Happy birthday greetings to the godson from the godmother. Happy birthday greetings to the godson from the godmother Happy birthday to the goddaughter from the godmother, godmother

My boy, my beloved godson,
I pray to God for you
To be smart, happy,
Chose the bright road!
To honor relatives and friends,
Living according to the commandments of God
Worked great
Was healthy and good!

Congratulations to the godson for christening

Two fathers will help in trouble,
You deserve respect
Direct honest eyes!

We wish you all the best in life
And smooth life roads,
You are still recognized in the country
But remember your house and threshold!

Congratulations to the godson
Only a thought ahead, like an animal path,
You go, do not seem tired and weak,
May you take the winds of all the seas at your chest,
Sing, son, like a gypsy camp!

My favorite godson is a doka and a miracle worker,
Everything can be made from any detail!
Congratulations, son, let the minutes of sadness
Be healthy and cheerful, clink glasses for that!

Son of the godfather, obey your father,
Be on the lookout, all attention
So that congratulations without end,
Greatness would not become a delusion!

Congratulations to the godson on his 18th birthday

Beloved godson is a miracle!
I'm very lucky to have you
Let all people envy
What a godson I have!

I'm proud of you, no doubt
Hurry up to hear the main thing:
I wish you a birthday
Health, happiness from the heart!

Congratulations to the godson on his 18th birthday

SMS congratulations to the godson
May your youth be long
Dreams come true with her
So that people love you, son,
And not only on holidays, but always!

Congratulations to the godson for a year
Son, my godson, be calm
Two fathers will help in trouble,
You deserve respect
Direct honest eyes!
We wish you all the best in life
And smooth life roads,
You are still recognized in the country
But remember your house and threshold!

Congratulations to the godson on his 18th birthday

I wish dear godson
Draw strength in joy and faith!
I promise friendship and support
I believe in a sunny future!
Let the world of the universe reveal the secrets,
Share the secrets of the craft!
Be happy, be kind without fail,
A real guy - smart, adult!

Congratulations from the godmother to the godson
Godson, beloved, happy holiday to you!
Birthday, as they say, only once a year,
We wish that there were best friends nearby,
The pectoral cross brought good luck and drove away trouble.

Happy birthday to the godson
I want to wish you, godson,
Keep your pure soul!
Wear a cross on your chest
And listen to your heart!

Have a purpose and a path in life
Friends and real friends!
Be strong, healthy and smart
Achieve brilliant results!

Congratulations to the godson on his 18th birthday

I want to wish you
So that a messenger of happiness appears,
And a lot of joy in fate
You are my favorite godson.

Your birthday for me
A truly special holiday.
I wish without love - not a day,
And impressions of bright different!

Funny congratulations to the godson
Dear godson! Please accept my congratulations on this sunny, festive day! Let your life be like a wonderful fairy tale, beautiful and interesting! May everything you wish come true! Be happy for many years!

My dear godson, I wish
Happiness and good luck - without interference,
May you be accompanied along the way
And love, and joy, and success ...
May everything be easy for you
True friends will be near
And always gets from life
The best you deserve!

Eighteen is a serious age,
You are almost a man, not a boy anymore.
And the tunes of a snowstorm, and May thunderstorms
Resonate with feelings in a young soul.

Take care of the purity that they take out of childhood,
Like a flame with the palm of a covered candle.
Don't be fooled by pretense, pretense, coquetry,
If meanness is near - do not pass, do not be silent.

Accept congratulations as a handshake,
As almost the same age as a strict bow.
Remain faithful to the Cross and the icon
In this big world without the Cross, without icons.

Eighteen year old boy of passion
Of course, we, the old people, are also known,
Only heartbeat and pulse on the wrist
How cold thoughts appear to us.

It's hot for you, not yesterday, but today.
For you, everything in the world is clearer and simpler.
May the right hand of the Lord protect you
From the steps of thoughtless, passionate ways.

In this world, it is not success, not charisma that is more important -
Constancy of hearts, constancy of prayers.
May all the forces of immature maximalism
In your heart, the Lord will turn it into prayer.

You are eighteen. It's time to admire
To something that suddenly seems beautiful.
Fall in love, burn, laugh for no reason -
Your age is beautiful, but it is not easy.

Pass through the crucible of unbridled passion,
Wings of the Guardian without singeing,
Your angel will save you from adversity
On the road and at home, near and far.

Why imitate impudent and fans,
Whose idol is worthless, whose cup is empty.
Be strong, be firm, with an adamant soul,
Whose facets always reflect Christ.

At eighteen, my godson,
It's hard not to fall in love.
Be the same small cross
At the soul of a girl.

Be your friend humble
No shadows of glamour.
Many here glamor except
The main thing is the figure.

That figure is not forever
Look - already an old woman ...
Let there be in a person
A treasure trove of spirit!

Eighteen is the age of majority
If you take it the old way, our way.
Not everything will be taught in lectures,
Ask your godfather about everything.

You and I are eternal souls,
From the baptismal small font.
Let us be adults, free people,
Don't be silent about a lot, really.

Eighteen is the age of hope
I congratulate you on this fiery date!
Let there be fewer ignorant fellow travelers
And ignorant that your mistakes are to blame.

Do not go to the council, where the revelry of the crowd
Instantly sweeps away both conscience and reason.
Only the crowds are dark and stupid,
And go on the roads dangerous and dirty.

Be always in the light, be yourself with Christ.
Speak only what saves - does not hurt.
Silent - infrequently regrets that
The one who talks incessantly will soon get tired.

Eighteen years is such a date!
Don't rush, listen to the old man.
I used to be the same,
Young men with a look through the ages.

And what empyreans are waiting for us,
And whatever the road,
Let the Guardian Angel warm you
Like an overcoat, the warmth of a wing.

Eighteen is the age of adulthood
The first step near the edge of the abyss.
Let no passion
Does not lead to the thought: to fall.

May the angels protect you
Let your path be written in white
No draft errors
Although it rarely happens!

Those who stood on the Senate -
Many are past eighteen.
Not with passion in a drunken chest -
Be grateful and faithful!

Congratulations to the godson today!
"Happy Birthday!" - we speak together
We sincerely wish you
To be happy is what we want!
So that all hopes always come true,
Good health for years!
Close so that friends all remain,
Your life has always been bright!

On this holiday, dear godson,
We wish you
Win a yacht in the lottery
Well, two is better.

Travel around the world,
Become a casino owner
Got an Oscar
The movie you made.

Be successful and happy
Rejoice, moving forward
Never be upset
Happy Birthday to You!

gel balls
Decorate the walls.
The godson invites
Everyone for your birthday.

Collected toys,
They lie on the side.
And the boy grows up
All hurry, hurry.

I wish you
Don't rush the days.
Strong and healthy
And be persistent.

Roads ahead
Meetings and friends.
And my prayer
May he keep you.

Dear godson, on your birthday
I hasten to wish you first of all:
Excellent health, strength and patience,
And go to the goal without fear of anything.

True friends and good comrades,
Experience the sweetness of victory more than once.
Grasp, solid and successful -
Become a superman over time!

Congratulations, goddaughter
Happy birthday to him
I want to wish him
Joy, luck.

I wish dear
great happiness,
High above your head
The sky is blue.

From adversity and from trouble,
May God protect
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
These verses.

My dear godchild,
Happiness, great joy
On your birthday I wish
With love, with all my heart.

Do not keep resentment in your soul,
Always be nice to look at
Be lucky, be healthy
And may the Lord keep you.

My godson, God-given son,
I love you and sincerely wish
Let there be no reason for anxiety
So that your friends do not upset you!

I wish that every day
You brought only new victories.
Hope for the good and believe
That all sorrows and troubles will bypass!

You are gifted to me by fate
My favorite godson!
I'm always by your side
Even when you are alone.
Your birthday today
Let them be with you
Joy, a sea of ​​inspiration,
Magic, spring, love!
Let the moment come bright
When dreams come true
Let the roses fragrant
The nightingales sing tenderly,
Your whole holiday will turn into
In a fabulous beautiful dream
A firebird flies through the window,
Fulfilling a million wishes.
The best friends will fill
This day with its warmth
And let the sun shine bright
Right outside your window!

You are my handsome noble,
Today you are all shining.
So let me on your holiday
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

Wish you bright joy
From the accomplishment of important victories.
Let the serene fire not go out
Your prowess is a thousand years old.

Let decency and nobility
Stay with you always.
Before your kindness and smile
Let the villainous fate melt.

Let them light your path
Beams from the heavens.
Let there be only
Friends and people who love.

Deception so that you do not know
Betrayal and trouble.
To meet your love
And there was that Man.

Named son, though not by blood,
But still a part of me, relatives.
May the roads be long
All trials are easy.

To be strong in spirit and to
I didn't know despair.
To believe, live, and you could do everything,
And God to help.

Happy birthday, my godson!
Go bravely for your dream
Be always beautiful, healthy,
Forget about your enemies.

You always go ahead
Find your happiness
Conquer all with courage
Drive away all troubles.

My little godson
My sweet boy
Happy birthday to you
Godfather son!
Grow up, don't worry
Be cheerful and honest
And smart and brave
For all interesting!
Be fast, sporty
And bold, active,
Be kind, caring
The most beloved!

Godson dear, dear
Like my own son.
I love, I wish you well
Happy birthday!
Godson, be always healthy,
And let dreams from dreams
Reality will be in an instant.
Be happier than everyone else!
Let success fly to you
May the Lord keep you.
I wish that in fate
You've been lucky every day.

My dear and beloved godson! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to grow up as a real man - strong, healthy, fearless, smart and very kind! To overcome with honor all the obstacles on the path of life, help the needy, support the weak and love his parents very much! Good luck with your studies, good grades and deep knowledge! Appreciate friendship and love, and then everything will be fine, and happiness will always be your reliable companion in life!

I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday
Kuma and the miracle godson.
I wish a prankster
Fewer illnesses.
Let all the dreams come true.
Good luck and try!
To please parents
To strengthen the mind and knowledge.

Happy birthday, dear godson!
You have grown big.
Be strong and healthy
Be with a good heart.
I wish you happiness,
Lots of interesting things
Do well in school
So that you can do a lot.
For everyone to love you
Were true friends
At school to praise you
Your life was bright.

Happy birthday, godson, congratulations,
I wish you many years and happiness
Be always cheerful, do not be sad,
In life - only an easy way.
Strong friendship, sincere love,
Know only happy days
Never drift, don't be discouraged
Set a worthy example for everyone.
Angel save you
From sickness and other hardships.
Will always protect with its wing
And you, and your cozy home.
In the sky, let the star burn for you
Your path will be illuminated with clear light.

My beloved godson
Know that you are the only one!
birthday for you
Only kind words.
May the Lord go with you
Leads by the hand through life.
So that you never and nowhere
Didn't meet big trouble.
Relatives to surround
And never offended.
May you succeed
Let only happiness come!

Our beloved godson,
Mom and dad's angel
On your wonderful birthday
Accept congratulations from the godfathers:
Live in goodness, do not know troubles
And forget all the bad
May you be lucky in everything
May God protect from grief!
And you, parting words do not forget -
Find one and the right way.

Beloved godson, happy birthday.
I wish you happiness and luck.
You are just a miracle for me
I love you like a son.
I wish you luck
You smile at everyone.
Walk boldly through life
Don't forget family and friends.
I want to say on your birthday:
I'm proud of you no doubt.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
Grow up, I ask, do not rush.
You will get to know life.
And the difficulties of fate to know.
Let dreams come true
After all, the best boy is you.

Happy Birthday, dear,
My beloved godson
You are a mischievous boy
Joyful, happy.
I want to wish you
On this "jam day"
A lot of warmth
Love and mood!
And I also want to say
My little boy
There is no better in the world than you
My sunshine bunny.

Congratulations, my godfather son.
Be always healthy and full.
Let the stars shine on you
And the Lord keeps you.
Be loved and lucky
And find your own way in life.
Happy birthday my boy.
Be safe and be happy.


birthday wishes for godson

"Happy birthday sms for godson"
My godson, be always happy!
Don't be afraid to ask for help
And never doubt
I can help you.
You be the favorite of luck
Be the favorite of fate
And to me, be you just a son.
Beautiful, live right!

Godson, happy birthday, dear!
Let fate be even, without potholes.
I will support your path in life any.
As long as you like it and feel comfortable!
In matters of success, the joys of life,
I wish you happiness and good luck.
Reliable, sociable comrades
May only the best await you ahead!

"Congratulations to the godson from the godmother"
Accept congratulations from the godmother -
Today is your birthday!
I'll tell you, my godson, without a doubt -
You mean a lot to me.
And I sincerely wish you good luck
Success in endeavors, deeds,
To become richer every day
To start the day with a smile on your lips!

My beloved godson
Be happy always!
You are protected by God
Never be sad!
May your birthday
Everything comes true:
Good luck, have fun
And more happiness!

"Congratulations to the godson from the godfather"
I want to wish my godson
So that you stay happy
And never back down
And never to give up
May you always be lucky
Any business succeeds
Happiness awaits around the corner
Let luck smile!

My beloved godson, happy birthday!
May the Lord bless you
To come to life, forever remaining,
Bright and generous time!
Not Him, always, always hope
But yourself, you're a godson, don't be bad
All ideas, all ideas boldly
Bring it to life as often as possible!

"Congratulations to the godson from the godparents"
Today, godson, birthday, cheerful laughter goes around,
In the morning, the doors are open to everyone here, and happiness boldly enters the house!
Please accept our wishes for health, happiness and kindness,
Love, intuition and understanding, to be lucky, because life is a game!

"Congratulations to the godson from the godmother and the godfather with others"
For your happiness, dear,
We will always pray
We'll be proud of you
All our life year.
In this beautiful moment
The holiday came to the house again,
And from our two hearts,
We would like to wish you:
Courage, honor and strength,
Generous wreath of joy
Life is simple and beautiful...
Happy birthday godson!


Happy birthday greetings to the godson from the godmother

Today you are older again.
Dreams will come true today.
Today only for you: firecrackers, balloons, flowers.
And whirlwinds of bright congratulations,

That you don't hear very often.
Evening colors mood.
Sweetly golden minutes.
Let your life be like a gingerbread.

Always be happy
My beloved godson!

Today is your birthday
My dear godson!
And may it always be with you
Health is a whole mountain!

To always be your star
Illuminated the road.
Good luck all your years
To visit you.

Always be careful
Mom's helper
Let dreams come true
And be the happiest!

My godson, you have a holiday!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, my love
And I wish you kindness
Love, spiritual purity!

Always responsive and courageous,
And an honest, smart, loyal friend
In any case, you are skillful,
Where there is light around!

I'm always proud of you, dear,
I'm like a second mother to you.
In trouble, I will help anyone,
So always be the happiest!

In this world of gold
It seems to us a lot of sleep -
And the warmth and the light of the sun,
And sunset, rain and dawn,

Sea, waves, warm breeze
You keep in your soul like a prize!
Godson, dear, dear,
Quiet, timid and simple,

We wish you luck
Good mood
A hundred years to meet the dawn,
Don't forget about family!!!

I will never forget,
The day you were baptized.
You were a fidget then
Tiny and just cute.

Already grown up and matured,
Tall, smart and handsome.
Now you've become quite an adult,
I want to be always happy!

Like a godmother, I want to congratulate
As a mother wish you well
Direct the right way,
Anxiety and sorrow do not know!

Happy Birthday,
You are my dear godson!
I wish you luck
This life is difficult.

You are a boy - well done!
Responsive and bold.
You will be like your father
Skilled in all things

May good friends
You are surrounded.
You won't find a better friend
Let them know about it.

Happy birthday, dear godson,
May you have a beautiful messenger
Happiness will bring to life
And only luck is next to you.

May the mood always be
May your years be joyful.
I want love to always be in my heart
and only brought you warmth.

My good godson
I hasten to congratulate you
And I want to wish you
To always be obedient

I listened to my mom and dad.
So that you are always lucky
that you smiled everywhere.
May your birthday not be forgotten
And your dream will soon come true.

Happy Birthday, dear,
I wish the godson happiness.
congratulations with interest,
Accept gifts soon.

I wish you a lot of strength
To be smart and brave.
You learn from mistakes
On strangers - do not do your own!

Be healthy my glorious godson,
Let life go on
You are such a smart little one
For you always mountain.

You grow up without knowing troubles
In sports, the godson excel.
And a lot of strength to study,
Give and don't be sorry!

Son! I wish you happiness
May the Lord keep you!
Let all bad weather pass
And God bless!

My godson, be our joy,
Be kind, smart, dear,
We are very happy on your birthday
Wish you luck, dear!

May the godson not break you failures,
And there will be more gifts of fate!
I wish you to smile more often in life,
Forget about adversity, avoid trouble.

I sincerely, sincerely
Do not know worries and anxieties,
And to accompany forever
Health, happiness and love!

I want to wish you, godson,
Keep your pure soul!
Wear a cross on your chest
And listen to your heart!

Have a purpose and a path in life
Friends and real friends!
Be strong, healthy and smart
Achieve brilliant results!

Congratulations to the godson today!
Happy Birthday! - we say in chorus
We sincerely wish you
To be happy is what we want!

So that all hopes always come true,
Good health for years!
Close so that friends all remain,
Your life has always been bright!

On the Land of the Gods, the viceroy,
Himself - our idol, our god,
Happy birthday, dear godson,
My best friend!

Young and green, friend, while you
Let you go under the table for now
Shoulders strong sloping
And your hand is firm.

Yes, the heart is ready for love,
The upper room of the mind is full ...
Can't look back -
Become a grandmother, godfather!

Speak always
my darling godson,
Among people as a sorcerer-sorcerer!!

How yesterday you were baptized
And now it's big.
Godson, let me congratulate you
With a pure heart, with all my soul.

To make the sun smile
And a house full of kids
So that a wise wife gets caught
And friends a big wagon.

I'm so proud of you my godson
I appreciate self-confidence!
Let the pectoral cross protect
From all the vicissitudes of fate!

Remember the commandments of God
And do not drop the honor of men!
Know that much is possible in life
And never be discouraged!

Bonded together by the laws of God,
Let's put our hand in hand, we must move!
How dust particles circle in the air together,
We are connected by a beautiful thread in everything.

May joy shine on your lips all your life,
And the snowflake melts before your eyes.
May you be lucky in a harsh world!
The main thing is to know that someone is definitely waiting for you.

Although we sincerely wish you today,
Possess great wisdom and know everything.
May a wreath of laurel leaves be awarded to you,
After all, you are not only fabulously beautiful, but also smart.
May luck protect you like a child
And the music of love always plays in the soul.

I want to wish you
So that a messenger of happiness appears,
And a lot of joy in fate
You are my favorite godson.

Your birthday for me
A truly special holiday.
I wish without love - not a day,
And impressions of bright different!

Our dear and beloved godchild
We want to wish you a happy birthday again.
We wish you health like a super horse
And that you always illuminate the road and the sun and the moon.
So that your house sparkles like the sun with happiness
And you fell in love with the best girl on Earth.

My dear godson, I wish
Happiness and good luck - without interference,
May you be accompanied along the way
And love, and joy, and success ...

May everything be easy for you
True friends will be near
And always gets from life
The best you deserve!

Godson, you are our greatest treasure,
Today we decided to be honest.
We honestly tell you that we love you very much.
And may all the riches of the world be in your life,
And you have a lot of energy and incredible strength.
Happy birthday dear!!!

I wish dear godson
Draw strength in joy and faith!
I promise friendship and support
I believe in a sunny future!

Let the world of the universe reveal the secrets,
Share the secrets of the craft!
Be happy, be kind without fail,
A real guy - smart, adult!

Son of the godfather, obey your father,
Be on the lookout, all attention
So that congratulations without end,
Greatness would not become a delusion!

Beloved godson is a miracle!
I'm very lucky to have you
Let all people envy
What a godson I have!

I'm proud of you, no doubt
Hurry up to hear the main thing:
I wish you a birthday
Health, happiness from the heart!

Happy birthday to the godson new!!!

Godfather, happy day
birth ... - poems
Happy birthday godson

to the godson from the godfather
Happy birthday godson

joy always
Happy birthday godson


Happy birthday greetings to the goddaughter from the godmother, godfather

Once entering the temple with a baby in her arms,
She asked God to send her great happiness,
To always be lucky in all matters,
So that heaven protects from misfortune.
And on my birthday I want to wish
For the goddaughter of great love from God.
So that the whole world cherishes and warms
Warmth, comfort, peace and care.

beloved goddaughter,
My dolly.
I congratulate you,
Honey, you.
On this birthday
Think a lot.
All dreams will come true
Whatever you wish.
Be healthy, baby
My glorious.
Know that he prays for happiness
Your godmother.

Clever beauty,
Dear charmer,
Happy Birthday to You,
Dear goddaughter!
Let your life
Everything will be wonderful
Let it protect you
Your heavenly angel.

The little goddaughter is just an angel.
Affectionate, beautiful expensive flower.
Happy birthday, dear, I congratulate you,
Tenderly loving godmother of yours!
Be happy, girl, grow up soon
And eclipse half the world with your beauty.
Kindness, fun, joy - that's you.
May all your dreams always come true!

You once became a goddaughter to me.
I want you to remember this day
After all, since then we are connected forever with you,
We even owe our common destiny to live.
Congratulations sincerely, my dear,
Happy birthday - happy holiday, the best for you.
May dreams come true. Goddaughter, bloom!
Let happiness be on your way.
Don't get sick and don't be sad
Meet every birthday with joy.
And with a smile you please all the people around,
And the fire in your heart does not go out at all.

Dear goddaughter, my daughter!
On this beautiful day, happy holiday to you!
Be always cheerful, sweet, mischievous.
And all the stars from the sky - for you alone!
So that everything in life is easy for you,
The wing protected the angel from adversity.
Good health, happiness and warmth,
Sunshine, smiles, joy always!

Happy birthday, dear goddaughter!
Be always irresistible in everything,
The happiest, most successful,
Like the morning sun - tender.
Be healthy, smart and lucky
For loved ones - the best.
May your dreams always come true
May all dreams come true soon.
Let disappointment pass
Be always full of charm.
Have fun, love and be loved
The brightest and most unique.

Happy Birthday to You,
My dear goddaughter!
I want you to be happy
Obedient, smart and beautiful.
Our beautiful, delicate flower,
Live easily, without problems.
May your every day be a fairy tale
Filled with kindness and kindness!
And never be offended
Have fun and smile!

Happy Birthday
my godmother daughter,
Because, like a native,
I love her with all my heart.
I wish you happiness,
Sun, sky and goodness,
Well, cold and bad weather
Let them stay yesterday.
beloved goddaughter,
Warm congratulations,
To be happier in the world
I wish you!

I lifted you up in my arms
Gently lowered into the bath.
I swore an oath to God
I will be of great help.
I keep my vow
And please be happy.
Let the angel from above protect
Protects from evil people.
I will always be by your side
After all, the second mother is me.
I wish you goddaughter
A million happy days.
Let great success come
I wish peace with my soul.
To be happy.
Happy Birthday to You.


Happy birthday sms to goddaughter

On the crystal invisible stairs
An angel descends from heaven...
Happy birthday, dear goddaughter!
With a pure heart I wish you:
Be the same wonderful beauty
Give joy to those around you
Even a cold stone will melt
From the fire that burns in the heart.
Look like a shining messenger
An angel descends from heaven...
On your birthday, dear goddaughter,
Wings of happiness will give you!

Happy birthday, darling
my goddaughter,
Pleasant surprises
Let life wait for you.
I wish you
The angels kept
All paths are roads
Equal to be.
Stars to shine
The sun shone
Happiness to your faithful
A companion to be.
I'm glad that you
Met every day
And the happiest
To become in life.

My dear, good goddaughter,
Know that I love you very much.
I want to wish on your birthday
Happiness and luck were with you.
Let them one day enter your house
And they will go through life with you.

Godmother, happy birthday!
What a pleasure to remember
How are you, little one, on the day of baptism
I had to hold it in my hands.
And now - well, just a feast for the eyes!
Years have not gone by aimlessly.
Good in appearance and behavior
Always make your parents happy.
Clever in everything, there are many advantages,
And therefore, as a godmother, as a mother,
I will ask God for intercession
For him to help you.
Be healthy, lively and not boring,
Light, gentle, with a pure soul.
And for us, of course, the best
You were and you will be!

My dear, congratulations to you
I love you very much and I love you so much.
Sweet sun, dear flower,
You be the cutest, grow big.
And beautiful dolls, and a lot of sweets,
And teddy bears, a beautiful bouquet ...
Gifts do not count on this day with you,
And all my congratulations are for you.
You, like a princess, grow beautiful.
Our sweet flower, live - do not be sad.
Lots of smiles and joy for you
Dear goddaughter, good luck to you.

Happy birthday, goddaughter!
happiness and success
golden stairs
Let them take you upstairs.
Let dreams come true,
Friends rejoice.
Let everything work out
In your life.

My dear goddaughter,
You are already quite big.
And I congratulate you
Happy birthday dear!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, joy without end,
Live comfortably, singing,
Never despair!
And I also wish you:
Let big love come
And let the angels from paradise
Protect your life!

An angel spreads its wings over you
Mystery magical creating.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
My dear goddaughter.
Stay bright sunshine
For good luck, move forward.
May your life be beautiful
And health never fails.
Travel, do not sit in one place,
Don't hold grudges in your heart.
And let this life-giving cross
Saves and saves from all troubles.

Happy birthday my daughter
Let you be my goddaughter, not my own.
But with all my heart I love you
And I love it with all my heart.
You give me joy and warmth
We understand each other,
Let goodness live in your heart,
An evil blizzard bypasses.
Angel always keep you
And protects with his wing,
There will be very long years
And may the Lord help you in everything.
I'm glad that you are in my destiny,
That I once baptized you,
I wish you earthly blessings
Be always loved and beautiful.

beloved goddaughter,
You are the most beautiful,
You are kind and sweet
Be always happy!
Let everything work out
The look is always laughing
The heart is filling up
Let your lips smile!
You are wonderful, wonderful
lovely girl,
Obedient and gentle
And the most diligent!
Stay the same
smile more often
Be nice and cheerful
And most importantly - healthy!


Happy birthday greetings to the goddaughter from the godmother, godfather in prose

Happy birthday my dear goddaughter. Dear, I wish you that the angel keeps you from troubles and illuminates your life path with bright light, so that you are undoubtedly happy and cheerful, so that in your affairs the result is a brave success, so that your luck never leaves you.

Happy birthday, my dear and dear goddaughter. I wish you, sunshine, to be happy and loved all your life, achieve all your goals and desires, believe in your luck and not lose hope, enjoy life and confidently conquer this world.

My dear, dearest and most beloved, I congratulate you on your birthday. You are more than a goddaughter to me, you are my daughter. And I want you to know that you can always count on me, at any time of the day or night. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, the most long-awaited gifts and unexpected, unforgettable emotions. I want to wish you to learn to enjoy every minute, not to dwell on sadness and always be on top.

My dear girl, dear goddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to be a beautiful and ever-blooming flower, a free and high-flying bird, a dangerous predator in relations with ill-wishers, a kind and sincere little man to stay with loved ones. Dear, may luck, luck and reliable protection of your angel always accompany you on the path to happiness.

You are my sun, flower, doll, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that your most beautiful eyes never know bitter tears, that your heart feels only love, and your body sparkles with happiness. You are the pride of the family and the joy of friends. Be the same positive, cheerful, emotional, kind and sincere always.

Happy birthday, dear goddaughter. I wish you, my dear, great miracles and brave hopes, great mood and great luck, incredible beauty and spiritual kindness, sincere love and magical moments of happiness.

Happy birthday my dear goddaughter. I wish you, my joy, beauty and happiness, love and joy, good luck and health, fun and success, prosperity and kindness, prosperity and peace, luck and a wonderful mood.

Dear goddaughter, happy birthday to you. May life become more colorful and interesting every day, may every moment give joy and love, may miracles take place in your life, may the song of your soul be sung by cheerful notes of happiness.

Happy birthday, dear goddaughter. I wish you, my dear, unquenchable beauty and happiness, great luck and health, brave victories and indestructible success, sincere love and prosperity, a wonderful mood and the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Dear goddaughter, I wish you a happy birthday. My joy, I wish you to glow with happiness and illuminate this world with your beauty, enjoy every moment of your life and keep all the good moments in your memory. Let luck and good luck become your friends in business, let love and joy be faithful companions in life.

You are 18 years old today -
There is no more beautiful age in the world,
When all the best is just waiting for you
And you don't believe that life is a struggle.
May simple paths await you
May a lot of happiness be ahead
Let your life be interesting
And everything will be fine with you!

Congratulations! You are eighteen
And there is no more beautiful age
To strive, dream and fall in love,
This is life's happy dawn!
Let luck help in everything
And will bestow success in full.
Life opens the way for you
Let it be wide!

Congratulations on your 18th birthday
Let the road lie with a feather bed!
I wish you on this bright day
There is only a lot of happiness in life, a lot!
May the sun never go out in the heart,
Let your dream come true!
Let it always knock on your window
Success, hope, faith in miracles!

Happy birthday, you're eighteen
Age for big wins
I wish you wealth
So that you are dressed from the needle.
Be important like a giraffe
Be like a panda very patient
Like an ostrich, be careful
And never drink alone.
Better invite me with you.
I wish from the bottom of my heart always
So that the crocodile walks with you,
Protecting you from enemies.

Congratulations on a big date -
Eighteen full years.
Your life will be rich
Unapproachable for troubles.
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Winds in the sails of dreams.
Let everything that means a lot
You will get it easily.

Congratulating at 18 is easy,
No need to dig deep
A gentle person, very sweet,
I want to be the most beautiful
Hard work not to know
Always shine with your mind!
Well, a hundred years later
Gather your guests for dinner!

You are eighteen today
Go to the adult world, don't stop.
Might have to be wrong
But the more valuable your experience.
And, you know, whatever happens
Support at home and understand.
I wish that hopes come true
And bright, clear was your path.

Lots of best wishes
In honor of this date - eighteen years!
Ideal age for starting
The basis of various future victories!
Let friendship and love help you
Move forward towards your dream.
Reach the heights, because there are many goals in life,
And let there be no obstacles on the way!