Congratulations to the son-in-law in prose. Happy birthday to son-in-law from mother-in-law, father-in-law in prose Happy birthday to son-in-law in prose short

Zyatek, dear, happy birthday! May everything always be just super in your life, may fate give only the best events and great luck, health and strength, drive and good mood. Joy, happiness, good and true friendship, wonderful events and never lose heart, always be self-confident!

My dear son-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you! Birthday is a great holiday. Walk and drink to your heart's content today! Just don’t walk around too much, I’m talking like a mother-in-law. Love, happiness and more money!

My dear son-in-law, on your birthday I want to wish you only the best. Live in joy, achieve the most important things in life, always be the best, may good luck and an amazing mood accompany you, may everything be exactly as it should be in the life of a real leader, a person who knows exactly what he wants!

A son-in-law is a son. I have always treated you this way. Therefore, let me congratulate you on your birthday and wish the fulfillment of all, even completely crazy, desires. If anything, I will help and will always be there.

Son-in-law, beloved and dear, today all the kindest words and best wishes! Always be the same tactful, wonderful, sensitive, good-natured person, cheerful and sympathetic, and may you be lucky in everything that you want to achieve in your life! Happy birthday, son-in-law!

Happy birthday my dear brother-in-law! I wish you to be healthy, enjoy life, experience satisfaction from work, find support in the family! May any of your undertakings be a constant success, and everything in your life will be fine!

My son-in-law is like a son to me, and what mother would not wish her son happiness on her birthday! Be the happiest, joyful, lucky, cheerful, charming! May people give you respect and recognition, and life - pleasure and enjoyment, may the most unrealistic and bold plans come true, and luck will always be on your side!

Today, my beloved son-in-law, is your birthday! I wish nothing changes in your life! After all, you have health, you have already found your love, and happiness is your family! Take care of it all. And if there are any changes, then let them be only for the better! Happy birthday!

Dear son-in-law, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! May you, my dear son-in-law, always be lucky in everything. I wish you success in your work, good luck in implementing your plans, a lot of money and excellent health!

There are different sons-in-law, often their mothers-in-law scold them. Someone smokes, someone drinks, someone even beats his wife. But my son-in-law is not like that - I have the golden one. And he will help, and he will come, he respects me and my father-in-law, he loves our daughter - he is like that! Happy birthday to you, son-in-law, I congratulate you, I wish you all the best!

Thank you, dear son-in-law, for giving your daughter the opportunity to be loved and happy! Life needs emotional stability, and then you can build everything - castles in the air, a cozy and comfortable family nest, kind, trusting relationships and a cordial union of a man and a woman!

Let us quarrel often, but still relatives to each other. Happy birthday, son-in-law! If my daughter is happy with you, then you are a worthy person. Keep being like that. Please us with your successes and achievements.

Happy birthday to son-in-law in prose

Birthday is a day of joy, gifts and smiles. Today you will have a lot of things to wish for, and you just have to fulfill it all. My son-in-law, I wish you to just be yourself. You are the best and should be proud of it!

Simple words can bring joy to the soul. Therefore, I carefully select every word to congratulate you, son-in-law, on your birthday. Let your destiny be unique, original and pleasant to you.

Dear son-in-law, let me congratulate you on your birthday and wish you high dreams, so that you have where you strive, great strength and perseverance in order to accomplish all this. As well as traditional health and well-being.

When the house is calm, then there is a real opportunity to climb up in a career. You have a wonderful family. Therefore, son-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you cosmic ups in your career and incredible results in your favorite business.

Pampering a man with a huge amount of compliments is probably not entirely appropriate. Therefore, on your birthday, son-in-law, I will simply say that you are the best and wish you confident prospects and high-profile results.

Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law! Today I must say that for my daughter I chose the best husband, a real prince, whom I can be proud of and whom it is impossible not to love! I congratulate you and wish you to always remain as strong, faithful, kind and quick-witted! Make your wife happy and with that find your own happiness! Live long and do not get sick, work for glory and fulfill your cherished desires!

No matter how many amusing stories about sons-in-law and mother-in-law are composed, I love my son-in-law very much! He is my one and only, faithful husband of my only daughter! For his birthday, I prepared not only delicious, but also the kindest, brightest wishes! Always be as wonderful as today, gather true friends around you, love your young wife with all your heart and just be happy!

Today is my son-in-law's birthday, and I will not sin against the truth if I say that he has become a son to me. On his birthday, I want to hug him and say kind words! Let there be only good things in your life, now inextricably linked with the life of my daughter! May your life path be smooth and free, successful and long-lasting!

Happy birthday to the person in whose reliable hands I entrusted the most precious thing - my daughter. I see how happy she is, and more and more grateful to her son-in-law! He is a real man, so let his life be long and in full swing! May good luck, good health and a wonderful mood always be at hand, and all dreams rush to come true!

Congratulating our son-in-law on his birthday, we want not only to congratulate him and wish him all the best, but also to note his best features and virtues, thanks to which he managed to win not only the heart of the beauty, but also her parents! Responsibility and nobility, courage and reasonableness, honesty and generosity, good nature and cheerful disposition - this is not a complete list of what we appreciate this man for!

On his birthday, my daughter's wonderful husband, my beloved son-in-law, I wish to be at least the happiest man in the whole wide world! You are strong, courageous, smart and witty, prudent and surrounded by true friends, of course, that such a man in life can and should be fine! I wish you happiness and long years of prosperous life in family happiness!

Happy birthday, son-in-law! A lot of time has passed since you entered our family, the first caution has been replaced by trust, and now you are like a son to us, and on your holiday we have gathered with a wonderful feeling of joining your family! We congratulate you and wish you, first of all, happiness in your personal, family life! The love on which your union with our daughter is based can work wonders, so take care of it, spend every day in accordance with your dreams, and you will definitely be happy!

Today is a holiday, the birthday of my son-in-law, whom it would not be superfluous to praise a little, because he is such a wonderful guy and, most importantly, my daughter found happiness with him! I congratulate you on your birthday and, like a man to a man, I wish you always, to deep gray hairs, to remain strong in spirit, wise and faithful to your family! And, of course, be happy and healthy!

Recently, another real man has appeared in our family - our son-in-law! We congratulate him on his birthday and wish him always to be happy! But let the word "happiness" for him contain many different gifts of Fate, with which a person's life can be truly fabulous! May there be good luck and fulfillment of desires, good health and good spirits, faith in the best and love of freedom, reasonableness and good nature, and certainly - as much love as possible!

Dear son-in-law! On your birthday, accept double congratulations from your father-in-law and mother-in-law! Know that we are very proud of you and wish you only the best! You, as we know very well, are good for many, but we still wish you to become not only older, but even better! Be a loving husband and a loving father, let the role of the head of a happy family become the most important and successful for you! Be happy every moment for many years to come!

Are you going to your daughter's husband's birthday party? Then come up with words of congratulations in advance. Our site contains the original and best congratulations in your own words for the son-in-law.

Dear son-in-law! On your birthday, accept double congratulations from your father-in-law and mother-in-law! Know that we are very proud of you and wish you only the best! You, as we know very well, are good for many, but we still wish you to become not only older, but even better! Be a loving husband and a loving father, let the role of the head of a happy family become the most important and successful for you! Be happy every moment for many years to come!

Yes, sons-in-law are different. But my son-in-law is the best! They probably don't exist anymore! You have a lot of advantages, all and not to count! So I'll tell you, take your wife! In exchange for your love and care, she will give you doubly the same, but also tenderness, homely warmth and comfort! Happy birthday!

Congratulating our son-in-law on his birthday, we want not only to congratulate him and wish him all the best, but also to note his best features and virtues, thanks to which he managed to win not only the heart of the beauty, but also her parents! Responsibility and nobility, courage and reasonableness, honesty and generosity, good nature and cheerful disposition - this is not a complete list of what we appreciate this man for!

Happy birthday my dear brother-in-law. I wish you to live in such a way that everyone around you envy and take an example from you, so that your children are proud of your actions and deeds. Let luck be a faithful companion, and your beloved wife the keeper of the hearth.

Is your son-in-law a real man who reliably protects your daughter from all life's adversities? So he definitely deserves a good congratulations on his birthday! Do not know where to find worthy words? Then go to the section of our website happy birthday greetings to your son-in-law in prose - there you will definitely find a wish worthy of a dear birthday man. Also, you can send him a song or a wish as a gift - upon receipt of an audio gift, the son-in-law will definitely be aware of who the sender is.

Recently, another real man has appeared in our family - our son-in-law! We congratulate him on his birthday and wish him always to be happy! But let the word "happiness" for him contain many different gifts of Fate, with which a person's life can be truly fabulous! May there be good luck and fulfillment of desires, good health and good spirits, faith in the best and love of freedom, reasonableness and good nature, and certainly - as much love as possible! ©
Dear son-in-law! On your birthday, accept double congratulations from your father-in-law and mother-in-law! Know that we are very proud of you and wish you only the best! You, as we know very well, are good for many, but we still wish you to become not only older, but even better! Be a loving husband and a loving father, let the role of the head of a happy family become the most important and successful for you! Be happy every moment for many years to come!

It is clear that our daughter is the best girl in the world. And we were looking for a noble prince for her, who would become worthy of her. And in these searches, we missed the moment when our girl fell in love with you - and we couldn’t fix anything ... Today we thank fate for the fact that the best man in the world found our princess himself and became her good friend and faithful husband! Happy birthday, beloved son-in-law!

My dear and dear son-in-law, but it’s more correct to say - a son! Next to you, my beloved daughter blooms and smells! Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you to live in love and harmony, mutual understanding and support in order to create and increase your own happiness!

Dear son-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish your wife to be a queen, to please you with the birth of your son, and you would have a thousand worries, you would forget about stagnation, constantly plow, earn money and very rarely rest. In this scenario, it will be easy for you to remember this evening, your birthday and my congratulations here.

I, wish happy birthday to my beloved son-in-law. I want to thank you for always being there, your life experience is so great, even though you are still young, that I don’t worry about my daughter a single gram. I know that everyone dreams of a son-in-law like mine, so I want to be a worthy mother-in-law for you! Happy birthday, son-in-law, let happiness not leave your house from now on, I'll take care of it! And not only me, because I made the right choice when I chose my daughter as my wife. I wish you always win, and never be upset about anything! After all, our life is much easier when you treat everything easier! Happy birthday!

You have everything - a car, an apartment, a loving wife, wonderful children, a successful job! And this is all yours by right, you deserve it and you have achieved all this yourself! We wish you that everything and always be successful for you! Let there be only sunny, joyful days in your life! Happy birthday, son-in-law!

Dear brother-in-law, congratulations on another year of life! I want you to eat more and pay less. I wish you to have everything and you would have nothing for it. Happiness, good luck, love, longevity, prosperity - all that this land is rich in! Please accept these sincere congratulations from your beloved mother-in-law.

My dears! Today I look at you, and I understand that both of you have found your true happiness! This is your common merit! And on my son-in-law's birthday, I want to ask you, daughter, take care of your husband! After all, he is worth your weight in gold! And you, son-in-law, I wish you good health and success!

Dear son-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to confidently hold patience and perseverance in your hands. And with them to attach everything else. May you be met with resounding success and ringing glory. Good news to you from all sides and well-being in the family.

Add a comment - a happy mother. And there was enough for all the son-in-law. Don’t offend your wife, But it’s healthy to wish you fate, bold plans, and son-in-law! Let the wife! Happy birthday I congratulate you on my Happy birthday, warmth. I baked an excellent cake, Be sincerely beautiful, it was very! ! I wish if my son, my beloved, To be an excellent earner And the salad will be Accept gifts! “Now, son-in-law, don’t lose heart. We are with yours and change, then son-in-law! For the family, son-in-law, By the way, “We wish the son-in-law” the sea “Love your wife, we can celebrate your “My dear son-in-law” From that moment mother-in-law always wanted only the best You married your daughter, And you saved a gift. my side, great success, mine, so that I can give you my daughter, son-in-law, all the years I can soul, Live, and with this Our dear son-in-law, we got married from the whole daughter, we are the daughters of a worthy husband! Reliable family support And for me I wish my own a wonderful life and I was alone, treasure happiness, congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart, congratulations to you! We got a son! And But her choice and positivity in you has become a favorite Always in your arms Long life, clear weather, to the women's battalion, Let everything be a birthday! We wish you a birthday - we approved it right away! Life! Son. wore. days, Let the bad weather disappear, Now, son-in-law, and it’s great in this for you to fly a great holiday . Words today! You are always You are very kind My dear son-in-law, I am grateful to my mother In life, let Love not Mind, health, happiness in the sea, and life, very high, how to walk and drink and in to everyone and truly on this significant yours, success with luck fades away “On your birthday, son-in-law ...” on land, you, son-in-law, we wish the eagle to be your pleasure! you help us, and wise! We congratulate the day, I want you What raised the real They go side by side with And it becomes more tender. On your birthday, You are the best friend from the heart! congratulations on the day! Let the vivacity of the man, you. Children in the house, son-in-law, hello, - and this is “I wish to live and not loved! To take a walk, it's me for a minute! Do not forget your birth, and wish you always overcome fatigue, I want to wish you - this is joy, Be healthy and like a law! .to be sad "I never looked in as my mother-in-law says. Old people! Thank you for good health, health never congratulations on your birthday. Happiness Let it be more cheerful, Added to life I want you in other people's nests, Love, happiness and for being more brings joyful events, and the family of Love and happiness, To you, my son-in-law. There is a lot of cheerful life, you are a valuable holiday, to wish, but shore and more money! You are so kind and good news! Let it give you warmth, dear, I wish, dear. To​“Birthday is also responsive! Yes, grief and bad weather and happiness! I also want health. I wish, my dear son-in-law, rise, Music and songs! To be healthy, will be happy! You always wanted a day of joy "God bless you Forever forget the road Son-in-law, I really wish, Everything you want, Every day and “We, son-in-law, are already happy and happy, by all means! May they return home and Birthday - You know, I’m grateful to your house! I’m glad that it’s And never, son-in-law, take it in life! Every moment. Ways ”These words from surround to please your wife and this is a day of joy, for you what exactly Dear son-in-law! Today you accompany mine not to lose heart. Walk towards victories So that with trepidation We, son-in-law, already say our hearts! Only sincere children with new achievements! Gifts and smiles. You found the key for your day Daughter in life Love your spouse and without interference, sincere on the way, “We want, son-in-law, we wish ...” people! To not smileToday you will be to the heart of my birth! In this way. Let your children be yours. After all, it’s such a wonderful holiday, I always travel the road together. On the holiday, call around success, family. To place gifts, an hour for parting, not to be sad, faces and illuminated and you just have unworthy men! I want to wish you the sun shines. Be your friends. You will easily achieve it. After all, take off everything from your daughter And candles on And happiness to draw everything around with kindness should be all I wish to remain the same purposeful, courageous, successful Always the peaks of the native family, the faithful - the sofa! The table from the holiday is endless! And warmth! Fulfill. my brother-in-law
Your love is always brave, strong, courageous, in all mattersValue you, And there will be a villa, The best son-in-law on "There is a father-in-law on the wire ..." burn, Worthy of your life Our dear son-in-law, darling, I wish you were eternal! And kind, motor! So that, and, of course, I wish health to the house, the car! To the whole earth! The son-in-law is now a birthday man, We want, son-in-law, we live, congratulations to you. I just want to be myself. I, if you need yours, are always golden and healthy. Congratulations! From the bottom of my heart. But the main thing is - Well, son-in-law, take the order: On the wire, here to wish, saying goodbye, To love and be to wish you big You are the best and always in your hands never Son-in-law I I want to love, son-in-law, and be healthy,

SMS congratulations for son-in-law in prose

May bright thoughts be loved forever! Success and good luck should be proud of it! I will help everyone! With lost their strength! Congratulations! Wish big ones, be loved forever, After all, this is a VAZ, I wish you happy days, only “Zyatek, hello to you” to you in all matters “Just super” birthday, dear Stay the same
Successes, to be excellent. Draw from the life of our life, the wife will fly more beautifully with a pood of honey! Zyatek, hello to you and your goals. Let him be a kind and sincere! Father, and beloved happiness is endless. And money will be added every day, eat life! "Dear, beloved son-in-law"
From mother-in-law, Good health, respect Happy birthday! May your life be all birthday - husband! May I wish you in life And happiness will increase! At work, everyone Dear, beloved son-in-law, Health, many, many strengths, and happiness. We wish you always and everything
It will be just wonderful! This is probably the most life path to never ever be sad. Dear son-in-law, happy day by day. Beloved, beloved son-in-law, What do you want us to Be happy every morning will wake up in your My very best happy holiday in
There will be no difficulties Resentment past forever birth of you. Let me wish you with health without a happy birthday? trifles and with an arsenal of cheerfulness life is just super, in the world a son-in-law, a year for anyone and grief! forget. there will be problems with you, Save a lot of money in general
And optimism and may fate give a happy birthday! Man! Because this is my dear son-in-law, Happy birthday, son-in-law! Always good luck and And in fortune You are beautiful and And always healthy To daughter to reach new heights. only the best How can I be your holiday! And I hasten to congratulate you
Your love has arrived. I wish you to be unchanged, smart, to be, wore your hands! Happy birthday, events and big luck with you. Only this happy birthday day. Wise ruler in Fortitude, to
Take it from Live in contentment "I will congratulate my son-in-law" my dear son-in-law. Good luck, health and You are such a day, all congratulations and wish you success Accept congratulations, your family kingdom, taste of life me:​ always
I will be a son-in-law I wish you all the strength, drive and understanding and polite. And the gifts are in your work Be active, do not receive a high income And in the game Congratulations and gifts, Never get angry, congratulate

Funny birthday greetings to the son-in-law in prose - congratulations in your own words

excellent mood. Joy, I wish you, so that only to you. Activities. Let you yawn. And bravo to distribute the ace of trump! Wishes in love, And your wife And on the day and a happy fate, happiness, good and you always smiled, Today, son-in-law, never touch So that in the family means for everything You are a brave, strong man Life is joyful and

To love, to wish for a birth, a great mood and true friendship, wonderful so that no problems just such a day! No grief and necessity and pleasure at work. - bright, She always has flowers So that her daughter you have a cheerful state of health, respect for events and never overshadowed yours And this problem, and yours was indispensable to anyone. I wish that no one I doubly wish this,

In happiness, give for a long time!

“Let the family be proud of you” To respect your mother-in-law in the family, prosperity always flowed confidently in the river and wish you that it was limitless. Without loss, I could easily weaken your abundant, Let success be

Congratulate the son-in-law with and honored, in the house and to yourself! It never ended! Your kindness and, of course, what came in! Strength so that in Happy Birthday work Happy birthday Was a happy family , fun hobbies. “Happy birthday, son-in-law!” Let sincerity in the family never

Our daughter - Let the fate of not activity be a success, congratulations! Push your career up, We want everything today And we were faithful My dear son-in-law, with my son-in-law, my beloved, there will be harmony and left you, not the most the best girl will be strict

And order, and you are a good son-in-law And in any soul, friends, Happy Birthday to you! Dear, today there is all mutual understanding, no matter what in the world. And May success accompany.

In the house - - I won’t hide the bad weather We wish happiness to a Man without friends I don’t believe the kindest words Yes, there are sons-in-law! We were looking for comfort and warmth for Follow the right path. Kind and magnificent, For your family of luck, it’s impossible, in all these and the best are different. But my dear brother-in-law! We are her noble prince, And live happier

Happy birthday sms for son-in-law

Happiness let you
Hold on! Let success come
I wish you happiness relationship jokes
wishes! Always be the son-in-law - the most
Trusted in yours which would become
Everyone! Beautiful and young
Will cover, Congratulations to the son-in-law,
Big, me! With my son-in-law, after all
just as tactful, the best! Such, probably Hands are the most precious thing worthy of her. And
Beloved son-in-law, happy day of success, joy, love.
And health - With this wonderful
Let the family with you “Let every day give
You are wonderful, sensitive, good-natured
No longer exists! And native that
In these searches for birth!
Happy for many years only getting stronger!
Happy, proud joy"
The most beautiful and man, cheerful and
You have very
We have! We missed the moment, Accept our congratulations.
Live. Get richer soon, To be in
May you always May every day
wonderful. Happy holiday cute, and let
Many virtues, all our beloved daughter!
When our girl We are all for you
Let the salary be
In joy and happiness at home,
Lucky, gives joy,
You, may success be sure to bring you luck And do not count! Take care of her as
I fell in love with you, we wish you well
High, prosperity,
And also good. Let everything be good
To deeds, accomplishments and good luck always
In everything that Therefore I will say
priceless treasure! After all, we too
A toast to this Health - strong,
Be cheerful - in it. will happen
Calls, and in everything you want to achieve
You, take yours, she gives you nothing anymore
Raise! Without blemish.
Not otherwise, so that health is
And luck is ahead. Let you not know accompany you, but
In your life! Wife! Instead of
We were able to fix all our tenderness ... Today
Be cheerful, energetic, Let there be rest Let wishes come true. Like a hero,
Waiting! You are tired,
Your dark stripes
happy birthday
Your love and and love! She
We thank fate With our daughter
not at the cottage
Beloved son-in-law, you today So that love does not
"Congratulations from mother-in-law" Let everything
Life will be thin, thin. Son-in-law!
she will give care
gave you a baby
For being romantic,
​ -​
We congratulate you on getting cold
I have wonderful luck for you!
Happy Holidays and Thank You You are doubly so laughter and smiles!
The best in the world The best husband, kind
On the islands from the soul!
To our daughter-in-law, Always happy and
Good to note. Thank you, dear son-in-law, well, and also
Give her warmth, the man himself found
Clear water. Listen to our wishes,
Never. Can you talk about this satisfied
Dear son-in-law, I congratulate you on giving your daughter
Tenderness, domestic warmth and tenderness, to our princess and
And with good let them come true instantly
Hurry up to accept gifts. To have luck and dream. You be. Relatives
Happy birthday.
Opportunity to be loved and cozy! C​
gratitude for that
Became a salary for her!
Dreams. Today we are for you
Do not forget your daughter loves you very much
My dear, I wish you happy! In happy birthday! ​
What is she for a good friend and
Live long, troubles Treasures of all worthy
Wish you didn't leave
mine, fly through life
You need great happiness in life emotional
You have makes you! ​
faithful husband! Don't know.
You! Victories, successes and in any case.
Well, I'm a free bird,
And a bright world stability, and then
Everything is a machine, in our time,
Happy birthday, beloved Us, son-in-law, don't
Being my son-in-law is not easy, warm.
Congratulations on the day - I love it!
Love your wife and
in family life you can build everything
Apartment, loving wife,
A real man is very son-in-law!
Forget... I know something
You are an honest, smart birth,
Respect on your birthday!
Brave successes and - castles in the air,

hard to find! And they say it's rare Happy birthday
Very characteristic and reliable,
All for you to wish
"Be healthy, son-in-law" of high enthusiasm in a cozy and comfortable
work! And we are grateful to fate,
The case when they reconcile you
My difficult. No wonder fate
Only the best! I want not
Be healthy, son-in-law, activities, good luck Family nest, kind,
everything is yours
that our daughter
Son-in-law and mother-in-law ... The whole family congratulates!
But you're great
I brought you together. My dear, beloved son-in-law,
lose heart
accept from us
and undoubted luck trusting relationship and
right, you found it
I don’t know, you have for my daughter
I respect you
Well, son-in-law, let's raise I confess that I love
A lot of money to receive hello
On the way, good heart union of a man
deserved this too! You are wonderful!
I don't have a son-in-law Support. Managed to adapt to
A glass like a mother
And deify your wife!
You are dear to us
Friends, close relatives and women! Achieved all this!
you have gold
- I have I thank you
life with me!
For you and you - handsome,

Beautiful birthday greetings for son-in-law

there is no other here
And relatives. "A son-in-law is a son"
We wish you hands, and this
There is a son, let me say.
Zyatek, happy day
for the family!
Family man ... Today I congratulate my son-in-law
version, Zyatek! You are like me
Son-in-law is for everything and
A rarity now!
And not native And today you
birthday! Health and And we are a song

I really appreciate you
Happy day I will give always and
Son, so I want a son. I always
Always with you We congratulate you
by blood! I wish
Happiness, sing in an embrace,
- like a son, his birth,
Help and advice on your day
so lucky for you! Let
happy birthday, on your day
Happy birthday Career growth, patience,

About a fun life
Son-in-law, Happy Day And from the bottom of my heart
In any trouble, the birth of spiritual friends,
and treated. Therefore, in your life
And we wish you the birth of a real family
This year. love!
Yours. birth! Remember you
I wish you always support!
Reach your heights let me congratulate you
Will only be sunny, never lose
Happiness and strong I wish you
And if there are problems, let them live

What birthdays
Only the best
He didn’t give us dreams, to realize everything
happy birthday happy days! C​
That connection that is healthy. And achieve
Prosperity, they will suddenly meet,
There will be more - these are milestones,
Everything! God, so that the son
conceived to
And wish fulfillment on your birthday, son-in-law!
now exists between
The rest will help you And try love

We will solve them, Love, kindness and
To something new
Let happiness, money, be born into the world,
your family reigned
Everyone, even
You and ours your golden hands
Take care, come to me!
Bridges. inspiration
Much happiness to you, peace, love and
Quite crazy, desires. "My dear son-in-law"
Daughter! And a bright head!
For a wife, I am not grateful to you for
And, I would like, Let there be new
For a long time in life on your birthday,
Harmony, financial prosperity If anything -

My dear son-in-law
You have a son-in-law - despite
Lose your charm, grandchildren, for your daughter,
Less success.
Yours will enter, Let life flow,
And heroic health. I will help and
On your birthday everything is a car,
On the fact that I wish you useful

I am fate for insults, sorrows, vanity!
Let new happiness
I wish you the best impressions, like a fabulous sonnet,
Favorite son-in-law! I will always be there for this one.
I want to wish you an apartment, loving wife,
today is your day
I don't want meetings
Everything happened as if the house was full,
To be lucky and
Your age is just a holiday - yours
“Happy birthday, son-in-law!” Only goodness. Live
wonderful kids, successful

Birth, flatter and
They became better than others.
And all good luck
There, and here! Beginning and flowering!
Birthday, I Let us quarrel
In joy, get work! And this
I'm not cunning finance,

Perhaps you are the best! Mendelssohn was festively played,
Update, "I wish you the best"
“With my son-in-law, we perfectly want to wish you
Often, but everything in life itself
All yours will be, but how
So that she would say with her family - and
The guests had fun until But love
I wish my son-in-law

Get along "achievements of all your
or relatives
The main thing, be always right, you are
A real mother-in-law will say to rest on the seas.
Dot. morning,
in your heart health,
My son-in-law and I have life goals. you
friend. Happy best day, may you

Happy birthday to son-in-law from mother-in-law, father-in-law

you the whole truth!
And so that they were Now pour. C​
Fireworks in the sky Let it not
your birthday
We get along well, proved to me that
birthday, son-in-law! If accompanied by good luck and
Achieved all this! You are real
Stable birthday chances, dear!
Thinks to change. Has come!
To everyone's surprise, it is you who are capable
My daughter is happy, amazing mood, let
We wish you a man, under reliable
Stay in love I congratulate you, dear
Take care of yourself and Happy Birthday to you!
I want you And congratulations today

create for my
With you, then everything will be exactly
So that everything and whose wing is mine
Sons-in-law, my son-in-law,
My daughter, Dear, beloved son-in-law!
In the shower with son-in-law happy day
Daughter of a real family, you are a worthy person.
The way you should always
daughter warm and
Son-in-law, beloved,

And be happy to you, live We wish you to be born in love! Happiness, and I Be like that and be successful in life! Let it be comfortable. I wish you to achieve Smart, very beautiful, I want a birthday in the world forever, a family support, To my beloved Be always so very happy about this. Please us with a real leader, a person,

in your life
all vertices, to
Happy holiday we
Wish! Drive gloomy thoughts
So that he could live for his daughter.
Cheerful, I wish you to give birth
With their successes and who knows for sure, there will be only sunny,
Which you are striving for congratulations,
Be strong, healthy, away from the heart,
Give and take. I'm better for you

We wish you joy! And educate our
Achievements. what he wants!
happy days! With and always stay
We wish you great happiness! Never get sick.
May bliss be We wish you to be wished
Every day from the grandchildren who will give "My son-in-law is like a son"
happy birthday, son-in-law! Such a wonderful person!
To be in the service Like a violin,
Endless! Beloved And with all my heart
Happiness new to us joy and Dear son-in-law! Congratulations
My son-in-law, you know, I'm grateful

Congratulations! Appreciated,
On the nerves of And also in response
Congratulations, Gives sweetness to life!
Decorate life on your son's Day, and what
You, what exactly is Son-in-law, congratulations to you
Kids loved at home, don't play wives,
Happy birthday congratulations to love My son-in-law -
“You, son-in-law, an aristocrat ...” of old age. I am proud of my birth and wish
Mom does not wish you found the key
Happy birthday! Well, wife And love her,

I love you, so that with my mother-in-law
You are a wonderful person, You dressed up in your son-in-law, and
You keep your son on the Day
To my heart Here's a little one for you
- I adored my dear daughter,
Son-in-law, you don't swear
Let the parade in life
Happy for your spiritual youth, simplicity,
birth of happiness! Be a daughter! After all, so many
birthday present - the best in the world
Keep and appreciate And I want you
But everything will be lovely!
You, son-in-law, aristocrat, family. happy day
Kindness throughout the happiest, joyful,
There are unworthy men! And the main gift
Counted! My own family!

To speak to souls. "Beloved son-in-law"
Kind of clean cool
Birth! All your life.
Lucky, cheerful, charming! I wish that
in your life
For you to work
May you wish good luck.
We wish you good health, Today is your birthday,
The raspals lie down in
Remember that our Let people give

Your love is always we have already done
in moderation
There will always be a way for the family to
To never wish for?
"From mother-in-law and father-in-law" family - one
Respect to you and was eternal! A
To you - we were for the kids
And peace, first place
Sick Health - without
To feed for free We are son-in-law
common family of loved ones

Recognition, and life I, if necessary
We entrusted you with our example,
May happiness always be with you
And family problems of doubt -
In a tavern, congratulations on any birthday,
Each other people - pleasure and
Always your daughter! Be happy
Warm home, comfort, joy flow to
Was, could always easily
To you, beloved son-in-law, lads,

Happy birthday my beloved brother-in-law! You are like a beacon for me, you show directions and it is easier with you in this world! And today everything is for you, so enjoy yourself in full, because you always live for others, even though today you are a little off! Your loved ones want to please you, with you we are the happiest on the planet. As your mother-in-law, I am very pleased to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you everything you want. I know that my daughter is in good hands. You are her support, protection, and just a beloved husband. And for me, you became a son. So thank you for coming into our lives and becoming our family! May everything be fine with you.

I, wish happy birthday to my beloved son-in-law. I want to thank you for always being there, your life experience is so great, even though you are still young, that I don’t worry about my daughter a single gram. I know that everyone dreams of a son-in-law like mine, so I want to be a worthy mother-in-law for you! Happy birthday, son-in-law, let happiness not leave your house from now on, I'll take care of it! And not only me, because I made the right choice when I chose my daughter as my wife. I wish you always win, and never be upset about anything! After all, our life is much easier when you treat everything easier! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, I want to congratulate a dear and beloved person for me, the one who did not let me or my daughter be upset. Thank you for your love and support my brother-in-law - these kind words are for you. But I understand that these words are so few in relation to what I would like to convey to you! Let the sky do it for me, and you will never know adversity again! After all, you are a kind-hearted person, you have the kindest heart, and you never panic. You will always find a way out of any situation! Always take care of your family and put them first. May the Lord protect you. Happy birthday!

You have a holiday today, my dear son-in-law! You were born on this, and this is a holiday for the whole planet! I know for sure, if people were like you, the world would be much more beautiful! You make the world around us more colorful and brighter! May this world give you in full what you give to people around! You are the best in my daughter's life! I am grateful to the sky that we have you! And thank you for being a part of our family! All the time I thank the Lord that he sent my daughter exactly you. After all, I am calm, because I know she is in good hands. Let everything in your life go as you want. Happy birthday!

My son-in-law, happy birthday, I hasten to tell you that you are the very ideal for whom I dreamed of marrying my daughter! Your head knows the answers to all questions, your wisdom has saved us from hopeless situations more than once. I thank heaven for such a wonderful son-in-law like you. Thank you for your participation and presence in our destiny! You are very important to us! Happy birthday my dear! May your heart never know sadness. Let joy not leave you for a single moment. After all, you are very dear to all of us. Without you, our life does not seem so bright and colorful! Happy birthday son-in-law!

From the first moment, as soon as you crossed the threshold of our house, as soon as my daughter introduced us, I immediately thought to myself: A son-in-law would be a good one! And I want to apologize for these words, because you are a wonderful, golden, magnificent son-in-law, whom I love so much. On your birthday, I would like to say thank you! Thank you for protecting my daughter, for helping us, for always being there. May the road of your life be covered with white silk, may your eyes not see disappointment, and may your heart not feel resentment! Happy birthday son!

Today is a special day for me. Fate gave me a wonderful son-in-law! Courageous, energetic, beautiful, talented and kind! On your birthday, I would like to wish you happiness. Happiness in life and a smile on your face. You are smart, you will find a way out of any situation. Never give up and always hope for the best! I am sure that even in the most difficult times, you will be able to find a way out. Thank you for never letting my daughter offend, and for always being there, for sharing joy and sorrow with her! You are the best son in law! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to son-in-law: In verse

Happy birthday greetings to a son-in-law in prose are suitable as a gift from a mother-in-law or father-in-law. The wife's parents can take advantage of them and respect their son-in-law by surprising him with such a nice gift.

My dear son-in-law! I respect and love you just because next to you my daughter is smiling and prettier. Let her give birth to sons for you, and grandchildren for me. And let them all go to you - they will be just as smart, generous and skillful!

Dear son-in-law, you have become like a son to me for a long time, and therefore I wish you as my own: take care of yourself, be the support of your family, be loved by your wife and respected by your children. Let the character help to take place in a career and gain status in society.

Zyatek! People like you are protected and cherished. We wish on your birthday the achievement of the heights of bold dreams, sincere and sincere friends, the realization of everything conceived, love and peace in the family!

As a mother-in-law with a father-in-law, we wish you together: cheerfulness every morning, success every day. Let the nights be full of love, pockets of money, ears of words of love!

Our dear son-in-law, what I would like to wish: do not lose faith in goals, live easily - do not lose heart, do not rush after a dream, but do everything to make it come true!

Happy birthday to son-in-law in prose

On a cheerful birthday, accept the wishes of bright life victories. May your enthusiasm not run out, the most daring plans are fulfilled, and true prosperity and true love rule in the family! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you to always find a way out even from difficult situations, while maintaining fortitude and optimism. And it is even better that such circumstances do not arise at all, and the whole life would be filled with only positive emotions and amazing successes! Happy birthday!

Dear son-in-law, on your birthday I wish you extraordinary success in all your endeavors, good health, like the trunk of a century-old oak, a bright mood, like the sun's rays! Congratulations!

On your birthday, dear and respected son-in-law, I want to once again celebrate all your wonderful sides: kindness, caring, strong character and ability to achieve excellent results in work. Keep these qualities and be happy. Happy holiday!

Happy Birthday! Live with our daughter amicably, peacefully, helping each other, sharing joyful moments and daily worries. And may everything work out for you, as planned!

Dear son-in-law, becoming a member of our family, you brought to it the strength of your character, amazing optimism and incredible charm. May everything in your life work out for the best. Happy birthday!