Happy birthday to dad. Happy Anniversary Greetings for Dad

The universe has opened the door for you
May love always live in your heart
Happy birthday dad, congratulations
I send you congratulations SMS with love
From the daughter, care will always be there
Let your life boil like water in a river

Beloved dad, happy birthday,
Accept congratulations as a gift
I can't count all the wishes
Thank you for being in the world!

May this dream come true
And instantly fill the soul with happiness,
Let joy flow like a river
And your life will be easy!

Stay the same kind
Strive hard for success
All earthly joys to you
And respect from family!

Daddy dear on his birthday,
Greetings from the heart, our congratulations!
The very best! And very beautiful!
You accept gifts from your beloved daughters.
Let them pass by trouble and bad weather,
Every day brings you warmth and happiness!
Let the winds of joyful days not blow out the candle,

Difficulties and worries will be on your shoulder.
Happiness, luck, fun, joy and love!
Our congratulations to you. Live a thousand years!

Nightingales will sing them with happiness,

Your hands lifted us.

Nothing seemed to us in the world
There is no more reliable father's hands

Let the whiskey turn gray for a long time,

Let me shake it like a man!

Dear dad, congratulations
We wish you all the best and joy,
To you from all your children
Live happily do not be shy.

Always value your people
Love children the most
We wish you not to get lost in life,
And you will rush to the bay of happiness.

Beloved dad, happy birthday!
I really want to wish you
To please everyone with a good mood,
Health and happiness, but about wealth - I am silent!

Let the cuckoos cuckoo for a hundred years,
Nightingales will sing them with happiness,
To the ceiling of our old hut,
Your hands lifted us.

The sun gently shines through the windows
And through the laughter of a child's heart beat,
Nothing seemed to us in the world
There is no more reliable father's hands

Your birthday! Bright date!
Let the whiskey turn gray for a long time,
Give me your hand, as before,
Let me shake it like a man!

We have such a day today
Special, I would say.
He is marked by fate itself -
Today is dad's birthday!

I wish you a hundred years
At least in love and happiness!
I appreciate every piece of your advice.
Let the bad weather go forever!

Father - not too much and not too little
Beginning, papa's hand,
The leg that drove the balls
Fishing on the first coast.
Sometimes - men's conversations,
Almost on an equal footing and - about everything:
About guns, tanks and shutters,
About the meaning of the word "carry" ...
Whatever one may say, children grow up,
You don't see them every day
But electronic hello
And congratulations this verse
Do not replace - chat,
Yes, about life, heart to heart,
To say goodbye strongly after midnight,
Don't run away on business.
In short, dad, here's the case
Let's sit up - God is the judge,
Let's sing the old song
Together with you we are a family!

As a child, I was incredibly lucky:
My father was in the crown for me -
I imagined myself as a princess
On his knees, as if on a throne.
Time passed, my dad became my friend,
She trusted him with all her secrets.
And when the heart beat with fear,
Sobbed on his chest.
And now he is my support in life,
There is no more reliable than him and return.
He will help, forgive without reproach.
You won't find a more tender dad.

Let everything be in order with health, From the holiday, so that I get a charge. Like a river, so that perky laughter flows, So that my dad dissolves in joy. To quickly achieve his goals, He certainly smiled from happiness. ©

Let everything be in life as you want, Or maybe even better, by the way. Your dreams will come true soon, Let love and affection warm you. And may all those close to you be, And let happiness flow in life like a river.

How many days have passed
Well, why count them...
Allow us dear
Wish from the bottom of my heart:
For you to be loved
He was healthy, lived without troubles,
Was kept by fate
On earth for two hundred years.

Your example shined for us
Bright faithful star
To live - do not grieve.
Happy birthday, dear!

Dad is dear, dear and beloved
Celebrates his birthday.
Be our love kept,
During the day under the sun, at night under the moon.
To not know what fatigue is,
To make life smile on you.
So that everything always succeeds
You have in your strong destiny.

Dad, you are our role model
He warmed everyone with his care.
And wishes sound from the heart,
On this day from beloved children!

Happy birthday, dear daddy!
Happy holiday, my dear.
I wish you much happiness
And patience too, my dear.

I wish you a long life
Full of celebration and beauty.
I wish you many grandchildren
And to always be there for you.

I congratulate you, father
With a significant date I want.
I wish you happiness on your anniversary
Way to forget forever to see a doctor.

Thank you for science
For support and advice.
I left in character
You are a big and important footprint.

Always, father, you were an example,
I always look up to you.
And I have your manners
After all, we are one family!

Work - not sparing strength,
To love - so only with all my heart,
Dress in the cold - warmer,
And to relax - always in silence!

Sometimes just on the couch
I lay down and stare at the ceiling...
I like this habit
I'll be honest about this!

On your anniversary, I will say directly:
I wish you a lot of strength.
And be cheerful, and be stubborn,
And sadness so that the wind takes it away!

Once I was a baby
And I couldn't speak
But being stupid
I began to love daddy.

I have loved you all the years
And on your anniversary I say:
Take it, daddy, my dear,
All my daughter's love.

Be happy, daddy, don't frown.
Be healthy and be strong.
Worry less about me
And forget about all the bad things.

My beloved father, dear father,
How lucky I am, daughter, with you.
You are so beautiful, you are so dear,
Clever, fair, for me - a mountain.

On your anniversary, I want to congratulate you.
I wish you not to go to the doctor,
Always be healthy, strong, young,
And also funny, even groovy.

Happiness so that your eyes shine for me -
Bright blue, like turquoise.
There is no one dearer and there are no relatives,
Except you, dad, for your family!

We are happy anniversary today
Congratulations to the whole crowd
Dad, grandfather, just a friend,
that always goes with you.

We wish health
It was only at five
So that at the weddings of grandchildren
You managed to dance the dance.

Don't skimp on teaching
We are happy to receive them.
And your great wisdom
We will always respect.

My dad is the best
The most wonderful
Very young, handsome
Terribly attractive.

My daddy knows everything.
Can cook goodies
If I sit and cry
Will be spoon fed.

He helps mom
Feeds the cat and us
Walks with me in the garden
In general, dad is just class!

We raise our glasses
For health and for
What we wish you all
Happy Anniversary, Papa Gold!

Real men don't have to look hard
On punctured tires and the irrelevance of topics
Real men proudly hold the line
Regardless of the causes of the problems that have piled up.

Congratulations to the dad of the most "male" on his anniversary
And we wish mountains of happiness and convoys of pies,
Today we glorify the heroic dad -
The overthrower of breakdowns and annoying enemies.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Along with our big family.
Dad - you are cute, strong and brave,
Everyone's favorite and dear.

I wish you good health and good luck
Love and a bag of money to boot.
May your home be filled with joy.
May happiness and prosperity always live in it!

Let there be gray hairs on the temples
And well done article!
For those who don't know anything
Let me tell you, he is my father!

Protector for me he is in childhood
And a friend always afterwards.
I will come to him with a problem -
Help is always ready.

Family comes first
Always about us in worries, household chores ...
Family is not just a boat
Our dad, the captain of a big ship!

I just wish you happiness
Understanding from people
Let them bypass the bad weather,
And a couple of true friends will come.

Don't let your car break down
And gasoline will be of high quality.
The evil traffic cop does not come across,

A lot of our life depends on the family. Our future, our attitude to the people around us, problems and issues depend on what has been instilled in us since childhood, what values ​​our parents gave us. And growing up, children try to thank their parents: MOM and DAD. How do you express your love and gratitude? Of course, in words and deeds. When preparing for holidays and celebrations, you can find beautiful congratulations dear dad and say them at the festive table, or send an SMS message, or arrange it as a postcard. It is these touching congratulations for dad that we have collected on this page. You can apply them in all cases: for a holiday, for example, February 23 or Father's Day, and for a birthday, an Anniversary, and for any other occasion. Come in, choose and congratulate your beloved dad. We are sure that he will be very pleased to receive such a tender and heartfelt congratulations from his child, small or adult ...

You, PAPA, are my teacher, a true friend,

Your hand is a reliable support,

With you, this world around is so bright,

Our conversations are so interesting!

Let fate give only joy

Complex tasks are solved jokingly ...

After all, I know exactly what for you

There is nothing impossible in the world!

You will support at the right time,

Energetic, full of plans,

A bit, kind, in our family

You are, of course, the most important!

Used to win in everything

You can achieve all your goals!

Know, such as you are a FATHER

It's great to be proud!

You, PAPA, help in everything,

Always in a great mood

And you achieve any goal

Determined and energetic!

Success, big undertakings!

May your plans come true!

Wishes to you with love:

Great luck and happiness!

Strong character and masculine strength -

That's what I always admire about you!

Sincerely, PAPA, today I wish

Only good luck and happiness in fate!

So that, as before, you succeed

Bring your plans to completion

To make everything in life easy!

Better than you, there is no father!

It is more clearly understood today

How much we have in common with you

And what to hide: I really like it!

Thank you for everything, dear papa!

My actions and deeds I mentally

I always check with your opinion,

And in I want to wish a holiday sincerely,

So that days, years bring happiness!

Reliable and true friends

The most exciting tasks!

More good ideas

And boldly built plans.

So that the path of life brings

Only joy at every stage.

Health, energy, strength -

You wonderful dad!

The whole family wishes you wholeheartedly

Good health and earthly joys.

Peace, our dear, to your house

And many years in this world.

For your kindness and golden hands,

And for your FATHER'S advice

We wish you a DAD

Happy life up to a hundred years!

We congratulate our beloved dad

And on a holiday today we wish

Let there be enough time in life

For your bold designs,

For the deeds that always inspire

And for any hobbies,

Pleasant conversations interesting,

And joyful friendly meetings,

For bright moments wonderful,

What do you want to keep in your heart?

My most faithful friend

wise teacher and good helper -

it's you, PAPA!

you help me to accept

make accurate decisions

right choice,

believe in your success and

no doubt about the victory!

Thank you for everything, dear daddy!

Stay always the same caring

and loving father!

Happiness to you, success in all matters

and great mood!

It's great if there are a lot in life

Desires of bold, daring plans!

Let interesting roads

The path to the heights will become new!

Easy ideas come true

Everything will be as you decided!

Good luck, bright life, happiness!

You, PAPA, deserve it!

Brave, energetic, very kind,

I am happy to support in all matters,

You know how to set a goal

And anticipate the best result!

You have many excellent qualities

I want to imitate anyone!

Happiness and great luck to you,

In every new business to win!

There is no doubt - they will be fulfilled

Ideas and all your dreams

Because courageous, strong,

The best dad in the world is YOU!

You choose goals in life boldly
And you know how to solve any issue,
Ideas, plans, started business
Get used to perfection!
You will help in everything, give useful advice,
You know how to support with a kind word!
Good luck dad, have a wonderful day!
Always go ahead and win!

Tell me if I'm wrong
Help me with advice
My dad, I'm proud of you
And I'll tell everyone about it!
I want to be like you -
Decisive, courageous!
Let your dreams come true,
After all, this is also important.

Dad is dear, dear and beloved
celebrating birthday mine.
Be our love kept,
During the day under the sun, at night under the moon.
To not know what fatigue is,
To make life smile on you.
So that everything always succeeds
You have in your strong destiny.
Dad, you are our role model
He warmed everyone with his care.
And wishes sound from the heart,
On this day from beloved children.

Dear dad, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
I hug very tenderly
And I want to say love -
Be healthy, do not know grief,
May there be happiness in life
I wish the sea love
Let not sadness come to the heart!

And this video is also about congratulations to your beloved dad.

Such are congratulations dear dad we have selected for you and your fathers here on this page. But if you have not yet decided on a congratulation, if you want to pick up poems specifically for Anniversary or Birthday, you can follow the link below:

Our dear readers, we do not claim authorship of the published poems. Moreover, if you think that we are violating your copyrights, then write to us in the comments which poem you are the author of. We will be happy to write the name of the author or, at your request, remove it from the site.

Happy birthday wishes for dad

Thank you for life and for the whole wide world,
For a children's fairy tale and the right advice!
Thank you for the laughter and warm kind words,
For true friendship, for food and shelter!
Let time go slowly
Let joy decorate both days and years!
May happiness and the sun warm on the way,
Let love help you get through the storms!

And my dad is the best!
And my best friend!
He is cheerful, he is powerful,
Knows about everything around.
On his birthday with his mother
We want to wish him
So that he is like the very best
Was always invincible.
So that he was more often at home,
To read to me more.
So that today is your birthday
He made a carnival!

Thank you dear daddy
What did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like a light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Strong hands and a good heart
Broad shoulders and a mischievous look.
That's how I remember you from childhood
Daddy, daddy, dear.
Happy birthday dad, I wish you
Good health, earthly joys,
Care and love, in work - respect,
And happy sparks in the eyes of relatives!

Happy birthday dad congratulations in verse

Dad, may your life be beautiful,
In the family, the weather is only clear.
Let gentle words flow,
Let joy in the house be in full swing,
Words do not cut the ear - reproaches,
And troubles will be nothing.

Saying "thank you" is not enough
We are all indebted to you.
God bless you, dad
The desire of all relatives is great.
Your warmth, your kindness
It always surrounds us.
And your heart will be warm
When your holiday comes.

Thank you dear daddy
For friendship and care!
For what you do around the house
Important work!

We wish you success
Space salary!
We love you, we care
And listen, dad!

Poetic birthday wishes for dad

You are our reliability, support and strength,
And the main man in the family.
And no matter how cruelly life mowed us down,
We will find protection in you.
We love you like a father and like a husband
For courage, rigor and honor,
Big heart, big soul
And just for being you.

Father, you are an example for us in everything,
How to live with dignity, honor to protect,
To love, to be calm in adversity,
How to guard the kindness of the heart.
Bow on your bright birthday
To you from loving children,
In life we ​​are your creation
Thank you, no problem!

Happy birthday dad today
We gathered together to congratulate.
We wish dad good health
And rarely even sneeze.

Live at least a thousand more years
Carry grandchildren in your arms
Overcome the road of life without troubles
With a smile on your lips. (FROM)

Happy Birthday! Today we praise the Pope,
We send flowers, wishes, smiles and laughter,
Let's add about luck and tenderness from ourselves,
To pursue in life only success!
So that trouble and anxiety do not touch you,
Gray hair - it's all nonsense!
So that your legs carry you in the right direction
To good luck, health and happiness - yes!

Happy birthday dad, our congratulations

Happy birthday dad to you! -
We all say love.
You are our strongest
The wisest, the fairest.
Mommy and I are behind you
Like behind a stone wall
We are not afraid of anything...
Daddy, you have everything
We wish you well!
Congratulations! Congratulations!

Father, we owe you a great debt
You lived on earth, not sparing yourself!
Tried, worked, raised and fed,
Great, raised children with dignity!
We wish you health and vitality,
I want you to never be sad!
I wish you many happy years
Calm, happy, tasteful victories!

Dad, beloved and dear
Today is your birthday.
We are happy to celebrate your holiday
We wish you health, happiness and success.
May good luck accompany you in life
A big cottage awaits for rest,
In the pocket so that there is always money,
Children were healthy and happy
So that there is love and happiness in the family,
And your life was long and Rolex on your wrist. (FROM)

Happy birthday to congratulate dad with verses

Our dad, healthy in spirit -
The body is also well done.
Master of all trades first -
In the case of a daring.
For a word, he does not climb into his pocket -
Eloquence is in the blood.
Never get discouraged -
Trouble contrary.
We wish you dad
Do not meet grief.
Joy and happiness
receive from life.
Stay healthy dad
Take care.
Happy birthday congratulations -
Let's drink for you!

Your paternal experience has grown
On this bright day
Happy birthday, our dad!
Let's sing about the past!
We wish you -
Only good luck, victories,
Happiness and goodness in fate,
Long years without trouble!

birthday dad
Everyone is always very happy
After all, today the house is full
The whole family gathered at a large table.
congratulations dad
With this round date!
You are still so young
So there is a reason to drink.

Congratulations for dad in verses happy birthday

Our beloved dad, dear,
We are glad that today we are with you
Let's celebrate a great holiday together
And happy birthday to you.

You are the best dad in the world
Reliable and caring.
With your back, like a stone mountain
You protect us from the winds of life.

We all wish you happiness
Good health, long years,
To pass you all the bad weather,
We wish you great victories. (FROM)

Dad can, dad can, Anything -
As in a children's song, dad can
Everything that is fashionable in life!
Be brave with a smile on your face
Dad can work.
Strong support, reliable shoulder
Things will never be put off!
Happy birthday dad to you
Today I congratulate
stay like this forever
I wish you cheerfulness!

Beloved dad, happy birthday!
I really want to wish you
To please everyone with a good mood,
Health and happiness, but about wealth - I am silent!

Happy birthday to your beloved dad

Dad, happy birthday!
You are my hero since childhood
A capable cloud of doubt
Disperse everything down!

We all love you very much!
On your happy holiday
The whole family wants together
With a mountain of gifts

You confess again
That you are the best, yes!
Let it be harsh sometimes
But always beneficial!

We wish you happiness
Health, prosperity!
Continuing with success
Any start!

Happy birthday to your beloved dad

Dad, I'm warmed by your warmth,
I thank you with all my heart!
Until now, I honor your covenants
And thank you for them!
Got to take care of you
Finally, it's my turn
And you today, for starters,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

Happy birthday to your beloved dad in verse

Daddy, native here,
I gladly wish
Be happy, don't get sick!
Good for everyone, so that without an edge!
There is a day in the year of birth,
There are moments of happiness
Let the flute sing in the soul,
To applause!

Beautiful birthday greetings to your beloved dad

Our dad was born today -
Look, he grew up fast!
In just one day -
Turned into an adult!
It's yours, dad
We learned to joke
Do not fight from fighters
And if it hurts, don't cry
Don't complain or whine.
Thank you for science
Today we are talking!
You are strong, smart,
You are unique with us!

Happy birthday wishes for dad

Happy birthday dad
I congratulate you!
And I, dad,
I wish you happiness!

We rarely see each other
There is a reason for this.
Only to be honest
You can throw it away!

Live freely and easily
As given by nature!
Life is short
Do not value freedom!

Happy birthday to your beloved father

You choose goals in life boldly
And you know how to solve any issue,
Ideas, plans, started business
Get used to perfection!
You will help in everything, give useful advice,
You know how to support with a kind word!
Good luck dad, have a wonderful day!
Always go ahead and win!

The best birthday greetings to your beloved dad

No wonder we are together again!
We have a reason to.
Believe on dad's birthday -
Love is the most important thing!

And we sincerely wish dad
We are wonderful victories
Your family respects you
And this is our best covenant!

And we go as before with faith
For the warmth of your heart.
The family can be such a sphere -
She is always the most important!

Touching birthday greetings to beloved dad

Many stories from childhood
You told me, dad,
Taught everything you need
What is impossible, he pointed out to me.
And now, on your birthday,
Congratulations, I love
I wish you laughter, fun,
So that everything is for you!

Happy birthday greetings to beloved dad

I want to wish my father
On your holiday - birthday,
So that you do not think to lose heart,
Without any doubts,

So that you can move mountains
Let the best happen
I want to return my youth
Let life change!