chosen arbitrarily - the balayazh does not tolerate strict symmetry and marked color boundaries. By this, by the way, it differs from ombre, which prefers “transverse” coloring, when the color is applied to the entire mass of hair, and the transitions from, for example, dark roots to a bright middle part and brightened tips are more or less noticeable.

Summer is the best time for "sunny" coloring

In addition, for ombre, any color is allowed, up to the most catchy, while balayage requires choosing shades that are close to the natural tone of the hair. Here he is more like a shatush with his desire to give the curls depth and color, while maintaining the effect of naturalness - so much so that even some stylists confuse these techniques. The difference is really small, it is no coincidence that both methods are equally called hair painting. However, the shatush is made on pre-combed curls, due to which the color overflows are more refined and soft. In the technique, bouffant is used only for short haircuts and for completely different purposes, and in all other cases they affect only the top layer of smoothly combed strands, without trying to penetrate into their depth.

Technology Benefits

  • Although formally balayazh is a type of highlighting, it does not require the use of foil and a warming cap. In most cases, staining takes place in free air, and the process itself takes less time.
  • Only the tips of the hair are exposed to the most intense effect, while the roots most often do not participate in coloring. Therefore, balayage is considered a gentle technology that can be used on problematic, dry or thin hair. Unless, of course, the situation is not completely catastrophic.
  • Separate highlighted strands give the hairstyle volume and lightness without artificiality.
  • Balayazh can afford owners of haircuts of any length.
  • Due to the fact that the roots retain their natural shade, there is no need to often look into the salon. One visit every 3–4 months is the normal practice.
  • You have a chance to try something new without resorting to radical changes.

Who is hair painting suitable for?

On “clean” blondes, lightening will look slurred.

Balayazh can be safely called a universal technique. Unlike ombre, which looks too eccentric on brunettes or bronding, which is lost on curly curls, it successfully falls on dark, light, short, long and curly curls. Only an attempt to introduce this interesting technique to very blond hair, which is pointless to additionally lighten, can end in failure.

Balayazh does not disassemble and age - both very young girls and adult ladies can afford it. The whole mystery is to choose colors according to the type of appearance and tone of hair. The “I want a hairstyle like Jennifer Lopez” option will not work here.

  • A winter woman with pale skin, blue or gray eyes and black or dark chestnut hair will suit dark hazel and deep coffee and chocolate tones. Look for an espresso color or a bright chestnut that is slightly more pronounced than your "personal" hair tone. In addition, brunettes can be advised to use eggplant color on the main length of the strand and catchy burgundy or even red on the tips.
  • Spring ladies with light, slightly blushed skin, blue-green or hazel eyes and light curls will have honey-wheat shades, delicious caramel and amber. For highlighted ends, you can use ash and beige blond.
  • Girls of the Summer type have olive skin, blond or ashy hair, and eyes are most often gray in color - blue-gray, gray-green, grayish-brown. On such beauties, light shades of hazelnut, tinted with pearl or ashy tips, look good.
  • The colors of autumn "saffron mushrooms" with golden dark skin and bright eyes of green, golden brown and gray-blue hue, naturally - copper and bronze! With it, a real fire will burn on your head, scorching the hearts of the opposite sex. The already mentioned hazelnuts, caramel and chocolate are also good.

But it is better to make the final decision only after consulting with the master, a mirror and a sense of taste.

Photo of application methods for dark, red, blond and blond hair

Long curls or a haircut - it's up to you Add color to dark hair The length of the clarified tips can be any Balayage will create a truly summer mood Blonde or brunette? Irrelevant! Balayazh will decorate your hair with sun glare Do you want to add a twist to your look? No problem! Often the master brightens only the top layer of hair

Step by step preparation

Regardless of whether you decide to entrust your head to the experienced hands of a master or want to master the complex technique of coloring on your own, you still have to turn to the hairdresser. Balayazh is done on a ready-made, professionally made haircut, which will allow you to emphasize the beauty of the colorful strands that effectively spread over your head and fix the result for a long time.

The choice of haircut depends only on your desire, and even on the shape of the face, but just in case, take note: all sorts of “cascades” and “ladders” greatly benefit from using this technique.

Stop washing your hair two days before coloring. The thinnest greasy film formed during this time will protect the hair and skin from the action of the paint. Finally, right before dyeing, the hair must be combed very carefully, from the tips to the very roots.

Salon coloring techniques

What exactly will happen in the salon if a professional will “paint” your hair?

Short haircut

  1. First of all, the strands are strongly combed along the entire length, giving them the appearance of a disheveled hedgehog. For greater reliability, the structure will be fixed with varnish.
  2. A sheet of foil with paint applied to it will be applied to the ends of the hair provocatively sticking up, and the master will definitely make sure that it does not get on the roots.
  3. Once the desired time has elapsed, the foil is removed and the hair is thoroughly washed. Whether tinting will be done after this depends on the client's idea and the length of the hair. What is good about balayazh is that it looks great even on the shortest haircuts, on which the master simply has nowhere to roam with a brush.

Medium length hair

  1. Well-combed hair with a comb with a long tooth is divided into segments and tied into ponytails.
  2. Part of the hair at the roots, which should not come into contact with the paint, is wrapped in foil.
  3. Everything that remains “free” will be covered with a coloring agent using a soft sponge and brush, and after a while the paint will be removed.

Long curls

Balayage is called hair painting for a reason.

  1. The hair is thoroughly combed, the tips lighten.
  2. Then, under each strand chosen for coloring, they will sequentially put a strip of foil or a special film and apply the desired shades to the curl with a brush, stretching them to the intended length. The film is needed here to protect the part of the hair from the dye, which should preserve the natural color.
  3. After the measured time, the hair is washed, dried and styled. Balayage is often done in two stages: lightening the tips with complete removal of paint and subsequent toning.

Fast and effective gelatin hair mask:

Balayazh coloring at home: instructions

If you're new to hairdressing, don't challenge yourself with half a dozen different shades. Try one, maximum two colors first.

Stock up on an unnecessary T-shirt or towel in advance to cover your shoulders. This is a mandatory item, as there will be a lot of spots. And gloves, plenty of paper or cotton strips to separate the dyed strands, a brush, a plastic comb and of course the dye itself will not interfere.

Simple option using one color:

  • Separating a strand from the main mass of carefully combed hair, thickly treat its tip with a brightening composition, and then quickly, with vertical movements, apply strokes of paint along the length, not forgetting to put a strip of fabric or paper underneath. Remember that the color does not need to be stretched to the very roots, and the strand does not need to be dyed through!
  • The next curl should be a little thicker or thinner than the previous one, and the paint is stretched a little higher or lower along it. Your job is to be natural. not mathematical precision.
  • In the same way, process the entire head, paying special attention to the strands coming from the crown and on both sides of the face: they usually burn out first. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions, wash off the paint and rinse your hair with warm water and lemon juice.

If you decide to use 2-3 shades, break the coloring into 2 parts. Start by lightening the tips and, after washing off the brightening composition, start toning.

Video: How to make balayazh at home

Unfortunately, the voice-over of video materials is in English, however, the method and scheme for staining are covered in great detail.

And the second option with a more "artistic" drawing of the strands

Precautionary measures

  • No matter how gentle the coloring is, it still affects the structure of the hair. Therefore, it is better to leave very dry, discolored, damaged strands with split ends alone for a while and help them recover with a series of strengthening masks and taking vitamin complexes.
  • Purchase quality paint that will not cause allergies or irritation. Do not save on your health, go to the company store!
  • Even first-class coloring agents have a far from harmless effect on the skin and hair. Therefore, do not ignore the advice about gloves and a two-day refusal to wash your hair. And right before you take up the brush, generously smear the cream on your forehead, temples and neck along the hairline.

If you do not break the lightening and toning into two stages, you need to act very quickly. It is recommended to keep the paint on the ends of the hair for 15 to 30 minutes, and you need to meet this time, otherwise you can forget about the natural shades.

  • Keep your hair away from high temperatures. Bath, sauna and sunbathing without a wide-brimmed hat is not for you.
  • Make moisturizing masks: both ready-made and “own production”.
  • Use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.

With strict observance of all the rules, you will not need to update the resulting shade of hair for three or even four months.

Every girl always dreams of looking stylish and beautiful, drawing all the attention to her personality. Thinking about changing their image, first of all, ladies start with a hairstyle. If your hair is dyed black or you are the owner of a natural dark color, balayage on dark hair will help to gently give the curls a more interesting look, refreshing the image as a whole. For those who are interested in this technique, there are a large number of options for choosing methods for how to make balayage.

What is balayage?

This technique originates from distant France in the 1970s, the exact translation from French means "revenge". In general, this definition explains the process of technology itself.

A lot of people compare this technique with ombre. These two coloring differ in different approaches to the treatment of hair dye.

The balayazh method carries the effect of “strands burnt out in the sun”, the master vertically applies paint first to the more open parts of the face, then to the back of the head and crown.

The ombre technique consists, in turn, in the gradual transition of one color to another. It is performed horizontally so that the transitions are more noticeable.

Balayage technique: hair coloring in two colors

Balayazh on dark hair looks the most beneficial. Sunny strands that stand out from the entire structure of the hairstyle will give the image of its owner an incredible charm.

Achieving an ideal result the first time will be extremely difficult, but experiments are quite possible so that each time the result differs from the previous one, thus delighting your mistress. The dyeing process is diverse in nature, since depending on what effect the girl wants, different parts of the hair can be stained. Also with color, you can choose both staining in two colors, and in several.

When painting in two colors, the tips are first painted. After they have completely taken the color, the dye is washed off and proceed to the length of the hair. To get a smooth transition from one color to another, do the following:
- the paint is applied to the hair roots, while the line with already dyed tips must be observed;
- after 15 minutes, it is as if “swept away” from the roots along the entire length, to the very tips;
- all this is done with vertical movements.

At the ends, the color should be lighter, at the roots, respectively, darker.

The balayage technique for dark hair allows different levels of color transitions. For example, the middle of the strands, 5-7 cm lower from the roots themselves, or at the ends.

In the event that the edges of the flowers are on different strands and levels, then the entire staining result comes out very smooth, which gives a special look to the hairstyle.

Depending on the preferences and hairstyles of the girl, this technique is divided into the following types.

This technique allows you to process only the lower part of the hair. The process itself is carried out by staining the ends of the same length. To give the style notes of excitement, painting is carried out in a kind of “ragged” way. That is, it all depends on the personal wishes of the girl.

In the video below, you can see an interesting example of balayazh staining, which is performed on a horizontal surface.

Balayazh medium

The technique includes selective processing, creating a light image of a lady's hairstyle. In this process, each strand is individually dyed in a more chaotic way, as if it were not paint, but the glare of the sun on the hair. If a girl has bangs, only a few strands are taken from her for coloring. Thus, smooth transitions are made.

Balayazh full

This technique is used to give the greatest effect of "sun-bleached" hair. Different strands go through the stages of dyeing: first, the crown, after the middle, and at the end, the front strands are dyed along the entire length. This view carries a complex process, as if the young lady had just returned from hot countries, sunbathing for a long time.

Balayazh on dark short hair Photo

First you need to distribute the hair at the crown and fix it with clips, so that after that you evenly cover the strands with the coloring composition. The temporal and lower parts of the hair remain freely available for the dyeing process. To more accurately apply paint to thin strands using the balayage technique, you can use a comb with frequent teeth. Place it under the strand as a solid base and go through the hair with a brush with a brightener. In addition to helping to keep the dyed strand from touching other hair, it is also a great way to keep the hair straightened out for coloring. In the process, the main thing is not to touch the roots.

After painting the lower part, you can gradually separate small strands from the clips and paint over them. Thus, strands are processed throughout the head. To make the image as natural as possible, you need to know the exact “hold” time of the paint, otherwise the hair will lighten too much and the natural effect will be lost. For standard paints, this is approximately 20-30 minutes.

In the video below, you will learn an interesting way to color balayage using special balls. At home, they can be replaced with rubber bands.

Balayazh on medium dark hair Photo

Separate the upper part of the hair, leaving only the back of the head free. The dye should be applied to separate strands, while the amount of distributed dye on the hair depends on the expected result and the desire of the girl.

After dyeing individual strands, they are covered with a special film to speed up the dyeing process, as well as to separate the colored areas from each other. This nuance is not mandatory, but is done only for convenience. Thus, starting from the back of the head, you can move to the middle and upper sections of the hair. Each dyed area is again covered with a film until all the necessary strands have been processed.

When using thermal film, please note that the dye may begin to lighten the hair more effectively, the color will appear faster. It is important to visually monitor how the strands are lightened.

Depending on the desired effect, the strands can be dyed over almost the entire length, from the cheekbones, at the temples. Each method is original in its own way and slightly changes the contour of the face.

Balayazh on long dark hair Photo

If you perform balayazh on dark hair using bright colors, this will give the image extravagance and originality. The dyeing process itself, in principle, does not differ from dyeing on medium-length hair, it all depends on the chosen dyeing method. In variations of the technique, there is a method when the hair is distributed over a flat surface, the upper part is fixed with clamps, and the lower part is painted over with a brush in a vertical direction. Individual strands should be dyed, depending on the desired effect.

Benefits of balayage coloring

Thinking about the advantages of this staining method, the following positive aspects can be distinguished.

  • Balayazh on dark hair has a magical property to visually increase the density of hair due to soft and natural color transitions. This will visually add volume even to sparse hair.
  • If you are not looking for a complete change in hair color, this technique will help to freshen up the image. Many experiments are possible only with balayage.
  • The coloring method and the second color can be chosen exactly for your natural hair color, their structure, as well as for the type of face.
  • Balayazh on dark hair is suitable for both smooth and curly hair.

  • Using this technique allows you to dye your hair much less often. The roots that have grown will not look untidy or ugly, on the contrary, it will give even more naturalness.
  • Infrequent coloring will help save your hair without damaging it from dye.
  • With the help of this technique, you can transform the face, make it narrower.
  • Balayazh is suitable for any length and hair color.
  • You can independently choose the number of tones for coloring, from 2 or more.
  • Balayazh has a low price, unlike other techniques.
  • Any shade on any hair looks original and beautiful, without losing its naturalness. Once you try this technique, you will not want to go back to the usual coloring, and your image will attract the interest of others.

This technique will highlight the special notes of attractiveness in your image, emphasize your individual style and the desire to be always on top. If you are unsure if balayage is right for you, read on.

Who is balayage for dark hair suitable for?

  • Women who have short hair. Initially, it was believed that balayazh looks good only on long ones, but this is just a myth. It is on short hair that the line between light and dark tones of coloring will be significantly invisible. Therefore, no doubts, this technique is very diverse and you can choose it for any length.
  • Girls with any type and color of curls. Balayazh, has no definite framework and boundaries, everything is in your hands.
  • For those who are always for naturalness. Not a single coloring will look so natural and at the same time original and beautiful on the hair. Balayazh will emphasize your face, make the image more mysterious and charming.

  • Young ladies who do not want to cut their curls and lose long hair. Balayazh will give your hair a fresh look due to soft transitions between shades.
  • Suitable not only for young girls who follow trends, but also for middle-aged ladies. Balayazh on dark hair will paint over the gray hair and give the haircut a modern look, and the light ends will remove the emphasis from the roots.
  • It looks gentle on curly hair, as curly strands soften even sharp transitions of tones. When straightening hair, the hairstyle will take on a completely different, new look.
  • When dyeing, relatively little hair is taken, this gives a great advantage in the safety of the hair.

One look at all the advantages of this technique is enough to make a conclusion for yourself - balayazh is suitable for everyone who wants to look fashionable, stylish and natural, taking care of their own hair.

Balayage coloring Price

Asking about the cost of the balayage staining technique, you can determine the following prices in professional beauty salons:
- from $13 if your hair is short;
- average length is about 20 dollars;
- long hair $24 and up.

This price includes both the cost of materials for coloring, and due attention and payment for the work of the master. If you are not ready to go to the salon, you can try this procedure at home.

Balayazh on dark hair at home

If you decide to dye your hair using the balayazh method at home, you will need the following materials:

  • comb with fine teeth
  • paint bowl and gloves
  • hair clips
  • paint brush
  • film (optional, can be used if desired for convenience)
  • coloring and brightening components, depending on the desired result

Cover your shoulders with unnecessary things so as not to get dirty and prepare the coloring composition. Using a comb, divide the hair into separate parts and secure them with clips, while leaving the lower part of the hair free, which will be dyed first.

Depending on the degree of coloring you want to end up with, you can color just the ends, lighten only the parts of the hair near the face, or go for a more complete balayage.

It is worth applying paint from the bottom up, starting from the ends, moving smoothly to the top, but without touching the roots. The easier and smoother your actions are, the more beautiful the effect will be. Each strand should be painted on both sides with a brush, in an upward direction, this will give a more natural effect.

If desired, each dyed row can be covered with a film to speed up the interaction of paint and hair, as well as for convenience.

Having painted the desired part of the strands, proceed to the next, moving in stages. Painting can be done on strands of different widths, for a more careless effect.

After finishing with the entire volume of staining, leave the paint for a certain time, approximately 20-30 minutes. To protect your curls from burning, it is better to check the result of staining visually and do not hold the paint for too long. After all, we need natural, sunny strands, not burnt ones. All actions must be performed with increased care if you are doing this for the first time.

Balayazh on dark hair Video

For the best result, you can use the video master class on dyeing balayage on dark hair. Thus, with the help of a visual example, you can see how to properly distribute hair, what are the main stages in dyeing, and how to correctly perform the dyeing procedure itself. The procedure itself is not difficult, it can be performed if you show due attention and patience to the process itself. And in the end, you will get an incredible result that will make you more confident in yourself.

Coloring according to the balayage technique for dark hair is an opportunity to create a natural look with slightly burnt strands that create additional volume and light playfulness of the hairstyle. This coloring option is used with equal success on long or short haircuts, for curly or straight hair. And stepped or layered haircuts will only benefit from the appearance of such “sun glare”. As if naturally burnt strands after a little preparation can be created even at home.

The world of hairdressing presented a new type of coloring - balayage

Somewhere in the seventies of the last century in France, a new staining technique called “balayage” appeared. If translated from French literally, then "balayage" means "sweeping, sweeping." This name fully characterizes the coloring method - the colorist draws with a brush, as if “sweeping” the strands.

Unlike the already well-known ombre technique, the brush glides over only the top layer of the hair. Light highlights are obtained, imitating the natural burnout of the strands. On dark hair, these light transitions look especially impressive, adding volume and depth. It seems that the rich base color is the merit of mother nature, and not the result of hairdressing. In addition, it is not necessary to have long hair; on a short haircut, the balayage looks no less impressive.

Hair dyed using the balayage technique is sure to attract the attention of others.

Balayage technology is a bit like ombre, but there are differences. Fashionable in recent years, ombre coloring fits well on curly curls; on even strands, the color transition can be too sharp. Sometimes the hairstyle looks as if the roots that have not been dyed for a long time grow without the attention of their mistress. It turns out unkempt and sloppy look.

The balayage technique is a little more complicated than ombre, but for dark hair it's just a godsend. Although on light or blond hairstyles, “burnt out” strands will give a very interesting effect. This coloring is equally well suited for both curly curls and straight hair. Vertical application is guaranteed to get rid of the ugly horizontal color transition line, and lightening by a couple of tones will add depth to the color, make it voluminous, and bring it as close as possible to the natural look.

Pros and cons

One of the important advantages of coloring balayazh is respect for the hair. Foil is not used to wrap the strands, which means that damage to the curls will be minimal, which is especially important for those who decide to do the coloring at home on their own.

Another definite plus is that there is no need to update the coloring too often. Depending on the rate of hair growth, the next procedure may be needed in a few months, and possibly in six months.

Among the shortcomings - the balayazh should be done by a master with the appropriate qualifications; it will not be easy to create such a masterpiece at home. Coloring in this technique requires a steady hand and artistic talent. It's not enough just to paint. In order for the effect to be as intended, highlights are placed in the right places along the edges of the strands, not forgetting to grab the ends of the hair. Accordingly, the price of such a service will be higher than simple highlighting or coloring.

Theoretically, coloring balayage can be done independently. But still, for the first time for coloring balayage, it is better to turn to a professional colorist to follow all the subtleties.

Where to begin

The most important step on which the resulting work will depend is choosing the right color. It is necessary to take into account the condition of your strands at the time of coloring, so as not to burn already dyed hair. There are several general recommendations, you need to make a balanced decision:

  • for fair-haired, an ashy or golden hue is used;
  • blondes - platinum;
  • on dark curls - chestnut or eggplant (cold colors), cognac or bronze (warm);
  • the red color will be shaded by amber or light chestnut (for dark-haired girls, these shades are also relevant);
  • radical black color will be refreshed by red or red highlights (for the most daring).

There are bold girls who use blue, orange, even green tones for balayage. There is nothing wrong with such a choice, you just need to remember that the rest of the image will have to be tied to the chosen avant-garde style. The choice is yours, but don't forget:

  • dark highlights can add age;
  • lighter ones are closer to natural curls, they are a little younger and refreshing.

Before staining, you need to decide on the color scheme

Experts do not advise doing balayazh at home, especially for long hair. It is undesirable to combine deep dark tones with bright gold or red. The result will not look natural. To get overflows that are as close to natural as possible, the difference between your natural color and “sun glare” should not exceed one or two tones.

The haircut needs to be updated first. If you plan to completely color your hair, it is also better to do this in advance to reduce possible damage to your curls. Balayazh only if it does not pose a big threat if it is applied to uncolored hair.

If there is already staining, then the lightened tips and small vertical areas that imitate highlights will receive a “double blow”. Do not forget about care, choose products for colored hair, moisturize, make masks.

Don't Forget Colored Hair Care

For blondes, a few “unplanned” highlights are not too dangerous, but on dark, especially short hair, all miscalculations will be clearly visible. Therefore, think over the scheme of applying paint in advance. You can lighten only the tips, make a few thin strokes near the face, or walk through the entire hair with light touches of the brush.

Each time the hairstyle will look different. This is the risk of applying balayage - it is very difficult to predict the result.

skillful hands

For those who still decide to do balayage at home, it is better to enlist outside help. It is difficult to cope with this staining technique on your own at home. You need to paint on an unwashed head, this will protect a little from the destructive effects of chemistry.

Coloring technology:

  • prepare a comb or small comb, a brush, a sponge, a wide brush, a glass or plastic container, a protective cape or old clothes, clips or hairpins;
  • carefully comb your hair, divide it into parts from the back of the head to the forehead and across from ear to ear, secure the strands with hairpins or elastic bands;
  • mix the paint, you can add a few drops of burdock or olive oil to the container;
  • take one strand, starting from the back of the head, comb it forward (it is possible on the shoulder if the hair is long or medium), if necessary, put foil so as not to touch the remaining strands;
  • apply paint to the tips (they can be combed a little - this will blur the border of staining);
  • draw a brush along the side borders of the strand (not to the roots), shading the paint vertically;
  • repeat the procedure until you have processed everything;
  • remove the hairpins or elastic bands, walk your fingers a little, distributing the paint, wait the allotted time;
  • wash off the paint, apply a balm.

Fashionable hairstyle is ready. For owners of short haircuts, applying paint to the occipital area will be problematic; here you will need the help of your best friend.

The classic version of staining using the balayazh technique provides for two tones (main and lighter) with a fuzzy, maximally blurred border. In this case, the tips are completely clarified, and the vertical strands are approximately two-thirds of the length. You can use several shades, but they must all be in the same range (warm or cold).

The wrong combination of shades is another danger when performing balayage. For fair hair, all shades of copper are suitable; on dark hair, a blue or lilac shade looks unexpectedly good.

Creating a dream image at home is a feasible task for any purposeful woman. A little preparation, advice from the masters, and artistic abilities will help you create a unique balayage coloring for dark hair even at home.

Decided to change the image? Try the trendy balayage dyeing technique.

The uniqueness of the image is one of the indisputable advantages of the balayage technique. It will not be difficult to maintain an already created image. One coloring is enough for several months, and you can add new touches without processing previously clarified hair. It's even better - your dark curls will receive several different shades, creating an indescribable harmonious effect of natural ones.

Modern methods of hair coloring allow the fair sex to achieve excellent results in quite gentle ways. In this article we have collected all the advice of hairdressers on how to make a quality balayage step by step, without changing color radically to get a new unique look.

In combination with wavy hair, a well-made balayazh looks great.

Before painting at home, prepare so that everything is at hand and does not distract from the process.

The following tools and facilities will be needed:

  • glass or plastic bowl
  • flat blade,
  • paint brushes,
  • comb with long ponytail,
  • hairpins, rubber bands,
  • foil or cling film, pre-cut into the desired pieces, depending on the length of the hairstyle,
  • gloves,
  • several shades of paint
  • sheet and towel.

Important to remember! Do not use bowls and combs made of metal. When interacting with the paint, a chemical reaction occurs, which will greatly weaken the composition.

Means for performing balayage

It is better to choose a paint that matches the natural color and contains moisturizing ingredients. If hairdressing salons use powder dyes, then at home, it is better to use cream formulations.

The combination of a dark top and a light bottom, and vice versa, allows the balayage technique. Before starting the procedure, you need to carefully choose a hair dye.

To achieve the effect on our own, we buy several shades.. The number of tubes depends on what variety of colors you get.

If there is only lightening of the ends or individual strands, then the paint is taken 6–8 tones lighter than the original color. If several shades are used, then each should be two tones lighter.

If a developer is not included in the dye kit, then it is better to buy it with a 20% concentration.

Attention! Do not buy #30-50% strength developer. It is used by professional hair stylists. More likely to damage your hair.

When diluting paint, strictly follow the instructions. When in doubt, ask a sales assistant for advice.

It is better if the paints are from the same manufacturer. The chemical composition is the same, and in the end you get an excellent result.

Kits with instructions "How to make balayage at home step by step" are sold. They have almost everything you need for the procedure.

Many brands produce ready-made kits for coloring using the balayage or ombre technique.

You should buy these cosmetic sets by choosing well-known manufacturers who have established themselves in the fashion world.

Here several popular professional brands:

  • Palette. Inexpensive remedy for blond hair;
  • Estelle. Paint that does not leave yellowness;
  • Garnier. The composition contains a sufficient amount of moisturizing ingredients;
  • Loreal. Produces kits for home use.

Style selection

Using the balayazh technique, ideally, the hair should look like it has been burned out under the rays of the sun, and shimmer in different shades. That's why avoid too intense color contrast to eliminate the effect of regrown roots.

The main thing is to choose the right several shades so that the transition from the base tone to the light one turns out to be smooth.

There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to make balayage at home step by step. And the result depends on the choice of method and paint. It may differ from the work of professional stylists in the salon, but any woman will achieve the right approach to this hair coloring technique.

  • For summer color the combinations “ashy - pearl” and “hazelnut - ash blond” are more suitable;
  • For winter best of all "eggplant or burgundy - blue - black";
  • Autumn assumes dark chestnut and bronze colors for staining the roots and tips, respectively;
  • For spring color the combination "bronze - amber" will be optimal.

Different color types of appearance require the selection of different pairs of colors

Preparation for staining

Before you make balayazh at home, you need to prepare your hair step by step. First of all, you need to cut, removing all the split ends, so that after dyeing the hairstyle looks lush and lively.

On straight hair, overflows of light tones are lost.

Therefore, the choice of haircut is also very important. This type of coloring looks better on haircuts.:

  • graduated bob and bob for short hair;
  • cascade (ladder) for long.

It is better to wash your head the day before, so as not to cause severe damage to the hair.

Spread exposed skin (forehead, ears, neck) with petroleum jelly or just a fat cream. This will help remove paint residue faster when rinsing.

The necessary tool should be at hand.

To prevent the chemical composition from spoiling the skin of the hands, it is imperative to use gloves.

Step by step coloring instructions

Note! Before you start doing balayazh at home, carefully read the instructions, prepare all the necessary tools and tools so as not to be distracted during the staining process.

For short hair

Observe the following sequence of actions:

How to make balayage at home. Step-by-step guide to dyeing short hair with a photo

For long hair

Proceed as follows:

  1. Comb long hair carefully and divide it into four zones (crown, occipital and two parietal), fixing each with hairpins or elastic bands.
  2. From the back curls, dividing into layers or square bundles, apply paint without reaching the hair roots. Transfer each layer with foil or cling film to change color only on selected strands.
  3. Color the bangs in the same way as described for a short haircut.
  4. Wash off the composition after 30 minutes.

How to use balayage technique on long hair

Sometimes the balayazh technique is used only on certain areas of the head.

So for a bob haircut, it is better to paint the tips on the back of the head in the desired color. There is a ponytail method, when the hair is collected in one bun at the back of the head, and the paint is applied with the fingers, followed by distribution with a comb with sparse teeth.

You can change the tone of the hair only in the face. Here, the strands in front are painted higher than on the back of the head.

Coloring with two or three colors

How to make balayage step by step at home with two colors will be analyzed separately.

Only long hair is dyed in this way. For convenience, we use rubber bands.

Sequence of painting with several colors:

  1. As before, we comb the hair well and divide it into strands. The amount, as always, depends on the desired result.
  2. We lower the elastic bands on the strands to the desired length. As a rule, this is 1/3 of the length. With a brush, apply the lightest or darkest composition to the ends.
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Dry naturally or with a hair dryer.
  4. Next, raise the elastic bands by 2/3 of the length and apply the next composition with a brush, slightly shading in front of the already painted ends. There should not be a clear boundary between different colors.
  5. Leave for the required time, then rinse again.
  6. If the hair is completely dyed (without strands) in three colors, then the last step is to change the tone of the roots. Without rubber bands, dividing into rows, we apply the last composition from the beginning of growth to the border of already tinted hair color and, as before, shade, hold and rinse.

Hair coloring with perms

Hair should be dyed only 1 - 2 weeks after the perm, taking special care.

Thin curlers, bobbins are used as helpers to make high-quality balayazh at home without straightening the curls.

Let's take a look at this color update method step by step:

  1. First, roll each strand into a curl, leaving the ends of the desired length, and fix with clamps. If it doesn’t work out, then wind it on curlers or bobbins, also leaving the ends.
  2. Apply the color without straightening the hair. To do this, it is better not to use a brush, but to distribute the composition to each area with gloved hands.

Do not use wrapping material and heat.

The exposure time of hair dye after perm, as a rule, is less.

Balayazh in men

The stronger sex also began to use this technique. But The length of the haircut must be at least 3 cm.

Before the procedure, the head should be washed with shampoo without conditioner, and then laid with a hairdryer so that the hair looks up.

Some with the help of this type of staining create a spectacular, bright image.

Procedures after coloring

Rinse off the paint should start from the ends of the hair.. Rising to the back of the head, you should quickly and carefully remove the entire composition, especially if there is a dark tone. This is necessary so that the color, falling on a lighter one, does not have time to react.

Now we use a special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. It is better to dry without using a hair dryer. Or choose warm rather than hot mode.

Never comb a wet head with a fine-toothed comb. Use special compositions to soften the hair.

  • Consult an expert for color selection;
  • Use paints from the same manufacturer;
  • Shampoos and hair conditioners buy from one line;
  • Take an assistant if you are afraid that you will not cope;
  • Balayazh is best performed on natural hair color;
  • It should be done no more than 3-4 times a year. The exception is a short haircut;
  • This technique makes thin and liquid hair visually much more magnificent;
  • Dyed hair needs constant nourishment with various therapeutic masks and hair conditioners;
  • A more effective hairstyle will look with light curls;
  • Carefully read the instructions that come with the paint, and test for an allergic skin reaction;
  • Dilute the paint immediately before use.

Useful video materials about the balayage technique and other hair coloring techniques

Ombre techniques, balayage at home:

How to make an ombre at home:

Balayazh on dark hair: technique, step by step photo:

Become irresistible and individual!

Brunettes are considered imperious fatal beauties and attract attention with a contrasting appearance. Knowing this, not every owner of black hair agrees to radically change the color of her hair, but you can refresh the image with the help of the balayage technique. This coloring adds density and volume to the hair, visually rejuvenates the face.

Brunettes are called luxurious femme fatales, powerful and purposeful. And since it is not easy to part with black hair color, you can simply refresh it - for example, using the balayage technique.

How to distinguish balayazh from other types of staining

Balayazh is a modern type of highlighting. The essence of the procedure is to partially lighten some strands.

Thanks to this, clear light accents and glare are created. It turns out the effect of strands burnt out in the sun.

The advantage of balayage is that no insulation film is used during the procedure. All you need is foil. The master manually applies the paint with a brush from the tips to the base in the shape of the letter V.

Toning is performed in two main options:

  • with an emphasis on graphics (bright, contrasting segments);
  • with shading (soft transitions between tones).

In any case, the emphasis in lightening is on the ends of the hair, the roots are not affected. And toning is done within the same color. This is the main difference between balayazh and other types of staining.

The result of the technique is shiny voluminous curls and a deeper color., in the naturalness of which sometimes you do not even doubt.

Unlike balayazh, sharp lines and clear stripes are unacceptable in ombre. This technique produces a color gradient from dark roots to light tips. Ombre is performed using a fleece. The height of the pile from the scalp determines the length of the dark segment of the hair.

Shatush is also done with the help of a pile, but it differs in its lesser degree and less time for keeping the paint on the hair.

This technique changes the color by only 5-15%, gives a subtle, but very refreshing change in the shade of the curls. Shatush is ideal for natural blondes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the balayage technique

Balayazh is a kind of improvisation. There are no clear rules, you need to experiment to get a new look. You can lighten the strands only on the face or the entire hair. You can focus on the tips or increase the height of the stretch.

Balayazh has its pros and cons. In the hands of a good master, such maneuverability is a big plus. But the same fact can be detrimental to your hair if you get to a little experienced hairdresser.

Reasons for the popularity of technology

  • Visually increases the volume and density of the strands.
  • Rejuvenates, refreshes the image without a radical change in the natural color of curls.
  • Does not need frequent correction.
  • Does not affect the roots, less harm to the hair.
  • Has an affordable price.
  • Allows you to experiment.
  • Has no age restrictions. Moreover, it hides gray hair well.
  • Suitable for strands of any length, structure and thickness.
  • Softens facial features.

Cons of technology

  • As with any coloring, there is still a negative effect on the curls.
  • If the shade is chosen incorrectly or rough strokes are made, you will not get an aesthetic result. If the transition is not smooth enough, the hairstyle looks rough. If balayage is performed on dyed dark strands, redness may appear. Therefore, it is better that the coloring is done by an experienced master.
  • Balayage is fully revealed on curls, so you will have to do styling regularly. And this is the cost of styling products, time costs, plus an additional load on the hair.
  • If during the execution of the technique it is supposed to be bouffant, on which a clarifier is applied, this does not pass without a trace for the health of the strands. In extreme cases, cutting the ends may be necessary.

Balayazh on black hair of different lengths

Natural black hair almost does not fade in the sun. It is all the more interesting for brunettes to try the balayage technique on themselves. To make the color stretch as natural as possible, the difference in the tones used should be no more than 2-3 tones.

It is not worth completely discoloring black strands - this makes the transition of tones clearer, brighter, and greatly harms the hair.

For short hair

Coloring short strands using the balayage technique requires experience. If the coloring fails and you have to cut off part of the hair, the hairstyle may noticeably suffer.

In addition, a short haircut is usually adjusted once a month, so the coloring will have to be repeated quite often. Graduated bob and bob are considered basic haircuts for balayage on short hair.

Balayage on short strands is done:

  • with a transition from the roots to the tips (the border can be blurry or clear);
  • in separate areas (usually frame the face or highlight the strands on the back of the head).

For a good result, it is important that the paint does not flow at the time of the procedure, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved. On very short strands, fleece is sometimes used. This is necessary so that the tips with which the master will work are clearly visible.

For medium hair

On medium strands (elongated bob, bob, ladder, etc.) there are more opportunities for experimentation. You can play more with the height of the gradient. By highlighting certain strands near the front zone, you can hide minor flaws in appearance.

Light strands will emphasize, dark strands will slightly scatter attention. For example, if the face is round, it is better to lighten the front strands starting almost from the roots, and leave some of the strands located under the ears dark.

If the shape of the face is square, it is better to leave the front strands dark, and work with the bulk of the hair.

For a triangular type, dark shades are left at forehead level and lighten the ends.

For long hair

The paint usually begins to be applied with a slight indent from the crown. Almost the entire parietal zone retains its natural color.

In order not to disturb the harmony, paint is not applied to a short bang. If the bangs are long, then its bottom is also lightened along with the bulk of the hair.

The result of staining depends on what colors are used to tint the hair.

How to choose a shade for coloring balayazh for black hair

Initially, balayage involves a natural transition to natural shades. But now for coloring in this style, different tones are used and they are selected individually.

An additional shade should be combined with black roots. It also takes into account the tone and condition of the skin, the color of the eyes of the eyes, the base color of the hair.

For girls with a cold skin tone and gray eyes, the transition to ashy tones is ideal. If the strands are blue-black, you can add a silver sheen or imitation of gray hair. The optimal length of the curls is just below the shoulder blades.

At the same time, it is worth considering that “gray hair” sometimes gives extra years and emphasizes wrinkles. Therefore, you need to be careful with the choice of paint. After 30-35 it is recommended to look for other options.

Looks great combinations of black with shades:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate
  • caramel;
  • red wine (ideal for a black base with an eggplant undertone);
  • aged bronze;
  • dark purple, walnut tones.

If you choose a bright color, they can only slightly shade the strands along the length or just color the tips. If you use such tones on the face, they can emphasize skin imperfections.

On previously dyed hair, it is important to use the most gentle bleaching compounds.

Balayage coloring for dark hair at home

If you are confident in your abilities, you can try balayage coloring on black hair at home.

What you need


  • paint;
  • oxidizer;
  • non-metallic mixing container;
  • fat cream;
  • foil;
  • brush;
  • a comb with rare teeth;
  • clamps;
  • seals;
  • cape on the shoulders;
  • towel;
  • shampoo;
  • balm.

Staining technique

The staining process looks like this:

  • Put on gloves and prepare the paint.
  • Lubricate the upper part of the forehead, ears, neck with a fat cream.
  • Using a comb, divide the hair into 4 parts and separate them from each other with hairpins.
  • Start working with each zone in turn.
  • Separate a thin layer of the bottom strand.
  • Using a brush, apply paint from the ends to the roots in the form of the letter V. Do not bring the brush to the roots and do not paint through the strand.
  • Repeat for the next row of hair. Strands choose different widths. It is better if they are dyed with different stretch heights and different degrees of color intensity.
  • To prevent paint from getting on unpainted hair, you can use foil to separate the strands from each other.
  • Wait for the right time (20-30 minutes depending on the desired result).
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Apply a mask or balm.
  • Rinse your hair and style.

Scheme for separating and laying strands

The scheme for separating strands for balayage on black hair depends on the length of the haircut (short, medium, long):

  • Short hair combed. Then, caps are wound from the foil, into which the clarifying composition is squeezed out and fixed at the ends.
  • Medium length haircut is divided into 4 zones - parietal, 2 temporal, occipital. Each strand is collected in a ponytail, the end of which will be painted.
  • Long hair is treated like a medium length hair. They are painted with a special wide brush, cut in the shape of a triangle inside.

On the crown of the head, the strands should remain darker than on the temporal and occipital regions. To do this, an oxidizing agent with a different percentage of action is used in different areas. Just don't use the 12% compound. On dark curls, he will provoke yellowness.

Balayazh on dark hair looks beautiful and fresh, visually increases its volume, while maintaining the health of curls. If you place the accents correctly, you can rejuvenate the face and visually adjust its shape.

Balayage coloring resembles the work of an artist. The result largely depends on the competence and creativity of the master. Such toning is considered a complex procedure, so it is better to entrust it to a professional.

Video: Balayazh on black hair

Hair coloring using the balayazh technique will help to give black hair visual lightness, versatility and volume. The video shows in detail how to properly carry out the staining procedure and what result can be obtained.