Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) Since February 23 dear

Dear and strong men, I congratulate you on February 23 and from the bottom of my heart I wish each of you to be a powerful fortress for your family, a real hero for your beloved woman, a faithful comrade for friends, an honest and fair person for others, a brave and courageous man for everyone .

Men, from February 23! We wish you well and good health. We wish your dreams, ideas and ideas to be achievable, so that everything works out for you. So that you are always surrounded by happy faces of relatives and friends.

Since February 23, dear men! We wish you to always be strong and courageous, healthy and strong, persistent and tireless. Men, may you always manage to keep your word, achieve your victories, conquer the planned heights, make women happy, give peace and tranquility to the Motherland. Health to you, all the best, good luck and love!

Dear men, since February 23! We wish you courage in any decisions, always a positive attitude, new horizons, bright, creative ideas, good health, so necessary for real defenders, family well-being, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head!

Dear men, happy holiday, from February 23! Each of you deserves the warmest and most sincere wishes. You are our defenders, our most faithful friends, you are our support and support. Health and good luck, prosperity and peace, happiness and love. Let there always be a faithful comrade next to each of you, who will support you in difficult times, give good advice, and share happy moments.

Dear men, I congratulate you on February 23! Let comfort and tranquility always reign in your home, and success and constant growth pursue at work! I wish you sincere mutual love, excellent health, as well as a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrength and energy for the fulfillment of your cherished desires!

Dear men, congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be strong, reliable, confident and courageous. Let them follow you, respect your strength, believe in you, love and support you. I wish you a strong spirit, a strong body, conquering peaks and achieving well-being in all areas of life!

Congratulations to all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, I would like to wish that each of you in your life be a successful commander, go from victory to victory, not knowing defeat in love, in friendship, in work and on the path to success. Be healthy, happy and loved by your wives, children and friends. Happy holiday!

Since February 23, dear men. Thank you for your trust, support and care! We wish you to always be so brave, proud, independent, confident, strong, purposeful. May there be many happy occasions in life, moments of great glory and good luck.

Since February 23, dear men. I wish you to be real gentlemen, in whose forces four elements live - the fire of passion burns, the water of purposefulness flows, the earth under your feet becomes harder and the air of love is inhaled by your chest. Good luck in your business, mutual understanding in relationships, prosperity in the house, health in the body and life in the spirit of cheerfulness, inspiration and confidence.

We wish you strength, health, good luck, well-being, happiness.

May peace, peace and love always reign in your families.

May you never have to defend your hearth with weapons in your hands.

Kindness, sun, joy, good luck!

I want to say a few kind words to our male poets.

Dear and respected Poets, thank you very much for finding time for creativity, thank you for your wonderful poems, for the bright spark of your soul, for the joy that you give to us women.


The history of the men's holiday begins in 1918. In those difficult times in the young socialist state there was an urgent need for a military army, at the same time the Red Army was able to achieve its first victories. Initially, the country celebrated the anniversaries of the birth of the Red Army, then the holiday began to be called the Day of the Red Army, and since 1946, by Stalin's decree, February 23 turned into the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In the Russian Federation in 1995, a decree was issued on the establishment of a holiday on February 23 with a new name. Officially, it sounded like this: The day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany in 1918 is the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. Modern Defender of the Fatherland Day appeared in 2002. From this period, the holiday received the status of an official holiday and became not only a professional day for those liable for military service directly related to the army, but also for all those who defend, defended or will only defend the country.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you strength and wisdom
Will, endurance, patience,
To overcome all difficulties.

The sky is clear and peaceful,
If tears - then only joyful,
Lives with many events
And sweet memories.

Strong friendship, without betrayal,
All desires of fulfillment,
For you to achieve your goals
And they did not know defeat.

Our wonderful men
Our joy, pride and support
We are in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday -
Accept the wishes of the mountain!

May you always be lucky in everything,
In every case, let luck accompany you.
May fate give you only the best
Problems are solved with ease.

You give us confidence, success,
We are support, affection and care.
You guys are the best with us.
Working with you is a pleasure!

*Materials from the site -

Dear women, if you want to write a couple of warm words or a poetic congratulation to our wonderful men, write, do not be shy!

Your MLG.


I join in the congratulations! The most important thing for a poet, of course, is health and inspiration. Gorgeous Muses to you. Lord!

February timidly flips through the calendar,
Winter crosses out the last days,
The country congratulates men today,
So accept my congratulations.

And let the blizzards outside the windows,
Swarm of snowflakes, frost is cracking,
So that everything comes true that you wanted,
So that all adversity swept past.

I wish you unlimited love
Mutual, faithful and great,
Let the sun warm in personal life,
Luck is over your head.

I wish you, writers, poets,
Reliable romantic Muses,
From words create eternal bouquets,
And fill them with a rainbow of feelings.

Health is an endless ocean,
And the rivers are always filled with happiness,
And let the dream enter your real world,
For long and peaceful years.

Thank you dear men
For what you are in the world!
After all, without you, we are only half ....
With warmth…Galina… From snowy Moscow……….

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

A collection of the 50 best toasts and congratulations on February 23 to men (colleagues, husbands, boyfriends, dads, friends, loved ones) in verse and prose. A selection for the Defender of the Fatherland Day (the second name is the Day of Military Glory of Russia) contains both official toasts (suitable for superiors and work colleagues) and funny expressions for an informal setting. Many texts fit into a standard telephone SMS.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! And first of all, we wish that you never have to protect anything. May the sky above your head always be peaceful, and there is a place for exploits in everyday life. Conquer peaks at work and arrange a personal front so that the rear is reliable and happy!
You are the best warrior in the world
Like musketeers - all four!
You are incapable of deceit
You are noble like Athos
And, like the brave d'Artagnan,
Any you will overcome the cross.
You can, like Aramis,
Captivate any of the marquises,
And, like Porthos, you are reliable.
You are a dream come true!

Happy holiday, my only Defender!

For honor, for valor, for hard work and for a broad, reliable back! For real men! Since February 23 guys!

Men are the embodiment of strength,
And the path of a man is the path of victories,
We wish that fate gave
They are joy and happiness light!

Undoubtedly, February 23 is a holiday of courage and strength. On this day, it is customary to wish strength and patience. But I want to raise a glass, dear men, so that you never lose your optimism and sense of humor. After all, this is the real medicine in the most difficult times!

There is a common title - a soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Hero names.
Who is ready for battle - that world keeps
We don't need war!

Men are born, they become defenders! So let's drink to our men, for the fact that they are not only born them, but also constantly prove that they correspond to the status of a defender! Let them protect us not only from enemies, but also from a bad mood, and sometimes even from ourselves. Defenders for you!

Stand guard over the world, humanity
Worthy defenders of the Fatherland.
They protect honor, family and shelter.
For you my main toast -
For the men!
A family union is a house in which each of the spouses plays an important role. A woman is the inner part: the atmosphere, the atmosphere, the comfort. And a man is a frame made of strong walls, a solid foundation and a reliable roof. Indeed, without a reliable frame, there is no need to create comfort and warmth! Let's drink to our defenders, they are for us the walls, and the roof, and everything else. Since February 23, dear men!
No, not for titles and awards
The soldier was the hero in battle.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birches and lindens relatives ...
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!
The words of one wise man say: "contain your army today, so that you do not have to support someone else's army tomorrow." So let's drink to the fact that we can always support our army, and our army can always protect us!

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers
Fought until Victory -
For a peaceful bright sky,
For the taste of milk and bread,
For small children
For your dear home,
To the edge where we live today.
Our defenders -
their heirs,
Let's thank them
And let's drink to them!

February 23 is a special date. This holiday has changed many names. But, without a doubt, this is a celebration of men. Their strength and reliability, their courage and fortitude. Not just a male, but a male destiny. For our defenders, and may our skies always be peaceful!

Grandfathers went to battle
Great-grandfathers went into battle ...
But - let the soldiers never die!
There will be military exercises
And - in memory of wars - military parades.
Let the victory of the old thunder
Reminds me of the past
And we congratulate in peacetime
All those who protect us!

Pour everything something stronger, because today we drink to the health of real men - strong, strong and courageous defenders of the Motherland. And I wish you love pure and transparent, like water, happiness, intoxicating like wine, and strong health, like alcohol. Let the degree of your life go up, like the drinks I have listed. Since February 23!

Again the war trumpet sings,
But he does not call for a campaign, but for a parade.
To be a warrior is a worthy destiny,
Men's rank is above all awards.
There are many glorious milestones on the way of the army man,
Let's drink a hundred grams - after all, the battle is over
We congratulate everyone on this holiday,
Who protects his native country peace.

The woman keeps the hearth, and the man protects it. And even though not all men wear military uniforms, each of them cares about the safety of his home and family. Let's raise our glasses to the defenders of the Fatherland, through whose efforts peace reigns in our homes and the hearth burns!

Always go through life firmly, boldly,
Be ahead, dream, create and feel.
Victory and success is a man's business!
Being a man is a special art!

For you, my love!

Let's drink to the fact that strong male hands find application not on the fields of cruel wars, but in everyday work on their native land.
So that no mother or wife knows worries, and children always feel the warmth of caring father's hands.
For our defenders!

In any rank - so much honor,
Courage and valor simple,
Even if the feat is unknown,
Each of the defenders is a hero.
So that there is love and friendship,
To make the world happy for everyone
Let every day in your service
There will be luck and success.

When a saber-toothed tiger approached the cave on Earth, it was we who went out with a club to meet!
When nomads approached the gates, it was we who took up swords and axes!
When the French rushed to Moscow, it was we who clutched sabers in our hands!
When Hitler threw tank armadas to Rus', it was we who stood in their way!
So let's drink today for us, men who surrender only to women!

Good luck, bold plans and ideas!
Stay successful in every business!
Strive for a dream, because you are one of those people
Who can achieve the cherished goal!

We always want to be on top
And to win in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude −
Only new plans! New horizons!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
So that health was heroic.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous for all blessings.
Joy, happiness, love to you, kindness.

On this day we wish all men
Sea of ​​smiles, joy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless bowl of goodness.

Let all hardships become trifles,
And on this day, everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be by your side
Saved from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes.
You are the best bright example of courage!
Health to you, success and fearlessness,
Victory in any of all possible areas.

Congratulations on the day that praises courage, honor, patriotism, loyalty to military duty, the ability to create a peaceful environment, ensure the security of the country's borders and people's lives. Let there be honor according to merit, let respect accompany you, let health not fail, the shoulder will be strong and the word firm.

Boldly set goals for yourself
Believe, given to any desires come true,
Let any plan come true
And the dream will come true!

Good luck and joy! Happy holiday!
Energy, strength, achievements in everything!
Lead, be, as always, ahead!
Go on the planned course to victories!

Happy Defender's Day congratulations!
In this glorious, special hour -
With great respect, we wish
So that everyone is equal only to you.

Will be brought to life
Plans, undertakings!
Happy Defender's Day!
Peace! Prosperity!

May there always be a place for feat,
May courage and strength not fail,
To make life bright and interesting,
And certainly brought joy!

Let's drink to the most stylish guys dressing in the military registration and enlistment office!

The shortest army toast: “Dno! One, two…!”

We are comfortable and calm
Because you are near
On a winter day and a sultry summer,
Like the shadows of the sentinels.

We wish you today
For everyone to be happy.
To always know that at home
A reliable rear awaits him.

Let nothing ever distract us from important men's affairs - fishing, garage gatherings, friendly bachelor parties with strippers. And to all the intrigues of external aggressors who dare to encroach on these holy things, we will give a powerful and decisive rebuff! So let's drink to that!

May on Defender of the Fatherland Day
The stars smile brightly at you
And your strength, honor and courage,
In spite of adversity, they are getting stronger.

There will be no enemies and envious people,
Let the best friends surround you.
Let the capitals grow
And always be lucky.

Good luck - in every endeavor.
Motherland - strong,
Big, glorious, great,
Victorious, stable.

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly masculine day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family, and let the butts of guns not touch your hands. Let tanks appear only at the parade, and only civilian planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

What words to congratulate men
And what to wish them on the February date?
Let there be no reason to worry
Let women's attention be rich.

May the peaceful sky always be above the earth,
Let the peaceful sun shine over the house.
And let everyone you meet, acquaintance, dear
Wishing you well with a warm smile.

We love you, we appreciate you, we are always waiting for you home,
When you come from a serious job.
We protect the hearth, we protect the family
And we surround you with kindness and care.

For us, you are protection, support and honor.
We always wish you the best.
Thank you guys for being you.
And we congratulate you on your holiday!

Congratulations to colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. May there be a place in life for real feats and great goals, may our life activity consist not only of work, life and family, may our hearts rejoice with loud victories, may there be many holidays and bright events for souls. Let respect and real honor win the honest and worthy deeds of each of the real men.

real man
All tasks are on the shoulder!
Happy holiday of the cool and strong
I want to congratulate you again.

Let colleagues respect
Let the wife not drink
Money in a crisis will not melt!
Happy February 23rd!

A soldier from the army came and spoke to his assembled friends:
- Yes, guys, the service is not sugar. I had to spin twenty-five hours a day!
“But there are twenty-four hours in a day,” one of the friends remarked.
- This is your “civilian”. And in our army they get up an hour earlier.
Let's drink to the army routine!

Jumping paratroopers. Everyone jumped. Issuer:
- Ivanov, you jumped out first?
- Yes, Comrade Captain, the parachute did not open - I had to return!
Let's drink to the fact that we, in case of any failure, could go back and start all over again!

The French philosopher La Rochefoucauld said:
“In war, most people risk their lives no more than is necessary so as not to stain their honor; but only a few are always ready to take risks as required by the goal for which they take risks. I propose to drink to these few!

Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - faith, valor, luck!

For the health of the wounded
For the freedom of prisoners
For beautiful girls
And for us soldiers!

The scout has a sharp eye, a cunning mind, excellent hearing, and a hunting scent. For you, scouts!

I have not been in the barracks for a long time,
Foot not in boot
But my own army,
As before, dear!
So, not for loose,
And the discipline in it -
I drink to our army
There is nothing stronger in the world!

Real courage is not only to find and win your happiness by applying both strength and talents, but also not to lose it, not to let it fade over the years and become commonplace ... On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I propose a toast to the present , hot and eternal as the sun, happiness!

We do not curse our perverted fate
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once “plowed” her!
So let it gurgle and splash in the glass
When the rear is securely secured!
For the valiant defenders of the Fatherland
On this glorious Day of the Armed Forces!

At a biology lesson, the teacher asks the son of a naval officer:
- Tell me, what are the names of creatures that feel equally good on land and at sea.
- Sailors, - the guy answers without hesitation.
I propose to drink for people who, being on land, miss the sea, and being on the sea, miss the land! For sailors!

The tank commander conducts classes with his subordinates:
- What is the main thing in a tank?
“A weapon,” one answers.
"Armor," replies another.
- Caterpillars, - says the third.
- All this is true, but the main thing is not to drift.
Let's drink to the most important!

I raise my glass to those
Who took the liberty of becoming a soldier,
Leaving others carefree laughter,
Stepped from childhood into adulthood.
Who descended into the world of other worries,
Sometimes difficult and sometimes harsh,
So that our peaceful sky never
I did not see in the reflections of crimson!

Aunt has an uncle, mom has a dad,
Grandma has a grandfather in an old hat,
The girl has a little friend has a boy,
An older girl has an older boy.

Everyone has their own half in life,
And a man should be with a woman!
Hope, support for fragile shoulders,
Who does the deed without unnecessary speeches.

On a holiday, we honestly confess to you,
That being your ladies is very flattering!
We are calm with you, we are safe with you,
It is impossible to imagine my life without you!

Native men! Our defenders!
It is so easy for us to live under your protection!
Eastern wisdom says: “Parting is never divided equally. The one who leaves takes only one third of the separation with him, two thirds remain those who are waiting for his return. I propose a toast to those who are waiting for the return of the soldier: to true friends, to the beloved girl and to the parents!
We congratulate you warmly
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy
That someone remembers, honors and loves.
And let the smile flash
And let the wrinkles disappear
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your day, men.
February, the last step of winter
She's aiming for the end
But let the heart continue
As in youth, fight.

Honor and courage, as you know, are contained, first of all, in the heart. And on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let's drink to the fact that the owners of these hearts are always happy! May courage always warm their hearts with a hot flame, and may their souls be calm and light!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of February 23, I would like to turn to our dear men with sincere congratulations and best wishes, and I hope that these poems and prose will cheer you up, give vigor and inspiration, add confidence and optimism.

Happy holiday, our beloved husbands and sons, fathers, brothers and colleagues!

  • Beautiful congratulations on February 23 to men in verse
  • Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose
  • Cool congratulations on February 23 for men, with humor

You are a man, a warrior by nature,
From victories your path is woven in life!
All sorrows, hardships, hardships
Can you easily step over!

I wish you to be happy
Every day, throwing away the fuss,
Gather all the masculine strength into a fist,
Set a goal and fight for your dream!

We congratulate all men today,
We wish you great achievements in your career,
Rise to the most successful heights
Cool not afraid of turns and steps!

And let your glory fly over the earth
In flight that troubles and falls, not knowing,
And the heart always stays with the family,
Warming your hearth with the love of relatives!

Receiving honors from men
And let me congratulate you!
Courage, dignity, determination
May they be with you forever!

And grow stronger only with years of strength,
Let the victory be uncountable!
And thanks to fate that Men,
Like you, there are more in the world!

Put everything aside
And read more congratulations
On the holiday date of February,
I give you my poem

You are great and you are good in everything,
And keep it up, I wish you
And may your house be rich in prosperity,
You can do anything, I know for sure!

For you, as for a standard man,
There is a congratulation on February 23,
The character is ardent, like a charge of a cartridge,
Let the whole country look up to you,

And there is not a drop of flattery in these lines,
You are a man with a huge "M",
After all, honor is always a priority for you.
And your strong spirit cannot be broken by anything!

February days are here again
And an important holiday came with them!
Day of the brave defenders of our country,
Real, brave men!

And on this day I wish you
Just go forward, do not look back!
Trust the wise and things fate,
May your path be even and smooth!

February still scares with frosts,
But a real man doesn't care
Today he celebrates his holiday
Defender's Day knocks on every house,

Therefore, you have a wish
In life, always be strong only to be,
And all pass worthy of the test,
Love your Motherland with all your heart!

This day, in my mind
Dedicated to you, my hero!
After all, you are not without reason, no doubt
Born a worthy man!

And that day is now celebrating
Today our whole country!
He rewards his heroes
Orders sparkle on them!

Our men, even to the very gray hairs
There will be no serious reasons for sadness!
And if there are obstacles, then strong strength to them
They will give you to move them easily and beautifully!

Strong walls - like in your own house,
And if captured, then in the arms of his wife!
Suits in fashion for you, apples in tablets,
Well, in wallets there are always voiced coins!

Being a protector means being strong!
And love the Motherland!
Stay reliable, stable,
Be a real man!

Congratulations on Defenders Day!
You have all these qualities!
We wish you absolute victories!
Let the stellar hour come into your life!

On the day of the 23rd of February,
I want you to be strong!
Go fast through life
Forget about all the problems!

Without betraying your convictions
All obstacles, overcome!
Know no fear and doubt
And be able to achieve all the goals!

Congratulations on the holiday, men,
And thank you for your invaluable work!
Your valor, loyalty, spirit and strength
We will always save the country!

And from women, a huge bow to you,
For the fact that you are in the world,
And on this incomparable holiday,
Everything is just for you, everything is in your honor!

Let you not serve on the border,
And the country from enemies did not protect,
But a man was happy to be born
And go through this life lesson:

Built a house, there is a garden and there are children
You are a support for them and a rock!
I congratulate you on these lines
From 23 - to them men's February!

February brought us a snowy holiday,
Everyone knows him, of course!
And everyone who is called a man seriously,
On the day this country congratulates!

On a solemn holiday, we wish you
Just go straight without breaking
Always strive towards destiny
Fighting with the insidious elements!

I can definitely call you a man
And why, I'll tell you now
There's more than one reason for this
With great dignity I look at you,

You are smart, kind, strong and brave,
And you will surely protect your country,
And on this holiday, warlike and important,
I wish you all the best!

Pride, courage and courage,
For a man it's a treasure
But you don't need it
It is and it is a fact.

You are the real man
And on your holiday for you
I want to be loved
Your family cherishes you!

Defenders of the world, our men,
You are the pride and glory of a vast country!
May you not find a reason in life
Feel the horror of war with your skin!

And wounds - let them be, but only heart ones,
And not from bayonets, but from girlish charms!
From birth, remember eternal truths:
To be born a man is a divine gift!

Defender of the Fatherland Day,
We celebrate every year!
We value men and honor
Hundreds of helmets of laudatory odes!

Your life is full of worries
There will always be peace in the world!
you serve, you work,
We will provide you rear!

This holiday is celebrated by all the people,
And the reward will find the winners!
You are men! And without unnecessary loud phrases,
On Defender of the Fatherland Day for you:

We want to win revenge in everything!
And go ahead to the cherished goal,
All words and promises to know the price,
And resolutely hold any blow!

Do you want to congratulate your beloved man not corny, but in your own words?

Here you are, here for you are collected a few good and sincere wishes that will help you with this.

Today there is a great occasion to congratulate our dear men. Thank them for their courage, courage, unsurpassed nobility and generosity. Wish new victories, fulfillment of desires and eternal youth!

Let me congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! With all my heart I wish you good health, the opportunity to relax more often, as well as good luck and success in all matters!

You are a man! So, you are a protector! And this holiday is rightfully yours. In addition, you are a reliable support for your loved ones, a devoted friend and just a wonderful person!

Let me congratulate you on February 23rd. After all, you, like no one else, deserve attention on this day. Always attentive, decent and friendly person. I wish you strong as steel, health, happiness and long life!

February 23 is on the calendar, which means that a real men's holiday has come! We congratulate you, our beloved defenders. We wish you an excellent form, good spirits, stability, spiritual balance and all the joys of life!

These congratulations are for you, my protector. After all, today is a truly masculine holiday, and I want to wish you a great mood, great success, and most importantly more free time that we could spend with you together!

In these solemn moments, we say that we are very proud of you and are ready to fulfill any whims and wishes. Because we always appreciate, love and respect our defenders!

Glory to our defenders! We would like to thank you for all the care, responsiveness and attention you give us. Good health, success at work and well-being in the family!

Allow me to congratulate you on the holiday of courage, nobility and honor - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! And wish on this day good health, inexhaustible energy, a life filled with peace, happiness and love of loved ones! Step confidently to the heights of success and prosperity, always maintaining optimism, cheerfulness and peace of mind!

Darling, I'm so happy that I have you! May the Day of the Defender be a worthy day for you. Let there be no obstacles on your way. Always boldly go to your goals and conquer the highest peaks!

Dear men, on such a significant day, let me congratulate you on the most worthy and courageous holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you optimism, self-confidence and faith in a brighter future!

Today there is a worthy reason to congratulate men on the holiday. Wish them great shape, active and eventful days, success at work, as much money as you want. The brightest impressions and wonderful friends!

Congratulations on February 23! And on this holiday of the strong half of humanity, I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, mutual understanding, good health and happiness!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I want to say the warmest words. Thank you for your attention, care, wish you peace of mind, many reasons to have fun and spend time with benefit!

You men are our pride! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you. We wish you health, happiness, long life and all the best!

Significant date - February 23. And on this beautiful and a little harsh winter holiday, all attention is paid to the strong half of humanity - men, the site writes. And we also have a wish for you: health, harmony, love, and always be on top!

Be the happiest of all! Blessings to you in everything. After all, today is a real men's holiday. And all congratulations sound only for real defenders.

Please accept my congratulations on February 23rd. Let me wish you health for many years, and that life becomes even brighter and brighter. Good luck and success in business, creative and positive mood!

On this wonderful day, all congratulations are dedicated to our dear men. Always brave, brave and sympathetic defenders! Live happily ever after to the envy of your enemies and to the joy of your loved ones!

Today is an amazing day. We have prepared congratulations for our men, because today is the holiday of real heroes, real defenders! The moment when they honor the courage, bravery and strength of a true warrior!

These are congratulations for you, the most courageous, decent and courageous defender. Thank you for your generosity, kindness and respect!

Happy holiday!

And you can also congratulate your loved one on February 23 in a playful, funny way, doing it with humor and making him laugh on this wonderful holiday!

Rise to General
If not in the army, then at least in the family,
I always congratulated you on this date,
And now I send congratulations to you!

We didn't serve you
But this is not a problem either.
Defender of the Fatherland Day
The best holiday for a man!

Even though it's cold outside
Outside the window is winter, snow.
I wish you seriously
So that in life you can always do everything!

The frost is getting stronger
And on February 23
I'll take off my coat
What did you give me loving

And I'll speak at the microphone
With best wishes:
Health, because it is the basis,
And let dreams come true!

As the man said, he did so
So it was, will be, always is,
I congratulate in between
Since February 23!

So, I'm starting
Since February 23,
I sincerely congratulate you
Even without a gift, but I,

Wrote a poem
And there are kind words in it,
I wish you courage, patience,
Strong strength without end!

On this holiday, truly masculine,
I want to wish you joy
Life is very difficult
But let yours be full of sweetness!

Always be the captain in the family
At work as a general
And a soldier for the country
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

After all, today is a day with an accent,
Not with some, but with a man,
Sorry for no present
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Let the enemy always fear you
Even sneezing in your direction is afraid,
And while you relax, rest,
And celebrate this holiday impeccably!

Happy holiday, hero!
Today is a day off!
Play and have fun
The soul is going up!

Because today is your day
You are strong, young!
All the best to you, good luck,
And get richer!

I congratulate you!
I will say proudly and praising
You are a good friend,
Strong, brave fellow!

You my dear boy
Congratulations on the men's holiday.
You are brave, kind, strong-willed,
So be you always.

Good health wagon,
And that your dreams have come true.
Today men are praised
And you know they are you!

Smiles, happiness and success,
To our men without armor,
That they were ready everywhere and always,
Fight back if trouble strikes.

Love, health and great luck,
To men whose eyes are so puzzled
Since our problems are solved,
Know that all women adore you!

Congratulations my hero
And this holiday is definitely yours,
Be wise, be brave, be bold!
Don't forget your baby!

Today all men rule
They are in charge today
There are reasons for this
Red day on the calendar

And you are their bright representative,
Congratulations and credit
Always stay on your guard
Go ahead without hesitation!

There is more than one reason for praise:
You are strong, brave, you are a man
We want to congratulate you and wish you
Grow and prosper in all matters!

You are a man anywhere
Everyone sets you as an example!
Always listening
To the model of good manners!

On this day I wish you
Strength, energy and vitality.
You will only achieve everything yourself,
Live according to your conscience.

Like frost on a February day
May you have strength
Happy men's day and you know
You are a man anywhere!

Congratulations on the holiday of men,
With February and solemn,
Be strong, brave, strong-willed,
But the main thing is not feminine!

I wish your shoulder straps
Decorated with many stars
Happiness, money wagons,
How can I help you?! Sure, not a problem,

I'm always with you my friend
And on February 23
I wish your home
It was like a palace!

You are a 100% man
Your loved ones are lucky
And this day of the men of the country,
You rightfully point it out!

I want to congratulate all men
And especially you
After all, you skillfully lead the holiday -
February 23,

After all, you are good in mind and body,
And even in our time
You can call yourself super-man
I'm responsible for the words!

February holiday for the men of the country,
I congratulate you my friend
I wish you to be healthy
Everything else will be - I promise!

Media news

Partner news

Anna Semenova

Feast of Courage, heroism, inflexibility, purposefulness, indomitable will and goal only for Victory!

Every boy should strive to be brave, courageous, strong!

For your matinee "C holiday, dad!" the kids and I drew a poster and not just painted it, but added "3D" elements!

The kids really enjoyed tearing pieces out of napkins and twisting lumps out of them.

In the creative process, developmental tasks were implemented (development of fine motor skills, speech, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, educational tasks (to instill a sense of pride in one’s army and arouse a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers, love for the Motherland, for relatives, to cultivate kindness, the ability to make friends, educational (to systematize knowledge about the army, about the military branches, about the defenders of the Fatherland).

The colors of the napkins were chosen according to our theme, white, blue and red were definitely chosen for the design of the Russian flag, to enhance the color perception and color.

Work was in full swing. The work was painstaking, emotional!

The result exceeded our expectations!

The most important thing is that the joint creativity brought to the children a sea of ​​emotions, team cohesion.

And with what pride and brilliance in the eyes the children showed their dads and grandpas their work, indicated which part they decorated and why!

Our joint work with pupils has adorned festive hall!

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